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Site Report: Former Mom and Pop's Grocery & Gas - Old Glenn

Site Name: Former Mom and Pop's Grocery & Gas - Old Glenn
Address: 2505 N. Old Glenn Highway, a.k.a. mile 46.5 Old Glenn Hwy, Palmer, AK 99645
File Number: 2245.26.012
Hazard ID: 22919
Status: Active
Staff: Bill O'Connell, 9072693057
Latitude: 61.608000
Longitude: -149.059600
Horizontal Datum:NAD83

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


North side of North Old Glenn Highway, one parcel west of North Robin Lane, ~1,000 feet east of bridge over Matanuska River. Mile 46.5 Old Glenn Highway. Distance from Mat River is ~ 200-250 ft. Former Fireside Lounge is across the highway from this former gas station and grocery store, now apparently abandoned. During tank tightness testing on February 26, 1993, underground storage tank was found to be unsecure. Repairs performed on March 5th, 1993. Field screening and sample collection conducted on March 8 and 9, 1993. Soil samples showed benzene up to 100 ppm, toluene up to 1,300 ppm, ethylbenzene up to 350 ppm, xylenes up to 2,200 ppm, and VPH up to 8,300 ppm. Free product was observed on the water table in an onsite monitoring well and within the excavation. The two 10,000 gallon UST's were removed on 9-8-94, and approximately 300 cubic yards of contaminated soil was excavated (stockpile remains onsite) and the excavation left open and remains open to date. No analytical samples collected and no investigation after tank removal in 1994. Free product was also reported to be found at ground surface nearby, although it is also possible that this sheen could have been from the iron-rich groundwater in this area. Former owner: Randall Frank (deceased), Current Owner: Kathleen Frank (now Kathy Stadem), Former Lessee: Shin J. Kang, Facility ID #2408.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
2/26/1993 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Emergency Response SC; RP emptied tanks of fuel. Former Staff
2/26/1993 Site Added to Database Former Staff
2/26/1993 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 77646 ADD; Former Staff
2/27/1993 Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment SA1R; :Action Date changed DB conversion 1/11/11. Former Staff
3/8/1993 Update or Other Action NOR; Former Staff
3/9/1993 Update or Other Action Date of sample collection reported April 1993 by Terrasat. MW1 was installed with a backhoe according to Terrasat's April 1993 report. Well placed in bottom of excavation 12.5' bgs. Samples were not collected from this monitoring well because free product was present. Well screened from 7.5 to 12.5 ft bgs. Water observed at 9 feet bgs. Soils were described as sandy gravel with cobbles up to 10 inches in diameter above and below an ~2ft peat layer beginning at 5 ft bgs. One and a half inches of product was observed in this well on March 12, 1993. Soil contaminant concentrations in the well excavation were up to 1500 mg/kg VPH, 3.4 mg/kg benzene, 120 mg/kg toluene, 45 mg/kg ethylbenzene, and 410 total xylenes. A soil sample collected near a pipe joint (this area was later excavated) contained 100 mg/kg benzene, 1300 mg/kg toluene, 350 mg/kg ethylbenzene, 2200 xylenes, and 8300 mg/kg VPH. Two small stockpiles were left in the southern corner of the property along the property line bordering the Old Glenn Highway near location of current MW2. These stockpiles were sampled and contained up to 28 mg/kg benzene, 270 mg/kg toluene, 66 mg/kg ethylbenzene, 410 mg/kg xylenes, and 1800 mg/kg VPH. Keather McLoone
4/1/1993 Update or Other Action Date of memo from Buell & Associates to Dan Young of Terrsat regarding site reconnaissance performed to evaluate the potential for contamination to impact habitat. One of the observations made was "a small, active seep of fresh product was observed near the midpoint of a newly opened unpaved road east of the site.......". Also along the northwest side of the property, the swale was reportedly connected to an open "lead" along the shoreline of the Matanuska River but no evidence of petroleum found in the iron-rich water. Keather McLoone
4/6/1993 Update or Other Action Date of letter from Terrasat to DEC regarding free product observations. In MW-1 - 3/8 inch with water at 9 ft bgs (3/9/93), 1.5 inches with water at 7.7 ft bgs (3/12/93), 4 inches with water at 6 ft bgs (4/2/93). This letter also states that Terrasat and DEC visited the site on 4/2/93 and a sheen was observed percolating out of the ground on a neighboring property (next to driveway). Keather McLoone
4/22/1993 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum LCAU; : LCAU date changed DB conversion. Former Staff
4/23/1993 Update or Other Action Letter from Terrasat providing additional information on their investigation. It was noted that free product may not have been observed in MW-1 because the top of the water table may be above the screened interval. MW3 was described as being under artesian conditions. Information includes well logs from 3 DW wells which suggest that there are additional, deeper aquifers (file includes notes that 2 of these were reported to have been abandoned. Keather McLoone
4/22/1994 Update or Other Action Letter from Terrastat mentioning installation of MW2 and MW3 as observation wells to help identify the lateral extent of contamination. Well logs are included which show these 2 wells were installed with a hollow stem auger on April 6 1993 about one month after MW1 was installed. MW2 boring included a sand with ~10 percent organic layer which was assocatiated with PID reading of >2500 ppm and soil layers below also indicated presence of hydrocarbons. GW observed at 7.5 ft, free product was observed, no sample collected, and bottom of casing at 10.5 ft bgs with 5 ft of screen. MW3 - no indications of hyrdrocarbons, GW observed at 7.5 ft bgs, bottom of well at 10 ft bgs with 5 ft of screen, water sample tested for BTEX and VPH with concentrations below our current Table C levels. Keather McLoone
5/24/1994 Update or Other Action CORR; Correspondence with an individual requesting info regarding this site. Former Staff
11/20/1997 Update or Other Action ADEC sends Notification of Intent to Cost Recover Letter to Current Owner: Randall D. Frank. Former Staff
12/15/1997 Update or Other Action Owner Randall D. Frank passed away. Trustee Larry Compton is taking lead with Chapter 11 plans. Will be replacing tanks and fixing all problems. Former Staff
8/9/2001 Update or Other Action Message left for Larry Compton to call back. Sharon Sadlon
8/21/2001 Update or Other Action File review indicates that Tanks were removed September 8-9, 1994. SA report by Shannon and Wilson (Curtis Conner) not in file. Message left for Larry Compton to call me. Requested SA report form Shannon & Wilson. Sharon Sadlon
8/23/2001 Update or Other Action Shannon & Wilson will send SA. Larry Compton said Chapter 11 complete- will fax pages concerning property (Fireside Building) transfer to me (1st Interstate Bank- secured creditor?). Sharon Sadlon
8/24/2001 Update or Other Action Received partial SA from Shannon & Wilson. Two 10,000-gallon unleaded gasoline USTs were removed in September 1994. No analytical sampling was conducted due to the presence of free product in onsite MW-2 (note by McLoone - this report appears to confuse MW1 AND MW2 in Previous Work section) and standing water in the bottom of the excavation (10 feet bgs). A 300 cubic yard long-term stockpile with slotted PVC pipe was left onsite on top of a lined, bermed area. Nutrients and a chimney fan on a riser pipe were also added. The stockpile was supposed to be sampled and removed prior to 1996. The excavation was left open. (The excavation remains open to this date.) Full report recieved 8/28. Sharon Sadlon
9/12/2001 Update or Other Action Message left for Larry Compton regarding 8/23 conversation when he said that he would send ADEC the Chapter 11 information regarding this property. Sharon Sadlon
8/1/2002 Update or Other Action Site transferred from Sadlon to Dreyer. Amanda Dreyer
4/20/2004 Update or Other Action Site transferred to Bush. Robert Weimer
3/7/2005 Update or Other Action The site assessment is not in the file and no subsequent information is available. Owner information will be updated as soon as I learn more. Lynne Bush
3/7/2005 Update or Other Action The new owner, as listed on his business permit, is Shin J. Kang, 6307 DeBarr Road, Suite D, Anchorage, Alaska, 99504. Lynne Bush
3/7/2005 Update or Other Action Letter sent to Shin J. Kang, the new owner of record, asking for an update of actions taken since the Department last contacted the business. Because the former owner, Randall Frank, is deceased and the details of the property trusteeship is unclear, the letter was directed to the current property owner. A written response is expected before the month's end. Lynne Bush
3/9/2005 Update or Other Action The former Mrs. Frank may still be the landowner, while Mr. Kang is a lessee. Her address is 1642 Lake Lucille Drive; Wasilla 99654-7926. Lynne Bush
3/23/2005 Update or Other Action File number issued 2245.26.012 Aggie Blandford
5/9/2006 Update or Other Action Project management transferred from Bush to Horwath. Aggie Blandford
5/25/2006 Update or Other Action Using the Site Map in the file, in conjunction with TopoZone Pro and the Mat-Su Borough Map, entered the coordinates for this site. Metadata includes USGS Topo Map 1:24K/25K, TopoZone Pro Street Maps, on a Medium Size Map, View Scale 1:24,000 Coordinate Datum NAD83. High degree of confidence in accuracy of location. Alyce Hughey
5/25/2006 Update or Other Action Project manager changed from Paul Horwath to Don Seagren, per Paul Horwath. Alyce Hughey
6/5/2006 Update or Other Action Completed review of file and search for current information on owner. Sent letter to owner of record requesting project status update. If nothing done since 94, a site assessment is required to determine current conditions. Additional corrective action work will be determined after reviewing report. Donald Seagren
6/13/2006 Update or Other Action Received a response to project status letter. Apparently there are 2 Kathleen M. Franks in Wasilla. The letter went to the wrong one. This will be researched further and the letter re-sent. Donald Seagren
8/14/2006 Update or Other Action Re-sent project status update request letter certified/return receipt. No response was received to the previous request letter sent. Donald Seagren
2/16/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Former Staff
5/14/2008 Update or Other Action Site transferred from Don Seagren to Anchorage to be reassigned. Alyce Hughey
10/13/2008 Update or Other Action Spoke with Kathy Stadem to let her know that ADEC was still wanting to follow up on this site. She may not have been contacted in the past due to her name change. Also spoke with MatSu borough tax office. They were going to take over the property due to unpaid taxes but will not because it is a contaminated site. Need to make a site visit to determine if there is still a stockpile onsite and to confirm that the excavation is still open and fenced. Keather McLoone
11/14/2008 Site Visit Site visit confirms that stockpile is still on site as well as fenced, open excavation. Raised area to the east of the building is a possible raised bed leach field. Monitoring well located behind building and one in front. The well in front is located between the site and the Matanuska River and smelled strongly of gasoline. Keather McLoone
12/30/2008 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter PRP letter sent to the owner on record. Keather McLoone
1/26/2009 Update or Other Action Another letter containing notification of cost recovery language. Keather McLoone
12/14/2009 Update or Other Action Receipt of signed Limited Right of Entry from adjacent property to the east. Keather McLoone
4/21/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Review of workplan for site characterization currently planned to begin on Monday May 24, 2010 in the right of way. Keather McLoone
5/19/2010 Site Visit Site visit to meet Hoefler to mark boring/monitoring well locations in preparation for work next week. Keather McLoone
5/25/2010 Site Visit Site visit to observe drilling, soil sampling, and monitoring well installation. 2 of 5 borings had indications of contamination with PID readings up to 2,900 ppm. Keather McLoone
8/5/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Receipt electronically via email of 2010 Site Characterization Report - Draft. Review included laboratory review checklists. This site characterization work was conducted in the right of way on both sides of the Old Glenn Highway due to the inability to gain site access. Five soil borings were advanced and each completed as a flush mounted monitoring well. Groundwater samples analyzed for GRO/DRO/RRO and BTEX and one sample for PAHs. During the drilling, 8 soil samples and one duplicate were collected and analyzed for GRO/DRO/RRO and BTEX and one sample for PAHs. A surface water sample was collected from the southwestern edge of the subject property and a domestic well survey and sampling conducted with 3 drinking water samples collected. There were no detectable results in the drinking water or surface water samples. Soil and groundwater contamination exists in MW4 (closest to the open excavation onsite) and groundwater contamination in MW5 on the adjacent property on the same side of the highway and to the south. PID results also suggest that soil contamination exists in MW-5. Keather McLoone
6/27/2011 Site Visit Site visit to observe current conditions at this location. Fence is still up, in spite of a recent report that it was not. Two shipping containers are currently parked at this site. Last summer there was a very large, old RV parked in same spot. Relocated all five monitoring wells installed in the right-of-way and all appear to be in reasonable condition based on visual observation made without opening the well. Keather McLoone
7/25/2014 Site Visit CSP performed site visit on this day. It appears that the fence surrounding the excavation is intact. CSP located all but one of the monitoring wells installed in the right-of-way. The other monitoring well (MW1) was likely intact, just covered. It should be noted that MW1 is incorrectly located on the 2010 report figure as being approximately 70 feet to the northwest of its actual location. The four wells located and installed in 2010 appeared to be in reasonable condition. Joshua Barsis
9/3/2014 Update or Other Action Monitoring Wells MW2 through MW5 were surveyed on this day. Survey data indicated that groundwater flow was generally southeast, with a east-southeast influence because of the site's proximity to the river. Joshua Barsis
9/16/2014 Update or Other Action Communication update from DOL as to status of PRP search. Linda Nuechterlein
10/13/2014 Public Notice Sent a notification letter to the RP. The letter stated that the extent of contamination remains undefined at this site, and data indicates that gasoline contamination is migrating off property. For these reasons, a Notice of Environmental Contamination (NEC) was recorded. Joshua Barsis
12/22/2015 Lien Recorded Two liens recorded. Joshua Barsis
12/23/2015 Update or Other Action Compliance letter sent this date. Work Plan due March 1, 2016. Joshua Barsis
6/16/2017 Update or Other Action Site approved for state-lead funding. ECAP drafted. Joshua Barsis
9/12/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the Site Characterization Work Plan, dated September 2017. Planned activities generally consist of sampling a stockpile, performing a water well survey, advancing soil borings, installing groundwater monitoring wells, collecting soil and groundwater samples, and managing investigation-derived waste (IDW). Joshua Barsis
6/20/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the Site Characterization Report, dated June 2018. Activities generally included: collecting screening and analytical samples from thirteen soil borings; collecting analytical samples from 7 newly installed groundwater monitoring wells and 5 existing wells; collecting samples from a former stockpile and subsequently using that pile as fill material for the open excavation onsite (now backfilled); completing a well survey; and completing a brief survey of drinking water wells in the area. It should be noted that several of the existing wells could not be sampled because they either lacked sufficient levels of water or could not be located. Groundwater flow direction was shown to be primarily southeast, but also southeast towards the river. Generally speaking, the results of this investigation confirmed that contamination is impacting groundwater onsite and offsite, in the DOT ROW as well the adjoining-west property. The extent of contamination has not yet been determined in the downgradient direction. Additionally, several contaminants exceed human health cleanup levels in the soil and Table C GCLs in the water. Joshua Barsis
2/12/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the DRAFT August and November 2018 Groundwater Monitoring Report, dated January 6, 2019. A total of 9 additional monitoring wells were installed and sampled (MW13 through MW21). Additional water samples were collected from Wells MW3, MW4, MW6, and MW8 through MW10 and MW12; and 4 nearby drinking water wells. Well MW11 could not be sampled because a truck was parked over top of the well. Results of the investigation fully delineated the gasoline plume in groundwater, which spans 3 properties and roughly 900 feet. Further monitoring will be completed in FY20. Final report received February 28, 2019. Joshua Barsis
4/1/2019 Brownfields Award Site approved for Brownfields funding from the Matanuska Susitna Borough's EPA Brownfields Areawide Assessment grant. Activities include a Hazardous Building Material assessment and Analysis of Brownfield Cleanup Alternatives. Lisa Griswold
7/10/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the Regulated Building Materials Survey Report, dated May 3, 2019 for the building on this site. The report detailed potentially hazardous building materials associated with the building. Brief summary of findings: Asbestos was not present; lead based paint was identified in exterior paint and on some doors; and PCBs were not detected. A planning document is currently being developed that will provide estimates on cost of building demolition. Joshua Barsis
1/13/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the document titled: Analysis of Brownfield Cleanup Alternatives, dated January 6, 2020. This document presents "a practical remedial alternative that would reduce contaminant exposure of regulated building materials to levels protective of human health and the environment, based on site-specific conditions, technical feasibility, and preliminary cost evaluations." Joshua Barsis
1/17/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the 2019 Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report, dated December 14, 2019. The report documents additional monitoring well installation and sampling. Groundwater samples were collected during May and September 2019. The results indicate a somewhat stable plume. Further monitoring is planned in the future. Joshua Barsis
7/8/2020 Site Characterization Workplan Approved A Weston workplan to conduct water sampling and install soil gas sampling ports to collect samples is approved. Lisa Krebs-Barsis
8/26/2020 Site Visit Site visit to observe soil gas sampling point installation. Difficulty installing soil gas probe using slide hammer due to compact fill and large gravel and cobbles. The inner casing of MW-6 had been partially pulled out of the ground and broken off, possibly by a snow plow last winter. Lisa Krebs-Barsis
4/22/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The 2021 Limited Site Characterization Report, submitted January 31, 2022, was reviewed. In August 2020, groundwater samples were collected from MW1, MW3, MW7, MW9, MW12, MW16, MW17, MW19, MW21, MW22, and a duplicate (MW12). No analytes exceeding the CUL were detected in MW3, MW9, MWS16, MW19, and MW22. Exceedances of one or more analytes were detected in the other wells sampled. Soil Gas samples were collected in four locations adjacent to structures on the four properties. One sample, collected adjacent to the autoshop on the property directly east of the Former Mom and Pops exceeded ADEC Target Levels for Commercial Indoor Air for benzene and residential levels for 1,2 Dichloropropane. In October 2021 groundwater samples were collected from MW1, MW3, MW7, MW9, MW12, MW16, MW17, MW19, MW21, MW22, and duplicate (MW19). No analytes exceeding the CUL were detected in MW3, MW9, MW16, MW19, and MW22. Exceedances of one or more analytes were detected in the other wells sampled. Soil Gas samples were collected in four locations adjacent to structures on the four properties. One sample, collected adjacent to the autoshop on the property directly east of the Former Mom and Pops exceeded ADEC Target Levels for Residential Indoor Air for benzene. Follow up soil gas sampling will take place in spring 2022. Lisa Krebs-Barsis
2/16/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Sent comments to Weston on the 2022 monitoring report submitted on January 20, 2023. Lisa Krebs-Barsis

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