Action Date |
Action |
Description |
DEC Staff |
6/30/2003 |
Site Added to Database |
Former Staff |
6/30/2003 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum |
30 cubic yards of marginally contaminated soil stockpiled. Slight sheen observed. No soil remains in the UST excavation that exceeds Method 2 cleanup levels. |
Amanda Dreyer |
6/30/2003 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum |
LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 77584 UST Removal (one 1,000 gallon diesel UST and system) and confirmation sampling, sheen was observed on groundwater |
Amanda Dreyer |
6/30/2003 |
Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment |
RI and site assessment take place during UST removal. |
Eric Henry |
6/30/2003 |
Release Investigation |
RI and site assessment take place during UST removal. |
Eric Henry |
12/31/2003 |
Update or Other Action |
RECKEY has automatically been generated. |
2/25/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
NFRAP letter dated 2/7/05 was drafted by Jim Frechione and sent to Alison Smith (Alaska Mental Health Trust Land Office in DNR) and she indicated that they are not willing to move forward with the treating of the stockpile at this time. NFRAP determination on hold pending treatment of the short-term stockpile. If the drinking water well on site is tested for DRO, GRO, and BTEX and is unaffected by the release closure may be considered. |
Eric Henry |
3/9/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
File number issued 2230.26.001, FKA L55.382. |
Aggie Blandford |
10/4/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
Project manager changed from Eric Henry to Bill Petrik. |
Sarah Cunningham |
12/21/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
Used TopoZone Pro in conjunction with site map to obtain coordinates. Used a Large Size Map at 1:50,000 Scale on a 1:24K/25K Series USGS Topo Map, NAD 83. Low to moderate degree of confidence in lat/long values. Updated Legal Description field from Mat-Su Borough data and Address fields. |
Bill Petrik |
12/22/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
Reranked site. Changed the Surface Water Exposure response from 4 to 5 which changed the value from 0.4 to 0. Changed the Environmental/Recreation Area response from 3 to 4 which changed the value from 2 to 0. Score changed from 14 to 10. Still a Medium Priority site. |
Bill Petrik |
12/19/2006 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
ETM Baseline Ranking completed 12/13/06
Groundwater and surface water pathways are concerns.
Soil samples ND for petrol analytes; however, only 2 were collected from walls of the excavation and none from the floor. No GW samples despite sheen on water in excavation, shallow water table and presence of a well (not currently in use) 50' from excavation. No Institutional Controls in place.
Sandy soil (low TOC) and close proximity to lake (<100 m) make migration of contaminants to surface water possible. |
Daniel Fremgen |
5/21/2010 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed a copy of the North Winds, Inc. “Underground Storage Tank Removal Corrective Action Report” dated August 2003 and received 8/19/03. The property originally contained a small maintenance facility and a residential structure constructed in the 1960s and operated by the FAA until the mid 1980s. The house is unoccupied but still standing on the property while the concrete pad is all that remains of the maintenance shop. The land was turned over to the ADNR Alaska Mental Health Trust Land Office (TLO) when the FAA ceased operations at the facility. In preparing the land for sale the TLO discovered three USTs on the property: two were reported unregulated heating oil USTs (500- and 1,000-gallon) and the third was a regulated 1,000-gallon diesel UST. The subject report only dealt with removal and assessment of the regulated tanks and not the two heating oil tanks. The UST was removed on 6/30/03. Approximately 200 gallons of liquid were removed from the 1,000-gallon UST and disposed of with Emerald Alaska, Inc. The site civil work, including soil excavation and tank removal, tank cleaning, and tank disposal at the Mat-Su Borough solid waste landfill, was performed by Done Rite Contracting. Site contamination was assumed to be from overfills based on observations of the removed UST indicating UST integrity and lack of corrosion. Soil staining was observed in the excavation directly underneath the tank and on the sidewall beneath the edge of the shop pad. No free product was observed in any portion of the excavation, but a slight sheen was observed on the water that filled the bottom of the excavation. After excavation of contaminated soils, two confirmation samples were collected from areas of the excavation with the greatest potential for contamination based on field observations prior to final excavation - the sidewall where the fill spout was formerly located midway between the excavation base (~16' bgs) and the ground surface, and the sidewall under the edge of the maintenance building pad (indeterminate depth). The excavation was lined with visquene, and then backfilled to grade, partially with the excavated soil deemed clean via PID screening plus clean imported fill. The two excavation samples were analyzed for GRO, DRO, RRO, and BTEX. All excavation sample analytical results were ND. Approximately 30 cubic yards of soil deemed contaminated was stockpiled on site. A composite sample of the stockpiled soil was collected approximately 10 days after the tank was removed and the sample analyzed for DRO and RRO only. The results were 752 mg/kg and 163 mg/kg, respectively. GW was ~10’ bgs at time of the UST removal. The report recommended that additional assessment of soil and GW be performed to provide a more complete evaluation of the extent of potential hydrocarbon impacts.
The ADEC was not notified by the owner prior to the UST removal per 18 AAC 78.085. |
Bill Petrik |
6/7/2010 |
Update or Other Action |
Reviewed a copy of the North Wind, Inc. "Removal of Two Heating Oil Underground Storage Tanks from Property on Hourglass Lake, ASP Number 10-03-123, Big Lake, Alaska" dated and received 8/14/03. The UST adjacent to the house had a storage capacity of 1,000 gallons and the UST located next to the shop slab possessed a capacity of 500 gallons. The 1,000-gallon tank was connected to the furnace in the house by a 1/2" diameter copper tube, confirming that the tank was used to store heating oil for the house. Although a similar connection was not found for the 500-gallon tank, it is reasonable to assume that it was also used to store heating oil for the shop. Because the USTs were used for heating oil purposes, they are not regulated under State of Alaska regulations for underground storage tanks (18 Alaska Administrative Code [AAC] 78). The report documented the removal and disposal of the two tanks. The two heating oil tanks (HOTs) were removed on 6/30/03 by North Wind and two subcontractors. Site work was supervised by a North Wind representative and site civil work, including soil excavation and tank removal, tank cleaning and tank disposal was performed by Done Rite Contracting (Done Rite). Approximately 100 gallons of liquid was removed from both tanks, transported off-site, and treated and disposed of by Emerald Alaska, Inc. After the USTs were removed, they were cut apart, crushed, and hauled to a Matanuska-Susitna Borough transfer station for disposal. The USTs appeared to be in good condition with no holes or corrosion present. During the removal, no evidence of a hydrocarbon release in the vicinity of the tanks was detected. The determination of the lack of POL contamination was made using visual, olfactory, and PID screening methods. No samples submitted for laboratory analysis.
No work Plan was submitted to the ADEC prior to completion of this work per 18 AAC 75.335(b).
Based on the information provided in this report and subsequent communications with North Winds, Inc., no further action will be required regarding the HOTs. |
Bill Petrik |
8/25/2010 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed a copy of the S&W "Release Investigation and Groundwater Sampling, Hourglass Lake, Lot 27, Near Houston, Alaska, Reckey No: 2003220018101" dated and received 8/24/10. |
Bill Petrik |
9/2/2010 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
The Contaminated Sites Program (CSP) sent a letter conditionally approving the Shannon & Wilson, Inc. "Release Investigation and Groundwater Sampling, Hourglass Lake, Lot 27, Near Houston, Alaska, Reckey No: 2003220018101" dated and received August 24, 2010. The responsible party of the site seeks Cleanup Complete without ICs. The work plan includes sampling the stockpile, drilling and sampling a boring adjacent to the former regulated UST excavation, installing a MW in the borehole, sampling the GW and an on-site drinking water well. The soil and GW samples are to be analyzed for DRO, BTEX, and PAHs. The CSP requested the on-site drinking water well sample be submitted for laboratory analysis using EPA Method 524.2. A request was made for submittal of a CSM, which has not yet been done for the site, with a subsequent summary report of the proposed work. |
Bill Petrik |
9/9/2010 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Spoke with Haydar Turker of S&W via telephone regarding clarification of some questions regarding the S&W work plan conditionally approved on 9/2/10. Exchanged emails regarding written clarification of the work plan. |
Bill Petrik |
2/25/2011 |
Update or Other Action |
Received the Shannon & Wilson, Inc. "Release Investigation and Groundwater Sampling" report dated 2/16/11. |
Bill Petrik |
4/18/2013 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Phone call from Mr. Victor Appolloni of the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority. Contaminated stockpile reportedly removed summer 2011. In a follow-up email, Mr. Appolloni provides photos showing the stockpile excavation on July 12, 2011 and scale tickets from Mat-Su Borough Solid Wastes Services showing approximately 29 tons of soil were disposed. |
Jacob Gano |
4/18/2013 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
Reviewed February 2011 "Release Investigation and Groundwater Sampling" report by Shannon & Wilson. In September 2010, S&W advanced a soil boring near the former diesel UST, installed a monitoring well, collected soil and groundwater samples, sampled the drinking water well, and sampled the 30 cubic yard stockpile. The DRO concentration in one soil sample collected from the boring at 9 to 11 feet bgs was 341 mg/kg, which exceeds the 18 AAC 75.341 Table 2 cleanup levels. The remaining boring soil sample results were less than the cleanup levels for BTEX, GRO, and PAHs. A sample was collected from the drill cuttings to characterize them for disposal. The results of the drill cutting sample was non-detect for VOCs. Two stockpile soil samples DRO results were 299 mg/kg and 292 mg/kg, respectively. The groundwater sample results were less than the cleanup level for GRO, DRO, BTEX, and PAHs. The drinking water sample results were less than the cleanup level for VOCs. |
Jacob Gano |
11/7/2013 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 77584 1,000 Gallon Diesel UST. |
Meghan Dooley |
11/21/2013 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC approved of the Monitoring Well Decommissioning Work Plan submitted November 19, 2013. |
Meghan Dooley |
11/27/2013 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC received the Monitoring Well Decommissioning Report. The well was decommissioned according to guidance. Teh well casing and screen was pulled from the ground and bentonite chips were added to within one foot of the surface. The remaining foot was filled with gravel. |
Meghan Dooley |
12/11/2013 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 77584 1,000 Gallon Diesel UST. |
Meghan Dooley |
12/17/2013 |
Cleanup Complete Determination Issued |
Corrective Action Complete determination issued. Residual soil contamination is de minimis and groundwater is not impacted. The monitoring well has been decomissioned. |
Meghan Dooley |