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Site Report: ADOT&PF Aniak Maint. Shop & Former ASTs

Site Name: ADOT&PF Aniak Maint. Shop & Former ASTs
Address: River Road, Aniak, AK 99557
File Number: 2404.38.005
Hazard ID: 1863
Status: Active
Staff: * Currently Not Assigned, 9072693057
Latitude: 61.575350
Longitude: -159.529786
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Soil & GW petroleum contamination resulting from former ASTs and associated pipeline, the shop class V EPA regulated injection well(UIC), drums of diesel and waste oil on the south side of the shop, and normal operating spills & leaks. The unconfined GW aquifer, used as a DW source, is about 20'-30'bgs. 6 DW wells are located on ADOT&PF land in the vicinity of the site. Site floods frequently. Quantity of impacted soil appears to be minimal. Four source areas have been identified: 1- the old maintenance building 1976-2007(now uses as a cold storage building) drum storage; 2-the old maintenance building UIC well, 3-the AST area including the north (former ASTs location) and south (located south at the current empty diesel AST and dispenser shed location; and 4-the pipeline area including the north(adjacent to runway) and south (adjacent to building 303). Information regarding the Class V injection well at this site is being tracked separately under Hazard ID 27096, file no. 2404.38.018.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
12/1/1994 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = CORR - Correspondence (General)). Due to a MOU with DOT/DNR and DEC, funding is limited by Legislative Appropriation and consequently action dates are not definite. Ray Dronenburg
1/26/1995 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = RARR - Remedial Action Report Review (CS)). Responsible Party submitted an additional Site Investigation for review. Ray Dronenburg
1/27/1995 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = RARR - Remedial Action Report Review (CS)). Yearly monitoring of wells. Suggested that a careful study of bioventing or in-situ remediation in Western Alaska be performed before and after results. Ray Dronenburg
1/27/1995 Site Characterization Report Approved (Old R:Base Action Code = SA2R - Phase II SA Review (CS)). Phase 2 Site Assessment Report Review. Ray Dronenburg
2/3/1995 Site Number Identifier Changed Changed sequence number to "07" from "02". Sequence number "02" is for Chignik Lake Fuel Company. Ray Dronenburg
2/7/1997 Preliminary Assessment Approved Area-wide. Anne Marie Palmieri
7/15/1997 Update or Other Action ADEC informed ADOT&PF of legislative funding approval of $100,000 to address contamination issues at this site. ADEC requested ADOT&PF to develop and implement a Corrective Action Plan to cleanup the contamination at this site. Donald Seagren
10/1/1997 Update or Other Action Area-wide groundwater study. Anne Marie Palmieri
10/6/1998 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Site Characterization Workplan Approved this date. Anne Marie Palmieri
9/20/1999 Update or Other Action On August 11 & 12 1999, MWs were sampled at 4 ADOT&PF sites. The samples collected from AST-MW3, AST-MW5 and PLMW9 exceeded the applicable cleanup level of 1.5 ppm DRO with reported concentrations of 10.4 ppm, 7.45 ppm and 2.59 ppm DRO respectively. The other MWs were all below the applicable cleanup levels. AST-MW3, AST-MW5 and PL-MW9 previously exceeded cleanup levels for DRO. GW flow direction was approximately the same direction, following the Kuskokwim River, as was previously reported. Donald Seagren
9/30/1999 Site Characterization Report Approved In November 98 & April/March 99 a Phase I & II assessments were conducted at various ADOT&PF Aniak Airport sites. This site consists of 3 sub-areas: the maintenance shop building; the former AST area & the underground pipeline area. Based on the initial findings, only a Phase I assessment was conducted at the ADOT&PF Maintenance Shop building. Soil contamination exceeding cleanup levels is inferred to be limited to near surface soils along the south end of the building, presumably the result of surface releases from drums previously stored in this area. Soil contamination appears to be limited to DRO. During various studies, this soil was tilled to aerate it and promote bioremediation. The dry well that was reportedly connected to the floor drain was not located. A GW sample from MW-2, located at the SE corner of the building, collected by Hart Crowser in 1994, did not contain any contaminants exceeding cleanup levels. The AST area has DRO contaminated soil exceeding cleanup levels. It is discontinuously distributed around the existing AST and dispenser sheds and appears to be limited to near surface soils. Soil contamination exceeding cleanup levels is expected to generally encompass the footprint of the former ASTs. GW contamination exceeding DRO levels is limited to the northern most USTs. Flow direction is to the NW. The pipeline was removed in 94. Soil contamination exceeding cleanup levels for DRO & GRO appears to be primarily limited to leaks from valves and joints. Soil contamination extends to 17' bgs in some locations. DRO & benzene GW contamination exceeding cleanup levels was found at PL-MW9. Site specific GW flow direction was WNW. Anne Marie Palmieri
8/7/2001 Site Visit CS Staff traveled to Aniak to conduct site visit to all ADOT&PF Aniak facility sites. David Pikul
3/15/2004 Update or Other Action GW monitoring conducted 15 -17 March 04 at ADOT&PF Aniak Airport sites. The maintenance station consists of 3 separate sites (a former drum storage area, a former AST storage area, and a former underground pipeline area). The one MW at the former drum storage area was ND. Of the 5 MWs at the former AST area, only 2 - AST-MW3 & AST-MW5 had exceedances for DRO. All other constituents tested for in all MWs were below applicable cleanup levels. 4 MWs are located at the former underground pipeline area. Only PL-MW9 had exceedances for DRO. PL-MW12 was not sampled. All other constituents in all other MWs were below the applicable cleanup levels. Donald Seagren
6/17/2004 Update or Other Action Monitor well decommissioning and DW well survey conducted. MS-MW2 abandoned at the ADOT&PF Maintenence Shop. 10 other MWs were also abandoned at other Aniak Airport Sites. The GW has been impacted in this area from historic releases from a former AST farm and associated pipeline and miscellaneous spills. The unconfied aquifer, wich is used as a DW source, is at about 20'-30'bgs. The DW survey located 6 DW wells on ADOT&PF land SW of the S end of the airport runway. Donald Seagren
6/30/2004 Site Characterization Report Approved Additional site assessment conducted13 -19 May 04. The area-wide GW flow is towards the NW. An additional soil boring/MW was advanced NW of the former AST area to evlaute the extent of soil &Gw contamination. Soil & GW samples collected from the boring/MW did not contain detectable concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons, indicating that the impacted GW appears to be limited to the northern end ot the former AST farm and the pipeline area north of the the former AST farm. Donald Seagren
4/14/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed. Donald Seagren
9/29/2011 Site Visit On this date, ADEC traveled to Aniak to accompany S&W during their field effort for the CIP State-owned project ADOT Aniak Area-wide, take photographs, and to network with the DOT. Grant Lidren
3/13/2012 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 72841 Maint. Shop, AST farm, and piping system. Grant Lidren
4/20/2012 Site Characterization Report Approved On this date, ADEC received the Final Excavation and Land Spreading Report ADOT&PF Aniak Area-Wide submitted by S&W dated April 2012.This site contains five subareas: 1-five unlabled supersacks, 2-the pipeline area north of runway, 3.-ADOT&PF Maintenance Shop, 4-Former Underground Pipeline Area(north and south excavation), and former AST Area(north and south excavation).Site activities for each subarea is listed below: 1. Five unlabeled supersacks generated from an unknown origin, located east of the pipeline north excavation, were land spread adjacent to the runway after a composite sample collected and analyzed for PCBS and pesticides was ND. 2. Pipeline north of runway presence of trees on private property limited the investigation to MW reconnaissance. The casing of Monitoring Well PL-MW-12 had been previously filled with bentonite chips. On October 12, 2011 the steel stickup protective cover and the PVC well casing were removed at the ground surface, 3. At the ADOT Maintenance shop, 15 cy of soil was excavated to a depth of 2 feet bgs. Three confirmation soil samples collected contained DRO up to 4,120 mg/kg. The contaminated soil was transported to the airport landspread area and the excavation was brought to grade with clean fill. 4. At the Former Underground Pipeline Area, two areas of concern were excavated south of the airport based off significant levels of historic DRO contamination. These areas were designated the pipeline north excavation and the pipeline south excavation. a. At the pipeline north excavation, located north of building 303, 25 cy of contaminated soil was excavated to a depth of 4 feet bgs. Three confirmation samples collected contained DRO up to 6, 820 mg/kg. The contaminated soil was transported to the airport landspread area and the excavation was brought to grade with clean fill. b. At the pipeline south excavation, located west of building 303, 144 cy of contaminated soil was excavated to depth of 3 to 4 ft. bgs. Screening indicated contamination extended further east, however soil excavation was limited to prevent damaging adjacent road. Six confirmation samples collected contained DRO up to 24,100 mg/kg. The contaminated soil was transported to the airport landspread area and the excavation was brought to grade with clean fill. 5. The Former AST Area Two areas of concern excavated were designated as the AST North Excavation and the AST South Excavation. a. At the AST North Excavation, located in the vicinity of five former 20,000 gallon ASTs, MWs MW-4 and AST MW-5 were decommissioned. Additionally, MW-3 was discovered destroyed and buried. Four testpits were advanced to assess extent of contamination prior to excavation. A total of 516 cy of contaminated soil was excavated to a depth of 4 feet bgs. Fourteen confirmation samples were collected. DRO concentrations greater than MAC were measured in three samples and the duplicate, each of which was collected from the western portion of the excavation base. The greatest DRO concentration (29,500 mg/kg) was measured in Sample ASTN-34. Furthemore, ASTN-34 contained benzene with a LOD of <0.674 mg/kg and PAHs 1-methlnapthalene at 82.7 mg/kg, 2-methlnapthalene at 79.5 mg/kg, and naphthalene at 48 mg/kg. Elevated PAHs and LOD was also detected in sample ASTN-77 b. At the AST South Excavation, located in the vicinity of the dispenser shed and a diesel AST. Approximately 12 cy of material was removed from the AST South Excavation to a depth of 4 ft. bgs. The excavation was limited due to the AST and an associated buried transfer pipe. Three soil samples collected contained DRO up to 318 mg/kg. Grant Lidren
5/25/2012 Site Visit On this date, ADEC traveled to Aniak to document and take photographs of the 2011 soil excavation fieldwork. Bill O'Connell
6/3/2013 Update or Other Action On this date ADEC received the “WORK PLAN ADDENDUM TO CONDUCT ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES AT ADOT&PF ANIAK AREA-WIDE SITES, ANIAK, ALASKA” submitted by S&W dated May 31, 2013. The ADOT&PF will provide equipment, including a grader, dump truck, and front end loader, to conduct the soil land spreading at the Airport. B.C. Excavating LLC (BCX), under subcontract to Shannon & Wilson will provide the personnel to operate the equipment. Sixteen soil samples will be collected after landpreading activities. Discovery drilling will decommission a total of 11 monitoring wells at the DOT Aniak City Shop, the DOT former AST area, the DOT Aniak runway apron, and at the former MarkAir Facility. Work is planned for middle of June. The project will be completed by June 30, 2013. Grant Lidren
7/1/2013 Update or Other Action On this date, ADEC received the Additional Environmental Services at ADOT&PF Aniak Area-Wide Sites submitted by S&W, dated June 28, 2013. At the ADOT&PF Aniak Maint. Shop Former ASTs area, MW-6 was decommissioned. Grant Lidren
10/30/2014 Update or Other Action On September 17, 2010, 30 gallons of diesel fuel spilled from an HOT associated with the Sand Storage Building, which is located south of the new Maintenance Shop. In 2013, 324 cy of contaminated soil was excavated and put in a landfarm located on the west side of the southern end of the runway close to the current apron. Soils samples collected from the excavation and stockpile were below method two most stringent cleanup levels. This soil was put on a liner, fertilized, and may have been tilled. This spill event is currently being managed by PPRP and is known as: "ADOTPF snd bldg. HO overfill"; Spill# 10279926001 Grant Lidren
10/30/2014 Update or Other Action In 2017, the DOT plans to shift the runway 260 feet south. During this time, land spread/land farmed soil could be encapsulated into the runway. ADEC plans to work with DOT to characterize these soil during the summer of 2015 to determine options. Grant Lidren
6/14/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On this date, ADEC received the Class V Injection Well Closure Work Plan Aniak Maintenance Station dated June 2017 submitted by Shannon & Wilson. ADEC has no objections to this workplan. Grant Lidren
6/28/2017 Update or Other Action On this date, EPA approved the Class V Injection Well Closure Work Plan Aniak Maintenance Station dated June 2017 submitted by Shannon & Wilson. Grant Lidren
7/9/2018 Update or Other Action DOT removed the Aniak Maintenance Building (FAA 303) in 2018. Three adjacent historic FAA buildings 600, 300, and 103 were also removed. These buildings had recently been used as a DOT utilities building(600), old trooper station(300), and the Troopers quarters building(103). At the Trooper Quarters Building, two water wells were decommissioned. These wells were reportedly drinking water wells. DOT plans to removed FAA buildings 200 and 301 in 2019. Grant Lidren
10/23/2018 Site Visit ADEC visited site on this date. multiple buildings, including the trooper building had been removed and the ground was reseeded. Stickup monitoring wells appeared intact. The cold storage building(former maintenance building)still intact. Grant Lidren
4/25/2019 Site Characterization Report Approved On this date, ADEC received the Aniak Maintenance Station Class V Injection Well Closure Report submitted by Shannon & Wilson and dated April 2019. The injection well was located within the cold storage building, which was formerly used as a DOT vehicle maintenance building from 1976 to 2007. The building contained three 30-inch square sumps connected to an injection well 100 feet away to the south-southwest. The piping outside the building was removed and the piping inside the building was filled with concrete. During removal, 200 cubic yards of overburden soil from above the piping was stored adjacent to the excavation and later reused as backfill. Approximately 40 cubic yards of suspected contaminated soil was removed at and below the piping and the discharge point of the injection well and placed in a lined stockpile area. Some of this stockpiled soil was from directly below the injection well discharge point at 11.5 feet bgs. Two soil samples collected from this location contained DRO up to 11,000 mg/kg, RRO up to 32,700 mg/kg, and naphthalene up to 0.0454 mg/kg. Additionally, one “sludge sample” was collected from within the injection well itself which was composed of two 55-gallon drums welded together with 1-inch diameter holes punched into the sides and bottom for discharge. This sludge sample contained DRO at 59,200 mg/kg, RRO at 194,000 mg/kg, naphthalene at 0.128 mg/kg, and dioxins at 14.09 ng/kg. The sludge contents from the injection well were put into a 55-gallon drum and stored next to the 40 cubic yard contaminated stockpile area. The final injection well excavation was 7 feet square and 17 feet bgs. Six soil samples collected from the over-excavated injection well discharge area from the sidewalls 13 feet bgs and from the excavation bottom at 17.5 feet bgs did not contain contaminant concentrations above ADEC cleanup levels. Four soil samples collected beneath the piping 6 to 10 feet bgs contained DRO up to 3,850 mg/kg and RRO up to 13,700 mg/kg. Three soil samples collected from the 40 cubic yard stockpiled soil contained DRO up to 6,630 mg/kg and RRO up to 20,000 mg/kg. A water sample collected from the onsite inactive drinking water well did not contain detectable concentrations of VOCs. Water was encountered at a depth of 23.75 feet bgs. (note: multiple nondetect LOQs for PAHs and VOCs were above ADEC cleanup levels). Grant Lidren

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments

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Description Details
Hazard ID Site Name File Number
27096 ADOT&PF Aniak Maintenance Station Class V Injection Well 2404.38.005

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