Site Report: Marshall Fish Processing Plant
We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.
This tank farm consisted of a gasoline and diesel tank. According to the manager of the plant, the gasoline tank (formerly used to fuel boats) had been removed a number of years ago. He also said they had had a small release of fuel oil a while back near the generator day tank. This tank farm will continue to have its own fuel oil tank operation and not undergo any consolidation.
Visual Assessment:
*The gasoline tank was gone and the ground in this area had been disturbed. The dispenser hose from this former tank was still lying on the ground on the other side to the road.
*The fuel oil tank is still used to fuel a generator for the processing plant. The tank appears to sit on fill materials approximately 5 feet above road level. There is a small bermed and lined area under the tank.
*The generator is located approximately 15 to 20 feet northwest of the fuel oil tank.
*The fuel oil tank and generator are approximately 50 to 75 feet from the Yukon River.
In the 2000 Site Reconnaissance Report by HartCroswer, one soil sample from the Fish Processing Plant was sent for laboratory analysis. It was collected from a boring situated approximately 5 feet north of the mid-part of the generator and was collected from a depth of 4.5 feet bgs. GRO concentrations were 344 ppm, DRO concentrations were 11,200 ppm and benzene concentrations were 0.930 ppm.
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