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EDMS Hydrostatic / Aquifer Pump Testing General Permit NOI

Instructions for Completing a Notice of Intent (NOI) Form for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Hydrostatic or Aquifer Pump Testing General Permit (GP) using EDMS.

Contact Information

Enter contact information for the entity that operates the project described in this application. The entity that is conducting the hydrostatic or aquifer pump testing operation and has responsibility for on-site operations necessary to assure compliance to the permit shall complete and submit an NOI. Enter the operator's mailing address, telephone number, and e-mail address. Correspondence for the NOI will be sent to this address.

Enter contact information for the Applicant (Responsible Official), and Application preparer, and Billing contact. Enter the name of the contact person and the legal name of the firm, public organization, or any other public entity that is responsible for accounts payable for this project. Correspondence for billing purposes will be sent to this address. See 18 AAC 72.956 for applicable authorization fee to be paid with the submittal of the NOI.

Multiple roles may be selected per contact.

Project/Site Information

Select whether the NOI is for Hydrostatic Testing or Aquifer Pump Testing.

Enter a general description of hydrostatic or aquifer pump testing plan (a detailed plan should be described in a certified BMP plan).

Enter the estimated project start date and estimated completion date.

Enter complete street address, including city, state, zip code, and county or similar government subdivision of the project. Do NOT use a P.O. Box. If the project lacks a street address, indicate the general location of the site (e.g., Intersection of State Highways 61 and 34). Complete project location information must be provided for permit authorization to be granted.

Select correct borough for project location.

Enter the latitude and longitude of the project site in decimal degrees format with up to 6-digit accuracy. You can obtain the project's latitude and longitude through Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers, internet map service, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) quadrangle or topographic maps, or EPA's web-based siting-tools, among other methods. For consistency, DEC requests that measurements be taken from the approximate center of the project site.

Select the method used to determine geographic coordinates.

Attach a general location map for the project site.

Discharge Information

Indicate the anticipated discharge flow rates and the total anticipated discharge with your estimated discharge velocity at the discharge point.

Indicate whether the water discharge is solely to land. If no, identify all receiving water bodies or wetlands to which the project's stormwater will discharge. These should be the first bodies of water that the discharge will reach. For example, if the discharge leaves your site and travels through a roadside swale or a storm sewer and then enters a stream that flows to a river, the stream would be the receiving water body. Waters of the U.S. include lakes, streams, creeks, rivers, wetlands, impoundments, estuaries, bays, oceans, and other surface bodies of water within the confines of the U.S. and U.S. coastal waters. (Waters of the U.S. do not include man-made structures created solely for the purpose of wastewater treatment.) USGS topographical maps may be used to make this determination. If the map does not provide a name, use a format such as “unnamed tributary to Cross Creek”. If you discharge into a municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4), you must identify the water body into which that portion of the storm sewer discharges. That information should be readily available from the operator of the MS4.

Indicate whether you have aquifer pump testing discharges to Waters of the U.S.

Indicate whether the hydrostatic or aquifer pump testing activities are located with 1,500 feet of an “Active DEC identified contaminated site or groundwater plume”.

Indicate whether the discharge is greater than 30,000 gallons a day.

BMP Plan

Indicate whether a BMP Plan has been developed. In accordance with Part 2.2.9 of the permit all Hydrostatic or Aquifer Pump Testing discharges which require NOI submittal are required to develop and submit a BMP plan.

Enter Treatment Methodology as to how contaminant will be mitigated should it become entrained during the hydrostatic or aquifer pump testing process.

Attach a detailed site map to show discharge points, infiltration areas, drainage boundaries, flow direction of discharged water, location of all waters of the U.S. on site and those located within 2,500 feet of the site boundary. Include location of BMPs to be implemented.


This step allows you to review the form to confirm the form is populated completely and accurately, prior to certification and submission.

Certify and Submit

This step allows you to certify the form as complete and accurate and to submit the form to DEC for review and processing.

At the time of submission, it will be transmitted to DEC and it will become part of the public record.

external link indicator Indicates an external site.