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Site Report: AmeriGas Petrolane

Site Name: AmeriGas Petrolane
Address: 6951 East Blue Lupine Drive, Mile 36.5 Parks Highway, Palmer, AK 99645
File Number: 2245.26.015
Hazard ID: 22894
Status: Active
Staff: Kris Dent, 9072623411
Latitude: 61.563676
Longitude: -149.275264
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Contaminated soil was identified in conjunction with two diesel fuel dispensers and unleaded gasoline release from product piping between the underground storage tank (UST) No. 4 and the dispenser. Four 12,000-gallon USTs, two unleaded gasoline and two diesel, along with related piping and dispensers were removed on 5/25/1994. Two stockpiles in the Northeast corner of the lot consist of ~150 cubic yards of gasoline and ~140 cubic yards of diesel contaminated soil.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
10/21/1993 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 77828 Oil and Hazardous Materials Incident Report Form received 10/25/93 from Mary Schreves of Gilfilian Engineering Inc. indicating contamination discovered 10/21/93. Former Staff
10/21/1993 Site Added to Database Former Staff
10/22/1993 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum LCAU date changed DB conversion. Mike Krieber
2/28/1994 Update or Other Action Notice of Release Letter sent by Krieber to Petrolane / Amerigas in Palmer. Mike Krieber
8/12/1994 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway Conditional approval of CAPR provided. Mike Krieber
8/12/1994 Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment Additional site investigation and cleanup are necessary. A third boring will be needed in the area between locations 15 and 16 to determine if gasoline contamination is the issue for this specific location and to determine the extent of diesel range contamination. Sampling for the third boring should be for both gasoline and diesel range contamination. Mike Krieber
8/12/1994 Site Visit Performed on site inspection. Mike Krieber
6/26/1995 Update or Other Action Received a letter this date from N-M Consulting (NM) dated 6/22/95 indicating that NM was contracted to advise and assist in the remediation of contmainated soils stockpiled during UST removal operations at this site. NM's intent is to design a system to remediate the soils by air extraction. The construction and maintenance of the system will be performed by Randall Jobes of Omega Services of Anchorage. Bill Petrik
10/31/1996 Update or Other Action Reviewed the Soil Treatment Cell Plan from Gilfilian Engineering & Environmental Testing, Inc. dated 10/25/96. Approved with the following conditions: 1) Changing cell dimensions to either 50'x80' or 100'x40' and 2' lift; 2) Cell corners will be marked with reflectors on poles to assist in cell not being driven on; 3) Cell shall be covered per UST regs; and, 4) If the cell area is needed for propane vessel storage, plywood must be placed on top of the cell cover material, and vehicles are not allowed to encroach upon the cell. Mike Krieber
4/30/1997 Update or Other Action Reviewed "Revisions to the October 25, 1996 Stockpile Treatment Plan, Amerigas Propane L.P." from Gilfilian Engineering & Environmental Testing, Inc. dated 4/16/97. Approved with the following revisions. Field screening for contaminated soils under the existing stockpile liners. If field screening indicates contamination, samples will need to be collected, 1 per 250 s.f. of suspected impacted area, for GRO/DRO analysis, as applicable. Mike Krieber
11/20/1997 Update or Other Action ADEC sends Notification of Intent to Cost Recover Letter to Current Owner: Petrolane Gas Service. Former Staff
12/1/1998 Update or Other Action On 12/1/98, DEC Paul Pinard approved Gilfilian's 11/13/98 dated Phase II Release Investigation and Corrective Action Workplan that was received at DEC on 11/25/98. DEC while approving the plan noted that the plan did not include a time schedule and requested one. Rich Sundet
4/22/1999 Update or Other Action On 4/22/99 DEC Paul Pinard provided comments to Gilfilian regarding their Phase II Release Instigation report that was received at DEC on 3/30/99. The letter noted that the report showed significant free product in one monitoring well and contamination in other monitoring wells, and requested a corrective action plan. Rich Sundet
8/11/1999 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway On 8/11/1999 DEC Paul Pinard approved Gilfilian's 8/5/1999 plan for installation of a soil vapor extraction system to treat fuel contaminated soil at the site. Rich Sundet
2/15/2001 Update or Other Action Letter to RP requiring a CAP by 15 Apr 01. Lynne Bush
3/20/2001 Update or Other Action Site score updated. Lynne Bush
4/16/2001 Update or Other Action Call to GEETI asking about CAP - was sent over ASAP. Lynne Bush
5/2/2001 Update or Other Action 2001 Corrective Action Workplan reviewed and approved. Lynne Bush
12/19/2001 Update or Other Action Letter sent this date indicating that when workplan was approved 5/2/01, the subsequent report was to be submitted by 8/01 and the reply is overdue. Lynne Bush
4/11/2002 Update or Other Action On 4/11/02, DEC provided comments regarding Gilfilian's 8/16/01 dated June/July 2001 Release Investigation & Groundwater Monitoring Event that was received at DEC on 12/19/01. The report showed that the SVE system continues to operate. Rich Sundet
5/23/2002 Update or Other Action On 5/23/02, DEC approved via email Gilfilian's Corrective Action Workplan FY2002 Amerigas Propane dated 5/2/02. Rich Sundet
5/31/2002 Update or Other Action Site transferred from Bush to Sundet. Robert Weimer
9/30/2002 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved On 9/30/02, in response to Montgomery Watson's 7/25/02 request to dispose of soil cuttings generated in 6/02, DEC granted permission to transport two drums of cuttings of contaminated soil to ASR for thermal remediation. DEC did not grant permission to landspread contaminated soil in a treatment cell, however, until more detailed plans were submitted. Rich Sundet
11/21/2002 Long Term Monitoring Established On 11/21/02, DEC provided comments to Montgomery Watson's 9/02 dated June 2002 Release Investigation & Groundwater Monitoring Event report received on 10/8/02 at DEC. The report showed that BTEX, GRO and/or DRO exceeded Table C cleanup levels at G-1, G-2, G-9 and G-10 with G-10 having the highest contaminants found, i.e., benzene at 28.8 mg/L. In addition, continued quarterly GW Monitoring was requested. Rich Sundet
4/9/2003 Update or Other Action On 4/9/03, DEC provided comments to Montgomery Watson's 3/26/03 Proposed Corrective Action Workplan FY 2003. Rich Sundet
6/3/2003 Update or Other Action On 6/3/03, DEC approved Montgomery Watson's revised FY 2003 Corrective Action Workplan. Rich Sundet
10/20/2003 Update or Other Action Site transfer from Sundet to Dreyer. Robert Weimer
11/28/2003 Update or Other Action On 11/28/03, CSP Amanda Dreyer commented on MWH's June 2003 Monitoring Event report dated September 2003. The report showed levels still exceeding Table C groundwater cleanup levels. DEC requested continued quarterly monitoring. Rich Sundet
4/15/2004 Update or Other Action On 4/15/04 Zidek of MWH discussed with Sundet his proposal to landspread the treated soil in the remaining stockpile on site as well as about 5 cubic yards of soil in the stockpile that still exceeded DRO cleanup levels. Rich Sundet
4/19/2004 Update or Other Action On 4/19/04, Sundet granted approval in response to Zidek's 4/15/04 email and conversation to landspread the stockpile existing at the property on site. Later in a letter to AmeriGas, Sundet followed-up the earlier granted approval as well as providing comments on MWH's "September 2003 Monitoring Event and Stockpile Assessment Report Final" dated January 2004. The CSP letter noted that groundwater still exceeded Table C cleanup levels and that the upcoming workplan for 2004-05 season also include the installation of the two monitoring wells that were not installed in 2003. Rich Sundet
6/22/2004 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway Approve workplan to install 2 new monitoring wells at the edge of the plume. Eric Henry
6/16/2005 Update or Other Action Proposed Corrective Action Workplan for Fiscal Year 2005 Approved this date by Eric Henry. Bill Petrik
10/4/2005 Update or Other Action Project manager changed from Eric Henry to Bill Petrik. Sarah Cunningham
10/17/2005 Update or Other Action GIS Position Update. Using Figure 1, Site Plan with Groundwater Analytical Results, from "Amerigas Propane, April/June 2004, Treatment Stockpile Landspreading and Monitoring Event Report, Final", March 2005 by MWH, improved the latitude, longitude (in both decimal degrees and degrees, minutes and seconds), legal description, and street address of the site. Coordinates were pinpointed using Figure 1, the Palmer-Wasilla Area Atlas, in conjunction with TopoZone Pro, 1:24K/25K Series USGS Topo Base Map, with Street Map Overlay, plotted on a Large Size Map at a scale of 1:24,000, NAD 83. Bill Petrik
10/19/2005 Update or Other Action File number reassigned to Palmer location code: 2245.26.015 (FKA L55.317). Aggie Blandford
10/28/2005 Update or Other Action Received letter from Lori Barnett dated 10/7/05 that the D.O.L. received a check for $1,861.47 for Cost Recovery. Bill Petrik
1/9/2006 Update or Other Action Reviewed MWH's report, "Amerigas Propane, September 2005 Monitoring Event Report, Final, December 2005." ADEC concurs with Section 5.0, Conclusions and Recommendations listed on page 5 of the subject report: "Ground water contamination associated with the areas beneath the site near monitoring wells MW-1, MW-2, and MW-3 remains at levels above the MCLs." The applicable MCLs for DRO, GRO, and BTEX are indicated in Table C of 18 AAC 75.345. Therefore, the department requests continued SVE operation and groundwater monitoring on the same schedule and conditions as outlined in the June 10, 2005, Proposed Corrective Action Work Plan for Fiscal Year 2005, Amerigas Propane by MWH, approved June 16, 2005 by ADEC. Bill Petrik
10/20/2006 Update or Other Action Received an electronic version of the MWH "Proposed Corrective Action Work Plan for Fiscal Year 2006, Amerigas Propane" dated 2/27/06. The file was delivered by Jerry Boyd of Environmental Partners, Inc. (EPI) of Seattle who are the new consultants replacing MWH during a meeting held this date. The work plan was never delivered to the department by MWH for review and approval and EPI went ahead and performed the tasks without program approval. Bill Petrik
10/27/2006 Update or Other Action The CSP received a copy of the MWH "December 2005 Monitoring Event Report Final" dated October 2006 from Environmental Partners Inc. Bill Petrik
4/23/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Completed the initial Exposure Tracking Model for the site. Bill Petrik
5/1/2007 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Finished reviewing the Environmental Partners Inc. (EPI) "Ground Water monitoring Report, October 2006" dated 3/30/07, received by the program on 4/5/07. MWs G-1 and G-2 continue to have GW MCL exceedances for GRO, and BTEX. MW G-1 continues to have GW MCL exceedance for DRO. Bill Petrik
5/2/2007 Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment A work plan for the next ground water sampling event was submitted to the CSP for review on 4/26/07. A letter was sent this date approving the work plan which called for performing a pump test(s) to evaluate local hydrology and the effects on site monitoring wells; evaluate and maintain soil vapor extraction (SVE) system; advance up to four soil borings in the vicinity of the former UST system to assess current soil concentrations via sampling and laboratory analysis; perform another Ground Water Monitoring event; and determine elevations of monitoring well casing tops. In addition, other comments, requests and conditions of the work plan included submittal of a Conceptual Site Model (CSM), a Laboratory Data Review Checklist, submit blind duplicate samples to the laboratory, request for documentation that qualified personnel are performing related work, address investigative derived waste, and a reminder of the department’s Cost Recovery Policy. Bill Petrik
9/2/2010 Update or Other Action The CSP sent a letter this date requesting that the responsible party (RP) supply a written update regarding the status of remedial activities at the contaminated site at this location. The CSP sent the RP a letter dated May 2, 2007 conditionally approving the Environmental Partners Inc. (EPI) untitled work plan for the subject site dated April 26, 2007. The CSP has no indication that any work was completed related to approval of this work plan. Bill Petrik
2/14/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC sent letter commenting on three Ground Water Monitoring Reports received December 8, 2011: Ground Water Monitoring Report June 2007, Ground Water Monitoring Report August 2008 and Ground Water Monitoring Report July 2009. The reports show that groundwater remains above applicable 18 AAC 75.345 cleanup levels for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene, gasoline range organics (GRO) and diesel range organics (DRO). ADEC wrote a letter requesting a written update regarding the status of remedial/monitoring activities at the contaminated site since 2009, a work plan for 2012 discussing continued monitoring activities and remediation that will be occurring at the site. Katrina Chambon
6/6/2012 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 77828 Four Former UST Locations, 2 Diesel, 2 Reg. Gas.. Katrina Chambon
6/11/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Review of Ground Water Monitoring Report December 2011, AmeriGas Propane, L.P. ADEC UST Facility #0101, dated May 28, 2012.The report noted that ground water sampling occurred on December 6 & 7, 2011. The report shows that:Ground water results from G-1 and G-2 are above 18 AAC 75.345 cleanup levels for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) (except for G-2 that did not exceed for xylene) and gasoline range organics (GRO). Ground water results from G-3 are above 18 AAC 75.345 clean up levels for benzene only. Benzene concentrations are above ground water cleanup level (GCL) of 0.005 mg/L to 0.45 mg/L. Toluene concentrations ranged from 2.7 mg/L to 23 mg/L, GCL is 10 mg/L. Ethylbenzene concentrations ranged from 1.2 mg/L to 4.3 mg/L; GCL is 0.7 mg/L. Xylene concentrations from G-1 23 mg/L; GCL is 10 mg/L. GRO concentrations ranged from 39 mg/L to 100 mg/L; GCL is 1.3 mg/L. Depth to groundwater was 20.01 feet below ground surface (bgs) to 49.69 feet bgs with a historical flow to the South. While contamination has generally been in a downward trend in the three monitoring wells that still have exceedances to 18 AAC 75.345 (i.e., G-1, G-2 and G-3) during the December 2011 sampling event benzene showed an increase in concentrations (G-1 and G-2) from the prior sampling event in July 2009. On this basis, DEC requests that a summer 2012 ground water sampling be conducted at the site. DEC also requests that a bailer not be used to collect groundwater samples. Katrina Chambon
7/3/2012 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Conditional Approval of Work Plan The work plan proposes: ground water sampling; determining field parameters; and sampling investigation derived waste. This work plan is approved with the following conditions: Complete copies of field notes need to be provided with the report. Please provide three (3) working days advance notice when planning to do work, to give us an opportunity to be on site to inspect. Katrina Chambon
5/14/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The Contaminated Sites Program (CSP), has completed its review of the subject report. The groundwater monitoring report was received at our Anchorage office by e-mail on April 29, 2013. The report presents the sampling results from the groundwater sampling that occurred on September 11, 2012. On September 11, 2012, seven groundwater samples and one duplicate were collected from monitoring wells G1 thru G-3 and G-9 thru G-12. Groundwater samples were analyzed for diesel range organics (DRO); gasoline range organics (GRO); and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX). Groundwater samples from G-1, G-2, and G-11 had constituents above their 18 AAC 75.345 Table C cleanup levels. Groundwater samples from the remaining wells did not exceed their 18 AAC 75.345 Table C cleanup levels. Groundwater flow was to the south, southeasterly direction with an average gradient of 0.1 foot/foot. DRO concentrations ranged from less than (<) 0.80 mg/L to 2.2 mg/L Concentrations that exceeded their cleanup levels are bolded below. Results from G-1: • GRO concentration of 100 mg/L and 1.6 mg/L (duplicate), cleanup level is 2.2 mg/L. • Benzene concentration of 0.45 mg/L, cleanup level is 0.005 mg/L. • Toluene concentration of 14 mg/L, cleanup level is 1.0 mg/L. • Ethylbenzene concentration of 3.8 mg/L, cleanup level is 0.7 mg/L. • Xylenes concentration of 23 mg/L, cleanup level is 10.0 mg/L. Results from G-2 are listed below: •DRO concentration of 2.2 mg/L, cleanup level is 1.5 mg/L. •Benzene concentration of 0.0098 mg/L and 0.018 mg/L (duplicate), cleanup level is 0.005 mg/L. Results from G-11 are listed below: •Benzene concentration of 0.037 m/L, cleanup level is 0.005 mg/L. CSP Requests CSP requests that a groundwater sampling event occurs in the summer of 2013. Please determine at the time of sampling the groundwater flow direction and gradient. CSP also suggests that you may want to discuss with your consultant the potential decommissioning of groundwater monitoring wells that have a history of no exceedances. Katrina Chambon
4/9/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Workplan proposes to collect representative groundwater samples from the following wells within the monitoring network: G-1, G-2, G-3, G-9, G-10, G-11, and G-12. The workplan also proposes to decommission off-Site monitoring wells G-5R, G-6R, and G-7R, which are located on the south side of Parks Highway in the Right-of-Way (ROW) of an access road. This workplan has been approved. Katrina Chambon
12/9/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The ADEC reviewed the September 2014 Groundwater Monitoring Report, dated December 4, 2014. Six groundwater monitoring wells (G-1, G-3, and G-9 through G-12) and the water supply well were sampled in September 2014. Monitoring Well G-1, which is the most contaminated well, exhibited a concentration of GRO at 38 mg/L, DRO at 4 mg/L, benzene at 0.31 mg/L, toluene at 1.9 mg/L, and ethylbenzene at 0.75 mg/L; all of which exceed the ADEC groundwater cleanup levels outlined in 18 AAC 75.345, Table C. The SVE system, which is connected to Wells G-1 through G-3, was shut down in June of 2012 and remains off. Except for Well G-1, the results of this event generally revealed an increase in contaminant concentrations. Joshua Barsis
8/4/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the April 2015 Groundwater Monitoring Report, dated July 31, 2015. Five groundwater monitoring wells (G-1, G-3, and G-10 through G-12) and the water supply well were sampled on April 28, 2015. Monitoring Well G-1, which is historically the most contaminated well, exhibited a concentration of GRO at 36 mg/L, DRO at 5 mg/L, benzene at 0.42 mg/L, toluene at 2.2 mg/L, and ethylbenzene at 0.77 mg/L; all of which exceed the ADEC groundwater cleanup levels outlined in 18 AAC 75.345, Table C. The SVE system, which is connected to Wells G-1 through G-3, was shut down in June of 2012 and remains off. Well G-10, which has not shown elevated contamination above groundwater cleanup levels since 2004, exhibited a concentration of 3.8 mg/L benzene and 8.4 mg/L GRO. In a letter dated, August 4, 2015 ADEC requested biannual groundwater monitoring in 2016 and 2017 at this site. Joshua Barsis
5/16/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the document titled Work Plan – 2016, dated May 12, 2016. Proposed activities consist of collecting water samples from seven groundwater monitoring wells (G-1 through G-3 and G-9 through G-12) and evaluating the onsite soil-vapor extraction system. ADEC conditionally approves this report. Work plan approved for 2016 and 2017 field seasons. Joshua Barsis
4/25/2018 Update or Other Action Letter sent on this day requesting the report, which is overdue, by June 1, 2018. The report should cover both the 2016 and 2017 season. Joshua Barsis
6/6/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed four separate groundwater monitoring reports for the AmeriGas Petrolane site, all of which were received on June 4, 2018. The individual reports received by ADEC are the: May 2016 Groundwater Monitoring Report, dated August 11, 2016; the October 2016 Groundwater Monitoring Report, dated December 26, 2016; the April 2017 Groundwater Monitoring Report, dated June 30, 2017; and the October 2017 Groundwater Monitoring Report, dated December 18, 2017. All reports documented the results of ongoing semi-annual groundwater monitoring activities for 9 wells (G-1 through G-3, G-9 through G-12, and NRG-1 and NRG-2) and the onsite drinking water well. Wells NRG-1 and NRG-2 are new monitoring well installed in 2017. Well G-2 is typically dry and was not sampled during the 2016 and 2017 events. Wells G-9 and G-12 are sporadically dry, and cannot always be sampled, although Well G-9 was sampled during October 2016 and 2017 events. Well G-12 was dry in May 2016 and could not be located during any other sampling events. It is likely that the well was destroyed during road construction projects. Well G-1 was not sampled in April 2017 because LNAPL was present in the well. Generally, results of the 2016 and 2017 sampling events indicate that continued groundwater monitoring and operation of the soil vapor extraction (SVE) system should occur in 2018. The reports suggests that several off-property sources may exist, such as the contamination near Wells G-1, G-9 and G-11. Although this may be the case, it is your responsibility to delineate the current extent of the plume and provide evidence for the referenced off-site sources. ADEC concurred with the report recommendations for continued groundwater monitoring, but also requested additional wells to determine the full extent of the groundwater plume boundary, specifically to the north, west and southwest, as well in the direction of the off-site sources adding to the contamination. Joshua Barsis
8/7/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the document titled Work Plan: 2018-2019, dated July 31, 2018. Proposed activities include operating the soil vapor extraction (SVE) system and collecting water samples from eight groundwater monitoring wells (G-1 through G-3 and G-9 through G-11, NVG-1 and NVG-2). The wells will be sampled in the fall of 2018, as well the spring and fall of 2019. Although requested by ADEC, additional wells are not planned in 2018 or 2019 at this site. Reference ADEC letter dated August 7, 2018. Joshua Barsis
2/13/2024 Workplan Requested A new workplan request was sent to the RP requesting additional groundwater monitoring wells as well as soil and vapor investigations and to monitor the existing wells to delineate soil and groundwater. Kris Dent

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