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Site Report: Unocal - #5057 Former (306450)

Site Name: Unocal - #5057 Former (306450)
Address: 4351 W. Int'l Airport Rd.; , Anchorage, AK 99502
File Number: 2100.26.115
Hazard ID: 23369
Status: Active
Staff: Rebekah Reams, 9074512144
Latitude: 61.174508
Longitude: -149.969200
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Station closed in 1988. Underground storage tanks and 2,800 cubic yards of contaminated soil excavated. Excavated soil was treated by venting and thermal desorbtion. Floating gasoline was initially being recovered by pumping from monitoring well MW-7, but no measurable product has been in that monitoring well (and monitoring well MW-7A) since 2014. Measureable product was also found in monitoring wells MW-5A and RW-14 until 2009. Groundwater is at about 53 feet below the surface and flows toward the southwest, there is also a perched groundwater layer over a portion of the site at about 38 feet below ground surface. In-situ soils are being treated by a soil vapor extraction system. Operation of soil vapor extraction system, and groundwater monitoring continue at the site. In 2012 soil gas probes were installed near the down gradient building. The soil gas samples collected in 2012 and 2014 were all non-detect.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
11/10/1986 Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment RZA consultant report; subsurface petroleum hydrocarbon evaluation; four borings and monitoring wells were drilled and sampled. Monitoring wells placed at 35 feet did not encounter groundwater. Strong petroleum hydrocarbon odors present in the 4 monitoring wells, MW1, MW2, MW3, and MW4 after completion but no free product was encountered. Former Staff
12/9/1987 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 77985 Former Staff
12/9/1987 Site Added to Database Former Staff
12/10/1987 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum LCAU Date changed DB conversion Former Staff
9/19/1988 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other RZA submits preliminary results of groundwater and soil sampling. Floating product in monitoring well MW-7. Pumping of MW-7 to recover product is continuing. Former Staff
10/10/1988 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On October 10, 1988 B-C Contracting under contract to Northern Lights Petroleum Equipment, Inc. began demolition of the facilities, removal of above ground and below ground tanks, and excavated 2,800 cubic yards of contaminated soils. Subsurface structure excavation began on 10/18/88. Excavation activity was completed 11/7/88. Perforated ABS drain pipe was installed in selected excavations before backfilling to be used in a possible vapor extraction system. 300 gallons of waste oil was pumped and disposed of by Alaska Pollution Control. Four additional monitoring wells MW5, MW5A, MW6, and MW7. Monitoring well MW7 was the only monitoring well with floating product, it has about 2 feet of product. Former Staff
11/7/1988 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other RZA consultants petroleum hydrocarbon assessment. Monitoring wells to the south and west of MW-7 indicate little or no impact from petroleum hydrocarbons. MW-7 has about 3 feet of floating product. Groundwater is about 53 feet below the surface and flows towards the southwest. A perched water tables exist in the northern portion of the site. Laboratory analyses of boring soil samples indicate contamination remains in place. In-situ soil treatment by vapor extraction is recommended. Former Staff
11/10/1988 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Monitoring well MW-7 has about 3 feet of floating product, and as of 4/1/90 approximately 150 gallons of product (gasoline) have been recovered from this well. This is the only monitoring well with floating product for this site. A four inch diameter well MW7A was placed adjacent to the two inch diameter MW7 to increase product recovery. Floating product has not accumulated in MW7A. Former Staff
4/30/1989 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed a phase 1 site assessment report. Former Staff
7/26/1989 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other 7/26/89 Groundwater monitoring results from 10 site monitoring wells. Groundwater level measurements continue to indicate a southwest flow and a vertical separation of water bearing zones at MW5 and MW5A. The lower well, MW5, did not detect BTEX whereas MW5A had 6.25 mg/l benzene. MW7A contained 4.14 mg/l benzene and the greatest quantity of BTEX. Former Staff
8/1/1989 Update or Other Action Public notice in the Anchorage Daily News concerning soil remediation at store #5057. Former Staff
10/16/1989 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other A proposed venting system is approved by ADEC. On-site treatment of excavated contaminated soils using venting/bio-remediation is approved with ADEC guidelines. Former Staff
11/11/1991 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed a phase 2 site assessment report. Former Staff
7/17/1992 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other UNOCAL proposes to treat contaminated soils on site. Some soils were treated by thermal remediation (Soil Processing Inc.) but during the treatment, it became very expensive to keep treating these heavy silts. Another plan was approved for the remaining soils to treat on-site in cells. Former Staff
2/2/1993 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Local groundwater gradient to south/south west. Soil vapor extraction system has operated since November 1991. Product recovery well problems, off since October 1993. Nine of 12 monitoring wells have benzene over MCL, highest is 14 mg/l in MW #7. Former Staff
2/2/1993 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved All soil treated/disposed of: 1,350 tons to MOA on 5/21/92, 417 tons treated by SPI then to MOA, 1,600 tons forced air treated then to MOA from 9/92 to 11/92, 12 tons to ASR on 11/11/92. Former Staff
11/20/1997 Update or Other Action ADEC sends Notification of Intent to Cost Recover Letter to Current Owner: UNOCAL - ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANC Former Staff
2/24/2000 Update or Other Action ADEC approved reduction in groundwater monitoring. Operation of the soil vapor extraction treatment system and product recovery continues. Robert Weimer
12/8/2003 Update or Other Action Approved reduction in groundwater monitoring at the site. Robert Weimer
7/13/2004 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other March 2004 groundwater monitoring and treatment system report. Site is using a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) and product recovery system, 80 pounds of hydrocarbons removed in this quarter by the SVE. Up to 764 ug/L benzene in groundwater. Contamination levels appear to be decreasing. Robert Weimer
9/16/2004 Update or Other Action On 7/8/04 five of the on-site monitoring wells were abandoned as per ADEC letter of 12/8/03. Six monitoring wells remain. Robert Weimer
9/16/2004 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other June 2004 groundwater monitoring and treatment system report. Site using a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) and product recovery system, 105 pounds of hydrocarbons removed in this quarter by the SVE. Up to 51 ug/L benzene in groundwater. Contamination levels appear to be decreasing. Robert Weimer
3/10/2005 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other September 15 and December 28, 2004 groundwater monitoring and treatment system report. Site using a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) and product recovery system, a total of 1,659 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in these two quarters by the SVE. Up to 1690 ug/L benzene, 3.4 mg/l GRO, and 4.8 mg/l DRO in the groundwater. Up to .03 feet of product in monitoring well MW-7.Contamination levels appear to be increasing in some of the wells, which appears to be seasonal with the highest contamination levels occurring in the winter. Robert Weimer
9/2/2005 Update or Other Action Approved reduction in groundwater monitoring and modification to remediation system to facilitate use of lot for parking. Robert Weimer
1/10/2006 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with RP's consultant to discuss future site work. Continue groundwater monitoring, product recovery, and soil vapor extraction. Robert Weimer
5/9/2006 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other June 30, 2005 and December 27, 2005 groundwater monitoring and treatment system report. Site using a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) and product recovery system, a total of 714 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in these two quarters by the SVE. A total of 10,580 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. Up to 1430 ug/L benzene, 4.29 mg/l GRO, and 2.25 mg/l DRO in the groundwater. A sheen was found in monitoring well MW-7.Contamination levels appear to be increasing in some of the wells (MW-9 and MW-13), which appears to be seasonal with the highest contamination levels occurring in the winter. Groundwater flows toward the west. Depth to groundwater is around 50 to 53 feet below ground surface. Robert Weimer
1/23/2007 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other March 31, 2006 and June 30, 2006 and groundwater monitoring and treatment system report. Site using a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) and product recovery system, a total of 486 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in these two quarters by the SVE. A total of 10,868 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. Currently the SVE system is off line for repairs and is scheduled to restart in November 2006. Up to 465 ug/L benzene, 2.03 mg/l GRO, and 3.12 mg/l DRO in the groundwater. A sheen was found in monitoring well MW-7, 0.13 feet of product in MW-7A and 0.01 feet of product in RW-14. Contamination levels appear to be increasing in some of the wells (MW-5A and MW-12 and MW-13), which appears to be seasonal with the highest contamination levels occurring in the winter. Groundwater flows toward the west. Depth to groundwater is around 37 to 54 feet below ground surface. Robert Weimer
4/2/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with RP to discuss site. They are to continue with quarterly/semi-annual monitoring and sampling. RP to evaluate remediation technologies for this site in Spring 2007. Robert Weimer
7/13/2007 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC approves workplan for the installation of 12 to 15 soil borings and collecting soil and groundwater samples to help define the remaining contamination at the site. Robert Weimer
9/6/2007 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved Review and approve corrective action plan for thermal treatment of 20 drums of contaminated soils. Also approved treatment of 1 drum of decon water. Robert Weimer
10/19/2007 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved ADEC approves treatment of one drum of contaminated purge water. Robert Weimer
12/10/2007 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other November 18, 2006 and April 30, 2007 groundwater monitoring and treatment system report. Site using a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) and product recovery system, a total of 172 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in these two quarters by the SVE. A total of 11,040 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. Currently the SVE system is off line for repairs and is scheduled to restart in November 2006. Up to 800 ug/L benzene, 3.9 mg/l GRO, and 4.9 mg/l DRO in the groundwater. A sheen was found in monitoring well MW-7 and RW-14, and 0.35 feet of product in MW-7A. Contamination levels appear to be increasing in some of the wells. Groundwater flows toward the south. Depth to groundwater is around 26 to 40 feet below ground surface. Robert Weimer
3/5/2008 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with Chevron and their consultants. Chevron to conduct and indoor air evaluation for this site. Additional assessment in the right-of-way area to the south is planned for 2008. They plan to evaluate alternative product recovery methods. Robert Weimer
4/21/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Site ranked on the new Exposure Tracking Model (ETM). The ETM is a new site ranking system that looks at, based on available data, the potential exposure pathways for the contamination remaining at the site. Robert Weimer
4/24/2008 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC approves work plan that proposes to install 5 additional soil borings and between 1 to 6 additional monitoring wells to the south of the property. The workplan also proposes to conduct weekly Mobile Phase Extraction to help remove LNAPL, petroleum impacted groundwater, and vapor-phase contamination at this site. Robert Weimer
5/21/2008 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved ADEC approves the direct haul to Emerald Alaska for treatment of contaminated water generated during the installation of off property monitoring wells. Robert Weimer
6/9/2008 Update or Other Action ADEC approves workplan to conduct weekly mobile phase extraction from the site monitoring wells for 6 weeks. Contaminated water/product extracted from the monitoring wells is approved for direct haul to Emerald for treatment. Robert Weimer
6/17/2008 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved ADEC approves the direct haul to Emerald Alaska for treatment of contaminated water generated during the installation of off property monitoring wells. Robert Weimer
6/24/2008 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC approves revised work plan that proposes to install 5 additional soil borings and between 1 to 6 additional monitoring wells to the south of the property. The locations were changed due to the location of utilities. Additional soil boring/monitoring wells may be required in the future. Robert Weimer
6/25/2008 Site Visit Site visit to observe mobile phase extraction from the monitoring wells. Robert Weimer
7/1/2008 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other August 31, 2007 and October 31, 2007 groundwater monitoring and treatment system report. Site using a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) and product recovery system, a total of 236 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in these two quarters by the SVE. A total of 11,200 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. Currently the SVE system restarted in December 2006. Up to 11,000 ug/L benzene, 40 mg/l GRO, and 220 mg/l DRO in the groundwater. No sheen or product was found in any monitoring wells. Contamination levels appear to be increasing in some of the wells. Groundwater flows toward the south. Depth to groundwater is around 26 to 40 feet below ground surface. Results of the groundwater sampling may be biased low due to QA/QC problems. Robert Weimer
7/1/2008 Site Visit Site visit to observe mobile phase extraction from the monitoring wells. Robert Weimer
7/30/2008 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved Approved treatment of drums of purge water along the extracted groundwater. Robert Weimer
8/13/2008 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved ADEC approves plan for thermal treatment of 4 super sacks of contaminated drill cuttings. Robert Weimer
8/25/2008 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other March 13, 2008 treatment system report. Site using a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) and product recovery system, a total of 109 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in this quarter by the SVE. A total of 11,385 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. Currently the SVE system restarted in December 2006. Robert Weimer
8/27/2008 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Between July 30, 2007 and August 6, 2007 ten soil borings were sampled to help determine the extent of the contamination at this site. The perched aquifer was identified at around 35 feet below ground surface (bgs), and a deeper aquifer at 50 bgs. A total of 7 groundwater samples were collected from the borings. Up to 2,800 mg/kg GRO, 130 mg/kg DRO, 3.4 mg/kg benzene and non-detect (<13 mg/kg) MTBE in the soil. Up to 100 mg/l GRO, 3.8 mg/l DRO, 2,800 ug/l benzene, and non-detect (<2.0 mg/l) MTBE in the groundwater. The sample results are considered biased low because of elevated temperature in the samples to the lab and some water samples were not properly preserved in the field (acidified). Robert Weimer
9/30/2008 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved ADEC approves treatment of two drums of contaminated purge water. Robert Weimer
12/30/2008 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Second quarter 2008 treatment system report. Site using a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) and product recovery system, a total of 13 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in this quarter by the SVE. A total of 11,398 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. Currently the SVE system restarted in December 2006, and operated 50% of the time this quarter. Robert Weimer
12/31/2008 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other January 24, 2008 and July 1, 2008 groundwater monitoring events. Site using a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) and product recovery system. Up to 11,000 ug/L benzene, 210 mg/l GRO, and 25 mg/l DRO in the groundwater. 2.42 feet of product was found in monitoring well MW-5A in June 2008. Contamination levels appear to be increasing in some of the wells. Groundwater flows toward the south. Depth to groundwater was 37.32 to 53.27 feet below ground surface. Results of the groundwater sampling may be biased low due to QA/QC problems. Robert Weimer
2/25/2009 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with Chevron and their consultants. Chevron to conduct and indoor air evaluation for this site. Chevron to evaluate enhanced product recovery at this site, without surfactants. Robert Weimer
3/24/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Third quarter 2008 treatment system report. Site using a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) and product recovery system, a total of 32 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in this quarter by the SVE. A total of 11,430 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. The SVE system was shut down on June 2, 2008 due to faulty LEL meter and was restarted on August 18, 2008. The system operated 39% of the time this quarter. Robert Weimer
3/26/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other August 20, 2008 groundwater monitoring event. Site using a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) and product recovery system. Up to 8,900 ug/L benzene, 130 mg/l GRO, and 20 mg/l DRO in the groundwater. 0.11 feet of product was found in monitoring well MW-5A in August 2008. Contamination levels appear to be decreasing in most of the wells. Groundwater flows toward the south. Depth to groundwater was 37.63 to 53.52 feet below ground surface. Robert Weimer
3/26/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other In June 2008 three soil borings were sampled to help characterize the current contamination levels at this site. Up to 12,000 mg/kg GRO, 120 mg/kg DRO, and 43 mg/kg benzene was found in the areas sampled. The highest concentrations were at 21 feet in soil boring SB-15. Groundwater samples were collected out of soil boring SB-14 and SB-15. Up to 150 mg/l GRO and 2800 ug/l benzene were found in the groundwater. The report notes that the highest contamination areas are outside of the radius of influence of the current remediation system. They will be evaluating remediation alternatives for this site. Robert Weimer
3/26/2009 Conceptual Site Model Submitted Updated conceptual site model identified curent/future potential exposure to commercial workers, site visitors, and construction workers by soil ingestion, dermal contact with soil and groundwater, ingestion of groundwater, outdoor air, and indoor air. Robert Weimer
5/5/2009 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved ADEC approves treatment of one drum of contaminated purge water. Robert Weimer
6/8/2009 Update or Other Action Approved request for no-purge sampling for the site monitoring wells. Purged sampling may be required in the future for final closure sampling. A side-by-side (no-purge vs purge) pilot study is not being requested, but may be required if there appears to be a significant change in analytical results. Robert Weimer
7/21/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Fourth quarter 2008 treatment system report. Site using a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) and product recovery system, a total of 93 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in this quarter by the SVE. A total of 11,513 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. The SVE system was shut down on June 2, 2008 due to faulty LEL meter and was restarted on August 18, 2008. The system operated 99% of the time this quarter. LNAPL in monitoring well MW-5A. The vapor extraction system is extracting from monitoring wells MW-5A, MW-7A, and RW-14. Robert Weimer
8/2/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other From June 2008 to August 2008 six mobile Multi-Phase Extraction (MPE) events were conducted in 6 of the site monitoring wells. Product was measured between 0.02 feet and 2.86 feet in monitoring well MW-5A, and between 0.0 feet and 0.07 feet in monitoring well MW-7A. The RP's consultant recommends conducting slug tests in wells (MW-5, MW-5A, MW-7, MW-7A, MW-9, MW-13, and RW-14) and a 72 hour pump test in well RW-14 as part of a design of a permanent MPE system. Robert Weimer
8/13/2009 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved ADEC approves treatment of 75 gallons of purge water and 15 gallons of recovered fuel (LNAPL). Robert Weimer
10/1/2009 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved ADEC approves treatment of drums of contaminated purge water. Robert Weimer
10/26/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other First quarter 2009 treatment system report. Site using a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) and product recovery system, a total of 72 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in this quarter by the SVE. A total of 11,585 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. The SVE system was shut down on June 2, 2008 due to faulty LEL meter and was restarted on August 18, 2008. The system operated 99% of the time this quarter. LNAPL in monitoring well MW-5A and MW-7A. The vapor extraction system is extracting from monitoring wells MW-5A, MW-7A, and RW-14. Robert Weimer
10/28/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other March 17, 2009 groundwater monitoring event. Site using a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) and product recovery system. Up to 7,500 ug/L benzene, 120 mg/l GRO, and 20 mg/l DRO in the groundwater. 0.01 feet of product was found in monitoring well MW-5A and 0.43 feet of product was found in monitoring well MW-7A in March 2009. Contamination concentrations increased in 3 of the 4 monitoring well sampled. Groundwater flows toward the south west. Depth to groundwater was 23.32 to 52.70 feet below ground surface. Robert Weimer
10/29/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other June 4, 2009 groundwater monitoring event. Site using a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) and product recovery system. Up to 8,500 ug/L benzene, 150 mg/l GRO, and 16 mg/l DRO in the groundwater. 0.02 feet of product was found in monitoring well MW-7A in June 2009. Contamination concentrations increased in 2 of the 5 monitoring well sampled. Groundwater flows toward the south west. Depth to groundwater was 31.98 to 45.53 feet below ground surface. Robert Weimer
1/21/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Second quarter 2009 treatment system report. Site using a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) and product recovery system, a total of 70 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in this quarter by the SVE. A total of 11,655 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. The SVE system was shut down on March 23, 2009 due to potential volcanic ash fall and was restarted on April 27, 2009. The system operated 99% of the time this quarter. LNAPL in monitoring well MW-5A and MW-7A. The vapor extraction system is extracting from monitoring wells MW-5A, MW-7A, and RW-14. Robert Weimer
2/24/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Third quarter 2009 treatment system report. Site using a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) and product recovery system, a total of 190 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in this quarter by the SVE. A total of 11,845 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. The system operated 100% of the time this quarter. LNAPL in monitoring well MW-5A and MW-7A. The vapor extraction system is extracting from monitoring wells MW-5A, MW-7A, and RW-14. Robert Weimer
3/11/2010 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with Chevron and their consultants on 3/10/10. MW7 & MW9 are to be sampled for PAH the next monitoring event. DEC to send an approval letter for surfactant-enhanced high-vacuum LNAPL recovery workplan soon. We discussed that groundwater samples for volatiles should not be collected with bailers or peristaltic pumps due to the loss of volatiles, Chevron is to provide a workplan specifying how groundwater samples will be collected in the future. Robert Weimer
3/18/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC sent an approval letter for the workplan to conduct pilot testing and monitoring of bio-surfactant enhanced high-vacuum LNAPL recovery. Robert Weimer
4/22/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other August 31, 2009 groundwater monitoring event. Site using a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) and product recovery system. Up to 9,600 ug/L benzene, 170 mg/l GRO, and 49 mg/l DRO in the groundwater. 0.02 feet of product was found in monitoring well RW-14 in August 2009. Contamination concentrations increased in 5 of the 9 monitoring well sampled. Groundwater flows toward the south west. Depth to groundwater was 38.01 to 53.90 feet below ground surface. Robert Weimer
4/30/2010 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved DEC approves treatment and disposal of the monitoring well purge water and the estimated 4500 gallons of bio-surfactant extraction water to be generated during the pilot testing and monitoring of bio-surfactant enhanced high-vacuum LNAPL recovery. Robert Weimer
5/19/2010 Site Visit Site visit to observe the injection of the bio-surfactant three of the site monitoring wells. Robert Weimer
5/20/2010 Site Visit Site visit to observe the pumping of the bio-surfactant and residual product out of four of the site monitoring wells. Robert Weimer
6/10/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Fourth quarter 2009 treatment system report. Site using a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) and product recovery system, a total of 119 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in this quarter by the SVE. A total of 11,964 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. The system operated 94% of the time this quarter. LNAPL in monitoring well MW-5A, RW-14, and MW-7A. The vapor extraction system is extracting from monitoring wells MW-5A, MW-7A, and RW-14. Robert Weimer
8/11/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed June 29, 2010 Vapor Intrusion Pathway Initial Asessment report. The report recommends completing the ADEC building survey form and installing three multi-level vapor probes outside of the Flowers International, LLC building located downgradient to your site. ADEC letter on 8/11/10 concurs with those recommendations and requests that an additional monitoring well be installed on the north side of the Flowers International, LLC building approximately 20 to 30 feet east the northwest corner. ADEC requests that this monitoring well installation include the collection of field screening and analytical soil samples with analytical soil samples collected at the soil/water interface and the highest field screening depth. ADEC also requests that a workplan for conducting the recommended work and the installation of the additional monitoring well be submitted by October 1, 2010. Robert Weimer
9/2/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other First quarter 2010 treatment system report. Site using a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) and product recovery system, a total of 60 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in this quarter by the SVE. A total of 12,024 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. The system operated 100% of the time this quarter. LNAPL in monitoring wells MW-5A, RW-14, MW-7, and MW-7A. The vapor extraction system is extracting from monitoring wells MW-5A, MW-7A, and RW-14. Robert Weimer
11/8/2010 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved ADEC approves treatment of 4 drums of contaminated purge water. Robert Weimer
11/17/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other May 17, 2010 groundwater monitoring event. Site using a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) and product recovery system. Up to 7,500 ug/L benzene, 170 mg/l GRO, and 16 mg/l DRO in the groundwater. No product was observed in the monitoring wells during this monitoring event. Contamination concentrations increased in 2 of the 9 monitoring well sampled. Groundwater flows toward the south west. Depth to groundwater was 37.6 to 52.89 feet below ground surface. Robert Weimer
2/23/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC conditionally approves the work plan to install and sample three multilevel soil vapor probes and one monitoring well near the downgradient Flowers International, LLC building. The modification is that the water samples for volatiles for the new monitoring well be collected with a bladder pump as you are doing with the other monitoring wells at the site, and that the soil sample collected from the depth of most likely contamination be analyzed for PAHs. Robert Weimer
3/25/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Second quarter 2010 treatment system report. Site using a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) and product recovery system, a total of 41 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in this quarter by the SVE. A total of 12,055 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. The system operated 97% of the time this quarter. LNAPL in monitoring wells MW-5A, RW-14,and MW-7A. The vapor extraction system is extracting from monitoring wells MW-5A, MW-7A, and RW-14. Robert Weimer
4/25/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Third quarter 2010 treatment system report. Site using a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) and product recovery system, a total of 36 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in this quarter by the SVE. A total of 12,091 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. The system operated 93% of the time this quarter. LNAPL in monitoring wells MW-5A, RW-14,and MW-7A. The vapor extraction system is extracting from monitoring wells MW-5A, MW-7A, and RW-14. Robert Weimer
4/26/2011 Update or Other Action ADEC approve request to suspend until further notice the analytical sampling of monitoring well MW-10 at this site. Robert Weimer
7/7/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC approval of work plan that proposes to install and monitor a new temporary Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) line to monitoring well MW-7, to help remediate contamination in that area. Robert Weimer
8/8/2011 Site Visit Site visit to observe the soil vapor extraction expansion work. Robert Weimer
9/12/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other August 24-25, 2010 groundwater monitoring event. Site using a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) and product recovery system. Up to 7,500 ug/L benzene, 160 mg/l GRO, and 16 mg/l DRO in the groundwater. No product was observed in the monitoring wells during this monitoring event. Contamination concentrations increased in 7 of the 9 monitoring well sampled. Groundwater flows toward the south west. Depth to groundwater was 38.79 to 53.60 feet below ground surface. Robert Weimer
9/12/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Surfactant-enhanced high-vacuum LNAPL recovery report review. On May 19, 2010 monitoring wells MW-5A, MW-7, and MW-7A were injected with a combined total of 990 gallons of surfactant solution. These three monitoring wells have historically contained floating product on the groundwater. 24 hours later at total of 2080 gallons of water were extracted out of those three monitoring wells and monitoring well RW-14. Robert Weimer
10/28/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Fourth quarter 2010 treatment system report. Site using a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) and product recovery system, a total of 18# of hydrocarbons were removed in this quarter by the SVE. A total of 12,109 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. The system operated 69% of the time this quarter. LNAPL in monitoring wells MW-5A, RW-14,and MW-7A. The vapor extraction system is extracting from monitoring wells MW-5A, MW-7A, and RW-14. Robert Weimer
11/1/2011 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved ADEC approves treatment of 7 drums of contaminated soil. The soil was generated during the June 2011 soil vapor probe installation event. Robert Weimer
11/3/2011 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved ADEC approves treatment of 1 drum of contaminated water. Robert Weimer
12/8/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other April 26, 2011 groundwater monitoring event. Site using a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) and product recovery system. Up to 250 ug/L benzene, 2.5 mg/l GRO, and 2.9 mg/l DRO in the groundwater. 0.12 feet of product was observed in one monitoring well (MW-7A) during this monitoring event. Contamination concentrations increased in 0 of the 4 monitoring well sampled. Groundwater flows toward the south west. Depth to groundwater was 38.31 to 53.60 feet below ground surface. Robert Weimer
1/25/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Second quarter 2011 treatment system report. Site using a soil vapor extraction (SVE) system and product recovery system, a total of 38# of hydrocarbons were removed in this quarter by the SVE system. A total of 12,197 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. The system operated 95% of the time this quarter. No LNAPL in monitoring wells this quarter. The SVE system is extracting from monitoring wells MW-5A, MW-7A, MW-14, and RW-14. Monitoring well MW-14 was hooked up the SVE system on September 11, 2009. Robert Weimer
3/1/2012 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with Chevron and their consultants on 2/28/12. The remediation system is continue to operate and be monitored on a quarterly basis. They are to continue semi-annual groundwater monitoring. They are to add a rose diagram to the monitoring figure. They are to conduct a second vapor monitoring event. Robert Weimer
5/2/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Third quarter 2011 treatment system report. Site using a soil vapor extraction (SVE) system and product recovery system, a total of 145 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in this quarter by the SVE system. A total of 12,333 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. The system operated 59.3% of the time this quarter. The SVE system is extracting from monitoring wells MW-5A, MW-7, MW-7A, and RW-14. Monitoring well MW-7A was hooked up the SVE system on September 15, 2011. Robert Weimer
5/10/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Fourth quarter 2011 treatment system report. Site using a soil vapor extraction (SVE) system and product recovery system, a total of 123 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in this quarter by the SVE system. A total of 12,462 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. The system operated 100% of the time this quarter. The SVE system is extracting from monitoring wells MW-5A, MW-7, MW-7A, and RW-14. Monitoring well MW-7A was hooked up the SVE system on September 15, 2011. Robert Weimer
5/11/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On June 2011 three multi-level soil vapor probes were installed within 10 feet of the off-property building located down gradient of the site across the street to the south. Soil vapor probes VP-1 and VP-3 were installed with screen probes centered at 5, 10, and 15 feet below ground surface (bgs). Soil vapor probe VP-2 was installed with screen probes centered at 3.5 to 7.5 feet bgs. On July 21, 2011 the shallow (3.5 to 5 feet bgs) soil gas samples were non-detect for BTEX, naphthalene, and TPH Gasoline. On July 21, 2011 the deep (7.5 to 15 feet bgs) soil gas samples were non-detect for benzene, ethylbenzene, total xylenes, and naphthalene, but had 18 ug/m3 toluene and 530 ug/m3 TPH Gasoline. All were well below ADEC soil gas screening levels. Ambient upwind and downwind air samples were non detect for all analytes. The proposed off property monitoring well was not installed due to utilities in the area. Soil samples collected during the installation of the soil vapor probes were all below migration to groundwater cleanup levels. Robert Weimer
9/26/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other First quarter 2012 treatment system report. Site using a soil vapor extraction (SVE) system and product recovery system, a total of 29 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in this quarter by the SVE system. A total of 12,491 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. The system operated 69% of the time this quarter. The SVE system is extracting from monitoring wells MW-5A, MW-7, MW-7A, and RW-14. Monitoring well MW-7A was hooked up the SVE system on September 15, 2011. Robert Weimer
11/2/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other May 18, 2012 groundwater monitoring event. Site using a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) and product recovery system. Up to 7,600 ug/L benzene, 160 mg/l GRO, and 25 mg/l DRO in the groundwater. 0.63 feet of product was observed in one monitoring well (MW-7A) during this monitoring event. Contamination concentrations increased in 5 of the 7 monitoring well sampled. Groundwater flows toward the south west. Depth to groundwater was 45.27 to 54.70 feet below ground surface. Robert Weimer
12/18/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Second quarter 2012 treatment system report. Site using a soil vapor extraction (SVE) system and product recovery system, a total of 77 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in this quarter by the SVE system. A total of 12,568 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. The system operated 79% of the time this quarter. The SVE system is extracting from monitoring wells MW-5A, MW-7, MW-7A, and RW-14. Monitoring well MW-7A was hooked up the SVE system on September 15, 2011. Robert Weimer
2/20/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Third quarter 2012 treatment system report. Site using a soil vapor extraction (SVE) system and product recovery system, a total of 194 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in this quarter by the SVE system. A total of 12,832 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. The system operated 33% of the time this quarter. The SVE system is extracting from monitoring wells MW-5A, MW-7, MW-7A, and RW-14. Monitoring well MW-7A was hooked up the SVE system on September 15, 2011. Robert Weimer
2/26/2013 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with Chevron and their consultants on 2/26/13. Chevron proposes to continue semi-annual groundwater monitoring, operation of SVE system, is approved to remove the unused SVE shed, and provide missing reports. They are to add a rose diagram to the monitoring figure. The next groundwater sampling event they will sample both using no purge and purge help evaluate that the past no purge results were providing comparable data. Robert Weimer
4/4/2013 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with airport staff, DEC staff, contractor, and their consultant regarding proposed storm sewer upgrades in the area regarding contaminated soil and water. They may need to conduct dewatering to install the storm water pipe at 13 feet below ground surface (bgs). We discussed that based on the distance from this site (500 feet) and the depth to groundwater at this site (26 to 56 feet bgs) it does not appear that the proposed work would be impacted by this site. Robert Weimer
4/19/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other September 17, 2012 groundwater monitoring event. Site using a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) and product recovery system. Up to 5,800 ug/L benzene, 110 mg/l GRO, and 23 mg/l DRO in the groundwater. 0.05 feet of product was observed in one monitoring well (MW-7A) during this monitoring event. Contamination concentrations increased in 5 of the 8 monitoring well sampled. Groundwater flows toward the south west. Depth to groundwater was 37.80 to 54.60 feet below ground surface. Samples were collected with no purge. Samples were collected using bailers so the volatile sample results may be biased low. Robert Weimer
4/30/2013 Site Visit Site visit to observe groundwater sampling. They were sampling using both no purge (using Hydrasleeves) and purge (using a bladder pump) in each monitoring well. Robert Weimer
11/21/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Fourth quarter 2012 treatment system report. Site using a soil vapor extraction (SVE) system and product recovery system, a total of 10 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in this quarter by the SVE system. A total of 12,842 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. The system operated 99% of the time this quarter. The SVE system is extracting from monitoring wells MW-5A, MW-7, MW-7A, and RW-14. Monitoring well MW-7A was hooked up the SVE system on September 15, 2011. The system was shut down on October 17,2012 and will be restarted when safety upgrades have been completed. Robert Weimer
12/10/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other First quarter 2013 treatment system report. Site using a soil vapor extraction (SVE) system and product recovery system, a total of 0 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in this quarter by the SVE system. A total of 12,842 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. The system operated 0% of the time this quarter. The SVE system is extracting from monitoring wells MW-5A, MW-7, MW-7A, and RW-14. Monitoring well MW-7A was hooked up the SVE system on September 15, 2011. The system was shut down on October 17,2012 and will be restarted when safety upgrades have been completed. Robert Weimer
1/2/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On May 10, 2012 three multi-level soil vapor probes were sampled within 10 feet of the off-property building located down gradient of the site across the street to the south. Soil vapor probes VP-1 and VP-3 were installed with screen probes centered at 5, 10, and 15 feet below ground surface (bgs). Soil vapor probe VP-2 was installed with screen probes centered at 3.5 to 7.5 feet bgs. On May 10, 2012 the shallow (3.5 to 5 feet bgs) soil gas samples were non-detect for BTEX, naphthalene, and TPH Gasoline. On May 10, 2012 the deep (7.5 to 15 feet bgs) soil gas samples were non-detect for BTEX, naphthalene, and TPH Gasoline. All were well below ADEC soil gas screening levels. Ambient downwind air sample was non detect for all analytes. Need a frozen ground soil gas sampling event to evaluate those conditions. Robert Weimer
1/22/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Second quarter 2013 treatment system report. Site using a soil vapor extraction (SVE) system and product recovery system, a total of 10 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in this quarter by the SVE system. A total of 12,852 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. The system operated 50% of the time this quarter. The SVE system is extracting from monitoring wells MW-5A, MW-7, MW-7A, and RW-14. Monitoring well MW-7A was hooked up the SVE system on September 15, 2011. The system was resarted on May 15, 2013 after safety upgrades were completed. Robert Weimer
2/6/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Third quarter 2013 treatment system report. Site using a soil vapor extraction (SVE) system and product recovery system, a total of 15 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in this quarter by the SVE system. A total of 12,867 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. The system operated 100% of the time this quarter. The SVE system is extracting from monitoring wells MW-5A, MW-7, MW-7A, and RW-14. Monitoring well MW-7A was hooked up the SVE system on September 15, 2011. The system was resarted on May 15, 2013 after safety upgrades were completed. Robert Weimer
2/14/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other April 29, 2013 groundwater monitoring event. Site using a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) and product recovery system. Up to 5,800 ug/L benzene, 110 mg/l GRO, and 23 mg/l DRO in the groundwater. 0.2 feet of product was observed in one monitoring well (MW-7A) during this monitoring event. Contamination concentrations increased in 3 of the 8 monitoring well sampled. Groundwater flows toward the west by southwest. Depth to groundwater was 44.40 to 53.83 feet below ground surface. Each monitoring well was sampled twice: once with no purge (Hydrasleeve), and then after purging (bladder pump). Results of the Hydrasleeve are considered biased low because the water column sampled was not documented and may not have included the top of the water column. Results of the purge samples are considered biased low because the depth of the pump intake was not documented in the field notes. Not possible to fully compare the no purge and purge results because of problems with documenting the intervals sampled. MW-9 had 11.5 ug/l benzene with no purge, but had 593 ug/l with purge. MW-5 had non-detect (<1.0 ug/l) benzene with no purge, but had 260 ug/l with purge. Robert Weimer
2/18/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other September 17, 2013 groundwater monitoring event. Site using a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) and product recovery system. Up to 678 ug/L benzene, 266 mg/l GRO, and 11.9 mg/l DRO in the groundwater. PAH samples were collected from 2 monitoring wells (MW-5 and MW-7) and the PAH results were below cleanup levels. 0.19 feet of product was observed in one monitoring well (MW-7A) during this monitoring event. Contamination concentrations increased in 5 of the 8 monitoring well sampled. Groundwater flowed toward the southwest. Depth to groundwater was 36.20 to 55.10 feet below ground surface. Each monitoring well was sampled with no purge with Hydrasleeves. Results of the sampling are considered biased low because the water column sampled was not documented and may not have included the top of the water column as required. Robert Weimer
2/27/2014 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with Chevron and their consultants on 2/27/2014. They plan to continue operation of the remediation system and semi-annual groundwater monitoring. Because of problems with last year’s purge/no-purge sampling the next groundwater sampling event they will sample both using no purge and purge help evaluate that the past no purge results were providing comparable data or they will switch to no purge for future sampling events. We discussed that the groundwater samples needs to be collected as close as possible to the soil/water interface, with the pump intake within a foot of the soil/water interface at the time of the sampling. After reviewing the results of the May 2014 groundwater sampling event the consultant may be requesting a reduction in ground water monitoring. They still need a frozen ground soil gas sampling event to help evaluated the vapor intrusion pathway. In the future they will need to evaluate for a diving plume on the monitoring wells far from the release point. The consultant will make sure that their site reports are complete in accordance with DEC’s 9/23/2009 Site Characterization Work Plan and Reporting Guidance for Investigation of Contaminated Sites. Robert Weimer
4/7/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The March 20, 2014 Soil Vapor Investigation work plan is approved. Based on the results of the sampling additional sampling may be required. DEC recommends that they replace the sample train tubing between sampling each vapor probe or depth to minimize any cross contamination. Robert Weimer
6/9/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Fourth quarter 2013 treatment system report. Site using a soil vapor extraction (SVE) system and product recovery system, a total of 3 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in this quarter by the SVE system. A total of 12,870 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. The system operated 100% of the time this quarter. The SVE system is extracting from monitoring wells MW-5A, MW-7, MW-7A, and RW-14. Monitoring well MW-7A was hooked up the SVE system on September 15, 2011. The system was restarted on May 15, 2013 after safety upgrades were completed. Robert Weimer
11/24/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other First quarter 2014 treatment system report. Site using a soil vapor extraction (SVE) system and product recovery system, a total of 6 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in this quarter by the SVE system. A total of 12,876 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. The system operated 100% of the time this quarter. The SVE system is extracting from monitoring wells MW-5A, MW-7, MW-7A, and RW-14. Monitoring well MW-7A was hooked up the SVE system on September 15, 2011. The system was restarted on May 15, 2013 after safety upgrades were completed. Robert Weimer
1/6/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On April 9, 2014 three multi-level soil vapor probes were sampled in frozen ground conditions within 10 feet of the off-property building located down gradient of the site across the street to the south. Soil vapor probes VP-1 and VP-3 were installed with screen probes centered at 5, 10, and 15 feet below ground surface (bgs). Soil vapor probe VP-2 was installed with screen probes centered at 3.5 to 7.5 feet bgs. The shallow (3.5 to 5 feet bgs) soil gas samples were non-detect for BTEX, naphthalene, and TPH Gasoline. The shallow 5.0 feet bgs vapor probe VP-1 was not sampled because it appeared to be plugged or frozen. The deep (7.5 to 15 feet bgs) soil gas samples were non-detect for BTEX, naphthalene, and TPH Gasoline, but had 30 ug/m3 toluene. All were well below ADEC soil gas screening levels. Ambient downwind air sample was not collected. Robert Weimer
2/12/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Second quarter 2014 treatment system report. Site using a soil vapor extraction (SVE) system and product recovery system, a total of 6 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in this quarter by the SVE system. A total of 12,873 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. The system operated 95% of the time this quarter. The SVE system is extracting from monitoring wells MW-5A, MW-7, MW-7A, and RW-14. Monitoring well MW-7A was hooked up the SVE system on September 15, 2011. The system was restarted on May 15, 2013 after safety upgrades were completed. Robert Weimer
3/18/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other April 28-29, 2014 groundwater monitoring event. Site using a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) and product recovery system. Up to 8,650 ug/L benzene, 127 mg/l GRO, and 16.5 mg/l DRO in the groundwater. PAH samples were collected from 2 monitoring wells (MW-5 and MW-7) and they had up to 27.7 ug/l 1-methylnaphthalene, 50.4 ug/l 2-methylnaphthalene, and 230 ug/l naphthalene. 0.02 feet of product was observed in one monitoring well (MW-7A) during this monitoring event. Contamination concentrations increased in 6 of the 8 monitoring well sampled. Groundwater flowed toward the west by southwest. Depth to groundwater was 32.43 to 52.94 feet below ground surface. Each monitoring well was sampled with purge with a bladder pump. Results of the sampling are considered biased low because the pump intake was not within the top foot of the water column in monitoring wells 7 and 13. Robert Weimer
5/15/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other September 3-4, 2014 groundwater monitoring event. Site using a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) and product recovery system. Up to 611 ug/L benzene, 15.5 mg/l GRO, and 1.1 mg/l DRO in the groundwater. PAH samples were collected from 1 monitoring well (MW-5) and it had up to 0.20 ug/l 1-methylnaphthalene and 4.0 ug/l naphthalene. Product was observed in two monitoring wells (MW-7, 0.01 feet) and (MW-7A, 0.05 feet) during this monitoring event. Contamination concentrations increased in 4 of the 6 monitoring well sampled. Groundwater flowed toward the west by southwest. Depth to groundwater was 24.24 to 56.40 feet below ground surface. Each monitoring well was sampled with purge with a bladder pump. Results of the sampling are considered biased low because the pump intake was not within the top foot of the water column in monitoring wells 12, 13, and 14 as required. Robert Weimer
5/15/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Third quarter 2014 treatment system report. Site using a soil vapor extraction (SVE) system and product recovery system, a total of 6 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in this quarter by the SVE system. A total of 12,880 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. The system operated 99% of the time this quarter. The SVE system is extracting from monitoring wells MW-5A, MW-7, MW-7A, and RW-14. Monitoring well MW-7A was hooked up the SVE system on September 15, 2011. The system was restarted on May 15, 2013 after safety upgrades were completed. Robert Weimer
6/18/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Fourth quarter 2014 treatment system report. Site using a soil vapor extraction (SVE) system and product recovery system, a total of 4 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in this quarter by the SVE system. A total of 12,884 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. The system operated 90% of the time this quarter. The SVE system is extracting from monitoring wells MW-5A, MW-7, MW-7A, and RW-14. Monitoring well MW-7A was hooked up the SVE system on September 15, 2011. The system was restarted on May 15, 2013 after safety upgrades were completed. Robert Weimer
9/28/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other First quarter 2015 treatment system report. Site using a soil vapor extraction (SVE) system and product recovery system, a total of 10 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in this quarter by the SVE system. A total of 12,932 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. The system operated 100% of the time this quarter. The SVE system is extracting from monitoring wells MW-5A, MW-7, MW-7A, and RW-14. Monitoring well MW-7A was hooked up the SVE system on September 15, 2011. The system was restarted on May 15, 2013 after safety upgrades were completed. Robert Weimer
10/28/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other April 14, 2015 groundwater monitoring event. Site using a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) and product recovery system. Up to 8,830 ug/L benzene, 213 mg/l GRO, and 21.5 mg/l DRO in the groundwater. PAH samples were collected from 2 monitoring wells (MW-5 and MW-7) and they had up to 279 ug/l naphthalene. Free product was not found in any of the monitoring wells this monitoring event, the last time free product was noted was on September 3, 2014. Contamination concentrations increased in 4 of the 9 monitoring well sampled. Groundwater flowed toward the west by southwest. Depth to groundwater was 23.4 to 54.35 feet below ground surface. Each monitoring well was sampled with no-purge with Hydrasleeves. Samples were documented as being taken from the top of the water column as required, except of monitoring well MW-7 which sampling depth was not documented in the field notes. Robert Weimer
5/16/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Second quarter 2015 treatment system report. Site using a soil vapor extraction (SVE) system and product recovery system, a total of 18 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in this quarter by the SVE system. A total of 12,950 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. The system operated 96% of the time this quarter. The SVE system is extracting from monitoring wells MW-5A, MW-7, MW-7A, and RW-14. Monitoring well MW-7A was hooked up the SVE system on September 15, 2011. The system was restarted on May 15, 2013 after safety upgrades were completed. Robert Weimer
5/31/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other September 2, 2015 groundwater monitoring event. Site using a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) and product recovery system. Up to 6,690 ug/L benzene, 26.5 mg/l GRO, and 24.9 mg/l DRO in the groundwater. PAH samples were collected from 2 monitoring wells (MW-5 and MW-7) and they had up to 317 ug/l naphthalene. Free product was not found in any of the monitoring wells this monitoring event, the last time free product was noted was on September 3, 2014. Contamination concentrations increased in 5 of the 8 monitoring well sampled. Groundwater flowed toward the west by southwest. Depth to groundwater was 35.11 to 56.42 feet below ground surface. Each monitoring well was sampled with no-purge with Hydrasleeves. Samples were documented as being taken from the top of the water column as required. Robert Weimer
6/8/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Third quarter 2015 treatment system report. Site using a soil vapor extraction (SVE) system and product recovery system, a total of 156 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in this quarter by the SVE system. A total of 13,272 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. The system operated 100% of the time this quarter. The SVE system is extracting from monitoring wells MW-5A, MW-7, MW-7A, and RW-14. Monitoring well MW-7A was hooked up the SVE system on September 15, 2011. The system was restarted on May 15, 2013 after safety upgrades were completed. Robert Weimer
7/13/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Fourth quarter 2015 treatment system report. Site using a soil vapor extraction (SVE) system and product recovery system, a total of 71 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in this quarter by the SVE system. A total of 13,343 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. The system operated 98% of the time this quarter. The SVE system is extracting from monitoring wells MW-5A, MW-7, MW-7A, and RW-14. Monitoring well MW-7A was hooked up the SVE system on September 15, 2011. The system was restarted on May 15, 2013 after safety upgrades were completed. Robert Weimer
1/5/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other First quarter 2016 treatment system report. Site using a soil vapor extraction (SVE) system and product recovery system, a total of 7 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in this quarter by the SVE system. A total of 13,350 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. The system operated 90% of the time this quarter. The SVE system is extracting from monitoring wells MW-5A, MW-7, MW-7A, and RW-14. Monitoring well MW-7A was hooked up the SVE system on September 15, 2011. The system was restarted on May 15, 2013 after safety upgrades were completed. Robert Weimer
3/10/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Second quarter 2016 treatment system report. Site using a soil vapor extraction (SVE) system and product recovery system, a total of 32 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in this quarter by the SVE system. A total of 13,382 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. The system operated 83% of the time this quarter. The SVE system is extracting from monitoring wells MW-5A, MW-7, MW-7A, and RW-14. Monitoring well MW-7A was hooked up the SVE system on September 15, 2011. The system was restarted on May 15, 2013 after safety upgrades were completed. Robert Weimer
4/3/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other April 13, 2016 groundwater monitoring event. Site using a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) and product recovery system. Up to 7,300 ug/L benzene, 200 mg/l GRO, and 29 mg/l DRO in the groundwater. Free product was not found in any of the monitoring wells this monitoring event, the last time free product was noted was on September 3, 2014. PAH samples were collected from 2 monitoring wells (MW-5 and MW-7) and they had up to 400 ug/l naphthalene. Contamination concentrations increased in 5 of the 8 monitoring well sampled. Groundwater flowed toward the west by southwest. Depth to groundwater was 45.65 to 55.09 feet below ground surface. Each monitoring well was sampled with no-purge with Hydrasleeves and bailers for DRO and PAH. Samples were documented as being taken from the top of the water column as required. Robert Weimer
4/30/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other September 16, 2016 groundwater monitoring event. Site using a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) and product recovery system. Up to 7,300 ug/L benzene, 200 mg/l GRO, and 29 mg/l DRO in the groundwater. Free product was not found in any of the monitoring wells this monitoring event, the last time free product was noted was on September 3, 2014. PAH samples were collected from one monitoring well (MW-5), (MW-7 was dry) and it was non-detect for all PAHs. Contamination concentrations increased in 5 of the 6 monitoring well sampled. Some of the monitoring wells did not have sufficient water to sample. Groundwater flowed toward the southwest. Depth to groundwater was 36.85 to 56.27 feet below ground surface. Each monitoring well was sampled with no-purge with Hydrasleeves and bailers for DRO and PAH. The sampling interval was not documented. Robert Weimer
1/16/2019 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 77985 1988 UST contamination. Robert Weimer
5/20/2019 Update or Other Action DEC receives notification that they plan to conduct the next groundwater monitoring event the week of May 27, 2019. Robert Weimer
6/28/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received 2018 Operations and Monitoring report. Robert Weimer
9/10/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other April 5-6, 2018 groundwater monitoring event. Site using a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) and product recovery system. Up to 5,000 ug/L benzene, 200 mg/l GRO, and 22 mg/l DRO in the groundwater. Free product was not found in any of the monitoring wells this monitoring event, the last time free product was noted was on September 3, 2014. PAH samples were collected from monitoring wells MW-5 and MW-7 and they were non-detect or below cleanup levels for all PAHs Naphthalene was 250 ug/l in MW-7. Contamination concentrations increased in 4 of the 6 monitoring well sampled. Some of the monitoring wells did not have sufficient water to sample. Groundwater flowed toward the southwest. Depth to groundwater was 37.52 to 54.65 feet below ground surface. Each monitoring well was sampled with no-purge with Hydrasleeves and bailers for DRO and PAH. The sampling interval was not documented. Robert Weimer
9/10/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other October 24, 2018 groundwater monitoring event. Site using a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) and product recovery system. Up to 460 ug/L benzene, 160 mg/l GRO, and 23 mg/l DRO in the groundwater. Free product was not found in any of the monitoring wells this monitoring event, the last time free product was noted was on September 3, 2014. PAH samples were collected from monitoring well MW-5 and MW-7 and they were non-detect or below cleanup levels for all PAHs Naphthalene was 420 ug/l in MW-7. Contamination concentrations increased in 2 of the 7 monitoring well sampled. Some of the monitoring wells did not have sufficient water to sample. Groundwater flowed toward the southwest. Depth to groundwater was 38.50 to 55.82 feet below ground surface. Each monitoring well was sampled with no-purge with Hydrasleeves and bailers for DRO and PAH. The sampling interval was not documented. Robert Weimer
9/23/2019 Update or Other Action ADEC requests for this site that the monitoring wells are purged prior to sampling, and that the intake of the bladder pump/in-well pump be documented in the field notes to be within the top foot of the water column at the time of the sampling. Also VOC sampling needs to include the full 8260 VOC list including naphthalene. Robert Weimer
10/28/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Annual 2018 treatment system report. Site using a soil vapor extraction (SVE) system and product recovery system, a total of 31 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in this year by the SVE system. A total of 13,742 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. The system operated 72% of the time in 2018. The SVE system is extracting from monitoring wells MW-5A, MW-7, MW-7A, and RW-14. Monitoring well MW-7A was hooked up the SVE system on September 15, 2011. The system was restarted on May 15, 2013 after safety upgrades were completed. Robert Weimer
1/16/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other April 19, 2019 groundwater monitoring event. Site using a soil vapor extraction system (SVE) and product recovery system. Up to 5,000 ug/L benzene, 46,000 ug/l toluene, 4,600 ug/l ethylbenzene, 26,000 ug/l total xylenes, 31 ug/l naphthalene, 190 mg/l GRO, and 22 mg/l DRO in the groundwater. Free product was not found in any of the monitoring wells this monitoring event, the last time free product was noted was on September 3, 2014. PAH samples were non-detect or below cleanup levels. Contamination concentrations increased in 6 of the 7 monitoring well sampled. Some of the monitoring wells did not have sufficient water to sample. Groundwater flowed toward the southwest. Depth to groundwater was 38.85 to 55.03 feet below ground surface. Each monitoring well was sampled after purging with a bladder pump. Because the pump intake was not in the top foot of the water column at the time of the sampling (it was between 2 to 3 feet) the results may be biased low. Only BTEX results were provided for the VOC analysis. Robert Weimer
3/12/2020 Update or Other Action ADEC requests for this site that the monitoring wells are purged prior to sampling, and that the intake of the bladder pump/in-well pump be documented in the field notes to be within the top foot of the water column at the time of the sampling. Also all BTEX and VOC sampling needs to include the full 8260 VOC list including naphthalene. ADEC is also requesting that all reports be submitted within 60 days of the sampling and the groundwater monitoring figure include a diagram showing historic groundwater flow directions. Robert Weimer
3/17/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC reviewed 2020 groundwater sampling plan and provided the following comments: For all future monitoring events please make sure that the field notes document the measurement of the pump intake that is within the top foot of the water column at the time of the sampling unless the top of the well screened interval is deeper, then in that case from the top foot of that screened interval. For all future monitoring events any monitoring well where BTEX or HVOC sampling is proposed it needs to be the full VOC (method 8260) list, including naphthalene. The field QC samples are per day of sampling at a site. For all future monitoring events all reports be submitted within 60 days of the sampling and the groundwater monitoring figure include a diagram showing historic groundwater flow directions. For all future monitoring events if a monitoring well is low yield and purges dry then a sample will still need to be collected that monitoring event once the monitoring well has recharged to approximately 80% of its pre-purge volume. If it has not returned to 80% of its pre-purged volume during that sampling day DEC requests that you return to the site early the next day to attempt to collect the water sample. Robert Weimer
3/19/2020 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with Arcadis to discuss this and other Chevron sites. They will send a request to disconnect the remediation system from monitoring well MW-5A and connect to monitoring well MW-14. Robert Weimer
6/4/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other 2020 First Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on April 8th and 9th, 2020. Monitoring wells MW-5, MW-5A, MW-7, MW-7A, MW-12 and MW-13 were sampled and analyzed for GRO, DRO, VOCs, and PAHs. MW-9 had insufficient water to sample, MW-10 was unable to be located, well vault at MW-11 was frozen and could not be gauged, MW-14 was dry at 23.4 ft btoc and RW-14 was unable to be sampled due to pump stuck in well. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and groundwater depth was 39.38 to 56.00 feet below ground surface. Rebekah Reams
12/7/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other 2020 Second Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on October 7th and 8th, 2020. Monitoring wells MW-5, MW-5A, MW-7, MW-7A, MW-11, MW-12, and MW-13 were sampled and analyzed for GRO, DRO, VOCs, and PAHs. Monitoring wells MW-9 and MW-14 had insufficient water to sample. RW-14 was unable to be sampled due to a pump being stuck in the well. Groundwater flow direction was to the south and groundwater depth was 23.35 to 55.70 feet. GRO, DRO, BTEX, naphthalene, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, EDB, EDC, 1-methylnaphthalene, and 2-methylnaphthalene exceeded cleanup levels during this sampling event. Rebekah Reams
1/15/2021 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC staff met with Chevron Environmental Management Company (CEMC) and Arcadis to discuss Chevron sites located in Alaska during the Annual Portfolio Meeting on January 14th and 15th, 2021. Rebekah Reams
3/23/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Third quarter 2019 treatment system report. A total of 25 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in this quarter by the soil vapor extraction (SVE) system. A total of 13,784 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. Compared to recent data, the concentration of GRO was higher than previous sampling events. The system operated 6% of the time this quarter according to hour meter readings; however, this reading is not consistent with field observations and may not be accurate. This discrepancy will be further investigated during the future events. Rebekah Reams
3/23/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Fourth quarter 2019 treatment system report. A total of 1.09 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in this quarter by the soil vapor extraction (SVE) system. A total of 13,785 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. The system operated 68% of the time this quarter. No discrepancies between SVE hour meter readings and system operation were observed in the fourth quarter. Tedlar bags were used for sample collection in place of summa canisters during this sampling event. Rebekah Reams
3/23/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other First quarter 2020 treatment system report. A total of 13.34 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in this quarter by the soil vapor extraction (SVE) system. A total of 13,798 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. The system operated 100% of the time this quarter. Rebekah Reams
3/23/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Second quarter 2020 treatment system report. A total of 109.58 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in this quarter by the soil vapor extraction (SVE) system. A total of 13,898 pounds of GRO has been removed since 1990. The system operated 80% of the time this quarter. Rebekah Reams
5/18/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other 2021 First Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on April 14th, 2021. Monitoring wells MW-5A, MW-7, MW-7A, and MW-13 were sampled and analyzed for GRO, DRO, VOCs, and PAHs. Well vaults at MW-5 and MW-12 were frozen and flooded, MW-9 and MW-14 had insufficient water to sample. MW-11 could not be located due to ice and RW-14 was unable to sample due to pump stuck in well. Groundwater flow direction was to the south-southwest and groundwater depth was 30.49 to 55.70 feet. GRO, DRO, BTEX, naphthalene, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, EDB, EDC, 1-methylnaphthalene, 2-methylnaphthalene. Rebekah Reams
6/30/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided comments on the System Optimization Work Plan, which outlines plans to disconnect and remove the SVE fittings currently operating at MW-5A and reconnect to monitoring well MW-14. Rebekah Reams
1/13/2022 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review 2021 Second Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on September 7, 2021. Monitoring wells MW-5, MW-5A, MW-7, MW-7A, MW-11, MW-12, and MW-13 were sampled and analyzed for GRO, DRO, VOCs, and PAHs. MW-9 and MW-14 had insufficient water to sample. RW-14 was unable to sample due to pump stuck in well. Groundwater flow direction was to the south-southwest and groundwater depth was 38.72 to 55.82 feet. GRO, DRO, BTEX, naphthalene, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, EDB, EDC, 1-methylnaphthalene, 2-methylnaphthalene. Rebekah Reams
5/18/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC received the Annual 2021 Treatment System Report which indicates that a total of 15,039 pounds of GRO is estimated to have been removed since the system start up. Rebekah Reams
7/15/2022 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review Second quarter 2022 treatment system report. A total of 10 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in this quarter by the soil vapor extraction (SVE) system. A total of 14,534 pounds of GRO has been removed since system startup. The system operated 100% of the time between March 3, 2023 to June 6, 2022. Rebekah Reams
7/20/2022 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review 2022 First Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on April 12, 2022. Monitoring wells MW-5, MW-5A, MW-7, MW-7A, MW-11, MW-12, and MW-13 were sampled and analyzed for GRO, DRO, VOCs, and PAHs. MW-9, MW-10 and MW-14 had insufficient water to sample. RW-14 could not be sampled due to pump stuck in well. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and groundwater depth was 30.56 to 55.76 feet. GRO, DRO, BTEX, naphthalene, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, EDB, EDC, 1-methylnaphthalene, 2-methylnaphthalene. Rebekah Reams
9/29/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC provided comments on the Treatment of Purge Water Utilizing Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) at Chevron Environmental Management Company Sites which includes standard operating procedures and breakthrough estimates proposed for use at this site. Rebekah Reams
12/23/2022 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved DEC approved transport of one 55-gallon drum of purge water for offsite disposal Rebekah Reams
1/16/2023 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review 2022 Second Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on August 23, 2022. Monitoring wells MW-5, MW-5A, MW-7, MW-7A, MW-11, MW-12 and MW-13 were sampled and analyzed for GRO, DRO, VOCs, and PAHs. MW-9, MW-10 and MW-14 had insufficient water to sample. RW-14 was unable to sample due to pump stuck in well. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and groundwater depth was 25.46 to 57.03 feet. GRO, DRO, BTEX, naphthalene, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, EDB, EDC, 1-methylnaphthalene, 2-methylnaphthalene. Rebekah Reams
3/21/2023 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review DEC approved the Groundwater Sampling Analyte Reduction Request – Groundwater Sampling Work Plan Addendum which proposes to update the groundwater monitoring schedule to include analysis for GRO, DRO, VOCs, PAHs, and lead at each well with monitoring wells MW-5, MW-5A, MW-7, MW-7A, MW-9, MW-14, and RW-14 sampled on a semi-annual basis and MW-10 through MW-13 sampled on an annual basis during the third quarter. Rebekah Reams
9/5/2023 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review Second quarter 2023 treatment system report. A total of 0.12 pounds of hydrocarbons were removed in this quarter by the soil vapor extraction (SVE) system. A total of 14,672 pounds of GRO has been removed since system startup. The system operated 79.2% of the time between April 15 and June 15, 2023. Rebekah Reams
9/12/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC approved the Soil and Groundwater Investigation Work Plan which proposes to complete high resolution site characterization by implementing a Hydraulic Profiling Tool, Membrane Interface Probes, and Optical Image Profiling technology. Site characterization work will also include the advancement of soil borings and installation of groundwater monitoring wells. Rebekah Reams
9/12/2023 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review 2023 First Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on April 14th, 2023. Monitoring wells MW-5, MW5A, MW-7, MW-7A, MW-9, and RW-14 were sampled and analyzed for GRO, DRO, VOCs, PAHs, and lead. Monitoring wells MW-14 had insufficient water to sample. Groundwater flow direction was to the south-southwest and groundwater depth was 31.88 to 50.32 feet. GRO, DRO, BTEX, naphthalene, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, EDB, EDC, 1-methylnaphthalene, 2-methylnaphthalene, and lead exceeded cleanup levels during this sampling event. ADEC provided comments on the report requesting an updated waste management plan due to the presence of lead above cleanup levels in groundwater at the site. Rebekah Reams
4/24/2024 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review Third quarter 2023 treatment system report. Approximately 12.75 pounds of GRO were removed in this quarter by the soil vapor extraction (SVE) system. A total of 14,685 pounds of GRO has been removed since system startup. The system operated 99.6% of the time between July 15 and September 26, 2023. Rebekah Reams
4/29/2024 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review 2023 Second Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on August 22nd, 2023. Monitoring wells MW-5, MW5A, MW-7, MW-7A, MW-9 through MW-13, and RW-14 were sampled and analyzed for GRO, DRO, VOCs, PAHs, and lead. Monitoring wells MW-14 had insufficient water to sample. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and groundwater depth was 31.93 to 52.92 feet. GRO, DRO, BTEX, naphthalene, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, EDB, EDC, 1-methylnaphthalene, and lead exceeded cleanup levels during this sampling event. Rebekah Reams
5/14/2024 Update or Other Action ADEC approved a request to postpone offsite high-resolution site characterization proposed in the Soil and Groundwater Investigation Work Plan approved on September 12, 2023 due to health and safety considerations for working within a utility corridor and difficulty obtaining the necessary equipment to complete the work. Onsite investigations will proceed and the results from this investigation will guide future work. Rebekah Reams
7/25/2024 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review First quarter 2024 treatment system report. Approximately 0.3 pounds of GRO were removed in this quarter by the soil vapor extraction (SVE) system. A total of 14,689 pounds of GRO has been removed since system startup. The system operated 100% of the time between January 17 and March 19, 2024. Rebekah Reams
7/26/2024 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review 2024 First Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on April 23rd, 2024. Monitoring wells MW-5, MW-5A, MW-7, MW-7A, MW-9, MW-10, and RW-14 were sampled and analyzed for GRO, DRO, VOCs, PAHs, and lead. Monitoring wells MW-14 had insufficient water to sample. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and groundwater depth was 25.60 to 52.65 feet. GRO, DRO, BTEX, EDB, EDC, naphthalene, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, 1-methylnaphthalene, 2-methylnaphthalene, and lead exceeded cleanup levels during this sampling event. Rebekah Reams
7/26/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved a request to shutdown the AS/SVE system located on-site to evaluate for contaminant rebound. The system will remain shut down for four semi-annual groundwater monitoring events. Dissolved phase GRO, DRO, and benzene data will be used to evaluate whether rebound has occurred during system shutdown. Rebekah Reams
7/26/2024 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review Second quarter 2024 treatment system report. Approximately 1.44 pounds of GRO were removed in this quarter by the soil vapor extraction (SVE) system. A total of 14,690 pounds of GRO has been removed since system startup. The system operated 100% of the time between April 9 and June 11, 2024. Rebekah Reams
9/24/2024 Site Visit ADEC conducted a site visit with Chevron and Arcadis personnel to observe site layout, sampling locations, and nearby features. Rebekah Reams
9/25/2024 Meeting or Teleconference Held ADEC staff met with Chevron and their consultant for an annual portfolio meeting to discuss site status, upcoming document submittals, pending reviews, and general updates for Chevron's contaminated sites throughout the state. Rebekah Reams
11/26/2024 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved ADEC approved transport of 18 drums of soil cuttings generated during site characterization efforts and 4 drums of purge water generated during site characterization and groundwater monitoring events Rebekah Reams
1/17/2025 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other 2024 Second Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on October 9th and 10th, 2024. Monitoring wells MW-5, MW-5A, MW-7, MW-7A, MW-9, MW-10, and RW-14 were sampled and analyzed for GRO, DRO, VOCs, PAHs, and lead. Monitoring wells MW-14, MW-15, and MW-16 had insufficient water to sample. Groundwater flow direction was to the south-southwest and groundwater depth was 23.00 to 53.00 feet. GRO, DRO, BTEX, EDB, EDC, naphthalene, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, 1-methylnaphthalene, 2-methylnaphthalene, lead, and dissolved lead exceeded cleanup levels during this sampling event. Pax Templeton

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