Action Date |
Action |
Description |
DEC Staff |
8/11/1987 |
Site Added to Database |
Former Staff |
8/11/1987 |
Site Visit |
FI; Ron Klein of DEC performed site visit after DEC received a report of gasoline contaminated soils adjacent to Tesoro Station @ 66th and Lake Otis. |
Former Staff |
8/11/1987 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum |
LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 77822 ADD; |
Former Staff |
8/12/1987 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum |
LCAU; :LCAU Date changed DB conversion |
Former Staff |
10/26/1987 |
Release Investigation |
SI; Lake Otis Tesoro Gasoline Station, Fuel Spill Assessment Report, October 26, 1987 by America North Incorporated: Results indicate contaminant plume is located in immediate vicinity of station by soil probes. |
Former Staff |
9/26/1988 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway |
RAPR; Lake Otis Station Contamination Assessment Work Plan, September 29, 1988 by America North Incorporated |
Former Staff |
12/30/1988 |
Release Investigation |
SI; Lake Otis Station Contamination Assessment Report, December 30, 1988 by America North Incorporated. DEC requested further work. Second report with same name dated March 20, 1989. |
Former Staff |
5/5/1989 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway |
RAPR; Lake Otis Station Remedial Action Plan, May 5, 1989 by America North, Inc. Intention to: 1) on-site aeration of 1500 to 2000 cubic yards of contaminated soil, 2) monitor groundwater on quarterly basis, 3) |
Former Staff |
6/27/1989 |
Long Term Monitoring Established |
MS; Monthly progress report for June, June 27, 1989 by America North Inc.; GW monitoring results of 5/25/89; sampling 8/31/89; report of quarterly monitoring 11/16/89 |
Former Staff |
10/8/1989 |
Update or Other Action |
F; Installation of in-situ vapor extraction system, October 8, 1989 by America North Inc. |
Former Staff |
12/31/1990 |
Update or Other Action |
Groundwater monitoring occurs between 1988 and 1990. Monitorng does not occur between 1991 and 1996. |
Rich Sundet |
11/20/1995 |
Update or Other Action |
CAPR; Reviewed conceptual plan. Asked for more details. |
Former Staff |
12/5/1995 |
Update or Other Action |
CAPR; Reviewed a corrective action plan. |
Former Staff |
1/22/1996 |
Update or Other Action |
CAPR; Reviewed another corrective action plan. |
Former Staff |
2/23/1996 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway |
CAPA; Visited site. Discussed CAP. |
Former Staff |
4/3/1996 |
Release Investigation |
SA2A; Visited site. Reviewed plan and determined it to be insufficient. |
Former Staff |
7/15/1997 |
Update or Other Action |
On 7/15/1997, DEC requested further site investigation and corrective action upon review of Tellus' submittal dated 7/1997 that outlines three potential remediation options for the site. DEC's letter noted that Petro Products needs to review and select one of the remedial options then submit a workplan to implement that selected option. |
Rich Sundet |
7/23/1997 |
Update or Other Action |
On 7/23/1997, DEC commented on Tellus' submittal dated 7/22/1997 that proposed airs sparging and an SVE system. DEC noted that boring data indicated that the soils did not show that soils were too tight to preclude movement of air in the subsurface soils but this was contradicted by two pilot tests performed by Tellus. There, DEC requested further information why these proposed systems would work at the site |
Rich Sundet |
7/29/1997 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On 7/29/1997, DEC commented on Tellus' 7/19/1997 letter outlining three correction action options for the site. DEC noted that it appeared that the best option was site demolition and soil excation. In its letter, DEC requested a socpoe of work and cost estimate for this option including the possibility to stockpile some of the contaminated soil on site. DEC's letter also noted that it was almost certain that the State could not toally fund this project with current year grant monies. |
Rich Sundet |
11/20/1997 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC sends Notification of Intent to Cost Recover Letter to Current Owner: JEFF PETROVICH, PETRO PRODUCTS C |
Former Staff |
12/10/1997 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway |
Request for revised Corrective Action Plan |
Former Staff |
12/31/1997 |
Update or Other Action |
Petro removes 3 replacement UST systems near the former gasoline station but no contamination detected (per Tellus' 12/24/2004 timeline). |
Rich Sundet |
11/1/1999 |
Update or Other Action |
Request For CAP Revision |
Daniel Rogers |
6/28/2001 |
Update or Other Action |
Reminder letter asking for WP BNLT 8/17/01. |
Lynne Bush |
8/17/2001 |
Update or Other Action |
Reply overdue |
Lynne Bush |
12/21/2001 |
Update or Other Action |
Site Transferred Bush to Sundet |
Lynne Bush |
5/18/2003 |
Update or Other Action |
Letter received from John Barnett of Board of Storage Tank Assistance in support of request by Petro Products to combine the site at Facility 129 with the site at Facility 1421 for purposes of using available grant funds (Grant #15142132) for corrective action on both sites, as the two sites are on a contiguous property. |
Scott Pexton |
8/24/2004 |
Update or Other Action |
Letter sent to Lon Olson, General Manager of Petro Products, requesting draft corrective action plan. Site transferred from Pexton to Rish Sundet. See also related site associated with Facility 1421. |
Scott Pexton |
9/14/2004 |
Update or Other Action |
Letter sent to Lon Olson regarding two submittals received on 9/10/04 from Tellus, Ltd. 1) Soil Disposal Report for 1,698.3 tons of petroleum contaminated soil thermally treated at ASR in 2003 2) table of historical groundwater data at the site.
The Tellus submittal noted that further information will be submitted in the near future.
DEC requested clarification on some potential missing information in the table. |
Rich Sundet |
10/4/2004 |
Update or Other Action |
After review of Tellus' 9/24/04 dated "Corrective Action Plan" CSP issued a letter of non objection to Petro Products implementing the plan for annual GW monitoring and excavate cont. soil at the northern and southern key card tank sites at the Petro Product Office site. DEC requested clarification on what further cleanup is to be proposed for the former Renner Gas N Save site that the plan did not address and where levels remain above Method 2. |
Rich Sundet |
2/8/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
In response to Anchor Petroleum's 1/28/05 request for information on this site in lieu of potentially purchasing the property, DEC issued a letter on 2/8/05 that described the environmental issues at this site as well as liability concerns upon purchasing a contaminated site. |
Rich Sundet |
2/11/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
n 2/11/05, DEC issued a letter to Petro Products providing them information what DEC expects in future groundwater monitoring reports including the report for the 5/05 event. DEC also informed Petro of its cost recovery procedures and limiited immunity because it has received Storage Tank Program grant money in the past. |
Rich Sundet |
8/12/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
On 8/12/05, Sundet and Tostevin met with Shoreshide Petroleum representatives including Kurt Lindsey and Lon Olson to discuss the two Petro contaminated sites and what DEC would request in a PPA and further action at the two sites. |
Rich Sundet |
8/22/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
On 8/22/05, DEC provided comments to Petro Products regarding Tellus' 5/05 groundwater report that included requesting another monitor well west of P14, and followup to its 8/12/05 meeting with Lon Olson of Petro and Shoreside Petroleum representatives for a possible prospective purchaser agreement. The 5/05 GW data showed that benzene was as high as 776 ug/L at P4A, DRO up to 2.5 mg/L at P14, and benzene above Table C levels at P10, but benzene decreased to below Table C levels at WP1 near the North Fork of Campbell Creek. |
Rich Sundet |
12/6/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
On 12/6/05, CSP approved Tellus' 12/4/05 workplan to install MW P16. CSP also requested a CSM and that the report for the September 2005 groundwater sampling event could be delayed to include MW P16 work activities, i.e., within 60 days of completion of field work for MW P16. |
Rich Sundet |
5/19/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
On 5/19/06, CS responded to Tellus' 4/19/06 report of its groundwater monitoring event in fall 2005. CS noted that while generally benzene levels continue to decrease at the site, benzene is still several orders of magitude higher than its Table C cleanup levels such as MW P4A with 218.0 ug/L detected (Table C level is 5.0 ug/L). CS requested that a workplan be submitted for semi-annual groundwater monitoring, sampling for TAH and TAqH in the adjacent North Fork of Little Campbell Creek, an evaluation to address the remaining contamination at the site, an evaluation to address whether indoor or outdoor vapors pose a risk at the site, and submit a conceptual site model for the site. The workplan was requested to be submitted by May 30, 2006 and the remainder of the requested information by June 16, 2006. |
Rich Sundet |
8/30/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
In letters to Lon Olson and Jeff Petrovich, DEC informed both on 8/30/06 that it had not received a response to its 5/19/06 letter requesting a workplan, evalulations and CSMs. DEC requested a workplan and the other documents by 9/18/06 and informed them that there were penalties imposed by the COBC for failure to meet deadlines established by DEC and that limited immunitty from cost recovery exists for past recipients of the FAP only if those recipients of the FAP are undertaking good faith actions to cleanup their sites. The letter to Petrovich was returned and resent on 9/7/06. |
Rich Sundet |
9/12/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
On 9/12/06, CSP responded to Petro's legal counsel's Erik LeRoy's letter to Breck Tostevin that noted that Petro could not meet the 9/18/06 deadline and requested that the deadline be delayed to 10/16/06. CSP granted that extension request. |
Rich Sundet |
10/11/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
CSP conditionally approved of Tellus' workplan for a fall groundwater sampling event and sampling in the adjacent North Fork of Little Cambell Creek. The plan had been received by facsimile on 10/10/06. The workpaln had been originally requested in DEC's 5/19/06 letter and for a spring and fall 2006 monitoring events. |
Rich Sundet |
1/12/2007 |
Update or Other Action |
On 1/12/07, CSP provided comments regarding Tellus' 1/3/07 one page proposal for apparently further cleanup/monitoring work at the site. CSP noted that it was unable to fully evaluate it because little text was included that describes the proposed work. It appeared to CSP that the proposal was in response to CSP's 5/19, 8/30 and 9/12/06 request for an evaluation for further work at the site. CSP noted in its letter that it hopes that the $191,000 placed in the Trust Account will significantly reduce the risk posed to human health and the environment. CSP requested in its letter that a CSM be provided along with an evaluation for further work at the site and an evaluation on vapors be submitted, which all had been requested previously. The evaluation for further work needs to describe the cleanup objectives and how the plan will accomplish those objectives and within what timeline. Based upon the evaluations, a workplan would need to be submitted prior to further work at the site for CSP's approval. |
Rich Sundet |
4/18/2007 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Ranked site with ETM. |
Rich Sundet |
8/23/2007 |
Update or Other Action |
Reviewed Tellus 8/22/07 proposals to abandon 5 MWs on site and to sample 10 MWs and well points at the Tesoro Petro site. Provided comments to Tellus via email. |
Rich Sundet |
11/6/2007 |
Update or Other Action |
On 11/6/07, DEC approved of Tellus' bill of $16,585.00 for the 9/07 groundwater sampling event and report as part of the agreement for DEC and counsel for Petro Products to co-sign bills related to cleanup of the site. Monies will be debited from an earlier agreed escrow from the sale of Petro Products property on the northern portion of the property (Petro Products Office LUST site) to Shoreside Petroleum. |
Rich Sundet |
5/15/2008 |
Update or Other Action |
On 5/15/08, DEC responded to Tellus, Ltd.’s "Corrective Action Plan" dated 1/30/2008. The plan proposed the following five tasks:
1. Decommission monitoring wells on Lot 2, i.e., MWs P8, P9, P14, P15, and P16;
2. Excavate an area approximately 75 ft. by 30 ft. between monitor wells (MW) P4A and P10 and P6A, and transport off site for thermal remediation the excavated contaminated soil, backfill with clean material the excavation, and survey the area;
3. Possibly dewater up to 5,000 gallons, and treat and dispose of off site impacted groundwater;
4. Install MW P4C to replace MW P4A which will be removed, and install up to one more monitoring well (apparently MWP17);and,
5. Perform a groundwater sampling event, i.e., sample MWs P2A, P3, P4c, P5, P6A, P10, WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4, and one apparently new well P17.
DEC informed Petro that it did not approve the subject Tellus plan because it did not consider the proposal as a cost effective use of the Trust funds and because the proposed plan is incomplete and lacks a Conceptual Site Model. |
Rich Sundet |
2/13/2009 |
Update or Other Action |
On 2/13/09, CS provided comments regarding BGES's workplan to further delineate the soil and groundwater contamination at the site. BGES submitted the plan on behalf of James Cazort of Pinnacle Construction a potential purchaser of the property. The plan proposed to advance up to 15 borings and complete several as monitoring wells. |
Rich Sundet |
3/18/2009 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
On 3/18/09, DEC conditionally approved of BGES' revised plan dated 2/27/09. Earlier on 2/13/09, CS provided comments regarding BGES's workplan to further delineate the soil and groundwater contamination at the site. BGES submitted the plan on behalf of James Cazort of Pinnacle Construction a potential purchaser of the property. The plan proposed to advance up to 15 borings and complete several as monitoring wells. |
Rich Sundet |
6/10/2009 |
Update or Other Action |
On 6/10/09, DEC issued letters to James Cazort of Pinnacle Construction, Inc. and Erik LeRoy counsel for Petro Products that it agreend with certain account providsions contained in the Purchase and Sale Agreement between Pinnacle and Petro Products that was executed on 12/5/008. Under the agreement, Pinnacle accepted all of Petro's obligations under the 1988 COBC the State has with Petro.
DEC's letter also stated:
1) ADEC acknowledges and agrees that, pursuant to the Purchase Agreement, Petro Products, Inc.’s interest in the Joint Petro Products/DEC escrow account at Wells Fargo Bank (“Remediation Escrow”) created by the Escrow Agreement Between the State of Alaska and Petro Products, Inc, dated December 12, 2006 will be transferred to the Purchaser, Take Two, LLC.
2) ADEC acknowledges and agrees that the balance of the Remediation Escrow at Wells Fargo Bank may be transferred to a new escrow account established at First National Bank Alaska.
3) ADEC agrees that following completion of all clean up and monitoring at the Site, any moneys in the Remediation Escrow account not utilized by Purchaser and/or ADEC for remediation of the property will be released in full to the Purchaser.
4) ADEC agrees that pursuant to the Indemnity Escrow Agreement created by the Purchase Agreement that any moneys in the Indemnity Escrow Agreement not utilized by Purchaser and/or the ADEC for remediation of the Site will be released in full to Seller.
Rich Sundet |
6/29/2009 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
On 6/29/09, CSP approved of BGES's report "Take Two LLC 6501 Lake Otis Parkway Anchorage, Alaska Site Characterization and Groundwater Monitoring report" dated April 2009. DEC received the report via e-mail from BGES on June 11, 2009. The report summarizes work activities performed in conjunction with its work plan conditionally approved by DEC on March 18, 2009.
The report notes that six “secondary” borings were advanced on the periphery of where elevated contaminated had been previously detected (SB-BGES-01 through 06); nine “primary” borings were advanced in the area where elevated contamination had been detected (SB-BGES 07 through 15); SB-BGES-04 was advanced to below a “confining” soil lens to about 37.5 ft. below ground surface (bgs) where another “confining” lens was encountered; boring SB-BGES-01 was completed as monitor well (MW) NW-1; soil samples were collected based on field screening and at the groundwater interface for petroleum constituents; groundwater monitoring wells were surveyed; and groundwater samples were collected in seven preselected existing monitor wells, two existing well points, and NW-1 (well points WP-2 and WP-3 were not sampled because they were frozen).
The report's data showed that generally, soil and groundwater samples showed a somewhat decline in petroleum concentrations since these media were last sampled in 2003/2004 and September 2007, respectively. The soil borings (“secondary” borings) on the periphery of the former 2003 excavation by the former Renner’s gasoline station showed that the horizontal extent of the contamination was fairly delineated in 2003. The soil borings from the “primary” borings showed that the contamination remains in specific areas in high concentrations that exceed 18 AAC 75.345 cleanup levels for GRO and BTEX constituents, including for benzene that exceeded ingestion and outdoor inhalation cleanup levels such as at SB-BGES-14 where a sample collected at 7.5-10 ft. bgs detected 84.8 mg/kg benzene. SB-BGES-14 was close to a location where 57.5 mg/kg benzene was detected during the 2003 excavation.
Samples were requested in DEC’s approval letter to be collected at one “primary” soil sampling location, one “secondary” soil sampling location, and at one “primary” monitoring well if completed otherwise at MW-4A for volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These results shows that several VOCs in addition to BTEX were detected. One of these other VOCs was 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene at 61.7 mg/kg at SB-BGES-14 which was above its 18 AAC 75.341 cleanup level of 23 mg/kg.
Data showed that in SB-BGES-01 that the only contaminant that exceeded the most stringent 18 AAC 75.345 Method Two cleanup level (i.e., migration to groundwater pathway or MGW) was for DRO which was detected at 617 mg/kg (cleanup level is 250 mg/kg for MGW pathway). No contaminant was detected above it 18 AAC 75.345 groundwater cleanup level in MW NW-1 which was completed as a monitoring well at SB-BGES-01.
The report recommended that a limited excavation occur in the area of SB-BGES-01 and SB-BGES-14, the excavated soils be transported off site for thermal treatment at ASR and lesser contaminated soils transported to the MOA landfill for disposal, replace MW P4 as it would be removed during the excavation, and groundwater be monitored on a periodic basis.
DEC's approval letter noted that it had no objection to Take Two submitting a work plan for the recommended excavation work and associated recommendations. However, it needed to also submit a revised cost estimate for DEC to approve for use of the monies that were in escrow between DEC and Petro Products. |
Rich Sundet |
7/30/2009 |
Update or Other Action |
On 7/30/2009, DEC approved of BGES's plan "Take Two LLC Corrective Action Plan, 6501 Lake Otis Parkway Anchorage, Alaska" and approved of BGES' Associated Cost Estimate Dated July 2009 that were received at DEC on 7/30/2009. The cost estimate stated that it would cost about $103,405 to implement the proposed cleanup and site investigation work. |
Rich Sundet |
8/9/2009 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
on 8/9/09, DEC approved via email BGES's proposal received on 8/11/09 via email to continue work to remove and dispose of further contamination encountered per the agreement between the parties that requires DEC to approve use of monies in escrow for cleanup work. BGES noted that they had already removed about 486 cy or 730 tons, and had budgeted for 650 tons. |
Rich Sundet |
9/2/2009 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
on 9/2/09, DEC approved via email BGES's request received on 9/1/09 via email to continue work to remove and stockpile on site further contamination encountered. Later on 9/2, DEC approved via email of BGES's email proposal that requested to eliminate furtehr analysis of DRO/RRO, VOCs other than BTEX, but will still require GRO and BTEX. |
Rich Sundet |
5/26/2010 |
Update or Other Action |
On 5/26/10, the Attorney General's Office notified counsels David Freeman and Stephan Williams for Take Two and Petro Products that it had no objection to Freeman's letter of 5/7/10 setting out results of mediation in Take Two, LLC v. Petro Products, Inc, 3AN-09-12164CI, which concerns the indemnity escrow establised in the purschase agreement between Take Two's successor in interest, Pinnacle Construction Inc., i.e., no objection to how Take Two and Petro Products disperse the escrow ($250,000) that was between the two parties. |
Rich Sundet |
4/19/2011 |
Update or Other Action |
In response to Sundet's comments via email on 3/16/11 requesting revised figures showing the delineation between the two Lots of the former Petro Office site, on 4/19/11 BGES provded 3 such revised figures. Sundet's inital comments were regarding BGES’s report "2009 Site Remediation Report Take Two LLC 6501 Lake Otis Parkway, Anchorage, Alaska" dated February 2011 and received on February 22, 2011. |
Rich Sundet |
6/7/2011 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On 6/7/2011, CSP provided comments regarding BGES, Inc.’s (BGES) report "2009 Site Remediation Report Take Two LLC 6501 Lake Otis Parkway, Anchorage, Alaska" dated February 2011 and received on February 22, 2011. CSP requested clarification on several aspects of the report, as well as requesting that replacement monitoring wells be installed on site for MW P4A and MW P10, and that a groundwater monitoring plan be submitted which will include the new monitoring plans. |
Rich Sundet |
11/1/2011 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
On 11/1/2011, DEC provided comments upon review of BGES, Inc.’s (BGES) workplan for "Monitoring Well Replacement and Groundwater Sampling 6501 Lake Otis Parkway" dated October 25, 2011 and received on that date. Earlier in a letter dated June 7, 2011, DEC provided comments regarding BGES’s cleanup report titled 2009 Site Remediation Report Take Two LLC 6501 Lake Otis Parkway, Anchorage, Alaska dated February 2011 and received on February 22, 2011.
The subject workplan proposes the installation of two monitoring wells to replace MWs P4A and 10 which were removed during the 2009 cleanup activities; sampling of these new and several existing monitoring wells; and sampling of a stockpile on site of 1,064 cubic yards (cy) that was generated during the September 2009 activities. The plan also notes in particular that during the installation of the two monitoring wells that no soil samples would be collected because the wells would be installed into clean fill; monitoring would only occur at the two proposed replacement wells and WP1 because historical data shows that other wells were below ADEC cleanup criteria; and proposed a sampling approach using multi-incremental sampling for the one stockpile.
Based upon DEC's review, in its 11/1/11 letter, DEC conditionally approved of the groundwater sampling portion of the plan, including the installation of the two replacement MWs P4A and P10, and provided comments regarding the stockpile sampling portion of the plan. DEC also requested a response to its outstanding comments in its June 7, 2011 letter. A response to the comments was requested by 11/15/2011. |
Rich Sundet |
11/1/2011 |
Update or Other Action |
On 11/29/11, Sundet gave verbal approval to extend the Take II response deadline to 1/31/12 to allow DEC time to respond to BGES's responses that were submitted to Blessing on 10/10/11 as this may modify the DEC work plan approval as contined in DEC's 11/1/11 letter. |
Rich Sundet |
12/15/2011 |
Update or Other Action |
On 12/15/11, BGES provided via email responses to DEC's questions from their 11/1/11 letter regarding the stockpile sampling. |
Rich Sundet |
4/26/2012 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On 4/26/12, CSP provided comments upon its review of BGES's responses "ADEC’s Review of the 2009 Site Remediation Report for Take Two LLC Located at 6501 Lake Otis Parkway, Anchorage, Alaska" dated October 10, 2011 and BGES’ "Response to ADEC’s Questions Concerning the Stockpile Sampling (Comment No. 2, Page 3 of Letter dated November 1, 2011) for Take Two LLC Located at 6501 Lake Otis Parkway, Anchorage, Alaska" dated December 15, 2011. Regarding BGES' 10/10/11 submittal, because of concern of 1,2-dibromomethane (also referred to as EDB) of which soil samples were not able to reach EDB's most stringent 18 AAC 75.341 cleanup levels in the laboratory reporting levels, DEC requested that for the next groundwater sampling event that groundwater sampling be done used more rigorous EPA Method 501.4 or 8011 analysis instead of EPA Method 8260 as requested in DEC's 11/1/11 approval letter. In regards to BGES' 12/15/11 submittal regarding its response to DEC's 11/1/11 letter commenting on BGES' plan to use multi-incremental sampling of the contamianted stockpile, DEC requested information on the size of the stockpile and submittal of a revised workplan.
dated October 10 and December 15, 2011 to DEC’s June 7, 2011 and its November 1, 2011 letters, respectively. Our June 7th letter provided comments regarding BGES’ report 2009 Site Remediation Report Take Two LLC Located at 6501 Lake Otis Parkway, Anchorage, Alaska dated February 2011. Our November 1st, letter provided comments on BGES’ Workplan for Monitoring Well Replacement and Groundwater Sampling 6501 Lake Otis Parkway dated October 25, 2011 and received on that date. |
Rich Sundet |
5/1/2012 |
Update or Other Action |
On 4/30/12, Take II provided a response via email to DEC's 4/27/12 email that questioned BGES's proposal to use multi-incremental sampling of the stockpile. On 5/1/12, Sundet requested that BGES contact Earl Crapps directly to discuss the concept and sampling approach prior to developing a revised sampling plan for the stockpile. |
Rich Sundet |
6/5/2012 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
On 6/5/12, a teleconference between Crapps and Braunstein discussed BGES's proposal to use multi-incremental sampling of the on site stockpile and the need to have two decison units. |
Rich Sundet |
7/16/2012 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
On 7/16/12, DEC approved BGES’s "Revised Work Plan for Monitoring Well Replacement and Sampling Activities" dated 6/27/12. The plan was received on that date via email from BGES. DEC's 7/16 letter it noted that previously in our letters, dated November 1, 2011 and April 26, 2012, we commented on BGES’ original work plan dated October 25, 2011. The 7/16 letter further noted that in our approval DEC reviewed the revised work plan and have no additional comments. |
Rich Sundet |
9/13/2012 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
On 9/13/12, Earl Crapps approved via email of BGES's proposed changes to multi-incremental sampling of the on site stockpile. BGES had proposed the changes in its 9/12/12 email to DEC. The proposal was based upon a conversation between Jayne Martin of BGES and Crapps on 9/11/12 in which they noted that they could not collect MI samples becasue the stockpiled soils was too hard for hand augaring and there were too many boulders in the stockpile. The proposed plan approved consisted of using a backhoe and sampling at intervals in both the designated 1 and 2 decision units. |
Earl Crapps |
6/19/2013 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 77822 former USTs and dispenser . |
Katrina Chambon |
6/24/2013 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 77822 former USTs and dispenser . |
Katrina Chambon |
6/26/2013 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Between July and September 2012 the environmental consultant replaced two groundwater monitoring wells, collected soil and groundwater samples, and collected multi-incremental soil samples from the soil stockpile.
Soil samples collected from the boreholes were analyzed for gasoline range organics (GRO), benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). All soil sample results were below their most stringent 18 AAC 75.341 cleanup levels.
Six groundwater samples and one duplicate were collected and analyzed for GRO, BTEX, and VOCs. One well (MW4B) and its duplicate was above 18 AAC 75.345 cleanup levels for benzene, which is 0.005 mg/L. The maximum concentration for benzene was 0.772 mg/L.
Two soil samples, one duplicate and one triplicate was collected from the soil stockpile that was generated during the 2009 excavation. Soil samples were analyzed for GRO, BTEX, and VOCs. All soil sample results were below their most stringent 18 AAC 75.341 cleanup levels.
Based on CSPs review of this report, it appears that this site meets ADEC’s criteria for a Cleanup Complete with Institutional Controls Determination. CSP request that all of the monitoring wells at the site decommissioned in accordance with ADEC guidance and documented in a brief report. |
Katrina Chambon |
8/5/2013 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
Contaminated Sites Program has completed its review of the subject report for the above referenced site. The work plan proposes to decommission groundwater monitoring wells and collect on groundwater sample. This work plan is approved. |
Katrina Chambon |
9/4/2013 |
Site Visit |
Site visit to observe groundwater monitoring well decommissioning. |
Katrina Chambon |
3/13/2014 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
In August and September of 2013, nine onsite groundwater monitoring wells and five offsite groundwater monitoring wells were decommissioned. One groundwater sample and a duplicate was collected from the one remaining groundwater monitoring well (MW4B). Benzene was detected above the cleanup level up to a maximum concentration of 0.0434 mg/L, all other analytes were below cleanup levels. The contaminated site program agreed to the use of a HydraSleeve for the collection of the groundwater. |
Katrina Chambon |
3/13/2014 |
Conceptual Site Model Submitted |
Conceptual Site Model Submitted with the report |
Katrina Chambon |
2/2/2015 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC reviewed the 2014 groundwater monitoring report for well MW4B. Sampling in March was conducted using a no-purge method and yielded non-detectable benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, and total xylenes (BTEX) concentrations. Sampling in May and August, using low-flow sampling yielded results for benzene that exceeded the cleanup criterion at 0.0163 mg/L and 0.0125 mg/L, respectively. Subsequent sampling events will use the low-flow sampling method. |
Lisa Krebs-Barsis |
2/19/2016 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
ADEC reviewed the report for the February and August 2015 sampling events using low-flow sampling techniques. Monitoring well MW4B was sampled during both events. In both sampling events, the concentration of benzene in the sample and its duplicate exceeded groundwater cleanup levels. In February, the concentration was 0.0264 mg/L and in August, the concentration was 0.0340 mg/L. All other analytes were either not-detected or were well below the cleanup levels. |
Lisa Krebs-Barsis |
8/3/2016 |
Update or Other Action |
Received notice of intent to sample between 8/3/2016 and 8/8/2016. The site has a pre-approved work plan for this sampling and ADEC has no objections to this work. |
Chelsy Passmore |
1/11/2018 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
The ADEC reviewed the January 2017 "2016 Groundwater Monitoring Report". Groundwater at the site was sampled in February and August 2016 from well MW4B for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes. One groundwater sample and one duplicate were taken during each monitoring event. The sample from the February event contained benzene up to 1.28 ug/L under the ADEC Table C Migration to Groundwater Cleanup level of 4.6 ug/L. The sample from the August sampling event contained benzene up to 9.8 ug/L above the ADEC Table C Migration to Groundwater Cleanup level of 4.6 ug/L. |
Chelsy Passmore |
9/24/2018 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
The ADEC has reviewed the "2017 Groundwater Monitoring Report". Groundwater samples were collected from MW4B on Feb 8, and August 17, 2017. Samples collected from the well on Feb 8, 2017 contained benzene above ADEC Table C Cleanup levels at concentrations up to 12.2 ug/L. In August samples from the same well contained concentrations up to 3.1 ug/L, below ADEC Table C cleanup levels. This site has been shown to exhibit seasonal variance and is on a long term monitoring plan. The next sampling event is scheduled for September 2018. |
Chelsy Passmore |
8/14/2019 |
Update or Other Action |
Long term groundwater monitoring scheduled this week. |
Chelsy Passmore |
9/18/2019 |
Update or Other Action |
This site is on a long term groundwater monitoring plan. Groundwater was sampled in September 2019. Groundwater contained benzene up to 1.07 ug/L. This site typically experiences high seasonal variability. |
Chelsy Passmore |
2/20/2020 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
Groundwater sampling was conducting in February 2019, and August 2019, per the long term monitoring workplan submitted in August 2014. Sampling techniques were completed in accordance with the most recent sampling guidance. Groundwater was collected from well MW4B. In the February 2019 sampling event two samples were collected (one sample plus one duplicate) and contained concentrations of benzene up to 7.31 ug/L. In the August 2019 sampling event two samples were collected (one sample plus one duplicate) and contained concentrations of benzene up to 0.877 ug/L. This site experiences high seasonal variation and long term groundwater monitoring is scheduled to continue in 2020. |
Chelsy Passmore |
2/15/2021 |
Update or Other Action |
BGES notified DEC that groundwater monitoring will take place on 2/16/21. |
Janice Wiegers |
8/24/2021 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On this date, summary of cumulative risk calculation process received. |
Brandi Tolsma |
8/25/2021 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
On this date, meeting held with consultant to discuss results of cumulative risk calculations. |
Brandi Tolsma |
9/21/2021 |
Update or Other Action |
Cumulative risk evaluation submitted by BGES. |
Janice Wiegers |
10/26/2021 |
Update or Other Action |
Email sent to consultant requesting site work update and summary for cumulative risk calculations with recommendations. |
Brandi Tolsma |
1/26/2023 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On this date, ADEC received the Cumulative Risk Assessment report. This site will be evaluated for closure. |
Brandi Tolsma |
2/16/2023 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On this date, ADEC approved the report titled “Take Two LLC 6501 Lake Otis Parkway Anchorage, Alaska (ADEC File Number: 2100.26.075) 2021 Groundwater Monitoring Activities Report” dated December 2022 and received by DEC on January 18, 2023. The report details the February 17, 2021 groundwater monitoring activities of monitoring well MW4B at the property located at 6501 Lake Otis Parkway. Activities consisted of collecting one analytical groundwater sample and one duplicate sample from monitoring well MW4B. Groundwater samples collected were analyzed for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX) by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 8021B. Analytical results for both groundwater samples were below all applicable ADEC groundwater cleanup levels. |
Brandi Tolsma |
3/23/2023 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 77822 former USTs and dispenser . |
Kelly Ireland |
4/19/2023 |
Cleanup Complete Determination Issued |
Kelly Ireland |