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Site Report: NSB Kaktovik Tank Farm Terminal

Site Name: NSB Kaktovik Tank Farm Terminal
Address: North of Town, Near Airstrip, Kaktovik, AK 99747
File Number: 350.38.005
Hazard ID: 2307
Status: Active
Staff: Laura Jacobs, 9074512911
Latitude: 70.132158
Longitude: -143.618185
Horizontal Datum:NAD83

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


For NSB Kaktovik Tank Farm Terminal - Petroleum contaminated gravel and tundra was encountered north of the fenced NSB Kaktovik Tank Farm Terminal in 1993. Gravel covers most of the area around the facility with a small amount of tundra and surface water along the perimeter. The tank farm was upgraded in 1994. USAF investigated the area north and west of the NSB tank farm in 2003, 2004, and 2006. This area was the location of a USAF 1980s above ground aviation fuel pipeline spill known as the JP-4 spill (more information can be found in file 350.38.001 Barter Island DEW – JP-4 Spill). For NSB Kaktovik Tank Farm - Benzene, TAH and TAqH sampling results exceeded criteria in surface water next to culvert from tank farm. Sample locations were just outside the Tank Farm fence on the northwest corner of the property. Sampling of soil in the surrounding area did not find levels that could cause the surface water exceedances. The NSB Kaktovik Tank Farm consisted of a fuel header and pipeline connected to two large vertical above ground storage tanks (ASTs) and two smaller horizontal ASTs within secondary containment. January 2016 information is that the NSB also owns the two large vertical tanks directly south and this group of six tanks is operated by KIC. The NSB Kaktovik Tank Farm Terminal consisted of four horizontal tanks and one larger, former, horizontal tank that was located directly south of the four vertical tanks. There are two large vertical tanks currently shown (late 2014) on satellite imagery that exist in between the two aforementioned tank farm sites. Air Force document labels these as NSB tanks also. This site also includes Spill no. 16399921101. Spill date = 7/29/16; substance = diesel; quantity = unknown; source = tear in secondary containment liner. Description: While performing a cleanup of an overfill release of ~5,0000 gallons of diesel into the secondary containment of the North Slope Borough Kaktovik tank farm, a tear was discovered in the liner of the secondary containment. It is believed the tear occurred during installation of the liner or when maintenance was performed. The extent of contamination is unknown but it is believed to extend underneath the liner of the tank farm. Over the course of the cleanup of the overfill release other small punctures in the liner were discovered. No cleanup actions were performed because the tank farm is active - tank farm contains tanks holding diesel and gasoline. Samples were collected and analyzed for GRO, RRO, DRO and PAHs. Results indicated elevated levels of diesel.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
3/8/1994 Site Characterization Report Approved Woodward-Clyde Consultants submitted the Final Site Characterization Report Kaktovik, Alaska dated February 14, 1994. The area investigated north of the TF included a small gravel pad that connects the TF to the gravel road and the area surrounding Building 2002. Thirty surface soil samples field screened and 12 shallow boreholes indicated two areas of concern: An area of gravel pad adjacent to Building 2002 and an area of tundra along the pipelines leading into the TF. Six analytical soil samples collected 0 to 18 inches bgs contained DRO up to 630 mg/kg. Cindy Thomas
4/18/1994 Site Added to Database DRO. File # 350.38.005, Kaktovik Tank Farm. Benzene, former file # 350.38.010 - added to the database originally on 4/24/2006 (edits by McLoone) Ben Thomas
6/20/1994 Update or Other Action Staff sent PRP-CS Database Notification Letter to RP requesting update and more environmental information concerning contaminated site. RP received letter, but no response yet. (Old R:Base Action Code = RPL2 - Site Information Request Letter). Jeff Peterson
8/15/2003 Update or Other Action On this date, S&W investigated the TF and terminal. During the investigation, surface water sheening, soil stains, and decaying vegetation were noted in the area near the terminal piping leading into the tank farm. Surface water sheening was also noted to the west and east of the tank farm draining toward Kaktovik Lagoon. Four analytical soil samples and a surface water sample collected from areas of potential surface contamination in the vicinity of the tank farm and the terminal did not contain petroleum constituents above ADEC cleanup levels. (McLoone edit) - this effort is reported in a document entitled Contaminated Sites File Review, North Slope Borough Properties, Kaktovik dated June 2006. Grant Lidren
6/15/2004 Update or Other Action Surface water samples collected just NW of the tank farm in 2003 and again in 2004 contained benzene up 14.3 ug/L, TAH up to 266.37 ug/L, and TAqH up to 279.85 ug/L. USAF investigated this area as part of aviation pipeline spill. More information can be found in file 350.38.001 Barter Island DEW – JP-4 Spill (SS021). (McLoone edit) - document reporting included in this file also and entitled United States Air Force, Barter Island Long Range Radar Station, Installation Restoration Program, Decision Document for JP-4 spill dated August 2006. Grant Lidren
12/1/2005 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other December 2005 document prepared by HCG under Air Force Environmental Restoration Program entitled USFWS Tank Area Site Investigation. Location of USFWS tanks is just west of the NSB Tank Farm and Tank Farm Terminal area, on the other side of Barter Avenue. Keather McLoone
5/18/2006 Update or Other Action NSB Kaktovik Tank Farm (originally 350.38.010) - Reviewed the Kaktovik NSB Tank Farm Oil Discharge and Prevention and Contingency Plan. Tank Farm is regulated. Tanks were upgraded in 1994; no reported spills outside secondary containment. Careful review of aerial photograph shows site to be located next to the entrance gate. Site is enclosed by gravel roads and pads. Action originally entered by Oelkers. Keather McLoone
7/8/2006 Update or Other Action Shannon & Wilson submitted a brief site assessment for full characterization dated July 2006. Two surface water samples collected north and west of the tank farm contained DRO up to 1.35 mg/L. BTEX was not detected. Shannon Oelkers
8/7/2006 Update or Other Action Shannon & Wilson conducted brief site assessment - did not sample. Characterized site as part of tank farm facility, and contaminated from minor spills and overfills. Shannon Oelkers
8/11/2006 Update or Other Action NSB Kaktovik Tank Farm (originally 350.38.010) - Airforce staff, during survey of area, discovered contamination at survey monument located at NW corner of tank farm, adjacent to culvert and entrance gate. Samples from site are being analyzed. Action originally entered by Oelkers. Keather McLoone
8/11/2006 Update or Other Action USAF investigated the area north and west of the NSB tank farm in 2003, 2004, and 2006. This area was the location of a USAF 1980s above ground aviation fuel pipeline spill known as the JP-4 spill. The spill occurred along the western edge of the NSB tank farm 10 feet upgradient of the NSB tank farm culvert. Surface water samples collected northwest corner of the gravel pad next to the culvert in 2003 and again in 2004 contained benzene up to 14.3 ug/L, TAH up to 266.37 ug/L, and TAqH up to 279.85 ug/L. Soil and surface water samples collected just outside the fence of the NSB tank farm to the west and north did not contain petroleum constituents above ADEC cleanup levels. In 2006, the USAF encountered contamination at the northwest corner of the gravel pad near the culvert of NSB tank farm adjacent to the entrance gate. The hole contained contamination evident by a petroleum odor and sheening. More information can be found in file 350.38.001 Barter Island DEW – JP-4 Spill (SS021). ADEC issued a Cleanup Complete determination for the JP-4 pipeline spill in 2006. Grant Lidren
8/21/2006 Update or Other Action ADEC staff issued a Compliance Inspection Report to the NSB regarding the Kaktovik Tank Farm. Among the 11 items listed for correction were improper use of secondary containment while filling fuel truck, and inoperation of pipelines to school and other buildings, increasing the use of the fuel truck to deliver fuel. Spills and overfills from improper fueling could be source of contamination at this site. (McLoone edit) - this action was also entered for 350.38.010. Shannon Oelkers
7/26/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held ADEC staff met with the NSB and their consultant to review open status village files and to propose responses to the ADEC's request for further information and characterization at this site. Bill O'Connell
9/21/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking completed Grant Lidren
10/24/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting today with NSB and their consultant. There is additional information pertaining to this site in a report that has not yet been submitted to ADEC. Bill O'Connell
5/6/2008 Update or Other Action Meeting with NSB and their consultant. File Number 350.38.010 for NSB Kaktovik Tank Farm combined with this site as they are located physically at the same location. Bill O'Connell
1/27/2010 Update or Other Action Reviewed documents produced for USFWS and AFCEE. Contamination from the USFWS tanks is not likely impacting SW NW of the tank farm. An evaluation of the contribution of contaminatnts from the NSB tank farm has yet to be conducted. Bill O'Connell
12/8/2011 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting today with NSB to discuss proposed 2012 activites at the tank farm terminal. Investigate summer 2012. Bill O'Connell
11/14/2012 Meeting or Teleconference Held O'Connell met with NSB to discuss site status and potential future activities at the site. Project effort to be completed in conjunction with NSB Kaktovik KIC pad. Keather McLoone
1/6/2016 Update or Other Action Conversation on this date with PPR regarding a release to secondary containment at this location that had occurred in October 2015 and the followup effort that is planned for summer of 2016. Keather McLoone
1/6/2016 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 73285 fuel header. Keather McLoone
1/10/2017 Spill Transferred from Prevention Preparedness and Response Program Spill transferred by PPR staff Jessica Starsman. Spill no. 16399921101; spill date = 7/29/16; substance = diesel; quantity = unknown; source = tear in secondary containment liner. Description: While performing a cleanup of an overfill release of ~5,0000 gallons of diesel into the secondary containment of the North Slope Borough Kaktovik tank farm, a tear was discovered in the liner of the secondary containment. It is believed the tear occurred during installation of the liner or when maintenance was performed. The extent of contamination is unknown but it is believed to extend underneath the liner of the tank farm. Over the course of the cleanup of the overfill release other small punctures in the liner were discovered. No cleanup actions were performed because the tank farm is active - tank farm contains tanks holding diesel and gasoline. Samples were collected and analyzed for GRO, RRO, DRO and PAHs. Results indicated elevated levels of diesel. Mitzi Read
1/17/2017 Update or Other Action Letter sent to NSB on this day detailing the current status/progress of 22 active contaminated sites, including this site. Joshua Barsis
6/8/2017 Update or Other Action Spill number 16399921101 was being cleaned up in 2017. A report should be submitted by December 2017 detailing the effort. Following submittal of the cleanup report, ADEC will send another letter detailing the remaining data gaps at this site. Joshua Barsis
11/20/2017 Update or Other Action Letter sent on this day as a follow up to the last version of this letter, dated January 17, 2017, and as a follow up to a meeting with NSB on November 17, 2017. This letter details the current status/progress of 23 active contaminated sites, including this site. Joshua Barsis
11/16/2018 Update or Other Action Letter sent on this day as a follow up to the last version of this letter, dated November 20, 2017, and at the request of the North Slope Borough (NSB). This letter details the current progress of 24 active contaminated sites, including this site. Joshua Barsis
2/19/2020 Enforcement Action Notice of Violation issued to NSB on February 18, 2020. See file for more information. Joshua Barsis
6/29/2022 Enforcement Agreement or Order A compliance order by consent (COBC) was signed by the North Slope Borough and ADEC Division of SPAR. The COBC identifies corrective actions that the NSB will take to manage cleanup waste and characterize and remediate contaminated sites and spills. Lisa Krebs-Barsis
9/20/2023 Site Visit DEC Staff A. Carlson and S. Joyce (PPR) conducted site visit in conjunction with NSB environmental representative on September 14, and 15, 2023. The site was inspected for waste and for compliance with the COBC. Andrea Carlson

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