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Site Report: Fort Wainwright (OU-5) EQFS FTWW-094

Site Name: Fort Wainwright (OU-5) EQFS FTWW-094
Address: Between Bldg. 1565 and, Airfield, Fort Wainwright, AK 99703
File Number:
Hazard ID: 1106
Status: Active
Staff: Carly Jensen, 9072697558
Latitude: 64.842011
Longitude: -147.619127
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


The East Quartermaster Fueling System (EQFS) area covers approximately 40 acres between Taxiway 18 and the Chena River between Building 1579 to the southwest and Building 1054 to the northeast. The EQFS was used for vehicle storage and maintenance, dry cleaning, fuels testing, refueling, pesticide storage mixing, and waste storage. Suspected sources include spills and leaks from pipelines, fueling stations and undocumented spills. The EQFS area included underground storage tanks (USTs), aboveground storage tanks (ASTs), a pump house, and fueling islands which have all been removed. Contaminants of concern at the EQFS are benzene, 1,2-ethylene dibromide, 1,1,1-trichloroethane (1,1,1-TCA) and trichloroethene (TCE) in the groundwater, and petroleum products and xylenes in the soil. To address the petroleum and solvent contamination an air sparge (AS)/soil vapor extraction (SVE) system was installed on the east side of Building 1060 in 1994. The system operated from 1994 to 1999 on the east side of Building 1060 before the system was moved to the west side of Building 1060 in 2000. By 2005, the groundwater remedial action goals had been met, so the system was turned off and decommissioned in 2010. Long-term monitoring activities at the EQFS have been focused on evaluating the residual groundwater contamination in the former Building 1060 treatment area. In 2017 monitoring wells on the east side of Building 1060 were sampled and trichloroethene (TCE) was detected above the remedial action goal of 5 micrograms per liter. Monitoring wells at the Building 1060 area are sampled annually to monitor the TCE and petroleum concentrations. Other areas within EQFS, the remedy in the Record of Decision (ROD) was for natural attenuation. Institutional control inspections are conducted annually. Long-term monitoring efforts are expected to continue at this site. This site also includes spill no. 12309912901; contaminated gravel discovered on 5/8/2012 during a parking lot repaving project at Building 1060. The corresponding Army HQAES site number is: 02871.1071.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
6/11/1991 Site Added to Database JP-4 release. Former Staff
5/30/1992 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = SI - Site Investigation). CRREL GPR study. Ronan Short
6/19/1992 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = FI - Field Inspection (General)). Photos of AP5562 well, others damaged. Ronan Short
8/4/1992 Meeting or Teleconference Held Action also by EPA. TCE plume confirmed, moved from 2 party to 3 party. Ronan Short
7/8/1993 Proposed Plan Workplan received for Phase 2 site Investigation for Building 1565. Also records Searh 2 received for 08/06/93 for 1565 as motor pool. Ronan Short
7/29/1993 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = RI - Remedial Investigation). Teleconference and follow-up letter regarding workplan for continued investigation of TCE contamination near Building 1565. Rielle Markey
8/2/1993 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = CORR - Correspondence (General)). Comments on workplan for Phase 2 Site Investigation. Ronan Short
8/17/1993 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = SI - Site Investigation). Received final workplan for Phase II Site Investigation, Building 1565, Fort Wainwright, Alaska. Ronan Short
1/17/1994 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = MP - Management Plan (CERCLIS)). Draft MP received this date. Solvent plume is determined to be primarily TCA which has an MCL of 200ppb and not TCE (5ppb). OU5 now includes East and West former Quartermaster fuel storage areas and the former EOD site. Ronan Short
1/31/1994 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = SI - Site Investigation). Received Phase 2 Site Investigation for Building 1565. Report recommended inclusion in an RI/FS OU due to halogenated solvents in four down-gradient monitoring wells exceeding federal MCLs. Ronan Short
5/16/1994 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = RPL2 - Site Information Request Letter). Sent PRP-CS Database Notification Letter to Cristal Fosbrook requesting update/confirmation of information concerning the contaminated site. Jeff Peterson
8/10/1994 Site Characterization Report Approved (Old R:Base Action Code = SA2 - Phase II Site Assessment (General)). Phase II Site Investigation Report received. Recommended for inclusion in an OU(5). Prepared by HLA. Ronan Short
12/23/1994 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Site ranked by staff. Jeff Peterson
2/16/1995 Site Characterization Workplan Approved (Old R:Base Action Code = MP - Management Plan (CERCLIS)). MP comments submitted this date by R. Markey. Ronan Short
2/17/1995 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = MP - Management Plan (CERCLIS)). Compiled Work Plans for GW Analysis Tasks at FWW. Draft workplans for proposed activities summer 1995- CH2MHill. Includes USGS, CRREL, UAF Water Resources. Ronan Short
3/8/1995 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = SI - Site Investigation). North Airfield GW Investigation Report. Document received this date. Report prepared by HLA. Ronan Short
5/1/1996 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = RI - Remedial Investigation). OU-5, Draft Remedial Investigation Report, Fort Wainwright, Alaska, recieved 5/8/1996, 3 volumes received. Rielle Markey
5/8/1996 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = RI - Remedial Investigation). OU-5 Draft Remedial Investigation Report, Volumes I-III. Rielle Markey
5/17/1996 Update or Other Action OU-5, Draft Disposition of Review Comments, Post-Wide Field Sampling Plan. OU-5, Final Post-Wide, Field Sampling Plan. Rielle Markey
6/1/1996 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = CORR - Correspondence (General)). Comments on OU-5 Draft Remedial Investigation Report, recieved 6/25/1996. Rielle Markey
6/24/1996 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = CORR - Correspondence (General)). Correspondence / comments for OU-5, Draft Remedial Investigation Report, received 6/25/1996. Rielle Markey
6/28/1996 Site Characterization Report Approved (Old R:Base Action Code = FS - Feasibility Study (General)). Markey/Adler: Remedial Action Objectives Technical Memorandum, Remedial Action Objectives, OU-5, Feasibility Study, Fort Wainwright, Alaska, Contract DACA85-94-D-008, Delivery Order 0013, received June 28, 1996. Rielle Markey
7/15/1996 Risk Assessment Report Approved Draft Post-wide Risk Assessment, Fort Wainwright, AK, OU-5, received July 15, and July 18, 1996; two documents. Rielle Markey
8/9/1996 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = RI - Remedial Investigation). OU-5 Draft Final Remedial Investigation Report, Fort Wainwright, Alaska, Volumes I and II, two copies received 8/15/1996. Rielle Markey
9/12/1996 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = CORR - Correspondence (General)). Memorandum of a Draft Post-wide Risk Assessment, OU-5, Fort Wainwright, Alaska, dated 7/1/1996. Rielle Markey
3/27/1997 Update or Other Action Site updated by Shannon and Wilson, based on the Army Defense Site Environmental Restoration Tracking System Worksheet dated 11/8/96. The worksheet indicates 2,100 ppb benzene in groundwater, and other hydrocarbon compounds in groundwater, sediment, and soil. S&W
12/4/1997 Update or Other Action Site name changed to match army name. This is the East Quartermaster Fuel Station site. Rielle Markey
11/30/1999 Long Term Monitoring Established Monitored natural attenuation with long-term monitoring was established in the 1999 record of decision. This decision was based upon results of sampling conducted in 1997 and 1999. Data entry 11/30/04 Sharon Richmond
1/25/2001 Meeting or Teleconference Held Staff attended RAB meeting on January 23. Remed. system moved to west of Building 1060 and sampling occurring at Apple Road. Ann Farris
3/2/2001 Update or Other Action File number corrected from 108.38.011 to 108.38.071. Mitzi Read
3/12/2001 Update or Other Action Staff reviewed the Apple Street Hot Spot GW Monitoring Report. The site was sampled in October 2000. GW concentrations were all below remediation goals, including the surface water criteria. No sheen was noted on the Chena River. Ann Farris
6/29/2001 Update or Other Action Staff commented on O&M plan for Building 1060 remediation system, which was completed in Septemeber 2000. System only operated for a short period because of high VOC concentrations in the exhaust stream used the charcoal filters up. Plans are to install a temporary oxidizer under the assumption the VOC concentrations will drop significantly once the system has run just a couple of months. Ann Farris
10/23/2001 Update or Other Action Review Comments on the EQFS Groundwater Monitoring Well Sampling Program Summary and Spider Diagrams, OU5, Fort Wainwright, Alaska, dated September 2001. Action entered by Sarah Riddle. Ann Farris
12/12/2001 Institutional Control Record Established 1. All organizations conducting activities on United States Army Alaska (USARAK) controlled land are responsible for complying with established institutional controls (ICs). ICs are administrative, procedural, and regulatory measures to control human access to and usage of property. They are applicable to all known or suspected contaminated sites where contamination has been left in place. 2. These controls have been established to implement the selected remedial actions agreed upon by the U.S. Army (Army), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), and the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) in accordance with the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) as amended by the Superfund Amendment Reauthorization Act (SARA). These controls also apply to remedial actions agreed upon under Two-Party Compliance Agreements. These agreements are concluded between USARAK and ADEC and apply to petroleum/oil/lubricants- (POL) contaminated sites. 3. ICs such as limitations on access, water use, excavations, and property transfers will supplement engineering controls as appropriate for short-term and long-term management to prevent or limit human and environmental exposure to hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants. Specific ICs include, among other things: limitations on the depth and location of excavations, prohibition of or restrictions on well drilling and use of ground water, requirements for worker use of personal protective equipment, site monitoring, and prohibition of certain land uses, types of vehicles, etc. 4. Organizational units, tenants, and support/contractor organizations must obtain an Excavation Clearance Request (ECR) for all soil disturbing activities impacting soils six inches or more below the ground surface. The review process for approval of an ECR begins with the identification of the current status (known or suspected hazardous waste site or “clean” site) of a work location. ECR’s for work in known or suspected hazardous waste sites: a. will include specific limitations and controls on such work; b. will include specific IC procedures, and notification, monitoring, reporting, and stop work requirements; c. may include procedures for management, characterization, and disposal of any soil or groundwater encountered or removed; d. will identify “project managers” for both the unit/contractor requesting the work and DPW Environment Resources. 5. The DPW project manager will conduct on-site inspections of each work site (at which ICs apply) to determine continued compliance with the terms and conditions of the approved ECR. DPW has the authority to revoke ECR approval if the specified terms and conditions are not being met. ECR forms are available at the Customer Service Desks at: a. Building 730 at Fort Richardson; b. Building 3015 at Fort Wainwright; c. Building 605 at Fort Greely. 6. USARAK has negotiated (with USEPA and/or ADEC) decision documents and/or Records of Decision (RODs) that mandate the implementation of ICs USARAK Directorate of Public Works, Environmental Resources Department (PWE), maintains copies of all decision documents and RODs requiring ICs in its real property files. PWE provides regularly updated post maps showing all areas affected by ICs. These maps can easily be accessed by using an approved intranet mapping interface application. Copies of these maps will be available to each directorate, activity, and tenant organization. To ensure the effectiveness of ICs, all organizational units and tenant activities will be informed on an annual basis of ICs on contaminated soils and groundwater in effect near their facilities. 7. ICs are enforceable by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC). Failure to comply with an IC mandated in a decision document or ROD will violate the USARAK Federal Facility Agreement and may result in stipulated fines and penalties. This does not include the costs of corrective actions required due to violation of an established IC. Sharon Richmond
2/28/2003 Update or Other Action Review EPA comments (10/21/02)on EQFS MNA Sampling Plan(August 2002) Patrice Buck
7/16/2003 Meeting or Teleconference Held Fort Wainwright Restoration Advisory Board held it's last meeting on July16, 2003. Patrice Buck
10/21/2004 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Received EQFS Monitored Natural Attenuation Long-Term Monitoring Plan. The plan addresses monitoring plan strategy for the AVGAS Pipeline leak at Taxiway 18, petroleum spills at Buildings 1565 and 1575, chlorinated solvent spill at Building 1565, and fuel spilled at Bld 1060 west. The workplan included an updated conceptual site model for all locations. MNA will continue for all flowpaths except Flow path C (the fuel spill at Bldg 1565) where remedial action objectives have been met and no contaminants exceed cleanup levels. Sharon Richmond
11/30/2004 Update or Other Action sent letter approving MNA Sharon Richmond
8/16/2005 Site Characterization Report Approved Staff sent a letter approving a Draft Technical Memorandum for Monitored Natural Attenuation Monitoring and reviewed the attached Quality Assurance plan. Sharon Richmond
11/15/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held ADEC met with the Army, the Corps and consultants for the regularly scheduled FFA meeting. Monitored natural attenuation is still the preferred treatment approach. Groundwater sampling will be conducted annually. Sharon Richmond
11/16/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held ADEC attended the regularly scheduled FFA meeting with the Army, EPA, the Corps and consultants. Monitored Natural attenuation (MNA) is the chosen treatment option. A draft report of the September 2005 results is forthcoming. Sharon Richmond
12/9/2005 Update or Other Action Staff reviewed the Final Technical Memorandum, Monitored Natural Attenuation Sampling, EQFS, OU5, Fort Wainwright, Alaska. Sampling was scheduled to occur during Fall 2005. Sharon Richmond
6/28/2006 Update or Other Action Staff reviewed and provided comments to the Draft 2005 Monitored Natural Attenuation Annual Report. Contamination in five separate groundwater contaminant plumes is stable or decreasing. Sharon Richmond
1/11/2008 Meeting or Teleconference Held Groundwater sampling for last 2+ years indicates that DRG and GRO are the only remaining contaminants in groundwater. BTEX, and EDB consistently not detected since Oct 2002. Sharon Richmond
3/14/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed. Sharon Richmond
6/15/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The 2009 OU5 work plan amendment was reviewed and comments sent to the Army. Debra Caillouet
6/30/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The 2009 Work Plan Amendment for OU5 was approved. The work includes groundwater monitoring and ROST investigation. Debra Caillouet
2/23/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Technical Memorandum, Decommissioning of Building 1060 Treatment Systems, Operable Unit 5, Fort Wainwright, February 2010 Technical Memorandum describing the decommissioning of the treatment system at OU-5 East Quartermasters Fuel System associated with Building 1060. Probes and wells were decommissioned by removal and grouting or by capping in place. Mechanical systems were removed from the site and piping properly disposed. A technical memorandum will be developed recommending a cleanup complete decision for Building 1060 and included in the 2009 monitoring report based on information presented in the January Federal Facilities Agreement meeting. Debra Caillouet
5/10/2010 Update or Other Action Staff notified of intention to remove 6 inches of clean gravel and some frost heaved concrete in the parking area by 1565 and then repave. Debra Caillouet
5/13/2010 Update or Other Action Staff notified that contamination below the "clean" gravel at 1565 was identified. Debra Caillouet
6/18/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other draft work plan for confirmation/characterization samples at bldg 1565 reviewed and comments sent. Debra Caillouet
6/22/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Request received from FTW to allow Doyon Utilities to use work plan previously used by Paving Products for Bldg 1565 at Bldg 1563. DEC did not object Debra Caillouet
7/13/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other minor comment was sent on the Draft 2009 Monitoring Report, Operable Unit 5, Fort Wainwright, June 2010 Debra Caillouet
7/19/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Draft 2010 Work Plan, Operable Unit 5, Fort Wainwright June 2010 Debra Caillouet
8/6/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other 2010 Work Plan, Operable Unit 5, Fort Wainwright July 2010 Debra Caillouet
3/11/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Technical Memorandum, Draft Building 1565 Stockpiled Soil: Additional Sampling Activities, After-Action Report The only comment on this report is: The values identified as EPA MCL’s throughout this report are not the Maximum Contaminant Level for Drinking Water which is the usual definition of MCL. The values appear to be the Protection of Groundwater Soil Screening Level from the USEPA Regional Screening Levels Table November 2010. Please correct the references and labels as appropriate throughout the document. DEC has not received a report from Travis Peterson on the original excavation and stockpiling of the soil. Please provide. Debra Caillouet
4/19/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Technical Memorandum, Final Building 1565 Stockpiled Soil: Additional Sampling Activities, After-Action Report, April 2010 documents the sampling and analysis of stockpiles created during the paving at 1565 during the summer of 2010. DEC has not received a report from Travis Peterson on the original excavation and stockpiling of the soil. Please provide. Debra Caillouet
4/22/2011 Site Characterization Report Approved The construction support report by Travis Peterson, Sampling Results Rynway Access, Building 1563 Front Street/Marks Road was reviewed. The report documents petroleum contamination remaining south west of Building 1565 and directly south of the Bldg 1565. The southwest excavation 3 had DRO up to 10,100 mg/kg in the surface soils. Debra Caillouet
5/6/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Draft 2010 Monitoring Report, Operable Unit 5, Fort Wainwright, Alaska April 2011 Debra Caillouet
5/23/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other 2011 Work Plan Amendment, Draft May 2011, Operable Unit 5, Fort Wainwright Debra Caillouet
6/14/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other 2010 Monitoring Report, Operable Unit 5, Fort Wainwright, Alaska April 2011 Debra Caillouet
6/14/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other 2011 Work Plan Amendment, Operable Unit 5, Fort Wainwright, May 2011 Debra Caillouet
8/29/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Doyon Utilities, Building 1595 WDS, HDS, SDS, and EDS Utilities Demolition, Version 1.1, Addendum to the Post-Wide Sampling and Analysis Plan, Ft Wainwright, August 25, 2011 Debra Caillouet
1/10/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Final 2010 Building 1595 After-Action Report, Fort Wainwright, January 2012 The report documents the sampling and analysis of soil stockpiled during the construction of an underground water line. Previous site characterization had indicated the potential for dieldrin or aldrin contamination to be present. The analysis of the stockpiled soil did not identify contamination and the soil was used to backfill the excavation. Debra Caillouet
5/10/2012 Spill Transferred from Prevention Preparedness and Response Program Spill transferred by PERP staff Paul Lhotka. Spill no. 12309912901; spill date = 5/8/12; substance = unknown (suspected petroleum); quantity = unknown; PERP file no. 108.02.002; description from spill report: Spill FWA 12-32. Preliminary Report. During a parking lot repaving job at Bldg 1060 'stinky' gravel was excavated along the southwest boundary of the project. Maximum P.I.D. readings were 808 ppm. The obvious stained area is immediately adjacent to Gaffney Road and is approximately 10' x 10'. Contractor was advised to place suspected contaminated gravel in a conforming contaminated soil stockpile on site. This area is within O.U. 5 (FWW 088). Mitzi Read
5/25/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other 2011 Monitoring Report, Operable Unit 5, Fort Wainwright, May 2011 The report recommends and DEC concurs with development of a Performance Monitoring Plan. Debra Caillouet
8/31/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Final 2012/2013 Work Plan, Operable Unit 5, Fort Wainwright Alaska August 2012 Debra Caillouet
10/3/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Building 1558 Construction Support (Draft), October 1, 2012 ADEC has no objection to the implementation of the sampling and analysis proposed in support of the sewer repair within Operable Unit 5. Debra Caillouet
4/2/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Draft 2012 Monitoring Report, Operable Unit 5, Fort Wainwright, Alaska, March 2013 ADEC has no objections to the implementation of the recommendations shown below, but asks that the fence at the Birch Hill tank farm be inspected on a monthly basis during the summer months due to the historical frequency of breaches. The sparge curtain should remain off, the Chena River Boom will be installed and visual monitoring will continue and passive sampling of the surface water utilizing the GORE Modules. The fall groundwater sampling should occur. Groundwater sampling should continue to be conducted annually for all wells associated with the area of elevated benzene, the wells along the Chena River, and the WQFS DRO plume. Sampling should be conducted in the spring when water levels are typically lowest and petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations are typically highest. Debra Caillouet
4/22/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other 2012 Monitoring Report, Operable Unit 5, Fort Wainwright, Alaska, April 2013 Debra Caillouet
5/30/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other 2011 Building 1565 Parking Lot After-Action Report, May 2013 The report documents the results of field screening during a trenching operation for the installation of an electrical line. A total of 15 cubic yards of soil contaminated with diesel range organics at 1100 mg/kg were sent to OIT for thermal treatment. The contamination was known to be present and the contaminated spoils were managed properly. Debra Caillouet
5/30/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other 2011 Building 1595 After-Action Report, May 2013 The report documents the results of sampling at the former location of a stockpile created during trenching activities. The contents of the stockpile were also containerized and shipped off-site for disposal. No contamination was found in the footprint of the former stockpile. Two soil boring and two temporary well points were placed in the foot print of former Building 1595. Sampling and analysis of the soil from multiple depths in each boring and the groundwater did not document the presence of contamination. ADEC also has a Final 2010 Building 1595 After-Action Report that describes sampling and analysis of 150 cubic yards of soil that was piled next to the subject trench. This soil was reported to not be contaminated and used as backfill into the trench. Please review these two reports and provide an explanation in the 2011 report of the 2010 activities and where there is overlap, specifically is the 150 clean yards of soil included in the 250 yards of soil that was containerized and shipped in 2011. Debra Caillouet
8/14/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Final 2013 Monitoring Report, Operable Unit 5, Fort Wainwright The report accurately provides and describes the results of the groundwater monitoring in 2013 and IC inspection and is approved. Unfortunately the recommendations for spring sampling and performance monitoring for the treatability study at the WQFS will not be implemented this year as agreed at the Winter FFA meeting, but hopefully all contracting issues will be resolved and it will occur next year Debra Caillouet
7/23/2015 Update or Other Action Draft 2014 Monitoring Report, Operable Unit 5, Fort Wainwright, Alaska, June 2015 Debra Caillouet
8/20/2015 Site Visit Site visit with Army, ADEC, EPA. Inspected sparge curtain installation and containment boom deployed on Chena River. No floating product or sheen visible. Fred Vreeman
9/1/2015 Update or Other Action Transferred to Fairbanks Susan Carberry
11/9/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the 2014 Monitoring Report Operable Unit 5, Fort Wainwright, Alaska. The report described institutional Controls inspections of the EQFS. Dennis Shepard
12/13/2016 Meeting or Teleconference Held A two day Federal Facilities Agreement (FFA) and Stakeholders meeting was held on December 13 & 14, 2016. The main focus of the meeting was to develop a site discovery and site intake process that would satisfy requirements of the Fort Wainwright FFA, RCRA Permit, and two party agreements. The Army, EPA and DEC committed to a flowchart of the preliminary source evaluation process. Timelines were established for scoping a land use control implementation plan (LUCIP) and developing a contracting schedule for Fort Wainwright contaminated site investigations and remedial actions. Seven sites were proposed for inclusion into the FFA (three party agreement) by the Army and the RPMs documented the assignment of the regulatory path for these sites using a newly developed and agreed to signature form. Dennis Shepard
1/1/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the 2015 Annual Institutional Controls Report, Fort Wainwright, Alaska (August 2016). Dennis Shepard
7/28/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC Approved the Final 2017 Monitoring Well Decommissioning Work Plan, Fort Wainwright, Alaska. The work plan identifies inactive and/or damaged monitoring wells within the Fort Wainwright operable units and 2 party sites that are considered appropriate for decommissioning. Dennis Shepard
11/16/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Final 2016 Monitoring Report Operable Unit 5 (OU-5) Fort Wainwright, Alaska, dated July 2017. Annual groundwater monitoring occurred at three sites; East Quartermasters Fueling Station (Hazard ID 1106), West Quartermasters Fueling Station (Hazard ID: 1114), and Remedial Area 1A (Birch Hill Tank Farm Lead) (Hazard ID: 4214). Erica Blake
3/28/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the 2017 Monitoring Report, Operable Unit 5 for Fort Wainwright, Alaska. Groundwater samples were collected from the West Quartermaster’s Fueling System (WQFS) Sparge Curtain treatment system area, WQFS benzene plume area, WQFS diesel range organics (DRO) plume area, WQFS Chena River wells, and the East Quartermaster’s Fueling System (EQFS) Building 1060 wells (Flowpath D wells). The WQFS results also include observations and results from the Chena River boom deployment and monitoring. The next groundwater monitoring event is in 2018. Erica Blake
3/26/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the 2018 Monitoring Report, Operable Unit 5 (dated March 2019). The document describes groundwater sample results, showing that no significant contamination migration was occurring at the Sparge Curtain treatment system and Chena River boom area. The oleophilic biobarrier along the Chena River remains in place, although planned expansion was delayed due to high water in 2018. The benzene and diesel range organics (DRO) plumes at the West Quartermaster’s Fueling System (WQFS) were mostly found to be stable, and groundwater monitoring showed no migration of contaminants from the WQFS into the Chena River. Residual range organics were found to be exceeding remedial goals (RG) in six wells, and an exceedance of the RG was identified for trichloroethylene (TCE) in a well at the EQFS site, but evidence of biodegradation was present.The institutional control (IC) inspection found that IC’s were properly in place. Twenty wells were decommissioned, and three wells were replaced. Kevin Fraley
8/1/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Final 2019 CERCLA Sites Work Plan Operable Units 1 through 6 (Dated July 2019). DEC provided a conditional approval on April 15, 2019 so the contractor could begin the 2019 groundwater sampling in advance of finalizing this work plan addendum. Review comments for the draft version of the document was provided on April 26, 2019. The document was prepared to help guide the site activities, data review, and reporting tasks for work conducted at Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) sites on Fort Wainwright, Alaska (FWA) during the 2019 field season. The U.S. Army Garrison (USAG) Alaska CERCLA sites associated with this Work Plan include Operable Units (OUs) 1 through 6. Erica Blake
5/22/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Final 2019 Monitoring Report, Operable Unit 5, U.S. Army Garrison Alaska (dated April 2020). The document describes the 2019 results from site activities conducted at Operable Unit 5 (OU5) on Fort Wainwright, Alaska (FWA). Site activities included groundwater sampling at the East Quartermaster’s Fueling System (EQFS), West Quartermaster’s Fueling System (WQFS), the Sparge Curtain wells and institutional controls (IC) inspections conducted (between April and October) at the Remedial Area 1A site on Birch Hill. The Chena River Boom was deployed April 29, 2019 to prevent petroleum sheen from entering the water and was removed September 26, 2019. Long-term monitoring activities are expected to continue. Erica Blake
7/28/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Final 2020 CERCLA Site Work Plan Operable Units 1 through 6 Fort Wainwright, Alaska (dated July 2020). The document was prepared to guide site activities, data review, and reporting tasks for work conducted at Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) sites on Fort Wainwright, Alaska (FWA). CERCLA sites covered by this work plan include Operable Units (OUs) 1 through 6. All six OUs will also be included in the annual institutional controls (IC) inspection. Erica Blake
2/11/2021 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved ADEC approved 280 gallons of purge water generated from six sites (Bldg 3570, OU1, OU2 (DRMO1 and DRMO4), OU4 Landfill, OU5 EQFS, and OU6) on Fort Wainwright, Alaska to be transported from the Fort Wainwright hazardous waste facility (Building 3489) to U.S. Ecology in Grand View, Idaho. The purge water was generated from groundwater sampling activities on Fort Wainwright during the 2020 field season. Erica Blake
2/11/2021 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved ADEC approved the transport of 275 gallons of purge water generated from seven sites (Bldg 3570, Bldg 5010, Former Bldg 3564, Former Bldg 2250, OU5 WQFS, OU5 EQFS and OU3 Fairbanks Fuel Terminal) on Fort Wainwright, Alaska from the Fort Wainwright hazardous waste facility (Building 3489) to U.S. Ecology in Grand View, Idaho for treatment and disposal. Erica Blake
4/23/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided review comments for the Sampling and Analysis Plan for FTW433 Hangar 1 Revision 1.1 (dated March 2021) to the U.S. Army. The document is a sampling and analysis plan (SAP) that describes environmental tasks that include field screening and analytical sampling to ensure protection of worker health and safety during construction work at Building 1557 Hangar 1 located on Fort Wainwright, Alaska. Erica Blake
5/4/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided approval for the "Sampling and Analysis Plan for FTW433 Hangar 1 Revision 1.2" dated April 2021, to the U.S. Army. The Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) describes environmental tasks that include field screening and analytical sampling to ensure protection of worker health and safety during construction work at Building 1557 Hangar 1 located within Operable Unit 5 East Quartermaster Fueling System on Fort Wainwright, Alaska. The construction project will include replacement of existing stairs to improve access to the floors above the ground floor, provide improvements to the bathrooms, and improve the steel bracing system. Erica Blake
6/15/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC provided review comments for the "Draft 2021 CERCLA Sites Work Plan Operable Units 1 through 6, Fort Wainwright, Alaska" (dated May 2021) to the U.S. Army. The document describes proposed site activities to collect data and evaluate progress towards achieving remedial action objectives (RAOs) at the six Operable Unit (OU) sites on Fort Wainwright, Alaska (FWA). In addition to sampling activities, institutional control (IC) inspections will be conducted. Erica Blake
6/21/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC provided responses to comments for the "Draft 2021 CERCLA Sites Work Plan Operable Units 1 through 6, Fort Wainwright, Alaska" dated May 2021 to the U.S. Army. Review comments were provided on June 15, 2021, and responses were received and reviewed June 21, 2021. A final version of the work plan has been requested, upon receipt of the final ADEC will be able to provide approval. The document is a work plan with proposed site activities to collect data and evaluate progress towards achieving remedial action objectives (RAOs) at six Operable Unit (OU) sites (OU1 through OU6) on Fort Wainwright, Alaska. Erica Blake
7/19/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC provided review comments for the "Draft-Final Fifth Five-Year Review Report, Fort Wainwright Fairbanks, Alaska" to the U.S. Army. The document is the fifth Five-Year Review for Fort Wainwright. The remedies at six Operable Units were evaluated. Erica Blake
7/30/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC provided approval for the "Final 2021 CERCLA Sites Work Plan Operable Units 1 through 6, U.S. Army Garrison Alaska" (dated July 2021) to the U.S. Army. The document describes site activities to collect data and evaluate progress towards achieving remedial action objectives (RAOs) at six Operable Unit sites on Fort Wainwright, Alaska (FWA). Erica Blake
8/4/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC provided comments for the "Draft 2020 Monitoring Report Operable Unit 5, U.S. Army Garrison Alaska" (dated July 2021) to the U.S. Army. The document describes site activities conducted in 2020 within Operable Unit 5 within the East Quartermaster's and West Quartermaster's areas. Erica Blake
8/26/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC provided responses to comments for the "Draft-Final Fifth Five-Year Review Report, Fort Wainwright Fairbanks, Alaska" to the U.S. Army. The Fifth Five-Year Review document evaluated the protectiveness at six Operable Unit sites. Erica Blake
9/13/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC provided responses to comments for the "Draft 2020 Monitoring Report Operable Unit 5, U.S. Army Garrison Alaska" (dated July 2021) to the U.S. Army. The document describes 2020 groundwater monitoring and site activities within Operable Unit 5 (OU5) sites on Fort Wainwright, Alaska (FWA). Responses to comments (RTCs) were received September 13, 2021. All RTCs were accepted and a final document for approval requested. Erica Blake
9/14/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC provided approval for the "Final 2020 Monitoring Report Operable Unit 5, U.S. Army Garrison Alaska" (dated September 2021) to the U.S. Army. The document describes results of the site activities conducted in 2020 within Operable Unit 5 (OU5) on Fort Wainwright, Alaska (FWA). Groundwater samples were collected from the West Quartermaster’s Fueling System (WQFS) and the East Quartermaster’s Fueling System (EQFS) areas. The final report recommends the Chena River Boom be deployed as soon as the river is open and without waiting on an approved work plan, and that the Army should prioritize a vapor intrusion investigation at Building 1060 and assess any inhalation risks. Erica Blake
10/6/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC provided an acknowledgement of receipt letter for the "Final Fifth Five-Year Review Report, Fort Wainwright Fairbanks, Alaska" (undated) to the U.S. Army. The FYR report describes and evaluates the implementation of performance remedies in place at six Operable Units (OUs) on Fort Wainwright, Alaska (OUs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6). ADEC does not concur with the protectiveness determinations in the final FYR report. Erica Blake
11/22/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC provided review comments for the "Technical Memo for the Investigation of the Vapor Intrusion Pathway for Building 1060 and 3030 at Ft. Wainwright, Alaska" (Undated) to the U.S. Army. The technical memorandum describes soil gas port installation locations at Building 1060 (within Operable Unit 5) and Building 3030 (South Loading Dock). An expedited review of this document was requested from the Army with soil gas port installation planned for December 1, 2021. Erica Blake
12/1/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC provided responses to comments for the "Technical Memo for the Investigation of the Vapor Intrusion Pathway for Building 1060 and 3030 at Ft. Wainwright, Alaska" (Undated) to the U.S. Army. ADEC accepted the soil gas sample port locations proposed by the Army and assumes the Army will conduct the work in accordance with 18 AAC 75 and Vapor Intrusion Guidance (November 2017). Soil gas port installation work started on this date (December 1, 2021). Erica Blake
12/2/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC provided approval for the "Technical Memo for the Investigation of the Vapor Intrusion Pathway for Building 1060 and 3030 at Ft. Wainwright, Alaska" (document undated) to the U.S. Army. The technical memorandum describes sample locations for installing sub-slab soil gas sample ports, and documents locations for indoor and ambient air samples at Building 1060 and Building 3030 on Fort Wainwright, Alaska (FWA). Approval of the technical memorandum occurred after the work was completed, however no analytical samples were collected. Erica Blake
12/2/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC provided approval for the "Technical Memo for the Investigation of the Vapor Intrusion Pathway for Building 1060 and 3030 at Ft. Wainwright, Alaska" (document undated) to the U.S. Army. The technical memorandum describes sample locations for installing sub-slab soil gas sample ports, and documents locations for indoor and ambient air samples at Building 1060 and Building 3030 on Fort Wainwright, Alaska (FWA). Approval of the technical memorandum occurred after the work was completed. This field effort was for the sample port installation only, and obtaining regulatory approval for the sample locations in Building 1060 and Building 3030. Erica Blake
12/8/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC provided comments for the "Uniform Federal Policy – Quality Assurance Project Plan - Pre-Draft Vapor Intrusion Study Fort Wainwright Army Base Fairbanks, North Star Borough, Alaska" (dated November 17, 2021) to the U.S. Army. The document describes vapor intrusion sampling for collecting subslab soil gas, indoor air and ambient air samples at Building 1060 and Building 3030 on Fort Wainwright, Alaska (FWA). This vapor intrusion study will confirm if there is a vapor intrusion risk to human receptors in the two buildings. Erica Blake
2/3/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC provided responses to comments for the Uniform Federal Policy – Quality Assurance Project Plan - Draft Vapor Intrusion Study Fort Wainwright Army Base Fairbanks, North Star Borough, Alaska (dated January 2022) to the U.S. Army. All responses were accepted, with three comments having additional questions requiring an additional response from the Army. The UFP-QAPP will be used to guide sampling efforts for a vapor intrusion study at both Building 1060 (within Operable Unit 5) and at Building 3030 (South Loading Dock area) to assess if there is a vapor intrusion risk in the buildings. Erica Blake
3/4/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC provided approval for the "Uniform Federal Policy – Quality Assurance Project Plan - Final Vapor Intrusion Study Fort Wainwright Army Base Fairbanks, North Star Borough, Alaska" (dated March 2022) to the U.S. Army. This vapor intrusion study will confirm if there is a trichloroethene (TCE) vapor intrusion risk to human receptors in Building 1060 (within Operable Unit 5) and in Building 3030. Erica Blake
3/18/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC provided review comments for the "Draft 2022 CERCLA Sites Work Plan Operable Units 1 through 6" Fort Wainwright, Alaska, U.S. Army Garrison Alaska (dated February 2022) to the U.S. Army. The document describes proposed site activities to collect data and evaluate progress towards achieving remedial action objectives (RAOs) at six Operable Unit sites on Fort Wainwright, Alaska (FWA). This work plan is intended for use in conjunction with the "Draft Fort Wainwright Environmental Investigations and Monitoring Postwide Quality Assurance Program Plan Fort Wainwright, Alaska" (dated December 2021). The post wide work plan is still in review and at the time of this review has not yet been approved. Erica Blake
5/24/2022 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved ADEC approved transport of approximately 247 gallons of purge water generated from long-term monitoring activities conducted in 2021 (from Neely Rd - Two-Party Site, OU1, OU2-DRMO1 & DRMO4, OU4, OU5-WQFS & EQFS, and OU6) from Fort Wainwright Bldg 3491 to U.S. Ecology in Grand View, Idaho. Erica Blake
6/14/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC reviewed the Draft OU5 Groundwater Monitoring Report and submitted comments. The report details site activities conducted in 2021 within Operable Unit 5 (OU5) on Fort Wainwright, Alaska (FWA). Groundwater samples were collected from the West Quartermaster’s Fueling System (WQFS) and the East Quartermaster’s Fueling System (EQFS) areas. The Chena River was inspected weekly to observe potential sheen. The Chena River Boom, after not being deployed the previous year, was redeployed in 2021. Benzene concentrations are shown to be increasing in select wells, and Table C groundwater cleanup levels are not incorporated into the report. Tim Sharp
8/1/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC sent comments on the Draft FTW416 and FTW433 Stockpile Characterization Work Plan Addendum, which details sampling guidance for characterization of four distinct soil stockpiles generated during construction projects in the vicinity of areas of potential per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination. Stockpiles FTW416-S1, FTW433-S1, and FTW433-S2 will be sampled with Incremental Sampling Methodology (ISM), while FTW416-S2 will be sampled with discreet sampling methods. Results from these sampling efforts will direct development of a technical memorandum to characterize the stockpiles for treatment, disposal, or on-base beneficial reuse. Tim Sharp
8/4/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC submitted comments for the Draft Doyon Utilities Sampling Analysis Plan (SAP) Addendum for Vault F6-4-4 Steam Line Repair. The SAP Addendum describes excavation of a vault to assess and complete steam line repairs in the East Quartermaster Fueling Systems (EQFS) source area, a known contaminated site. The excavation footprint will be limited to 10 feet by 15 feet by 4 feet deep area. Excavated soils will be screened and analytical samples will be collected from stockpiled soils and excavation extents. Tim Sharp
8/11/2022 Institutional Control Periodic Reporting ADEC submitted comments for the Draft 2021 Institutional Controls (IC) report on this date. The Report details the 2021 IC inspections conducted at Fort Wainwright, Alaska (FWA). The purpose of the annual IC inspection is to evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of ICs associated with the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) Record of Decision (ROD) source areas and Two-Party source areas on FWA. ADEC understands best management practices (BMPs) are internal Army processes, however transparency with regulatory agencies is necessary for active sites and sites with potential or known contamination. ADEC requests information on how the BMP sites are managed and tracked. There are several source areas that have not been addressed in this report such as the Military Munitions Response Program (MMRP) sites and Chemical Warfare Material (CWM) sites. ADEC is anticipating the Army will provide new Geographic Information System mapping (GIS) to regulators when completed. This may be adequate until the Remedial Design/Remedial Action Work Plan (RD/RA WP) is developed and agreed to by the RPMs. The RD/RA WP would provide a site list, identify both the land use controls (LUCs) and the internal procedures for implementing these LUCs as required by the Operable Unit 5 (OU5) ROD. This includes periodic monitoring and reporting of the LUCs effectiveness. It also includes all areas with remaining contamination, including CERCLA sites, Two-Party source areas, MMRP sites, CWM sites, and BMP sites. Tim Sharp
8/22/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC approved the Final Doyon Utilities Addendum to the Post-Wide Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) for Vault F6-4-4 Dig to Repair Steam Line. The SAP Addendum discusses excavation of a vault to assess and complete steam line repairs in the East Quartermaster Fueling Systems (EQFS) source area, a known contaminated site. The excavation footprint will be limited to 10 feet by 15 feet by 4 feet deep area. Excavated soils will be screened and analytical samples will be collected from stockpiled soils and excavation extents. Samples will be analyzed for diesel range organics (DRO), benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX), Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) metals, and per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). Tim Sharp
8/22/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC approved the Final FTW416 and FTW433 Stockpile Characterization Work Plan Addendum. The work plan addendum discusses sampling guidance for characterization of four distinct soil stockpiles generated during construction projects in the vicinity of areas of potential per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination. Stockpiles FTW416-S1, FTW433-S1, and FTW433-S2 will be sampled with Incremental Sampling Methodology (ISM), while FTW416-S2 will be sampled with discreet sampling methods. Results from these sampling efforts will direct development of a technical memorandum to characterize the stockpiles for treatment, disposal, or on-base beneficial reuse. Tim Sharp
8/29/2022 Site Visit Site visit and inspection to Fort Wainwright on this date. ADEC RPMs, assisted by FTW RPMs, observed the vapor intrusion fall sampling event at Building 1060, a source area within the footprint of the EQFS site; inspected the clean/potentially PFAS contaminated soil stockpiles at TA-108; and visited the unconfirmed potential CWM sites located on Birch Hill. Cascade Galasso-Irish
8/29/2022 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 81216 name: Building 1060 Cascade Galasso-Irish
12/23/2022 Institutional Control Periodic Reporting ADEC approved the Final 2021 Institutional Controls (IC) Report on this date. The IC Report, which details 2021 IC inspections conducted at Fort Wainwright, evaluates the implementation and effectiveness of ICs associated with the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) Record of Decision (ROD) source areas and Two-Party source areas on Fort Wainwright. Best management practices (BMP) sites were removed from annual IC reports starting in 2020, and ADEC requested information on how the BMP sites are managed and tracked by the Army. ADEC received the 2021 Final Installation Action Plan (IAP), which addresses these and every other site on Fort Wainwright, including Military Munitions Response Program (MMRP) and Chemical Warfare Material (CWM) sites. The Final IC Report can be found attached on the Fort Wainwright Site Informational page (File # 108.38.076) Tim Sharp
3/7/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC has completed a backcheck and approved the Final Hangar 1 Environmental Sampling Report dated April 8, 2022. The tech memo report summarizes the results of the environmental soil sampling activities conducted at Building 1557 (Hangar 1) on Fort Wainwright, Alaska. Work was conducted for the purpose of soil characterization related to future construction and soil disturbance activities. The report documents that undelineated contamination remains in situ in the near-surface soils (0 to 4 feet bgs). The extent of contamination is unknown, although the exceedances are believed to be the result of discrete fuel surface releases and not likely related to contamination as the East Quartermaster’s Fueling System (EQFS) source area. The Army must characterize and cleanup the contamination in accordance with 18 AAC 75.325. Future planned road improvement and construction activity in this area will likely disturb contaminated soil. DRO, benzene and naphthalene are present above DEC cleanup levels within 30 feet of Building 1557. Tim Sharp
5/3/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC sent comments on the Draft Doyon Utilities (DU) Addendum to the Post-Wide Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP), P2371 Steam Powered Lift Station F5-6-9. The SAP Addendum details proposed upgrades to two steam powered lift stations and trenching 30 linear feet to bury electrical conduit in the area of an active contaminated site, specifically the East Quartermaster Fueling System (EQFS). The project is also located downgradient of Hangar 1, which is a per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) area of potential interest (AOPI) identified in the PFAS preliminary assessment/site investigation (PA/SI), and the Bldg 1565 Parking Lot site, which has an undelineated diesel range organics (DRO) exceedance of its migration to groundwater cleanup level (CUL). Of note, DEC has been approving on a project-by-project and site-by-site basis for soil contaminated with PFAS to be placed back into the ground during construction projects without a two-foot cap as long as the known concentrations are below DEC human health CULs. As this project is taking place on the footprint of a National Priorities List (NPL) site, DEC defers to EPA approval for using PFAS contaminated soil below state promulgated human health CULs as backfill. Tim Sharp
5/17/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC finished a review of the Draft Doyon Utilities Addendum to the Post-Wide Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) for P2425 Building 1579 Water Service Upgrades. DEC has reviewed the SAP Addendum, which details replacing of 92 linear feet of water distribution line, requiring up to 150 cubic yards (cy) of soil to be excavated in the boundary of a known contaminated site. Soils will be field screened for petroleum compounds, and samples will be collected and analyzed for gasoline and diesel range organics (GRO, DRO) and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) metals, including Toxic Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) lead for RCRA determination in contaminated stockpiles. DEC is also recommending sampling for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and chlorinated solvents due to proximity to known contamination upgradient. Tim Sharp
6/1/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC completed a review and backcheck of the Doyon Utilities Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) Addendum for P2425 Building 1579 Water Service Upgrades. The SAP Addendum details replacing of 92 linear feet of water distribution line, requiring up to 150 cubic yards (cy) of soil to be excavated in the boundary of a known contaminated site. Soils will be field screened for petroleum compounds, and samples will be collected and analyzed for gasoline and diesel range organics (GRO, DRO), volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) metals, including Toxic Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) lead for RCRA determination in contaminated stockpiles. The revised document incorporated all comments adequately and the SAP Addendum was approved. Tim Sharp
6/1/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC completed a backcheck and approval of the Doyon Utilities Addendum to the Post-Wide Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) for P2371 Steam Powered Lift Station F5-6-9. The SAP Addendum detailed proposed upgrades to two steam powered lift stations and trenching 30 linear feet to bury electrical conduit in the area of an active contaminated site. Soils will be field screened for petroleum compounds, and samples will be collected and analyzed for gasoline, diesel, and residual range organics (GRO, DRO, and RRO), volatile and semi-volatile organic carbons (VOCs and SVOCs), and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) metals, including Toxic Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) metals for RCRA determination in contaminated stockpiles and at excavation limits. DEC Approved the revised SAP Addendum. Tim Sharp
9/11/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviewed the Draft 2022 Institutional Controls (IC) Report, which details the 2022 IC inspections conducted at Fort Wainwright, Alaska (FWA). The purpose of the annual IC inspection is to evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of ICs associated with the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) Record of Decision (ROD) source areas and Two-Party source areas on FWA. Tim Sharp
2/22/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC completed a review of the Draft 2024 CERCLA Sites Work Plan for Operable Units 1-6. The work plan details proposed site activities to collect data and evaluate progress towards achieving remedial action objectives (RAOs) at six Operable Unit (OUs) sites on Fort Wainwright, Alaska (FWA). In addition to sampling, institutional controls inspections will be conducted at all six OU sites. This work plan is intended for use in conjunction with the Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) included in the document as Appendix A, and includes additional sampling as part of preparation for the Sixth Five Year Review, to be accomplished in 2025. Tim Sharp
2/27/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC Approved the Final 2022 OU5 Monitoring Report on this date. Tim Sharp
4/8/2024 Institutional Control Periodic Reporting DEC Approved the 2022 IC Report for Fort Wainwright CERCLA and Two-Party Sites on this day. Tim Sharp
5/21/2024 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review DEC approved the 2024 CERCLA Sites Work Plan on this date. Tim Sharp
6/10/2024 Institutional Control Periodic Reporting DEC reviewed and supplied comments on the Draft 2023 Institutional Controls (IC) Report, which details the 2023 IC inspections conducted at Fort Wainwright, Alaska (FWA). The purpose of the annual IC inspection is to evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of ICs associated with the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) Record of Decision (ROD) source areas and Two-Party source areas on FWA. Tim Sharp
6/27/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC submitted comments on the Draft 2023 Operable Unit 5 (OU5) Annual Monitoring Report. The report details the annual monitoring and remedial activities conducted in 2023 at OU5 on Fort Wainwright, Alaska. Field activities included semi-annual groundwater sampling in the Sparge Curtain Treatment System area, annual groundwater sampling in the West Quartermaster Fueling System (WQFS) area, site visits conducted at the WQFS Chena River Boom area, and collecting groundwater samples from East Quartermaster Fueling System (EQFS) Building 1060E monitoring wells. Groundwater sampling was also conducted at the WQFS Building 1599 site to evaluate the presence of pesticides. Evaluation of natural attenuation and long-term monitoring optimization (LTMO) was conducted, in addition to institution control (IC) inspections. Tim Sharp

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