Action Date |
Action |
Description |
DEC Staff |
9/18/1987 |
Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment |
Tank tightness testing conducted at the Olson's #2 Gas Station found that the unleaded gas tank is leaking. Tank tightness testing conducted at the Olson's #2 Gas Station found that the unleaded gas tank is leaking. Line testing indicates that they may be leaking. |
Robert Weimer |
9/24/1987 |
Update or Other Action |
Letter from the tank testing firm that they believe the leak is at the fill piping coupling that was loose. He stated that he repaired the coupling later that same day. The letter also stated that the leak rate of 0.03764 gallons per hour identified by the testing is within the testing standard of 0.05 gallons per hour. |
Robert Weimer |
12/14/1987 |
Site Added to Database |
Former Staff |
12/14/1987 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum |
LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 77926 Woodward-Clyde Consultants' soil gas survey showed contaminated soil and groundwater beneath site along with off-property migration of contaminated groundwater. The report concludes that there is a significant gasoline contamination at this site. The highest levels were found near the south dispenser island. |
Former Staff |
5/7/1990 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC letter requesting current operator/lessee (Randy Hahn, Korovin Corporation) to identify the vertical and lateral extent of surface/subsurface contamination, cleanup soil and groundwater contaminated, and all workplans accompanied with Quality assurance/quality control plan. |
Former Staff |
6/21/1990 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC letter to owner of property (Stobaughs) to submit workplans for containing/cleaning up discharge of petroleum or petroleum products. Activities must be carried out in a ADEC approved manner accompanied by a quality assurance/quality control plan. |
Former Staff |
8/14/1990 |
Update or Other Action |
Letter from the State Department of Law to attorney for Randy Hahn of Korovin Corporation. The letter states that as an operator of the facility his client is also liable for the contamination. |
Robert Weimer |
4/16/1991 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC letter to Randy Hahn of Korovin Corporation again requesting release investigation and corrective action for the soil and groundwater contamination identified at the site. |
Robert Weimer |
5/10/1991 |
Update or Other Action |
RP's consultant submits a workplan to conduct a site assessment to determine if a release has occurred at this site. ADEC rejects the workplan because a release has already been documented at this site, so a release investigation and corrective action plan is required. |
Robert Weimer |
11/17/1992 |
Release Investigation |
Three monitoring wells were installed on the property. Up to 5.11 mg/l benzene, in the groundwater. Depth to groundwater was from 8.82 to 9.04 bleow ground surface. Groundwater flow direction is toward the northwest. |
Robert Weimer |
5/10/1993 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
A site assessment conducted by the owner of a vacant lot located on the northwest corner of 36th and Old Seward Highway, which is down gradient from the Olson #2 gas station. The assessment identified soil and groundwater contamination over cleanup levels on their property that appears to have come from the Olson #2 gas station. |
Robert Weimer |
7/8/1994 |
Update or Other Action |
Letter from EPA to Randy Hahn Korovin Corporation requesting by August 15, 1993 that they provide proof of installation of automatic line leak detector and inventory control records. |
Robert Weimer |
9/2/1994 |
Update or Other Action |
Letter from EPA to Randy Hahn Korovin Corporation that since he has not provided the information requested in the July 8, 1994 letter, they have referred his case to formal enforcement. |
Robert Weimer |
2/20/1995 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC receives notification that the tanks failed their recent tightness testing. |
Robert Weimer |
3/10/1995 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC letter requests that the RP, Randy Hahn (Korovin Corporation) investigate the cause of the failed tightness test. |
Robert Weimer |
3/13/1995 |
Update or Other Action |
RP submits a corrective action plan for this site. The plan proposes to conduct a release investigation, remove the tanks and piping, excavate contaminated soil, and develop a plan to treat contaminated groundwater. |
Former Staff |
3/18/1995 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC receives the results of tightness testing conducted on 2/17/95. The testing showed leaks. |
Robert Weimer |
4/3/1995 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
April 3, 1995 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 2,180 ug/l benzene, 4.17 mg/l DRO, and 58.3 mg/l GRO in the groundwater. The contamination concentration are increasing in some monitoring wells. Depth to groundwater was 7.75 to 11.36 feet below ground surface. Historically the groundwater flow direction is to the northwest. |
Robert Weimer |
4/11/1995 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC letter requesting information regarding proposed corrective action plan. |
Robert Weimer |
4/14/1995 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC memo discussing that this site should not be eligible for state financial assistance. |
Robert Weimer |
4/14/1995 |
Enforcement Action |
ADEC issues a Notice Of Violation (NOV) to Randy Hahn of Korovin Corporation for failure to provide information on failed tank tightness testing. |
Robert Weimer |
4/21/1995 |
Update or Other Action |
Randy Hahn of Korovin Corporation signs and enters into a Compliance Oder By Consent (COBC) with the State of Alaska to conduct investigation, monitoring, cleanup, and reporting at the Olson's #1 (3607 Spenard Road) and the Olson's #2 (854 East 36th Avenue) sites. The terms of the COBC are binding on any future lessees, operators, and owners of those properties. |
Robert Weimer |
5/15/1995 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC approves corrective action and release investigation workplans. |
Former Staff |
6/14/1995 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
June 14, 1995 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 7490 ug/l benzene, 26.8 mg/l DRO, and 139 mg/l GRO in the groundwater. The contamination concentration are increasing in some monitoring wells. Historically the groundwater flow direction is to the northwest. |
Robert Weimer |
7/12/1995 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum |
On July 10 to 12, 1995 the three underground storage tanks (two 12,000 gallon gasoline, and one 3,000 gallon diesel) and associated piping were removed. A visible oil sheen was found on the surface of the shallow groundwater. 95 tons of contaminated soil was excavated and transported off site for thermal treatment. Up to 254 mg/kg benzene, 12,529 mg/kg GRO, and 11,900 mg/kg DRO remains in the excavation at the site. |
Former Staff |
8/1/1995 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC approves plan to install 5 additional monitoring wells at the site to help define the extent of the soil and groundwater. |
Robert Weimer |
9/25/1995 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC receives notification that they were only able to install 3 of the 5 planned additional monitoring wells. |
Robert Weimer |
9/28/1995 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Three additional off property monitoring wells (G-4, G-5, G-6) were installed on 9/28/95. Up to 1 mg/kg benzene, 2120 mg/kg GRO, and 490 mg/kg DRO was found in the soil samples collected. |
Robert Weimer |
9/29/1995 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
September 29, 1995 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 7020 ug/l benzene, 115 mg/l GRO, and 7.58 mg/l DRO in the groundwater. The contamination concentration are increasing in some monitoring wells. Groundwater flow direction is to the northwest. Depth to groundwater was 5.92 to 9.62 feet below ground surface. |
Robert Weimer |
12/21/1995 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC approves an extension from December 20, 1995 to January 8, 1996 for conducting pilot testing and installing monitoring wells. |
Robert Weimer |
12/21/1995 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On December 21, 1995 three new monitoring wells (G-7, G-8, G-9) were installed off property. Soil samples were collected and they were all non-detect for benzene, GRO, and DRO. |
Robert Weimer |
1/9/1996 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
January 9, 1996 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 2010 ug/l benzene and 4.74 mg/l DRO in the groundwater. The contamination concentration are increasing in some monitoring wells. Groundwater flow direction is to the northwest. Depth to groundwater was 6.93 to 10.87 feet below ground surface. |
Robert Weimer |
6/3/1996 |
Update or Other Action |
Corrective action plan was submitted for using soil vapor extraction and air sparging to treat contaminated soil and groundwater. |
Robert Weimer |
7/31/1996 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
July 31, 1996 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 2590 ug/l benzene and 126 mg/l GRO in the groundwater. The contamination concentration are increasing in some monitoring wells. Historically groundwater flow direction is to the northwest. Depth to groundwater was 9.74 to 10.48 feet below ground surface. |
Robert Weimer |
12/5/1996 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
December 5, 1996 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 1450 ug/l benzene, 76.9 mg/l GRO, and 9.78 mg/l DRO in the groundwater. The contamination concentration are increasing in some monitoring wells. Groundwater flow direction is to the northwest. |
Robert Weimer |
4/16/1997 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
April 16, 1997 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 2200 ug/l benzene and 76 mg/l GRO in the groundwater. The contamination concentration are increasing in some monitoring wells. Historically the groundwater flow direction is to the northwest. Fuel product was encountered on the groundwater in two monitoring wells (B1MW and G-5). These wells were bailed and a total of 1.25 gallons of product was recovered. |
Robert Weimer |
8/5/1997 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
August 5, 1997 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 22470 ug/l benzene and 60 mg/l GRO in the groundwater. The contamination concentration are increasing in some monitoring wells. Depth to groundwater was 9.48 to 10.45 feet below ground surface. Historically the groundwater flow direction is to the northwest. The newly completed soil vapor extraction (SVE) system began operations on June 27, 1997. The air sparge (AS) system began operations on July 9, 1997. The SVE system is operated 24 hours a day, the AS system is operated 20 hours a day. |
Robert Weimer |
11/20/1997 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC sends Notification of Intent to Cost Recover Letter to Current Owner: RANDY HAHN |
Former Staff |
1/21/1998 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
January 21, 1998 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 1100 ug/l benzene in the groundwater. The contamination concentration are increasing in some monitoring wells. Historically the groundwater flow direction is to the northwest. The air sparging system is operating 20 hours a day, and the vapor extraction system is operating 24 hours a day. The system is removing an estimated 24 pounds of gasoline vapors per day (2190 pounds for the quarter). |
Robert Weimer |
6/9/1998 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
June 9, 1998 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 224 ug/l benzene, 88 mg/l GRO, and 27.7 mg/l DRO in the groundwater. The contamination concentration are increasing in some monitoring wells. The groundwater flow direction was to the northwest. Depth to groundwater was 5.4 to 9.46 feet below ground surface. The air sparging system was not operating, but the vapor extraction system is operating 24 hours a day. The system is removing an estimated 14 pounds of gasoline vapors per day (1277 pounds for the quarter). |
Robert Weimer |
12/30/1998 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
December 30, 1998 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 532 ug/l benzene, and 78 mg/l GRO in the groundwater. The contamination concentration are increasing in some monitoring wells. Groundwater flow direction is historically to the northwest. Depth to groundwater was 10.08 to 10.89 feet below ground surface. The air sparging system was operating 18 hours a day, but the vapor extraction system not operating due to ice blockage. |
Robert Weimer |
2/22/1999 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC notes that the air sparging system was operated without a functioning soil vapor extraction system could result in spreading potentially harmful and explosive vapors into nearby structures. ADEC requests that they stop operating the air sparge system until the vapor extraction system can be restored, and to evaluate all nearby structures for potential hazardous or explosive vapors. |
Robert Weimer |
5/13/1999 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Bank of America, located across the street to the north of the Olson's #2 property, had their consultant collect soil and water samples on their property. Four boring/temporary monitoring wells were drilled. Up to 2.8 mg/kg benzene, 16 mg/kg GRO, 590 mg/kg DRO in the soil samples. Up to 14000 ug/l benzene and 130 mg/l GRO in the groundwater samples. |
Robert Weimer |
5/25/1999 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
May 25, 1999 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 294 ug/l benzene, 49 mg/l GRO, and 47.2 mg/l DRO in the groundwater. The contamination concentration are increasing in some monitoring wells. Groundwater flow direction was to the northwest. Depth to groundwater was 6.7 to 10.82 feet below ground surface. The air sparging system is operating 22 hours a day, and the vapor extraction system is operating 24 hours a day. The system is removing an estimated 61.8 pounds of gasoline vapors per day (5639 pounds for the quarter). |
Robert Weimer |
10/1/1999 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
October 1, 1999 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 230 ug/l benzene and 49 mg/l GRO in the groundwater. The contamination concentration are increasing in some monitoring wells. Groundwater flow direction was to the northwest. Depth to groundwater was 8.51 to 9.58 feet below ground surface. The air sparging system/vapor extraction system is currently not operating and is scheduled for repair. |
Robert Weimer |
11/24/1999 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
November 24, 1999 soil vapor sampling report. The soil vapor extraction/air sparge system has been operating at the site. An estimated 0.75 pounds of gasoline vapors is being removed per day (68 pounds for this quarter). |
Robert Weimer |
5/3/2000 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
May 3, 2000 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 87.3 ug/l benzene, 47 mg/l GRO, and 6.99 mg/l DRO in the groundwater. The contamination concentration are increasing in some monitoring wells. Groundwater flow direction was to the northwest. Depth to groundwater was 5.03 to 9.62 feet below ground surface. The air sparging system is operating 24 hours a day, and the vapor extraction system is operating 24 hours a day. The system is removing an estimated 6 pounds of gasoline vapors per day (548 pounds for the quarter). |
Robert Weimer |
9/6/2000 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
September 6, 2000 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 95.5 ug/l benzene, and 32.8 mg/l GRO in the groundwater. The contamination concentration are increasing in some monitoring wells. Groundwater flow direction was to the north by northwest. Depth to groundwater was 9.11 to 9.74 feet below ground surface. The air sparging system was operating 22 hours a day, and the vapor extraction system is operating 24 hours a day. The system is removing an estimated 4.4 pounds of gasoline vapors per day (401 pounds for the quarter). |
Robert Weimer |
5/18/2001 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
May 18, 2001 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 77.4 ug/l benzene, 13.1 mg/l GRO, and 16.7 mg/l DRO in the groundwater. The contamination concentration are increasing in some monitoring wells. Groundwater flow direction was to the northwest. Depth to groundwater was 6.51 to 10.39 feet below ground surface. The air sparging system is operating 22 hours a day, and the vapor extraction system is operating 24 hours a day. The system is removing an estimated 6.86 pounds of gasoline vapors per day (626 pounds for the quarter). |
Robert Weimer |
12/17/2001 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
December 17, 2001 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 60.3 ug/l benzene, 11.3 mg/l GRO, and 5.99 mg/l DRO in the groundwater. The contamination concentration are increasing in some monitoring wells. Groundwater flow direction was to the north by northwest. Depth to groundwater was 10.08 to 10.81 feet below ground surface. The air sparging system is operating 22 hours a day, and the vapor extraction system is operating 24 hours a day. The system is removing an estimated 1.6 pounds of gasoline vapors per day (146 pounds for the quarter). |
Robert Weimer |
2/25/2002 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
February 2002 Soil Vapor Extraction System Sampling. The air sparging system is operating 24 hours a day, and the vapor extraction system is operating 24 hours a day. The system is removing an estimated 0.02 pounds of benzene per day, and 3.8 pounds of gasoline vapors per day (348 pounds for the quarter). |
Robert Weimer |
5/7/2002 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
May 7, 2002 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 35 ug/l benzene, 5.88 mg/l GRO, and 2.63 mg/l DRO in the groundwater. The contamination concentration are increasing in some monitoring wells. Groundwater flow direction was to the northwest. Depth to groundwater was 6.5 to 10.5 feet below ground surface. The air sparging system is operating 23 hours a day, and the vapor extraction system is operating 24 hours a day. The system is removing an estimated 0.2 pounds of gasoline vapors per day (18.25 pounds for the quarter). |
Robert Weimer |
12/6/2002 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
December 6, 2002 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 159 ug/l benzene, 14.6 mg/l GRO, and 14.0 mg/l DRO in the groundwater. The contamination concentration are increasing in some monitoring wells. Groundwater flow direction was to the northwest. Depth to groundwater was 9.08 to 10.2 feet below ground surface. The air sparging system was not operating, but the vapor extraction system is operating 24 hours a day. The system is removing an estimated 0.92 pounds of gasoline vapors per day (84 pounds for the quarter). |
Robert Weimer |
3/11/2003 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC conditionally approves workplan to continue operation of the soil vapor extraction and air sparging system operation and groundwater monitoring. Increasing contaminant concentration have occurred in some of the monitoring wells. |
Robert Weimer |
6/20/2003 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC conditionally approves revised workplan to conduct groundwater monitoring and operate and maintain air sparge/vapor extraction system. |
Robert Weimer |
5/22/2006 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
October 2004 soil and groundwater sampling conducted at 751 E 36th Avenue property (located to the northwest of the site) by that property owner. The property is currently undeveloped but shows contamination from an off property source. Up to 0.372 mg/kg benzene found in the soils, and 119 ug/l benzene found in the groundwater (B1MW1). |
Robert Weimer |
6/6/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC approves transport to the Anchorage Regional Landfill of the benzene contaminated peat to be excavated at the lot to the northwest of old Seward and 36th Avenue. The estimated volume is about 400 cubic yards. |
Robert Weimer |
2/29/2008 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Site ranked on the new Exposure Tracking Model (ETM). The ETM is a new site ranking system that looks at, based on available data, the potential exposure pathways for the contamination remaining at the site. |
Robert Weimer |
5/30/2008 |
Update or Other Action |
Contacted RP to get information on site status. He said he will submit the most recent groundwater monitoring report. We discussed that as per the site COBC he needs to continue to do the monitoring, assessment, and cleanup of the sites. He said that he sold the property to Alaska Car and Van Rental in November 2006 and that they had agreed to complete the monitoring, assessment, and cleanup of the 854 E 36th Avenue site. |
Robert Weimer |
1/8/2009 |
Update or Other Action |
Contacted owner of Alaska Car and Van Rental 243-4444 to get information on site status. He said he thought there was another groundwater monitoring event from November 2006, he will look for it and submit it. He confirmed that he has agreed with the previous property owner to complete the monitoring, assessment, and cleanup of the 854 E 36th Avenue site. He will contact an environmental firm to submit a work plan for conducting another groundwater and treatment system monitoring event. He confirmed that the treatment system continues to operate. |
Robert Weimer |
1/8/2009 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
June 14, 2006 groundwater monitoring event. Up to 4.98 mg/l benzene, 10.5 mg/l GRO, and 5.95 mg/l DRO in the groundwater of the four monitoring wells sampled. Contamination levels increased in monitoring well B1MW from the previous monitoring event. Depth to water was 9.81 to 10.82 feet below ground surface. Groundwater flowed towards the north by northwest. On June 16, 2006 the air sparging and vapor extraction system was found to be not operating. The system was restarted on June 19, 2006 to be operated 24 hours a day. An estimated 0.00 pounds of benzene and 0.82 pounds of GRO are being removed per day based on the June 19, 2006 air sample collected from the AS/VES system. |
Robert Weimer |
1/12/2009 |
Institutional Control Record Established |
Institutional Controls established and entered into the database. |
Robert Weimer |
3/31/2009 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC approves March 31, 2009 workplan to conduct groundwater monitoring of the 4 on property monitoring wells, and to sample and report on the remediation system. The approval letter requests that the work be conducted by April 20, 2009, with the results submitted in a report by May 20, 2009. The letter also requests that the remediation system continue to be operated until further notice. |
Robert Weimer |
7/2/2009 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
April 14, 2009 groundwater monitoring event. Up to non detect (<0.005 mg/l) benzene, 0.677 mg/l GRO, and 0.443 mg/l DRO in the groundwater of the three monitoring wells sampled. No groundwater sample could be collected from OB1MW (the downgradient monitoring well) due to insufficent water. Depth to water was 10.24 to 13.79 feet below ground surface. Groundwater flowed towards the north by northwest. On April 14, 2009 the air sparging and vapor extraction system was found to be not operating. The system was restarted on April 14, 2009 to be operated 24 hours a day. An estimated 0.00 pounds of benzene and 0.05 pounds of GRO are being removed per day based on the April 14, 2009 air sample collected from the AS/VES system. |
Robert Weimer |
10/28/2011 |
Update or Other Action |
Have not received 2010 groundwater monitoring and system operation reports yet. |
Robert Weimer |
11/8/2011 |
Update or Other Action |
Letter from the Alaska Department of Law to Randy Hahn (RP and former property owner) giving him Notice of Potential Liability. The letter requests payment of unpaid state oversite costs. The letter notes potential attorney fees and COBC penalities for past and current violations. |
Robert Weimer |
6/24/2015 |
Update or Other Action |
Have not received requested groundwater monitoring and system operation reports. |
Robert Weimer |
10/7/2015 |
Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter |
Interest letter sent to both Randy Hahn and Thomas Prunty, requesting groundwater monitoring sample, and reminding PRP of active site status. |
Chelsy Passmore |
9/9/2016 |
Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter |
Sent potentially responsible party letter and plan request to new land owners. |
Chelsy Passmore |
12/15/2017 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed February 2016 "Sampling Report". This report does not have an ADEC approved work plan on file. Four groundwater monitoring wells were sampled in December 2015 for gasoline range organics (GRO), diesel range organics (DRO), and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX). Well OB1MW had GRO above ADEC Table C cleanup levels at 2.9 mg/L, and well G5 had benzene above Table C cleanup levels at .005mg/L |
Chelsy Passmore |
4/11/2018 |
Workplan Requested |
The ADEC sent a letter requesting a groundwater monitoring workplan by May 30, 2018. |
Chelsy Passmore |
1/16/2019 |
Workplan Requested |
The ADEC sent a letter requesting a workplan for groundwater monitoring. Workplan deadline is 22 February 2019. |
Chelsy Passmore |
7/22/2019 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
The ADEC has reviewed the 2019 Site Characterization - Groundwater Monitoring Well Sampling Plan, and has no objections to the workplan. Sampling is scheduled for July 26,2019. |
Chelsy Passmore |
9/24/2019 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
The ADEC has reviewed the "Report for Groundwater Sampling at Tesoro-Olson Gas Service #2 (former)". Site work consisted of the sampling of five monitoring wells installed in previous investigations. Wells OB0, and OB1 contained GRO up to 3.41 mg/L and Well OB2 contained DRO at 2.78 mg/L. In addition wells G5, G4, OB1, OB2, and OB0 contained VOCs and PAHs above ADEC cleanup levels. |
Chelsy Passmore |
2/4/2020 |
Workplan Requested |
Workplan request letter sent. |
Chelsy Passmore |
1/21/2022 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
The ADEC teleconferenced with RP and their consultant regarding current status of soil and groundwater contamination. The ADEC provided guidance on existing data gaps including the need for historical soil data, the need for an investigation into the vapor migration pathway, and a potential need for an additional groundwater sample northwest of the site, per groundwater flow direction. The consultant also submitted a partial 2021 work report for groundwater sampling. |
Flannery Ballard |
6/7/2023 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
The ADEC CSP reviewed and approved the “Work Plan for Groundwater Sampling, Well Decommissioning, Air Sparge System Decommissioning and Groundwater Sampling at the Tesoro-Olson Gas Station Service #2 (former)”, dated May 31, 2023, from Restoration Science & Engineering, LLC. |
Alena Voigt |
6/29/2023 |
Site Visit |
PM site visit to observe well decommissioning, and meet new property owner. |
Alena Voigt |
9/5/2023 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
The ADEC CSP reviewed the “Groundwater Sampling, Well Decommissioning, Air Sparge and SVE Well Decommissioning at the Tesoro-Olson Gas Service #2 (former)”, dated July 28, 2023, and submitted to the department on same day from Restoration Science & Engineering, LLC (RSE). The CSP provided comments via email on August 18th and 21st, 2023. The final revised report was received on September 5, 2023.
The report documents the following field efforts: Sampling and repairing groundwater monitoring well OB1MW, OB2MW, G4 and G5;Decommissioning of monitoring wells G6, G7, G8, OB2MW, and one unidentified well observed during decommissioning. Decommissioning of air sparge (AS) vertical well points AS-1 through AS-14, with the exception of AS-4, AS-6, and AS-9 which were not located and likely decommissioned during construction of the on-site storage building. Decommissioning of soil vapor extraction (SVE) well SVE-1. SVE-1 was likely decommissioned during construction of the on-site storage building.
Five groundwater samples, including a duplicate, were collected from Monitoring Wells OB1MW, OB2MW, G4, and G5 and analyzed for gasoline range organics (GRO), diesel range organics (DRO), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).
Monitoring Well OB1MW (primary and duplicate) contained concentrations of GRO (maximum of 3.1 micrograms per liter [µg/L]) above the ADEC Table C cleanup level of 2.2 µg/L. Monitoring Wells OB1MW (primary and duplicate), OB2MW, and G5 contained concentrations of 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene (maximum of 385 µg/L), 1,3,5 – trimethylbenzene (maximum of 122 µg/L), and naphthalene (maximum of 16.80 µg/L) above the ADEC Table C cleanup level of 56 µg/L, 60 µg/L, 1.7 µg/L, respectively. Monitoring Wells OB2MW and G5 contained concentrations of ethylbenzene (maximum of 116 µg/L) above the ADEC Table C cleanup level 15 µg/L. Monitoring Well OB2MW contained concentrations of benzo(a)anthracene (1.03 µg/L), benzo[a]pyrene (1.87 µg/L), benzo[b]fluoranthene (3.69 µg/L), benzo[g,h,i]perylene (1.99 µg/L), benzo[k]fluoranthene (1.02 µg/L), chrysene (2.16 µg/L), dibenzo [a,h] anthracene (0.285 µg/L) above the ADEC Table C cleanp level of 0.30 µg/L, 0.25 µg/L, 2.5 µg/L, 0.26 µg/L, 0.8 µg/L, 2 µg/L, and 0.250 µg/L, respectively. The remaining tested analytes were either not detected or were detected at concentrations less than the applicable cleanup levels. Groundwater flow direction is to the north-northwest. Purge water was filtered through a portable GAC filter and discharged to an unpaved location on-site. The next sampling event is scheduled to take place in 2025 summer field season.
Alena Voigt |