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Site Report: Icy Bay West Log Camps

Site Name: Icy Bay West Log Camps
Address: Icy Bay, Yakutat, AK 99689
File Number: 1530.38.001
Hazard ID: 1753
Status: Cleanup Complete - Institutional Controls
Staff: IC Unit, 9074655229
Latitude: 59.969469
Longitude: -141.641492
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Petroleum contamination from long-term operations as well as incidental spills. The Mental Health Lands Trust and the State DNR own lands in the West Icy Bay area. Through legislation, the UA has received land grants to sections of timber to raise operational funding. Two designated sections were sold to speculators Wasser and Winters, who then hired a logging outfit, Ben Thomas logging to bring in the labor and heavy equipment to cut timber. Site has history of logging dating back to late 60s. Multiple logging outfits and poor historical petroleum handling practices.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
11/26/1999 Site Added to Database Petroleum contamination from long-term operations as well as incidental spills. Sally Schlichting
11/29/1999 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Initial ranking. Sally Schlichting
4/15/2001 Update or Other Action Forest Practices inspection by DNR, ADEC and UA personnel, including WQ staff observed surface runoff containing petroleum sheen on a nearby fish stream. Poor handling practices for petroleum and antifreeze were also observed. Mike Jaynes
4/23/2001 Update or Other Action University, Wasser and Winter, Ben Thomas Log and DNR personnel notified of CS upcoming visit. Mike Jaynes
5/3/2001 Update or Other Action ADEC CS rep (Jaynes) toured site May 1-3 and found poor housekeeping practices for hazardous and petroleum products throughout the site. Involved parties from state and private concerns onsite were educated on housekeeping practices. Camp water system found to be unmaintained and CS representative showed camp manager how to maintain/inspect system. Mike Jaynes
5/4/2001 Update or Other Action Joint ADEC meeting with CS, WQ, Solid Waste and Drinking Water to discuss log camp problems and coordinate response. CS to get together information for civil complaint using records from above divisions. Mike Jaynes
6/8/2001 Update or Other Action Spoke with Paula Dobbyn of Anchorage Daily News regarding Icy Bay problems. Paula wanted photos and information for article which I supplied. Informed Fedullo, Dietrich and Hayden of contact. Article appeared 6/9/01and part of file record. Mike Jaynes
6/12/2001 Update or Other Action CERCLA site screening form completed based on Mike Jaynes trip report. See G:\SPAR\Spar-Contaminated Sites\SITES\West Icy Bay Site Screening.doc. Bill Janes
6/20/2001 Update or Other Action Civil complaint distributed to staff in WQ, DW, Solid Waste and EH managers through Jim Hayden. Mike Jaynes
7/26/2001 Update or Other Action AG referral memorandum prepared for potential civil enforcement action. Bill Janes
7/26/2001 Update or Other Action CERCLA site screening packet finalized and sent to EPA with transmittal letter. Bill Janes
8/8/2001 Update or Other Action CS staff informed by DNR onsite representative that Ben Thomas Log has been fired and will be leaving West Icy Bay leaving Wasser and Winters with responsibility for operating the camp site. Mike Jaynes
9/13/2001 Update or Other Action Ben Thomas Log personnel improperly burn heavy equipment and drums at site; CS staff forward info to Air Quality and Environmental Crimes for review; NOV issued by Air Quality while Crimes Unit cannot prosecute due to lack of physical evidence. Hannah provided ADEC with detailed report. Mike Jaynes
10/3/2001 Update or Other Action CS site manager proposes to environmental consultants for University and logging contractors to meet at site after spring thaw to coordinate a site characterization proposal to meet ADEC requirements. Mike Jaynes
12/1/2001 Update or Other Action UA is working on overall site history and planning a land management meeting with DNR/Mental Health Trust personnel. Site meeting with consultants tentatively scheduled for April (weather dependent). Mike Jaynes
1/30/2002 Meeting or Teleconference Held Juneau CS staff attended the annual UA lands meeting in Anchorage. CS staff discussed general site discovery, assessment and cleanup procedures with UA and Mental Health Lands personnel. Site visit with environmental consultants to come up with workable cleanup plan. Spoke separately with contractors Citifor, Wasser and Winters about housekeeping practices and how to improve. Ask them to call me if any questions or concerns. Mike Jaynes
2/20/2002 Update or Other Action Ranking of site by AHRM rechecked and verified. Mike Jaynes
3/4/2002 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting on 3/1/02 to discuss site issues with DNR, Mental Health Lands Trust and UA. Mental Health, DNR and UA discussed contractual and legal issues, while ADEC went over site requirements and proposed site assessment. All parties agreed that site assessment to be performed. Jaynes will work with UA consultant Hanna to get plan together for assessment of UA and Mental Health work areas. Mike Jaynes
4/12/2002 Update or Other Action Spoke with Soren Wuerth of the Alaska Action Network. Was concerned with site and I went over history with him. Explained that pollution was caused by subcontractors and not University/DNR, who are both attempting to get a handle on the situation. Said full-scale SA is coming together. Emphasized that UA rep is doing a good job onsite and dealing with difficult situation. Also emphasized the fact the site is petroleum contamination and not a serious problem. Mike Jaynes
4/15/2002 Update or Other Action Spoke with Ron Berg and Chuck Dobson of Citifor. Both are planning on attending meeting on the 24th of April with ADEC UA DNR representatives to go over SA plan submitted by Hanna. Reminded both to let me know if they have concerns. Let them know that Wasser and Winters can work on 2700 Spur spill as part of spill cleanup. Mike Jaynes
4/18/2002 Update or Other Action Sent Soren Wuerth pdf copy of Hanna Burn report concerning 9/13 burn incident. Mike Jaynes
4/24/2002 Meeting or Teleconference Held West Icy Bay Meeting in Juneau to discuss site assessment. Attended by Wasser and Winters, Tom Thomas, Citifor, DNR, UA and ADEC staff. Agreed Tom Hanna would perform site assessment according to draft assessment report. Mike Jaynes
4/30/2002 Update or Other Action Contacted by Liz Chen of GeoEngineers proposed to clean up Wasser and Winters responsible areas during Southeast Management Site Characterization to save on equipment mobilization. Said not a problem. Mike Jaynes
5/10/2002 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Approval of Overall Site Characterization Workplan as submitted by Southeast Management on 4/25/02. Incorporated comments by all parties in 4/24/02 meeting. Mike Jaynes
5/20/2002 Update or Other Action Site Visit 5/13 to 5/18/02. Watched Site Characterization work by SE management on Camp #1. Also watched Geoengineers deal with Wasser and Winters issues. Spoke with Browning camp on cleanup issues and housekeeping. Mike Jaynes
5/21/2002 Update or Other Action Identified truck bed used in Thomas burn incident on 10/10/01 and collected samples and documentation. Mike Jaynes
6/25/2002 Update or Other Action Sent site time log to DNR and UA senior staff for cost recovery. DNR and UA will work out who will pay for what in future meetings prior to our sending out formal billings. Mike Jaynes
8/13/2002 Update or Other Action Received Southeast Management's report discussing Site Assessment at TLO Camp#2 facilities. Mike Jaynes
10/11/2002 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with UA, DNR, contractors and consultants to discuss TLO Site Characterization and Citifor Logging request to perform a Method 3 cleanup using site results. Mike Jaynes
10/21/2002 Update or Other Action Received Southeast Management's report discussing Site Assessment at UA Camp #1 Facilities. Mike Jaynes
10/22/2002 Update or Other Action Requested to attend in person meeting with involved parties in Anchorage to discuss dividing cleanup costs on site. Mike Jaynes
10/25/2002 Meeting or Teleconference Held Attended meeting with DNR, UA, Thomas Log, Citifor, Wasser & Winters and Browning staff present to discuss Southeast Management Site Assessment and cleanup standards. Discussed with all present cleanup standards, cleanup methods and proposed timeline for cleanup. AG office representative Kevin Saxby proposed AG to help negotiate a settlement between RP's and contractors to pay for cleanup. ADEC staff will not get involved in cost sharing decision, but will help with explaining technical problems and cleanup regulations for involved parties. Mike Jaynes
10/30/2002 Meeting or Teleconference Held Kevin Saxby, AG Office requested meeting with me to go over site assessment results. Met with Kevin and discussed Site Assessment results including details on possible dating of contamination. Mike Jaynes
10/31/2002 Update or Other Action Received phone call from Joe Burnham on site. Gave him a quick update on site and promised to call next week to discuss details. Mike Jaynes
11/18/2002 Update or Other Action Kevin Saxby of AG's office said State agencies (DNR and UA) have accepted a tentative consent agreement on apportioning cleanup expenses per Hanna assessment. Said I was confident with Hanna's assessment and would request that Anchorage AG office work on a consent agreement with all parties involved. At this time logging contractors have not accepted agreement. Mike Jaynes
11/20/2002 Update or Other Action Received phone call from Buck Lindenkugel at SEACC concerning site. Gave him quick update on site. Offered to have him come in and look over information with me. Returned call to Joe Burnham in Alabama, who wants to speak tomorrow. Mike Jaynes
12/3/2002 Interim Removal Action Approved For an estimated 1,000-1,400 cubic yards from six different areas of camp # 2. Mike Jaynes
12/8/2002 Update or Other Action Interim removal action completed at the camp # 2 shop area. About 230 cubic yards of soil stockpiled onsite. Mike Jaynes
2/14/2003 Cleanup Level(s) Approved Alternative cleanup level for DRO and method 2 for GRO and RRO. Mike Jaynes
2/14/2003 Site Characterization Report Approved Camp # 2 - Letter on file in G drive site file. Mike Jaynes
3/20/2003 Cleanup Plan Approved Camp # 2 - DMC Technologies Work Plan for additional excavation and bioaugmentation treatment. Email approval is in Outlook Public folders site file in SE case files. Bill Janes
3/27/2003 Update or Other Action Message from DMC Tech regarding camp # 2. Apparently all the work went well. Will be submitting a report. Bill Janes
5/27/2003 Update or Other Action Camp # 1 - Email approval in Outlook public folder site file. Bill Janes
6/12/2003 Meeting or Teleconference Held Janes and Jaynes spoke with Dan McNair on site status. McNair proposed to work on fuel depot area with barrier, but also offered to wait and do both camp fuel depots simultaneously. ADEC staff agreed to review DM's proposal and get back to him. Mike Jaynes
6/13/2003 Meeting or Teleconference Held Janes and Jaynes spoke with UA, DNR and TLO staff on McNair's proposal and site issues. Result was to proceed with Camp #2, hold off on Camp #1 work until Wasser & Winters and onsite staff figure out plans for buildings, etc. are moved and demolished in Camp #1, and hold off on fuel depot area until all parties decide how to divvy up costs at combined fuel depot area. Mike Jaynes
6/16/2003 Meeting or Teleconference Held Received call from West Icy Bay 3:27 PM from Dan McNair. Briefed him on 6/13 conference call. Dan stated he was satisfied with call results including the decision to hold off on fuel depot work. Mike Jaynes
6/23/2003 Meeting or Teleconference Held Call from McNair. Stoddard solvent contaminated soil from near SE corner of camp # 2 shop discovered. Approximately 230 yards will be excavated and placed in a segregated treatment cell in the current treatment area. Bill Janes
6/26/2003 Meeting or Teleconference Held Call from McNair. Wrapping up camp # 2 this week then going on break. Will return to start camp # 1 on July 12. I sent email update to stakeholders. Bill Janes
7/18/2003 Update or Other Action Staff missed weekly teleconference with RP's due to other obligations. Mike Jaynes
8/15/2003 Update or Other Action Excavations have been proceeding well at camp # 1, but the 8,000 cubic yards maximum in the settlement agreement will be reached soon. Meeting in Anchorage next week to discuss options. Site visit planned beforehand. Bill Janes
8/19/2003 Update or Other Action Site visit - New source area discovered in front of and about 100 feet to the west of the camp # 1 shop. Bill Janes
8/20/2003 Meeting or Teleconference Held In-person meeting in Anchorage with Parties to the Settlement Agreement. Bill Janes
8/25/2003 Update or Other Action Camp # 1 - Reviewed the confirmation sampling data summary and accompanying sample location site diagram for the truck washdown area and generator area excavations. The sampling results document compliance with the approved method 3 cleanup levels. The excavations are cleared for backfilling. Bill Janes
8/27/2003 Meeting or Teleconference Held Teleconference to discuss amendments to the Settlement Agreement to add in the newly found areas. Bill Janes
8/29/2003 Meeting or Teleconference Held Weekly Friday teleconference with Parties to the Settlement Agreement. New area of contamination about 5,000 cubic yards according to Dan McNair, on-site cleanup contractor. Bill Janes
9/8/2003 Update or Other Action Camp # 1 - Reviewed the confirmation sampling data summary and accompanying sample location site diagram for the maintenance shop area excavation (received September 8), and the oil shed area and saw shack area excavations (received September 5). The sampling results document compliance with the approved method 3 cleanup levels. The excavations are cleared for backfilling. Bill Janes
9/10/2003 Update or Other Action Camp # 1 - Treated soil sampling plan approved as an addendum to the Remedial Action Workplan approved on May 27. Bill Janes
9/12/2003 Meeting or Teleconference Held Camp # 1 - Weekly teleconference with Parties - Approaching 15,000 cubic yards total excavated. Sampling to occur this weekend at incinerator site about 3 miles east. Camp # 1 excavations complete other than residual excavation following confirmation sampling. Bill Janes
9/18/2003 Update or Other Action Camp # 1 - Reviewed the confirmation sampling data summaries and sample location site diagrams for the following areas: south equipment parking, boneyard, 5-mile ditch. TLO, school house, and bunkhouse received September 12, 2003, and the data summary and sample location site diagram for fuel depot # 1 received September 18, 2003. The sampling results document compliance with the approved method 3 cleanup levels. The excavations are cleared for backfilling. Bill Janes
9/22/2003 Update or Other Action 18 AAC 75.370 requirement to cover the stockpiles over the winter waived. Documentation is in the Outlook email file this date. Bill Janes
9/24/2003 Update or Other Action Camp # 1 - Reviewed the confirmation sampling data summaries and sample location site diagrams for the following areas: camp fuel depot excavation and incinerator excavations received September 23, 2003. The sampling results document compliance with the approved method 3 cleanup levels. The excavations are cleared for backfilling. Bill Janes
9/24/2003 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Quantity changed to 4 and GW use changed to 0.8. Bill Janes
9/29/2003 Update or Other Action Site work completed contractor demobilizing. Bill Janes
11/4/2003 Update or Other Action Settlement Agreement Amendment signed. Bill Janes
11/14/2003 Update or Other Action Final Cleanup Report for Camp # 2 received from DMC Tech. Bill Janes
1/30/2004 Update or Other Action Final Cleanup Report for Camp # 1 received from DMC Tech. Reports under review and decision document being drafted. Bill Janes
3/19/2004 Update or Other Action Public comment period for draft camp # 1 report ends this date. Comments received from Tom Hanna and from Cascadia Wildlands Project. Bill Janes
4/2/2004 Update or Other Action Submitted DEC comments to DMC Tech. Bill Janes
5/24/2004 Update or Other Action Camp # 1 - Amended Final Cleanup Report received with response to comments. Bill Janes
10/1/2004 Update or Other Action Stockpile visual monitoring photos received this date. Bill Janes
10/5/2004 GIS Position Updated DeLorme Topo Quads. Bill Janes
10/5/2004 Long Term Monitoring Established Visual monitoring of biocells for natural revegetation. Bill Janes
10/5/2004 Conditional Closure Approved Cleanup determinations for camps 1 and 2 on file in the G drive site file. Bill Janes
10/5/2004 Institutional Control Record Established Note to database only - Soil stockpiles must be left in place. If soil proposed to be moved, RP must show that method 2 cleanup levels have been met. Annual reporting on condition of stockpiles required. Bill Janes
6/3/2005 Update or Other Action Stockpile visual monitoring photos received this date. Bill Janes
8/10/2005 GIS Position Updated Reviewed site location due to inclusion into BF inventory. According to satellite imagery, quad maps, and comments/description site appears to located correctly. No changes to lat/long fields were made, but metadata was updated. Torsten Ernst
11/29/2007 Update or Other Action Telcon with Jerry Kilinowski with the University. Meeting tentatively scheduled for late February or early March to close out all activities at the camp. Wasser and Winters will fly up from the Longview area to Juneau. Bill Janes
2/21/2008 Update or Other Action Meeting held with all stakeholders present. Site will temporarily reopened on the database in May to address additional contamination created during Wasser and Winters operation at Icy Bay during the last few years. A multi-party site inspection will be scheduled. Bill Janes
5/16/2008 Update or Other Action GeoEngineers on site conducting initial recon. Bill Janes
5/27/2008 Update or Other Action Stockpile visual monitoring photos received. The stockpile on the north side of the residential area is very stable except for about 100' along the southwest bank where the slope is too steep to keep the gravelly soil from sluffing. Most of the stockpile is well covered with grass and other vegetation. Young alders were observed along the toe of the embankments. The stockpile near the airport runway is stable and mostly covered with vegetation, as is the camp # 2 stockpile. Numerous pieces of torn liner are visible in the camp # 2 stockpile, however. Report from Tom Hanna, SE Mgmt. Services. Photos taken on May 17, 2008. Bill Janes
7/1/2008 Site Reopened Site re-opened to address new contamination as a result of operations since the 2004 conditional closure determination was issued. Bill Janes
7/1/2008 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Characterization workplan approved under 18 AAC 75.335 to address new contamination at the airfield fuel farm, camp # 1 residential compound, maintenance shop, sort yard, and remote maintenance facility. Email approval sent to Sean Ragain at GeoEngineers this date. Bill Janes
7/1/2008 Cleanup Plan Approved Cleanup workplan approved under 18 AAC 75.355 and 360 to address new contamination at the airfield fuel farm, camp # 1 residential compound, maintenance shop, sort yard, and remote maintenance facility. Email approval sent to Sean Ragain at GeoEngineers this date. Bill Janes
10/13/2008 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Combination site characterization and cleanup report dated September 23, 2008. About 200 cubic yards of soil total removed from four source areas. These are the camp #1 residential compound, maintenance shop, fuel farm, and remote maintenance shop. Soil super-sacked and transported to the Arlington, Oregon waste disposal facility. Bill Janes
10/23/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 72731 name: Camp # 1 Residential Compound Bill Janes
2/13/2009 Cleanup Complete Determination Issued Bill Janes
12/30/2011 Institutional Control Update Action added on 4/10/14 after talking to RP regarding stockpiles. The last site stockpile inspection flyover was done on 12/30/11 and the stockpiles were found to be covered with heavy vegetation. Evonne Reese
5/16/2013 Long Term Monitoring Complete Administrative action added during a quality control check. Kristin Thompson
12/16/2013 Institutional Control Compliance Review IC compliance review conducted. Scheduled for an IC reminder letter to be send in February 2014. Evonne Reese
4/2/2014 Institutional Control Update An IC reminder letter was issued to the responsible party on this date. Kristin Thompson
3/2/2016 Institutional Control Compliance Review IC compliance review conducted. Scheduled to send IC reminder letter in April 2019. Nathan Maxwell
6/12/2019 Institutional Control Update An Institutional Controls reminder letter mailed to the responsible party on this date. Mossy Mead
6/26/2019 Institutional Control Compliance Review IC compliance review was completed and a letter was issued to the Mental Health Land Trust as a reminder of the property history. The next IC review will be in five years' time. Evonne Reese

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments
DRO Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil

Control Type

Type Details
CS Database Notation And Letter To Landowner/RP


Description Details
Excavation / Soil Movement Restrictions Must meet method 2 prior to movement from site.
Advance approval required to transport soil or groundwater off-site. Standard condition.
Movement or use of contaminated material (including on site) in a manner that results in a violation of the water quality standards is prohibited (18 AAC 70) Standard condition.
Periodic Review Every five years.

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