Site Report: Dale's Auto
Site Name: | Dale's Auto |
Address: | 1345 North Old Glenn Highway, Palmer, AK 99645 |
File Number: | 2245.26.031 |
Hazard ID: | 23132 |
Status: | Cleanup Complete |
Staff: | No Longer Assigned, 9074655229 |
Latitude: | 61.593782 |
Longitude: | -149.039669 |
Horizontal Datum: | NAD83 |
We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.
Tanks: 1 (6,000 gallon gas) ,2 (2,000 gallon gas), and 3 (2000 gallon diesel) were decomissioned and removed June 2008. Nine soil samples were taken, but field duplicates were not. GRO and BTEX samples not preserved with methanol until six days after collection. Benzene was detected at 0.096 mg/kg, above cleanup levels.
Action Information
Action Date | Action | Description | DEC Staff |
8/28/2008 | Site Added to Database | Former Staff | |
8/28/2008 | Exposure Tracking Model Ranking | Intial Ranking Completed | Grant Lidren |
8/28/2008 | Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum | LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 78109 (Added by System) | Mitzi Read |
9/17/2008 | Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter | DEC has determined that Fisher Fuel Inc. is a potential responsible party for known soil contamination at Dales Auto that was identified in a Chemtrack's August 2008 report. DEC's cleanup process requires that responsible parties hire qualified people to evaluate the risks posed to human health and the environment from petroleum spills. Fisher fuel was requested to hire a consultant to prepare a release investigation or cleanup work plan by November 30, 2008 for review and approval by DEC. | Todd Blessing |
10/15/2008 | Site Characterization Workplan Approved | DEC staff has completed a review of ChemTrack’s “Fisher Fuel/Dales Auto Corrective Action Plan”, dated October 2008. ChemTrack proposed to do the following: 1. Excavate and remove petroleum contaminated soil from the former UST array where previous sampling documented elevated levels of benzene remaining in place. 2. Collect confirmation soil samples based on field screening results to be analyzed for GRO and BTEX. 3. Transport contaminated soil in soil containers from the subject site to the Emerald Remediation Facility in Palmer for treatment and disposal. 4. Backfill excavated areas with clean fill to regrade the contaminated area. 5. Provide a project report that includes a description of project activities, sample locations, daily reports, sketches of fuel dispenser piping, and validated analytical data packages. DEC approved of the subject work plan in a letter dated October 15, 2008 with the following modifications: 1. ChemTrack will conduct the cleanup efforts in accordance with CSP’s November 7, 2002 Underground Storage Tank Procedures Manual. 2. Duplicate soil samples will be collected at a frequency of 1 per 10 samples. 3. ChemTrack will certify the quality of the analytical data by completing CSP’s data review checklist. 4. ChemTrack will deliver a final report to CSP within 60 days following completion of field work. 5. ChemTrack will prepare a conceptual site model and provide the results in the final report in accordance with CSP’s November 2005 Guidance. 6. ChemTrack will notify CSP at least two days prior to commencement of field work to allow CSP staff to inspect work activities. | Todd Blessing |
12/20/2011 | Update or Other Action | DEC staff discussed the status of the October 2008 approved corrective action plan with Chuck Ronan of ChemTrack. Chuck informed staff that this work was completed and that a report was issued to DEC. Staff requested Mr. Ronan re-sumit the report for our review since the report was not found in the administrative file. | Todd Blessing |
12/22/2011 | Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum | Administrative action addition for grant reporting purposes. | Evonne Reese |
1/3/2012 | Update or Other Action | DEC staff reviewed analytical data provided by ChemTrack on December 29, 2011. Staff responded to ChemTrack in an email dated 1/3/2012 requesting they produce a report in accordance with DEC's September 2009 Site Characterization Work Plan and Reporting Guidance for Investigation of Contaminated Sites. The report at a minimum should include: • A discussion of the field activities including when sampling and excavation occured, who was on-site, amounts of soil excavated , assessment of the quality and representativeness of the laboratory data, and placement and/or treatment of excavated soil. • Field notes of sampling and excavation activities. • Figures that denote sample locations and areas excavated. The figure should include a scale so that areas and volumes on the figure can be measured. • Completed laboratory data review checklists for each laboratory data deliverable. | Todd Blessing |
4/24/2012 | Cleanup Complete Determination Issued | Todd Blessing |
Contaminant Information
Name | Level Description | Media | Comments |
Benzene | < Method 2 Most Stringent | Soil |
Control Type
Type | Details |
No ICs Required |
Description | Details |
Advance approval required to transport soil or groundwater off-site. |
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