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Site Report: Sand Lake Cleaners

Site Name: Sand Lake Cleaners
Address: 6935 Jewel Lake Road, Anchorage, AK 99502
File Number: 2100.38.101
Hazard ID: 3319
Status: Active
Staff: Jim Fish, 9074512117
Latitude: 61.157979
Longitude: -149.950805
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Chlorinated solvents Tetrachloroethylene - PCE (up to 4.01 mg/kg, with a 0.024 mg/kg cleanup level), Trichloroethylene - TCE (up to 0.09 mg/kg, with a 0.02 mg/kg cleanup level), CIS-1,2-Dichloroethylene - DCE (up to 2.3 mg/kg, with a 0.2 mg/kg cleanup level), and Methylene Chloride (up to 0.24 mg/kg, with a 0.015 mg/kg cleanup level) in soil above cleanup levels in unknown quantity. Exact source area, level, and extent of the contamination to be determined, but does extend to groundwater. Depth to groundwater is approximately 60 to 76 feet below ground surface. The groundwater is contaminated with PCE and DCE above cleanup levels. Groundwater flow is to the north by northeast. The property is currently paved. PCE, TCE, DCE, and Methylene Chloride in the soil. PCE and DCE in the groundwater. Lot 5A, Block 1, Woodland Lakes Subdivision Unit 2. The site was operated as a dry cleaner from 1969 to 1999. In 2000, two soil borings were drilled at the site that identified chlorinated solvent contamination tetrachloroethylene (PCE), trichloroethylene (TCE), and dichloroethane (DCE) near the former dry cleaner building. Later in 2000, two soil borings were drilled that found solvent contamination had migrated to the adjacent property. In 2002, three soil borings were drilled that identified extensive solvent contamination on the dry cleaning property. In 2003, one monitoring well was installed that identified PCE, TCE, and DCE groundwater contamination at the site. In 2004, one additional monitoring well was installed. In 2006, one more monitoring well was installed. Depth to groundwater is approximately 60 to 76 feet below ground surface. The extent of soil and groundwater contamination has not been defined. Modeling has identified potential risk of indoor and outdoor exposure to chlorinated solvent vapors. In 2011 twenty-two 7 to 12 foot deep soil probes had field readings collected and 4 vapor sampling wells were installed and sampled. The 2011 sampling showed that soil contamination remains above cleanup levels and that soil vapors exceeded screening levels in the vapor sampling wells. After the past property owner and operator (Sage Properties) refused to conduct further site work DEC hired a term contactor Ahtna Engineering to conduct soil gas sampling from the vapor probes in the road right of way to the east of the Sand Lake Cleaners property, conduct indoor air sampling at the Wells Fargo Bank building, the dry cleaner building, and in the accessible residental buildings to the east. Indoor air samples were collected in the bank building to the south in 2013 and 2014, residential properties to the east in 2014 and 2015, and the dry cleaner building in 2015. Indoor air samples collected in the bank building and nearby residential buildings to the east were all below indoor air health based screening levels. January 2015 indoor air samples collected inside the dry cleaner building exceeded commercial indoor air health based screening levels for tetrachloroethene (PCE). Additional monitoring, site characterization, and corrective action is required at this site. The extent of the groundwater contamination has not been defined. The general groundwater flow direction is to the northeast to northwest.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
3/21/2000 Update or Other Action On March 21, 2000 two soil borings were drilled at the site to a depth of 30 feet. Up to 3.6 mg/kg Tetrachloroethylene - PCE (0.024 mg/kg cleanup level), 0.09 mg/kg Trichloroethylene - TCE (0.02 mg/kg cleanup level), 2.3 mg/kg cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene - DCE (0.2 mg/kg cleanup level), and 0.24 mg/kg (0.015 mg/kg cleanup level) methylene chloride found in the soil. Results are probably biased low because some samples were not field preserved, and were analyzed outside of holding times. Robert Weimer
6/21/2000 Site Added to Database Chlorinated solvents PCE, TCE, and CIS-1,2-DCE. Bruce Wanstall
6/27/2000 Update or Other Action Teleconference with Gladys Wilson (343-4396) representing the Municipality of Anchorage. The 6935 Jewel Lake Road property was foreclosed for tax liability several years ago and the redemption period ended about 12/99, when MOA issued a clerk’s deed. This was an involuntary acquisition under appropriate statutes, and the property will be sold at auction on 8/11/00. Bruce Wanstall
7/5/2000 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Ground Water not tested, Surface Water Environments (Lakes) nearby are unlikely but possible human exposure pathways. Bruce Wanstall
1/12/2001 Update or Other Action On November 29, 2000 two soil borings were drilled on the property to the north of the Sand Lake Cleaners near the property line between the two lots. Elevated field readings were encountered at 25 to 42 and 75 to 82 feet below ground surface. Groundwater was encountered around 76 feet below ground surface. Solvent contamination (up to 2.42 mg/kg PCE, the cleanup level is 0.024 mg/kg) was found at 26 feet below ground surface. The soil samples collected at the soil/water interface were non-detect and the water sample collected from the two temporary monitoring wells was also non-detect. Robert Weimer
6/11/2001 Update or Other Action Site name changed to Sand Lake Cleaners (from Jewel Lake Road Cleaners) because the former dry cleaning business that operated on the property was named "Sand Lake Cleaners". Spoke with Gladys Wilson of MOA this date. She indicated the property was sold to Brent Jennison (P.O. Box 92772, Anchorage, AK 99509). However, the MOA tax records indicate the property owner as Sage Properties LLC (P.O. Box 93434, Anchorage, AK 99509). Scott Pexton
1/31/2002 Update or Other Action Letter from Richard Waller, attorney for Alaska National Insurance Company. They own property to the north of Sand Lake Cleaners. Lynne Bush
4/2/2002 Update or Other Action Alex Swiderski of the Attorney General's Office has been assigned to assist the Department with this site. Lynne Bush
4/8/2002 Update or Other Action Spoke with Swiderski; he'll contact potential buyer about Prospective Buyer agreement and set up a meeting, if the buyer is still interested. Lynne Bush
4/15/2002 Update or Other Action Preparing site history in preparations for meeting with Swiderski, et. al. Lynne Bush
7/3/2002 Update or Other Action Conversation with M Miller, Phukan Engineering, about SLC. Still missing from data: groundwater monitoring; groundwater contamination information; soils data. Lynne Bush
4/1/2003 Update or Other Action Phase III Enviro report on way to DEC for review. Phukan will send additional information, as well. Long delay due to change in workers at Phukan. Lynne Bush
4/4/2003 Update or Other Action On May 28, 2002 three soil borings were sampled to a depth of 32 feet. Elevated field readings were encountered from the ground surface to a depth of 32 feet, and in two of the borings the field readings were at their highest level at 32 feet, so higher levels of contamination may exist a depths below 32 feet. Up to 4.01 mg/kg PCE (0.024 mg/kg cleanup level), 0.0706 mg/kg TCE (0.027 mg/kg cleanup level), and 1.86 mg/kg DCE (0.2 mg/kg cleanup level) were found in the soil. The extent of the contamination has not been determined at this site. Robert Weimer
5/7/2003 Meeting or Teleconference Held Met with owner, Mr. Jennison. He will direct his consultant to supply the missing reports to me, immediately. He will have a work plan prepared to delineate the release and develop a corrective action strategy. Lynne Bush
8/19/2003 Meeting or Teleconference Held ADEC staff Sundet and Frechione met with Jennison and his consultant Arvind Phukan to discuss recent data from the monitoring well that Phukan installed on January 30, 2003 showed PCE at 0.0830 and cis 1,2 DCE at 0.124 ug/L, both of which are above Table C levels and to discuss the next steps. Jennison noted that he requested Phukan to sample the monitoring well again in October 2003. DEC also noted that the priority in risk is to drinking water wells. Jennison reviewed the Sand Lake Tesoro Gas Station file which included a 2002 well search within a 1/4 mile of that site. Rich Sundet
3/1/2004 Meeting or Teleconference Held Summary of meeting between DEC (Dave Pikul) and Brent Jennison March 1, 2004. Site work will be performed in a phased manner. Brent/Phukan will: Truth groundwater information to determine site-specific flow direction. This can be accomplished through review of available materials (near site files, etc). Provide brief plan (letter) for the installation of a monitoring well positioned due-down-gradient at the edge of the site property. Provide a groundwater sampling plan for the existing monitoring well and the newly installed well. Provide well search results. Provide documentation related to the installation of the existing monitoring well (report, well log). Provide water level elevation data from the previous monitoring events along with sample collection procedures used. Following DEC approval, implement the plan for installation of the monitoring well, followed by implementation of the sampling plan. Following review of data collected during this phase of site work, DEC will provide determination of site status and any required future actions for the site. David Pikul
4/20/2004 Update or Other Action Telephone discussion with Brent Jennison regarding DEC review of the plan submittal by Phukan on April 1, 2004. Items outlined by DEC in the March 1, 2004 e-mail have not been addressed, revision required. Call to Phukan, left a message. David Pikul
4/22/2004 Update or Other Action Telephone discussion with Arvind Phukan conveying message to him that the items outlined in the March 1, 2004 e-mail have not been addressed. David Pikul
4/28/2004 Update or Other Action DEC received revised plan. David Pikul
5/5/2004 Site Characterization Workplan Approved DEC approval for the site characterization activities outlined in Phukan letter of March 31, 2004 and e-mail dated April 28, 2004. Summary: Installation of one new monitoring well and sampling both. David Pikul
8/17/2004 Update or Other Action DEC issued a comment letter to the July 30, 2004 Monitoring well installation and sampling report. A second monitoring well (called MW#5) was installed at the site on May 17, 2004. The first monitoring well (called MW#4) was installed on January 30, 2003. Continued monitoring is required. David Pikul
5/4/2005 Update or Other Action Cost recovery notification sent to RP in letter from DEC on June 12, 2003 David Pikul
6/21/2005 Update or Other Action Site transferred from D. Pikul to R. Weimer Robert Weimer
6/21/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with Mr. Jennison (Sage Properties) to discuss future work needed at his site. Robert Weimer
6/22/2005 Update or Other Action Letter to Sage Properties thanking for work done to date. DEC will be reviewing the information submitted on the site to determine what additional work is needed. Robert Weimer
7/5/2005 Update or Other Action Discussed site with EPA UIC Program. He recommended doing a dye test on the floor drains so see if they go to sanitary sewer. He said the middle two floor drains may not have been noted because they may not have been visible during the inspection in 2003 (under carpet). Robert Weimer
12/6/2005 Update or Other Action Reviewed Report - Photographic Review and Floor Drain Site Investigation. No evidence of containers or soil staining in the air photos. The back of the lot was paved in 1985. All 4 floor drains appear to connect to the sanitary sewer running along the north edge of the log. It is buried 3.5 feet under the foundation, then drops to 9.6 feet at the edge of the building, and then to 12+ feet below ground surface along north lot line. No obvious breaks in the line were observed in the section checked. Robert Weimer
12/19/2005 Update or Other Action As a follow up to what was discussed in the meeting with the property owner, ADEC sent a letter requesting a workplan for the installation of an additional monitoring well to help define the extent of the soil and groundwater contamination, and to help determine the groundwater flow direction at the site. Robert Weimer
12/19/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held Met with property owner to discuss the results of the "Photographic Review and Floor Drain Site Investigation" report. We discussed that the next step would be to install an additional monitoring well to help define the extent of the soil and groundwater contamination, and to help determine the groundwater flow direction. Robert Weimer
3/1/2006 Update or Other Action ADEC letter conditionally approving "Work Plan for Monitoring Well Installation and Groundwater Monitoring". The workplan calls for the installation of an additional monitoring well on the north side of the building to help determine groundwater flow direction and to collect soil and groundwater samples from that area. Robert Weimer
8/1/2006 Update or Other Action An additional monitoring well, the third one (called MW#6), was installed near the northwest corner of the dry cleaning building near the property line. It was sampled on March 8, 2006. The groundwater in that monitoring well has 116 ug/l DCE (the cleanup level is 70 ug/l). The soil sample collected at 15 feet below ground surface had 0.017 mg/kg PCE (the cleanup level is 0.024 mg/kg). The soil sample at 77 feet below ground surface at the soil/water interface had 0.0325 mg/kg Methylene Chloride (the cleanup level is 0.015 mg/kg). The other two monitoring wells were sampled and they had up to 26.5 ug/l DCE, and 48.2 ug/l PCE (cleanup level is 5 ug/l). The contamination has decreased from the pervious monitoring event on 11/10/04, but that may be a seasonal fluctuation because the 11/10/04 event had increased contamination from the 8/12/04 sampling event. With a third monitoring well the groundwater flow direction was determined to be to the north by northeast, which is toward the adjacent property to the north. The depth to groundwater is between 60.3 to 75.9 feet below ground surface. Robert Weimer
8/29/2006 Update or Other Action Discuss items in 8/29/06 letter with RP. RP thought that he had done a well search. Could not find it in the file. RP says the building is currently being used by a cell tower company. Robert Weimer
8/29/2006 Update or Other Action 8/29/06 ADEC letter. The letter requests another groundwater monitoring event and a 1,000 foot well search by 11/15/06. The letter also requests submittal of a Conceptual Site Model (CSM). The letter includes copies of indoor air screening model runs using soil and groundwater data. The runs indicate that there may be a risk of indoor air at the Sand Lake Cleaners building and the building to the north, and further evaluation is needed. The letter requests that the RP notify the property owner to the north. Robert Weimer
9/7/2006 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Updated site score to reflect potential indoor air exposure and documented groundwater contamination. Robert Weimer
4/16/2007 Update or Other Action November 27, 2006 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 107 ug/l DCE (70 ug/l cleanup level), 10.4 ug/l PCE (5 ug/l cleanup level), and non-detect (<1.0 ug/l) TCE (5 ug/l cleanup level). Contaminant concentrations decreased in 2 of the 3 monitoring well sampled. Depth to groundwater is 60.71 to 76.11 feet below ground surface. Groundwater flow direction is to the north by northeast. Robert Weimer
4/17/2007 Update or Other Action ADEC letter concurs the RP's consultant's recommendation to conduct a groundwater monitoring event in the spring of 2007, collect natural attenuation parameters, and to submit a conceptual site model. The letter also requests a completed drinking water well search and an evaluation of the indoor air pathway into the on property building and the adjacent building. All of these items are requested to be submitted by June 1, 2007. Robert Weimer
4/17/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with property owner to discuss the progress of the work at the site. We discussed that the well search information provided was not complete and that the indoor air pathway evaluation has not been submitted. These were requested in the ADEC letter of August 29, 2006 letter. Robert Weimer
8/27/2007 Update or Other Action Talked with property owner, he said he would submit the information requested in the April 17, 2007 ADEC letter by August 29, 2007. Robert Weimer
10/30/2007 Update or Other Action Review of Spring 2007 Groundwater Monitoring Report (sampled on May 16, 2007) submitted on August 31, 2007. Up to 204 ug/l PCE (5 ug/l cleanup level) and 58.8 ug/l DCE (70 ug/l cleanup level) in the groundwater. PCE levels are increasing and are at the highest level since the site has been sampled. Groundwater flow direction is to the north by northeast. Depth to groundwater was between 59.75 and 75.25 feet below ground surface. RP's consultant recommends continued groundwater monitoring and the installation of an additional downgradient monitoring well to collect soil and groundwater samples to help define the extent of the soil and groundwater contamination. Robert Weimer
10/30/2007 Update or Other Action On August 31, 2007 ADEC received a supplemental well search and a Conceptual Site Model. The Conceptual Site Model identified indoor air, ingestion/dermal contact with contaminated groundwater, and ingestion/dermal contact with contaminated soil as a completed contaminant pathways. Robert Weimer
11/15/2007 Update or Other Action ADEC letter requesting VOC sampling of the three monitoring wells, the installation of one additional monitoring well (with soil and water samples) to help define the extent of soil and groundwater contamination, an indoor air survey (of the on property building and the building to the north), and a workplan for collecting air samples (for those two buildings) all by January 15, 2008. Robert Weimer
12/7/2007 Update or Other Action Call from the RP, his consultant has sampled the groundwater and will submit the report in a few days. He indicated that the groundwater concentrations were lower than the previous monitoring event. Robert Weimer
1/16/2008 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with RP, he dropped off a copy of the "Fall 2007 Groundwater Monitoring Report". He mentioned that both his building and the adjacent building to the north have recently been remodeled with new paint and carpet, etc... he would like to delay the requested air sampling. We discussed that I didn't expect that the products used would contain the chemicals we were looking for. I requested that he give me a request in writing along with a date that the work would be done by. We discussed that they still need to install another monitoring well as requested in the 11/15/07 letter. Robert Weimer
1/17/2008 Update or Other Action Review of December 2007 Groundwater Monitoring Report submitted on January 16, 2008. Sampling was conducted on November 2, 2007. Up to 48 ug/l PCE (5 ug/l cleanup level) and 98 ug/l DCE (70 ug/l cleanup level) in the groundwater. DCE levels are increasing in monitoring well MW-6. Groundwater flow direction is to the north. PCE levels have decreased from the May 16, 2007 sampling event but it appears to be related to groundwater fluctuation. In MW-4 the levels are still 4 times higher than they were 1 year before. Depth to groundwater was between 60.26 and 76.00 feet below ground surface. RP's consultant recommends continued groundwater monitoring with the next monitoring event in the spring of 2008. Robert Weimer
2/5/2008 Update or Other Action ADEC receives a hand delivered letter dated January 25, 2008 from Brent Jennison of Sage Properties. The letter states that his consultant is preparing a proposal for installing an additional monitoring well, sampling monitoring wells for VOC's and natural attenuation parameters, and an indoor air survey and workplan with schedule will be addressed. The letter also requests comments from ADEC on the results of the November 2, 2007 groundwater sampling and the December 2007 report. Robert Weimer
2/7/2008 Update or Other Action ADEC letter requesting an indoor air survey (of the on property building and the building to the north), and a workplan for collecting air samples (for those two buildings) by March 11, 2008; the installation of one additional monitoring well (with soil and water samples) to help define the extent of soil and groundwater contamination and a report of these results by April 18, 2008; and May 2008 VOC sampling of three monitoring wells, and collection of natural attenuation parameters and groundwater elevations in all four monitoring well and a report of these results by July 1, 2008. Robert Weimer
2/7/2008 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with RP. He provided me with a copy of a proposal from his consultant to do the monitoring well installation, and groundwater sampling for VOCs and natural attenuation parameters. He indicated that he would be signing the proposal today. The indoor air survey and workplan will be under a separate proposal. I provided him a copy of the ADEC 2/7/08 letter and we discussed it. He said he would talk with his consultant to make sure ADEC gets everything requested in the 2/7/08 letter. Robert Weimer
3/20/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed. Site ranked on the new Exposure Tracking Model (ETM). The ETM is a new site ranking system that looks at, based on available data, the potential exposure pathways for the contamination remaining at the site. Robert Weimer
4/8/2008 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting between ADEC (Rich Sundet) and Brent Jennison. Mr. Jennison was requesting at letter clarifying what the full scope of work that remains to be done for his site. Mr. Jennison also wondered whether instead of conducting indoor air sampling if he could instead install and operate remediation systems for potential vapors entering his and the adjacent building to the north. Robert Weimer
4/25/2008 Update or Other Action As of this date the ADEC has not received any of the information/reports requested in the ADEC letter of February 7, 2008. Robert Weimer
4/25/2008 Update or Other Action ADEC letter as follow up to meeting between ADEC (Rich Sundet) and Brent Jennison that occurred on April 8, 2008. This ADEC letter is requesting an indoor air survey (of the on property building and the building to the north) by May 20, 2008; either a workplan for collecting air samples for the two buildings or a workplan for the installation of indoor air vapor intrusion remedial systems by May 20, 2008; a workplan by June 30, 2008 for the characterization of the extent of the soil and groundwater contamination (such as soil/gas investigation, soil sampling, and additional monitoring wells; and May 2008 VOC sampling of three monitoring wells, collection of natural attenuation parameters and groundwater elevations in all monitoring wells, and a report of these results by July 1, 2008. The letter states that based on the results of the site characterization, ADEC may request additional characterization work and corrective actions (cleanup) to ensure that the site does not pose an unacceptable to human health or the environment. Robert Weimer
5/20/2008 Update or Other Action On May 20, 2008 ADEC is hand delivered a letter dated May 9, 2008 from Sage Properties LLC. The letter thanks the ADEC for the recent letter (April 25, 2008) concerning what direction to head next and what corrective measures would be practical at this time. The letter discusses his understanding of some previous conversations he had with Jim Frechione of ADEC regarding the site. The letter states that Sage Properties has not yet been granted access to the property to the north to conduct the requested indoor air survey. The letter also states that Sage's engineer has not been available to conduct the requested work, and would like an extension to the end of June to submit the indoor air surveys. The letter also had concerns about ADEC database entries on April 25, 2008. Robert Weimer
5/20/2008 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting between ADEC (Rich Sundet, Robert Weimer, and Jim Frechione) and Brent Jennison. We discussed soil gas surveys, monitoring well installation, indoor air surveys, positive pressure of buildings, site access, availability of his engineer to the work, and the recommended order to conduct the work. We discussed that the results of a soil gas survey would be useful in the placement of monitoring well(s)/soil borings, and the design of a indoor air remediation system. Brent Jennison also hand delivered a copy of his letter dated May 9, 2008. Robert Weimer
5/28/2008 Update or Other Action ADEC letter as follow up to meeting between ADEC and Brent Jennison that occurred on May 20, 2008. Mr. Jennison was requesting more time to conduct the previously requested work due to his engineer not being available and lack of site access from the owner of the property to the north. This ADEC letter requests a work plan for soil/gas investigation by June 16, 2008, with the results submitted by July 18, 2008; an indoor air survey (of the on property building and the building to the north) by June 30, 2008; either a work plan for collecting air samples for the two buildings or a work plan for the installation of indoor air vapor intrusion remedial systems by July 29, 2008; a work plan by July 18, 2008 for the characterization of the extent of the groundwater contamination with additional monitoring wells; and May 2008 VOC sampling of three monitoring wells, collection of natural attenuation parameters and groundwater elevations in all monitoring wells, and a report of these results by July 1, 2008. The letter also states that an indoor air survey is still required even if a building has positive pressure; and that the database entries of April 25, 2008 are accurate. Robert Weimer
8/5/2008 Update or Other Action As of this date the ADEC has not received any of the information/reports requested in the ADEC letter of May 28, 2008. All of the items are overdue, and no request for an extension has been received. It appears that no work has been conducted at this site since November 2, 2007. Robert Weimer
4/16/2009 Update or Other Action A final judgment was issued by the Alaska State Court on 4/2/09 against Sage Properties (the current owner of the Sand Lake Cleaners property) for failure to comply with a settlement agreement signed on 3/2/04 between Sage Properties and the adjacent property owner to the north. A Writ of Execution was issued on 4/16/09. Robert Weimer
5/6/2009 Update or Other Action Review indoor air survey and air sampling work plan for the adjacent building (6835 Jewel Lake Road) located to the north of the Sand Lake Cleaners building. The air survey and work plan were submitted by the adjacent building owner. The work plan proposes to collect one indoor air sample (and a duplicate) at the business located at the south end of the building, one indoor air sample at the nearby mechanical room, and an outdoor ambient air sample just outside of the mechanical room in the summer of 2009. The proposed work plan was approved. The approval letter noted that a winter air sampling event will also be needed. Robert Weimer
5/26/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On May 26, 2009 air samples were collected on the downgradient property owner's property (to the north of the Sand Lake Cleaner property) by his consultant. Three air samples were collected (plus one duplicate), one inside the Fit Club South (plus one duplicate), one inside the nearby mechanical room, and one taken outdoors near the air intake to the HVAC system located on the roof on toward the east side of the building. All indoor air samples were non-detect. The outdoor air sample was non-detect except for Tetrachloroethlene (PCE) which was detected at 0.82 ug/m3. The AKOSH PEL and ACGIH TVL-TWA limits are 170,000 ug/m3 for PCE, the ATSDR MRL for PCE is 271 ug/m3. The building is a one story slab on grade building with no basement or crawl space. Robert Weimer
5/26/2009 Site Visit At the request of the project manager, Robert Weimer, the quality assurance officer was onsite during the vapor sampling event that was conducted by EHS consulting. EHS placed summa canisters at various locations onsite including on the roof of the building, within the Body Renew (fitness club) and within a mechanical room associated with the Body Renew building. The summas canisters were placed on site and samples were collected from 08:00 until 16:00 hours. The summa canisters were cleaned and leak tested by Columbia Analytical prior to use by EHS onsite. A copy of the quality assurance field report will be placed in the QA file and the project file. Brenton Porter
8/6/2009 Update or Other Action ADEC receives notification that the downgradient property owner intends to have his consultant conduct the winter indoor air sampling event in his building on January 2010. Robert Weimer
1/12/2010 Site Visit Site visits to observe air samples being collected on the downgradient property owner's property by his consultant. Three air samples were collected (plus one duplicate), one inside the Fit Club South (plus one duplicate), one inside the nearby mechanical room, and one taken outdoors near the air intake to the HVAC system located on the roof on toward the east side of the building. Robert Weimer
8/9/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On January 12, 2010 air samples were collected on the downgradient property owner's property by his consultant at the same locations as the summer May 26, 2009 air sampling. Three air samples were collected (plus one duplicate), one inside the Fit Club South (plus one duplicate), one inside the nearby mechanical room, and one taken outdoors near the air intake to the HVAC system located on the roof on toward the east side of the building. All indoor air samples were non-detect (<0.88 ug/m3). The outdoor air sample was also non-detect (<0.69 ug/m3). The AKOSH PEL and ACGIH TVL-TWA limits are 170,000 ug/m3 for PCE, the ATSDR MRL for PCE is 271 ug/m3. Robert Weimer
8/20/2010 Update or Other Action On August 20, 2010 DEC sent a letter to the property owners attorney requesting that his client respond in writing within 15 days whether his client intends to undertake the assessment and cleanup actions set out in the letter. DEC requested the following: (1) ADEC receives a work plan for conducting soil/gas investigation by September 20, 2010, implement the work plan within 15 days of Department approval of the work plan, with the results received at ADEC by November 30, 2010; (2) conduct an indoor air survey of the on property building by September 20, 2010, in accordance to ADEC’s document “Draft Vapor Intrusion Guidance for Contaminated Sites” dated July 2009, with the results received at ADEC by September 21, 2010; (3) ADEC receives a work plan for performing an indoor air vapor intrusion assessment by September 24, 2010, implement the work plan within 15 days of ADEC approval of the work plan, with the results received at ADEC by November 30, 2010; (4) ADEC receives a work plan by September 20, 2010 for the characterization of the extent of soil and groundwater contamination with additional soil borings and monitoring wells, implement the work plan within 15 days of ADEC approval of the work plan, with the results received at ADEC by November 30, 2010; and (5) ADEC receives a work plan by September 20, 2010 for conducting Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) groundwater sampling along with the collection of natural attenuation parameters and groundwater elevations of all on site (existing and proposed) monitoring wells, implement the work plan within 15 days of ADEC approval of the work plan, and receives a report of the results by November 30, 2010. The letter also noted that if his client is unwilling or unable to conduct the requested actions in the time frame outlined in this letter, ADEC will, under the authority of AS 46.09.020, begin the necessary assessment, cleanup and monitoring actions to address the remaining hazardous substance contamination. If ADEC performs this work, we are required under AS 46.08.070 to recover our expenses as well as those of our contractors from you and other persons liable under AS 46.03.822 and other law. Robert Weimer
8/23/2010 Update or Other Action On August 23, 2010 State of Alaska's Department of Law sent a letter to the property owners attorney notifying his client that the State of Alaska's Department of Law have initiated civil enforcement against his client for failure to pay cost recovery bills, and to respond in writing within 15 days to provide payment or a response. Robert Weimer
11/3/2010 Meeting or Teleconference Held On November 3, 2010, Sundet and Tostevin met with Brent Jennison and Robert Reges (Esq.) to discuss Reges' proposal to hopefully address various affiliates and PRPs associated with this contaminated site. Reges noted he represented GCI who owns the cell phone tower that is leased from the property owner. However, he noted that he was working to negotiate an agreement indirectly also for Sage Inc. (the current property owner of the dry cleaner), Pacific Trading (who loaned monies to Sage and has a lien on the property), and Alaska National (the property owner to the north who has a court judgment against Sage because of contamination that has migrated onto Alaska National's property). Rich Sundet
12/28/2010 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 74294 2000 solvent contamination. Changes reflect indoor air sampling conducted in 1 building to the north, and to reflect the potential residental exposure in the area. Robert Weimer
9/15/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Review soil gas assessment work plan. The work plan proposes to sample between 7 and 9 shallow soil (30 feet bgs) borings and 4 and 7 deep (70 feet bgs) soil borings. PID and sensidyne field reading are to be collected each 5 foot depth. Five laboratory analytical samples are to be collected based on the field readings. Robert Weimer
9/16/2011 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with GCI's consultant to discuss their proposed plan for conducting a soil gas investigation to help define the extent of the contamination at the site. They will provide a revised work plan based on our discussions. Robert Weimer
10/3/2011 Meeting or Teleconference Held Follow up meeting with GCI's consultant to discuss their proposed plan for conducting a soil gas investigation to help define the extent of the contamination at the site. They will prepare a final work plan based on our discussions. Robert Weimer
10/17/2011 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Review and approve revised site assessment work plan to help define the extent and source area(s) for the solvent contamination at the site and toward the properties to the east and south. The plan calls for installing 18 probes to 5 feet, 5 probes to 12 feet, and complete 7 probes as longterm soil vapor sampling wells. All of the locations are to have PID and sensidyne PCE readings. Three locations are to have soil samples and the 7 long term vapor probes are to have air samples analyzed for solvents (method 8260). Robert Weimer
10/24/2011 Site Visit Site visit to observe initial site assessment work to help define the extent and source area(s) for the solvent contamination at the site and toward the properties to the east and south. Discussed boring locations and field reading results for the initial borings with the RP's consultant. Based on the field readings there appears to be multiple source areas on the property. The RP's consultant showed inside the building that the floor drain locations were not as depicted in the HartCrowser 2005 report. One area of floor drains was concreted in, two drains were still visible in the building. The building is currently occupied in the front half, the back half is used for some storage. Robert Weimer
10/25/2011 Site Visit Site visit to observe continuing site assessment work to help define the extent and source area(s) for the solvent contamination at the site and toward the properties to the east and south. They have completed the borings just to the east and north of the dry cleaner building. They have a boring to the south of the building, the borings down the hill to the east, and the soil gas wells to complete tomorrow. Robert Weimer
10/26/2011 Site Visit Site visit to observe continuing site assessment work to help define the extent and source area(s) for the solvent contamination at the site and toward the properties to the east and south. They have completed all of the borings and the soil gas wells. They were beginning to collect soil gas laboratory samples from the 4 soil gas wells they installed. Robert Weimer
12/7/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On October 24 to 26, 2011 field readings using both a photoionization detector (PID) and Sensidyne test kit were collected from thirteen 7 foot deep below ground surface (bgs) soil probes and five 12 foot deep bgs soil probes drilled on the property. The Sensidyne field readings identified >10 parts per million (ppm) PCE in the soil at three locations sampled between 4 and 8 feet bgs. One field reading collected at 12.3 feet bgs had 5.265 ppm PCE. The one analytical soil sample was collected (at 5 feet bgs) had 33.7 mg/kg PCE and 0.328 mg/kg TCE. The borings identified a silt layer at 7 to 12 feet bgs on the east side of the dry cleaning building. One 5 foot deep soil vapor sampling well was installed near the south property boundary about 20 feet east southeast corner of the building and sampled. 78,000 ppbV PCE and 1,000 ppbV TCE were in the soil vapor sample collected from that well. Three dual soil vapor sampling wells were installed to 5 feet and 10 feet near the east property boundary in the road near the apartment buildings bgs and sampled. Up to 1,900 ppbV PCE and 1.1 ppbV TCE were in the soil vapor samples collected at 5 feet bgs. Up to 3,500 ppbV PCE and 14 ppbV TCE were in the soil vapor samples collected at 10 feet bgs. The consultant recommended collecting additional soil gas samples from all of the soil gas wells in the summer of 2012. They also recommended the installation of two soil gas well near the building to the south to help assess the extent of the contamination in that direction. Robert Weimer
12/7/2011 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 74294 2000 solvent contamination. Robert Weimer
12/8/2011 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with GCI's consultant to discuss the results of the soil gas investigation conducted in October 2011 to help define the extent of the contamination at the site. We discussed that the soil vapor sampling showed vapor level over our target levels and additional site work is needed. We also discussed the priority is the assessment of vapor intrusion into the three apartment buildings to the east (with a minimum of 2 nested vapor wells per building) and the bank building to the south (with a minimum of two vapor wells, that may need to be nested depending on results of completing a vapor intrusion survey form for that building), and indoor air sampling of the on property building if it is going to continue to be occupied. We also discussed assessing for release points in the building, assessing NAPL migration through the soil, assessing NAPL in the groundwater, source area treatment, groundwater monitoring, and characterizing the extent of the soil and groundwater contamination. They will talk with their client and submit a work plan for conducting additional vapor sampling and site work. Robert Weimer
1/24/2012 Update or Other Action Call from GCIs consultant regarding future site work as we discussed on 12/8/11. They hope to submit a work plan soon for the next phase of the site work. Robert Weimer
4/12/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed EPA Preliminary Assessment Report. The report identified two municipal drinking water supply wells within 4 miles of the property (well 7 at 2.8 miles and well 12 at 3.13 miles). The report also identified 70 private drinking water wells within 1/2 mile of the property. Of those drinking water wells 8 are identified as being less than 85 feet deep. Sand Lake was identified as being within 0.18 miles of the property. Robert Weimer
4/18/2012 Update or Other Action DOL receives notification from GCIs attorney that they could not come to an agreement with Alaska National Insurance Company (the property owner to the north) on remedial options for the Sand Lake Cleaners site so future site work by GCI is on hold. GCIs attorney provided example cost estimates for demolishing the existing building and conducting some site investigation and cleanup. The costs ranged between $264,000 to $507,000+ but do not include costs for conducting groundwater monitoring, additional groundwater monitoring wells, soil gas wells for adjacent properties, or soil gas sampling for adjacent properties. Robert Weimer
6/25/2012 Update or Other Action On June 25, 2012 ADEC sent a letter to Brent Jennison agent for Sage Properties LLC requesting that he provide a response in writing to the letter within 15 days of receipt of this letter concerning whether he intends to undertake the assessment actions set out in this letter. Specifically, the ADEC requested that he submit or conduct the following work as identified below and provide those requested documents to ADEC by the following dates: (1) Conduct an indoor air survey of the on property building, the building to the south of the property, and the four buildings along the frontage road to the east of the property by July 20, 2012, in accordance to ADEC’s document “Draft Vapor Intrusion Guidance for Contaminated Sites” dated July 2009, with the results received at ADEC by August 10, 2012; (2) Submit a work plan to ADEC for conducting additional soil/gas investigation and monitoring for the building to the south of the property and the four buildings along the frontage road to the east of the property by July 30, 2012, and implement the work plan within 15 days of Department approval of the work plan, with the results received at ADEC by September 30, 2012; (3) Submit a work plan to ADEC for performing an indoor air vapor intrusion assessment or sub-slab vapor assessment for the on property building by July 30, 2012, and implement the work plan within 15 days of ADEC approval of the work plan, with the results received at ADEC by September 30, 2012; (4) Submit a work plan to ADEC by July 20, 2012 for the characterization of the extent of soil and groundwater contamination with additional soil borings and monitoring wells, and implement the work plan within 15 days of ADEC approval of the work plan, with the results received at ADEC by September 30, 2012; and (5) Submit a work plan to ADEC by July 20, 2012 for conducting Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) groundwater sampling along with the collection of natural attenuation parameters and groundwater elevations of all on site (existing and proposed) monitoring wells, and implement the work plan within 15 days of ADEC approval of the work plan, with the results received at ADEC by September 30, 2012. By this letter, the Department requested his intentions in writing no later than 15 days of receipt of this letter with regard to the investigation and cleanup of the subject property. If you are unwilling or unable to conduct the requested actions in the time frame outlined in this letter, ADEC will, under the authority of AS 46.09.020, begin the necessary assessment, cleanup and monitoring actions to address the remaining hazardous substance contamination. If ADEC performs this work, we are required under AS 46.08.070 to recover our expenses as well as those of our contractors from you and other persons liable under AS 46.03.822 and other law. Robert Weimer
6/28/2013 Site Visit Site visit to observe current site conditions. Robert Weimer
11/1/2013 Site Characterization Workplan Approved DEC approves October 2103 final soil gas and indoor air monitoring work plan submitted by DEC term contactor Ahtna Engineering. Work is scheduled to begin on November 7, 2013. The work plan calls for conducting soil gas sampling from the vapor probes in the road right of way to the east of the Sand Lake Cleaners property, conduct indoor air sampling at the Wells Fargo Bank building, and based on the results of the soil gas sampling conduct indoor air sampling of the residental building(s) to the east. Robert Weimer
11/4/2013 Site Visit Site visit to observe current site conditions and visit to the Wells Fargo Bank building just to the south to discuss access to collect indoor air samples. Robert Weimer
11/5/2013 Update or Other Action DEC emailed letter to Wells Fargo to request access to collected indoor/outdoor air samples on their property/building which is adjacent to and south of the Sand Lake Cleaners property. Robert Weimer
11/7/2013 Site Visit Site visit to observe the indoor/outdoor air sampling at the Wells Fargo Bank building which is adjacent to and south of the Sand Lake Cleaners property. Robert Weimer
11/8/2013 Site Visit Site visit to observe the collection of the indoor/outdoor air samplers at the Wells Fargo Bank building which is adjacent to and south of the Sand Lake Cleaners property. Also observed the damaged condition of the north and middle soil vapor probes in the frontage road to the east of the Sand Lake Cleaners property. Robert Weimer
12/9/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Soil gas samples were collected on November 7, 2013 from the southern most dual soil gas probe (VMP-03). Up to 110 ug/m3 PCE and non-detect (<2.0 ug/m3) TCE at 5 feet below ground surface (bgs), up to 250 ug/m3 (69 ppbV) PCE, and 1.8 ug/m3 (0.34 ppbV) TCE at 10 feet bgs. The 10 foot bgs sample is a higher concentration that during the October 28, 2011 sampling event which was 50.2 ug/m3 (7.4 ppbV) PCE. Robert Weimer
12/9/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On November 7-8, 2013 (24 hour) indoor/outdoor air samples were collected at the Wells Fargo Bank building which is adjacent to and south of the Sand Lake Cleaners property. All 4 indoor air samples and the 1 outdoor air sample were non-detect for PCE and TCE (both <0.75 ug/m3 and <0.14 ppbV). The Wells Fargo Bank building is a one story slab on grade building with no basement or crawl space. Recommend collecting additional indoor air samples during non-frozen ground conditions to help assess for potential seasonal variations. Robert Weimer
3/11/2014 Update or Other Action On February 7-10, 2014 (24 hour) indoor/outdoor air samples from the lower floors of the three residential multi-family buildings which are to the east of the Sand Lake Cleaners property. All 8 indoor air samples (plus one duplicate) and the 1 outdoor air sample were non-detect for PCE and TCE (<1.4 ug/m3 and <0.26 ppbV). These buildings are multi-story buildings with daylight basements. A fourth building to the east of the Sand Lake Cleaners property was not sampled because they were not able to get access from that buildings property owner. Recommend collecting additional indoor air samples during non-frozen ground conditions to help assess for potential seasonal variations. Robert Weimer
6/17/2014 Site Visit Site visit to observe current site conditions. Robert Weimer
8/19/2014 Site Characterization Workplan Approved DEC approves August 2014 work plan submitted by state contactor Ahtna Engineering. The work plan proposes to conduct: 1. A building survey and collect 2 rounds of indoor air samples for the site building and the 6936 Weimer Road property. 2. Conduct indoor air sampling during non-frozen ground conditions at the Wells Fargo Bank at 6961 Jewel Lake Road and buildings at 6952 Weimer Road, 7016 Weimer Road, and 6920 Weimer Road. 3. Conduct semi-annual groundwater monitoring of the three on property monitoring wells (MW-4, MW-5, and MW-6). Robert Weimer
11/13/2014 Enforcement Agreement or Order Settlement agreement signed by Brent Jennison, Sage Properties, DEC, and DOL. Under the agreement Sage/Jennison is to pay $65,986.40 to settle their liability for the site. It does not apply to any other parties. Robert Weimer
1/22/2015 Update or Other Action Indoor air sampling was conducted in the dry cleaner building and the one of the properties to the east at 6936 Weimer Road. They attempted to collect groundwater samples but had problems with the sampling pump. They plan to collect the groundwater samples when the temperatures are warmer. Robert Weimer
1/29/2015 Site Visit Site visit to observe current site conditions. Robert Weimer
2/6/2015 Update or Other Action On February 6, 2015 Crestmoor Management LLC obtained the 6935 Jewel Lake Road property from the Municipality of Anchorage. Robert Weimer
2/12/2015 Update or Other Action Received notification from contractor that the preliminary results at 6936 Weimer Road January 21, 2015 (24-hour) indoor air samples were all Non-detect and the outdoor air sample was 0.60 ug/m3 PCE. The preliminary results of the January 21, 2015 (24-hour) indoor air sampling of the Sand Lake Cleaners building had 190 to 300 ug/m3 PCE (PCE indoor air commercial target level is 180 ug/m3), TCE 4.4 to 6.0 ug/m3 (TCE indoor air commercial target level is 8.8 ug/m3), cis-1,2 DCE 11 to 13 ug/m3 (cis-1,2 DCE indoor air commercial target level is 31 ug/m3), and the air outdoor of that building had 1.3 ug/m3 PCE. Robert Weimer
2/18/2015 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter State of Alaska notification of hazardous substance liability (PRP) letter was sent to the current property owner Crestmoor Management, LLC. The letter also requests that they (1) Submit a work plan to ADEC by May 1, 2015 for performing an indoor air vapor intrusion assessment for the on property building, and implement the work plan within 30 days of ADEC approval of the work plan, with the results submitted to ADEC by September 15, 2015; (2) Submit a work plan to ADEC by May 1, 2015 for the characterization of the extent of soil and groundwater contamination with additional soil borings and monitoring wells, and implement the work plan within 30 days of ADEC approval of the work plan, with the results submitted to ADEC by September 15, 2015; and (3) Submit a work plan to ADEC by May 1, 2015 for conducting Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) groundwater sampling along with the collection of natural attenuation parameters and groundwater elevations of all (existing and proposed) monitoring wells, and implement the work plan within 30 days of ADEC approval of the work plan, with the results submitted to ADEC by September 15, 2015. By this letter, the Department requests their intentions in writing no later than 15 days of receipt of this letter with regard to the investigation, monitoring, and cleanup of the subject property. Robert Weimer
4/13/2015 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved DEC approval of the request for thermal treatment at Clean Harbors Aragonite Utah hazardous waste treatment facility of 1 gallon of purge water generated during a recent groundwater monitoring event. Robert Weimer
5/13/2015 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved DEC signs Hazardous Waste Manifest for the transport and treatment of contaminated purge water at Clean Harbors Aragonite's Grantsville Utah facility. Robert Weimer
7/13/2015 Update or Other Action DEC notified by the contractors that during the June 16, 2015 (24-hour) indoor air sampling at 6935 Jewel Lake Road building that arriving to pick up the air samples after 24 hours of sampling that the building doors were propped open and they were informed that they had been open all day due to the high temperatures in the building. The contractor will note this in the sampling report that the results will be considered biased low. Robert Weimer
7/13/2015 Update or Other Action Received notification from contractor that the preliminary results of the June 16, 2015 (24-hour) indoor air sampling of the Sand Lake Cleaners building had 84 to 94 ug/m3 PCE (PCE indoor air commercial target levels are 180 ug/m3), TCE 2.3 to 2.8 ug/m3 (TCE indoor air commercial target level is 8.8 ug/m3), cis-1,2 DCE 5.5 to 6.4 ug/m3 (cis-1,2 DCE indoor air commercial target level is 31 ug/m3), and the air outdoor of that building had 2.7 ug/m3 PCE. The results of the indoor air sampling is considered biased low because the building doors were propped open most of the day during the sampling. Robert Weimer
7/13/2015 Update or Other Action Received notification from contractor that the preliminary results of the June 11, 2015 groundwater monitoring event. Two monitoring wells were sampled (MW4 and MW6). MW4 had 1.8 ug/l cis 1,2 DCE, 17.5 ug/l PCE, and non-detect (<1.0 ug/l) TCE. MW6 had 57.1 ug/l cis 1,2 DCE, non-detect (<1.0 ug/l) PCE, and non-detect (<1.0 ug/l) TCE. Robert Weimer
7/31/2015 Update or Other Action As of this date have not received work plans requested in the February 18, 2015 PRP letter to the current property owner Crestmoor Management. The work plans were due by May 1, 2015. Robert Weimer
8/17/2015 Update or Other Action Call from Patrick Burke (the property owner and tenant) to provide updated contact information. He said he did not recall receiving the February 18, 2015 Notification of Hazardous Substance Liability letter that requested additional site work. A review of the site file documented that he signed for the return receipt for that letter. He requested that a copy of that letter be emailed to him. He requested that future correspondence be sent to his home address. Robert Weimer
8/19/2015 Update or Other Action ADEC emailed a copy of the ADEC February 18, 2015 "State of Alaska Notification - Hazardous Substance Liability" letter to Patrick Burke of Crestmoor Management. He is the current owner of the Sand Lake Cleaners property. The letter was addressed to him and he had signed the return receipt for that letter back in February of 2015. Robert Weimer
8/27/2015 Update or Other Action Email from Patrick Burke (the property owner and tenant) that he has contacted a consultant who has read the contaminated sites file for this site, but would like to review the state contractors report prior to completing the requested work plans. The report is expected to be completed by September 10, 2015. ADEC has no objection to Mr. Burke submitting within 30 days of the release of the report the requested work plans and schedule for conducting the work. Robert Weimer
1/13/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Review of the October 29, 2015 Sand Lake Cleaners Groundwater and Indoor Air Monitoring Report. The report documented the indoor air sampling conducted during both frozen and non-frozen ground conditions at the residential property at 6936 Weimer Road and the Sand Lake Clears building at 6935 Jewel Lake Road. The report also documented the indoor air sampling conducted during non-frozen ground conditions at the residential properties at 6936 Weimer Road, 6952 Weimer Road, 7016 Weimer Road, and 6920 Weimer Road, and at the Well Fargo Bank located at 6961 Jewel Lake Road and two groundwater monitoring events for the site monitoring wells. Robert Weimer
1/13/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The October 29, 2015 Sand Lake Cleaners Groundwater and Indoor Air Monitoring Report documented the indoor air sampling conducted during both frozen (1/21/2015) and non-frozen (9/10/2014) ground conditions at the residential property located at 6936 Weimer Road. All indoor air samples were non-detect for the 1/21/2015 sampling event. Up to 5.4 ug/m3 Tetrachloroethene (PCE) was detected in the indoor air for the 9/10/2104 sampling event, which is below the 42 ug/m3 residential screening level. All other compounds were non-detect. A copy of the report was provided to the residential property owner by the sampling firm. Robert Weimer
1/13/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The October 29, 2015 Sand Lake Cleaners Groundwater and Indoor Air Monitoring Report documented the indoor air sampling conducted during both frozen (2/7/2014) and non-frozen (9/10/2014) ground conditions at the residential property located at 6952 Weimer Road. All indoor air samples were non-detect for the 2/7/2014 sampling event. Up to 27 ug/m3 Tetrachloroethene (PCE) was detected in the indoor air for the 9/10/2104 sampling event, which is below the 42 ug/m3 residential screening level. All other compounds were non-detect. A copy of the report was provided to the residential property owner by the sampling firm. Robert Weimer
1/13/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The October 29, 2015 Sand Lake Cleaners Groundwater and Indoor Air Monitoring Report documented the indoor air sampling conducted during both frozen (2/7/2014) and non-frozen (9/10/2014) ground conditions at the residential property located at 7016 Weimer Road. All indoor air samples were non-detect for the both sampling events. A copy of the report was provided to the residential property owner by the sampling firm. Robert Weimer
1/13/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The October 29, 2015 Sand Lake Cleaners Groundwater and Indoor Air Monitoring Report documented the indoor air sampling conducted during both frozen (11/8/2014) and non-frozen (9/10/2014) ground conditions at the Well Fargo Bank commercial property located at 6961 Jewel Lake Road. All indoor air samples were non-detect for both sampling events. A copy of the report was provided to Well Fargo Bank by the sampling firm. Robert Weimer
1/13/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The October 29, 2015 Sand Lake Cleaners Groundwater and Indoor Air Monitoring Report documented the indoor air sampling conducted during both frozen (on January 21, 2015) and non-frozen (on June 16, 2015) ground conditions at the Sand Lake Cleaners commercial property located at 6935 Jewel Lake Road. For the January 21, 2015 sampling event up to 300 ug/m3 Tetrachloroethene (PCE) was detected in the indoor air (which is above the 180 ug/m3 PCE commerical screening level), up to 6 ug/m3 Trichloroethene (TCE) (which is below the 8.8 ug/m3 TCE commercial screening level), and 13 ug/m3 cis-1,2DCA (which is below the 31 ug/m3 cis-1,2DCA screening level). For the June 16, 2015 sampling event up to 94 ug/m3 Tetrachloroethene (PCE) was detected in the indoor air (which is below the 180 ug/m3 PCE commerical screening level), up to 2.8 ug/m3 Trichloroethene (TCE) (which is below the 8.8 ug/m3 TCE commercial screening level), and 6.4 ug/m3 cis-1,2DCA (which is below the 31 ug/m3 cis-1,2DCA screening level). Since the doors of the building were found to be propped open for an extended portion of the 24 hour sampling event the results of the June 16, 2015 sampling event are considered biased low due to the dilution of the indoor air with outdoor air. A copy of the report was hand delivered by the sampling firm to the property owner Patrick Burke on January 4, 2016. Robert Weimer
1/13/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On February 24, 2015 one monitoring well was sampled (MW4). MW4 had 0.4 ug/l cis 1,2 DCE, 1.7 ug/l PCE, and non-detect (<0.5 ug/l) TCE. MW6 was frozen and could not be sampled this monitoring event. Depth to groundwater was 74.8 feet below ground surface. The groundwater sample was collected with a bladder pump after purging the monitoring well. Robert Weimer
1/13/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On June 11, 2015 two of the site monitoring wells were sampled (MW4 and MW6). MW4 had up to 1.8 ug/l cis 1,2 DCE, 17.5 ug/l PCE, and non-detect (<0.5 ug/l) TCE. MW6 had 57.1 ug/l cis 1,2 DCE and non-detect (<1.0 ug/l) TCE and PCE. Depth to groundwater was 74.49 to 76.09 feet below ground surface. The groundwater samples were collected with a bladder pump after purging the monitoring wells. The contaminant concentrations increased in MW4 from the previous monitoring event. Robert Weimer
1/14/2016 Update or Other Action ADEC received documentation that a hard copy and electronic copy of the October 29, 2015 Groundwater and Indoor Air Monitoring Report were hand delivered to Patrick Burke the property owner on January 4, 2016 by Zack Kirk of Rescon Alaska who briefly discussed the report with Mr. Burke. The work plans and schedule for conducting the work requested in the ADEC February 18, 2015 letter are now due by February 3, 2016 (within 30 days of receipt of the report). Robert Weimer
2/24/2016 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC and DOL meeting with property owner (Patrick Burke) and his consultant (Rescon Alaska) to discuss future site work. He will have his consultant submit the requested work plan. Robert Weimer
3/23/2016 Update or Other Action Update from consultant that they will be submitting a work plan by April 15, 2016 for installing additional monitoring wells and conducting groundwater monitoring. Robert Weimer
4/28/2016 Update or Other Action Update from consultant that they are finalizing the work plan for installing additional monitoring wells and conducting groundwater monitoring with the property owner and they plan to submit it to ADEC by no later than May 2, 2016. Robert Weimer
6/6/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC approves Rescon Alaska's June 2, 2016 Soil and Groundwater Investigation work plan. The work plan proposes to install and sample 5 to 7 temporary monitoring wells down-gradient from the property, drill and sample one deep soil boring on the property to help log soil lithology and characterize the depth of the subsurface contamination at that location. The work is to be conducted in June/July of 2016, with a report of the results submitted to ADEC within 60 days of receipt of the laboratory analytical results. The report will include recommendations for additional remedial activities for this site. ADEC noted that additional assessment, monitoring, and remedial actions will required. Robert Weimer
4/17/2017 Site Visit Site visit to observe installation and sampling of temporary monitoring wells. Robert Weimer
6/12/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On April 17-18, 2017 5 temporary monitoring wells down-gradient from the property were installed and 4 of them were sampled. Monitoring well B4 had 0.64 ug/l tetrachloroethene and non-detect for the other VOCs. The rest of the samples were non-detect for VOCs. One deep soil boring on the property was drilled to 63.5 feet below ground surface where they hit refusal. Groundwater was not encountered in that boring, the depth to groundwater is expected to be around 76 feet below ground surface at that location. Up to 0.22 mg/kg 1,1-Dichloroethene, 60 mg/kg cis-1,2-Dichloroethene, 14 mg/kg Tetrachloroethene, 0.35 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene, 0.18 mg/kg Trichloroethene, and 0.34 mg/kg Vinyl chloride. Contamination over migration to groundwater cleanup levels was found in all of the depths sampled. Because of they hit refusal they were not able to sample the soil/water interface and drill deeper to look for a confining layer and evaluate for the presence of DNAPL below the groundwater as proposed in the approved work plan. Robert Weimer
6/12/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other June 9, 2017 Site Investigation report recommends the installation of a long term off-property monitoring well to the north of the Sand Lake Cleaners property to help define the extent of the groundwater contamination. They also recommend the collection of groundwater samples for the existing and new monitoring wells. They do not recommend the installation of a soil vapor extraction (SVE) system due to the highly dense silty soils encountered in the on-property boring. Robert Weimer
6/14/2017 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with RP and his consultant to discuss recent 2017 site work and future site work. His consultant is to submit a work plan and schedule for: 1. The installation of a deep/nested monitoring well on the property just downgradient of the release points. This monitoring well will help assess for DNAPL, confining layer below groundwater, and contaminant concentrations at deeper depths in the groundwater, 2. The installation of a monitoring well off-property to the northeast to help define the extent of the contamination in that direction, 3. The surveying and sampling of all of the monitoring wells, including monitoring well MW-5 that was recently located. Based on the results of the groundwater monitoring DEC will determine the future groundwater sampling frequency. Robert Weimer
9/18/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC has no objection to what is proposed in the updated September 18, 2017 Site Paving and Waste Disposal Plan for the 6935 Jewel Lake Road property. The plan calls for the demolition and proper disposal of the existing building, capping the sewer line, trenching for electrical, and some excavation of a higher spot on the north side of the property. Any excavated soil or paving is to placed back where it was excavated or placed in another contaminated portion of the property. The rest of the building slab and property pavement is to remain in place. The entire property is then to be paved over with new parking lot. Work is expected to be completed in September/October of 2017. Robert Weimer
11/20/2017 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved DEC approved transport and disposal of 5.5 cubic yards (6 super sacks) of contaminated soils to the US Ecology Grand View Idaho hazardous waste disposal facility. The soil was generated during building demolition and site paving activities at the site this fall. Robert Weimer
9/20/2018 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved DEC approved transport and disposal of 2 super sacks of contaminated soils and 9 drums of wet soil and water to the US Ecology Grand View Idaho hazardous waste disposal facility. The soil and water was generated during the installation of additional monitoring wells at the site in August 6-14, 2018. Robert Weimer
9/13/2019 Update or Other Action Checked with consultant on the status the report for the work conducted in 2018, they are finalizing the report and expect to submit it by the end of September 2019. Robert Weimer
2/3/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Report was submitted on February 3, 2020. Two new monitoring wells were installed: MW7 in source area and MW8 downgradient and off of the property. Both wells were screened at the bottom of the aquifer (115 to 125 feet below ground surface) but the MW8 well screen was extended up to 75 feet below ground surface to allow sample collection at two depths (81 and 120 feet). Groundwater results detected PCE and its degradation products in MW7, but vinyl chloride was the only compound exceeding cleanup levels. PCE was the only compound detected in the downgradient MW8, but did not exceed cleanup levels. The only other compound found above cleanup levels was cis-1,2-dichloroethylene in MW6 at 139 ug/L. The groundwater data was biased low due to data quality issues. Janice Wiegers
9/25/2020 Update or Other Action DEC sent a letter to the responsible party commenting on the February 2020 report. At least 4 quarter of groundwater monitoring with acceptable data quality is needed to evaluate groundwater quality in the new wells. Additional monitoring is planned for October. Janice Wiegers
10/27/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other RESCON Alaska responded to DEC comments and submitted a final version of the Site Investigation Report originally submitted in February (dated 11/3/2020). Future reports will included historical groundwater data tables. RESCON stated that groundwater has been shown to flow north at this location, but the monitoring wells will be surveyed and groundwater flow direction and gradient will be included in future reports. Janice Wiegers
2/3/2021 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved Approved disposal of 55 gallon drum of purge water to US Ecology in Idaho. Janice Wiegers
6/23/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Report submitted. Janice Wiegers
11/18/2021 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 74294 2000 solvent contamination. Jim Fish
1/6/2022 Update or Other Action Letter sent to property owmer concurring with consultants recommendation of addtional groundwater monitoring, and asking for deployment of pressure tranducers to better understand groundwater movement and potential for offsite contaminant migration. Jim Fish
6/17/2022 Update or Other Action Sent additional comment to consultant regarding understanding groundwater movement, and recommended trend analysis of COCs in wells, as well as a pre-closure site report during development of covenant and Fall 2022 data reporting. Jim Fish
5/15/2023 Update or Other Action Sent email to P. Burke (RP) regarding January 2022 request for workplan to better understand groundwater movement on the site. Jim Fish
6/9/2023 Update or Other Action Project Manager was copied on an email from P.Burke to ResCon (Zach Kirk) to address DEC's concerns outlined in the January 2022 letter. Jim Fish
7/20/2023 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contacted P. Burke (responsible party) and he indicated the DEC requested work will happen this August 2023, with ResCon (consultant) performing the work. Jim Fish
9/13/2023 Site Characterization Workplan Approved DEC approved a 2023 work plan addendum for additional groundwater monitoring and deployment of pressure transducers to ascertain seasonal groundwater flow directions(s); groundwater monitoring data will also be evaluated by trend analyses. A final report is not anticipated until late 2024, but groundwater monitoring data shortly after being available from the labroatory. Jim Fish

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