Action Date |
Action |
Description |
DEC Staff |
8/5/1993 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Date of document prepared by ATES regarding planning for a Phase III On Site Cleanup of Hydrocarbon Contaminated Soils based on a Phase II which showed DRO up to 1,400 mg/kg. |
Keather McLoone |
3/11/1994 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Date of document prepared by ATES (Alaska Technical Environmental Services) submitted to ADNR regarding In Situ Pilot Studies at Test Sites A, B, and C. |
Keather McLoone |
8/28/1998 |
Cleanup Plan Approved |
Conditionally approved the 1998 Workplan for Area A. Requested clarification of the status of contaminated soils in Areas B, C and D. |
Jim Frechione |
11/30/1998 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC issued NFRAP on Area A of the Little Red Services pad following the excavation and treatment of 200 cubic yards of soil. The other areas (B, C, and D) of the pad will be addressed in the future. |
Jim Frechione |
11/27/2002 |
Site Ranked Using the AHRM |
Initial ranking. |
Elizabeth Stergiou |
11/27/2002 |
Site Added to Database |
DRO. Location unknown. |
Elizabeth Stergiou |
3/24/2003 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC reviewed the January 2003 report for Area D. 104 tons of soil was excavated and treated but confirmation samples identified soil above 200 ppm DRO. A letter was sent to Little Red Services informing them that a cleanup level above 200 ppm DRO might be considered and further cleanup in Area D might be delayed until buildings are removed. |
Jim Frechione |
8/20/2003 |
Interim Removal Action Approved |
Approval given to proceed with CU activities to removed additional DRO contaminated gravel/soil in area identified as Site C on the pad. |
Linda Nuechterlein |
7/27/2004 |
Interim Removal Action Approved |
Approval given to proceed wtih CU activities to removed additional DRO contaminated gravel/soil in area identified as Site C, directly north of 2003 CU site. |
Linda Nuechterlein |
5/8/2006 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
Received Final Report for Excavation and Remediation of Contaminated soils at Sites B-1, C-2, and C-3. Highest contaminant concentration remaining is 2,140 mg/kg DRO at Area B-1. |
Bill O'Connell |
5/19/2006 |
Conditional Closure Approved |
Based on the information provided to date, ADEC has determined that the Little Red Services Pad shall be conditionally closed since the hazardous substance contamination has been adequately addressed and does not pose an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment. |
Bill O'Connell |
5/19/2006 |
Institutional Control Record Established |
Based on the information provided to date, ADEC has determined that further remedial action is not required and a conditional closure of the Little Red Services Pad is appropriate.
This decision will be noted as “Conditional Closure” on the ADEC database and is subject to the following conditions:
1. A Notice of Residual Contamination will be recorded on the ADEC database to document that there are areas on the pad where hazardous substance contamination may remain above the most stringent ADEC cleanup levels;
2. A visual inspection of the surface water and sediment in wetlands surrounding the area shall be conducted in summer 2006 with the results provided to ADEC either verbally or in writing. Based on the results of the inspection, additional monitoring or sample collection may be required.
3. Any proposal to transport soil or porewater off site requires ADEC approval in accordance with 18 AAC 75.325(i).
This determination is in accordance with 18 AAC 75.380(d)(2) and does not preclude ADEC from requiring additional assessment and/or cleanup action if future information indicates that this site may pose an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment.
Bill O'Connell |
7/31/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
Visual inspection conducted with myself, Linda Nuechterlein of DEC and Ed Farnham of ATES. Off pad areas inspected for contaminant migration. Shovel test conducted at areas of surface water adjacent to the pad. No sheen was observed in any areas. Mr. Ed Farnham asked that the visual inspection condition be removed from the ROD. |
Bill O'Connell |
8/5/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
Letter sent to Little Red Services informing them that, based on observations made during the site visit, visual monitoring was no longer required, and that this condition was removed from the conditional closure. |
Bill O'Connell |
7/1/2008 |
Update or Other Action |
Remedial Work Plan received from DMC Technologies for Little Red Services Pad. DMC is proposing using Chemical Pentanonic to treat soils both in-situ and ex-situ in order to obtain unrestricted closure at the site as part of a change in ownership of LRS. ADEC provided comments to the work plan, indicating a DRO cleanup level of 250 mg/kg would be used to evaluate the site for unrestricted closure. Field work is tentatively scheduled for July-August 2008. |
Bill O'Connell |
1/7/2009 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Received Interim Final Report for Little Red Services, Tract 11 from DMC Technologies. Approximately 1,161 cy of petroleum contaminated soil were excavated from Areas D, E, and F and treated in an onsite treatment cell. Pre-treatment samples contained DRO up to 33,000 mg/kg. Following two rounds of treatment using Pentanonic solution, the maximum detected concentration of DRO in the treatment cell was 256 mg/kg. In-situ treatment was conducted at 62 injection points at the ATCO Shop, however performance sampling and additional treatment was not conducted as the ATCO shop is potentially scheduled for removal in 2009 allowing for excavation and ex-situ treatment of impacted soil. Confirmation samples collected from the excavated area show DRO contamination remains along the sidewalls up to 3,680 mg/kg. Treated soil was backfilled into the lined excavation and additional delineation resulted in an estimate of 1,683 cy of contaminated soil remaining to be treated on site in 2009. Excavation wastewater was successfully treated prior to discharge to the North Slope Borough Wastewater Treatment Plant. ADEC provided comments to the report including information about the new closure policy. |
Bill O'Connell |
6/16/2009 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed Remedial Work Plan for Little Red Services. The 2009 work plan is a follow up to the work conducted in 2008. Areas scheduled for excavation and treatment in the treatment cell include the periphery of the 2008 excavation where contamination remained in place and under the ATCO Shop, which is scheduled for removal in June/July. Approximately 1,683 cy of material will be excavated and treated. Excavations will be dewatered and the water will be stored on site, treated with Pentanonic solution then discharged to the NSB SA-10 wastewater treatment facility as was done in 2008. |
Bill O'Connell |
6/11/2012 |
Institutional Control Compliance Review |
IC review conducted and reminder system activated, and staff name changed from Bill O’Connell to IC Unit. |
Evonne Reese |
7/3/2012 |
Site Reopened |
The site record is reopened and the status is changed to Active on this date so that further site investigation can be completed. |
Evonne Reese |
5/22/2013 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed Site Characterization work plan for Little Red Services. The objective of the site characterization is to confirm that diesel contaminated soil was effectively treated during soil treatment activities conducted at the site between 2008 and 2010. 24 boreholes will be advanced and two soil samples collected from each borehole, one from gravel pad soil and a second from organic or mineral soil below the pad. Samples will be analyzed for DRO and BTEX, with 10% of the samples exhibiting the highest PID readings also analyzed for PAHs. |
Bill O'Connell |
7/29/2013 |
Risk Assessment Report Approved |
Reviewed LRS excavation work plan. The work plan also includes the results of an investigation at the site that included advancing and sampling 24 boreholes 5-8 feet bgs. 13 soil samples had DRO above 500 mg/kg, with a maximum detected concentration of 7,330 mg/kg at 5.5 feet bgs in boring SB-9 located in the southwest portion of the pad. Approximately 3,200 cubic yards of contaminated soil with DRO above 500 mg/kg will be excavated and disposed of at the Oxbow Landfill. Approximately 1,300 cy of suspected clean soil will be stockpiled in 200 cy piles and sampled to determine reuse potential. |
Bill O'Connell |
8/9/2013 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Date of receipt of hardcopy Revised Removal Action Plan. Plan revised based comments submitted 7/25/2013 via email on electronic copy of plan. Switched from composite samples to discrete samples for excavation confirmation. ERM also proposed an alternative to the sample frequencies specified in Table 2B of the revised Field Sampling Procedures Manual which was approved via email on 7/25/13. Total volume of the excavation is estimated to be 3,456 in-place cubic yards with about a 16,000 square foot bottom and 1,315 linear feet of sidewall. An estimated 23 floor and 20 sidewall samples will be submitted to the lab. |
Keather McLoone |
9/3/2013 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 72952 name: auto-generated pm edit Little Red Services Pad |
Bill O'Connell |
3/7/2014 |
Update or Other Action |
On this date, ADEC emailed consultant to indicate that revised workplan submitted last fall was acceptable based on the previous ADEC PM's conditional approval with comments that had been adequately incorporated. Also on this date, a soil transport approval was signed by ADEC. |
Keather McLoone |
4/1/2014 |
Update or Other Action |
On this date, consultant notify ADEC that during excavation of DRO impacted gravel, they encountered what appeared to be abandoned 48 inch steel pipe thought to be a remnant of a test loop for the Trans-Alaska pipeline. Based on observations and PID readings, the pipe does not appear to contain residual petroleum. One end of this pipe previously extended beyond the edge of the pad before the pad was expanded and there were no earlier observations of petroleum contamination associated with this pipe. ADEC did not object to capping and abandoning this pipe in place. Confirmation samples around the pipe were planned to be collected. |
Keather McLoone |
4/4/2014 |
Update or Other Action |
On this date, consultant notified ADEC that the amount of wastewater generated by the use of hot water to aid in utility locates was such that while some could be handled by Emerald and treated at their Fairbanks facility, some would need to be treated with a large GAC filter and released back onto the pad away from both the excavation and the edge of the pad. |
Keather McLoone |
4/21/2014 |
Update or Other Action |
On this date, Little Red Services provided a copy of their environmental record for the pad in Deadhorse which is a two binder set of documents. |
Keather McLoone |
4/28/2014 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Received on this date electronically is a draft of the Removal Action Report. Buried utilities were encountered during this excavation effort, requiring the use of hot water to thaw gravel. Most of the wastewater generated was treated at BP's Pad 3 disposal facility. Soil removed, an estimated 6,920 mg/kg) was taken to the Oxbow Landfill. A total of forty confirmation samples were collected. Mineral soil confirmation samples were well below Method Two cleanup levels at concentrations up to 1,000 mg/kg DRO. The gravel side wall confirmation samples contained less than 15 mg/kg total BTEX and only one of these thirteen confirmation samples contained DRO greater than the applicable Method One criteria of 500 mg/kg at 680 mg/kg DRO. |
Keather McLoone |
4/30/2014 |
Cleanup Complete Determination Issued |
Keather McLoone |
5/2/2014 |
Institutional Control Record Removed |
Institutional Controls have been removed. |
Keather McLoone |