Action Date |
Action |
Description |
DEC Staff |
7/13/1995 |
Update or Other Action |
(Old R:Base Action Code = RAPR - Remedial Action Plan Review (CS)). Cleanup and remediation plan received and reviewed. |
Ray Dronenburg |
7/13/1995 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On this date, ADEC received Work Plan and Treatment Plan INNEC Iliaska Point Small Spill Clean-up INNEC Job #95-003, submitted by Bristol. In 1994, a 20 x 40 foot area of diesel impacted soil was encountered as a former bulk fuel storage area indicated by seven soil samples with TPH up to 2,590 mg/kg. Groundwater was encountered 12 to 18 inches bgs. Sheen was not noted on the groundwater but there was petroleum odor. It was suspected that a shallow organic silt layer may be preventing vertical migration of contamination to lower water tables. It was also noted that the bedrock is quite shallow. |
Grant Lidren |
7/13/1995 |
Update or Other Action |
(Old R:Base Action Code = RPL1 - Initiate Dialog with RP). Initiate dialogue with responsible party. |
Ray Dronenburg |
7/21/1995 |
Update or Other Action |
(Old R:Base Action Code = CORR - Correspondence (General)). Sent ADEC response letter requesting additional information |
Ray Dronenburg |
7/21/1995 |
Preliminary Assessment Approved |
(Old R:Base Action Code = SA1R - Phase I SA Review (CS/LUST)). Reviewed a phase 1 site assessment. |
Ray Dronenburg |
8/1/1995 |
Update or Other Action |
(Old R:Base Action Code = RAPR - Remedial Action Plan Review (CS)). Reviewed and approved remedial action plan. |
Ray Dronenburg |
8/1/1995 |
Update or Other Action |
(Old R:Base Action Code = TOTH - Treatment, Other). Treatment approved. |
Ray Dronenburg |
8/4/1998 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On this date, ADEC received biocell sampling results submitted by Bristol. Three soil samples collected from the biocell contained DRO of 150, 750, and 2,800 mg/kg. |
Grant Lidren |
9/27/2001 |
Update or Other Action |
Telephone call with Jerry Armstrong of INNEC - approximately 80 cubic yards remain in a biocell constructed in 1995. The material in the cell will be tilled this week, then tilled again and resampled next summer (2002). See email in file. |
Renee Evans |
7/12/2004 |
Update or Other Action |
File number issued 2560.38.003 |
Aggie Blandford |
3/7/2007 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Initial Site Ranking using the ETM |
Don Fritz |
3/20/2007 |
Update or Other Action |
Letter sent to the RP requesting an update on site activities and if none, submittal of an assessment work plan. |
Don Fritz |
7/3/2007 |
Update or Other Action |
Contaminated Sites staff was contacted by Chip Embretson 571-1225/571-1000 regarding the Iliamna-Newhalen Nondalton Electric site on Lake Illiamna. Mr. Embretson advised that he has been unsuccessful in getting the representative for the responsible party to move forward in responding to concerns identified by the department. Mr. Embretson stated that he is interested in purchasing the property, thus he intends to move forward on completing assessment activates in an effort to close out environmental issues at the site so that he can purchase it. |
Don Fritz |
2/7/2008 |
Update or Other Action |
Contaminated Sites staff received a phone call from Chip Embretson regarding the Iliamna-Newhalen Nondalton Electric site on Lake Iliamna. Mr. Embretson asked if Bristol Environmental had contacted ADEC staff with regards to continuing assessment and cleanup work on the site. After Mr. Embretson was informed that Bristol Environmental had not contacted Contaminated Sites staff, he stated that he would look for a different consultant to review the file and develop a work plan. Contaminated Sites staff explained to Mr. Embretson that in addition to the soils existing in the bioremediation cell, we have no documentation regarding the actions taken at the site, thus further site assessment and reporting was necessary. Mr. Embretson asked about the possibility of incorporating contaminated soils into roadways, and was informed that this may be a possibility if done under an approved plan. |
Don Fritz |
9/16/2009 |
Update or Other Action |
File transferred/received from Soldotna. New ADEC project manager is now Grant Lidren. |
Linda Nuechterlein |
12/17/2009 |
Update or Other Action |
On this date, ADEC contacted a prospective buyer. It appears the last sampling event was 1998, which is in accordance with the ADEC file. It is possible that the biocell rests upon a tarp at the area of the former spill. It was discussed that further soil sampling needs to be completed. |
Grant Lidren |
12/28/2009 |
Update or Other Action |
On this date, ADEC contacted INNEC. It was discussed that INNEC is considered an RP for this site. |
Grant Lidren |
2/23/2011 |
Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter |
Request for further action/RP letter sent on this date. |
Grant Lidren |
9/6/2011 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
On this date, ADEC reviewed the Closure Sampling Plan for INNEC – Former Above-Ground Storage Tank Area Lot 1, submitted by JBN Consultants, dated August 31, 2011. A total of six soil samples will be collected including the duplicate. Two surface soil samples will be collected from the biocell and two surface soil samples will be collected from the spill area. Additionally, one comparison sample will be collected outside of the zone of contamination. |
Grant Lidren |
9/5/2012 |
Update or Other Action |
On this date, ADEC received the Closure Sampling lab results for INNEC – Former Above-Ground Storage Tank Area Lot 1, submitted by JBN Consultants. A total of six soil samples were collected including the duplicate. Two surface soil samples collected from the biocell contained DRO up to 526 mg/kg. Four surface soil samples collected at the former AST location contained DRO up to 2,310 mg/kg. It is assumed the AST samples were collected from less than 2 feet bgs and at the groundwater interface. |
Grant Lidren |
9/7/2012 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
ADEC received and approved amended workplan. Two temporary wellpoints were to be installed downgradient. As of 5/22/2014, ADEC has not recieved the Report for this field work. |
Grant Lidren |
3/5/2014 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
On this date, a meeting was conducted with APC Services LLC discussing potential field work at the site in 2014. |
Grant Lidren |
5/21/2014 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC approved the Draft Closure Sampling Work Plan Former AST Area submitted by APC Services LLC dated May 2014 with the following condition: the biocell shall be containerized and/or covered during transport. Field work is planned for the week of June 8, 2014. |
Grant Lidren |
5/22/2014 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
On this date, ADEC approved the disposal of remediated biocell soil to the landfill. |
Grant Lidren |
7/9/2014 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Attended a meeting with APC Services to discuss the July 2014 Draft Investigation Report. |
Grant Lidren |
7/9/2014 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
On this date, ADEC received the “Draft Investigation Report Former Above-Ground Storage Tank Area Lot 1, Iliaska Subdivison, Iliamna, Alaska” submitted by APC Services LLC dated July 2014. |
Grant Lidren |
9/2/2014 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
On this date, ADEC received the “Final Investigation Report Former Above-Ground Storage Tank Area Lot 1, Iliaska Subdivison, Iliamna, Alaska” submitted by APC Services LLC dated August 2014. On June 9th and 10th, approximately 80 cubic yards of petroleum impacted soil from the biocell was transported to the Newhalen Landfill. The former pipe was bent to seal it off and left in situ. Removal of the pipe was not practical without damaging the berm. The two historic well points, GW1 and GW2, did not contain groundwater for sampling. Well point GW3 installed within the source area contained DRO up to 2.65 mg/L. GW4 installed downgradient of the source area and 20 feet up gradient of Lake Iliamna did not produce groundwater for sampling due to poor permeability, but contained a strong hydrocarbon odor and sheen. A soil sample collected from the GW4 groundwater interface at 20 inches bgs contained DRO at 4,210 mg/kg. Four out of the 10 soil samples collected 12 inches bgs from the former AST farm contained DRO above ADEC migration to groundwater cleanup levels with DRO up to 1,830 mg/kg. Three of these samples contained a strong hydrocarbon odor. Seven shovel sheen tests along the beach did not contain evidence of petroleum contamination. An additional investigation was conducted on July 25th to determine extent of contamination encountered at GW4. The Lake level was higher during this investigation; within 2.7 feet of GW4. Two out of the six soil samples collected 12 inches bgs to the GW interface contained DRO up to 3,250 mg/kg. The two historic well points, GW1 and GW2, did not contain groundwater for sampling. A groundwater sample collected from GW4 contained detectable levels of DRO, but below method two cleanup levels (note: this sample is considered bias low due to limited recharge in the well). A surface water sample collected from the Lake was ND for TAH and TAQH and contained detectable levels of DRO but below groundwater cleanup levels. |
Grant Lidren |
10/29/2014 |
Institutional Control Record Established |
Institutional Controls established and entered into the database. |
Grant Lidren |
10/29/2014 |
Cleanup Complete Determination Issued |
The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC), Contaminated Sites Program, has completed a review of the environmental records associated with the Former Iliamna Newhalen Nondalton Electric. Based on the information provided to date and the administrative record, the ADEC has determined that the contaminant concentrations remaining on site do not pose an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment. No further remedial action will be required as long as the site is in compliance with established institutional controls. |
Grant Lidren |
11/26/2014 |
Update or Other Action |
The Notice of Environmental Contamination was received from DNR on this date. |
Grant Lidren |
7/21/2015 |
Update or Other Action |
Per an email correspondence from INNEC, MW-4 was decommissioned in June 2015. |
Grant Lidren |
11/16/2015 |
Institutional Control Compliance Review |
IC compliance review conducted, staff name changed from Lidren to IC Unit, and reminder system set to review the site record in October 2019. |
Nathan Maxwell |
1/25/2016 |
Update or Other Action |
This property has been sold to the Lake and Peninsula Borough. The landowner information has been updated in the database record. |
Evonne Reese |
3/22/2017 |
Institutional Control Compliance Review |
IC compliance review conducted. Closure/IC Details updated. Five-year review of land use conditions is scheduled for 2019. |
Kristin Thompson |
12/6/2019 |
Institutional Control Compliance Review |
An Institutional Controls reminder letter mailed to the landowner on this date. |
Mossy Mead |
12/23/2019 |
Institutional Control Update |
Received an email verification from the property owner representative that all ICs are in compliance and there have been no changes in land use. |
Evonne Reese |
11/19/2024 |
Institutional Control Compliance Review |
IC compliance review completed on this date. An IC reminder letter was issued to the landowner. The next review will be in five years’ time. |
Gaige Robinson |