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Site Report: NSB Point Lay Kali School Site

Site Name: NSB Point Lay Kali School Site
Address: 1029 Qasiglalik Street, Point Lay, AK 99759
File Number: 425.38.004
Hazard ID: 1629
Status: Active
Staff: Laura Jacobs, 9074512911
Latitude: 69.743392
Longitude: -163.005990
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Continuous dispensing of fuel improperly from tank farm resulted in significant spillage of diesel fuel into adjacent tundra lot next to tank farm. 2-3 acres impacted with sheen, puddles, and dead vegetation. Spill has migrated through culverts across road with amount of loss unknown. Additionally, there was an estimated 4,000-gallon fuel release on 6/4/04 from a 20,000-gallon tank when someone unknown left a valve open (it is suspected that this occurred while that person was stealing old fuel from the unused tank). Booming, skimming, and sorbents were utilized to respond to the spill, but no soil was excavated due to the fact that the area was flooded at the time. Manual cleanup undertaken, but much still needed to correct site. Although sometimes refered to as Cully School, the current and appropriate name for this school is Kali School.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
7/22/1992 Update or Other Action Staff visited and inspected site. Large area of contamination observed around tank farm in tundra. Stressed/dead vegetation, many footprints of children from nearby school. Area smelled of old fuel. (Old R:Base Action Code = RECN - Site Reconnaissance (CS)). Cindy Thomas
7/31/1992 Site Added to Database Diesel fuel. Former Staff
8/1/1992 Update or Other Action Staff received VRCA report regarding Release Investigation. (Old R:Base Action Code = SA2 - Phase II Site Assessment (General)). Cindy Thomas
8/15/1992 Update or Other Action Staff sent letter to borough outlining results of 9/14 meeting notifying of pending violation order. (Old R:Base Action Code = CORR - Correspondence (General)). Cindy Thomas
8/25/1992 Update or Other Action Staff requested site assessment/release investigation by 11-1-92. (Old R:Base Action Code = CORR - Correspondence (General)). Cindy Thomas
9/8/1992 Update or Other Action ADEC staff sent PRP-CS Database Notification Letter to RP requesting update and more environmental information concerning the contaminated site. As of this "complete date" I have not received response. (Old R:Base Action Code = RPL2 - Site Information Request Letter). Jeff Peterson
9/14/1992 Meeting or Teleconference Held Met to discuss site conditions/status at site with villagers, borough and VRCA. Will await release investigation by 11-1-92 and draft corrective action plan by 12-25-92. Ben Thomas
10/1/1992 Update or Other Action Sent draft compliance order by consent to NSB to address impacted tundra wetlands. 30 day review deadline. Ben Thomas
11/13/1992 Update or Other Action Staff received Release Investigation. Found sufficient information to be given a corrective action plan, however, additional baseline sampling data required to complete study. (Old R:Base Action Code = SA2R - Phase II SA Review (CS)). Cindy Thomas
1/10/1993 Update or Other Action Sent final version of COBC to North Slope Borough for signature. COBC includes release investigation and corrective action phase. Cleanup to be completed by September '94. Ben Thomas
2/18/1993 Update or Other Action Staff reviewed and rejected draft corrective action plan. Plan inadequate and needs significant revisions. Letter to NSB 2/2/93 outlined deficiencies. Final corrective action plan due 3/30/93 as per COBC. (Old R:Base Action Code = RAPR - Remedial Action Plan Review (CS)). Cindy Thomas
2/22/1993 Meeting or Teleconference Held Met with NSB and VRCA. All parties agreed that corrective action plan submitted 2/18/93 was inadequate. Discussed elements of proper workplan, and regulatory expectations. Will receive draft CAP 3/15/93, and final plan 3/30/93. Ben Thomas
3/15/1993 Update or Other Action Staff received "Interim Draft Corrective Action Plan for Point Lay", outlining strategy for action at site. Plan brief, but outlines 4 phases for completing project. Joint venture between VRCA and RZA-AGRA. Ex-situ bio-cell tundra revegetation recommended. Final plan to be submitted 3-31-93. (Old R:Base Action Code = RAPR - Remedial Action Plan Review (CS)). Cindy Thomas
3/17/1993 Meeting or Teleconference Held Met with VRCA, RZA-AGRA, and NSB to discuss elements of workplan for corrective action, ADEC agreed that schedule and outline were acceptable, final plan forthcoming 3-31-93. Ben Thomas
7/7/1993 Update or Other Action Staff met with FNSB, VRCA, Woodward and Clyde, and MAC to inspect 1993 field conditions at site. Consultants presented modifications to treatment plan including off-site soil washing. Told them conceptual plan well done. Will be mailed and will comment on modifications. Vegetation noted to be recovering well. Gravel pad still saturated. (Old R:Base Action Code = RECN - Site Reconnaissance (CS)). Cindy Thomas
7/1/1994 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other July 1994 document entitled Remediation Program Sampling and Analysis Plan. Also, a document entitled Remediation Program Work Plan. Both prepared by VRCA and Woodward-Clyde. Keather McLoone
9/20/1994 Update or Other Action Modified COBC to extend cleanup date deadline from 9/30/94 to 9/30/95. Soil washing unit arrived late in village so cleanup schedule not met. Unit will winter in Point Lay and commence cleanup next spring. Ben Thomas
8/1/1995 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other August 1995 document entitled Cully School Remediation Program Work Plan 1995 Season produced by Woodward-Clyde and VRCA. Keather McLoone
12/1/1995 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other December 1995 document entitled Field Report, Point Lay Soil Remediation Cully School Site Project. Keather McLoone
3/21/2001 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Date of Cully School Gravel Washing Remediation Final Closure Report produced by URS. Keather McLoone
1/22/2002 Update or Other Action Letter response sent to Arctic Slope Consulting Group (ASCG) with the NSB responding to the supplemental documentation for the Cully School Gravel Washing Remediation Final Closure Report. Requested that follow-up actions be taken. Renee Evans
7/23/2002 Update or Other Action Discussed ADEC concerns at site with John Ingold, ASCG, who will be travelling to the site to assess it. Larry Johnson
6/29/2005 Update or Other Action S&W SA from 2003 received. Raised and fenced playground installed on former tank farm gravel pad. Sheen present in surface waters below playground pad. PID readings from playground soil ranged from 113 to 257ppm. Analytical soil samples showed contamination below 12,500 Method 2 Arctic Zone ADEC cleanup levels. 700 gallons reported spilled recently at this site. At least one AST was still present on site, but the fuel line connecting the AST with the school was disconnected to aid in bulding a new addition to the school. Shannon Oelkers
9/18/2006 Spill Transferred from Prevention Preparedness and Response Program Site transferred by PERP staff Toivo Luick. Spill no. 04399915602; PERP file no. 425.02.012; Susbtance spilled = Diesel; Quantity = ~4,000 gallons. This was a spill from a 20,000-gallon tank at an old school tank farm (no longer used). Someone unknown left a valve open (it is suspected that this occurred while that person was stealing old fuel from the unused tank). The tank was no where near full at the time of the release. A response effort was made, but no soil was excavated (mostly booming, skimming, and sorbents were used), due to the fact that the area was flooded at the time. Mitzi Read
9/22/2006 Cleanup Level(s) Approved 8/9/05 - Larry Johnson met with representatives from NSB, ADEC Solid Waste, PERP, and ASCG. On a per site basis, ADEC agreed to allow characterized soil stockpiled in village to be used as landfill cover. Soil cannot exceed 12,500 mg/kg DRO. In areas that soils exceed ADEC levels, the borough will continue remediation. Shannon Oelkers
9/25/2006 Update or Other Action Letter sent to NSB requesting current site information, further site characterization and plans for remediation. Shannon Oelkers
7/26/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held ADEC staff met with NSB and their consultant to review open status village files and to propose responses to the ADEC's request for further information and characterization at this site. Bill O'Connell
9/4/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Bill O'Connell
10/24/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting today with NSB and their consultant to discuss current site status and potential future activities at the site Bill O'Connell
5/6/2008 Update or Other Action Meeitng with NSB and their consultant and file review. The stockpiles formerly at the landfill were used for landfill cover. A confirmation sample from after the 1995 excavation had DRO at over 30,000 mg/kg. Additional investigaiton is warranted as there are several spills included in this site file that have not been characterized Bill O'Connell
8/1/2008 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other August 2008 document produced by Shannon and Wilson entitled Sampling and Analysis Plan, Kali School Site Assessment. Keather McLoone
6/25/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the 2008 Point Lay Site Asessment Report for several Point Lay sites including this one. 22 test pits were excavated in the vicinity of the school and surface water samples were collected from 5 surface water bodies surrounding the site. 33 soil samples were collected from test pits and were analyzed for DRO, RRO, GRO, and BTEX. DRO was detected up to 3,790 mg/kg and benzene up to 0.209 in a sample from test pit 2 at 2.5 feet bgs. The highest concentrations of contaminants were found east of the school at the former location of two large ASTs from which a 4,000-gallon fuel release had been documented in 2004. DRO was also detected above the screening level at test pits located in topographic low spots; TP 14 had DRO at 589 mg/kg a 4 feet bgs and TP 20 had DRO at 497 mg/kg at 2.5 feet bgs. Surface water samples collected from tundra ponds around the school did not contain contaminants above Alaska Water Quality Standards. Sheen was not observed during shovel sheen tests at any of the testing locations. Bill O'Connell
12/8/2011 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting today with NSB to discuss site status and potential future activities at the site. Contamination in topographic lows near the school may be filled to build a road/parking area in 2010/2011. Bill O'Connell
11/14/2012 Meeting or Teleconference Held O'Connell met with NSB to discuss site status and potential future activities at the site. May be a 2013 project. Keather McLoone
7/31/2014 Update or Other Action Confirmed with Solid Waste Program that the location of the former soil treatment area that was located at the landfill area is now a honey bucket lagoon. Keather McLoone
9/16/2014 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Date of letter sent to formalize conditional approval sent earlier via email for draft planning document entitled NSB Point Lay Kali School Site, Draft Site Characterization Work Plan dated September 11, 2014. Activities planned include collecting soil samples, installing monitoring wells, collecting groundwater samples, and collecting surface water samples. Keather McLoone
12/30/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Date of document entitled NSB Point Lay Kali School Site Characterization report. Activities conducted in 2014 included soil, surface water, and groundwater sampling. 66 borings were advanced, soil samples collected from all borings, 10 wells were installed and 8 were sampled for groundwater as 2 didn't have sufficient recharge. Also, 10 locations were sampled for co-located surface soil and surface water. COPCs at the site are GRO, DRO, RRO, and benzene. Report recommends not doing a soil removal due to "limited extent and location of contamination exceeding Method Two". Keather McLoone
2/12/2015 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 72607 AST. Keather McLoone
3/13/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Date of document entitled NSB Point Lay Kali School report. This was a revised document based on ADEC comments on previous submittal. Keather McLoone
3/24/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Date of receipt of document entitled Point Lay Kali School, Second Phase Site Characterization, Work Plan Addendum. Work will begin in April to further delineate two areas of contamination found during last year's investigation with cleanup levels above Maximum Allowable Concentrations. There was a third area that was above these levels but that area was fairly well delineated and not a good candidate for a removal or other active remediation due to the presence of buildings and a large AST. Four additional borings will be advanced around each of the areas to be further investigated, MW-01 and PM-3. Two samples will be collected from each of these borings and analyzed for GRO/DRO/RRO and VOCs with 10 percent PAHs. Keather McLoone
4/17/2015 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Date of receipt of document entitled Point Lay Kali School, Second Phase Site Characterization, Work Plan Addendum - Final. ADEC approved the March 20, 2015 version without comment in a letter dated April 1, 2015. Keather McLoone
11/19/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Date of receipt of NSB Point Lay Kali School, Site Characterization Report Addendum, Phase II dated 10/28/15 and marked draft. This is documenting work done in 2015 to supplement the 2014 characterization efforts. The 2015 activities included advancing eight soil borings - four at each of two locations. Soil samples did not exceed their appropriate cleanup levels - Method One for the gravel layer and Method Two for the native/tundra material. These results helped further delineation contamination previously reported. A revised report was requested in response letter. Keather McLoone
2/19/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the document titled Point Lay Kali School Second Phase Site Characterization Report Addendum – Final, dated February 2, 2016. Sixteen soil samples were collected from eight soil borings advanced at this site (two from each boring). The soil borings were positioned specifically to delineate contamination at two specific sampling locations (MW-01 and PM-3) that were identified in 2014. Soil Borings SB-01 through SB-04 were advanced in the vicinity of Sample MW-01, and Soil Borings SB-05 through SB-08 were advanced in the vicinity of Sample PM-3. Analytical results revealed that contamination is delineated at these two areas. In a letter sent February 2016, ADEC requested a work plan by April 1, 2016 for additional groundwater sampling. Joshua Barsis
4/1/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the document titled Point Lay Kali School 2016 Groundwater Monitoring Site Characterization Work Plan Addendum, dated March 29, 2016. Water samples will be collected from 10 monitoring wells installed in 2014. Joshua Barsis
1/17/2017 Update or Other Action Letter sent to NSB on this day detailing the current status/progress of 22 active contaminated sites, including this site. Joshua Barsis
6/14/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the document titled NSB Point Lay Kali School Site Characterization Report Addendum, dated March 29, 2017. This report describes the groundwater monitoring activities completed between August 17 and 18, 2016. Only 8 of the 10 monitoring wells were located and sampled. Wells MW-SO-F2 and MW-SO-F8 were not found and may have been destroyed by winter recreational vehicles and/or snowmobiles. Samples collected from MW-01, MW-02, MW-05, MW-SO-L4, and MW-SO-Q3 exhibited compounds in excess of Table C groundwater cleanup levels and/or the Alaska Water Quality Standards. Report recommendations include further groundwater sampling in 2017. Joshua Barsis
6/15/2017 Update or Other Action HISTORICAL REVIEW PART I: Three source areas exist at this site; the 1991 release at the transfer operation area, the school day tank, and the 2004 release from the old school tanks. A significant fuel release was discovered during a facility inspection at the Cully Corporation tank farm in June of 1991. The release was discovered shortly after the spring thaw, and it was initially estimated that between 3,000 and 6,000 gallons had been spilled just northwest of the tank farm area, directly behind the school. Fuel records were nonexistent at the time, and as such the amount of fuel spilled is considered a loose estimation. The release occurred because of poor fuel handling practices during transfer operations to smaller vessels during the winter months. Initial cleanup actions consisted of absorbing free floating product with sorbents. In August of 1992, most of what could be soaked up by sorbents had been, and the only visual evidence of contamination remaining were residual sheens and stressed vegetation. The spill impacted an approximate 3-acre tundra area to the south of the tank farm, as shown above in the 1991 spill map. Soil samples collected from the impacted tundra contained over 1,000 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) DRO. At the time, impacts were not suspected from the gravel tank farm area; however, a soil sample collected from the school day tank, north of the tank farm area, exhibited a concentration of DRO over 6,000 mg/kg DRO. Following the 1991 release, the North Slope Borough (NSB) entered into a Compliance Order by Consent (COBC) with ADEC in March of 1993. The COBC called for remediation of the gravel and tundra by September 30, 1994 (later modified to 1995) for two existing sites; the NSB Point Lay Former Tank Farm/Point Lay Power Plant site (currently listed as cleanup complete with institutional controls) and this site, the NSB Point Lay Kali School Site (currently listed as active). The Cully School tank farm was decommissioned in 1995. The tank farm consisted of six storage tanks with a combined holding capacity of 210,000 gallons. All six tanks were removed and transported to the municipal landfill. Corrective action began in July and concluded in September 1995. Contaminated gravels from the tank farm and sewage lagoon berm (interconnected to the tank farm) were excavated and transferred to stockpile cells located just outside the landfill and were remediated using a gravel washing technique. The entire sewage lagoon berm (except for the southern and eastern edges), along with the tank farm pad and access road were removed up to the school fuel tank. All contaminated gravels were removed to a maximum depth of 4-inches above the tundra. A total of 2,163 cubic yards of impacted material was excavated and treated. Confirmation soil samples were collected from the Cully School tank farm and sewage lagoon area. A total of 59 soil samples were collected from established 15-feet grids. Six (6) of those samples were analyzed for DRO at an onsite laboratory. Additionally, one 1 sample was sent offsite for laboratory analysis for quality assurance purposes (and comparison). Analytical results generally concluded that the main tank farm pad area was remediated, with only one sample result (at 3,221 mg/kg DRO) exceeding the ADEC cleanup level. A sample collected from the tank farm access road, near the school day tank, exhibited levels of DRO at 30,627 mg/kg, which exceeds ADEC Method Two maximum allowable concentrations (MACs). Samples collected from the western berm of the sewage lagoon were not analyzed, however a strong petroleum odor was noted. Joshua Barsis
6/15/2017 Update or Other Action HISTORICAL REVIEW PART II: It should be noted that the one sample sent for offsite analysis did not have an odor, nor elevated field screening readings from the photoionization detector (PID). As such, accuracy of the onsite testing is questionable. Also, analytical samples submitted from the main tank farm area were not submitted from the highest PID field screening locations, which again, tends to bias the data. Following the gravel removal effort at the tank farm, limited tundra bioremediation was completed. This remediation effort primarily consisted of raking the tundra once per week to promote natural degradation. Following this limited effort, stressed vegetation remained visible at the northwest corner of the tank farm pad where it meets the access road (about 1,200 square feet), near the school day tank. Several other smaller areas of stressed vegetation were noted along the western edge of the berm where there had been separate diesel spill in 1994. Further environmental work was not completed at this site until August 2003. A soil sample was collected in August 2003 from one of the pilings being driven near the school day tank to support construction of a new school addition. It is not clear whether the sample was collected from the piling hole, from the drill cuttings, or from a separate test pit near the piling; however, it was noted that the sample was from between 2 and 4 feet below ground surface. Samples results were as follows: DRO at 3,580 mg/kg, benzene at 0.215 mg/kg, toluene at 2.30 mg/kg, ethylbenzene at 5.42 mg/kg, and xylenes at 23.69 mg/kg. A pungent petroleum odor was noted during the piling drilling activities, as well petroleum sheening was noted on the surface water downstream from the drilling area. It is not clear if school addition is currently placed over the former day tank. On June 4, 2004 a release of roughly 4,000 gallons was reported at this site. The source of the release was from two interconnected old school tanks used for heating oil (capacity of tanks was 20,000-gallons). Reportedly, a trespasser was stealing fuel from the old tanks and failed to shut the valve off after fueling. Based on ADEC documents, the old school tanks were located on the northeast corner of Tract 2B, at the intersection of Ugruk Avenue and Tuttanniagvik Street. Spill response actions included restricting free product movement with booms, recovering fuel with sorbents, skimmers, pumps, and a vacuum truck, and removal of fuel laden snow and ice. Excavation was not performed. An assessment of the NSB Point Lay Kali School Site was performed in September 2008. A total of 22 test pits were excavated in the vicinity of the school, and surface water samples were collected from 5 surface water bodies surrounding the site. Thirty-three (33) soil samples were collected from the test pits, most of which were collected from between 1 and 2.5 feet below ground surface. Samples exhibiting the highest concentrations of DRO and benzene (up to 3,790 mg/kg and 0.993 mg/kg, respectively) were collected from the old school tanks from which the 2004 fuel release occurred. Surface water sample results from tundra ponds around the school did not contain contaminants above Alaska Water Quality Standards (AWQS). Sheen was not observed during shovel sheen tests at any of the testing locations. Additional site characterization activities were completed in 2014 and 2015. Activities conducted in 2014 included soil, sediment, surface water, and groundwater sampling. Sixty-six (66) soil borings were advanced, 10 of which were completed as groundwater monitoring wells. Soil and water samples were collected from all the borings, wells, and surface water bodies as appropriate. Also, 10 locations were sampled for co-located surface soil and surface water. In 2015, sixteen soil samples were collected from eight soil borings advanced at this site (two from each boring). The soil borings were positioned specifically to delineate contamination at two specific sampling locations (MW-01 and PM-3) that were identified in 2014. Soil Borings SB-01 through SB-04 were advanced in the vicinity of Sample MW-01, and Soil Borings SB-05 through SB-08 were advanced in the vicinity of Sample PM-3. Analytical results revealed that contamination is delineated at these two areas. Additional groundwater monitoring was completed in August 2016. Eight (8) of the 10 monitoring wells were located and sampled. Wells MW-SO-F2 and MW-SO-F8 were not found and may have been destroyed by winter recreational vehicles and/or snowmobiles. Samples collected from MW-01, MW-02, MW-05, MW-SO-L4, and MW-SO-Q3 exhibited compounds in excess of Table C groundwater cleanup levels and/or the Alaska Water Quality Standards. Joshua Barsis
6/16/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the document titled NSB Point Lay Kali School Site Characterization Report Addendum, dated March 29, 2017. This report describes the groundwater monitoring activities completed between August 17 and 18, 2016. Only 8 of the 10 monitoring wells were located and sampled. Wells MW-SO-F2 and MW-SO-F8 were not found and may have been destroyed by winter recreational vehicles and/or snowmobiles. Samples collected from MW-01, MW-02, MW-05, MW-SO-L4, and MW-SO-Q3 exhibited compounds in excess of Table C groundwater cleanup levels and/or the Alaska Water Quality Standards. Report recommendations include further groundwater sampling in 2017. ADEC requested a revised report and work plan by July 20, 2017. Joshua Barsis
11/20/2017 Update or Other Action Letter sent on this day as a follow up to the last version of this letter, dated January 17, 2017, and as a follow up to a meeting with NSB on November 17, 2017. This letter details the current status/progress of 23 active contaminated sites, including this site. Joshua Barsis
11/16/2018 Update or Other Action Letter sent on this day as a follow up to the last version of this letter, dated November 20, 2017, and at the request of the North Slope Borough (NSB). This letter details the current progress of 24 active contaminated sites, including this site. Joshua Barsis
7/18/2019 Update or Other Action Site location was updated on this date. Coordinates for this site are used to determine the presence and position of the site on BLM’s ANCSA Conveyed Land web map. Rebekah Reams
2/19/2020 Enforcement Action Notice of Violation issued to NSB on February 18, 2020. See file for more information. Joshua Barsis
6/29/2022 Enforcement Agreement or Order A compliance order by consent (COBC) was signed by the North Slope Borough and ADEC Division of SPAR. The COBC identifies corrective actions that the NSB will take to manage cleanup waste and characterize and remediate contaminated sites and spills. Lisa Krebs-Barsis

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