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Site Report: ADNR Suntrana Mine Site

Site Name: ADNR Suntrana Mine Site
Address: 3.5 Miles East of Healy at abandoned Suntrana site off Healy Spur Rd., Healy, AK 99743
File Number: 150.38.027
Hazard ID: 1086
Status: Cleanup Complete - Institutional Controls
Staff: IC Unit, 9074655229
Latitude: 63.855661
Longitude: -148.848137
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Two power transformers (standard transmission line type) full of dark fluid. PCB contamination up to 20.2 ppm found in initial sampling. Cross reference file 150.23.004. State Land. Directions to site contained in file 150.23.004. (rpltr3)

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
6/20/1990 Site Added to Database PCB contamination. Former Staff
9/8/1992 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = RPL2 - Site Information Request Letter). ADEC sent PRP-CS Database Notification letter to RP requesting update and more environmental information concerning contaminated site. Jim Leskosky/DNR responded by returning info. Jeff Peterson
10/13/1994 Update or Other Action Alberg reported that sampling had occurred at site this summer. Sample results indicated highest value of PCB contamination was 20.2ppm Aroclor 1260. Deborah Williams
12/2/1994 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = CORR - Correspondence (General)). Letter sent to Jules Tileston (DNR) stating sample results and establishing a cleanup level of 1ppm for "public use" areas. Deborah Williams
2/16/1995 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Initial ranking. Deborah Williams
3/2/2001 Update or Other Action File number updated from 150.23.004 to 150.38.027. Mitzi Read
5/16/2005 Update or Other Action ADEC received a Corrective Action and Site Characterization Report for the Suntrana Tipple site. In the report, NORTECH identified two areas with extensive petroleum contamination remaining in the ground. One of the sites identified was site K which consisted of a vertical fuel storage tank and site L which consisted of a brick bunker like structure housing a lubricant storage tank. A old fuel pipeline was also discovered that runs from site K towards site L and it appears that there is extensive contamination along the pipeline. NORTECH estimates approximately 1,000 to 2,000 cubic yards of petroleum contaminated soil remains in the ground. Several areas of PCB contamination were discovered at the site but most of the contamination has been excavated and remediated. Site P was discovered late last summer and a special site investigation was conducted last September. Further work is planned this summer for site P. Deborah Williams
6/6/2005 Update or Other Action ADEC sent out PRP letters to Usibelli Coal Mine and Mental Health (owners of the land). Deborah Williams
7/22/2005 Update or Other Action Received a letter from Usibelli in response to the PRP letter. They stated that they had a meeting with ADNR regarding the status of the cleanup of the Suntrana Mine site. ADNR stated that because of the Jonesville coal fire, all funds were being diverted to complete the work there. The 2006 field season will also be used to try and complete the AML work on the Jonesville project. ADNR stated to Usibelli that the balance of the work on the Suntrana tipple teardown as well as additional environmental work until the 2007 field season. Usibelli will continue to work with ADNR to try and secure additional funds from federal AML program fund. Deborah Williams
8/17/2005 Update or Other Action Telephone call with Joe Wehrman with DNR-AML regarding the cleanup of the Suntrana Mine site. He stated that on August 19, 2005, DNR plans to demolish the buildings on-site, then by the 28th they will continue to excavate the remaining PCB contaminated soil. All contaminated soil will be removed from the site by the 1st of September. Because of the lack of funding (All funding going towards the Jonesville Fire) they will probably not get funding to complete the site characterization of the petroleum at the site until after July 1, 2007. If they are able to receive more federal funding before then they may be able to conduct the work sooner. Deborah Williams
11/28/2005 Update or Other Action ADEC received the Suntrana Tipple PCB Cleanup Report dated October 21, 2005. This report summarized the PCB cleanup actions for Site P of the Suntrana Tipple site. During the cleanup of Site P, approximately 57 cubic yards of soil were determined to be over the ADEC cleanup level. Out of 57 cubic yards, 18 were classified as over 49 ppm PCB and 39 were classified as 1 - 49 ppm PCB. All the soil was shipped to the proper facility for disposal. All the soil greater than 1 ppm PCB was excavated from the site. Deborah Williams
12/2/2005 Update or Other Action ADNR - Surface Mining Program assumed the lead role to address all issues at the Suntrana Mine site and ADEC will work with them (Justin Ireys) to cost effectively assess and cleanup any contamination at the site. Deborah Williams
6/27/2006 Update or Other Action ADEC received preliminary data from Shannon & Wilson on the Suntrana groundwater investigation. Free product was found in the monitoring well directly downgradient from Site L. The furtherest downgradient monitoring well from Site L had benzene levels of 20.7 ppb. Shannon & Wilson proposes to install three additional downgradient wells between the furtherest downgradient well and Healy Creek. ADEC approved of the plan. Deborah Williams
10/19/2006 Update or Other Action ADEC received the finalized Groundwater Contamination Assessment report for the Suntrana Coal Mine Tipple site. The same summary is in the final report as the preliminary report received June 27, 2006. Deborah Williams
11/19/2007 Update or Other Action Reviewed 2007 GW sampling event. MW-1, -4, -9, -10 and -11 were sampled for GRO, DRO, BTEX. MW 10 & 11 were also sampled for PCB and were non-detect. Benzene does not appear to be migrating toward Healy Creek- more sampling events needed to establish trend. Neal Everson
1/18/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed. Neal Everson
1/29/2008 Conditional Closure Approved Conditional closure issued. Possible ecoscoping risk discussed with Justin Ireyes and addressed in document. Requested wells be decommissioned if plans do not include clean closure in the near future. Tipple and remaining bridge will be disposed of this summer. Neal Everson
1/29/2008 Institutional Control Record Established Neal Everson
4/12/2011 Institutional Control Compliance Review IC review conducted, tickler system updated, and staff changed to IC Unit. Evonne Reese
1/2/2013 Update or Other Action Site symbol visually adjusted using and historical documents found in the file. Laurel Gale
1/7/2013 Institutional Control Periodic Reporting Spoke with Justin Ireys at ADNR and he verified that land use conditions for this site have not changed and it remains vacant. Evonne Reese
1/9/2015 Institutional Control Update An IC reminder letter was issued to the responsible party on this date. Kristin Thompson
5/9/2017 Institutional Control Compliance Review IC compliance review conducted. An IC reminder letter was issued. Reminder system set for follow-ups to occur every other year. Kristin Thompson
4/13/2018 Institutional Control Update This site is mentioned in a Section 401 Certificate of Reasonable Assurance (Federal Clean Water Act and the AK Water Quality Standards) as being about 3.5 miles east of Usibelli (Rosalie) Coal Mine, the company that the discharge permit is issued to. This permit allows the placement of dredged and/or fill material in wetlands and streams in order to develop the mine. A copy of the permit is saved in the site electronic file. The function of the institutional controls at this site are not expected to be threatened by this permitted project. Evonne Reese
6/19/2019 Institutional Control Update An Institutional Controls reminder letter e-mailed to the responsible party/landowner on this date. The next review will be in 2022. Mossy Mead
6/27/2024 Institutional Control Compliance Review IC compliance review completed on this date. An IC reminder letter was e-mailed to the landowner. The next review will be in five years’ time. Gaige Robinson
7/1/2024 Institutional Control Update The landowner responded to the IC reminder letter and provided a written confirmation that land use has not changed Gaige Robinson

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments
DRO > Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil According to closure letter, subsurface soil may exceed health-based risk levels.

Control Type

Type Details
CS Database Notation And Letter To Landowner/RP


Description Details
Groundwater Use Restrictions No groundwater wells shall be installed on site without the prior review and approval of ADEC.
Advance approval required to transport soil or groundwater off-site. Standard condition.
Periodic Review Communicate with the responsible party every other year to verify that the site use and conditions remain the same.
Movement or use of contaminated material (including on site) in a manner that results in a violation of the water quality standards is prohibited (18 AAC 70) Standard condition.
Other Monitoring wells shall be decommissioned in accordance with ADEC guidance, or repaired for long-term monitoring, if sampling for clean closure status is desired in the near future.

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