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Site Report: Kenai Pipeline Company

Site Name: Kenai Pipeline Company
Address: 48775 Kenai Spur Highway; Mile 22 N. Kenai Spur Hwy, Nikiski, AK 99635
File Number: 2323.38.014
Hazard ID: 1509
Status: Active
Staff: Peter Campbell, 9072623412
Latitude: 60.685556
Longitude: -151.391944
Horizontal Datum:NAD83

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


The KPL facility has multiple areas of contamination from spills, leaks, and past working practices of crude oil contamination to the ground, surface, and groundwater during the operation of the facility. Impacts to vegetation, wildlife and groundwater. This site is being worked in conjunction with Tesoro KPL Facility - 1999, Hazard ID 3190, File Number 2323.38.014, Reckey: 1999-23-01-228-01. On 12/26/1991, KPL sent a site assessment report to ADEC after KPL had found contamination at their facility. The site assessment showed several areas that needed further investigation. On 5/20/1992, the Department approved the Phase II site assessment on 5/12/1992. Phase II site assessment has been worked on from 5/1992 to 12/1992. The Department is waiting for the results of the Phase II site assessment. This site also includes spill no. 16239935301; spill date = 12/18/16; substance crude oil/waste water mixture; quantity = 126 gallons; source = piping to wastewater tank 2400; lat/long: 60.685467 / -151.391509, datum = WGS84; description: As a result of a over pressured line serving KPL Tank 2400 an estimated 126 gallons of oily water mixture was released to the environment. Excavation was completed during summer of 2017. Groundwater impacts have been identified at this site.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
12/9/1992 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Surface Water Exposure Index and Environmental/Recreation Area Values changed from site managers form. Former Staff
12/20/1992 Site Added to Database Crude oil contamination. Former Staff
11/9/1993 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with KPL manager and assistant manager, ENSR consulting, Gateway Environmental, and KDO. ENSR and Gateway Environmental described what was found at the KPL facility during the 93 work season and went over the findings and conclusions of the risk assessment. Former Staff
11/16/1993 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = RAPR - Remedial Action Plan Review (CS)). KPL submitted plans to remediate approximately 82 drums of petroleum contaminated soil from drill cuttings from the site assessment. The soils were transported to CleanSoils for remediation where they will be treated and then returned to the KPL facility. Former Staff
1/3/1994 Site Characterization Report Approved (Old R:Base Action Code = SA1R - Phase I SA Review (CS/LUST)). Reviewed the site characterization results of the 1993 work season. Former Staff
2/16/1994 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = SA1R - Phase I SA Review (CS/LUST)). Finished review of phase 1 site assessment report and the groundwater monitoring report. Reply letter sent to KPL on 2/16/94. Former Staff
12/1/1995 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = RAPR - Remedial Action Plan Review (CS)). Reviewed plan for additional sampling at this site and installation of additional monitor wells. Don Fritz
8/27/1999 Site Characterization Report Approved Reviewed report for characterization of site Don Fritz
8/27/1999 Cleanup Plan Approved Approved plan to excavate assessable contaminated soils Don Fritz
9/30/1999 Cleanup Plan Approved Approved plan for transportation of approximately 150 cubic yards of petroleum contaminated soils to the OIT facility in Fairbanks for thermal treatment Don Fritz
3/17/2004 Update or Other Action File number assigned and entered into the Fileroom DB and CS DB. Alyce Hughey
9/2/2005 GIS Position Updated Using Figures 1 through 3 from a Work Plan for Site Characterization Kenai Pipeline Company, from ENSR Consulting and Engineering, dated May 1992, in conjunction with TopoZone Pro and the KPB Parcel Lookup, entered the coordinates for this site. Metadata includes No Topo Basemap, TopoZone Pro Street Maps, Black and White Aerial Photo, on a Medium Size Map, View Scale 1:10,000, Coordinate Datum NAD83. High degree of confidence in accuracy of location. Alyce Hughey
3/21/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed. Don Fritz
11/3/2011 Update or Other Action This site is being worked in connection with the Tesoro KPL Facility -1999 release. Groundwater monitoring is being conducted at this site. The last groundwater monitoring report received in our office was for a 2010 Groundwater Monitoring Report, dated February 12, 2011, from Kent & Sullivan, Inc. Alyce Hughey
11/16/2011 Update or Other Action Site transferred from Don Fritz to Peter Campbell per Paul Horwath. Alyce Hughey
11/30/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the 2010 Groundwater Monitoring Report, Kenai Pipeline Company, dated February 12, 2011, from Kent & Sullivan.The 2010 field activities included assessing the groundwater quality in water supply wells twice a year, annual groundwater monitoring and the installation of five Air Sparge Wells in the Bernice Creek Plume Area. The two drinking water wells were sample on January 25, 2010 and July 13, 2010 with Benzene being detected in RT-5 at a concentration of 0.00077 mg/L in the July sample results. A confirmation sample is planned to be taken in January of 2011 from RT-5 to evaluate these results. The groundwater monitoring wells and beach seep sample were taken July 8th through 13th of 2010. The Pipeline Manifold Plume Area concentrations are remaining consistent, with the beach seep sample taken not detecting any of the analytes. The Bernice Creek Plume Area has shown some increases in concentrations within the Bernice Creek Plume at concentrations of 0.0956 to 48.5 mg/L Benzene, 0.526 to 38.1 mg/L Toluene, 2.62 to 5.17 mg/L Ethylbenzene, 17.99 to 23.06 mg/L Xylenes and 54.0 to 201.0 mg/L GRO. The Pond 2 Area concentrations are remaining consistent with some increases and decreases. The Beach/Dock Plume Area is remaining consistent with previous samplings with the newly installed down-gradient monitoring well not detecting any of the analytes. The Bernice Creek Air Sparge System, South Lobe Air Sparge System was operating continuously during 2010 as scheduled. The five new Air Sparge Wells (ASP-30 to ASP-34) were installed on June 17, 2010, and are scheduled to start operation in early 2011. Alyce Hughey
1/17/2012 Update or Other Action Letter to Tesoro in response to the 2010 Groundwater Monitoring Report for Kenai Pipeline dated February 12, 2011, requesting additional information and backup data missing from the report. In addition, ADEC agreed to the elimination of wells RTD-BS-3, MW-73 and MW-74 based on declining benzene trends in up-gradient wells MW-63 and MW-72. If the benzene trend should change, the wells will be brought back into the sampling network. February 17, 2012, Received information as requested from KPL via e-mail. Peter Campbell
5/15/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the 2011 Groundwater Monitoring Report, Kenai Pipeline Company, dated April 16, 2012, from Kent & Sullivan. The 2011 field activities included assessing the groundwater quality in water supply wells twice a year, annual groundwater monitoring to assess the groundwater plumes and the startup of the five new Air Sparge Wells in the Bernice Creek Plume Area. The two drinking water wells were sample on January 18, 2011 and July 1, 2011 with none of the analytes being detected. The groundwater monitoring wells were sampled July 1st through 8th of 2011. The startup of the five new Air Sparge Wells was conducted on March 28, 2011 in the Bernice Creek Plume Area. The monitoring wells were gauged on June 30, 2011, and no light non-aqueous phase liquid was detected in the wells. For the Pipeline Manifold Plume Area, MW-27 concentrations above the groundwater cleanup levels have returned after an anomalous low concentration in 2009. MW-88 has been non-detect for two consecutive years, MW-5, MW-59, MW-60 and MW-72 are showing decreasing trends. For the Bernice Creek Plume the Source Area Wells are showing somewhat erratic concentration trends, except for MW-24 and TMW-2 that is showing an increase since 2009, indicating that the AS system may not be operating properly in this area. Tesoro plans to assess and make any improvements in 2012. The Central Plume Wells are showing a declining trend other than TMW-14 which showed increases in 2010 and 2011. The West Lobe Wells are showing a declining trend. The South Lobe down-gradient wells are showing a declining trend other than MW-6 which has shown increases. The lower South Lobe AS system was shut off in 2011 for a rebound test. MW-79 was sampled and will be sampled to evaluate the potential contaminant migration in the South Lobe Plume Area. Drinking water wells RT-4 continues to show no impact and well RT-5 has returned to non-detect after benzene was detected in July of 2010. For the Pod 2 Area shallow wells are showing signs of much improvement, with MW-19-S returning to historical high concentration levels. For the Beach/Dock Plume Area MW-20 concentrations are above historical levels and it is thought to be from construction activities that took place near the well in 2011, and mobilized the hydrocarbon contaminants to the water table. DRO was detected in MW-97 for the first time, and additional sampling events are needed to determine the significance of these results. Alyce Hughey
4/25/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the 2012 Groundwater Monitoring Report, dated April 8, 2013, from Kent & Sullivan. The 2012 groundwater monitoring events were performed on January 10 with samples collected from two water supply wells, on July 18th through 19th consisting of a comprehensive site groundwater monitoring to assess the groundwater plumes and on August 14th from one water supply well (RT-5) that had detections during the July sampling. The monitoring wells were gauged on July 17th with no light non-aqueous phase liquid being detected in the wells. The depth to groundwater ranged from 4.25 to 82.95 feet. The groundwater level across the Kenai Pipeline facility was higher in July than at any other time since 1996. The Pipeline Manifold Plume area well MW-27 contained Xylenes and GRO concentrations slightly above historical concentrations. Well MW-88 had high Benzene and GRO results, and wells MW-5, MW-59, MW-60, and MW-72 are showing decreasing trends. The Bernice Creek Plume area wells MW-24 and TMW-2 have been showing an increase in Benzene concentrations over the past 10 to 12 years. It is thought that these wells may be rebounding after operation of the soil vapor extraction system in the 1990’s. Concentrations in the central area of the plume continue to decrease. TMW-12 has been non-detect for the past three years and TMW-13 and TMW-14 were at historic lows, probably as a result of the expanded sparge system in 2011. Wells MW-54 and MW-55 in the west plume lobe showed increased benzene for unknown reasons, where MW-63 down-gradient of these wells was at a historic low. MW-79 and MW-94 remains non-detect. Drinking water well RT-5 contained Benzene, Toluene and Xylenes in the July sample. This well was re-sampled in August, and analytes were not detected. It is thought that the detections in July could have been from painting within the building during the time of sampling. The Pod 2 area concentrations remain stable with a slight increase seen. The Beach/Dock Plume area wells MW-9 and MW-21-S are remaining stable. The high levels in 2011 in MW-20 returned to normal in 2012 and the high DRO levels in MW-97 in 2011 returned to non-detect. The Bernice Creek air sparge system was operating as scheduled other than during periods of routine maintenance. In June several air lines that were broken were repaired. The south lobe air sparge system remained shut down in 2012. Alyce Hughey
5/27/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the 2013 Groundwater Monitoring Report, dated May 5, 2014, prepared by Kent & Sullivan. The first groundwater monitoring event was performed on January 15, 2013 from two drinking water wells RT-4 and RT-5. The second groundwater monitoring event was conducted on July 16th through the 17th that included sampling and analyzing 30 groundwater wells. Groundwater was flowing with a southwesterly flow direction, which is consistent with previous events. The monitoring wells were gauged on July 12, 2013, and no light non-aqueous phase liquid was detected in the wells. The depth to groundwater ranged from 4.41 to 77.12 feet. The groundwater level across the Kenai Pipeline facility was higher in July than at any other time since 1996. The groundwater levels increased as much as 14 feet between July 2012 and July 2013. The increase in groundwater levels are due to an above-average snow pack in 2012 and major rain storms in the fall of 212 and spring of 2013. The Pipeline Manifold Plume Area groundwater levels rose 5.5 to 10 feet from 2012 to 2013. With the increase in groundwater levels some of the well screens may have been submerged. Wells MW-27, MW-88, MW-5, and MW-60 were non-detect, with some of these wells historically containing detectable concentrations. Tesoro plans to continue to monitor these wells to assess the Pipeline Manifold Plume Area. The Bernice Creek Plume Area monitoring well TMW-2, located near the up-gradient plume continues to increase in benzene concentrations with 0.5 mg/L. It is thought that the increase is due to high groundwater levels and high flow rate of the Bernice Creek impacting the up-gradient plume extent. The monitoring wells down-gradient of the air sparge system (TMW-12, TMW-13, and TMW-14) did not detect benzene in 2013. In addition the two drinking water wells (RT-4 and RT-5) had no detections. The groundwater rose as much as 14 feet in the Bernice Creek Plume Area. The Pond 2 Area shallow well concentrations remain stable with a slight decrease seen. The Beach/Dock Plume Area monitoring wells MW-9, MW-29 and MW-21S remained stable. Monitoring well MW-97 detected benzene for the first time at 0.00198 mg/L. Tesoro plans to continue to monitoring MW-97 during future monitoring events to see if the plume has/is migrating. The Bernice Creek air sparge system was operating continuously other than at times of routine maintenance. Several broken or disconnected air lines were repaired in June resulting in improved airflow. The south lobe of the air sparge system remained off in 2013. Alyce Hughey
7/24/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the 2014 Groundwater Monitoring Report, dated April 22, 2015, prepared by Kent & Sullivan. Two drinking water wells RT-4 and RT-5 were sampled in January. Hydrocarbons were not detected. The second groundwater monitoring event was conducted in July that included sampling and analyzing 32 wells. Groundwater was flowing with a southwesterly flow direction, which is consistent with previous events. Groundwater levels in many areas of the site show signs of subsiding from high levels observed in 2013 but remains five to ten feet above normal in most wells. This means that many of the well screens are submerged. Well MW-24 had 0.64 feet of LNAPL. This well was near the source area of the Bernice Creek plume. The falling water table may have contributed to product accumulation after being free of product since 2002. Monitoring wells at the Beach Dock plume showed elevated levels of benzene relative to previous years. This was attributed to crude releases or elevated groundwater. Benzene at the well nearest the beach was 0.0306 mg/L. Peter Campbell
2/15/2017 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter Potentially Responsible Party / State Interest Letter sent by PPRP staff Jade Gamble to Andeavor Logistics LP for spill no. 16239935301. Mitzi Read
5/9/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Review 2017 Beach Dock Plume Work Plan that calls for the installation of three temporary monitoring wells at the mean high tide line. Peter Campbell
6/14/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other 2017 Beach Dock Plume work plan approval letter sent. Peter Campbell
10/11/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Review a work plan (Bernice Creek Air Sparge Well Repair, September 17, 2017)for abandoning six air sparge wells and installing three new air sparge wells. Granted conditional plan approval. Peter Campbell
11/28/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Review the 2016 Annual Monitoring Report. Requested a work plan for monitoring well maintenance as one well was reported to be broken and one well could not be located at the time of sampling. The extent of the beach dock plume remains undefined. MW-80 will be included in the next five groundwater monitoring events to try and determine if the Tank 2400 pipeline release from last year is impacting groundwater. MW-10 will be included in the next five groundwater monitoring events to try and determine if the southern ballast water building pipeline release discovered this year is impacting groundwater. Peter Campbell
11/28/2017 Update or Other Action Letter issued requesting a work plan for well maintenance and repair. Require additional groundwater monitoring from the southern area of the site where two recent releases may have impacted groundwater. Peter Campbell
1/19/2018 Spill Transferred from Prevention Preparedness and Response Program Spill transferred by PPRP staff Jade Gamble. Spill no. 16239935301; spill date = 12/18/16; substance crude oil/waste water mixture; quantity = 126 gallons; source = piping to wastewater tank 2400; lat/long: 60.685467 / -151.391509, datum = WGS84; description: As a result of a over pressured line serving KPL Tank 2400 an estimated 126 gallons of oily water mixture was released to the environment. Excavation was completed during summer of 2017. Groundwater impacts have been identified at this site. Mitzi Read
2/12/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed Site Assessment and Cleanup report from the P-2410 Suction Line Spill. The report states that all of the free phase oil has been removed with the removal of approximately 250 tons of impacted soils. Some residual soil contamination remains in inaccessible areas. Contamination may have moved below the shallow aquitard that supports a perched aquifer. ADEC is requiring a work plan to address drilling in the lower aquifer in the area of the release, sampling surface water in three ponds and wetlands, and adding additional wells the annual sampling. Peter Campbell

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