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Site Report: MarkAir - Kodiak (LUST)

Site Name: MarkAir - Kodiak (LUST)
Address: Kodiak Airport; , Kodiak, AK 99615
File Number: 2601.26.035
Hazard ID: 22973
Status: Cleanup Complete - Institutional Controls
Staff: IC Unit, 9074655229
Latitude: 57.755108
Longitude: -152.511736
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Last staff assigned was Horwath. Mark Greenough is the environmental coordinator for MarkAir (266-6745). Update, 1-28-09: This site is for Lots 2A & 3A Block 1300

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
6/8/1993 Site Added to Database Former Staff
6/8/1993 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 77840 ADD; Site Added Former Staff
6/9/1993 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum LCAU; Contaminated soil was excavated and stockpiled during the removal of a 500 gallon gasoline UST. No closure report was submitted and no estimate was made of the volume of contaminated soil stockpiled. : LCAU date changed DB conversion Former Staff
6/9/1993 Update or Other Action NOR; Tank tightness testing at the site in February and March of 1992 detected elevated concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbon vapors in soil at the site. The test results were forwarded to the regional office on February 12, 1993. A request for a release investigation was sent to MarkAir on June 9, 1993. Former Staff
11/20/1997 Update or Other Action ADEC sends Notification of Intent to Cost Recover Letter to Current Owner: MARKAIR, INC./William Barstow Bankruptcy Trustee Former Staff
12/8/2004 Update or Other Action File number 2601.26.035 assigned and entered into the Fileroom database and Leaking Underground Storage Tank database. Alyce Hughey
12/27/2004 Update or Other Action File transferred to Dave Pikul in Anchorage per Don Seagren. Alyce Hughey
5/1/2007 Update or Other Action The two former 10,000 – gallon USTs were removed from a common excavation in 1998, however confirmation samples collected from the bottom of the excavation indicated contaminated soil remained. In 1999, a series of excavations removed approximately 730 cubic yards of contaminated soil from the former tank area and piping run which was stockpiled at the Kodiak airport. Excavation was limited as it approached the property boundary with Andrew Airways. Confirmation soil samples collected from the bottom and sidewalls of the excavation contained DRO up 1,700 mg/kg and benzene up to 0.036 mg/kg in a sample collected along the property boundary. Groundwater was not encountered in the excavation. The excavation was lined along the sidewall where contamination remained. The two former 1,000-gallon USTs were removed from a common excavation in 1999. Approximately 600 cubic yards of contaminated soil was removed from the area around the tanks and stockpiled at the Kodiak airport. Confirmation samples collected from the bottom and sides of the excavation did not contain contaminants at concentrations above ADEC cleanup levels. Groundwater was not encountered in the excavation. Bill O'Connell
5/1/2007 Update or Other Action Continued from previous entry: The 500-gallon gasoline UST was removed in 1990, but no confirmation sample data was submitted to the ADEC. The former location of this tank is now under a concrete pad upon which was built an addition to the warehouse. In 1999, one soil boring was advanced at the former location of the tank. Samples were collected at 2.5, 5, and 10 feet below ground surface. Contaminants were not detected above ADEC cleanup levels. In 2004, eight test pits were excavated at Lots 2a and 3a. Ten soil samples were submitted from the eight test pits based on field screening results. DRO was detected at 1,750 mg/kg and benzene was detected at 0.0286 mg/kg in one test pit near the former 10,000-gallon USTs. In 2005, three soil borings were advanced near the former 10,000-gallon USTs to evaluate potential contaminant migration to groundwater. DRO was detected in soil at 3,280 mg/kg in one sample at 7.5 – 9.5 feet bgs. Three groundwater monitoring wells were installed and sampled on two occasions in 2005. Contaminants were not detected in groundwater above ADEC cleanup levels. In 2006, the contaminated soil stockpile was segregated and 15 soil samples were collected for analysis from the minus 2-inch fraction. One sample contained benzene at 0.0236 mg/kg; no other analytes were detected at concentrations above ADEC cleanup levels. The segregated soil was approved for use in grading roadways at the airport. Bill O'Connell
5/1/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Intitial Ranking Complete for Source Area: 77840 (Autogenerated Action)
5/1/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Updated Ranking Complete for Source Area: 77840 (Autogenerated Action)
5/2/2007 Institutional Control Record Established The conditional closure decision is subject to the following conditions: 1. A Notice of Environmental Contamination will be recorded on the ADEC database to document that there is residual contamination remaining on site above the most stringent ADEC cleanup levels; 2. Any proposal to transport soil off site requires ADEC approval in accordance with 18 AAC 78.274(b) 3. ADEC will decommission the three monitoring wells. Bill O'Connell
5/2/2007 Conditional Closure Approved The Department of Environmental Conservation, Contaminated Sites Program (ADEC) reviewed the environmental records associated with the former underground storage tanks (USTs) at the former Mark Air – Kodiak site. This site had been contaminated by the release of a hazardous substance; however, based on the information provided to date, ADEC has determined that no further remedial action is required, and that the Mark Air - Kodiak former USTs can be conditionally closed. Bill O'Connell
12/14/2011 Institutional Control Compliance Review IC review conducted and staff name changed from Bill O'Connell to IC Unit. Erik Norberg
6/23/2015 Institutional Control Compliance Review IC review conducted. There is an IC requirement that groundwater monitoring wells need to be decommissioned on this site. As far as we know this has not happened. This site is on a state-owned list of sites where monitoring wells need to be decommissioned. Check back in six months. Evonne Reese
3/23/2016 Institutional Control Compliance Review This site has been added to a list of state-owned sites that has groundwater monitoring wells that need to be decommissioned. Check back with state-owned sites project manager on the status in one year's time. Evonne Reese
3/4/2019 Institutional Control Update I verified with ADOT that there are currently no lessees on the property. It is current used for revetment barricades and sand/gravel storage by ADOT. An IC reminder letter should be issued in 2020 that also requests information about the monitoring wells and the decommissioning requirement. Evonne Reese
6/13/2022 Update or Other Action Updated location of site for CS Webmap. Janice Wiegers

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments
DRO > Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil
Benzene > Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil

Control Type

Type Details
CS Database Notation And Letter To Landowner/RP


Description Details
Advance approval required to transport soil or groundwater off-site.
Movement or use of contaminated material (including on site) in a manner that results in a violation of the water quality standards is prohibited (18 AAC 70)

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