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Site Report: Eielson AFB (SO503) Bldg 1307 Tank 44

Site Name: Eielson AFB (SO503) Bldg 1307 Tank 44
Address: Bldg. 1307, Cargain Rd, Eielson AFB, AK 99702
File Number: 107.26.012
Hazard ID: 1661
Status: Active
Staff: Axl LeVan, 9074512156
Latitude: 64.650670
Longitude: -147.053920
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Tank #44, a 2,000-gallon arctic-grade diesel fuel underground storage tank (UST), was removed in 1992. Two gouge marks and 2- and 4-mm corrosion holes along the bottom of the tank, as well as staining and fuel odor, were observed during excavation. Groundwater at the bottom of the excavation had a sheen with a strong hydrocarbon odor. 195 sq ft of soil was impacted and 75 cubic yards were removed. A utilidor prevented removal of all of the contaminated soil. 1992 soil samples were taken from two places in the excavation area. Within the zone of seasonal water table fluctuation, BTEX was 78.7 mg/kg (benzene: non-detect), DRO (via EPH) was 7520 mg/kg and GRO (via VPH) was 1160 mg/kg. One foot above the zone of seasonal water table fluctuation, BTEX was 2.0 mg/kg (benzene: 0.103 mg/kg), DRO (via EPH) was 12,900 mg/kg and GRO (via VPH) was 81.7 mg/kg. 1994 air samples from inside Bldg 1307 yielded benzene from 0.05 to 0.12 ppm. 1994 groundwater sampling yielded the following BTEX results above cleanup levels: Monitoring Well 1 had ethylbenzene at 1.0 ug/L and Monitoring Well 3 had benzene at 0.9 ug/L and ethylbenzene at 0.7 ug/L. The 1994 site assessment recommended groundwater and air monitoring and possible source reduction.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
7/20/1992 Update or Other Action The underground storage tank had two gouge marks and 2- and 4-mm corrosion holes along the bottom. There was a sheen on the groundwater. Two soil samples indicate DRPH at 7520 ppm and 12,900 ppm, GRPH at 1160 ppm and 82 ppm, and total BTEX at 79 ppm and 0.1 ppm with no detectable benzene. Tank is adjacent to site ST20 (ADEC file number 107.38.069/Hazard ID 346), which is contaminated with JP. Former Staff
12/28/1992 Site Added to Database Former Staff
1/8/1993 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Initial ranking. Former Staff
2/23/1993 Update or Other Action Sent PRP (potentially responsible party)-CS Notification Letter to responsible party requesting updated and additional environmental information. Department of the Air Force responded with requested site information on 3-17-93. Jeff Peterson
8/9/2005 GIS Position Updated Position updated (coordinate obtained from responsible party). Emily Youcha
4/14/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed. Deborah Williams
10/25/2010 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum LUST site created in CSP database for source area 2,000-gallon UST, 72639 Kim DeRuyter
12/22/2010 Update or Other Action This entry contains only site-specific information. An informational site has been added to the database for actions that pertain to Eielson Air Force Base in its entirety. Please see ADEC file number 107.38.006/Hazard ID 25578/Eielson AFB Basewide Information. Kathleen Beutel
12/22/2011 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum Adminstrative action addition for grant reporting purposes. Evonne Reese
4/10/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other 2014- Draft Multiple Compliance Restoration Program Sites RI Work Plan received March 1, 2014. In 2012, 9 soil and 2 groundwater samples were collected and analyzed for DRO, RRO, GRO, VOC, SVOCs, and metals. To asses if impacted media during UST removal remained, and the extent of contamination present. Results showed DRO present in one well with concentration of 1,660mg/kg (cleanup level 250 mg/kg). Arsenic exceeded Cleanup levels in both soil and groundwater sampling. Additional field work is expected in the 2014 field season. Anna Iverson
6/13/2014 Update or Other Action On April 23, 2014, the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation and the United States Air Force reached agreement on the State-Eielson Air Force Base Petroleum Site Restoration Agreement (Two-party Agreement). This agreement was established to perform any necessary assessment, monitoring, remediation and cleanup determinations for petroleum contaminated sites at Eielson Air Force Base. This site was identified as a petroleum contaminated site requiring a response action and its cleanup will continue under Alaska regulations, following the procedures established in the agreement. Monte Garroutte
11/3/2014 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 72639 2,000-gallon UST. Restrictions are currently in place to prevent contaminant exposures. Approval is required for any activity on site that can result in access or movement of groundwater or soil. Anna Iverson
8/28/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided comments to the USAF on 8/28/15 on the "DRAFT 2014 Site Characterization Report For Sites Where Investigation is Complete: PL001 (A to L), SS066, SO501, SO503, CG505, CG527, MY529, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska" dated July 2015. This report describes sampling activities completed at seven sites at Eielson Air Force Base in 2014. Sampling of soil and groundwater was conducted to evaluate data gaps from previous investigations; delineate the nature and extent of soil and groundwater contamination; determine the potential for co-mingling of plumes from separate sites; and to determine the need, or lack thereof, for further investigation at each site. Melinda Brunner
10/30/2015 Update or Other Action DEC approved the "Sampling and Analysis Plan, Nose Dock 7 Fire Suppression System, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, FTQW 06-2467" dated October 2015 for use. The plan describes sampling that will occur during the construction of a 15' x 15' concrete foundation adjacent to Building 1306. The proposed activities call for excavation to a maximum depth of 4' below ground surface and should not encounter groundwater. Melinda Brunner
11/28/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviewed and provided comments on the Draft 2014 Characterization Report for Sites Where Investigation is Complete, Appendix F – Data Quality Assessment, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska (June, 2015). John O'Brien
12/16/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC completed review of the 2014 "Site Characterization Report for Sites Where Investigation is Complete - Data Quality Assessment" and resolved all comments. Monte Garroutte
3/7/2017 Site Characterization Report Approved DEC Approval of the 2014 Site Characterization for Multiple Sites (PL001A-L, SO066, SO501, SO503, CG505, CG527, and MY529), Report 1 (January 2017) John O'Brien
7/19/2018 Site Characterization Report Approved DEC issued an approval letter for Site Characterization Report for Source Areas SO066, CG505, CS074, SO503, MY529, SS530, SS533, TU531, and CS082 dated February 2018. Bri Clark
9/12/2018 Update or Other Action DEC reviewed and issued comments on the "Draft Decision Document for Installation Restoration Program Source Areas SO066, TU077, SS079, SO501, SS503, and CG505," dated June 2018. Bri Clark
4/12/2019 Update or Other Action DEC reviewed and issued comments on the "Draft Final Decision Document for Installation Restoration Program Source Areas SO066, TU077, SS079, SO501, SO503, and CG505," dated February 2019. Bri Clark
6/11/2019 Update or Other Action DEC received and accepted the "Decision Document for Installation Restoration Program Source Areas SO066, TU077, SS079, SO501, SO503, and CG503." The decision document presents remedies to address the contamination at each of the 6 sites. Sara Marshall
6/24/2020 Update or Other Action DEC signed the Decision Document for Installation Restoration Program Source Areas SO066, TU077, SS079, SO501, SO503, and CG505, Eielson AFB. The document identifies selected remedies for petroleum contaminated sites at Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska. The final selected remedy, excavation of affected soil, is proposed to address fuel and VOC contamination in soil at Source Area SO503. The contamination currently presents a potential risk to human health and the environment; however, the proximity of the contaminated soil to Facility 1311, the arctic walkway, and a potential utilidor pathway currently prevents excavation of the contaminated soil. Therefore, LUCs and eventual excavation are recommended for soil at SO503. Dennis Shepard
9/20/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) approved the Final 2021 Institutional Controls/Land Use Controls Annual Report, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska (dated September 2022). The report provides inspection findings and reviews individual ICs established by the record of decision (ROD) documents for Installation Restoration Program source areas with enforceable ICs, as well as other contaminated sites currently with LUCs in effect. Dennis Shepard
9/18/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviewed and provided comments on the "Eielson AFB Two-Party Sites, Periodic Review - Draft, August 2023". The document reviewed and recorded the current status of two party sites (managed by USAF and DEC) at Eielson Air Force Base. Axl LeVan
12/21/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviewed and approved "Draft-Final Periodic Review Report for Two-Party Sites at Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, November 2023". This report documents the evaluation of the Interim Land Use Controls (Interim LUCs) for 23 two-party sites at EAFB. Axl LeVan
6/5/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved an updated to Land Use Control (LUC) boundaries for multiple Eielson Sites. Site SO066 and CG505 are NFA sites, where interim LUCs will remain in place until the sites are closed. The LUC Boundary for sites SS079 and SO503 were recommended to be collapsed. It was noted during discussion that the installation of monitoring wells was not included in the Decision Document for site SO503. Air Force has agreed to further review this and propose any changes that may be required for the remedy component of SO503. The LUC Boundary for site SO501 was recommended to be collapsed and shifted to include a previous excavation at the site. Site TU077 requires further investigation and will be presented again at a later date. The proposed LUC boundary for site ZZ088 will be compared to Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR) records and presented again at a later date. Axl LeVan
6/21/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviewed and provided comments on the "Periodic Review Report for Two-Party Sites, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, April 2024." DEC had previously approved the document, but is reviewing an updated version after substantial changes to the document. This report documents the evaluation of the Interim Land Use Controls (Interim LUCs) and remedy implementation for 17 sites at EAFB. Axl LeVan

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