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Site Report: FAA Bethel Flight Service Station

Site Name: FAA Bethel Flight Service Station
Address: Bethel Airport, Bethel, AK 99559
File Number: 2407.38.001
Hazard ID: 1552
Status: Active
Staff: Carly Jensen, 9072697558
Latitude: 60.786548
Longitude: -161.841665
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


This site encompasses 2 FAA areas in Bethel. FAA and FUDS are conducting work at the Former Bethel Airport. The former Bethel Airport FUDS site is tracked under 2407.38.006. The following AOCs have been issued closure determinations: Injection Wells (Building 300 and 302) and Bethel Directional Finder Facility - Tower and Building. 2019-Bethel Station ASTs, USTs, and Fuel Distribution Pipeline AOC remains active and encompasses many source areas.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
6/6/2000 Site Added to Database Petroleum hydrocarbon contamination. Eileen Olson
7/20/2001 Update or Other Action Site closure / NFA for former FSS tank 19-F-1. Eileen Olson
1/29/2003 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Initial ranking. Former Staff
5/27/2008 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway A letter in the file dated July 18, 2006 details the No Further Action decision for underground storage tanks 19-A-1, 19-C-1, 19-D-2, and 19-D-3. The letter states that the site will remain open until remaining contamination from other sources is adressed. Kim DeRuyter
5/27/2008 Update or Other Action Previously this site was tracked under 3 separate files: this site, the FAA Bethel Station Tank Farm site (file #2407.38.016), and the FAA Bethel Station, (file #2407.38.014). The later two sites were closed in an effort to track information for all of the FAA Bethel source areas under one file. Kim DeRuyter
5/27/2008 Update or Other Action Prepared a working site summary which is saved to the electronic file. Kim DeRuyter
5/28/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed. Kim DeRuyter
1/8/2009 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 72530 name: Bethel Station ASTs, USTs, fuel dist. pipeline Kim DeRuyter
9/20/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Approved the final injection well closure report documenting the permanent closure of floor drains at Building 300 and Building 302. Building 300 had a floor drain sump connected to an outfall pipe that discharged to a septic crib. The outfall pipe was plugged and the sump filled with clean material and capped with concrete. Results from the sample collected from the floor of the septic crib show results for diesel range organics and arsenic above the cleanup level. Building 302 had a floor drain that discharged to a septic crib. The floor drain was closed during building renovations in 1983. Results from a sample collected beneath the bottom of the septic crib show diesel range organics and arsenic above the cleanup level. Melody Debenham
10/6/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Approved Final Sector Field Office Decommissioning Work Plan. Building 302 and associated underground storage tanks will be removed. Melody Debenham
5/26/2015 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 79773 name: Injection Wells - Buildings 300 and 302 Monte Garroutte
6/1/2015 Cleanup Plan Approved The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) approved the Work Plan, Decommissioning and Remediation, FAA Direction Finder Facility, Bethel, Alaska. The work plan includes the removal of the FAA-owned direction finder (DF), associated building and utility line infrastructure, the removal of the lead-contaminated soil around the DF-associated building, and the brushing off and removal of loose lead based paint from the DF and associated structures. Monte Garroutte
8/5/2015 Update or Other Action The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has reviewed the environmental records for the FAA Bethel Flight Service Station- AST 19-D-5, B302 Injection Well, and B300 Injection Well sites. No further remedial action is required at AST 19-D-5 or the building 302 injection well, and at the building 300 injection well no further remedial action will be required as long as compliance with the closure conditions are maintained. FAA has agreed to maintain the specified closure conditions. The site number 2407.38.001 will remain active in the DEC contaminated sites program database, as it covers all FAA Bethel sites. Monte Garroutte
8/12/2015 Institutional Control Record Established Institutional Controls established and entered into the database. Joy Whitsel
1/20/2016 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 79854 name: Bethel Direction Finder Facility- Tower and Building Monte Garroutte
12/21/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC Approval - FAA Final Work Plan Former Bethel Airport Infrastructure Removal & Release Investigation. This work plan details the removal activities of FAA infrastructures, release investigation, and remedial action to be conducted at the FAA infrastructure in the city of Bethel and the Former Bethel Airport. The primary objective of the scope of work during the first mobilization will be to remove the 164 drums from the former Bethel Airport. The second mobilization will include infrastructure removals and RI/RA actions. Gretchen Caudill
3/1/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC Approval – Former Bethel Airport Infrastructure Removal and Release Investigation. Areas of concern include: LMM, FAA Complex Housing Well House, and FAA Housing Laydown Yard. As no contamination in exceedance of cleanup levels (no likely contaminant releases in the case of the FAA Housing Laydown Yard) was documented at these areas, DEC concurs with the recommendation of no further action for these locations. Areas of concern at the Former Bethel Airport include: Control Towers, Radio Range, Utility Building, and Engine Generator Building, Asphalt Batch Plant, and Crowley Marine Building Drums areas. DEC concurs with the recommendations to preform remedial actions at all of these areas of concern, excluding the Utility Building due to exceedances of lead, GRO, DRO, RRO, VOCs, and PAHs. Gretchen Caudill
12/18/2020 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 80697 name: SALS Transformers and OCBs Tim Sharp
12/18/2020 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 80698 name: RCAG Salvage Yard Tim Sharp
12/18/2020 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 80699 name: Pipeline Leak Tim Sharp
5/3/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC Approved the Final 2021 Bethel RI-RA Work Plan. All comments were incorporated and figures updated. Tim Sharp
6/1/2022 Site Visit DEC conducted a site visit of the Bethel FSS. New ASTs were observed and all well monumentation looked to be in working order. The Former Building 608 UST footprint could not be located. Tim Sharp
9/29/2022 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 80697 SALS Transformers and OCBs. Tim Sharp

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments
Arsenic - Total Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil Soil concentrations beneath Building 300 are unknown.

Control Type

Type Details
Signed CS Determination The Building 300 Injection Well Site is closed with ICs until the subsurface soil beneath Building 300 is evaluated and contamination addressed in accordance with a DEC approved work plan.


Description Details
Restricted to Industrial / Commercial Land Use the FAA shall report to DEC every 5 years to document land use at Building 300, or report as soon as the FAA becomes aware of any change in land ownership and/or use, if earlier.
When Contaminated Soil is Accessible, Remediation Should Occur Sub-surface soil contamination may be located underneath Building 300. When the building is removed and/or the soil becomes accessible, the soil must be evaluated and contamination addressed in accordance with a DEC approved work plan.

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