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Site Report: Eielson AFB (SS515) Chena Research Annex Bldg 500

Site Name: Eielson AFB (SS515) Chena Research Annex Bldg 500
Address: 14 Mile Transmitter Road, Building 500, Eielson AFB, AK 99702
File Number: 107.38.096
Hazard ID: 1684
Status: Active
Staff: Axl LeVan, 9074512156
Latitude: 64.830996
Longitude: -146.974997
Horizontal Datum:

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Chena River Annex/Chena River Research Site Building 500 was built 1954, used as a Cold War data receiving/transmitting station until 1977, unused from 1977-1988 and used for live fire exercises from 1988 – c.1995. The building was demolished in 1999 and the site is no longer in use. Chena Annex campground is 2.5 miles from site, which has unrestricted access. Depth to groundwater in the Chena River Valley is approximately 4 to 16 ft. The site consisted of the following: -30000 sq ft bldg (some asbestos removed in 1987; entire bldg demolished in 1999) -Three USTs (30000-gallon diesel fuel and 30000-gallon MOGAS tanks, both of which were removed prior to 1990, plus a 10000-gallon heating oil tank) -Septic system (3400-gallon concrete septic tank and five leaching wells located 350 ft S of bldg; personnel disposed of approx 1 gallon/day of photographic solutions that contained silver to the septic system via sinks in the bldg) -Drinking water well (106 ft deep) -Tile sump and leaching pit for wastewater disposal (leaching well 50 ft S of bldg, wastewater from floor drains in bldg were routed through an oil/water separator prior to disposal in the leaching well, tile sump located in basement and connected to floor drains from the remained of the rooms) -Lube oil drain pit (15 ft N of the generator room, received waste oil from the generator engine oil tanks, held a 55-gallon drum, 1990 site visit observed oil-stained concrete here) -Burn barrel (steel burn barrel approx 50 ft N of bldg for disposal of silver-containing photographic film) In 1995 an artificial pond known to be affected by fuel contamination was filled in a the live fire tire house was removed. Between 1996 and 1998 the septic system, leach well and lube oil drain pit were removed during a site investigation and the majority of impacted soil was excavated. 450 cubic yards of POL soils from the diesel UST area were treated by thermal desorption (not specified if treatment was on- or off-site) and 72 drums of septage liquids were staged at the EIL Hazmat Center for shipping. In 1999 the building was removed. 1992 soil sampling identified PCBs up to 0.11 mg/kg. 1992 groundwater sampling identified DRO of 850 ug/L in the drainage pond south of the building. 1999-2002 groundwater monitoring identified DRO up to 89000 ug/L and RRO up to 13200 ug/L. In 2001 it was determined that the groundwater flow is to the southwest, which is 180 degrees from the expected direction, and thus Monitoring Wells 01, 05 and 06 (the only MWs that were sampled after 1999) are upgradient of suspected source areas. The land is owned by the Army and leased by the Air Force. This site is managed by 354 CES/CEV but is not included in any ROD or the Eielson FFA. Although this site is included in the 2002 Sitewide Monitoring Program Report, the SWMP report says it is not subject to CERCLA. A 2004 letter from ADEC refers to this site as an IRP site.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
7/15/1992 Update or Other Action Inspected facility that is currently being used for urban warfare training. Former location of USTs were evident. No other obvious signs of contamination. Laura Noland
7/31/1992 Site Added to Database PCBs and fuels. Former Staff
7/31/1992 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Initial ranking. Former Staff
12/9/1993 Update or Other Action Need to get results of September 1992 field work. Bob Couch
3/21/1997 Update or Other Action Site updated by Shannon and Wilson based on the Air Force Relative Risk Evaluation Worksheet dated 12/4/95. S&W
6/29/2001 Update or Other Action Received Release investigation Report on February 14, 2001, "Summary of Groundwater Flow Direction" Memorandum on May 3, 2001, and discussed project with the new Air Force RPM - Brent Koenen, in June 2001. The site has been investigated and, due to remoteness, is being monitored for Natural Attenuation. Ann Farris
10/11/2001 Meeting or Teleconference Held Met with AF personnel regarding proposed action at the site. The groundwater flow report indicated GW flow was to the southwest (180 degrees from expected direction). The site characterization, therefore, seems inadequate because all monitoring wells are upgradient of the source areas. Also it's questionable if the GW was sampled for all CoPCs. AF is going to reconfirm the GW flow direction over next year (with transducers if possible) and evaluate the need for further characterization. Ann Farris
12/19/2001 Update or Other Action Staff received the Draft 2001 Site-Wide monitoring report, which included the Chena Annex site. Only 3 wells still exist at the site (MW01, MW05 and MW06) and they were all sampled for BTEX, DRO, GRO, and RRO. These were all below detection limits, but there location may not be the best for showing the plume and the analyte list may not be sufficient. See the 10/11/01 action item. Ann Farris
12/26/2001 GIS Position Updated Worked with Heather Goldman to obtain GIS latitude and longitude from 1:63,300 topographic map. Heather Goldman
1/15/2002 Site Number Identifier Changed Changed Workplan from X1 to X9 to reflect the presence of a hazardous substance. Ann Farris
1/21/2003 Update or Other Action Additional groundwater sampling and water level collection is being completed. Site will be evaluated in 2003 to determine a final remedy. Ann Farris
10/11/2004 GIS Position Updated Updated coordinates using values acquired by Emily Youcha using a handheld GPS unit during a site visit. Torsten Ernst
6/24/2005 Update or Other Action Staff sent a letter to Eielson AFB requesting they submit a proposed plan for this site and evaluate a final remedy. Emily Youcha
9/30/2005 Update or Other Action Staff participated in a meeting with Eielson AFB to discuss a closure plan for this site. There are two areas of concern at this site. Sampling events show contamination below groundwater cleanup standards in the southern portion of the contamination; however, a data point was not obtained from the northern area due to constraints with drilling. Two downgradient wells show no contamination above cleanup levels. Staff requested Eielson present a proposed plan to DEC that summarizes the removal action, lists any remaining soil concentrations and estimates the groundwater fate and transport at the northern area of contamination. Emily Youcha
8/8/2006 Update or Other Action Staff discussed with Eielson the proposed plan for this site. Staff provided Eielson with the former proposed plan that was submitted in 1999 and the ADEC's draft comments on the proposed plan. Eielson will resubmit a new proposed plan for the site. It should be shown that groundwater contamination at the site meets the Maximum Contaminant Levels under 18 AAC 75 (including DRO/GRO). Emily Youcha
10/30/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Completed the initial ranking for two source areas: the former USTs and the former septic system. Deborah Williams
1/3/2011 Update or Other Action This entry contains only site-specific information. An informational site has been added to the database for actions that pertain to Eielson Air Force Base in its entirety. Please see ADEC file number 107.38.006/Hazard ID 25578/Eielson AFB Basewide Information. Kathleen Beutel
6/13/2014 Update or Other Action On April 23, 2014, the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation and the United States Air Force reached agreement on the State-Eielson Air Force Base Petroleum Site Restoration Agreement (Two-party Agreement). This agreement was established to perform any necessary assessment, monitoring, remediation and cleanup determinations for petroleum contaminated sites at Eielson Air Force Base. This site was identified as a petroleum contaminated site requiring a response action and its cleanup will continue under Alaska regulations, following the procedures established in the agreement. Monte Garroutte
8/18/2015 Meeting or Teleconference Held During Eielson RPM meeting, contracting status for SS515 was discussed. Site characterization work is being contracted - RFP should be issued by October 2015. Eric Breitenberger
9/23/2015 Site Visit The DEC and the USAF remedial project managers visited the site to assess current conditions, including whether the institutional control/land use control prohibition on ground disturbing activities without Installation Management approval is being honored. Melinda Brunner
6/17/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC submitted comments to the USAF on the “Draft Work Plan for Source Area SS515 Site Characterization, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska” dated May 2016. The work plan describes proposed soil and groundwater sampling. The USAF intends to complete the described sampling in 2016. Melinda Brunner
8/29/2016 Site Characterization Workplan Approved DEC approved the "Final Draft Work Plan for Source Area SS515 Site Characterization, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska” dated August 2016 for use. The work plan describes proposed soil and groundwater sampling. The USAF intends to complete the described sampling in 2016. Melinda Brunner
2/4/2019 Site Characterization Report Approved DEC approved the Site Characterization Report for Source Area SS515, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, dated January 2019. The report describes the results of the efforts to delineate the extent of soil and groundwater contamination at SS515. Bri Clark
1/7/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided comments for the draft Uniform Federal Policy for Quality Assurance Project Plans, SS515 (Chena Annex) Supplemental RI/FS Management Plan, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska. The project plan includes information on planned sampling to further characterize the site for known contaminates including Hexavalent Chromium. Dennis Shepard
5/11/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) approved the Final SS515 (Chena Annex) Supplemental RI/FS Management Plan, Uniform Federal Policy for Quality Assurance Project Plans, Eielson Air Force Base, May 2021. The plan describes a Supplemental Remedial Investigation (RI) to be performed at Site SS515 (Chena Annex) in accordance with the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) in the summer of 2021. Dennis Shepard
4/8/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided comments for the Draft 2021 INSTITUTIONAL CONTROLS/LAND USE CONTROLS ANNUAL REPORT, EIELSON AIR FORCE BASE, ALASKA (March 2022). The report provides annual land use control inspection checklists, inspection results, photos and recommendations from the site inspection of SS515. Dennis Shepard
9/20/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) approved the Final 2021 Institutional Controls/Land Use Controls Annual Report, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska (dated September 2022). The report provides inspection findings and reviews individual ICs established by the record of decision (ROD) documents for Installation Restoration Program source areas with enforceable ICs, as well as other contaminated sites currently with LUCs in effect. Dennis Shepard
7/14/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviewed and provided comments on the Draft SS515 (Chena Annex) Supplemental Remedial Investigation Report Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, May 2023. Axl LeVan
5/10/2024 CERCLA RI Report Approved DEC approved "Final SS515 (Chena Annex) Supplemental Remedial Investigation Report, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, April 2024". The report indicates No Action decision under Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) and supplemental site characterization under DEC regulations to include sampling of diesel-range organics and residual-range organics in groundwater. Axl LeVan

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