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Site Report: Barter Island LRRS Hangar(SS022)

Site Name: Barter Island LRRS Hangar(SS022)
Address: Hangar, Barter Island Runway, North Side of Runway, Kaktovik, AK 99747
File Number: 350.38.008
Hazard ID: 4229
Status: Active
Staff: Kelly Walker, 9074512166
Latitude: 70.135563
Longitude: -143.589760
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


The hangar is currently being used for dry storage of assorted equipment, vehicles, and supplies. Composite and hot spot sampling in 2005 detected DRO and RRO above Method 1 cleanup levels. PCBs were detected in every sample with one at 6.3 mg/Kg. One composite sample contained lead and chromium above Method 2 cleanup levels. This site is a compliance site for the Barter Island LRRS.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
4/24/2006 Update or Other Action File number issued 350.38.008. Aggie Blandford
4/24/2006 Site Added to Database DRO, RRO, PCBs, lead, and chromium Bill Petrik
4/24/2006 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Initial ranking. Bill Petrik
4/24/2006 GIS Position Updated Coordinates approximate. Used TopoZone Pro in conjunction with site maps and "Figure 1-1, Barter Island LRRS 2005 Investigation Sites, Photo Date 2000," from a report titled "U.S. Air Force, Barter Island LRRS, Alaska, Environmental Restoration Program, Investigation Report for Six Sites, Draft," February 2006. Low to moderate confidence in accuracy because no aerial photography for the area available in TopoZone Pro. Recommend GPSing the site to improve accuracy. Scale=1:50K. Bill Petrik
6/22/2006 Site Characterization Report Approved Hangar The Hangar is located on the northern side of the runway. The USAF is the current owner of the hangar building and it was scheduled for Clean Sweep demolition until the Kaktovik Inupiat Corporation requested it for its use. It is on a gravel pad and is used for storage by various entities. Metal matting covers the floor except for two areas that are concrete. The floor was divided into grids and composite samples collected. Hot spots that visible stained were sampled as well as an area outside the building where a transformer is present. DRO, RRO, arsenic, chromium, lead and PCBs were detected above Method One or 1/10th of the Method Two cleanup levels. The report recommends further characterization of the site to determine the extent of contamination. Materials stored in the building will need to be removed to provide access to the entire surface. DEC concurs with the need for additional site characterization. Debra Caillouet
2/27/2007 Interim Removal Action Approved Based on the 2006 sample results, no significant PCB contamination above 1 mg/Kg is present at the Hangar. Contamination remaining inside the Hangar based on the 2005 Remedial Investigation consists of GRO, DRO, and RRO above ADEC Method One cleanup levels. RRO exceeded the Method Two cleanup level in one sample collected in a stained area. Debra Caillouet
5/18/2007 Site Characterization Report Approved The Final, 2006 Remedial Action and EBS Sampling Report, Barter Island LRRS, April 2007 was approved . Debra Caillouet
5/18/2007 Update or Other Action Approximately three cubic yards of PCB contaminated soil was removed outside of the hangar on the southwest corner. Confirmation samples collected outside the hanger in 2006 did not contain PCBs above 1 mg/kg. A transformer is still present within the hangar in the concrete floored southwest wing. A photograph from the 2005 Remedial Investigation Report shows staining on the concrete floor. DEC is unaware of any sampling of the concrete within this room for PCB contamination. Inside the Hangar based on the 2005 Remedial Investigation, GRO, DRO, and RRO are present above ADEC Method I cleanup levels but below Method II except for one RRO sample collected in a stained area that contained 19,900 mg/kg RRO. This is above the ingestion based cleanup level for residential exposure but below the inhalation level. The floor of the hangar is Marston matting over soil and removal or remediation of this area would require the removal of the matting. The matting also presents a partial barrier to the underlying soil. The hangar is an industrial site that is currently used for dry storage of heavy equipment and planes. This use is projected to continue. The Air Force requested a conditional closure for the hangar. DEC can not conditionally close the hangar until the data gap for the concrete floor in the transformer room is resolved. Debra Caillouet
10/9/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Debra Caillouet
4/12/2010 Interim Removal Action Approved The 2008 Clean Sweep report was approved. The floor of West Mechanical Room in the Hangar was remediated for PCBs. A 5 sf area of the floor adjacent to the south wall of the hangar was scarified and the top 1/4” of concrete was removed. Sample results indicated successful remediation of this area. Sampling activities isolated another area of 59 sf of the concrete floor containing PCB concentrations greater than 1.0 mg/Kg. Aroclor 1254 was the Aroclor identified among all samples collected. Multiple attempts to reduce PCB concentrations by milling the surface of the concrete failed. This section of the floor, along with another 11 ½ sf area located within the walkway from the mechanical room to the hangar, was broken apart with a jack hammer. All concrete debris was packaged and shipped off-site for disposal. The two excavated areas were backfilled with clean gravel. Following milling, sampling and demolition activities all PCB-contaminated concrete was removed from the floor of the West Mechanical Room. Debra Caillouet
4/12/2010 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 75195 Spills. Debra Caillouet
12/29/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Technical Project Report, Draft, Environmental Long Tem Management, Barter Island Long Range Radar Station, December 20144. Results are included for SS022 that should not be in this report. ADEC did review these results and notes that the lead samples were field filtered. This is not allowed for site characterization or closure determinations unless specifically approved in the work plan (18 AAC 75.370(c)2). When preparing the report for the investigation at SS022 the lead results are to be rejected. Debra Caillouet
3/2/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Technical Project Report, Final, Environmental Long Tem Management, Barter Island Long Range Radar Station, February 2015 Debra Caillouet
11/4/2015 CERCLA FS Received Final Site Characterization and RI/FS Report for SS022, Barter Island LRRS. Final version incorporated DEC comments to previous version. John Carnahan
3/7/2016 CERCLA Proposed Plan Approval to Final version of Proposed Plan. John Carnahan
5/31/2016 Update or Other Action Final minor revisions to Proposed Plan completed, dated 5/31/2016. John Carnahan
9/29/2016 Meeting or Teleconference Held Barrow RAB Meeting held. Debenham in attendance. John Carnahan
1/17/2017 Update or Other Action Stephen Krause replaces Lori Roy as the AF RPM for Barter, Bullen, Wainwright, Lisburne, Point Lonely, Oliktok, Lake Louise, Big Mtn and Duncan Canal. John Carnahan
3/23/2017 CERCLA ROD Approved ROD approved and signed. Previously approved August 2016. John Carnahan
4/16/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Provide comments on UFP-SAP for Hangar Site SS022 demolition and removal. Work to commence May 2018 with field work completed Fall 2018. John Carnahan
6/27/2018 Update or Other Action Report from RPM that the hangar is nearly demolished and excavation should be commencing shortly. John Carnahan
6/1/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided comments for the Expanded Remedial Investigation work plan for SS022. This plan details the further delineation of PCB and POL contaminated soils, verifying the location of buried fuel lines and identifying potential borrow areas for backfilling excavations. This work plan builds from the 2013 work plan. Kelly Walker
7/31/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approves the Expanded Remedial Investigation work plan for Site SS022. Activities to be conducted include further delineating PCB and POL contaminated soils, verifying the location of buried fuel lines and identify potential borrow areas for use in backfilling excavation areas. Kelly Walker
9/28/2020 Update or Other Action DEC approves Remedial Action - Construction and Demolition Report for SS022. This report detailed the construction, demolition and remediation activities at the site of the former hangar, SS022. Kelly Walker
10/22/2021 CERCLA Proposed Plan Review of SS022 Proposed Plan completed and returned to RPM. Proposed Plan for SS022 revises the 2016 selected remedy for addressing diesel range organics (DRO) contaminated soils within the former footprint of hangar SS022. New selected alternative will excavate, transport, and dispose of DRO contaminated soils above Method Two Arctic Zone Soil Cleanup Levels. DEC provided comments to the RPM on 10/22. Kelly Walker
11/9/2021 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 75195 Spills. Kelly Walker
12/7/2021 CERCLA Proposed Plan Proposed Plan for SS022 approved. Newly selected preferred remedy for SS022 is to excavate, transport, and dispose of all DRO contaminated soils above Method Two Arctic Zone Cleanup Levels. Public comment period is from December 23 thru January 23. ROD/DD will follow commencement of comment period. Kelly Walker
1/24/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Initial review completed of 2021 LTM Report for Barter Island LRRS, Sites LF001, SS011, SS013, SS014, and SS022. This report details the annual inspection of the institutional controls/land use controls in place at Barter Island LRRS. Visual inspection results show minimal site disturbance, IC signs were in good condition and minor fencing repairs are needed for the perimeter of SS014. Additional IC signage is recommended for SS011, SS022, SS013. Kelly Walker
7/12/2022 CERCLA ROD Approved SS022 Amended ROD approved. Newly selected remedy for SS022 will be to remove all DRO contaminated soils above Method Two B2 Arctic Zone Soil Cleanup Levels and dispose of them at an approved disposal facility. Kelly Walker
4/4/2023 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review Review completed for 2022 Long-Term Management Report, Barter Island LRRS, Sites LF001, SS011, SS013, SS014, and SS022. This report detailed the annual inspection of the institutional control/land use controls (IC/LUCs) at Barter Island LRRS. DEC approved this report, ICs/LUCs were all functioning as required. Kelly Walker
2/29/2024 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review DEC reviewed and approved the 2023 Long-Term Management Report for Barter Island LRRS Sites LF001, SS011, SS013, SS014, and SS022. This report detailed the 2023 annual long-term management inspection of institutional controls/land use controls in place at these sites. Visual inspection results noted that site conditions were largely unchanged from last year's inspections. Minimal site disturbance was reported throughout the installation. IC signage was intact and legible at all locations. SS011 observations included snow covering and some ponding. SS022 observations included more debris and litter present than 2022, appearing to have been minimally disturbed. Kelly Walker

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