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Site Report: Children's House

Site Name: Children's House
Address: 291 East Paulsen Avenue, Between Knik & Main Sts., Wasilla, AK 99687
File Number: 2265.38.006
Hazard ID: 3027
Status: Cleanup Complete
Staff: No Longer Assigned, 9074655229
Latitude: 61.584722
Longitude: -149.440278
Horizontal Datum:

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Heating oil tank serving residence and day care was found to have rusted through and contaminated soils and shallow groundwater which fluctuates from about 7 to 12 feet below the ground surface. Two interim removals have occurred however remaining soils after the excavation still exceed applicable cleanup levels. Groundwater was monitored initially on a scheduled basis and DRO was above its 1.5 mg/L cleanup level.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
10/12/1998 Update or Other Action Spill of unknown quantity reported to ADEC from an UST heating fuel oil tank. John Bauer
10/21/1998 Update or Other Action PERP responded to Mike Krieber in a letter 10/21/98 to the spill report and requested action including that a monitoring well be installed. The letter also informed Krieber of the cost recovery policy by DEC. John Bauer
12/7/1998 Update or Other Action In a status report dated 12/7/98, Krieber reported that about 50 cubic yards of contaminated soil was removed but confirmation samples showed that contamination remained above cleanup levels which could not be removed due to the building to the south of the UST (8,710 mg/kg DRO) and by a fence to the southwest (11,100 mg/kg DRO). Groundwater was shallow at about 8 feet below ground surface. John Bauer
5/4/1999 Interim Removal Action Approved In a letter dated 5/4/99, PERP approved an interim removal plan stated in Krieber's 12/7/98 report. ADEC also noted that it reviewed the interim status report and that soil needed to be analyzed for DRO and BTEX, as well as the new 18 AAC 75 regulations specified new groundwater cleanup levels. The letter also informed Krieber that PERP was transferring the site to CSRP. John Bauer
4/17/2000 Update or Other Action On 4/17/00, ADEC received Krieber's report "Interim Remediation and Sampling Report Euwer Child Care" dated August-September 1999. The report stated that groundwater was at about 7.5 feet below ground surface and that about 50-60 cubic yards were excavated mostly to the southwest of the previous excavation and the total cell now of contamination was about 100-120 cubic yards stockpiled on site. The did not specify how deep the excavation was conducted, i.e., all areas to groundwater or not. Confirmation sampling showed that all four confirmation samples exceeded the 250 mg/kg DRO cleanup level: ECC-1 at 3,900 mg/kg; ECC-2 at 711 mg/kg; ECC-3 at 1,590 mg/kg; and ECC-4 at 6,100 mg/kg. The report noted that due to confusion at the lab samples 2 and 3 may be interjected with each other. The report recommended that a monitoring well be installed. The report suggested that possibly the 10x rule could be applied to the cleanup standards at this site. Eileen Olson
7/24/2000 Update or Other Action Sent letter outlining requirements for completion of site investigation, and general requirements for No Further Remedial Action Planned and Institutional Control Status (NFRAP/IC). Eileen Olson
11/16/2000 Meeting or Teleconference Held Met with property owner and consultant to discuss site status. Eileen Olson
11/17/2000 Site Added to Database DRO contamination. Former Staff
11/17/2000 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Initial ranking. Eileen Olson
5/4/2001 Update or Other Action Received and completed preliminary review of workplan, requested additional information from consultant before completing review. Eileen Olson
6/20/2001 Cleanup Plan Approved Frechione sent letter conditionally approving “Work Plan for Landfarm of Heating Oil Contaminated Soil and Groundwater Monitoring Well". Jim Frechione
8/21/2001 Update or Other Action In a report "July 2001 Release Investigation" prepared by Gilfilian dated August 16, 01 and received by ADEC on 8/21/01, showed that one monitoring well was installed on 7/16/01. The report showed that benzene and GRO was N/D but DRO was 37.4 mg/L and a duplicate sample was 15.9 mg/L. The report requested approval to install two more monitoring wells on site. Rich Sundet
12/5/2001 Meeting or Teleconference Held On 12/5/01, Sundet met with the property owner Verna Euwer and her son Errol and husband Archie Euwer, consultant Bob Gilfilian and Carla Smith, and potential buyer of the property Ethan Williams. Focus of the meeting was the process the Euwer's could obtain a NFA for the property. Gilfilian provided at the meeting to all parties a copy of his recent "October 2001 Release Investigation and Ground Water Monitoring Event Wasilla Children's House" dated 12/5/01 and a history of the assessment/cleanup. Sundet reiterated Frechione's comments in his 6/20/01 letter that described the issues that needed to be addressed prior to ADEC considering a NFA at this site. In addition, Sundet noted that the 6/20/01 letter also should have noted that air vapors may be an issue at this site, and described that 18 AAC 75 has different methods to obtain soil and groundwater cleanup levels and that the RP proposes them and ADEC evaluates the proposal to ensure the levels are protective at that site. Sundet noted that he would respond to Gilfilian's report submitted during the meeting. Rich Sundet
12/12/2001 Update or Other Action In a letter dated 12/12/01, CSP informed Verna Euwers of the actions that need to be performed as described in its 12/5/01 meeting with her. The letter was in follow-up to that meeting and in response to Gilfilian's groundwater reports for the July 01 event and the October 01 event. The October event information was provided to CSP by Gilfilian in the 12/5 meeting in a report "October 2001 Release Investigation and Ground Water Monitoring Event." The July information showed that DRO was 37.4 mg/L and the October information showed DRO was 18.2 mg/L but both levels were above the (1.5 mg/L) cleanup level. Also, previous reports submitted by Utility Management Services (UMS) showed that DRO remained in the soil next to building at 8,710 mg/kg and away from the building up to 6,100 mg/kg. The letter also described methods to obtain a NFRAP letter and closure at the site, as well as other methods exist in regulation to potentially obtain site specific soil and groundwater cleanup levels, e.g., by Method 4. The letter requested that CSP be provided the previously requested well survey, estimation and location of the in-situ contaminated soil remaining on site, confirmation of the quantity of stockpiled contaminated soil on-site, plans for remediation of the stockpiled soil, a brief groundwater monitoring work plan with a sampling schedule through summer 2002 and reporting time-frames, and an evaluation whether the vapors pose a risk to building occupants. The letter noted that based upon the resultant information and previously submitted information, ADEC will evaluate whether the site poses a risk and consider issuance of a NFRAP letter for this site. The letter requested that the information be submitted by January 25, 2002. The letter also noted that regardless what approach is ultimately used to determine cleanup levels at the site, e.g., Method 2 table or a risk assessment using Method 4, the above information is requested to be submitted to the CSP. Rich Sundet
5/9/2003 Update or Other Action On 5/9/03, CSP issued a letter to Verna Euwer regarding the submittal that CSP received on 2/5/03 that provided laboratory data on monitoring wells G-1, G-2 and G-3, and one soil sample from the stockpile on site. CSP notified Ms. Euwer that while levels of DRO appeared to decrease at G-1, i.e., to 2.5 mg/L from 37.4 mg/L in 7/2001 and 18.2 mg/L in 10/01, DRO still was above the 1.5 mg/L Table C level. In addition, other information is requested regarding the sampling effort, e.g., who collected the samples and when, any duplicate samples etc. Also, the CSP noted that it had not received a response to its 12/12/01 letter that requested a workplan that included groundwater sampling schedule and how the stockpile would be addressed, and clarification how much material was stored in the stockpile. Lastly, the CSP reiterated that other issues need to be addressed prior to CSP considering making a NFRAP determination for the site including, a drinking water survey within 1/4 mile radius of the site, an evlauation whether vapors in the building may pose a risk and an estimate of the voume and location of contaminated soil remaining at the site. The 5/9 letter requested a brief report regarding the above information. Rich Sundet
10/3/2003 Update or Other Action On 10/3/03, CSP responded to a submittal from Verna Euwer of SGS laboratory data that was received by CSP on 9/5/03. CSP noted in its response that no information was provided whether the samples were collected by an impartial qualified third party or not and requested Ms. Euwer to refer to its May 03 letter that discussed a similar instance where only lab data was provided to CSP. CSP also noted in its letter that there were still a number of outstanding issues that need to be resolved prior to DEC considering a NFRAP decision for this site. CSP also informed Ms. Euwer to refer to its December 01 and May 03 letters to determine what information needs to be provided to CSP to address the contamination issues. Lastly the letter informed Ms. Euwer that CSP staff addressed the concern whether indoor vapors was a concern or not at the site, thus, she and her consultant did not need to address this concern that was identified in its December and May letters. Rich Sundet
8/17/2004 Update or Other Action On 8/17/04, CSP issued a letter to Ms. Euwer that it had not yet received a response to CSP's 10/3/03 letter and informed her of DEC's cost recovery obligations. Rich Sundet
9/10/2004 Meeting or Teleconference Held On 9/10/04, Sundet returned a call from Verna Euwer. Verna's husband Archie noted that they had received the 8/17 letter and that they owned the property where the tank leaked. Sundet explained that the last two DEC letters, May and October 2003, outlined what are the next steps to address the contamination and that it did not appear that much further work was necessary to obtain a NFRAP determination for this site. Later, the supervisor for the Mat-Su Test Lab in Wasilla called Sundet to discuss what steps were needed, and acknowledged that a qualified person such as an engineer would need to be hired to address the contamination issues and would pass this information onto the Euwers who were at the lab. Rich Sundet
11/5/2004 Update or Other Action In response to a 11/2/04 request by Mark Kissel of the Office of the Ombudsman, CSP issued a letter to the Euwers providing them information which DEC needs to consider whether the contaminated site can obtain a NFRAP/IC status. This information was also requested in DEC's 12/12/01 and 5/9 and 10/3/03 letters to the Euwers. The 11/5 letter outlined the issues that needed to be addressed such as providing a groundwater monitoring plan, a drinking water well survey w/in 1/4 mile of the site, status of the stockpile on site, and and an estimate of the remaining contamination on site. The letter also noted that the intangible aspects of the contamination is what are the current concentrations of the contaminants in groundwater and the findings from the drinking water well search. Rich Sundet
7/29/2005 Update or Other Action On 7/29/05, DOL issued a cost recovery letter to the Euwer's for $335.67 noting that the total cost now was $2,072.62 for DEC oversight expenses. Rich Sundet
2/7/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initially ranked site with ETM on 2/7/07. Reranked later on 4/18/07. Rich Sundet
6/9/2009 Site Characterization Workplan Approved On 6/9/09, CSP conditionally approved of Tutka's work plan dated 5/8/09 to perform a groundwater sampling event by sampling the existing three monitoring wells, estimate the amount of contamination remaining in the subsurface, and characterize an existing stockpile of soil that was generated during a prior excavation soon after the release occurred. CS noted it had been in communication with staff within DEC's Environmental Health and the Dept. of Health and Social Services because the property is expected to be used as a daycare. CS also noted that it had been in communication with Keith Guyer of Tutka to address several issues regarding the plan and type of residence on the property, e.g., whether there was a basement or not. CS conditioned the work plan provided that: the contamination under the building needs to be investigated to determine if a complete vapor intrusion pathway is presnt and suggested three options how to investigate that pathway; duplicate samples be collected/analyzed on at least a 10% frequency per compound per matrix; submit a CSM within the characterization report; and, confirm that no drinking water well is within 1/4 mile from the site. Rich Sundet
11/9/2009 Update or Other Action On 11/9/09, DEC shared a draft ROD with Clean Closure with ICs with Verna Euwer's consultant Keith Guyer. DEC requested that he discuss the draft ROD with his client to determine what the next course of action will be. DEC noted that if the four existing monitoring wells are shown to be properly decommissioned, that the document could be issued with no ICs. Rich Sundet
9/8/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On 9/8/10, DEC approved via email of Tutka's plan to decommission the existing four monitoring wells on site. Tutka submitted the 9/7/10 dated plan via email to DEC on 9/8/10. Rich Sundet
9/10/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ON 9/10/10, DEC reviewed Tutka's report of the four monitoring wells that were decommissioned on 9/9/10. The 9/9/10 report was submitted to DEC via email on that day. Rich Sundet
9/10/2010 Cleanup Complete Determination Issued A cleanup complete decision was issued on 9/10/2010 upon review of Tutka's "Site Characterization Report Wasilla Children's House Home Heating Oil Fuel Spill" dated 7/21/09, Tutka's report of the four monitoring wells decommissioned on site dated 9/9/10 and prior information in the file. Rich Sundet
9/16/2010 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 74002 heating oil tank. Rich Sundet
8/7/2015 Update or Other Action This file has been archived to Alaska Archives Barcode: 896981 Box 415 Susan Carberry

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments
DRO < Method 2 Most Stringent GroundwaterSoil Cleanup was performed in 1998 and 1999, groundwater monitoring was performed, and assessment was performed in 2009 to confirm the remaining soil contaminant levels.

Control Type

Type Details
No ICs Required


Description Details
Advance approval required to transport soil or groundwater off-site.

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