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Site Report: NSB Wainwright Alak School Former Tank Farm

Site Name: NSB Wainwright Alak School Former Tank Farm
Address: School Street, Wainwright, AK 99782
File Number: 360.38.003
Hazard ID: 1597
Status: Active
Staff: Laura Jacobs, 9074512911
Latitude: 70.635500
Longitude: -160.036500
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Originally an old BIA Tank Farm, the pad was cleared in 1992 of the old BIA tanks which were reported to have minimal liner, no berms and fuel saturated area around tanks. It is unknown to the ADEC when the High School Tank Farm was established or when the associated tanks were decommissioned. In 2003 the NSB pursued corrective action at this site; approximately 700 cubic yards of diesel contaminated soil was removed off-site for thermal treatment. Contamination remains at the limits of excavation up to 6,950 mg/kg DRO. Benzene was not detected above ADEC cleanup levels. The west berm, former fuel transfer line, and northwest corner (associated with a potential BIA dump site) were left intact because of concerns with controlling interaction with surface waters. Area was not fenced or restricted to residents. During excavation, grade of pad was changed to prevent leaching or run-off into drainage ditches. NSB made commitment to redirect drainage so that surface water would not flow through this site in the future. It is unknown if the NSB did redirect drainage at this site. Inspected and photo documented site conditions 7-23-92. Met with borough and school officials to consider action. (Also file# 360.02.001 C-plan)

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
7/31/1992 Site Added to Database Fuel. Former Staff
9/8/1992 Update or Other Action ADEC staff sent PRP-CS Database Notification Letter to RP requesting update and more environmental information concerning the contaminated site. As of this "complete date" ADEC had not received response. (Old R:Base Action Code = RPL2 - Site Information Request Letter). Jeff Peterson
6/18/1996 Update or Other Action Final 1995 Environmental Services Field Report, received June 20, 1996. Shah Alam
9/11/2002 Update or Other Action Community complaining of fuel odors inside the school building. Past boiler room fuel spills are on record with PERP. Spill response included excavation of contaminated soil from the southwest corner of the Alak High School building. Clean fill was used to replace soil excavated. Residents also concerned with apparent migration of contamination from a containment cell northeast of the school site underneath the school and through city drainage into a residential area south of the school. Shannon Oelkers
9/11/2002 Update or Other Action Site Assessment performed in 2002 by S&W. 27 analytical soil samples and 5 surface water samples were taken. DRO in the tank farm pad ranged from non-detect to 5,340 mg/kg. Benzene in the tank farm pad ranged from non-detect to 1.09 mg/kg. Surface water samples were not analyzed for TAH or TAqH. Surface water samples showed DRO up to 2.46 mg/kg; benzene was present but below ADEC cleanup levels. Shannon Oelkers
8/2/2004 Update or Other Action Received interim corrective action report for field completed in October 2003. Approximately 700 cubic yards of diesel contaminated soil was removed. Two removal efforts were conducted one in August 2003 and the other in October 2003. Contamination remains at the limits of excavation up to 6,950 mg/kg DRO, which is below ADEC Method Two Arctic Zone cleanup levels, but above ADEC's most stringent cleanup levels. Benzene was not detected above ADEC cleanup levels. The west berm, former fuel transfer line, and northwest corner (associated with a potential BIA dump site) were left intact because of concerns with controlling interaction with surface waters. Shannon Oelkers
6/25/2005 Update or Other Action North Slope Borough (NSB) submitted an Areawide Contaminated Sites Assessment complied by Shannon & Wilson sent to ADEC Spill Prevention and Response (John Dixon, Fairbanks). This document covers numerous NSB communities including Wainwright. The High School Tank Farm 360.38.003 is discussed. The report refers to a 70 gallon diesel spill in 2002 due to a valve failure in the boiler room. Their 2003 site visit revealed that upgrades were made to the day-tank in the boiler room to avoid any future spills and contaminated building materials had been removed and replaced. The report also mentions two spills in 1997, one 300 and one 400 gallon diesel spill. Shannon Oelkers
9/18/2006 Update or Other Action Letter sent to NSB requesting current site information, further site characterization and plans for remediation. Shannon Oelkers
7/26/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held ADEC staff met with NSB and their consultant to review open status village files and to propose responses to the ADEC's request for further information and characterization at this site. Bill O'Connell
8/29/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Bill O'Connell
10/24/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting today with NSB and their consultant. A report is being prepared for this site and will be submitted to ADEC when completed. Bill O'Connell
5/6/2008 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with NSB and their consultant. After a review of the information available for this site, a site visit might be appropriate to evaluate the nature and extent of surface impacts. Bill O'Connell
6/25/2008 Update or Other Action Site visit today. Sheen on surface water at the site which is located on a trail used daily by residents Bill O'Connell
12/8/2011 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting today with NSB to discuss site status and potential future remedial activities at the site. 2012 encapsulate with recent soil stockpiles created summer 2011. Bill O'Connell
12/27/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed Sewage Lagoon Contaminated Soil Stockpile report dated August 2011. The stockpile originated with the 2003 excavation of contaminated soil at the Alak School Tank Farm. The stockpile is approximately 4-6 feet thick and soil samples were collected from various intervals from 0.5-3 feet below the surface. Sample results generally indicate that the deeper soil has higher DRO concentrations than the shallower soil, with DRO detected at a maximum of 2,130 mg/kg at 1.5 feet bgs. Samples collected from approximately 0.5 feet bgs contained DRO up to 177 mg/kg. Bill O'Connell
12/13/2013 Meeting or Teleconference Held O'Connell met with NSB to discuss site status and potential future activities at the site. This site was discussed as a potential 2013 project. Keather McLoone
3/25/2015 Update or Other Action Workplan pending for site characterization effort this spring. Keather McLoone
3/31/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Date of document entitled Wainwright Alak School Former Tank Farm, Draft Site Characterization Work Plan. This effort will begin late April with the advancement of 10 soil borings. Two samples per boring will be collected and analyzed for GRO/DRO/RRO/VOCs and 10 percent PAHs. Up to five of these borings will be completed as monitoring wells. Groundwater, surface water, and sediment will be sampled later in the season. Keather McLoone
4/16/2015 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Date of receipt of Wainwright Alak School Former Tank Farm,Site Characterization Work Plan- Final. ADEC approved the March 31, 2015 version with a comment acknowledging that lead would be added to the analytical suite in a letter dated April 6, 2015. Lead is not in the final workplan delivered. Keather McLoone
6/10/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the Site Characterization Report, dated May 13, 2016 for the NSB Wainwright Alak School Former Tank Farm site. The objecting of this work was to determine if contaminated soil was effectively removed during previous field efforts and evaluate potential offsite migration of contamination. Actives completed during the 2015 field effort consisted of advancing 10 soil borings, 5 of which were completed as monitoring wells, and collecting soil and water samples as appropriate. Three surface water samples and one sediment sample were also collected. Analytical results revealed that diesel range organics (DRO) was present at 33,100 mg/kg in one soil sample (SB-04) collected from about 4 feet below surface grade, which exceeds the ADEC Method Two Arctic Zone Cleanup Level of 12,500 mg/kg. Additionally, benzene was present in one of the monitoring wells placed northwest of the site, across Main Street (MW-05) up at 0.185 mg/l. Recommendations in the report included completing two additional groundwater monitoring events at MW-01, MW0-03, and MW-05 in 2016 and 2017; and backfilling selected ponded areas to mitigate sediment exposure pathways. ADEC approved the report via letter on June 14, 2016 and concurred with the report recommendations; however, also requested that the area surrounding Sample SB-04 be capped and brought to grade. Work plan was requested by July 20, 2016. Joshua Barsis
7/25/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the 2016 Groundwater Sampling and Backfilling Work Plan Addendum, dated July 14, 2016 for the NSB Wainwright Alak School Former Tank Farm site. Proposed activities include backfilling low-lying ponded areas and capping the area where Soil Boring SB-04 was taken, and collecting samples from Monitoring Wells MW-01, MW-03, and MW-05 in 2016 and 2017. Joshua Barsis
1/17/2017 Update or Other Action Letter sent to NSB on this day detailing the current status/progress of 22 active contaminated sites, including this site. Joshua Barsis
6/28/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the NSB Wainwright Alak School Former Tank Farm Site Characterization Report Addendum, dated March 30, 2017 for the NSB Wainwright Alak School Former Tank Farm site. Activities completed during the 2016 field season included backfilling low-lying ponded areas and capping the area where Soil Boring SB-04 was taken, and collecting porewater samples from Monitoring Wells MW-01, MW-03, and MW-05. Additional sampling and/or backfilling is planned for the 2017 season. Joshua Barsis
8/15/2017 Site Visit ADEC performed an inspected of this site on August 15, 2017 and noted light sheening in various small water bodies in the vicinity of this site. A light sheen was observed in various small water bodies at this site and across Main Street. It is not clear if the sheening was biogenic or petroleum related. DEC requested further evaluation and sampling be included in the 2018 monitoring activities to determine the nature of the sheens. A work plan was requested by January 1, 2018. Joshua Barsis
11/20/2017 Update or Other Action Letter sent on this day as a follow up to the last version of this letter, dated January 17, 2017, and as a follow up to a meeting with NSB on November 17, 2017. This letter details the current status/progress of 23 active contaminated sites, including this site. Joshua Barsis
4/18/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the 2018 Groundwater Monitoring Work Plan, dated April 10, 2018 for the NSB Wainwright Alak School Former Tank Farm site. Proposed activities include collecting porewater samples from three monitoring wells (MW-01, MW-03, and MW-05). Sampled analysis will include diesel range organics (DRO), residual range organics (RRO), benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The plan in and of itself does not address all of the issues outlined in former letters (October 2, 2017 and November 20, 2017). Additionally, ADEC has not received the revised version of the NSB Wainwright Alak School Former Tank Farm Site Characterization Report Addendum, dated March 30, 2017; as requested in the June 29, 2017 letter. Joshua Barsis
6/4/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the Surface Water Assessment and Groundwater Monitoring Work Plan, dated April 27, 2018 for the NSB Wainwright Alak School Former Tank Farm site. This is a revised version of the original work plan, which was dated April 10, 2018. The revised version adds limited surface water sampling to the plan, in addition to the porewater monitoring. Joshua Barsis
11/16/2018 Update or Other Action Letter sent on this day as a follow up to the last version of this letter, dated November 20, 2017, and at the request of the North Slope Borough (NSB). This letter details the current progress of 24 active contaminated sites, including this site. Joshua Barsis
2/19/2020 Enforcement Action Notice of Violation issued to NSB on February 18, 2020. See file for more information. Joshua Barsis
6/29/2022 Enforcement Agreement or Order A compliance order by consent (COBC) was signed by the North Slope Borough and ADEC Division of SPAR. The COBC identifies corrective actions that the NSB will take to manage cleanup waste and characterize and remediate contaminated sites and spills. Lisa Krebs-Barsis
9/12/2023 Site Visit Division of Spill Prevention and Response personnel (L. Krebs-Barsis, S. Joyce) travelled to Wainwright with North Slope Borough personnel (C. Trapp) for a Compliance Order By Consent inspections. The lot was vacant. No Article 3 cleanup waste was observed. No petroleum sheen was observed in the surface water on site. Posts for the old structure were still present, teacher housing is directly adjacent. Lisa Krebs-Barsis

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