Action Date |
Action |
Description |
DEC Staff |
8/17/1995 |
Update or Other Action |
(Old R:Base Action Code = RECN - Site Reconnaissance (CS)). Site reconnaissance. |
Kent Patrick-Riley |
11/9/1995 |
Site Added to Database |
Solvent and petroleum contamination. |
Kent Patrick-Riley |
11/28/1995 |
Site Ranked Using the AHRM |
Initial ranking. Score = 50. |
Kent Patrick-Riley |
12/21/1998 |
Interim Removal Action Approved |
Interim Removal Action Approved this date. |
Jeff Brownlee |
10/30/1999 |
Update or Other Action |
Test pit investigation during August 1999 discovered product below the water table over know plume area from the former Quartermaster gas station toward A-711. Planned IRA work suspended to rescope. |
Jeff Brownlee |
4/6/2000 |
Update or Other Action |
Interim Remedial Action Report November 1999. Groundwater was sampled in the existing monitoring wells. No levels over Table C were present in the three sentry wells at the southwest edge of the site. Free product still present in the plume center. Soil contamination was further characterized with test pits. Data gaps still present in soil to the west, groundwater to the southeast and west and the woodstave piping was not adequately investigated. |
Jeff Brownlee |
12/20/2000 |
Site Number Identifier Changed |
Workplan changed from 09 to X9 to reflect correct oversight program. |
Former Staff |
9/6/2001 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Staff participated in a meeting on the COE workplan to utilize material from the ADA as a subbase for a Department of Transportation (DOT) paving project in Kodiak. Representatives from the DOT, COE, their contractor, Jacobs Engineering and ADEC were at the meeting. Synthetic leachate testing of the raw material showed results close to or below the action level of 1.5 mg/L DRO and 1.1 RRO. Testing of the 4% asphalt/soil mix will be performed throughout the job with a higher frequency of testing during the test strip of road to ensure adequate performance. In the case of a leachate test failure, procedures were discussed for more detailed sampling, or removal of the material from use in the road. |
Jeff Brownlee |
9/17/2001 |
Update or Other Action |
Staff reviewed and commented on a draft Monitored Natural Attenuation (MNA) Evaluation for this site on Kodiak. Building A-711 has been used a vehicle maintenance facility for the DOT for a number of years. Heavy end petroleum contamination (Bunker C or FS-6) is present above and below the water table in an approximately four-foot smear zone. There is about 10-feet of clean overburden over most of the site. The impacted area is fairly large (about 200 x 300-feet and near the Buskin River. Sentry wells have detected very low concentrations of three or four PAHs. The combined concentrations are close to the surface water quality standard of 15 ug/L total aqueous hydrocarbons. Conditions for both aerobic and anaerobic bacterial growth was marginal to poor. The MNA evaluation concluded that attenuation would take on the order of several decades and should be considered only in conjunction with a more active remedial technology. |
Jeff Brownlee |
9/26/2001 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Staff participated in a comment resolution meeting with the COE, Coast Guard and EPA on a monitored natural attenuation (MNA) evaluation for this site. MNA was determined to not be a practical remediation technique for this site. Heavy end petroleum (bunker C or FS-6) has impacted an approximate 4-foot smear zone above and below the water table over a large area (about 60,000 square feet), with 9-11-feet of clean overburden. A feasibility study will need to be the next step in the process to determine the preferred alternative. |
Jeff Brownlee |
12/5/2002 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Staff participated in a scoping meeting for this site. The site has contamination over several thousand square feet in a smear zone extended about five-feet below the water table. The water table is believed to have been elevated because of extensive fill placement to expand a DOT gravel pad. Water is currently about 11-feet below grade. The contamination is thought to be FS-6, a heavy end fuel that was believed to be used in the former MA-6 UST for heating the building back in the 1950s and 1960s. The Buskin River is down gradient about 300-feet from the leading edge of the plume. The plume appears to be immobile. Just detectable PAHs have been inconsistently noted in one sentry well.
A natural attenuation investigation showed that attenuation is very slow. To attain cleanup levels would take well over 100 years. A feasibility study will be the next step in the process with a likely decision to do an eventual source removal excavation with monitoring in the mean time. Innovative technologies will be assessed in the FS, however with the Buskin River nearby, nothing that promotes contaminant mobilization can be used. |
Jeff Brownlee |
6/21/2004 |
Update or Other Action |
File number assigned and entered into the Fileroom DB and CS DB. |
Alyce Hughey |
8/19/2004 |
Update or Other Action |
Contaminated Sites staff performed site inspections at several formerly used defense sites on Kodiak Island. Building A-711 and the Fire Training Pit are currently being investigated and the preferred remedial remedy is being implemented at Drury Gulch. Non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) was found in a well at Building A-711 beyond the known plume boundary. NAPL was also noted in an open-hole boring downgradient of the Fire Training Pit toward the Buskin River. The work at Drury has been on hold temporarily while a data quality problem is worked out. The contract laboratory discovered that the lab method (Accelerated Solvent Extraction) for PCB analysis was biasing the results low so the majority of samples were rerun using a different method (sonification). The contractor is analyzing the data and planning a strategy to incorporate the new information |
Jeff Brownlee |
12/22/2004 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Contaminated Sites staff participated in a scoping meeting for Feasibility Studies at two Formerly Used Defense Sites in Kodiak, Alaska. The meeting was attended by the Corps of Engineers and their contractor, the U.S. Coast Guard and their contractor, the EPA and their contractor and the ADEC. The purpose of the meeting was to review data, results and conclusions from treatability studies at the Airport Staging Area Fire Training Pit and Building A-711. Both sites are near the Buskin River and have similar technical challenges. Both sites have large smear zones of primarily Diesel Range Organics above and below the water table. The treatability studies helped eliminate several technologies including Thermally Enhanced Soil Vapor Extraction, Solidification, Slurry Phase Biological Treatment and Bucket Augering. For the Feasibility Study we have retained Bioventing, Air Sparging, Chemical Oxidation, Open excavation with Thermal Desorption and Enhanced Bioremediation |
Jeff Brownlee |
1/12/2005 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Contaminated Sites staff participated in a meeting with the Coast Guard, EPA, Corps of Engineers and contractors to discuss remedial investigations at two Formerly Used Defense Sites on Kodiak. The Fire Training Pit and Building A-711 both have large contaminant masses at the smear zone and are near the Buskin River, a major salmon stream on the island. The 2004 remedial investigations at both sites filled in several data gaps. A list of remedial alternatives was discussed for inclusion in the upcoming Feasibility Studies. The cleanup team decided that a treatability study would be useful to gauge the biological response and area of influence to additives to supplement attenuation. The treatability study is planned for the summer of 2005 |
Jeff Brownlee |
6/17/2005 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Contaminated Sites staff participated in a public open house for Formerly Used Defense Sites on Kodiak Island. Staff also conducted several site inspections. Proposed Plans for the Little Navy Annex Site and the Cape Chiniak Site were introduced at the Kodiak Island Borough assembly meeting. The open house had a moderate amount of interest with several community members stopping by to discuss sites and pick up information. |
Jeff Brownlee |
8/30/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
Contaminated Sites staff participated in site inspections at several Formerly Used Defense Sites on Kodiak Island. The EPA and the Corps of Engineers contractor also participated in the inspections. Sites visited include Cape Chiniak, Long Island, Millers Field, Asphalt Disposal Area, Drury Gulch, Building A-711, and the Airport Staging Area |
Jeff Brownlee |
12/12/2005 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Contaminated Sites staff participated in a scoping meeting for Feasibility Studies at two Formerly Used Defense Sites in Kodiak, Alaska. The meeting was attended by the Corps of Engineers and their contractor, the U.S. Coast Guard and their contractor, the EPA and their contractor and the ADEC. The purpose of the meeting was to review data, results and conclusions from treatability studies at the Airport Staging Area Fire Training Pit and Building A-711. Both sites are near the Buskin River and have similar technical challenges. Both sites have large smear zones of primarily Diesel Range Organics above and below the water table. The treatability studies helped eliminate several technologies including Thermally Enhanced Soil Vapor Extraction, Solidification, Slurry Phase Biological Treatment and Bucket Augering. For the Feasibility Study we have retained Bioventing, Air Sparging, Chemical Oxidation, Open excavation with Thermal Desorption and Enhanced Bioremediation |
Jeff Brownlee |
1/19/2006 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Contaminated Sites staff participated in a Kodiak Island Borough Assembly meeting to discuss the recent documents available for the review and the field work the COE will be doing this summer in the island. The COE and DEC were interviewed on public radio to discuss the Kodiak projects and overall contaminated site cleanup process. There was also a public open house to give community members the opportunity to bring up concerns and ask questions in person. As typical for Kodiak turn out was light |
Jeff Brownlee |
3/2/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
Contaminated Sites staff reviewed a draft Feasibility Study (FS) for the Building A-711 Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS) on Kodiak Island. The FS was based on a Treatability Investigation (TI) that tested the site geologic and hydrogeologic characteristics for the application of a variety of remedial alternatives. The FS evaluated those technologies that were shown to be the most practical. However, the EPA and DEC agree that there were flaws in a couple of the remedial alternatives presented in the TI and that these should be reevaluated in the next version of the FS |
Jeff Brownlee |
4/20/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
CS staff reviewed a Treatability Study and Pilot Study Design work plan for the Former Fire Training Pit and Building A-711 Building Formerly Used Defense Sites in Kodiak. The remedial alternatives oxidation and biosparging will be tested for contaminant mass and concentration reduction. The oxidation test will be performed at Building A-711 using RegenOx as a reagent. The groundwater will be monitored to check for migration of contamination into the aquifer. The biosparging test at the Fire Training Pit is designed to be a full scale test using sixteen injection wells. If the test is successful the test array will be able to utilized for the long term remediation |
Jeff Brownlee |
5/10/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
Staff reviewed and commented on a pilot study for the A-711 FUDS site on Kodiak Island. A chemical oxidation test with RegenOx will be performed this summer. A test site in a known plume of primarily DRO contamination (10,000 - 12,000 mg/kg) will be injected with reagent at two different grid spacings. The reagent will be injected twice about one month apart. Confirmation soil samples will be collected to statistically compare contaminant reduction. Groundwater will be monitoring to check for partitioning of contaminants to the aquifer |
Jeff Brownlee |
5/24/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
Staff participated in site inspections with a Corps of Engineers Pacific Ocean Division representative on Kodiak Island. Several Formerly Used Defense sites were toured by helicopter including Burma Road, Long Island, Buskin Lake, Cape Chiniak Tracking Station and Little Navy Annex |
Jeff Brownlee |
6/1/2006 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Staff participated with the Corps of Engineers (COE) and their contractor in a public open house for the Formerly Used Defense Sites on Kodiak Island. We also attended the Kodiak Island Borough Assembly meeting. The COE gave a briefing on the work planned for this summer. The open house showed light interest which is normal for Kodiak. Staff also met with Coast Guard environmental personnel and inspected several sites on the Coast Guard Base |
Jeff Brownlee |
7/17/2006 |
Institutional Control Record Established |
Site included in the USCG Land Use Control Assurance Plan. |
Jeff Brownlee |
9/14/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
Contaminated Sites staff reviewed a Land Use Assurance Plan for Environmental Activities for the U.S. Coast Guard Base in Kodiak. The document outlines a plan to track institutional controls (ICs) at the various contaminated sites on base. There are currently about fifteen sites on base with institutional controls. The plan objective is for the Coast Guard Environmental Section to screen contractor and other activity such as above or below ground construction, well drilling, etc. against the sites listed in the plan. Work can then be tailored to meet any existing ICs |
Jeff Brownlee |
9/19/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
Staff participated in site inspections at several Formerly Used Defense Sites and Coast Guard sites at Kodiak. The EPA and Coast Guard also participated in the inspections. Remedial actions were being conducted at Drury Gulch, Airport Staging Area Fire Training Pit and Building A-711. The team spent a fair amount of time going over historic data with the contractor for the PCB cleanup at Drury Gulch. We also observed a test run of direct push sampling using a Geoprobe rig at the gulch for sampling data gap areas that were erroneously backfilled due to an extraction method error at the lab |
Jeff Brownlee |
2/21/2007 |
Update or Other Action |
Contaminated Sites staff reviewed a Pilot Study Report for the Building A-711 FUDS site on Kodiak. The test used a chemical oxygenate to attempt to break down petroleum hydrocarbons. Results indicated that the method won’t be acceptable at this site. Down gradient wells showed increases of benzene and some metals. The application was causing unacceptable increases of dissolved contaminants of concern (COCs). The total oxygen demand of the system was also greater than anticipated, so the volume of oxygenate to be injected that would treat the site to cleanup levels would be cost prohibitive |
Jeff Brownlee |
3/5/2007 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Contaminated Sites staff participated in an annual update meeting for the formerly used defense sites on Kodiak Island. The meeting was held in Seattle and attended by representatives for the Corps of Engineers (COE), Coast Guard, Environmental Protection Agency, and DEC. The agenda concentrated on three sites that are in active investigation or remediation, the Fire Training Pit, Building A-711 and the Drury Gulch Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) cleanup. The Fire Training Pit is in the beginning of a 16 month pilot study test using sparging to enhance natural biodegradation of the smear zone contamination. Building A-711 has completed a pilot study using an oxygen enhancer to attempt chemical oxidation of a fairly large heavy end petroleum plume. The pilot study showed that the total oxygen demand of the system was too large to overcome without being cost prohibitive. The oxidant was also show to mobilize lighter fraction hydrocarbons into the aquifer. The alternative option discussed were limited removal of the most impacted area. We will also revisit monitored natural attenuation as the plume is almost immobile. The majority of the meeting centered on the PCB cleanup at Drury Gulch. The team discussed the past work summary, estimated quantities in place, path forward to completion, storm water controls, and the use of the 95% upper confidence limit |
Jeff Brownlee |
4/3/2007 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Contaminated Sites staff participated in a scoping meeting for the Building A-711 Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS) on Kodiak Island. The Corps of Engineers, their contractor, the US Coast Guard, EPA and the DEC participated. There had been discussion between the decision of dig and haul and leaving the contamination in place with long-term monitoring. All parties are in agreement that we will proceed with a dig and haul cleanup. We discussed logistical problems of dewatering, discharge water treatment system, handling saturated material, and physical constraints of the site for moving and storing material |
Jeff Brownlee |
5/15/2007 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Contaminated Sites staff reviewed a work plan and participated in a scoping meeting for an interim removal action at the Building A-711 Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS) in Kodiak. The removal will target the most concentrated area of a plume of heavy end free product petroleum. The product is mostly below the water table, so the contractor plans to excavate below water with a clam shell bucket. Due to site and budget constraints the excavation area will be limited to about 16,000 square feet. Removed soil will be stacked next to the excavation to allow soils to drain back into the excavation for a couple days before being stockpiled. |
Jeff Brownlee |
6/14/2007 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Contaminated Sites staff participated in public meetings and site inspections for the Kodiak Formerly Used Defenses Sites (FUDS) on Kodiak Island. Three FUDS are active this summer including a continuing PCB removal at Drury Gulch, a below water smear zone excavation at Building A-711 and a biosparge pilot test at the Fire Training Pit. The Corps of Engineers and their contractor participated in a public open house and Kodiak Island Borough assembly meeting. Turnout was light for the open house, which is typical for Kodiak |
Jeff Brownlee |
11/2/2007 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Contaminated Sites staff participated in a Kodiak Island Borough Assembly meeting and public open house for the semiannual community update on the Formerly Used Defense Sites on Kodiak Island. The Corps of Engineers and their contractor also participated in the meetings. PCB impacted soil is continuing to be removed from Drury Gulch. About 860-tons of TSCA material and 1,500-tons of non-TSCA material have been removed this season with an estimated 700-tons remaining over cleanup levels. The diesel and residual range organic impacted soil removal has been completed at Building A-711. Approximately 16,000-tons of impacted soil was removed and stockpiled for future on island thermal remediation. The Airport Staging Area Fire Training Pit biosparging pilot study continues to operate with periodic groundwater and soil gas monitoring to evaluated performance. Interest was moderate at the open house with several people stopping by to discuss projects |
Jeff Brownlee |
3/26/2008 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Initial ranking with ETM completed. |
Jeff Brownlee |
4/2/2008 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Contaminated Sites staff participated in an update meeting for the Formerly Used Defense Sites on Kodiak Island. The Fire Training Pit, Drury Gulch, and Buskin Beach sites will be undergoing active remediation this summer. Environmental investigations will be performed at Building A-711, Buskin Beach and the Fire Training Pit. Proposed Plans are being produced this summer for Building A-711, Fire Training Pit, Asphalt Disposal Area and Buskin Beach and a closure report for an Underground Storage Tank cleanup at Bruhn Point. The spring open house and assembly meeting will be the end of May or early June |
Jeff Brownlee |
7/17/2008 |
Update or Other Action |
Contaminated Site staff reviewed and commented on a Proposed Plan for the Building A-711 FUDS on Kodiak Island. The site is proposed for Long-term Monitoring and ICs. The site has heavy end petroleum contamination below the water table over ingestion levels under ten plus feet of overburden. Monitoring will be designed to ensure the plume is steady state or shrinking |
Jeff Brownlee |
8/12/2008 |
Site Visit |
Contaminated Sites staff conducted site inspections with the EPA and Coast Guard at several Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) and Coast Guard sites on Kodiak Island. Field work had been done this season at Building A-711, Building A-141, Drury Gulch, Airport Staging Area, and the Site 3 Laundry. PCB and TCE soil removals have been completed at Drury Gulch and the contractor is working on the cap over the entire gulch and the drainage channel realignment. The biosparging pilot study at the Fire Training Pit is being evaluated and the cleanup team has decided to go back to the feasibility study and consider other remedial alternatives for the site |
Jeff Brownlee |
10/2/2008 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Contaminated Sites staff reviewed an after action report for the Building A-711 Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS) on Kodiak Island. Approximately 8,400-tons of soil contaminated with Diesel and Residual Range Organics (DRO, RRO) was excavated and disposed off island. The site has a large area of contamination with a thick smear zone above and below the water table. The removal action was designed to remove the worst of the contamination with the budget available, but there is still a sizable area above method two ingestion levels. About 14,000-gallons of free phase product and oily water were pumped onto the contaminated soil stockpiles to filter out the viscous product. The leachate was then collected and transported to the Coast Guard Liquid Oil Waste Processing system. Contamination detections in groundwater have been noted in sentry wells below Table C values. Monitoring is ongoing to determine if the plume is stable or moving down gradient which is toward the Buskin River. |
Jeff Brownlee |
1/22/2009 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Contaminated Sites staff participated with the Corps of Engineers in a Kodiak Island Borough Assembly meeting and a public open house to discuss Formerly Used Defense Sites on Kodiak Island. An update was provided on sites currently being worked on including Drury Gulch, Buskin Beach, Airport Staging Area, and Building A-711 |
Jeff Brownlee |
3/19/2009 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Contaminated Sites staff participated in an annual scoping meeting with the Corps of Engineers, EPA and Coast Guard for the Kodiak FUDS projects. Agenda items included review of the 2008 field season, and planned investigations and remedial actions at Building A-711, Airport Staging Area and various Coast Guard Sites including the Lube Pits, Building A-141, Buskin Beach, and the Asphalt Disposal Area |
Jeff Brownlee |
5/20/2010 |
Site Visit |
Contaminated sites staff conducted site visits and meetings for several Kodiak FUDS including Building A-711, Drury Gulch, Airport Staging Area, and Buskin Beach. Staff conducted an extensive site walk of Drury Gulch which experienced significant erosion and sedimentation onto the cap as a result of a 100-year storm event during which 8 inches of rain fell on Kodiak Island within 24 hours. The USACE is conducting long term monitoring at both Drury Gulch and Building A-711. Groundwater sampling was conducted at A-711 during the week of this site visit. Sediment will be sampled from the cap surface, outside the fenced area, and in the lower drainage areas of Drury Gulch later this summer. Extensive erosion control, reseeding, and sediment removal is also planned later in 2010. The Airport Staging Area is also being scheduled for a round of groundwater monitoring for October 2010. The site visit was attended by USACE, ADEC, and contracted FES personnel. A meeting was conducted on May 21 with USCG environmental management staff at the Kodiak Base Support Unit to discuss the status of visited sites with emphasis on the storm water drainage issues resulting from Drury Gulch. |
Curtis Dunkin |
9/13/2010 |
Update or Other Action |
Contaminated sites staff reviewed and approved the May 2010 (QTR.1) Building A-711 Quarterly Monitoring Report. The groundwater monitoring activities are part of an ongoing remedial effort to evaluate the potential migration of non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPL). Laboratory analyses of groundwater samples indicated no analytes exceeding ADEC Table C allowable units. However, it was discovered that one monitoring well (last sampled in 2007 from which results indicated it was clean)contained NAPL and was not sampled during this event (along w/ the three other wells which previously were identified to contain NAPL).
The next monitoring event is scheduled for the week of Sept. 20, 2010 and will include the installation of four new monitoring wells.
Curtis Dunkin |
9/22/2010 |
Site Visit |
During an annual site prioritization meeting on Kodiak with representatives from the EPA, USCG, USACE, and ADEC, contaminated sites staff conducted site visits at the following Kodiak FUDS: Drury Gulch/Site 18, Building A711, Airport Staging Area, Former Navy Landfill/Red Lake Site 2, Buskin Beach, and the Site 9 AvGas Tank Farm. |
Curtis Dunkin |
3/29/2018 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC reviewed the draft 2017 USCG Monitoring Well Decommissioning Report and submitted comments to the US Coast Guard. ADEC participated in responses to comments resolution of the report, as well as technical planning and coordination meetings between project team delivery team representatives from the USCG, USACE, and EPA to evaluate the site status and path forward with regard to ongoing potential impacts to site conditions resulting from recent changes to land use activities. |
Curtis Dunkin |
8/28/2018 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC received a Current Conditions Inspection Report from the Army Corps of Engineers that was dated August, 2018 for the site inspection and conditions evaluation that was conduced by USACE in October, 2017. Primary objectives included establishing the status of the monitoring well network and evaluating site conditions and land use activities. |
Curtis Dunkin |
9/25/2018 |
Site Visit |
ADEC's project manager for the Kodiak Army Navy FUDS traveled to Kodiak, AK and participated in two days of annual planning meetings and site inspections with project delivery team representatives from the Army Corps of Engineers, USCG, and Environmental Protection Agency. |
Curtis Dunkin |
3/13/2019 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
ADEC participated in a project prioritization and technical planning meeting with stakeholder representatives from the USCG, USACE, EPA, and their respective contracted technical support teams for the ongoing development and implementation of the 2019 Kodiak FUDS projects. |
Curtis Dunkin |
4/1/2019 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC completed its review of the draft 2019 Building A-711 Data Gap Remedial Investigation and Historical Data Compilation Work Plan and submitted comments to the Army Corps of Engineers. ADEC's review and comments on the draft RI work plan were also conducted in conjunction with its review of the 2017 Current Conditions Inspection Report (dated August, 2018) that was conducted internally by USACE. |
Curtis Dunkin |
4/3/2019 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC reviewed the draft 2019 APL Fuel Spill Investigation and Cleanup Work Plan and submitted comments to the ADEC-Spill and Response program who is conducting the lead oversight for the cleanup. |
Curtis Dunkin |
5/20/2019 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC participated in a resolution project delivery team meeting with representatives from USACE, EPA, and the USCG for the draft 2019 Data Compilation and Supplemental RI Work Plan. |
Curtis Dunkin |
5/22/2019 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC completed its review of responses to comments from the Army Corps of Engineers for the draft 2019 Data Compilation and Supplemental RI Work Plan. ADEC submitted its review determinations along with approvals to finalize the work plan document in conjunction with resolved comments from the May 20, 2019 resolution meeting. |
Curtis Dunkin |
8/20/2019 |
Site Visit |
ADEC traveled to Kodiak, AK to participate in two days of annual project delivery team meetings and conduct site inspections with representatives from EPA, USACE, USCG, and their respective technical contract support. |
Curtis Dunkin |
1/29/2020 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC reviewed the draft 2020 Pre-construction Geotech. and Environmental Sampling and Analysis Plan for the Buskin waterline construction project and submitted comments to the USCG. |
Curtis Dunkin |
3/4/2020 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC reviewed the focused site investigation results of the Buskin River conducted in 2019 by NOAA along with their draft work plan to conduct demolition and cleanup of a dilapidated bridge of unknown origin that spans the outflow creek located downgradient of the Buskin River. ADEC submitted review determinations, comments, and tentative approvals to NOAA and the US Coast Guard. |
Curtis Dunkin |
3/16/2020 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC reviewed the draft 2020 Navy Landfill Remedial Investigation Addendum and Monitoring Report and submitted comments to the US Army Corps of Engineers. This effort also included site reconnaissance, visual inspection, and monitoring well inventories associated with Buskin Beach Building A-141, USCG Landfill-Site 1, and Building A-711. |
Curtis Dunkin |
3/31/2020 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC participated in a technical planning teleconference with project delivery team members from the US Environmental Protection Agency-RCRA, US Army Corps of Engineers Civil Division, and the US Coast Guard and their respective contracted technical support and field implementation teams to plan and discuss the development and site management requirements for the prospective draft 2020 Buskin River USCG Waterline Construction project. |
Curtis Dunkin |
4/3/2020 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC reviewed the draft 2020 Temporary Water Use Authorization Permit and the draft 2020 Dewatering Permit (Notice of Intent and Best Management Practices), in support of the US Coast Guard's planned Buskin River Waterline Construction project, and submitted comments to SOA Dept. of Natural Resources and the SOA Dept. of Environmental Conservation - Div. of Water respectively. |
Curtis Dunkin |
4/15/2020 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
ADEC participated in a technical planning and project prioritization meeting via web/teleconference with project delivery team representatives from the US Army Corps of Engineers, US Environmental Protection Agency RCRA, and the US Coast Guard. |
Curtis Dunkin |
4/23/2020 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC Contaminated Sites received and reviewed the responses to comments for the draft 2019 APL Fuel Spill Investigation and Cleanup Work Plan and submitted determinations to the ADEC-Spill and Response program which is conducting the lead oversight for the cleanup. ADEC participated in several technical planning and spill response coordination meetings during the months of March-May, 2019 with representatives from the USCG, EPA, and USACE. |
Curtis Dunkin |
6/4/2020 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC reviewed the draft 2020 USCG Buskin Waterline Construction Environmental Management Plan and submitted comments to the USCG and project delivery team representatives. |
Curtis Dunkin |
6/12/2020 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC received and reviewed responses to comments and revised redline draft final documents from the US Coast Guard for the draft 2020 USCG Buskin Waterline Construction Environmental Management Plan. ADEC submitted review determinations and approval to the USCG and project delivery team representatives to finalize the documents and to implement the work plan in the field. |
Curtis Dunkin |
7/16/2020 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC reviewed the draft 2020 Historical Data Compilation and Data Gap Investigation Report and submitted review comments to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. |
Curtis Dunkin |
8/12/2020 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
ADEC participated in an annual planning meeting with representatives from the Army Corps of Engineers, the US Coast Guard, and the Environmental Protection Agency for the purpose of providing respective status updates on the site action prioritization and project implementation schedules for all six Kodiak Army Navy Formerly Used Defense Sites. |
Curtis Dunkin |
8/20/2020 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC reviewed the draft 2020 Monitoring Well Decommissioning and Replacement Work Plan and submitted comments to the USCG and its contracted technical support. ADEC participated in multiple rounds of additional comment submittals and comment resolution with representatives from the USCG, Army Corps of Engineers, EPA, and respective contracted technical support, and submitted final approval to the USCG to finalize the document and implement the work plan in the field. |
Curtis Dunkin |
8/31/2020 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC reviewed the responses to comments from the Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) for the draft 2019-20 Historical Data Compilation and Data Gap Investigation Report. ADEC submitted a summary of its review determinations, acceptance of responses to comments, and approval to finalize the report to USACE. |
Curtis Dunkin |
4/9/2021 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC reviewed the revised redline draft documents and additional responses to comments for the draft 2019 Building A-711 Data Gap Investigation Report and submitted approval to the Army Corps of Engineers to finalize the report. |
Curtis Dunkin |
7/28/2021 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC reviewed the draft 2021 Base Kodiak Monitoring Well Decommissioning Work Plan and submitted comments to the USCG. |
Curtis Dunkin |
8/4/2021 |
Site Visit |
ADEC participated in annual project delivery team meetings for the Kodiak Army/Navy Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) at the USCG Base Kodiak with representatives from the Army Corps of Engineers, USCG, EPA, and their respective contracted technical support representatives, and conducted site visits and inspections of the active FUDS on Base Kodiak. |
Curtis Dunkin |
1/28/2022 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC reviewed the responses to comments and the redline revised draft final 2022 Monitoring Well Decommissioning Work Plan and submitted review determinations and approvals to the USCG to finalize the document and and implement the work plan in the field. |
Curtis Dunkin |
3/14/2022 |
CERCLA Proposed Plan |
ADEC reviewed the draft 2021 Proposed Plan and submitted review comments to the Army Corps of Engineers. |
Curtis Dunkin |
4/22/2022 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC reviewed the draft January 2021 Buskin Waterline Replacement Phase II Project Report and submitted comments to the USCG. |
Curtis Dunkin |
5/20/2022 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC reviewed the draft 2022 Building A-711 Data Gap Investigation Work Plan and submitted comments to the Army Corps of Engineers. |
Curtis Dunkin |
6/21/2022 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC reviewed the responses to comments for the draft 2022 Data Gap Site Investigation Work Plan and submitted review determinations and additional comments to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. |
Curtis Dunkin |
8/16/2022 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC received and completed review of the final 2022 Building A-711 Data Gap Investigation Work Plan and QAPP and submitted a final approval letter to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. |
Curtis Dunkin |
10/10/2022 |
CERCLA Proposed Plan |
ADEC reviewed the responses to comments along with a revised draft version of the draft 2021 Building A-711 Proposed Plan and submitted review determinations and additional comments to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. |
Curtis Dunkin |
10/21/2022 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC reviewed responses to comments and the revised final 2022 USCG Kodiak Buskin Waterline Phase II After Action Report and submitted review determinations to the U.S. Coast Guard. |
Curtis Dunkin |
10/25/2022 |
Site Visit |
DEC participated in the project delivery team meetings and site visits on Kodiak with USACE, USCG and EPA on October 25 & 26, 2022. The USCG Navy Landfill/Red Lk. Site 2, USCG Airport Staging Area, USCG Kodiak Drury Gulch Site 18, USCG Site 09 Avgas Tank Farm, and USCG MA6 DOT Building A-711 were visited to assess current conditions, land use controls in place, and feasibility of additional characterization (when needed) given terrain. |
Melinda Brunner |
11/7/2022 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC reviewed the final 2022 USCG Kodiak Buskin Waterline Phase II Project After Action Report and submitted a final approval letter to the U.S. Coast Guard. |
Curtis Dunkin |
6/26/2024 |
ADEC reviewed the draft 2024 Base USCG Kodiak PFAS Preliminary Assessment (PA) Report and submitted comments to the U.S. Coast Guard. The draft PA effort evaluated both confirmed as well as potential historical AFFF use and/or release locations across the contiguous USCG Base Kodiak as well as other adjacent USCG properties. The report also ranked the inventory of sites and proposed future actions and investigation efforts. |
Curtis Dunkin |
7/29/2024 |
Site Visit |
ADEC staff conducted three days of comprehensive site visits and inspections during the week of July 29, 2024 at the respective Kodiak Navy/Army and other Formerly Used Defense Sites on Kodiak in conjunction with participating in the annual Project Delivery Team Planning meeting with stakeholders from ADEC, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Coast Guard, and the Natives of Kodiak, Inc. |
Curtis Dunkin |
8/26/2024 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
ADEC staff participated in 3 days of annual project delivery team planning and prioritization meetings in Seattle, WA at the EPA Region 10 Headquarters with stakeholders from the U.S. Coast Guard, EPA-RCRA, and ADEC. |
Curtis Dunkin |