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Site Report: Eielson AFB Hangar (SO504) Bldg 1344 Area #2

Site Name: Eielson AFB Hangar (SO504) Bldg 1344 Area #2
Address: Building 1344 Area #2, Eielson AFB, AK 99702
File Number: 107.26.006
Hazard ID: 1651
Status: Active
Staff: Axl LeVan, 9074512156
Latitude: 64.650986
Longitude: -147.060183
Horizontal Datum:NAD83

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Five regulated underground storage tanks were installed near Bldg 1344 in 1987. Tanks were as follows: Tank #19: 5,000-gallon used hydraulic oil Tank #20: 500-gallon used JP-4 Tank #21: 500-gallon used oil Tank #22: 1,000-gallon oil/water holding Tank #23: 1,000-gallon methylene chloride ("chemical waste") Tanks and all associated piping were removed in 1994. 1994 soil sampling at the base of the excavation indicated benzene up to 0.47 ppm (at Tank #22) and methylene chloride up to 0.41 ppm (at Tank #23). Note: the analyte was detected in the method blank for both benzene and methylene chloride and the 14-day holding time for HVOC (methylene chloride) testing was exceeded. This site was closed under the leaking underground storage tank (LUST) database (18 AAC 78) but remains open in the contaminated sites (CS) database (18 AAC 75) due to methylene chloride contamination.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
3/24/1992 Site Added to Database Waste oil. Former Staff
2/23/1993 Update or Other Action Sent PRP (potentially responsible party)-CS database Notification Letter to responsible party requesting updated and additional environmental information. Department of the Air Force responded with update of requested site information on 3-17-93. Jeff Peterson
12/4/1993 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway Corrective action plan is being proposed. Kalu Kalu
10/4/1994 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Initial ranking. Former Staff
12/31/2001 GIS Position Updated Worked with Heather Goldman to obtain GIS latitude and longitude from 1:63,300 topographic map. Heather Goldman
8/9/2005 GIS Position Updated Position updated, obtained from RP. Emily Youcha
8/16/2005 Update or Other Action Tanks were removed in 1994, but were regulated under the LUST program. This entry is a duplicate becuase the site is already listed under the LUST Database. This entry will be closed. Emily Youcha
9/25/2006 Update or Other Action Petroleum tanks are regulated under LUST (leaking underground storage tank) regulations (18 AAC 78). See LUST database. Any contamination associated wtih the methylene chloride tank should be regulated under CS (contaminated sites) regulations (18 AAC 75). This site remains open in CS due to the methylene chloride hits under Tank #23. Emily Youcha
4/11/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed. Deborah Williams
12/22/2010 Update or Other Action This entry contains only site-specific information. An informational site has been added to the database for actions that pertain to Eielson Air Force Base in its entirety. Please see ADEC file number 107.38.006/Hazard ID 25578/Eielson AFB Basewide Information. Kathleen Beutel
11/3/2014 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 72629 1,000-gallon chemical waste tank. Restrictions are currently in place to prevent contaminant exposures. Approval is required for any activity on site that can result in access or movement of groundwater or soil, and access to drinking water is restricted. Anna Iverson
9/22/2015 CERCLA RI Plan Approved Joint approval issued by EPA and DEC for the final "Remedial Investigation / Feasibility Study Management Plan For Non-Operable Unit Source Areas, Eielson Performance-Based Remediation, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska" dated September 2015 (Non-OU RI/FS MP). The Non-OU RI/FS MP describes planned remedial investigations at 17 contaminated sites at Eielson Air Force Base, including SO504. Melinda Brunner
9/22/2015 CERCLA RI Plan Approved DEC and EPA jointly approved the "2015 Annual Field Sampling Plan, Eielson Performance-Based Remediation, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska" dated September 2015 (FSP). The FSP describes remedial investigations planned for 2015 at 21 contaminated sites at Eielson Air Force Base, including SO504. The FSP is meant to be used in conjunction with the appropriate remedial investigation/feasibility study (RI/FS) management plan(i.e. Non-OU) and the Programmatic Quality Assurance Project Plan. Melinda Brunner
7/7/2016 CERCLA RI Plan Approved DEC and EPA approved the 2016 Field Sampling Plan. The FSP describes intended soil, groundwater, sediment, surface water sampling at 36 sites across Eielson AFB. Monte Garroutte
4/25/2017 Update or Other Action DEC reviewed and provided comments on the Draft Programmatic Quality Assurance Project Plan, Addendum No. 2, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska (March, 2017). John O'Brien
3/9/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC issued comments on the Draft Site Characterization Report I Source Areas ST011, SD021, SD022, SD024, DP025, ST027, SS030, ST058, SO065, SO069, SO070, SO071, SO073, SO075, SS078, SS084, SO504, TU506, MY512, and MY518 dated February 2018. Bri Clark
6/25/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC issued comments on the Draft Site Characterization Report I Source Areas ST011, SD021, SD022, SD023, SD024, DP025, ST027, SS030, ST058, SO065, SO069, SO070, SO071, SO073, SO075, SS078, SS084, SO504, TU506, MY512, and MY518, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, dated February 2018. Bri Clark
8/21/2019 Site Characterization Report Approved DEC Approval for the Final Site Characterization Report 1, Source areas ST011, SD021, SD022, SD023, SD024, DP025, ST027, SS030, ST058, SO065, SO069, SO070, SO071, SO073, SO075, SS078, SS084, SO504, TU506, MY512, and MY518, Eielson Performance Based Remediation, Eielson AFB, Alaska, May 2019 Sara Marshall
5/12/2020 Update or Other Action A draft Decision Document (1 Part B) was submitted for Eielson Source Areas: MY512, MY518, SO504, SS078, and ST011. All of the sites have underlying PFAS contamination and are within the PFOS/PFOA groundwater plume. PFOS/PFOA contamination associated with groundwater in these areas will be addressed under the CERCLA regulatory program in accordance with the Eielson federal facilities agreement. Dennis Shepard
2/9/2022 Update or Other Action DEC approved and signed the Decision Document for Eielson Performance Based Remediation Source Areas SO075, SS078, SO504, MY512, and MY518, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska (May 2021). The Decision Document describes the remedial actions at Eielson Source Areas SO075, SS078, SO504, MY512, and MY518, all of which are associated with potential contamination resulting from petroleum, storage, distribution, and/or use. The U.S. Air Force (USAF) is managing remediation of petroleum, oil, and lubricants (POL) or petroleum-related contamination at these source areas in accordance with the State-Eielson Agreement (USAF 2014d), the two-party agreement. Any Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) constituents remaining will be addressed by transferring source areas back to the Eielson Air Force Base, Federal Facility Agreement Under CERCLA Section 120 (USAF 2013a), the three-party agreement. Dennis Shepard
5/9/2024 Update or Other Action DEC approved Land Use Control (LUC) boundary updates that were discussed at the 23 October 2023 meeting. The updated site boundaries were based on site evaluations performed since initial interim LUCs were place on the sites. Site SO075 boundaries are being expanded northeast to capture soil contamination. SS078 is being expanded to include a proposed monitoring well. MY512 was recommended for collapse and a shift north to include two monitoring well locations. MY518 and SO504 were recommended for site closure, but will retain current LUC boundaries until a final DEC decision is made. Axl LeVan

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments

Control Type

Type Details


Description Details
Hazard ID Site Name File Number
24319 Eielson AFB - Hanger - Building 1344 Area #2 107.26.006
27003 Eielson AFB AFFF Area #12 Hangar Bldg 1344 (SS305P) 107.38.177

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