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Site Report: Former Alaska Packers Assn. Cannery (Pilot Point)

Site Name: Former Alaska Packers Assn. Cannery (Pilot Point)
Address: Diamond Plant No. 855 Cannery Road, Pilot Point, AK 99649
File Number: 2571.38.001
Hazard ID: 1028
Status: Active
Staff: Stacee Henderson, 9072628202
Latitude: 57.562409
Longitude: -157.582409
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


According to DEC records, an anonymous tip to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was passed on to DEC in May 1990 that an unknown quantity of Bunker C fuel had been released from an estimated 10,000-gallon fuel tank. The release was noted as having taken place over time in the past. In a subsequent spill report, approximately 3,000 gallons of old Bunker C oil was reportedly released from a ~16,000-gallon vertical aboveground storage tank (AST) on 4/28/1992. The release occurred from the corroded base of a 17.5' diameter by 10' high AST. Other concerns associated with the tank farm are unknown. In 2006, the City of Pilot Point successfully applied for a DEC Brownfield Assessment to conduct a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) and subsequent Site Characterization based on the Phase I findings. The field work occurred in spring 2007. Lots 2, 3 and 4, U.S. Survey No. 63, and Alaska Tidelands Survey No. 65. Brownfield project work is tracked in DEC File no. 2571.57.001, Alaska Packers Cannery at Pilot Point.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
5/25/1990 Site Added to Database Bunker C contamination. Referred from PERP, spill number 902511451. Former Staff
4/28/1992 Update or Other Action Gene Burton of EPA forwarded an anonymous complaint about cannery oil tanks leaking possible bunker C. Spill no. 922511183. Mike Lewis
12/28/1994 Update or Other Action Bunker "C" leak at Old Cannery. Presume new losses are old losses with new reports. No investigation. Ray Dronenburg
9/18/1996 Site Visit Site visit by PERP staffs Gail Volt, Leslie Pearson and Mike Gardner. An inventory of remaining tanks was performed. Another ~16,000 gallon vertical AST had 2' 11" of product remaining in it. this calculates to ~5,000 gallons. There are three 19' 7" long by 9' 4.5" high horizontal aboveground storage tanks (ASTs) adjacent to the vertical ASTs. Two are empty and the third has product in it to a depth of 3' 1". This equates to ~2,900 gallons. Two 19' long by 8' high horizontal ASTs are also adjacent to this existing group of ASTs. One of the tanks has product height of 1' 5" while the other has product to 1' 11". These heights calculate out to ~900 and 1,300 gallons, respectively. Gail Volt
11/5/1996 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Site ranked by Shannon and Wilson personnel. S&W
9/4/2002 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Changed Release Information Value from 0.5 to 1 as PERP site visit on 9/18/96 photo-documented the oil release; Site Access Value from 1 to 2 because site access is uncontrolled; Air Exposure Index Value from 0.1 to 0.2 because release is pooled on surface; Population Density Value from 3 to 5; Population Proximity Value from 0.5 to 1; GW Usage from 08. to 1; and SW Exposure from ).4 to 0. Former Staff
2/8/2005 Update or Other Action File number reassigned from 2438.38.001 to 2571.38.001 Aggie Blandford
9/27/2006 Update or Other Action Project Manager changed from Eileen Olson to John Carnahan since it is being managed as a DEC Brownfield Assessment. A new file to track the brownfield work was set up: file no. 2571.57.001. John Carnahan
9/27/2006 Brownfields Award Brownfield Confirmed: Site to receive FY 2007 DEC Brownfield Assessment to address environmental hindrances associated with the former cannery at Pilot Point. EPA State and Tribal Response Program (STRP) funds $14,479 awarded to Pilot Point Tribal Council for a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment. NTP# 18-9028-11-05. Current status: Phase I only with pending Phase II activities for summer 2007. John Carnahan
6/26/2007 Update or Other Action Received Phase I ESA report through DEC Brownfield Assessment program. Recognized environmental conditions were identified, including: bunker C release associated wtih tank farm and tanks; asbestos containing materials are likely within structures; drum storage area has surface stains; potential releases within buildings could have migrated beneath. Additionally, lead-based paint may have been used and weathered onsite. John Carnahan
7/9/2007 Brownfields Award Site to receive FY 2008 Site Characterization at Alaska Packers Cannery at Pilot Point. EPA State and Tribal Response Program (STRP) funds $52,864 awarded to Pilot Point Tribal Council/City of Pilor Point. Continuation project from FY2007. NTP# 18-9028-10. Cascade Galasso-Irish
1/1/2008 Brownfields Award FY 2009 $2150 EPA STRP funds awarded to the City of Pilot Point for a site characterization continuation. NTP# 1890281367 Cascade Galasso-Irish
9/29/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 72007 name: Former Tank Farm John Carnahan
10/1/2008 Site Characterization Report Approved Received draft of final Phase 2 site characterization report which identified three areas of exploration: tank farm area; north and adjacent to Bldg. F; and between Bldgs. F and H. Staining was observed as were drums and buckets of unknown substances. Concentrations of diesel range organics (DRO), residual range organics (RRO), benzene and lead exceeded cleanup criteria. Asbestos and lead based paint were identified in several structures. Approximately 1,000 cubic yards of soil may be contaminated with petroleum and soil was identified as contaminated with lead chips from buildings. John Carnahan
3/28/2012 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC Reuse & Redevelopment Program staff met with representatives from the City of Pilot Point to discuss applications for an EPA Targeted Brownfield Assessment (TBA) and an EPA Competitive Cleanup Grant. The TBA would be intended to fill data gaps from past assessments and develop a corrective action plan to support the cleanup grant application. Sonja Benson
4/10/2012 Update or Other Action Physical File transferred to Fairbanks 4-10-12 Susan Carberry
6/1/2012 Update or Other Action EPA notified the City of Pilot Point that their application for a Targeted Brownfield Assessment (TBA) was approved. The next step will be to set up a teleconference to discuss scheduling the field work. Sonja Benson
9/11/2012 Site Visit EPA contractor for the TBA conducted a site visit to collect soil samples and evaluate site conditions in order to assist with cleanup planning at the site. Sonja Benson
11/2/2012 Update or Other Action EPA provided a copy of their contractor's draft executive summary for the Pilot Point TBA. Deteriorating or leaking 55-gallon drums of petroleum hydrocarbons and unknown contents, and deteriorating asbestos-containing building materials (ACBM) and lead-based paints are still present on, in, and around many of the buildings. The contents of the drums and chemical containers should be further determined before selecting the proper recycling or disposal method. In some locations ACBM cleanup may take precedence over any other activity. Based on analytical results of subsurface soil samples, diesel-range organics (DRO) is the primary contaminant of concern at the site. The highest concentrations of DRO and residual-range organics (RRO) were found in samples from within the bermed tank farm at a depth of 3.1 feet below ground surface (bgs), within the courtyard between Buildings H and F at a depth of 3.5 feet bgs, and within the north half of the former tank farm southeast of Building J at approximately 5 feet bgs. The observed depth to groundwater (3.5 to 4 feet bgs) defined the vertical extent of soil contamination. The estimated amount of DRO-contaminated soil within the courtyard area is approximately 45 cubic yards (58 tons), within the Tank Farm approximately 600 cubic yards (780 tons), and within the former Tank Farm area approximately 534 cubic yards (694 tons). Groundwater conditions of the project site were not investigated beyond field observations at hand auger borings and excavated test pits. One groundwater sample from a well near Building F contained a low level of RRO that was below the DEC Groundwater Cleanup Level. Sonja Benson
12/4/2012 Update or Other Action The City of Pilot Point submitted a proposal to EPA for a Brownfield Cleanup Grant, meeting the December 3 deadline. Award announcements are expected in Spring 2013. The proposal focused on asbestos abatement, with other resources to be applied to the cleanup of areas with petroleum contamination. Sonja Benson
1/30/2013 Update or Other Action EPA sent a letter on this date to the City of Pilot Point informing them that their proposal for a Brownfield Cleanup Grant failed to meet certain threshold criteria. The letter states that "EPA grant funding may not be used to pay for response costs at a brownfield site for which the recipient of the grant or loan is potentially liable under Section 107 of CERCLA." Sonja Benson
4/11/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received the final Targeted Brownfield Assessment (TBA) report from EPA. (See entry for 11/2/2012.) Sonja Benson
8/5/2015 Update or Other Action Transfer to program manager Vreeman for PRP follow up. Fred Vreeman
7/29/2016 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter Sent Big Heart Pet Brands a potentially responsible party (PRP) letter. Erin Gleason
8/2/2016 Update or Other Action Sent work plan request letter to Big Heart Pet Brands Erin Gleason
8/4/2016 Update or Other Action In the August 2, 2016 Work Plan request letter, ADEC requested Big Heart submit a information questionnaire by August 15,2016. Deadline for information questionnaire has been extended to September 15, 2016 Erin Gleason
8/8/2016 Update or Other Action Updated owner records search completed by Alaska Department of Law (ADOL). Land has been transferred since search in 2012. New owners on file. Erin Gleason
8/11/2016 Update or Other Action Site visit is planned for 8/30/2016 with ADEC, Environmental Resources Management (ERM), and Big Heart Pet Brands. Access agreements sent to all current land owners. Erin Gleason
8/30/2016 Site Visit ADEC, Big Heart Pet Brands, and ERM Consulting conducted site visit. Took pictures and met with current land owners. Erin Gleason
9/12/2016 Update or Other Action In the August 2, 2016 Work Plan request letter, ADEC requested Big Heart submit a information questionnaire by August 15,2016. Deadline for information questionnaire has been extended to October 17, 2016 Erin Gleason
9/19/2016 Update or Other Action ADEC sent the City of Pilot Point and the Pilot Point Tribal council a request for documentation of legal ownership on 9/15/2016. At present the land ownership is unclear. In addition, ADEC requested more detailed information about the petroleum tanks that were present on the property. Erin Gleason
10/19/2016 Update or Other Action Letter received from Big Heart Pet Brands detailing their intent for the site. Erin Gleason
10/19/2016 Update or Other Action Big Heart Pet Brands completed and returned information request from August 2, 2016. Erin Gleason
10/20/2016 Update or Other Action Sent follow up letter to city and tribal council. Erin Gleason
10/24/2016 Update or Other Action Information request received from Joe Evans. Completed. Erin Gleason
10/27/2016 Update or Other Action ADEC is reviewing information from August 2016 site visit and historical files. As such, the Big Heart Pet Brand characterization work plan request is suspended until further notice. Erin Gleason
10/31/2016 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 72007 Former Tank Farm. Erin Gleason
11/29/2016 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting between ADEC contaminated sites program (CSP), ADEC preparedness, prevention and response (PPR), Alaska Department of Law, City of Pilot Point, City of Pilot Point attorney, and Pilot Point Tribal council. The group discussed the current and ongoing release at the site as well as the historic contamination. The City will work with PPR to address the ongoing release and to establish good housekeeping practices. A work plan is due to PPR by Jan 31, 2017 and will detail how the City will manage and address current issues. Once these are taken care of the City will work with CSP to address historic contamination. Erin Gleason
1/31/2017 Update or Other Action Received email from City Attorney requesting an extension to the information request due date. ADEC as extended the due date to 2/2/2017 per their request. Erin Gleason
2/17/2017 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with PPR, CS, ADOL, City Mayor, City Attorney, and City administrator. Discussed next steps and work plan for cleanup of on going releases. Erin Gleason
2/24/2017 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with ADEC, City of Pilot Point, Stantec consulting, Rural Alaska Fuel Services. Discussed work plan for cleanup of spills, training sessions for city employees, funding sources for the site, and methods for disposing and managing the batteries that currently stored on site. Erin Gleason
4/26/2017 Update or Other Action Received characterization for remedial action and characterization work plan from Doug Quist at Stantec. Erin Gleason
5/10/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC requires revisions to the 4/26/2017 work plan. Sent revision request via email to D. Quist at Stantec. Erin Gleason
5/16/2017 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Revised work plan submitted to ADEC on 5/11/2017. ADEC reviewed the work plan on 5/16/2017 and approved it. The work plan does not include a schedule. Erin Gleason
6/2/2017 Update or Other Action Sent email to Joe Evans and LoriAnn Abyo at City of Pilot Point requesting schedule by June 15, 2017. Erin Gleason
6/15/2017 Update or Other Action Received schedule for work from Doug Quist at Stantec. They will conduct field work August 2017. Erin Gleason
3/6/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Corrective action report received today from Doug Quist at Stantec. ADEC's PPR and CS will review and provide comments. Erin Gleason
3/9/2018 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting of ADEC, ADOL, City of Pilot Point, and Stantec. Erin Gleason
4/9/2018 Site Characterization Report Approved PPR and CSP have jointly reviewed the report and have no comments at this time. Erin Gleason
2/26/2020 Update or Other Action File # 2571.57.001 consolidated with 2571.38.001 on this date Cascade Galasso-Irish
11/28/2022 Update or Other Action Letters sent on this day to the City of Pilot Point and the Native Village of Pilot Point with requests for contact to discuss current site conditions. Naomi Mason
1/10/2023 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated Sites staff virtually attended the City Council meeting for the City of Pilot Point on this date. The meeting was postponed to next week due to the absence of the mayor and another city council member. Naomi Mason

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