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Site Report: Galena AFS/Airport - ST005 POL Tank Farm

Site Name: Galena AFS/Airport - ST005 POL Tank Farm
Address: E. side of Main Airport, N of Civilian Airport Fac, Galena, AK 99741
File Number: 860.38.019
Hazard ID: 189
Status: Active
Staff: Tim Sharp, 9074512131
Latitude: 64.740200
Longitude: -156.947800
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Last Updated: January 11, 2018 The POL Tank Farm (Site ST005) is located in the eastern portion of the cantonment “triangle,”. The site is bordered to the south by Galena Airport air services buildings (including Site CB001) and the airport runway apron, to the northeast and east by a perimeter dike and undeveloped vegetated land, and to the north and west by the remainder of the cantonment “triangle”. Site ST005 is divided into 13 areas (A through L). Site ST005 has been in continuous use since the 1950s as a storage and dispensing facility for a variety of fuels. Fuels handled at the POL Tank Farm include jet-propulsion fuel, grade 4 (JP-4) and grade 8 (JP-8); AVGAS; leaded and unleaded MOGAS; and diesel fuel (specifically Arctic diesel). In addition to fuel, isopropyl alcohol (used for de-icing) was also stored in the southeast corner of the POL Tank Farm. Twelve areas were identified within the POL Tank Farm as potential sources of contamination based on review of historical information. These potential source areas consist of former ASTs, fill stations, pump stations, and valve pits. In the Field Sampling Plan, each potential source area had been identified as a location for investigation. Each area was assigned a letter designation (“A” through “L”). Contaminants of concern at Site ST005 include petroleum hydrocarbons, VOCs, SVOCs, and metals. Groundwater contains high concentrations of benzene and other petroleum constituents. Free phase petroleum product has been detected on the groundwater and intermittently recovered during cleanup operations, although product recovery has largely not been successful. The current remedial strategy is a combination of soil vapor extraction and air injection bioventing. The Galena Aviation Vocational Technical Center (GAVTC) school building is located above the contamination, and has a subsurface depressurization system operated and maintained by the Air Force to mitigate the vapor intrusion pathway. DEC will document site decisions for individual subareas (A through L) with a formal determination letter and add an action to the Contaminated Sites database for the Galena AFS/Airport – ST005 POL Tank Farm, File number 860.38.019. Site ST005 will remain open until all twelve subareas within ST005 have been determined cleanup complete or non-qualifying status.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
8/1/1999 Update or Other Action Final Environmental Monitoring Report #1 received. Contaminant concentrations exceeded MCLs for Benzene, toluene ethlbenzene, xylene, 1,2-DCA and cadmium. Patrice Buck
9/1/1999 Update or Other Action Draft Environmental Monitor Report # 2 received. Biannual sampling for a two year period June and October 1998 and June and October 1999. Patrice Buck
11/21/1999 Site Added to Database DRO, GRO and Benzene contamination. MOGAS fillstand lost an estimated 200 to 500 gallons in 1985. Valve pit #2 was the location of periodic small equipment leaks and 10 to 15 gallons of AVGAS sludge were allowed to weather on the ground after tank cleaning every 3 years prior to the early 1980s. Patrice Buck
2/11/2003 Update or Other Action Staff reviewed the Sampling and Analysis Plan for the Galena Aviation Vocational Technical Center Indoor Air Quality Issue. Contamination from the Galena Airport has migrated beneath the building. Vapors from the subsurface contamination are believed to be migrating into the building. Benzene was detected in the school building at concentrations higher than risk-based sceening levels. The SAP was intended to further evaluate the indoor air quality and source of benzene in the building. The SAP did not meet the requirements of the site characterization regulations, thus was sent back for revision. A new version is expected at the end of February. The work is time critical as sampling must begin prior to breakup. Ann Farris
2/11/2003 Update or Other Action Staff reviewed and commented on the O&M plan for the Depressurization System at the Galena Aviation Technical Center. The system is intended to prevent vapor migration from the subsurface contamination into the building. Ann Farris
9/17/2003 Update or Other Action Staff received the Draft Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study Work Plan for Galena Airport. Staff has begun review of the document. A comment resolution/technical project team meeting is scheduled October 2-3rd in Anchorage. This work plan is intended to address the many outstanding site characterization issues that were raised by Louden Tribal Council, the Environmental Protection Agency, and ADEC as well as the Remedial Process Optimization Evaluation completed in 2002. Ann Farris
9/17/2003 Update or Other Action Staff reviewed a draft work plan for a treatability study at the Petroleum, Oil, Lubricant Tank Farm/Galena School Building. The focus of the study is to determine the appropriate technology for source treatment. Technologies that will be tested include bioventing and soil vapor extraction. The soil vapor extraction will be tied into the existing depressurization system at the building. The bioventing will be a separate system for treatment of the areas not in the vicinty of the school building. Bioventing is being tested in order to prevent excess hydrocarbon emissions, which has been a problem in past remediation efforts. Ann Farris
1/22/2004 Meeting or Teleconference Held Staff attended the 7th Galena Technical Project Team Meeting on January 12 through 15th. We discussed most of the contaminated sites at the Galena Air Force Station and the Campion Radio Relay Station. We evaluated the adequacy of the historical site characterization, the need for further characterization, possible remedial options, the adequacy of exiting remediation systems, and the need for a risk assessment. Of the 23 sites reviewed at the meeting, 5 are closed already by ADEC, 5 are believed to not need any further characterization or remediation. The remaining 13 need additional investigation or remediation of some type. Additionally, there are a few sites that were not covered during this meeting that will still need to be reviewed. POL Tank Farm/POL Tank Farm Northwest - The site is sufficiently characterized. The RI will include groundwater monitoring and a treatability study for soil vapor extraction (SVE) and bioventing, which must include a diligent evaluation of the emissions from the SVE. The RI will also need to include a legitimate evaluation of alternatives for groundwater treatment. Note the the northwest TF area is clean and could be closed separately with no ICs. The depressurization systems at the school building will continue to be operated. Ann Farris
4/19/2004 Meeting or Teleconference Held Staff participated in the 9th Galena Technical Project Team meeting on April 19th. The meeting was between representatives of the Air Force, Louden Tribal Council, City of Galena, Galena City School District, and the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. The primary objective of this meeting was to complete comment resolution on the the Draft Final Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study Work Plan. The team did ultimately come to resolution on the work plan and the final version is expected out by mid-May. Ann Farris
8/30/2004 Meeting or Teleconference Held 11th Galena Technical Project Team in Anchorage. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
10/21/2004 Meeting or Teleconference Held Galena RAB meeting. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
11/5/2004 Meeting or Teleconference Held 12th Galena Technical Project Team in Anchorage. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
11/19/2004 Meeting or Teleconference Held Attended a week long meeting in San Antonio, Texas to participate in the formulation of an outline for the Galena Airport and Campion Air Station Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS). Colin Craven
1/12/2005 Update or Other Action Submitted comments to the Air Force to finalize the 2004 Site Recommendations for the upcoming Remedial Investigation report. The 2004 Site Recommendations were produced during the November 2004 meetings in San Antonio, Texas. Colin Craven
1/28/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held Galena RAB meeting. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
1/28/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held 13th Galena Technical Project Team in Galena. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
3/18/2005 Update or Other Action Comment resolution between DEC and the Air Force has been achieved on the draft Human Health Risk Assessment Work Plan for the Galena Airport and Campion Air Station. The Air Force contractors are currently finalizing the work plan. Colin Craven
4/19/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held 14th Galena Technical Project Team in Anchorage. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
4/26/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held Galena RAB meeting. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
5/13/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held 15th Galena Technical Project Team meeting in Galena. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
6/9/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held 16th Galena Technical Project Team in Anchorage. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
7/20/2005 GIS Position Updated Entered a location of the tank farm interpolated from USGS topographic maps. Colin Craven
8/30/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held 17th Galena Technical Project Team in Galena. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
9/6/2005 Update or Other Action The Air Force had proposed earlier in the year to stop the indoor air sampling program at the GAVTC school building, and instead evaluate the mitigation of petroleum vapor intrusion by the performance of the subslab depressurization system. Performance criteria are subslab vacuum and air exchange rates under the building slab. The details of this proposal acceptance were unknown due to a lack of response by the Air Force. ADEC agreed formally to this proposal contingent on the repair of several damaged vapor monitoring probes, and continuation of subslab vapor sampling. The latter detail has not yet been acknowledged by the Air Force. Colin Craven
10/12/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held Galena RAB meeting. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
10/20/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held 18th Galena Technical Project Team in Anchorage. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
1/3/2006 Update or Other Action DEC received the draft Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study. The Air Force is proposing to continue combined air injection bioventing and soil vapor extraction to remediate petroleum contaminated soils. Long term monitoring and land use controls would be an integral part of the remedy. DEC comments will be submitted in February. Colin Craven
1/26/2006 Meeting or Teleconference Held 19th Galena Technical Project Team in Galena. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
3/7/2006 Update or Other Action The draft risk assessment found unacceptable risk at this site due to benzene and xylenes in soil. The Air Force proposed bioventing to remediate the petroleum contaminated soil, long term groundwater monitoring (LTM), and land use controls as the remedy. DEC concurred with this remedy. The unacceptable risk at the site has largely been addressed already by installation of a subslab depressurization system at the GAVTC school building. Colin Craven
3/14/2006 Meeting or Teleconference Held 20th Galena Technical Project Team in Anchorage. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
6/1/2006 Site Characterization Workplan Approved The Air Force and DEC came to agreement on a work plan for monitoring well installation and sampling that will serve to fill data gaps identified during the recent remedial investigation. One nested well cluster will be installed between the farthest downgradient monitoring wells to better establish a sufficient well network for long-term monitoring. The new monitoring well cluster will also serve to investigate the potential for preferential contaminant migration in areas of discontinuous permafrost. Colin Craven
6/7/2006 Update or Other Action ADEC reviewed several monthly operating reports for the GAVTC subslab depressurization system. While the system is running reliably, vacuum response under parts of the slab have become weaker. ADEC requested discussion and recommendations for this problem, as well as better quality control on collection of stack emission samples. Colin Craven
6/20/2006 Meeting or Teleconference Held 21st Galena Technical Project Team in Galena. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
10/6/2006 Meeting or Teleconference Held 22nd Galena Technical Project Team meeting in Anchorage. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
11/17/2006 Meeting or Teleconference Held 23rd Galena Technical Project Team meeting in Fairbanks. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
11/17/2006 Update or Other Action A cluster well was installed in summer 2006 between the two downgradient sentry monitoring wells (05-MW-16 and 17). The new well cluster (05-MW-20 and 21) confirmed that the upper interval, approximately 5 – 45 feet below the ground surface, shows benzene concentrations under the groundwater cleanup level. However, the deeper interval well, approximately 50 – 60 feet below the ground surface, contained benzene at 1.7 milligrams per liter, over 300 times the cleanup level. Because of these new findings, the plume emanating from the South POL Tank Farm is essentially without delineation. Colin Craven
1/18/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held 24th Galena Technical Project Team meeting in Anchorage. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
3/1/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other SC work plan review, plan not accepted by ADEC Fred Vreeman
4/12/2010 Meeting or Teleconference Held TPT meeting, site discussion Fred Vreeman
6/28/2010 Meeting or Teleconference Held TPT meeting, site discussed Fred Vreeman
9/1/2010 Site Visit Site visit, field work audit Amanda Loomis
12/7/2010 Meeting or Teleconference Held TPT meeting, site discussed Fred Vreeman
12/7/2010 Meeting or Teleconference Held TPT meeting, site discussed Fred Vreeman
2/15/2011 Meeting or Teleconference Held TPT meeting, site discussed Fred Vreeman
3/11/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other New SC workplan reviewed, comments sent to USAF Amanda Loomis
3/11/2011 Conceptual Site Model Submitted CSM submitted Fred Vreeman
5/5/2011 Meeting or Teleconference Held TPT meeting, site discussed Fred Vreeman
5/23/2011 Meeting or Teleconference Held TPT meeting, site discussed Fred Vreeman
6/9/2011 Site Visit Site visit, field work audit Fred Vreeman
7/8/2011 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 71169 name: auto-generated pm edit Galena AFS - POL Tank Farm ST05 Amanda Loomis
8/1/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Draft Final ST005 FSP and response to comments received from USAF Fred Vreeman
8/15/2011 Site Characterization Report Approved The USAF is using CERCLA Authority Response to comment summary table sent to USAF, conditional approval of ST005 Field Sampling Plan Fred Vreeman
10/11/2011 Meeting or Teleconference Held TRIAD meeting held. Soil results for areas A,B,C,E,F were discussed. Stepout samples were proposed and agreed to for Areas west of C, and hand auger sampling at area F. DEC approval of ST005 pipeline sampling on 50 foot intervals was given. The proposed sample stepout locations are attached to meeting notes for TRIAD #9. Dennis Shepard
10/20/2011 Meeting or Teleconference Held TRIAD meeting held. Soil results for ST005 areas discussed. Stepout borings were approved for areas G, J, L and along the edge of the Airport apron. Dennis Shepard
5/11/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided review comments for revised attachment D-35 (field sampling plan) for Sites ST005 and CB001. Dennis Shepard
7/31/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided approval of the Draft Final Attachment D-35, field sampling plan for Site ST005. Dennis Shepard
11/9/2012 Meeting or Teleconference Held A meeting was conducted with DEC Staff and contractor Shannon and Wilson to identify all remaining data gaps in the site characterization for all Galena Sites including Site ST005. Dennis Shepard
9/20/2013 Meeting or Teleconference Held A teleconference call was held to resolve remaining issues for the Site Characterization results report for the site. Dennis Shepard
9/25/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received the Final version of the Site Characterization results report for the Site. Dennis Shepard
10/2/2013 Site Characterization Report Approved DEC approved the Site Characterization results report for the Site. Dennis Shepard
9/17/2014 Site Characterization Report Approved DEC Approved the Supplemental Site Characterization Results Report for the site. Monte Garroutte
11/24/2014 Site Characterization Report Approved DEC Approved the Addendum Site Characterization Results Report. The purpose of the addendum was to address requirements for an SC Report under 18 AAC 75.335 (c) (DEC, 2012), specifically, to propose cleanup levels and remedial techniques for the site. Monte Garroutte
5/11/2015 Update or Other Action Area B is located in the northeastern portion of the POL Tank Farm, approximately 350 feet northwest of Tank 44. Historic aerial photographs showed objects that are interpreted to be above ground storage tanks. Analytical results for soil samples collected in Area B show that that target analyte concentrations are below the project screening levels for all analytes. Groundwater samples identified Diesel Range Organics (DRO) and Lead above screening levels but below the Method two, Table C cleanup levels at depth. The SC results report and the Supplemental SC report recommended a non-qualifying site designation for Area B. DEC concurs with the SC report and concludes that the groundwater detections do not appear to be from Area B releases and the detected concentrations do not pose unacceptable risk. Therefore, the ST005 Area “B” is determined to be non-qualifying and no further investigation is required within this area of Site ST005. Site ST005 will remain open on the Contaminated Site Database until all twelve subareas within the site have been cleaned up or are determined by DEC to be non-qualifying. Dennis Shepard
5/12/2015 Update or Other Action Area K is located in the southwest portion of the POL Tank Farm, approximately 50 feet southeast of site OSW 1833. Area K is the location of a fill station consisting of fill dispensing stands and two above ground storage tanks (ASTs), Nos. 1881-1 and 1881-2. AST 1881-1 is a 15,000-gallon tank used for diesel fuel storage, and AST 1881-2 is a 30,000-gallon tank used for unleaded MOGAS. The fill station has been operational since 1996, and is currently active. The tanks are double walled and meet all spill prevention requirements. Each tank is equipped with a level and leak detection system. Analytical results for soil samples collected in Area K show that target analyte concentrations are below the project screening levels for all analytes. Since a release was not indicated by soil sample results, groundwater samples were not collected. A cumulative risk evaluation of detected analytes concluded that there is no cumulative cancer risk or cumulative noncancer hazard index for unrestricted land use because there were no identified COPCs in soil in Area K. The SC results report and the Supplemental SC report recommended a non-qualifying site designation for Area K. DEC concurs with the SC report and concludes that the detected concentrations do not pose unacceptable risk. Therefore, the ST005 Area “K” is determined to be non-qualifying and no further investigation is required within this area of Site ST005. See attachments for non-qualifying determination letters. Dennis Shepard
6/8/2015 Update or Other Action Area North H is located in the central portion of the POL Tank Farm, approximately 350 feet west of Tank 44. Historic aerial photographs showed objects that are interpreted to be above ground storage tanks. Visual inspection did not identify soil contamination. Analytical results for soil samples collected in Area North H (Boring ST005_GP031) show that that target analyte concentrations are below the project screening levels for all analytes with the exception of Blank “B” qualified results for Methylene Chloride which are believed to be laboratory related. Since no release was identified at Area North H, groundwater samples were not collected at ST005_GP031. The Supplemental SC report recommended a non-qualifying site designation for Area North H. DEC concurs with the Supplemental SC report and concludes that Area North H detected concentrations do not pose unacceptable risk and are not contributing to groundwater contamination. Therefore, the ST005 Area “North H” is determined to be non-qualifying and no further investigation is required within this area of Site ST005. DEC will document this decision in the Contaminated Site Database Actions for Galena AFS/Airport - ST005 POL Tank Farm, File Number 860.38.019. Site ST005 will remain open on the Contaminated Site Database until all twelve subareas within the site have been cleaned up or are determined by DEC to be non-qualifying. Dennis Shepard
10/26/2016 Meeting or Teleconference Held A restoration Advisory board meeting was held in Galena Alaska to discuss the general and specific status of site investigations and cleanup at Galena. Dennis Shepard
3/30/2017 Cleanup Plan Approved DEC provided approval for the Subsurface Aeration (Horizontal Well) Cleanup Plan for Sites CG001, CG002, CB001, and Southern ST005. Dennis Shepard
7/6/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Approval of Technical Memorandum, 2017 Data Collection Sampling Plan for Site ST005, Areas A and L Jamie McKellar
12/6/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided comments for the Draft Final ADEC Method Three Risk Evaluation and Cleanup Complete Reports for Sites ST005 Area A and L. Some minor issues for the method three evaluations were identified and need to be corrected. Dennis Shepard
12/15/2017 Final Cleanup Report Reviewed DEC reviewed/approved the Method Three Risk Evaluation and Cleanup Complete Report for Site ST005 Sub-Area L, Former Galena Forward Operation Location, Alaska. The report discusses the results of a method three risk evaluation and recommends that DEC issue a cleanup complete with no institutional controls (ICs) determination letter. Dennis Shepard
12/15/2017 Final Cleanup Report Reviewed DEC reviewed/ approved the Method Three Risk Evaluation and Cleanup Complete Report for Site ST005 Sub-area A, Former Galena Forward Operation Location, Alaska. The report discusses the results of a method three risk evaluation and recommends that DEC issue a cleanup complete with no institutional controls (ICs) determination letter. Dennis Shepard
1/30/2018 Update or Other Action The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) has completed a review of the environmental records associated with the Galena AFS/Airport – ST005 POL Tank Farm (Area A) located in Galena, AK. Based on the information provided to date, it has been determined that the contaminant concentrations remaining in Area A do not pose an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment and no further remedial action will be required in Area A unless new information becomes available that indicates residual contaminants may pose an unacceptable risk. Site ST005 will remain open in the Contaminated Site Database until all twelve subareas within the site have been cleaned up or are determined by ADEC to be non-qualifying. Area A will be considered closed, without institutional controls. Dennis Shepard
1/30/2018 Update or Other Action The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) has completed a review of the environmental records associated with the Galena AFS/Airport – ST005 POL Tank Farm (Area L) located in Galena, Alaska. Based on the information provided to date, it has been determined that the contaminant concentrations remaining in Area L do not pose an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment and no further remedial action will be required in Area L unless new information becomes available that indicates residual contaminants may pose an unacceptable risk. Site ST005 will remain open in the Contaminated Site Database until all twelve subareas within the site have been cleaned up or are determined by ADEC to be non-qualifying. Area L will be considered closed, without institutional controls. Dennis Shepard
5/3/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Subsurface Aeration (Horizontal Well) Construction Completion Report for Sites CG001, CG002, CB001, and Southern ST005, Former Galena Forward Operating Location, Alaska. Dennis Shepard
5/3/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Subsurface Aeration (Horizontal Well)Construction Completion Report for Sites CG001, CG002, CB001, and Southern ST005, Former Galena Forward Operating Location, Alaska. Dennis Shepard
6/25/2018 Cleanup Plan Approved DEC approved the Final Cleanup Plan for Site ST005 Area C, Former Forward Operating Location, Galena, AK. Dennis Shepard
6/29/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Technical Memorandum, 2018 Data Collection Sampling Plan for Sites ST005 Area D, ST020, SS005, CST011 Area 2, and CG001, Former Galena Forward Operating Location (CH2M, June 28, 2018). Dennis Shepard
8/8/2018 Site Visit DEC conducted a site visit at the Former Forward Operating Location in Galena, AK on August 8-9, 2018. A photo log is available in DEC's electronic file. Jamie McKellar
10/29/2018 Site Visit On October 23, 2018, DEC participated in the Technical Project Team (TPT) meeting with representatives from USAF and ADOT&PF. A site visit with inspections of each site was conducted the following day (10/24/2018) in Galena, as well as a regional advisory board (RAB) meeting with members of the community and other interested parties. Jamie McKellar
4/5/2019 Site Visit On April 2, 2019, DEC staff participated in a Technical Project Team meeting with representatives from USAF, Parsons, CH2M, and ADOT. The TPT meeting was held at the Fairbanks DEC office. On April 3-4, 2019, DEC staff traveled to Galena to participate in meetings with the City Mayor & RAB chair to discuss community concerns about site cleanup; a Proposed Plan meeting for Site DP023, and a community regional advisory board (RAB) meeting to discuss fieldwork completed during the 2018 field season and upcoming 2019 fieldwork. Site visits were also conducted. Jamie McKellar
10/23/2019 Meeting or Teleconference Held On October 22, 2019, DEC participated in the Technical Project Team (TPT) meeting with representatives from USAF and ADOT&PF. A site visit was conducted the following day (10/23/2019) in Galena, as well as a regional advisory board (RAB) meeting with members of the community and other interested parties. Jamie McKellar
10/30/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other REPORT APPROVAL: Final Performance Monitoring Report (CH2M Hill Sites) for Sites ST020, SS005, CST014, CST011 Area 2, TU001, CG001, CG002, CB001 and Southern ST005, Former Galena Forward Operating Location, Alaska (CH2M, October 2019) Jamie McKellar
7/8/2020 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 80613 name: ST005 Area D Jamie McKellar
5/3/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other WORK PLAN APPROVED: Final 2021 Remedial Process Optimization Work Plan (Sites CG001, CST011 Area 2, CST014, SS005, ST005 Area C, Southern ST005, and TU001), Former Galena Forward Operating Location, Alaska (CH2M, April 2021) Jamie McKellar
5/3/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other REPORT APPROVED: Final Data Quality Assessment, November 2019 – October 2020, Soil Vapor Monitoring for Sites CG001, CST014, SS005, ST005 Area C, Southern ST005, and TU001 (CH2M, April 2021) Jamie McKellar
5/3/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other REPORT APPROVED: Final Data Quality Assessment, September – October 2020 Groundwater Monitoring at Sites CG001, CST011, CST014, SS005, Southern ST005, ST005 Area C, and TU001. Jamie McKellar
11/30/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM APPROVAL: Final 2021 Remediation System and Well Decommissioning and Replacement (Sites CG001, CSS002, SS025, ST005, ST020, and TU001), CH2M/Jacobs, November 2021 Jamie McKellar
6/29/2022 Meeting or Teleconference Held CS Staff attended a presentation by USAF contractors CH2M and Parsons regarding sample results obtained with submersible pumps and Passive Diffusion Bags (PDBs). Jamie McKellar
1/31/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other WORK PLAN ADDENDUM APPROVAL: 2022 Remedial Process Optimization Work Plan Addendum (Sites CG001, CST011 Area 2, CST014, SS005, ST005 Area C, Southern ST005, and TU001). Jamie McKellar
8/31/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other WORK PLAN APPROVAL: Final 2023 Data Collection Sampling Plan (Sites SS005, CST014, CST011 Area 2, TU001, CG001, Southern ST005, and ST005 Area C), Former Galena Forward Operating Location, Alaska (CH2M, August 29, 2023) Jamie McKellar
11/15/2023 Site Visit DEC, DOT, USAF, and contractors met at the Fairbanks DEC office on May 2, 2023 for a Technical Project Team meeting. The following day a site visit and Regional Advisory Board (RAB) meeting were held in Galena. Meeting minutes for the TPT and RAB meetings were approved on November 15, 2023. Jamie McKellar
11/16/2023 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review REPORT APPROVED: Data Quality Assessment 2022 Groundwater Monitoring for Sites CG001, CST011, CST014, SS005, ST005 Area C, Southern ST005, and TU001, Former Galena Forward Operating Location, Alaska (CH2M, October 2023) Jamie McKellar
11/16/2023 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review REPORT APPROVAL: Data Quality Assessment October 2021 – May 2022, Soil Vapor Monitoring for Sites CST014, ST005 Area C, Southern ST005, and TU001, Former Galena Forward Operating Location, Alaska (CH2M, October 2023) Jamie McKellar
11/20/2023 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review REPORT APPROVED: Remedial Process Optimization Report (Sites CG001, CST011 Area 2, CST014, SS005, ST005 Area C, Southern ST005, and TU001), Former Galena Forward Operating Location, Alaska (CH2M, November 2023) Jamie McKellar
11/20/2023 Update or Other Action REPORT APPROVED: Data Quality Assessment 2021 Groundwater Monitoring for Sites ST005 Area C, Southern ST005, SS005, CG001, CST011, CST014 and TU001 (CH2M, May 2022) Jamie McKellar
11/20/2023 Update or Other Action REPORT APPROVED: Data Quality Assessment October 2021 Soil Sampling for Sites ST005 Area C, SS005, CG001, and CST011 (CH2M, May 2022) Jamie McKellar
4/23/2024 Meeting or Teleconference Held CS staff participated in the biannual Technical Project Team (TPT) meeting with representatives from USAF BRAC, Parsons, Jacobs/CH2M Hill, and EA Engineering. The meeting was held at the EA Engineering office in Anchorage, AK. Jamie McKellar
6/24/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviewed and supplied comments to the USAF regarding the Performance Monitoring Report (PMR), which presents results of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 performance monitoring of remediation systems at the Former Galena Forward Operating Location (FOL). During FY 2023, the Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC) conducted air sparging, soil vapor extraction, and vapor intrusion mitigation systems operations, along with groundwater monitoring. The report details recommendations for future remedial actions, including continued monitoring and operations of soil cleanup systems. Tim Sharp
6/27/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved multiple data quality assessment reports for soil, soil vapor, groundwater, and sediment. Reports were submitted by Parsons and CH2M/Jacobs. Approval letter is dated 6/27/2024. Jamie McKellar
7/11/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC Approved the Final 2023 Performance Monitoring Report for Sites SS005, CST014, CST011 Area 2, TU001, CG001, Southern ST005, and ST005 Area C, Former Galena Forward Operating Location on this date. Tim Sharp

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