Site Report: Gwydyr Bay South #1
Site Name: | Gwydyr Bay South #1 |
Address: | Kuparuk River Delta, Gwydyr Bay, Deadhorse, AK 99734 |
File Number: | 300.38.199 |
Hazard ID: | 1430 |
Status: | Cleanup Complete |
Staff: | No Longer Assigned, 9074655229 |
Latitude: | 70.401425 |
Longitude: | -148.900580 |
Horizontal Datum: | WGS84 |
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We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.
Drilling activities included using diesel-based drill muds, and drilling operations were powered by equipment that required diesel fuel. Therefore, the type of contamination expected to be found in the pad gravel is diesel, and potential COCS include the following: -releases of drill bore fluids containing diesel and crude; -diesel surface releases caused by fuel transfer and fuel storage operations; -volatile organic compounds (VOCs) as found in pad gravels commingled with the coming from diesel releases Gwydyr Bay South No. 1 consists of a drill pad, adjoining runway, inactive reserve pit and inactive flare pit which were constructed by Mobil during the winter of 1974 by placing sandy gravel fill from nearby river channels on tundra. The pad is about five feet thick.
Action Information
Action Date | Action | Description | DEC Staff |
9/13/2004 | Update or Other Action | A draft corrective action plan was received. | Linda Nuechterlein |
9/17/2004 | Update or Other Action | CS staff reviewed and discussed issues concerning Draft CAP with Judd Peterson, Reserve Pit Program. | Linda Nuechterlein |
9/20/2004 | Meeting or Teleconference Held | A meeting with CS staff(Nuechterlein), Solid Waste staff/Reserve Pit Closure Program (Judd Peterson), and Mike Barker(Exxon) was held at 9:00am to discuss issues with the reserve pit and gravel pad cleanup. Options for site closure were examined. CS issues discussed included target levels required for gravel removal, estimated volumes of gravel, and stockpiles. | Linda Nuechterlein |
9/23/2004 | Meeting or Teleconference Held | CS staff (Nuechterlein) and Reserve Pit Program staff teleconferenced with Exxon (Barker) to further discuss CU levels for reserve pit and pad (See Memo to file for details.). | Linda Nuechterlein |
10/4/2004 | Site Added to Database | DRO contamination in pad gravel. | Sarah Cunningham |
11/26/2004 | Update or Other Action | The following comments were emailed to Mike Barker (Exxon) for site closure CAP. On page 3-2 of the proposal, it is stated that non-exempt, contaminated gravel from the exploration pad containing greater than 500 mg/kg DRO will be excavated and treated offsite by LTTD and/or landfarming. However, CAP does not specifically address how the contaminated soil excavated from the pad that exceeds 500 mg/kg DRO will be stored, disposed of and/or treated. At the meeting, Exxon indicated they would like to keep options open, and this decision may ultimately depend on the outcome of the bidding process. Therefore, it was noted that an approved work plan will be required for the excavated contaminated soil if it is to be stockpiled, transported off-site, re-used as restricted use gravel, treated via landfarming or LTTD since this was not included in the current proposal. All sampling and screening should be done in accordance with 18 AAC 75, and the Guidance for Cleanup of Petroleum Contaminated Sites. | Linda Nuechterlein |
7/27/2005 | GIS Position Updated | Topozone was used in conjuction with report to find lat/long. NAD27. Action had been completed on day of site intake. QA/QC showed that GIS Position Update had not been added. | Sarah Cunningham |
3/8/2006 | Update or Other Action | Received email from Bryan Lund of Marsh Creek that CAP involving excavation of gravel pad was underway at Gwydyr Bay. Consultant requested approval to transport contaminated gravel. Phone call to consultant/B. Lund to ascertain that CAP was being performed in accordance with comments made in my email dated 11/26/04. | Linda Nuechterlein |
3/9/2006 | Update or Other Action | Transport of approximately 1,100 cubic yards (cy) of contaminated gravel from Gwydyr Bay South #1 exploration pad to the Alaska Interstate Construction (AIC) facility in Deadhorse for thermal treatment was approved. | Linda Nuechterlein |
11/14/2006 | Update or Other Action | Email to consultant requesting an update and final report. PM changed to Bill O'Connell. | Linda Nuechterlein |
10/4/2007 | Site Characterization Report Approved | Received Project Completion Report for Gwydyr Bay South #1. Three areas of diesel contamination on the gravel pad were excavated and the soil treated by low temperature thermal desorption at AIC in Deadhorse. Area A - 340 cy, Area B - 95 cy, and Area C - 1,075 cy. Confirmation samples collected from the bottom and sidewalls of the excavated areas did not contain DRO above ADEC Method One cleanup levels. | Bill O'Connell |
2/15/2008 | GIS Position Updated | Position updated with Google Maps | Grant Lidren |
2/19/2008 | Exposure Tracking Model Ranking | Initial ranking with ETM completed. | Grant Lidren |
3/5/2008 | Site Closure Approved | The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Contaminated Sites Program (ADEC) has completed review of the environmental records associated with Gwydyr Bay South #1. This site had been contaminated by the release of a hazardous substance; however, based on the information provided to date, ADEC has determined that the site shall be closed. The soil contamination remaining on site is below the most stringent ADEC soil cleanup levels and does not pose a risk to human health or the environment. | Grant Lidren |
Contaminant Information
Name | Level Description | Media | Comments |
For more information about this site, contact DEC at (907) 465-5390. |
Control Type
Type | Details |
No ICs Required |
Description | Details |
Advance approval required to transport soil or groundwater off-site. |
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