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Site Report: FAA Gulkana Station - Sitewide

Site Name: FAA Gulkana Station - Sitewide
Address: Gulkana Airport, Glennallen, AK 99588
File Number: 140.38.002
Hazard ID: 1854
Status: Informational
Staff: Livia Bracker, 9072697695
Latitude: 62.156310
Longitude: -145.455229
Horizontal Datum:NAD83

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Numerous tanks and releases associated with FAA facilities. 142 barrels of asphalt found in woods. Petroleum staining around barrels.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
9/20/1993 Site Added to Database Former Staff
10/20/1993 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Initial ranking. Former Staff
8/20/1998 Update or Other Action Site work done in August 1998 for "Final Release Investigation Work Plan, Federal Aviation Administration Gulkana Station" dated July 28, 1998. Staff did not have time to complete plan review before work was done. Eileen Olson
2/20/2003 Update or Other Action Anchorage office rec'd from the Fairbanks DEC office an ECIR (Environmental Compliance Investigation Report) dated November 1992 and a DEC review letter for that document dated June 11, 1993. The letter requests additional investigation of petroleum hydrocarbon contamination and notes that regulated USTs need to come into compliance with State UST regs. Eileen Olson
1/26/2006 Update or Other Action All work performed for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires completion and approval of a Project Environmental and Occupational Safety and Health Worksheet (EOSH Worksheet). The EOSH Worksheet is a tool that allows project managers to identify potential hazards and contamination, take appropriate measures to avoid hazards and manage contamination appropriately, to minimize environmental impacts, determine whether environmental assessment is required prior to beginning work, and to minimize fines and/or penalties associated with non-compliance with federal and state regulations. It also acts a mechanism to identify when outside agency permits are necessary. Specific portions of the EOSH Worksheet address: the presence/absence of endangered species, activities conducted in wetlands or anadromous streams, whether work will occur on a contaminated site or involve activities associated with fuel tanks, fuel distribution lines, oil-containing transformers, groundwater monitoring wells, floor drains, and generation and handling of hazardous waste. To ensure all issues are appropriately considered, the worksheet is to be reviewed after each phase of project development and implemenation. This form is to be kept with project progress documents throughout the project. Sharon Richmond
3/27/2007 Update or Other Action Received Draft Site Investigation Report Colin Craven
5/8/2007 Update or Other Action Lisa Maserjian assigned as Project Manager. Completed review and comments on Draft Site Investigation report and mail out comments letter to FAA. Main issues are that they did not propose a cleanup level, and specific remediation actions but proposed many ideas. Some problems with the data validation. They also asked that the site be given a 350 Determination. DEC does not agree with this as there are domestic wells in the area and asked them to better define the hydrogeology showing how the shallow site water is not connected to the aquifers used for domestic purposes. Lisa Maserjian
5/29/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking for all sites. Lisa Maserjian
12/30/2008 Site Characterization Report Approved Staff reviewed the Final Site Investigation Report, Federal Aviation Administration, Gulkana Airport Site Investigation, Gulkana Alaska, April 25, 2008. The report accurately presents the results of the site characterization activities that took place during the summer of 2006 at the Gulkana Airport. Based on the information in this report DEC has determined that Building 102 is eligible for closure and a cleanup complete determination will be sent in a separate letter. The report provides an estimate of the volume of soil above the Method 2 migration to groundwater cleanup level of 250 mg/kg for diesel range organics by site/building. It also recommends the implementation of Interim Removal Actions (IRAs) at Buildings 600, 603 & 604, 601, 303, the former tank farm and Building 400. DEC recommends that the Federal Aviation Administration propose cleanup levels for each site for DEC concurrence and then proceed with remedial actions that will achieve cleanup complete for each site, rather than IRAs that would not completely mitigate the risk at each site. DEC also recommends removal of the buried drums at the RCAG and characterization of any remaining contamination. DEC also requests characterization at Building 605 Sewage Treatment and Lift Station to determine if there is contamination present. The contaminated sites database has maintained one entry for the FAA Gulkana Station. The database is being revised to show separate entries for each of the above sites so that each one can be tracked and closed separately. Debra Caillouet
7/10/2015 Cleanup Plan Approved On this date, DEC approved the final work plan that describes the decommissioning and environmental remedial action services related to the complete removal of the FAA owned Gulkana Flight Service Station and associated infrastructure. A number of objects at the site are known to be covered with lead based paint, and the work plan details include proper handling of hazardous substances. In addition, the work plan includes a clean-up plan for lead contaminated soil and a plan to characterize the sewer outfall soil and sludge associated for gasoline range organics, diesel range organics, volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds, PCBs, and RCRA metals. Joy Whitsel
12/15/2016 Update or Other Action On 08/19/16, DEC responded to comments from FAA regarding the 2015 Follow-on Remedial Investigation. A final draft of the report was received by DEC in September. Additional correspondence with FAA regarding hydrocarbon risk calculations (HRC) occurred on 10/25/16, and a final draft with updated HRC values was provided to DEC on 12/05/16. DEC corresponded with FAA on 12/15/16 on final HRC values. Joy Whitsel
2/2/2017 Site Characterization Report Approved DEC has reviewed and approves the Final Report for a Follow-On Remedial Investigation at the FAA Station, Gulkana, Alaska. The report details the results of a follow-on remedial investigation and remedial actions conducted at the former FAA Gulkana Station located at the Gulkana Airport near Glennallen, Alaska, during the fall of 2013 and 2014. This information was used as input into the hydrocarbon risk calculator (HRC) to evaluate risk to human health and to evaluate site closure options at each of five areas of concern. Joy Whitsel

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Hazard ID Site Name File Number
24947 FAA Gulkana 140.26.021

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