Site Report: FAA Aniak Pesticide Releases
Site Name: | FAA Aniak Pesticide Releases |
Address: | Aniak, Aniak, AK 99557 |
File Number: | 2404.38.001 |
Hazard ID: | 1577 |
Status: | Active |
Staff: | Sarah Durand, 9074655229 |
Latitude: | 61.575685 |
Longitude: | -159.526620 |
Horizontal Datum: | NAD83 |
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We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.
DDT was documented in surface soils on the east side of Building 200 in the 1992 ECIR. Further characterization efforts are described in the 1994 SCIR. The 1996 Final Remedial Action Report documents the removal of POL, lead, and pesticide contamination at Building 200. However, confirmation samples taken from surface soil outside the area of excavation detected DDT above direct contact cleanup levels. The vertical extent of this contamination has not been investigated. A former FAA maintenance mechanic at the Aniak FAA station reported that in the early 1970s approximately 30 5-gallon metal containers of malathion were buried in a trench near the glide slope facility; and that in 1970 1.5 fiberboard drums of DDT were buried in a trench near the remote communications outlet facility. However, after extensive site reconnaissance, geophysical surveys, and sampling of the most likely disposal location, no buried containers were located. No evidence that groundwater has been contaminated. The E and E report defines an FAA station as a series of facilities and sites initially established by FAA for use in support of air navigation, therefore, the site number for the Aniak station includes diverse facilities and properties, which may be currently owned and/or operated by FAA. The station is located within the boundaries of the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge. Groundwater occurs near the Aniak FAA station at depths of 15 to 30' below ground surface within the unconsolidated near-surface sediments alluvial aquifer. Records show that the three wells at the station have reported water encountered at 26 and 32' below ground surface. There are at least 40 private wells located within 2 miles of the Aniak FAA station, with well depths ranging from 25 to 30' below ground surface.
Action Information
Action Date | Action | Description | DEC Staff |
5/21/1993 | Site Characterization Workplan Approved | WDO sent a review letter approving the draft "Expanded Site Investigation Work Plan" for the Aniak FAA Station, prepared by Ecology and Environment, Inc., and received by WDO on May 11, 1993. Site work is expected to take place in July, and will include investigation of petroleum contaminated areas and two sites where pesticides were reportedly buried in the 1970s. the WDO letter requested that the planned geophysical survey have a radius of at least 200 feet from the center of the suspected pesticide burial sites, and that regardless of geophysical survey findings, both sites be sampled for pesticide contamination at the reported depth of burial. | Kent Patrick-Riley |
5/26/1993 | Site Added to Database | Maintenance Building 200 is being addressed under Reckey 1992250933551. Gasoline, diesel and residual range petroleum hydrocarbons. | Kent Patrick-Riley |
7/8/1993 | Update or Other Action | No further action under CERCLA. Site not closed for ADEC, however. | Kent Patrick-Riley |
10/17/1996 | Site Ranked Using the AHRM | Diesel and DDT. | Anne Marie Palmieri |
6/27/2008 | Update or Other Action | A former FAA maintenance mechanic suggested that up to 30 five-gallon containers of malathion used for mosquito control were buried near the GS around 1970. However, after extensive site reconnaissance, geophysical surveys, and sampling of the most likely disposal location, no alleged containers were located. Only one subsurface sample (MB1-004) contained low concentrations of malathion (0.0067 mg/kg). This concentration was only slightly above the detection limit, and FAA consultants recommended no further action. | Kim DeRuyter |
6/27/2008 | Update or Other Action | During tank decommissioning activities in 1990, fuel and water from a UST was pumped into four 55 gallon drums. One of the drums later froze and ruptured, spilling it's contents. In FY95, excavation of the contaminated soil was conducted and documented in a remedial action report. Elevated levels of DDT and DDD as high as 3,722 ppm were reported in surface soil near the drum. It is unclear if the drum was partially full of pesticides when the UST contents were transferred into it, but the drum was the suspected source of the DDT and DDD. 85 CYs of DDT contaminated soil was removed from the site, but DDT remained above the DEC cleanup levels in soil, and low levels of DDT were detected in one MW. In addition, DDT was detected at the adjacent ADOT property. FAA considered this to be from another source unrelated to DDT use by FAA. | Kim DeRuyter |
6/27/2008 | Exposure Tracking Model Ranking | Initial ranking with ETM completed. | Kim DeRuyter |
12/7/2009 | Update or Other Action | Changed Site name from FAA - Aniak RCO to FAA - Aniak Pesticide releases because this site tracks pesticide contamination at the FAA - Aniak Facilities, not just at the Remote Communications Outlet site. Updated the problem statement to reflect this change. | Kim DeRuyter |
12/7/2009 | Update or Other Action | The 1994 Site Cleanup and Investigation Report describes investigation of the rumored burial of fiberboard containers of DDT at Building 401 of the RCO. A former FAA maintenance mechanic allegedly buried two fiberboard containers of DDT in late 1968, or early 1970. A metal bedframe was thougt to have been buried in the same excavation. Ecology and Environment conducted a geophysical survey using an EM-31 and a Metrtech Model 810 metal detector. Due to interference with the Glide Slope Localizer antennas were turned off during the survey. Two areas were identified as containing subsurface anomalies. One was believed to be an the buried cable running from the RCO to the Non-Directional Beacon. This anomaly was not excavated due to safety concerns. The other anomaly was excavated but only unearthed old office furniture. Soil and sediment samples from the excavation and a natural runoff detected low levels of DDT, DDD, or DDE consistent with pesticide application. A downgradient monitoring well was installed and sampled, DDT, DDD, and DDE were not detected in this sample. | Kim DeRuyter |
12/7/2009 | Update or Other Action | The 1994 SCIR describes the investigation of the rumored burial of 30, 5 gallon metal containers of liquid malathion at the Glide Slope (GS) Facility. E&E conducted a geophysical survey over a two acre area using an EM-31 and a Metrtech Model 810 metal detector. When no subsurface anomalies were detected a former FAA mechanic returned to the site to help locate the alleged burial area. Another survey over a larger area was conducted. No subsurface anomalies were detected. Surface and subsurface soil samples were collected from the area where the containers were thought to be buried, sediment samples from a run off area, and a downgradient monitoring well were also sampled and analyzed for malathion contamination. Only one subsurface soil sample detected malathion slightly above the detection limit of 0.005 mg/kg. | Kim DeRuyter |
7/22/2019 | Update or Other Action | The ADEC reviewed the 2019 Aniak Airport Runway Shift Project Building 200 & 301 Work Plan. This work plan includes proposed work for multiple FAA Aniak sites near the runway including the FAA Aniak Pesticide Releases site. The ADEC issued comments which must be addressed prior to the approval of the work plan. | Chelsy Passmore |
8/8/2019 | Site Characterization Workplan Approved | The ADEC reviewed the "Aniak Airport Runway Shift Project Building 200 & 301 Work Plan Revised" this workplan covers both the FAA Aniak Pesticide Releases and the ADOT&PF Aniak Building 301 contaminated sites. The ADEC has no objections to the workplan. | Chelsy Passmore |
Contaminant Information
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