Action Date |
Action |
Description |
DEC Staff |
9/23/1998 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC request for information. |
David Pikul |
5/19/1999 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC's second request for information and possible response action. |
David Pikul |
7/6/1999 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
A meeting with Ms. Flora Castro to determine her intended course of action on the subject property. Present at the meeting were: Ms. Castro, Tim Stevens (UST Program) and Jim Frechione.
Ms. Castro indicated that Alaska Pollution Control was scheduled to remove the contents of the tanks and containers at this site on Wednesday, July 7, 1999. It is estimated that 4,000 gallons of product is within the tanks and is expected to be gasoline and diesel product. We requested that Ms. Castro provide documentation of the product type and quantity removed. I then requested Ms. Castro's intentions on investigating the site. She was in receipt of our request for her to investigate but she did not seem clear on what was required. We stated very clearly that she should hire an independent third party (qualified) consultant to prepare a work plan that would describe the process to investigate the site. She indicated her intentions to do so and for the ease of coordination Tim was designated as the ADEC contact for this project. Tim agreed to take the lead since the 4 registered USTs may be the possible sources of contamination. |
David Pikul |
11/10/1999 |
Update or Other Action |
Discussion with Tim Stevens ADEC/UST - Ms. Castro has sold the property to Statewide Petroleum Services and the removal of USTs and AST will begin. CS involvement will occur when ASTs are to be removed. |
David Pikul |
11/19/1999 |
Site Added to Database |
Petroleum. |
David Pikul |
3/7/2000 |
Site Ranked Using the AHRM |
Initial ranking. |
David Pikul |
5/22/2001 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Meeting with John Hillborn and Matt Hemry of Shannon and Wilson to discuss work done the previous week at the site and request a workplan be submitted before any future on-site activity. |
Beatrice Egbejimba |
12/12/2001 |
Site Number Identifier Changed |
Changed Region from 22 to 21. |
Former Staff |
7/9/2002 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC received fax with work plan to decommission the drinking water well on site. CS worked with Keven Klevenow of the drinking water and wastewater program. Conditional approval was granted based on the information provided in the work plan and information provided by Drinking water and wastewater program. The condition was that verification on how the well was decommissioned and when it was decommissioned be sent to Kevin K. and Jim Cross Municipality of Anchorage (907) 343-7906. |
Beatrice Egbejimba |
7/15/2002 |
Proposed Plan |
Letter sent to John Hillborn (RP) with approval to decommission drinking water well. After the well has been decommissioned a report verifying when the well was decommissioned and the method implemented should be sent to Kleweno, Keven with the Department of Environmental Conservation, drinking water and wastewater program and to Cross, Jim with the Municipal of Anchorage. |
Beatrice Egbejimba |
11/5/2002 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC sent letter to John Hillborn requesting additional site characterization. |
Beatrice Egbejimba |
1/16/2003 |
Update or Other Action |
After several phone calls to RP’s office and consultant (Shannon & Wilson) ADEC was able to contact RP. During the January 16, 2003 telephone conversation, the RP apologized for missing his deadline to submit a work plan . According to the RP Shannon & Wilson was supposed to have finished the work plan for this site. He said he would contact Matt Hemry of Shannon & Wilson to fax in a request for an extension. None has been received. |
Beatrice Egbejimba |
1/17/2003 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC received an e-mail from Dan P. McMahon on 1/17/03, with information regarding a work plan development for the Schroeder subdivision site. Shannon & Wilson hopes to submit a work plan by February 28, 2003. An extension has been granted until February 28, 2003. |
Beatrice Egbejimba |
2/26/2003 |
Update or Other Action |
Work Plan submittal date extended to March 10, 2003 per phone request made by Matt Hemry of S&W. |
Beatrice Egbejimba |
3/13/2003 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC received work plan prepared by Shannon & Wilson. |
Beatrice Egbejimba |
3/24/2003 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC sent Groundwater Assessment work plan approval letter to John Hilborn of Statewide Petroleum. |
Beatrice Egbejimba |
11/18/2003 |
Update or Other Action |
RP informed ADEC that due to financial reasons he would not be able to conduct site assessment until spring 2004. PM will resume communication with RP June 1, 2004. |
Beatrice Egbejimba |
8/24/2004 |
Update or Other Action |
Talked to John Hilborn over the phone. John indicated that he will be implementing the March 13, 2003 workplan this summer before winter. |
Todd Blessing |
3/17/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
Eagle River Car Rental presently is operating as a business on Mr. Hilborn's property. |
Todd Blessing |
8/23/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
Reviewed and conditionally approved a workplan constructed by Restoration Science and Engineering (RSE) to perform the following tasks at Schroeder Subdivision Lot 1:
1). Conduct a thorough water well search of drinking water wells within ¼ mile of Lot 1;
2). Develop a conceptual site model for the unconfined, perched or confined aquifers; and
3). Collect soil samples from three stockpiles to be analyzed for contaminants of concern.
At this time, the Department approves of the Work Plan as written provided RSE does the following:
1). Analyzes the soil samples collected from the piping excavation stockpile for Diesel Range Organics by Alaska Method AK102; and
2). Conducts a third party verification of soil analytical laboratory data according to Section 8.0 of the Department’s Underground Storage Tank Procedures Manual. |
Todd Blessing |
10/5/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
Reviewed water well search report. All properties within 1/4 mile of the site are served by AWWU water. Historical wells located on Lots 3, 6, and 7 of Schroeder Subdivision may be vulnerable to hydrocarbon contamination. |
Todd Blessing |
10/19/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
Approved of John Hilborn's request to spread stockpiled soil on-site. Reviewed a stockpile sampling report, dated October 14, 2005, which was constructed by Restoration Science and Engineering (RSE). Within the report, RSE discussed the results of a site investigation conducted in October of this year. During the investigation, one soil sample was collected from three soil stockpiles to be analyzed for petroleum constituents. Each of the soil stockpiles were located on the western edge of the property. In all three soil samples collected, the levels of contaminants of concern did not exceed the Department’s most stringent cleanup levels |
Todd Blessing |
7/19/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
Recieved letter from John Hllborn. Mr. Hillborn sent the letter to the attorney general's office requesting a meeting in order to resolve costs associated with Department oversight. |
Todd Blessing |
2/2/2007 |
Update or Other Action |
Issued letter to Mr. Hillborn in order to request that he hire an impartial third party to construct and submit a site investigation work plan to the Department by May 30, 2007. |
Todd Blessing |
4/16/2007 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Initial ranking. |
Todd Blessing |
7/26/2007 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
DEC reviewed and conditionally approved site characterization work plan. The work plan was dated July 12, 2007 and prepared by Restoration Science and Engineering (RSE) in response to the Department's letter dated February 2, 2007. Within the work plan RSE proposes to do the following:
1) Install three groundwater monitor wells, and subsequently sample the groundwater in the newly installed wells to test for contaminants of concern at a DEC approved laboratory.
2) Field truth the usage of wells located on Lots 3, 5, and 7, Block 2, Schroeder Subdivision.
3) Construct a Conceptual Site Model (CSM) showing groundwater gradient.
4) Issue a site investigation report within 60 days from the conclusion of groundwater sampling.
CSP approves of the work plan, dated July 12, 2007, as written with the following modifications:
1) Collect two soil samples from each soil boring advanced at the subject site; one sample will be collected from surface soil (i.e. depth of 0 to 2 foot bgs) while the other sample will be collected from subsurface soil (i.e. depth of 2 to 15 foot bgs); soil samples collected from subsurface soil can be selected based on field screening results; soil samples will be analyzed for GRO, DRO, and BTEX at a DEC approved laboratory.
2) Complete a data review of the CSP checklist for each laboratory data deliverable received.
3) Notify CSP at least two days prior to commencement of field work to allow CSP staff to inspect the work activities. |
Todd Blessing |
10/23/2008 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
DEC has reviewed Restoration Science and Engineer’s (RSE’s) “Site Characterization Sampling Results of Groundwater at the Former Sanden Fuel Facility and Field Truth of the Usage Status of Water Wells”, dated October 13, 2008. Within this report, RSE presented the sampling results for two groundwater monitoring events. RSE also collected information regarding the usage of existing drinking water wells located on Lots 3, 6, and 7, Block 2, Schroeder Subdivision, Eagle River. Groundwater samples were analyzed for GRO, DRO, RRO and BTEX. DRO and GRO were the only contaminants of concern that were detected at levels that exceed DEC cleanup levels. GRO levels ranged from nondetect to 3.32 mg/L, while DRO levels ranged from nondetect to 210 mg/L.
RSE personnel met with the owners of Lot 6, Block 2 and confirmed that a former drinking water well was disconnected. RSE personnel were unable to meet with the owners of Lot 7, Block 2 to confirm that they are utilizing Municipal water.
DEC issued a letter on October 23, 2008 commenting on this report and requesting that Mr. Hillborn's consultant conduct an analysis of groundwater concentration trends over time to determine if the groundwater contaminant plume is steady state or declining. DEC also requested a long term groundwater monitoring plan by February 27, 2009. |
Todd Blessing |
7/30/2009 |
Update or Other Action |
Updated exposure tracking model results. |
Todd Blessing |
8/10/2009 |
Institutional Control Record Established |
The ADEC has determined there is no unacceptable risk to human health or the environment, and this site will be granted a cleanup complete with ICs determination subject to the following.
1. Any future change in land use may impact the exposure assumptions cited in this document. If land use and/or ownership changes, current ICs may not be protective and ADEC may require additional remediation and/or ICs. Therefore, John Hillborn shall report to DEC every two years to document land use, or report as soon as he becomes aware of any change in land ownership and/or use, if earlier. The report can be sent to the local DEC office or electronically to
2. A Notice of Environmental Contamination (deed notice) shall be recorded in the State Recorder’s Office that identifies the nature and extent of contamination at the property and any conditions that the owners and operators are subject to in accordance with this decision document.
3. Future installation of groundwater wells will require approval from DEC.
4. The monitoring wells installed at the property and the surrounding area may be utilized for area-wide groundwater monitoring as part of a required long term groundwater monitoring plan. However, any monitoring wells (MWs) that are not needed for area-wide monitoring must be decommissioned in accordance with ADEC guidance as soon as it is determined MWs are no longer needed.
5. Any proposal to transport soil or groundwater off site requires DEC approval in accordance with 18 AAC 75.325(i). A “site” [as defined by 18 AAC 75.990 (115)] means an area that is contaminated, including areas contaminated by the migration of hazardous substances from a source area, regardless of property ownership. (See attached site figure.)
6. Movement or use of contaminated material in a manner that results in a violation of 18 AAC 70 water quality standards is prohibited.
Todd Blessing |
8/10/2009 |
Cleanup Complete Determination Issued |
The ADEC has completed a review of the environmental records associated with the Former Sanden Fuel Facility. Based on the information provided to date, it has been determined that the contaminant concentrations from various source areas remaining at the site does not pose an unacceptable risk to human health and the environment and no further remedial action will be required as long as the site is in compliance with established institutional controls.
Analytical results from collected soil samples are as follows: DRO ranged from nondetect to 5,080 mg/kg; GRO ranged from nondetect to 94.1 mg/kg; benzene ranged from nondetect to 0.568 mg/kg; toluene ranged from nondetect to 7.64 mg/kg; arsenic ranged from 2.02 to 5.44 mg/kg; and chromium ranged from 31.6 to 40.5 mg/kg.
Analytical results from collected groundwater samples are as follows: GRO ranged from nondetect to 39 mg/L; DRO ranged from nondetect to 510 mg/L; benzene ranged from nondetect to 0.00567 mg/L; toluene ranged from nondetect to 0.007 mg/L; ethylbenzene ranged from nondetect to 67.6 mg/L; and total xylenes ranged from nondetect to 320 mg/L. |
Todd Blessing |
6/30/2011 |
Update or Other Action |
Transferred Project Manager to IC Unit |
Bianca Reece |
11/10/2011 |
Institutional Control Compliance Review |
IC review conducted and the update the tickler system to remind to contact the RP regarding site conditions. |
Evonne Reese |
7/11/2013 |
Institutional Control Compliance Review |
Recorded deed notice is in place for this site. Verify the current landowner in five years time. |
Evonne Reese |
8/8/2016 |
Institutional Control Compliance Review |
During the IC compliance review it was discovered that this site is associated with the LUST site known as Schroeder Subdivision (same file number/Hazard ID: 23161). These two sites will be managed together from here on out. The IC reminder letter that was previously issued for Shroeder Subdivision in December 2013 now applies to this site as well. Re-set the reminder system for both sites for five-year follow-up to occur at the end of 2018. |
Kristin Thompson |
2/6/2017 |
Institutional Control Update |
This property has been purchased by the Panda Express Corporation. There are plans in the works to demolish the current building and construct a new building that will house a Chinese restaurant. There should be two groundwater wells on the property. The plan is to take samples from each well before considering decommissioning. A workplan will be issued that addresses the management of any contaminated soil encountered during construction, the groundwater wells, and also a Class 5 injection well that will be property characterized and decommissioned according to federal requirements. The new property owners are aware of the history of the property use (gas station) and are willing to cooperate with ADEC in making sure that ICs remain protective. |
Evonne Reese |
3/20/2017 |
Institutional Control Update |
There is a floor drain remaining on this property which is considered an UIC (Underground Injection Control) so is regulated by the EPA. RSE will submit a UIC Characterization and closure workplan to the appropriate department at EPA. |
Evonne Reese |
3/20/2017 |
Institutional Control Update |
It is believed that there are two groundwater monitoring wells left on this property. During redevelopment activities, a sample will be taken from each well according to the 2016 Field Sampling Guidance and then the wells will be decommissioned according to the 2013 Monitoring Well Guidance. A sampling plan has been requested. |
Evonne Reese |
3/20/2017 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Approved a soil management plan submitted by Restoration Science & Engineering (RSE) for Panda Express that is intended to meet the institutional controls requirement in regards to complying with ICs while redeveloping property. Construction is due to begin sometime in the spring. The property redevelopment will include the demolition of the existing building, construction of a Panda Restaurant building, and creation of a parking lot area surrounding the new facility. Any soils encountered that are determined to be potentially impacted with be placed within a liked secondary containment area to await proper disposal. Once the excavation is completed and all impacted soils have been segregated soil samples will be collected according to the Field Sampling Guidance. Once characterized the soil will be transported to Alaska Soil Recycling for thermal treatment. |
Evonne Reese |
3/30/2017 |
Institutional Control Update |
Received a copy of the approval sent to Panda Restaurant Group from EPA for the closure plan of the UIC ID No. AK020P5-30-13850. |
Evonne Reese |
4/17/2017 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
I approved a groundwater well sampling and decommissioning workplan on this date. The sampling will include the wells on the Former Sanden property along with one well on the adjacent Loch Ness property. The Loch Ness well will not be decommissioned, but the wells on the Former Sanden property will be decommissioned. |
Evonne Reese |
5/1/2017 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On April 21, 2017 RSE sampled groundwater monitoring wells RSE-1, RSE-2, and B4MW (located on the adjacent Loch Ness property). RSE-1 and B4MW resulted in detections of DRO and RRO exceeding ADEC groundwater cleanup standards. However, ADEC approved decommissioning of wells RSE-1 and RSE-2 since they could be an obstruction to the construction project at the former Sanden Property. Normally with DRO concentrations as high as this last sampling event showed, we would not approve the decommissioning of the wells. We may need to consider reinstallation at a future date once the project is completed. Once we have the larger project report with sampling data and conclusions to evaluate, we can decide at that time. Also approved the purge water from the groundwater sampling event be filtered through granular activated carbon and surface discharged, as long as the GAC water isn't poured out in the vicinity of any surface water or other sensitive area. Well decommissioning is planned for May 4, 2017. |
Evonne Reese |
5/26/2017 |
Institutional Control Update |
Received an update from Restoration Science & Engineering (RSE) regarding the first day of the construction (May 25th) to convert this property to a Panda Express Restaurant. Soil adjacent to the former dispenser was found to have a hydrocarbon odor. In addition, on the north side of the existing building a 300 gallon UST was discovered that is mostly empty of fuel. It is believed that the UST is a heating oil tank but the bottom residual contents will be sampled to verify the tank's purpose. After the tank was removed the soil was placed back into the excavation. RSE has requested that the area be re-excavated in order to take confirmation samples from the soil around the former tank. There was also a small amount of contamination under some piping that field screening showed mildly elevated concentrations. Approximately one cubic yard of contaminated soil was excavated from this location and placed on and also covered with visqueen. A sample was taken at the bottom of this excavation location and resulted in a field screening of non-detect. Future updates on the site progress will continue. Site soil remediation and characterization plans were approved via email by Bill O'Connell, Contaminated Sites Program Manager. |
Evonne Reese |
6/5/2017 |
Institutional Control Update |
On May 30, 2017 RSE returned to the project site and re-excavated the area previously containing the removed underground storage tank. All PID field screening readings were less than 1 ppmv. RSE submitted two (2) laboratory bottom samples to SGS and one (1) blind duplicate. Samples were analyzed for DRO, RRO, GRO and BTEX. All results were below ADEC Method 2 Soil Cleanup Levels.
Evonne Reese |
6/5/2017 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
The transport and disposal of the contaminated soil stockpile (~ 3 cubic yards) generated during the recent construction and investigation was approved by Bill O'Connell, Contaminated Sites Program Manager. |
Evonne Reese |
6/9/2017 |
Institutional Control Update |
Site construction continues. An additional UST was discovered on this date located on the east portion of the lot 25 feet from the sidewalk, near the entrance to the property approximately one foot below ground surface. The tank remains in the soil waiting for assessment. If contamination is encountered the contractors will stockpile the impacted soil and collect samples for laboratory analysis. |
Evonne Reese |
7/19/2017 |
Institutional Control Update |
Received an update from the consultant on recent site work. The second tank was removed and the soil surrounding the tank was found to have DRO impacts that exceeded migration to groundwater levels, but did not exceed inhalation or ingestion cleanup levels. The consultant performed a drinking water well search of the area and determined that the shallow unconfined groundwater on the project site is not used as a drinking water source. In the near future the soil management details from the recent site work will be compiled into a report which includes project conclusions and recommendations. |
Evonne Reese |
8/4/2017 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Received a copy of an underground injection control Class V Injection Well Closure Report which was sent to EPA on July 31, 2017 by Panda Express' consultant Restoration Science & Engineering. |
Evonne Reese |
8/24/2017 |
Institutional Control Update |
Reviewed a soil management reported dated August 7, 2017 which detailed the excavation activities on May 25th, May 30th, and June 21, 2017. The construction activities were the start of a project to construct a new parking lot with asphalt paving and a building which will house a Panda Express restaurant. This site record was closed with remaining institutional control (IC) requirements in 2009. The IC requirements were placed on the property to protect people from the risk of exposure. DEC and the consultants/contractors involved with the construction were aware that contamination would most likely be encountered in the subsurface soil. The appropriate number of samples were taken from each tank area along with the tank piping. Laboratory analyses were performed for DRO, GRO, and BTEX in all samples. Closure samples collected from UST-2 yielded DRO results above the most stringent ADEC cleanup levels, with concentrations up to 1,690 mg/kg DRO. Samples for the in-soil tank piping showed benzene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes above the most stringent cleanup levels. About 5 cubic yards of petroleum contaminated soil was removed and properly disposed of with DEC approval. DEC agrees with the report conclusion that the paving on the property, along with the ICs already in place should continue to provide protection from the risk of exposure. |
Evonne Reese |
8/25/2017 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed a groundwater monitoring and well decommissioning report. Monitoring wells RSE-1, RSE-2, and B4MW were sampled for GRO, DRO, RRO, and BTEX on April 21, 2017. All analyte concentrations were below Table C cleanup levels for RSE-2. DRO and RRO were above Table C cleanup levels for RSE-1 and B4MW. All sample results for GRO and BTEX were below the Table C cleanup levels. Monitoring wells RSE-1 and RSE-2 were decommissioned to assist in the redevelopment of the property. Monitoring well B4MW (located on adjacent condominium property) was left in place.
Evonne Reese |
2/26/2019 |
Institutional Control Compliance Review |
IC compliance review conducted. The Affiliates information for landowner was verified with the Municipality of Anchorage. The next compliance review and reminder letter will be completed in 3 years time. |
Evonne Reese |
6/4/2024 |
Institutional Control Compliance Review |
IC compliance review completed on this date. An IC reminder letter was issued to the landowner. The next review will be in five years’ time. |
Gaige Robinson |