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Site Report: Indian Mt. LRRS Spill Area (SS011)

Site Name: Indian Mt. LRRS Spill Area (SS011)
Address: 15 Miles East of Hughes, North of Runway, Hughes, AK 99745
File Number: 775.38.001
Hazard ID: 138
Status: Active
Staff: Juliana Smit, 9072693064
Latitude: 65.993786
Longitude: -153.705161
Horizontal Datum:NAD83

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


The site is the tank farm area adjacent to the north side of the runway. Spills of diesel fuel occurred in the 1970s, and large quantities of fuel soaked into the ground. The extent of contamination is unknown. IRP site SS011 (aka Spill/Leak Area No. 1, 3, and 8) . See also Reckey 198331X107301. Contaminant migration pathways identified as groundwater, surface water and soil. Potential receptors identified as site workers, visiting maintenance workers, large and small mammals, and birds. The site is assigned a HIGH overall risk on the Air Force Relative Risk Evaluation Worksheet dated 5/5/95. Site entered by Shannon and Wilson. Tanks removed summer of 1999. In 2020 an installation-wide per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) preliminary assessment was launched and identified Fuel Spill No. 8 as an area of potential concern for the release of aqueous firefighting foam. Sampling in 2022 was limited to one groundwater sample that detected perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) above project screening levels. Two soil samples were also taken, but there were no detections for PFAS. Additional investigation is planned for fully characterizing PFAS contamination at the site. Exposure is limited due to groundwater on the installation not being used for drinking water.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
5/5/1995 Site Characterization Report Approved (Old R:Base Action Code = FS - Feasibility Study (General)). Action date used is the date of the Air Force Relative Risk Evaluation Worksheet, which indicates the site is in the feasibility study phase. Former Staff
1/24/1997 Site Added to Database Site added by Shannon and Wilson. See also Reckey 198331X107301. S&W
7/25/2003 Meeting or Teleconference Held Eleven monitoring wells were scheduled to be drilled two at SS09 and nine at SS11. SS11 had one monitoring well previously installed that contained high concentration of DRO. Nine holes were drilled at SS11 and no groundwater was found. Two wells were completed at SS09 down river from the other previously drilled wells both wells had a strong petroleum odor Patrice Buck
12/9/2003 Meeting or Teleconference Held Staff met with the Air Force and their consultants to discuss possible further site characterization at SS09 and SS11, at the Indian Mountain LRRS. Further investigation is needed at SS09 to determine if contamination is migrating into the Indian River. The Air Force contractor is proposing using test pits between MW 12 and MW13 to develop a transect to determine the optimum placement of a permanent monitoring well. At SS11, sample results appear to show the DRO contamination has migrated in one direction, down an old pipeline. Additional sampling along the pipeline may show how far the plume has traveled Patrice Buck
8/17/2004 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Staff reviewed and sent an approval letter for a work plan for follow-on investigation to delineate the extent of contamination. Five test pits wil be excavated with samples taken from the surface, the bottom, and the middle. Work will be completed summer 2004. Tamar Stephens
11/26/2004 Update or Other Action Staff reviewed and commented on the results of soil sampling at SS11 titled Indian Mountain Long Range Relay Station Drum Removal and Soil Investigation at LF05, SS02, SS11, Upper Camp, and Gold Camp Report Draft 2002/2003. In 2002, 8 test pits were excavated to 3-4 feet below ground surface. Samples had DRO ranging up to 17,300 mg/kg. Emily Youcha
12/28/2004 Update or Other Action Staff reviewed and commented on report titled "Follow-On Remedial Investigation at SS09 and SS11 - Draft Report". Significant petroleum-contaminated soil exists at SS11 based on the results of detailed soil characterization work. Remaining soil contamination appears to be slowly migrating vertically. Staff recommends feasibility study with proposed cleanup levels and technology. Emily Youcha
6/15/2005 Update or Other Action The spring Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) meeting in Hughes for the Indian Mountain LRRS was cancelled by the 611th Civil Engineer Squadron due to difficulty obtaining permission for travel from the Air Force. A RAB meeting has not been held in Hughes since 2003. Additionally, a field visit that was to be conducted in July by the Air Force and Contaminated Sites staff was cancelled due to similar problems. Emily Youcha
9/30/2005 Update or Other Action Staff visited the Indian Mtn LRRS and visited the IRP and compliance sites with the contractor operating the radar station (Arctec). Weather conditions limited a visit to the top of Upper Camp. Emily Youcha
2/1/2006 Institutional Control Record Established The 611th CES Base General Plan indicates land-use controls for this site. LUCs are not final but state that no action or activity should occur at this site. The 611 CES should be contacted if any work is proposed in the vicinity of the site. Emily Youcha
3/2/2006 Update or Other Action Staff received a risk assessment workplan for this site. The review will be contracted out because we currently do not have a risk assessor avialable to review the document. Emily Youcha
4/14/2006 Update or Other Action Staff contracted the review to Oasis Environmental (Krista Graham) for project continuity. Staff provided minor comments on the workplan. Tthe workplan will be approved after comments are resolved. Emily Youcha
8/10/2006 Update or Other Action Most of the comments are adequately addressed in this final Risk Assessment for SS09/SS11 workplan and so the workplan is therefore approved. ADEC expects additional explanation and clarification on a few of our comments in the risk assessment report (see Response to Review Comments dated 4-10-2006 for the Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessments at SS09 and SS11Workplan – Draft February 2006, comment numbers 2, 3, 8, 10, and 14). Because the Air Force expects to retain management of this land, this risk assessment is tailored to the industrial-use scenario. However, if there is ever a change in land use, the Air Force will be required to re-evaluate risk at the site under residential and subsistence land-use scenarios. Although the intent of the risk assessment is not clearly indicated in the report, if alternative soil cleanup levels (based on the risk assessment) higher than ADEC Method Two Soil Cleanup levels are proposed for SS09 and SS11, it must be demonstrated that there is no risk to human health and the environment and contamination will not migrate to surface water, ground water, or other exposure media and receptors. Additionally, institutional controls are required for all contamination above the most stringent Method Two Soil Cleanup levels. Emily Youcha
8/22/2006 GIS Position Updated Updated site coordinates based on USGS Quad Map Emily Youcha
4/1/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed. Tamar Stephens
2/5/2010 CERCLA FS Reviewed draft Focused Feasibility Study at SS009 and SS011; sent review letter with comments. Tamar Stephens
12/30/2010 CERCLA FS Approved final Focused Feasibility Study (FFS) at SS009 and SS011. FFS evaluates remedial alternatives for cleanup of contaminated soil and groundwater. Tamar Stephens
4/7/2011 CERCLA Proposed Plan Reviewed and sent comments on draft Proposed Plan for Remedial Action at SS009 and SS011. Tamar Stephens
8/23/2011 CERCLA Proposed Plan Approved final Proposed Plan for Remedial Action at SS009 and SS011. The preferred alternative proposed by the Air Force for SS011 is selected is in situ landfarming of petroleum contaminated soil. Tamar Stephens
1/31/2013 CERCLA ROD Approved DEC and the USAF signed a ROD for SS011, a former fuel tank farm and surrounding area. No Further Action is required under CERCLA. Residual petroleum contamination will be cleaned up / managed in accordance with the Alaska Oil and Hazardous Substance Pollution Control regulations (18 AAC 75). Cleanup levels approved for the site include: surface soil - DRO 5,087 mg/kg, GRO 300 mg/kg, RRO 10,000 mg/kg; subsurface soil - 1,2,4- and 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene 23 mg/kg, naphthalene 20 mg/kg, n-propylbenzene 15 mg/kg, xylenes 63 mg/kg; sediment DRO 250 mg/kg, and GRO 300 mg/kg. Surface soil will be treated by landfarming (nutrient addtion and tilling the top 2 feet of soil over a two year period of time) and institutional controls (ICs) will be established for subsurface soil until contaminants naturally attenuate. ICs will include documenting the location of the site and limitations on future use in the USAF Real Property Records, the Base General Plan, the 611 ASG Land Use Control Management Plan, and the State land records. The AF facility construction review processes and dig permit system will be used to prevent residential use activities and ensure any excavation or subsurface activities at the site include proper waste characterization and management. The USAF will conduct annual inspections of the site and the ICs/LUCs and will submit an annual report to DEC for the first five years after the ROD was signed; at that time the AF and DEC will determine whether the inspection and reporting frequency should be modified. John Halverson
11/6/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received a Draft Work Plan for 2013 Environmental Long Term Monitoring (LTM) at Indian Mountain, Long Range Radar Station. Dennis Shepard
11/26/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received a Draft Report for 2013 Environmental Long Term Monitoring (LTM) at Indian Mountain, Long Range Radar Station. The Report describes field work including groundwater sampling at site SS009, and a land survey to identify site boundaries of eight of the eleven contaminant areas (SD001, LF004, LF005, LF006, SS002, SS009, SS010, and SS011) at the Indian Mountain LRRS. Dennis Shepard
11/27/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided preliminary comments for the 2013 Environmental Long Term Monitoring (LTM) report for Indian Mountain, Long Range Radar Station. The Report describes field work including groundwater sampling at site SS009, and a land survey to identify site boundaries of eight of the eleven contaminant areas (SD001, LF004, LF005, LF006, SS002, SS009, SS010, and SS011) at the Indian Mountain LRRS. The report did not included a complete laboratory analytical report. DEC has requested the laboratory analytical report be submitted prior to completing its review. Dennis Shepard
11/27/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided review comments for the Draft Work Plan for 2013 Environmental Long Term Monitoring (LTM) at Indian Mountain, Long Range Radar Station. Dennis Shepard
12/23/2013 Update or Other Action File transferred to Guy Warren Rebecca Bryan
3/22/2016 Update or Other Action Submit approval letter for 2015 Environmental Long Term Monitoring at the Indian Mountain LRRS site. Activities at SS011 included an IC inspection. Warning signs are not present and need to be installed. Standing water was observed at multiple locations on the sites. Weather conditions made ground inspection difficult. No evidence of unauthorized digging or excavation activities was observed. Recommendation include posting of warning signs and the site should be included in the 611th LUC plan. Erosion control measures should be considered for the site. Guy Warren
9/7/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC reviewed the "Draft Supplemental Work Plan- 2016 RAO, Land Use/IC" for several sites within the Indian Mountain LRRS. ADEC accepted all comment responses and requested a final document for approval. According to the March 2016 LTMR, the installation of additional signage is needed. The USACE PM stated this will be included in future work. Holly Weiss-Racine
6/15/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The Final 2016 Long Term Monitoring (LTM) Activities report dated May 2017 is approved. The 2016 LTM activities included collecting analytical groundwater, surface water and sediment samples from LF004 for metals, and collecting analytical groundwater samples from SS009 for diesel range organics (DRO) and trichloroethylene (TCE). Institutional control (IC) inspections were carried out at LF005, LF006, SS002 and SS011. Due to winter conditions at SD001 and SS010, IC inspections could not be completed. The purpose of the groundwater monitoring and IC inspections is to verify the effectiveness of the approved remedies found in each site's Record of Decision (ROD). Erica Blake
9/14/2017 Update or Other Action The Department of the Air Force, Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC) notified DEC of a Land Use Control (LUC) violation at SS011 on September 14, 2017. DEC received a signed written notification describing the violation on September 15, 2017. Erica Blake
9/19/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC has approved the 'Final Supplemental Work Plan 2017-2018 Remedial Action Operations, Land Use/Institutional Control, Indian Mountain Long Range Radar Station (LRRS), dated September 2017. This Work Plan presented long-term monitoring (LTM) activities at nine Indian Mountain LRRS sites; LF004, LF005, LF006, SD001, SS002, SS009, SS010, SS011 and OT008. LTM activities were; institutional control inspections [land use control (LUC) inspections and installation of signs] at all sites, analytical groundwater, surface water and sediment sampling at Site LF004, and analytical groundwater sampling at Site SS009. Erica Blake
10/31/2017 Update or Other Action DEC sent the Department of the Air Force, Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC) a response letter to the Land Use Control (LUC) violation at SS011. The response letter requests the Air Force provide more details about the LUC. Erica Blake
1/9/2018 Update or Other Action DEC received a memorandum on December 19, 2017 from the Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC) responding to DEC's October 31, 2017 letter with concerns about the Land-Use Control (LUC) violation at SS011 at the Indian Mountain Long Range Radar Station (LRRS) site. AFCEC's memorandum adequately described several actions that have been implemented to ensure future compliance at Indian Mountain LRRS and other Pacific Air Force Regional Support Center (PACAF) sites. An inspection at Site SS011, where the LUC violation occurred, was attempted fall 2017, however due to fresh snow the inspection could not be completed. AFCEC provided DEC with figures showing historical sample results in relation to where the 2017 LUC violation occurred. The closest diesel range organics (DRO) detection to the LUC violation area was; 37 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) at approximately 1 foot (ft) below ground surface (bgs) and 2,700 mg/kg at 11 ft bgs. A down gradient sample from the LUC violation area showed lower DRO results. The contractor onsite did not observe any sheen on rainwater pooled in the excavation area. DEC concurred with the proposal to regrade Site SS011 back to its original state, and to re-seed the area to prevent future erosion. On January 9, 2018, DEC accepted AFCEC’s memorandum and appreciates AFCEC’s efforts to prevent future violations. Erica Blake
3/6/2018 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC met with US Air Force (USAF) staff to review and discuss cleanup progress at all the Indian Mountain sites. The only ongoing work is the long-term monitoring (LTM) work at eight sites (SD001, LF004, LF005, LF006, SS011, SS002, SS009, SS010). Tentatively, there is additional work at OT008, Upper Camp PCB Spill and MMRP sites planned for 2019, pending funding from the USAF. The other sites; LUST, 2004 Spill Arctec, Fuel Offload Area (PL510) and the Incinerator Fuel Line were reviewed and discussed for a cleanup path forward. Erica Blake
8/31/2018 Site Visit DEC conducted a brief 4-hour site visit at the Indian Mountain Long Range Radar Station sites. DEC observed sites at both the Upper and Lower Camp areas. A lot of the Lower Camp sites extend into thick brush and wooded areas, and because time on the ground was limited, not all of those areas were inspected closely. At the Upper Camp, some of the sites are on the sides of very steep slopes, and were not visited. Warning signs were recently installed, and were visible at all the areas of concern. Erica Blake
6/10/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Report approved: 2017-2018 long term monitoring (LTM) activities at the Indian Mountain LRRS site which is located 18 miles east of Hughes, Alaska. Eight sites are included in this report; LF004, LF005, LF006, SS002, SS009, SS010, SS011 and OT008. Sites SS010 and OT008 are located in an area called Upper Camp and sites LF004, LF005, LF006, SS002, SS009, and SS011 are located in an area called Lower Camp. Groundwater and water samples from LF004 showed no exceedances for metals, although sediment samples showed lead over the probable effects level. Groundwater samples from SS009 showed exceedances of DRO and TCE. DRO contamination was stable or decreasing, but TCE was found to be increasing. The institutional control (IC) inspection found that IC’s were properly in place. One groundwater monitoring well had no water and thus was not sampled. Kevin Fraley
6/11/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other A 2019 supplemental work plan was approved, and presents proposed 2019 work and institutional control inspections at Indian Mountain Long Range Radar Station sites SS002, LF004, LF005, LF006, SS009, SS010, SS011, and OT008. Groundwater samples will be collected from monitoring wells at site SS009 and analyzed for diesel range organics (DRO) and trichloroethylene (TCE). Additionally, an institutional control inspection will be conducted at sites SS002, LF004, LF005, LF006, SS009, SS010, SS011, and OT008. Kevin Fraley
6/25/2019 Site Visit DEC conducted a brief site visit at the Indian Mountain Long Range Radar Station sites as part of scoping for contractor bids. DEC observed sites at both the Upper and Lower Camp areas. The SS011 area was viewed to determine the feasibility of tree removal for enacting the ROD remedy. Kevin Fraley
7/25/2020 CERCLA SI DEC approved the “Final Perfluorooctanoic Acid, Perfluoroctane Sulfonate, and Perfluorobutane Sulfonate Site Inspections, Uniform Federal Policy-Quality Assurance Project Plan Work Plan, Six Remote Radar Stations, Alaska” dated July 2020. This work plan was prepared by United States Air Force to guide investigation of the potential presence of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), and perfluorobutane sulfonate (PFBS) at six remote radar sites in Alaska through the sampling of surface water, groundwater, soil and sediment. Sampling is planned for Cape Newenham, Cape Romanzof, Indian Mountain, Point Barrow, Sparrevohn and Tatalina, Melinda Brunner
8/5/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received and provided comments for the 2020 Draft Supplemental Work Plan for sites LF004, LF005, LF006, SS002, SS009, SS010, SS011, and OT008. Work mainly involved IC management such as inspecting landfill caps. 5 monitoring wells will be sampled for DRO and TCE at SS009. DEC requested that debris exposed by erosion at LF004 be removed, as recommended by the 2019 Report. No other comments were necessary. Tim Sharp
9/1/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC Approved the 2020 Final Supplemental Work Plan for Remedial Action Operations, Land Use/Institutional Controls at LF004, LF005, LF006, OT008, SD001, SS002, SS009, SS010, and SS011. The Proposed LTM and LUC/IC inspection activities include sampling 5 groundwater monitoring wells for analysis of DRO and TCE at SS009, landfill cap inspection at LF005 and LF005, and general IC inspections at all sites. Debris removal from LF004 due to erosion is scheduled to occur in 2021. Tim Sharp
3/18/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC Approved the 2020 UFP-QAPP for Remedial Action - Construction at OT008, SS011, AB938 and SR937. The work plan was originally sent in April 2020, and an approval letter was planned to be sent. However, upon subsequent review of the files, the letter was not drafted before work was conducted at the site. Tim Sharp
4/14/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC sent comments on the 2020 RAO LUC/IC Report for LF004, LF005, LF006, OT008, SD001, SS002, SS009, SS010, and SS011. The majority of these sites were subject to basic IC monitoring such as sign maintenance and cap inspections. Site specific information in next comment. Tim Sharp
4/14/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Recommendations were simply discouraging site use and continue inspections. DEC recommended to dewater Cells 1 and 2 and sample the ponded water for COCs in comments. Tim Sharp
5/12/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC sent comments for the Draft Work Plan RAO/LTM. The report details current conditions at several sites. It proposes LUC and IC inspections, landfill inspections, MW repairs, and MW sampling at LF004 and SS009. The majority of the comments focused on discrepancies between the unfinalized 2020 LTM Report and this 2021 LTM WP. DEC intends to approve a final report before finalizing the work plan if at all possible. Tim Sharp
5/18/2021 Institutional Control Periodic Reporting DEC Approved the Final 2020 RAO LUC/IC Report for sites LF004, LF005, LF006, OT008, SD001, SS002, SS009, SS010, and SS011. Recommendations for each site stayed largely the same as indicated previously. Tim Sharp
7/12/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC Approved the Final 2021 RAO and LTM Work Plan, with the understanding that several DEC recommendations put forward will be taken into consideration under a separate contract. This includes drum removal, potential installation of additional monitoring wells, and erosion control methods. Tim Sharp
3/9/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC sent comments for the Indian Mountain LRRS Draft Remedial Action - Construction (RA-C) Report. At OT008, three areas of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) contaminated soil were delineated, excavated, and capped based on the levels of contamination. Soil with PCB contamination between 1 mg/kg and 10 mg/kg was capped between two feet of gravel and a liner at the former White Alice Communication System (WACS) Station area. Soil above 10 mg/kg was excavated and removed for disposal offsite as non-Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) hazardous waste, and soil greater than 50 mg/kg was disposed of as TSCA regulated waste. At SS011, samples were taken to characterize the remaining petroleum contamination in the soil in advance of implementing the record of decision (ROD) remedy of in-situ land farming. An area to the south of the release could not be fully delineated due to the active runway present. At the two Military Munitions Response Program (MMRP) sites AB938 and SR937, lead-contaminated soil was treated with FreeFlow Technologies and sampled. All samples fell below applicable cleanup levels. Comments for the document included concerns of waste transport and disposal approval, lack of confirmation samples collected, and concrete/transformer removal without sampling/discussion with the Solid Waste Program. Tim Sharp
3/11/2022 CERCLA SI DEC sent comments on Indian Mountain SI for PFAS. Soil and groundwater sampling was conducted for perfluorooctane sulfonate, perfluorooctanoic acid, and perfluorobutanesulfonic acid (PFOS, PFOA, and PFBS). Samples were collected from a fire training area (FTA) where aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) was known to be released, and three non-FTAs where AFFF was suspected to be stored or spilled, or where AFFF-related debris may have been disposed. The report recommends a Remedial Investigation (RI) be performed at the Non-FTA #1 due to exceedances of EPA’s Health Advisory (HA) limits in groundwater. The report recommends No Further Response Action Planned (NFRAP) for the other areas of concern. DEC disagrees with the recommendation of NFRAP at FTA #1, as there were no groundwater samples collected in this location, and there was exceedance of EPA’s protection of groundwater soil screening level. Tim Sharp
6/12/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviewed and provided comments regarding the Draft Final Remedial Action-Operation and Long-Term Management Report Indian Mountain Long Range Radar Site Sites LF004, LF005, LF006, OT008, SD001, SS002, SS009, SS010, and SS011, dated May 2023.This report describes the long-term management and remedial action-operation activities performed at sites LF004, LF005, LF006, OT008, SD001, SS002, SS009, SS010, and SS011 at the Indian Mountain Long Range Radar Site (LRRS) during August of 2022. The report recommends continued monitoring at all the sites and the replacement of land use control signs at the LF006 and SS009 sites. Ginna Quesada
10/12/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Final Remedial Action-Operation and Long-Term Management Report Indian Mountain Long Range Radar Site Sites LF004, LF005, LF006, OT008, SD001, SS002, SS009, SS010, and SS011, dated October 2023. Ginna Quesada
5/8/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided comments for Draft-Final 2023 Five-Year Review Report For LF004, LF005, LF006, SS002, SS010, SD011, SD001, And OT008 At Indian Mountain Long Range Radar Station, Alaska (not dated). Draft was received on April 15, 2024. This was the first Five-Year Review for SD001, SD011, and OT008 and the second for LF004, LF005, LF006, SS002 SS009, and SS010. There are several comments where DEC disagrees with the response and is asking for additional clarification. Brian Watts
5/29/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Responded to comments for Draft Final 2023 Five-Year Review for LF004, LF005, LF006, SS002, SS009, SS010, SS011, SD001, and OT008 at Indian Mountain Long Range Radar Station, Alaska (undated). There are comments where DEC continues to disagree and others requiring information and clarification. Brian Watts
6/6/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided comments for Indian Mountain Long Range Radar Site, Alaska Explanation of Significant Differences for SS011 (Spill/Leak Area Nos. 1, 3, and 8) Draft Final dated May 2024. This ESD replaces Record of Decision (ROD) dated February 2024 and presents an amended remedy for Site SS011. The 2013 ROD remedy was bioremediation with in-situ landfarming for surface soil 0 to 2 feet bgs, which was never implemented. The amended remedy is institutional controls (ICs) to address remaining contamination. The primary comment of concern is DEC no longer accepts Notices of Environmental Contamination (NEC). A Notice of Activity Use and Limitations (NAUL) is required to be placed on the site to address restrictions for the remaining contamination. Brian Watts
6/14/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved Explanation of Significant Differences for SS011 (Spill/Leak Area Nos. 1, 3, and 8) Final (dated June 2024). The amended remedy is institutional controls (ICs) along with placing a Notice of Activity Use and Limitations (NAUL) to address remaining contamination. This document amends the 2013 Record of Decision (ROD). Remaining contaminants include 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, naphthalene, n-propylbenzene, and xylenes. Brian Watts
7/2/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided final comments and approval for the Final 2023 Five-Year Review Report For LF004, LF005, LF006, SS002, SS009, SS010, SS011, SD001, and OT008 At Indian Mountain Long Range Radar Station, Alaska (undated). DEC accepts all comments with the expectation that Notices of Activity Use and Limitations (NAULs) be created for sites with remaining contamination. Brian Watts
8/20/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided a comment for the draft Notice of Activity Use and Limitations for SS011 at Indian Mountain LRRS to the U.S. Air Force. The NAUL was drafted to place restrictions on site use since contaminants of concern remain in the surface and subsurface soil above cleanup levels. The comment provided was requesting for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to be added to the list of remaining contaminants. Erica Blake
9/19/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided comments and responses to comments for the Draft Final 2023 Remedial Action-Operation and Long-Term Management Report Indian Mountain Long Range Radar Site Sites LF004, LF005, LF006, OT008, SD001, SS002, SS009, SS010, and SS011, dated August 2024.This report describes the long-term management and remedial action-operation activities performed at sites LF004, LF005, LF006, OT008, SD001, SS002, SS009, SS010, and SS011 at the Indian Mountain Long Range Radar Site (LRRS) during September of 2023. The report recommends continued monitoring at all the sites and the installation of additional land use control signs at the SD001. The report also recommended the decommissioning of the monitoring wells SS09-MW01 and SS09-MW04R at the SS009 site. Ginna Quesada

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments
GRO > Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil
DRO > Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil

Control Type

Type Details
Land Use Plan / Maps / Base Master Plan Base General Plan - Land Use Controls


Description Details
Excavation / Soil Movement Restrictions LUCs are not final but state that no action or activity should occur at this site. The 611 CES should be contacted if any work is proposed in the vicinity of the site.

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