Action Date |
Action |
Description |
DEC Staff |
1/1/1994 |
Update or Other Action |
Site included in State-Navy two-party SAERA agreement for petroleum sites. |
Former Staff |
10/14/1994 |
Site Added to Database |
TPH suspected. |
Former Staff |
2/23/1996 |
Site Ranked Using the AHRM |
Site ranked. Score = 4. |
Scott Pexton |
5/1/1998 |
Proposed Plan |
Site to be included in OU-A ROD. |
Christina Goff |
9/1/1999 |
Update or Other Action |
Site included in OU-A ROD and requires further evaluation due to presence of free product impacting groundwater. Free product recovery required. |
Kevin Oates |
4/15/2000 |
Record of Decision |
The Record of Decision for this site was signed this date. |
Elim Yoon |
12/28/2001 |
Institutional Control Record Established |
Institutional Control Established. Includes Equitable Servitude for: Commercial/Industrial Land Use Restrictions, Groundwater Restrictions, Excavation permit required for areas with Soil Excavation Restrictions, and requirements for Inspections and Reporting. See document “Adak Island Institutional Control Management Plan, Final Edition, December 2001, Prepared by: Engineering Field Activity, Northwest.” |
Elim Yoon |
3/1/2003 |
Update or Other Action |
The Final 2001 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report was received. Navy recommends continued sentinel monitoring at this site.
Meghan Dooley |
10/10/2003 |
Record of Decision |
Site removed from OU A ROD by OU A ROD Amendment; will be regulated under 18 AAC 75. |
Sami Goldman |
6/17/2004 |
Update or Other Action |
Comments for the 2003 Annual Groundwater Monitoring report were sent. General concerns include: the field team may not be familiar with the requirements in the CMP and SOP, and changes in ARARs.
Meghan Dooley |
9/1/2004 |
Update or Other Action |
Site is currently in draft proposed plan stage. |
Jason Weigle |
9/7/2004 |
Update or Other Action |
The Final 2003 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report was received. The Navy recommends continuing current monitoring schedule.
Meghan Dooley |
9/15/2004 |
Update or Other Action |
Focused Feasibility Study Approved for this site. |
Jason Weigle |
9/15/2004 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
Site characterization report approved as part of Focused Feasibility Study for Free-Product Sites Below Health Goals. |
Jason Weigle |
9/15/2004 |
Risk Assessment Report Approved |
Risk Assessment approved as part of Focused Feasibility Study for Free-Product Sites Below Health Goals. |
Jason Weigle |
10/19/2004 |
GIS Position Updated |
Latitude and Longitude was derived using ArcGIS with either High Resolution Aerial Photography from the Navy with an up to 3 meters error, or line maps used in investigations combined with road layers, +/-25 feet accuracy. Metadata is as follows: Updated NAD 1983 State Plane Alaska 10 FIPS 5010 Feet; Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic; False Easting: 3280833.333333; False Northing: 0.000000; Central Meridian: -176.000000; Standard Parallel 1: 51.833333; Standard Parallel 2: 53.833333; Latitude of Origin: 51.000000; GCS North American 1983. |
Jason Weigle |
12/10/2004 |
Cleanup Level(s) Approved |
Table C groundwater clean-up levels selected for remediation. |
Jason Weigle |
12/10/2004 |
Proposed Plan |
Proposed plan approved on this date. |
Jason Weigle |
1/24/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
Received copy of the Draft Decision Document for Petroleum Sites with No Unacceptable Risk for review. |
Jason Weigle |
2/8/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
Risk assessments were used to justify remedial endpoints for active remediation, not final clean-up endpoints. |
Jason Weigle |
2/8/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
Monitored natural attenuation selected in proposed plan. |
Jason Weigle |
2/9/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
Interim conveyance document contains an equitable servitude that restricts residential land use as well as the domestic use of groundwater. Site is also located in the downtown excavation notification zone. |
Jason Weigle |
2/17/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
2004 Annual Monitoring report received. |
Jason Weigle |
2/17/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
Completed review of the Draft Decision Document for Petroleum Sites with No Unacceptable Risk. Sent comments to the Navy for incorporation into the Decision Document. |
Jason Weigle |
3/4/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
Review of Draft 2004 Annual Monitoring report completed. |
Jason Weigle |
3/4/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
Also see Event ID 817 in LUST Database for additional information on this site. |
Jason Weigle |
3/7/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
Added MRTS data, derived from ADNR and USGS range, township, and section data overlaid on lat/lon coordinates derived previously. Accuracy is equivalent to the lat/lon coordinates. MRTS information depicts the center point of range fans and target areas; actual target areas or fans may overlap several sections. |
Jason Weigle |
3/8/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
Added legal description for site. |
Jason Weigle |
5/20/2005 |
Record of Decision |
Decision Document for Petroleum Sites with No Unacceptable Risks signed on this date. |
Jason Weigle |
5/20/2005 |
Long Term Monitoring Established |
Long-term monitored natural attenuation selected as the remedy for this site. |
Jason Weigle |
5/23/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
The Final 2004 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report was received. The Navy recommends reducing NAP monitoring frequency at wells 04-103 and SP4-3 to once every 5 years.
Meghan Dooley |
5/23/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
No further remedial action is expected other than long term monitoring at this site. |
Jason Weigle |
1/19/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
File number issued 2501.38.003.04. |
Aggie Blandford |
2/16/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
Revised Draft Petroleum Summary Report Received. The report summarizes the additional 'confirmation' sampling that the Navy conducted as part of the Decision Document for Petroleum Sites with No Unacceptable Risk. Groundwater was sampled at two wells and all results were within acceptable levels based on the risk assessment in the focused feasibility study for the site. Approximately six gallons of free product were removed from well 04-173 prior to sampling. The well had a moderately high level of DRO in the sample. The site will be evaluated over the next two field seasons to determine the possible need to restart free product recovery. Two soil samples were collected between wells 04-172 and 04-173 at depths of 6-7 and 12-14 feet respectively to determin if the majority of the free product and free-phase contamination was located in the confined upper aquifer or was prevalent in the deeper unconfined aquifer. The 6-7 foot was sample was non-detect and the 12-14 foot was 5920 mg/kg, consistent with other borings surrounding this gap in the data. |
Jason Weigle |
3/20/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
Final 2005 Institutional Control Primary Site Inspection Report received on this date. No IC problems noted at this site. |
Jason Weigle |
3/20/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
The draft annual groundwater monitoring report for 2005 was received on this date. |
Jason Weigle |
4/7/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
Comments on the 2005 groundwater monitoring report submitted to the Navy. 2005 monitoring removed a signficant volume of free product from well 04-173. Approximately 2 gallons of free product was removed from the well during the monitoring event; a total of 8.5 gallons have been removed from the well in two removals in September 2004 and September 2005. Several other wells showed DRO contamination near or above clean-up levels. All wells in the group have not been sampled enough to establish statistical trends. If free product continues to be an issue at well 04-173, the Department will request that the Navy install a passive collection system in the well. |
Jason Weigle |
6/9/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
The Final 2005 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report was received. The Navy recommends continuing monitoring as prescribed.
Meghan Dooley |
12/18/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
Received Draft 2006 Institutional Control Primary Site Inspection Report that details the results of annual Institutional Control (IC) inspections to determine the effectiveness of IC's selected in the OUA Record of Decision. |
Guy Warren |
12/27/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
Submitted comment letter to the Navy on the Draft Institutional Control Primary Site Inspection Report. Comments focused on the adequacy of the excavation notification program, the effectiveness of the ordnance awareness program, and visitor notification of ICs. |
Guy Warren |
2/15/2007 |
Update or Other Action |
Received Draft Annual Ground Water Monitoring Report, which presents the results of September 2006 ground water monitoring activities at 24 sites at the Former Adak Naval Complex. |
Guy Warren |
3/13/2007 |
Update or Other Action |
Received the Final 2006 Institutional Control Primary Site Inspection Report. Several Department comments will be addressed through revisions of the Institutional Control Management Plan planned for 2007. The remaining comments were addressed and additional recomendations to increase efforts to notify island visitors of ICs (including the ordnance awareness education program) were included in the final document. |
Guy Warren |
4/25/2007 |
Update or Other Action |
Submitted comments on the Draft Annual Ground Water Monitoring Report. Primary areas of concern include: increasing trends in contaminant levels at several sites, Increased free product, and adherence to field sampling procedures. In general it appears that declining ground water levels are responsible for the increase in free product and dissolved contaminant concentrations. The Navy and DEC have agreed to reinstate free product recovery at those sites showing increases in free product. |
Guy Warren |
7/26/2007 |
Update or Other Action |
Received Final Annual Ground Water Monitoring Report, September 2006. The Department's comments have been addressed in the Final Report. The Navy has agreed to conduct additional free product recovery at those sites with increassed free rpoduct. The Navy has agreed to evaluate conditions at several sites with increasing contaminant trends to determine if additional investigation or remediaiton is required. |
Guy Warren |
3/28/2008 |
Update or Other Action |
The comments for the draft 2007 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report were sent. General concerns include: consistency of groundwater depth and flow measurements between sites, reporting of free product recovery methods and results, inclusion of the Petroleum Summary Report in recommendations for applicable sites in this report, tracking changes to the CMP, and extending surface water and sediment monitoring to appropriate sites. ADEC recommends free product recovery should continue at this site and additional wells in the vicinity of the FP wells should be gauged for presence of free product. If they contain free product, they should be added to the recovery effort.
Meghan Dooley |
6/27/2008 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Initial ranking with ETM completed. |
Evonne Reese |
8/14/2008 |
Update or Other Action |
The Final 2007 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report was received on this date. The Navy recommends collecting product thickness measurements at wells 04-164 and 04-173.
Meghan Dooley |
5/20/2009 |
Update or Other Action |
The comments for the draft 2008 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report were sent. General concerns include: adequacy of the MNA remedy and increasing contaminant levels, implementation of recommendations from the Petroleum Summary Report, effects of the March 2008 earthquake and documentation in the report, the monitoring well network, and the inclusion of useful photos. ADEC concurs with the cessation of monitoring at well 04-103, however does not concur with cessation of monitoring at well 04-801.
Meghan Dooley |
8/21/2009 |
Update or Other Action |
The Final 2008 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report was received on this date. The Navy recommends discontinuing monitoring at well 04-103 and reducing monitoring for DRO at SP-4-3 to every even year. Monitoring for free phase product should continue as prescribed.
Meghan Dooley |
3/12/2010 |
Update or Other Action |
The draft 2009 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report was received on this date. The Navy recommends no changes to the monitoring program for this site.
Meghan Dooley |
4/15/2010 |
Update or Other Action |
Comments for the draft 2009 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report were sent on this date. General concerns include the use of a downgradient well for background comparison. ADEC recommends additional background wells for NAP analysis, and concurs with the recommendations for the site.
Meghan Dooley |
2/16/2011 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
The draft 2010 IC Site Inspection Report was received on January 11, 2011 and DEC sent comments on February 16, 2011. There were no observed problems with ICs at this site. |
Meghan Dooley |
5/12/2011 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
The Final 2010 IC Site Inspection Report was received by ADEC. IC's appear to be functioning as intended for this site. |
Meghan Dooley |
6/27/2011 |
CERCLA ROD Periodic Review |
The draft Third 5-Year Review was received. The purpose of the 5-Year Review is to evaluate the effectiveness of the remedy and determine if further action is warranted to protect human health and the environment. The document listed actions taken to address issues from the previous 5-Year Review, and offered new recommendations based on data collected from 2006 to 2010 from Operable Units A and B-1. It concluded that the remedy is functioning as intended at all but 4 sites and provided the following area-wide recommendations:
1. Update the current Comprehensive Monitoring Plan, Institutional Control Monitoring Plan, Operation and maintenance Plan,
2. Update the document repositories,
3. Assess and update as necessary the Community Relations Plan, and
4. Address action items identified during 2010 site inspections.
The 5-Year Review recommends that groundwater monitoring continue as prescribed at SA 80 and that free product recovery activities be reduced to six times per year.
Meghan Dooley |
7/11/2011 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
The Final 2010 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report was received. Concentrations of DRO remain above endpoint criteria, and so monitoring is recommended to continue as prescribed. Free product recovery is recommended to be discontinued at wells 04-155, 04-164, and SP4-2, but continue at wells 04-157, 04-158, and 04-173. |
Meghan Dooley |
9/27/2011 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC reviewed and approved the Operations and Maintenance Plan for free product recovery. The plan addresses wells to be included in the free product recovery program and sites for boom maintenance. |
Meghan Dooley |
10/16/2012 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Submit acceptance letter for the Final 2011 Annual Groundwater monitoring report. Annual monitoring program is recomended to continue unchanged. |
Guy Warren |
4/5/2013 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC sent comments on the draft 2012 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report. ADEC concurs with recommendations to reduce monitoring frequency to odd years at the site and discontinue sampling at wells 04-801 and SP4-2. |
Meghan Dooley |
6/4/2013 |
Institutional Control Periodic Reporting |
The 2012 Final Institutional Controls Site Inspection Report was received. There were no indications of groundwater use, changes in land use, or unauthorized excavations. Excavation restriction signs were clearly visible. ICs appear to be functioning as intended. |
Meghan Dooley |
9/8/2014 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Received, Final 2013 Annual Groundwater and Landfill Monitoring Report for Adak Alaska. DRO remains above endpoint criteria in site wells. The presence of free product is decreasing and concentrations are stable or decreasing. Monitoring will continue as prescribed. |
Guy Warren |
9/10/2014 |
Institutional Control Periodic Reporting |
The 2013 Final Institutional Controls Site Inspection Report was received. There were no indications of groundwater use, changes in land use, or unauthorized excavations. Excavation restriction signs were clearly visible. ICs appear to be functioning as intended. IC inspection frequency has been reduced to every odd year. |
Guy Warren |
6/10/2015 |
Update or Other Action |
Received Final Annual Groundwater and Landfill Monitoring Report, 2014 Long Term Monitoring at OUA of the Former Adak Naval Complex. The report does not recommends any changes to the monitoring program for this site. Measureable free product continues to be measured in site wells and periodic free product recovery activities continue at the site. Wells exhibit a stable concentration trend. |
Guy Warren |
7/16/2017 |
Site Visit |
ADEC completed a three day site visit to Adak NAVFAC. All active sites were visited and current status discussed at length with NAVFAC representatives. Current field work activities were observed and noted. Work plan activities were proceeding as scheduled. No work plan deviations were evident. |
Darren Mulkey |
5/23/2018 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
Annual Groundwater and Landfill Monitoring Report, 2017 Long-Term Monitoring, Operable Unit A was finalized. Natural attenuation of petroleum hydrocarbons has been demonstrated on Adak. As a result, the CMP, Revision 6 (Navy 2014) prescribed natural attenuation parameter (NAP) monitoring once every 5 years. This monitoring was last conducted in 2014 at all MNA sites. |
Darren Mulkey |
9/13/2018 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Approved the 2019 Final Operation and Maintenance Plan, Free Product Recovery, Operation and Maintenance, Former Naval Complex, Adak, AK 8 August, 2018. O&M activities related to free product fuel recovery at six sites: Solid Waste Management Unit (SWMU) 62, New Housing Fuel Leak Area; Former Power Plant, Building T-1451; Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) Expanded Area; Source Area (SA) 80, Steam Plant 4; South of Runway 18-36 Area; and SWMU 60, Tank Farm A. Oil-sorbent boom maintenance activities (for protection of surface waters) at selected locations in East Canal and South Sweeper Creek. |
Darren Mulkey |
10/24/2018 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed and approved Adak Comprehensive Monitoring Plan Revision 7, Operable Unit A. All LTM sites are updated for ground and surface water monitoring. |
Darren Mulkey |
3/6/2019 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
During the 2018 monitoring event, groundwater, surface water, and sediment samples were collected from 123 monitoring locations at 19 sites. Product thickness and depth to water measurements were performed at 159 locations from these sites. Monitoring was conducted to satisfy Operable Unit A Record of Decision (Navy, ADEC, and EPA 2000) remedy requirements and subsequent to free product recovery remedy requirements that were established under the State-Adak Environmental Restoration Agreement (Navy and ADEC 1994). Monitoring was conducted to assess the remedies of monitored natural attenuation, limited groundwater monitoring, surface water protection, and compliance. Based on the previous monitoring results, the monitored natural attenuation remedies appear to be effective and biodegradation appears to be occurring to varying degrees at all of the monitored natural attenuation sites (Navy 2017). Monitoring for natural attenuation parameters has been reduced from annually to every 4 to 6 years to coincide with the next 5-year review, and was conducted in 2018.
DRO continues to exceed endpoint criterion in site wells. The DRO concentration is exhibiting an increasing trend in well 04-158, however the concentration trends are stable at wells 04-173 and SP4-3 and decreasing at well 04-159. Measurable product continues to be observed in some site wells and periodic product recovery activities continue at the site. Additionally, there is strong evidence that monitored natural attenuation (MNA) is occurring in groundwater at the site. It is therefore recommended that groundwater monitoring continue as prescribed. |
Darren Mulkey |
12/30/2019 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Draft 2019 Remedial Action Summary Report, Free Product Recovery, SWMU 62 New Housing Fuel Leak Area and Additional Sites, Former Naval Complex, Adak, Alaska, December 11, 2019. This report summarizes the monitoring and remedial action activities completed during the period from October 2018 through September 2019 and whether endpoint criteria were achieved as established by the United States Navy, United States Environmental Protection Agency, and Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation in Records of Decision.
During monthly free product recovery activities for the reporting period, a total of 3.24 gallons of free product were recovered from monitoring wells at Solid Waste Management
Unit 62, New Housing Fuel Leak Area (Eagle Bay Housing). During the reporting period, measurable free product was recovered from four of the monitoring wells. The site has
currently achieved the Operable Unit A Record of Decision practical endpoint for a passive
recovery system as a result of the 2016 removal action conducted by the Navy, which
removed the recovery trench, recovery sumps, petroleum-impacted soil, and accumulated
product adjacent to East Canal. The monthly volume of recovered product, averaged over
the most recent 6 months (6-month moving average), remained below 5 gallons per month since January 2016, and remained below the endpoint criteria for the entire reporting period. However, the requirement for the occurrence of product in the replacement monitoring wells has not met the remedial objective of less than 0.01 foot for a 1-year period. In two of the removal action monitoring wells, product was observed at greater than the Record of Decision endpoint of 0.01 foot from October 2018 through September 2019.
During the free product recovery activities for the reporting period, a total of 10.33 gallons of free product were recovered from monitoring wells at five additional petroleum sites: Former Power Plant, Building T-1451; Naval Mobile Construction Battalion Building T-
1416 Expanded Area; Source Area 80, Steam Plant 4; South of Runway 18-36 Area; and Solid Waste Management Unit 60, Tank Farm A. At the request of the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, free product monitoring and recovery is conducted at select
wells at these sites, which do not have defined specific endpoint criteria for free product. |
Darren Mulkey |
1/10/2022 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
"Final Remedial Action Summary Report, Free Product Recovery, SWMU 62 New Housing Fuel Leak Area and Additional Sites, Former Naval Complex, Adak, Alaska, 21 December 2021". During periodic free product recovery activities for the reporting period, a total of 2.15 gallons of free product were recovered from monitoring wells at Solid Waste Management Unit (SWMU) 62, New Housing Fuel Leak Area (Eagle Bay Housing). During the reporting
period, measurable free product was recovered from three of the monitoring wells. The site has currently achieved the Operable Unit (OU) A Record of Decision (ROD) practical endpoint for a passive recovery system as a result of the 2016 removal action conducted by the Navy, which removed the recovery trench, recovery sumps, petroleum-impacted soil, and accumulated product adjacent to East Canal. The volume of recovered product, averaged over the most recent six months (six-month moving average), remained below five gallons per month since January 2016, and remained below the endpoint criteria for the entire reporting period. However, the requirement for the occurrence of product in the
replacement monitoring wells has not met the remedial objective of less than 0.01 foot for a
one-year period (Navy 2006). In one of the removal action monitoring wells, product was observed at greater than the ROD endpoint of 0.01 foot from October 2020 through September 2021. |
Darren Mulkey |
1/10/2022 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
This O&M Plan defines the free product recovery activities at the sites for the contract year (CY) from October 2021 through September 2022. The plan incorporates information obtained from past remedial action and long-term monitoring (LTM) reports. This plan also incorporates recommendations provided in Focused Feasibility Studies (FFS) for the NMCB Building T-1416 Expanded Area and SWMU 62, New Housing Fuel Leak Area, Eagle Bay Housing (Department of the Navy [DON] 2005a and 2005b);
recommendations from past Annual Remedial Action Summary Reports for Free Product Recovery; and the U.S. Navy (Navy) scope of work for this contract. |
Darren Mulkey |
8/9/2024 |
Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review |
WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN APPROVED: Final Waste Management Plan 2024 Long-Term Monitoring at Operable
Unit A and 2024 Waste Management Plan Addendum (via email). |
Jamie McKellar |
8/21/2024 |
Site Visit |
CS staff conducted site visits and attended a Regional Advisory Board (RAB) meeting on Adak Island. During the trip, CS staff and representatives from the US Navy also participated in a “RAB Field Day” organized by a RAB member who wanted to highlight some issues of concern - petroleum contamination at Sweeper Creek, the spillway at Lake Andrew, and munitions concerns in Parcel 4. While on the island, CS staff also met with contractors conducting PFAS sampling and long-term monitoring activities, and CS staff attended a community meeting hosted by the Aleut Corporation (TAC) and its contractor to discuss the community’s Brownfields Community Wide Assessment Grant. |
Jamie McKellar |