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Site Report: USCG Loran C - Attu Island

Site Name: USCG Loran C - Attu Island
Address: Attu, Adak, AK 99546
File Number: 2514.38.001
Hazard ID: 1029
Status: Active
Staff: Livia Bracker, 9072697695
Latitude: 52.832100
Longitude: 173.180500
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Possible leak from heating oil tank. Digging to install new tank when strong odor of petroleum product was noted. Impact to human health, extent, date of occurrence unknown. RCRA EPA ID#AK6690360312 Hazardous waste activity: generator 1. Last staff assigned were Dronenburg and Sundet.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
5/31/1990 Site Added to Database Heating oil. Former Staff
9/29/1992 Site Number Identifier Changed Region portion of Reckey changed to consolidate district 26 into 25. Former Staff
4/25/1996 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Site ranked by Shannon and Wilson S&W
10/13/2003 Interim Removal Action Approved Responded to additional informatino on release. Site work found release had spread to other side of building. Contaminated soil to be segregated and excavation (outside emergency exit) backfilled ASAP for safety. Donald Seagren
5/12/2004 Update or Other Action File number assigned and entered into the Fileroom DB and CS DB. Alyce Hughey
5/12/2006 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Draft Final Site Specific Chemical Warfare Materiel Scoping and Security Study Report dated 3/25/2005 and received by ADEC on this date. Sammi Castle
3/1/2008 Update or Other Action REPORT RECEIVED: Draft Closure Report, US Coast Guard LORAN Station, Attu Island, Alaska. (CS Database entry 3/22/2018) Jamie McKellar
6/12/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed. Anne Marie Palmieri
3/1/2012 Update or Other Action REPORT RECEIVED: Draft Environmental Assessment addressing the Closure of USCG Long Range Aids to Navigation (LORAN-C) Station Attu, Alaska (CS Database entry 3/22/2018) Jamie McKellar
4/21/2012 Update or Other Action LETTER: ADEC to USCG, Comments on Draft March 2012 EA for the Closure of USCG Attu Loran-C Station, Amendment 1 – date clarification (CS Database entry 3/22/2018) Jamie McKellar
5/2/2017 Update or Other Action WORK PLAN RECEIVED: USCG LORAN C Station Attu, Environmental Site Investigation Letter Work Plan. Dated June 2, 2017. Prepared by Ahtna. DEC submitted comments on June 5, 2017 and received a response on June 8, 2017. The work plan was not finalized before work was conducted. (Database entry 3/22/2018) Jamie McKellar
3/21/2018 Update or Other Action REPORT RECEIVED: Draft Final Preliminary Assessment and Site Investigation Report USCG Loran C Attu. Dated March 2018. Prepared by USACE. Jamie McKellar
3/22/2018 Update or Other Action New DEC Project Manager assigned. Jamie McKellar
6/4/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other RTC sent, DEC to USCG: Draft Preliminary Assessment/Site Investigation Report. Prepared by Ahtna, dated March 2018. Jamie McKellar
8/7/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other RTCs received from USCG for Draft Preliminary Assessment/Site Investigation Report. Prepared by Ahtna. Dated March 2018. Jamie McKellar
8/14/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other RTCs Submitted: DEC to USCG. Draft Preliminary Assessment/Site Investigation Report. Prepared by Ahtna. Dated March 2018. Jamie McKellar
10/1/2018 Update or Other Action INFORMATION REQUEST: DEC requested that USCG conduct a records review to determine whether AFFF was ever used or stored at the Attu, Port Clarence, or Tok LORAN Stations. Jamie McKellar
10/4/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other REPORT RECEIVED and APPROVED: Final Preliminary Assessment and Site Investigation (PA/SI) Report, USCG LORAN C Station Attu, Attu Island, Alaska. Prepared by Ahtna Engineering Services, LLC. Dated September 2018. Jamie McKellar
3/14/2019 Meeting or Teleconference Held Teleconference with USCG, DEC, USACE and North Wind (USCG contractor) to discuss active USCG contaminated sites. Jamie McKellar
1/23/2023 CERCLA PA ADEC approved a combined PA report evaluating 65 USCG Units within District 17 (Alaska), excluding Base Kodiak, for potential PFAS releases related to the use of AFFF. Six potential release locations were identified at four sites: Air Station Sitka, Loran C - Attu Island, Port Clarence Loran Station, and Loran C Station - Sitkinak. These locations were recommended for Site Inspection (SI). Nick Waldo

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