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Site Report: Skull Cliff LORAN Dewline / DERP

Site Name: Skull Cliff LORAN Dewline / DERP
Address: 23 Miles SW of Barrow, Barrow, AK 99723
File Number: 320.38.003
Hazard ID: 193
Status: Active
Staff: Jennifer McGrath, 9072690298
Latitude: 71.009269
Longitude: -157.290230
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


A former LORAN station which was abandoned in the 1950s and now receives heavy subsistence use. A sample taken in 1985 indicated TCE contamination of surface water near Landfill A. Subsequent testing revealed elevated TPH levels and pesticides in the soil. Extent of contamination and human health impact unknown. Skull cliff was the site of the National Petroleum Reserve Cleanup in the late 1970s and approximately 2,200 tons of debris from the area was stockpiled there. In 1982 the debris was moved approximately 1 mile inland and buried. 1989 efforts to locate the landfill were unsucessful. DERP reports for this site by Dowl Engineers: 4/26/88 and 1990. DERP-FUD. Former USAF site. (rpltr3.1) The Native Village of Barrow (NVB) has obtained a NALEMP Grant to conduct debris and solid waste removal across the site. This will include the collection of environmental data and limited characterization. NVB has contracted with an environmental consultant to oversee the environmental field effort. This work commenced in about 2015, with the first work plan completed January 2017 for summer work. Skull Cliff has been historically a FUDS project and it is possible that FUDS may have follow up work to complete.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
8/1/1985 Preliminary Assessment Approved COE identified suspected areas of contamination and conducted initial sampling which indicated the presence of 59 ppb. TCE in surface waters. Former Staff
9/1/1987 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = FI - Field Inspection (General)). Breif site inspection to determine if visually contaminated soil and water were present on site. Former Staff
8/1/1989 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = SI - Site Investigation). Exact date of report unknown. Dowl Engineers conducted screen sampling of the suspected areas of contamination. Sampling revealed pesticide and POLs soil contamination. Recommended that comprehensive sampling be conducted. Former Staff
11/20/1990 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Initial ranking. Former Staff
11/20/1990 Site Added to Database Reckey number based upon the first date of sampling in 1985, since discovery date unknown. Former Staff
10/3/1991 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = RAPR - Remedial Action Plan Review (CS)). Remedial plans reviewed. Written comments returned to U.S. Army. Former Staff
9/8/1992 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = RPL2 - Site Information Request Letter). ADEC staff sent PRP-CS Database Notification letter to RP requesting update and more environmental information concerning contaminated site. Jim Levine\COE called 10-5-92 and responded by returning updated DECRPTs. Jeff Peterson
9/9/1994 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = RDRA - Remedial Design / Remedial Action). The FUDS Site Summary dated 2/21/96 indicates that the RD phase of remediation at this site is considered complete due to the fact that the Coast Guard has removed the building and POL drums. Former Staff
3/20/1997 Update or Other Action Site updated by Shannon and Wilson, based on the FUDS Site Summary dated 2/21/96. S&W
4/15/1998 Meeting or Teleconference Held Attended Barrow RAB meeting. Tamar Stephens
7/16/1998 Meeting or Teleconference Held Attended Barrow RAB meeting Tamar Stephens
11/8/1998 Meeting or Teleconference Held Attended Barrow RAB meeting. Tamar Stephens
1/14/1999 Meeting or Teleconference Held Attended Barrow RAB meeting. Tamar Stephens
4/8/1999 Meeting or Teleconference Held Attended Barrow RAB meeting. Tamar Stephens
7/15/1999 Meeting or Teleconference Held Attended Barrow RAB meeting. Tamar Stephens
9/3/1999 Update or Other Action Attempted site visit by helicopter with Corps of Engineers. Unable to reach site due to fog. Tamar Stephens
10/12/1999 Update or Other Action Status: COE has done no cleanup to date; still need to evaluate whether site is eligible under FUDS program. Site is regularly included in list of North Slope FUDS for which COE gives summary at Barrow RAB meetings. Tamar Stephens
11/4/1999 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated Sites staff Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board. Tamar Stephens
2/24/2000 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated Sites staff Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board. Tamar Stephens
5/4/2000 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated Sites staff Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board. Tamar Stephens
7/24/2000 Site Number Identifier Changed Changed the Region from 36 to 31. Former Staff
7/24/2000 Site Number Identifier Changed Changed the Region from 36 to 31 to reflect the correct Region. Former Staff
1/18/2001 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated Sites staff Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board. Tamar Stephens
4/12/2001 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated Sites staff Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board. Tamar Stephens
2/21/2002 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated Sites staff Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board meeting. Tamar Stephens
9/19/2002 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated Sites staff Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board meeting. Tamar Stephens
11/7/2002 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated Sites staff Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board meeting. Tamar Stephens
6/19/2003 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated Sites staff Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board meeting. Tamar Stephens
9/18/2003 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated Sites staff Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board meeting. Tamar Stephens
12/11/2003 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated Sites staff Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board meeting. Tamar Stephens
3/11/2004 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated Sites staff Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board meeting. Tamar Stephens
9/23/2004 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated Sites staff Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board meeting. Tamar Stephens
12/9/2004 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated Sites staff Emily Youcha attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board meeting. Tamar Stephens
3/10/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated Sites staff Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board meeting. Tamar Stephens
6/28/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated Sites staff Tamar Stephens and Emily Youcha attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board meeting. Tamar Stephens
9/8/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated Sites staff Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board meeting. Tamar Stephens
12/8/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated Sites staff Emily Youcha attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board meeting. Tamar Stephens
10/25/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated Sites staff Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board meeting. Tamar Stephens
4/30/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed. Tamar Stephens
7/10/2008 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated Sites staff Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board meeting. Tamar Stephens
10/13/2008 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated Sites staff Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board meeting. Tamar Stephens
3/12/2009 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated Sites staff Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board meeting. Tamar Stephens
9/17/2009 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated Sites staff Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board meeting. Tamar Stephens
12/3/2009 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated Sites staff Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board meeting. Tamar Stephens
3/18/2010 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated Sites staff Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board meeting. Tamar Stephens
6/17/2010 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated Sites staff Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board meeting. Tamar Stephens
7/27/2010 Update or Other Action DEC received a trip report from the Corps of Engineers titled “Trip Report – Skull Cliff Site Visit, F10AK 021502 (CON/HTRW), F10AK021503 (HTRW) Barrow, Alaska, July 13, 2010. The trip visit was to determine if Defense Environmental Restoration Program – Formerly Used Defense Sites (DERP-FUDS) eligible impacts remain at the LORAN site and to gather information to evaluate potential impacts at the Core Test Site (no FUDS number). The report concludes that all that remains at the LORAN site is empty drums and miscellaneous debris. The Core Test Site contained empty drums with no evidence of contaminated soil; and oily sheen came to the surface when soil around the well head was disturbed. Tamar Stephens
8/20/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC sent comments by e-mail that there was too little information to close out an HTRW project, but probably enough that DEC would concur with close out of a CON/HTRW project at the Loran. Tamar Stephens
9/7/2010 Update or Other Action DEC received draft NDAI Report and Closeout Report for the CON/HTRW Skull Cliff project. Tamar Stephens
9/21/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Comments sent on draft NDAI Report and Closeout Report by Tamar Stephens and John Halverson. Tamar Stephens
10/13/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Contaminated Sites staff Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board meeting. Tamar Stephens
3/17/2011 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated Sites staff Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board meeting. Tamar Stephens
3/17/2011 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated Sites staff Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board meeting. Tamar Stephens
6/17/2011 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated Sites staff Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board meeting. Tamar Stephens
11/10/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC Contaminated Sites Program DOD Environmental Program Manager John Halverson signed a Declaration of Project Closure Decision and No Department of Defense Action Indicated Report for Containerized Hazardous, Toxic, or Radioactive Waste (CON/HTRW) at Project #F10AK021502 Skull Cliff LRAN Annex, Barrow, Alaska. The Declaration was signed by Reinhard Koenig, Corps of Engineers, District Commander, on 10/31/2011. DEC signature shows concurrence that CON/HTRW cleanup is complete at the LORAN site. A cleanup program by the U.S. Geological Survey in the late 1970’s removed debris from a 6-mile square area around Skull Cliff and stockpiled it on the beach. In 1982, the stockpile was moved one mile inland and buried. An investigation in 1987 identified more than 70 drums scattered or partly buried or submerged at the LORAN area. Sometime between 1987 and 1994 the drums had been removed. A few drums remain, and the document specifies they will be removed as part of a future HTRW project. Tamar Stephens
10/28/2014 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 71173 name: Skull Cliff LORAN DEWLine Debra Caillouet
9/30/2015 Update or Other Action Interim staff assignment changed to Carnahan. John Carnahan
10/13/2015 Update or Other Action Provided feedback on JEP regarding planning of future activities. Informed that the Native Village of Barrow is scoping a project to address solid waste removal and cleanup. Funding has not been confirmed. John Carnahan
12/1/2016 Meeting or Teleconference Held CS managers participate in the annual FUDS site management action plan meeting. The purpose of the is to collaborate with FUDS management on site progress and prioritization for all of the formerly used defense sites. FUDS prioritization is based on risk, congressional interest, state input and proximity to other sites on the prioritization list. FUDS has increased environmental restoration funding in Alaska for the 2017 and 2018 field seasons to meet National goals for site progress. Darren Mulkey
7/6/2017 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Approve NALEMP work plan focused on debris removal and limited sampling. John Carnahan
4/20/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received NALEMP Remedial Action Report. John Carnahan
10/30/2018 Update or Other Action DEC Acknowledged receipt by letter of the Final Removal Action Report. This report documents the removal of drums and other debris associated with the Skull Cliff LORAN Annex site. The actual removal site is 5 miles away from the Skull cliff contaminated site. Sampling concurrent with drum/debris removal indicated contamination not present. John O'Brien

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