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Site Report: FAA Level Island Shop

Site Name: FAA Level Island Shop
Address: Level Islands, ~27 Mi. West of Wrangell, Wrangell, AK 99929
File Number: 1529.38.011
Hazard ID: 1459
Status: Active
Staff: Michael Hooper, 9074515174
Latitude: 56.465473
Longitude: -133.097055
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Diesel, gasoline, and residual range petroleum hydrocarbons present in shop area soils. Combination LUST and CS Site.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
12/27/1999 Site Added to Database Diesel fuel and gasoline. Eileen Olson
1/24/2000 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Initial ranking. Eileen Olson
1/14/2002 Update or Other Action Corrected database status from inactive to active. See FAA Level Island for updated database details. Elizabeth Stergiou
2/27/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Anne Marie Palmieri
1/15/2009 Update or Other Action A letter was sent to FAA this date requesting additional characterization at the shop area. FAA had requested closure for this area several years ago to which DEC had not formally responded. The closure request was denied. Additional characterization is scheduled to be conducted in 2009. Anne Marie Palmieri
9/22/2009 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Work plan approved this date. Anne Marie Palmieri
5/26/2011 Update or Other Action Site has been transferred to Fred Vreeman. Anne Marie Palmieri
9/20/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Approved the final injection well closure report documenting the permanent closure of a floor drain in Building 622. Building 622 had a floor drain sump near the center of the garage connected to an outfall pipe that discharged to the south side of the building. A second floor drain at the eastern portion of the building was plumbed to the sump. The outfall pipe was plugged and the sump partially filled with clean material and capped with concrete. Approximately 14 inches of space was left in the sump to allow accumulation of snow melt and other liquids; the floor drain at the eastern portion of the building was not closed, and still drains to the sump. Results from a sample collected below the outfall pipe show arsenic above the cleanup level. Melody Debenham
3/23/2015 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 72437 name: Shop drains & drum rack Monte Garroutte
4/17/2015 Update or Other Action DEC submitted a draft decision document to FAA regarding the remaining sites at Level Island FAA Station. Once this document has been finalized following comment resolution, it will guide the future characterization, remediation, and management of the remaining Level Island sites. Monte Garroutte
9/7/2016 Institutional Control Compliance Review DEC has completed a decision document for the FAA Level Island sites. FAA has indicated that it will review the decision document following the 2016 field season. Monte Garroutte
2/11/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Provided comments on Draft Remedial Action and Remedial Investigation Workplan. Michael Hooper
4/13/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Approved Draft Final Workplan for 2020 Field season. Field work is currently delayed due to global pandemic. Michael Hooper
5/9/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Provided comments on DRAFT Release Investigation and Remedial Action Report for non-dump AOCs at the level island station. Michael Hooper
8/3/2022 Site Characterization Report Approved The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) has reviewed the aforementioned report for remedial action and remedial investigation which occurred at the non-landfill areas of concern (AOCs) at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Level Island contaminated site located on Level Island located near Wrangell, AK. ADEC will evaluate the Beach Barge Connection (PX AOC 1) and Building 105 UST 44-A-3 (RTH AOC 1) for closure. The remaining AOCs including the South Drum Storage Rack (SAL AOC 4), the Pipeline, Tank Farm and Pumphouse (PX AOC 1), and the Building 622 UST 44-A-4 (SAL AOC 5) require additional characterization or monitoring. ADEC comments from the letter dated May 9, 2022 were addressed in the final version of the document, the non-landfill Release Investigation and Remedial Action Report is approved as written. The FAA Level Island landfill project is ongoing and will be detailed in a separate report. Michael Hooper
5/8/2024 Site Characterization Report Approved Reviewed and approved RA report. During remedial actions in 2021 the former landfill face, former burn area, and other areas of concern were excavated. A total of 1,349 cubic yards (cy) of non-hazardous and 69 cy of hazardous soil were barged out of state for disposal at Columbia Ridge Landfill in Arlington, Oregon. Samples collected following excavation indicated that that DRO and dioxins exceed the applicable cleanup levels at the edges of the former landfill burn area, landfill face, and landfill surface areas on the south side of the landfill. The FAA recommends an iterative approach of excavation and sampling to remove the remaining contamination in these areas. DEC agrees with the recommendations and the report is approved. Michael Hooper
5/8/2024 Site Characterization Report Approved Michael Hooper

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