Action Date |
Action |
Description |
DEC Staff |
6/4/1990 |
Site Added to Database |
Former Staff |
6/4/1990 |
Update or Other Action |
MS; Analytical results from DEC sampling shows that sample is quantitated as gasoline. |
Joe LeBeau |
6/4/1990 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum |
LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 78088 ADD; Petroleum contaminants. In response to a complaint the at the USTs were removed from the abandoned Wike's gasoline station, DEC staff inspected the site on 6/4/1990. One of the USTs were observed in a dump truck and the excavator Loren C. Browne noted that Randy Wike had told him he could have the USTs for the excavation work. Browne noted that the USTs had been excavated the preceding weekend and that the USTs were installed at the water table, and that he had stored the other removed USTs at his property at M.P. 50.5 of the Parks Highway. (DEC inspected the stored USTs at M.P. 50.5 later that day but it was inconclusive whether the USTs had leaked). Samples were collected from the excavation that showed 46 mg/kg TPH. The chemist report noted that the chromatogram indicated that the release was gasoline. DEC's report noted that hydrocarbons were in the soil and on the surface of the groundwater. DEC also noted that no notification had been given to DEC prior to the removal of the USTs. |
Joe LeBeau |
6/5/1990 |
Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment |
SA1R; :Action Date changed DB conversion 1/11/11 |
Former Staff |
6/5/1990 |
Update or Other Action |
CAPR; :Action Date changed DB conversion 1/11/11 |
Former Staff |
6/5/1990 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum |
LCAU; : LCAU date changed DB conversion |
Former Staff |
9/10/1990 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
On 9/10/1990, LeBeau met with Ron Hull of H & H Construction who has its office on the subject property. From LeBeau's noted it appears that Ron noted that he and Ed Hull apparently built the shop at the location in 1972 or 1973; they assembled tanks themselves, they purchased Tom's Plumbing, they had no financing on the tanks, they purchased pumps from Tesoro, the property was leased to Leona Dawson for 1-2 years prior to them purchasing the property. |
Joe LeBeau |
3/5/1991 |
Update or Other Action |
In a 3/5/1991 letter from Leona Dawson's counsel Patricia Hefferan, Ms. Hefferan provided an application for the USTs for the former Wike's service station. The letter noted that Ms. Dawson has a mortgage against the service station and in the midst of her foreclosure someone not in concert with Ms. Dawson had the two USTs removed. After LeBeau had contacted her that there was a petroleum release she terminated foreclosure proceedings. She alludes that Ms. Dawson retained Gilfilian but noted that Ms. Dawson could not afford performing a cleanup. |
Mike Krieber |
12/5/1991 |
Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment |
PA; 1410 ppm VPH at #3 south end and 19 ppm benzene were found in soils. Location of contamination is concentrated where tank pumpout pipes were located. It was concluded that contamination has migrated into ground water and further investigation is necessary. More monitoring wells must be installed downgradient of site. |
Former Staff |
3/4/1992 |
Update or Other Action |
On 3/4/1992, DEC issued a letter to Gilfilian commenting on their 11/1/1991 Environmental Site Assessment report that DEC received on 12/5/1991. The letter also noted that Krieber of DEc met with Steve Rebillard of Gillifian on 3/2/1992 to discuss this site. DEC noted in its letter that the report stated that contaminated soil was excavated from the former UST locations, confirmation samples showed that at 10 ft bgs contaminated soil remained at 1,410 ppm VPH and 19.0 ppm benzene, groundwater at 10 ft bgs, and that a work plan needed to be submitted by 4/10/1992 to address the contamiantion remaining including providing results of the further soil investigation and the groundwater monitoring by 5/10/1992. The Gilfilian 11/1 assessment report showed that the highest contaminant concenstrations were detected in the south end of the excavation, the piping and dispensers were removed during the assessment work, and about 25 cy of contaminated soil was stockpiled on site. The report concluded that the release was due to either releases from the piping but it could not rule out the USTS as the USTs had been disposed of off site prior to Gilfilian performing the assessment. The report recommended further invesigation including groundwater monitoring. |
Mike Krieber |
3/26/1992 |
Update or Other Action |
NOR; A Notice of Release was issued to Ron Hull of H&H Construction in response to a 12/5/1991 report of a release from the on property UST system. The Notice also informed Hull that the 12/5 report satisfied DEC's Initial Abatement and Release Investigation per 18 AAC 78.230 however Hull must undertake Corrective Action per 18 AAC 78.240 and that the correction action report must be submitted to DEC within 60 days. DEC's letter also noted that the 60 day requirement had already been exceeded therefore the deadline to submit the correction action report by 5/4/1992. The letter also noted that if Hull elected to apply for DEC's financial assistance program the letter provided some guidance on that. |
Mike Krieber |
5/25/1993 |
Cleanup Plan Approved |
On 5/25/93, DEC provided comments to Gilfilian regarding a proposed plan it received on 5/18/93. The plan was submitted on behalf of Ron Hull of H & H Construction. The plan consisted of the investigation of gorundwater and the characterization of the stockpiled soil to determine disposal options. DEC's letter approved of the plan provided that the plan be modified to reflect additional sampling if any BTEX component is analyzed at 50% or greater of the acceptatble levels. The letter also noted that the plan needs to be implemented regardless whether monies are obtained from the State's Financial Assistance Program for LUST/USTs. |
Mike Krieber |
8/12/1994 |
Update or Other Action |
CAPR; On 8/12/94, DEC provided comments on Gilfilian's 7/21/94 submittal on stockpile sampling results and a corrective action plan. The plan was submitted on behalf of Ron Hull. DEC noted that they could landspread the stockpiled soil on site but a report needed to be provided and that they needed to meet well separation distances, including to the Class C drinking water well on site. DEC also noted that it approved of the corrective action plan for further excavation but that the soil removed needed to be stockpiled/placed in a cell according to DEC guidance documents and regulations, and a that the report for the cleanup activities include a plan for future groundwater monitoring. |
Mike Krieber |
5/17/2000 |
Update or Other Action |
Spoke with City of Wasilla consultant (Mike Krieber) who said that boring done in Parks Highway R/W revealed "strong gasoline odor". City water main project abandoned due to likelihood of contaminated groundwater. |
Former Staff |
10/16/2000 |
Update or Other Action |
DEC letter issued that the RP needs to complete work in accordance with August 12, 1994 workplan approval letter. |
David Allen |
4/19/2004 |
Update or Other Action |
Site transferred to Bush |
Lynne Bush |
9/23/2004 |
Update or Other Action |
Reviewed file to respond to a request for information from Hoefler Consulting Group, who is doing an area assessment. |
Lynne Bush |
2/24/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
Site has not yet been assigned a new file number. |
Lynne Bush |
7/20/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
File number updated 2265.26.015. |
Aggie Blandford |
5/9/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
Project management transferred from Bush to Sundet. |
Aggie Blandford |
6/25/2008 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Intial ranking completed. |
Grant Lidren |
2/27/2009 |
Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter |
In followup to a conversation with Terry Spessard on 2/24/09, CS issued a PRP letter to Terry notifying him of the State's cost recovery requirements and requested that he complete an attached questionaire on his involvement at the site. On 2/24, Terry had notified DEC that he had owned the site for about 10 years. |
Rich Sundet |
3/31/2009 |
Update or Other Action |
On 3/31/09, CS issued a letter to Ronald Hull to submit a work plan for cleanup and a groundwater investigation. DEC requested that the work plan be submitted by April 24, 2009. This letter was in follow-up to its 10/16/2000 reminder letter that cleanup/monitoring work needed to be performed because of the elevated levels of petroleum, e.g., 3,120 ug/L benzene was detected in groundwater in Gilfillian's 7/19/1994 assessment report. The 3/31 letter did note that if work was performed in accordance to Gilfillian's plan that was part of their 7/19/1994 assessment report, to provide the report of those work activities by 4/10/09. |
Rich Sundet |
4/8/2009 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
On 4/8/09, Sundet met with Ron Hull in follow-up to DEC's 3/31/09 letter to Hull requesting a work plan by 4/24/09. Hull noted that he had the USTs installed then sold the property to the Dawsons, who sold the property to Wike. Wike defaulted to Dawson and Dawson defaulted to Hull who repossessed the property with his brother Edward Hull. Hull requested that DEC grant him an extension until June 30, 2009 to submit the plan. He indicated that he may perform the excavation work under the oversight of a qualified third party. |
Rich Sundet |
4/9/2009 |
Update or Other Action |
On 4/9/09, DEC followed up Ron Hull's 4/8/09 request and formally granted an extension via letter until 6/30/09 to submit a work plan that DEC had requested in its 3/31/09 letter to him. |
Rich Sundet |
11/4/2009 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
On 11/4/09, Terry Spessard met with Sundet and provided an Addendum to Purchase Agreement dated 10/20/00 which he stated was part of the purchase agreement between him and the Hulls (Edward and Ron Hull and their respective wives). Sundet provided Spessard the file which he stated he had not seen. Spessard reviewed it and noted that he now knew where the former USTs were located. Spessard reiterated that the agreement stated that the Hulls are to be financially responsible for the cost of the spill cleanup (i.e., as noted on the Agreement Amendment). Sundet provided a copy of the letter that DEC sent to Spessard on 2/27/09 and noted that DEC had not received a response from him on the completion of the attached questionnaire to that letter, and requested him to complete it and mail it to DEC. |
Rich Sundet |
11/6/2009 |
Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter |
On 11/6/09, DEC issued a PRP letter to Randy Wike based upon information in the file and discussion Sundet had with Wike on 10/28/09. During the 10/28 conversation, Wike stated that he had worked for his brother's company Mat-Su Insulation Systems who had once owned the property but had went bankrupt. CS issued the PRP letter and requested that Wike complete and mail back the questionaire that accompanied the PRP letter so DEC could better understand Wike's involvement with this site. |
Rich Sundet |
11/6/2009 |
Update or Other Action |
On 11/6/09, CS sent Ronald Hull a follow-up letter to submit a work plan to DEC by 11/30/09 as DEC had not yet received a work plan from him or his consultant that was due on 6/30/09. The 11/6/09 letter noted that earlier on 3/31/09, CS issued a letter to Ronald Hull to submit a work plan for cleanup and a groundwater investigation. DEC requested that the work plan be submitted by April 24, 2009. This letter was in follow-up to its 10/16/2000 reminder letter that cleanup/monitoring work needed to be performed because of the elevated levels of petroleum, e.g., 3,120 ug/L benzene was detected in groundwater in Gilfillian's 7/19/1994 assessment report. The 11/6/09 also noted that on 4/9/09, DEC followed up Ron Hull's 4/8/09 request and formally granted an extension via letter until 6/30/09 to submit a work plan that DEC had requested in its 3/31/09 letter to him. The 11/6/09 letter also noted that DEC had contacted Randy Wike and he had provided information on his involvement with this site and that Terry Spessard had come into DEC's office and provided DEC with a copy of a purchaser addendum that noted that "Seller to be financially respnsible for cost of the spill clean up" and it was signed by Ron and Edward Hull and their apparent respective spouses. |
Rich Sundet |
11/25/2009 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
On 11/25/09, Ron Hull called Sundet noting that he had received DEC's 11/6/09 letter and had not forgotten DEC’s request for a work plan to address the H&H Construction LUST site in Wasilla. He stated he had been contemplating what actions needed to occur. He asked whether we had received a response yet from Randy Wike and Sundet noted no but that the letter to Wike was sent also on 11/6/09. Hull noted that he would contact several of environmental contractors for bids to perform the work. Sundet suggested that direct push may work the best at the property because of the shallow groundwater and the unknowns associated with the contamination, i.e., size of the plume and concentrations remaining. He noted that he could not meet the request to submit a work plan date because he had to talk to his brother Edward who was out of state and agree on a contractor. Sundet asked that when he settles on a contractor that he work with that contractor and the current property owner Terry Spessard because he would have to agree to let them on his land and he may want to have direct input in what work will be performed, and that this work be performed prior to submitting a plan to me. I noted that he could send me a letter or an email asking for more time to submit a work plan with a justification. I also informed Ron that at this point of time DEC was not requiring that work be done this winter to reduce some costs but that a work plan be submitted and approved so that work can begin in spring. |
Rich Sundet |
1/5/2010 |
Update or Other Action |
On 1/5/2010, DEC followed-up with an email confirming that it verbally granted an extension request on 12/30/09 by Stafford Glashan for Ron Hull to submit a work plan by 1/31/10. |
Rich Sundet |
1/15/2010 |
Update or Other Action |
On 1/15/10, DEC changed the name of the site from H & H Construction (formerly Wikes Service Station) to H & H Tesoro (formerly Wikes Service Station) at the 1/13/10 request by S&W on behalf of Ron Hull. S&W noted that Hull had stated that the site was never associated with H&H Constuction but had operated as Wikes Service Station and for two years as H&H Tesoro. |
Rich Sundet |
4/16/2010 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
On 4/16/2010, CS conditionally approved Shannon & Wilson’s (S&W) work plan dated 1/14/2010 titled “Release Investigation at H&H Tesoro, Wasilla, Alaska.” DEC received the work plan via e-mail from S&W on 4/7/2010. It had been evidently sent to DEC via e-mail on 1/21/2010 however for some unknown reason it was not received into Sundet's DEC e-mail “inbox.” The plan proposes that three borings be advanced and completed as monitoring wells with one of the borings (B1MW) be completed in the southern area of former excavation (appears on the plan's Figure 2 and near 1991 location “#3 South End”) and the others in apparent down gradient locations on the southern edge of the property. Because the property is currently owned by Mr. Spessard, on 4/7/2010, Sundet provided Mr. Spessard with a copy of the S &W plan on 4/7/2010 and discussed the plan with him on 4/15/2010. Mr. Spessard noted that he was aware of the proposed work but had not received the plan other than from DEC recently. He noted that the property currently has a commercial business, i.e., Safe and Sound, on it operating out of the building on site. He also noted that the building is serviced by a public drinking water well on site. Review of the file shows that the drinking water well is located about 25 feet northwest of the former UST excavation. The file also does not indicate any specifics on the drinking water well or whether the drinking water well has been sampled for petroleum contamination. In its approval letter, DEC requested that the drinking water well be sampled as well. |
Rich Sundet |
4/19/2010 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
On 4/19/2010, Edward Hull met with Sundet to discuss the letter that was recently sent to him and his brother Ron Hull conditionally approving of their consultant S&W's workplan to install three monitoring wells at the site. Edward was provided copies of letters that DEC issued to his brother as Edward noted that he would be taking the lead from his brother to ensure that the work progressed. |
Rich Sundet |
6/21/2010 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
In response to S&W's 6/18/10 request for approval to transport two drums of drill cuttings, one drum of development water and one drum of purgewater contaminated with benzene, DEC approved of their request on 6/18, 2010. |
Rich Sundet |
6/23/2010 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
On 6/21/10, DEc approved of S&W's 6/18/10 request for two drums of drill cuttings and one drum of development water and one drum of purge water above DEC's cleanup levels for benzene to be transported to Emerald Alaska for proper treatment and disposal. |
Rich Sundet |
10/12/2010 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
On 10/12/10, DEC provided comments and requested additional monitoring wells to define the down gradient edge of the plume and perform a drinking water well survey 1/4 mile down gradient of the site in response to DEC's review of Shannon & Wilson’s (S&W) report dated July 2010. DEC received the report on July 19, 2010. The report documents work that was performed in June 2010 to further characterize the remaining contamination at the site and in follow-up to S&W’s workplan dated January 14, 2010. The report showed: three borings were advanced and completed as monitoring wells with one of the borings (B1MW) completed in the southern area of former UST excavation and the others in apparent down gradient locations towards the southern edge of the property. Soil samples were collected from each of the borings at the groundwater interface and analyzed for petroleum constituents and lead. Groundwater was collected from all three monitoring wells and also analyzed for petroleum constituents and lead.
The report showed that for soil, the two down gradient borings showed exceedances to 18 AAC 75.341 cleanup levels for benzene at 0.0816 milligrams/kilogram (mg/kg) at B2 and 0.514 mg/kg at B3 (most stringent cleanup level is 0.025 mg/kg benzene). Regarding groundwater, one down gradient monitoring well showed exceedances to 18 AAC 75.345 cleanup levels for benzene at 9.16 micrograms/Liter (ug/L) at B3MW (its cleanup level is 5.0 ug/L).
Survey information showed that the groundwater in the unconfined aquifer in the immediate area flows generally to the south.
The Conceptual Site Model (CSM) notes that the exposure pathways that are completed are ingestion/dermal contact to workers to surface soil if subsurface soils are exposed; potential ingestion to groundwater; and that indoor air and outdoor air inhalation do not pose an unacceptable risk.
While the ingestion/dermal contact pathway in soil for benzene is completed, the benzene contaminant levels reported are below that pathway’s cleanup level specified in 18 AAC 75.341 (i.e., 11.0 mg/kg benzene).
Rich Sundet |
3/4/2011 |
Update or Other Action |
On 3/4/11, DEC issued a letter to Edward Hull in follow-up to DEC's October 12, 2010 letter to him and DEC's subsequent conversations regarding DEC's request for further work and upon Shannon & Wilson’s report “Release Investigation at H&H Tesoro, Wasilla, Alaska,” dated July 2010. The 3/4 letter requested:
1) An amended work plan to:
a) Define the down gradient edge of the contaminant plume.
b) Perform another groundwater sampling event of all monitoring wells.
c) Resample the existing drinking water well.
d) Perform a drinking water well search within ¼ mile down gradient of the former UST tanks.
e) Include in the subsequent report a revised CSM.
2) A copy of the field notes for the work performed in June 2010.
The 3/4 letter requested the amended work plan and field notes by April 15, 2011. The letter also encouraged Mr. Hull and/or his consultant Shannon & Wilson to discuss the October 12th letter and any proposed work on the property with the current property owner Terry Spessard as he may other requests that DEC's letters noted and he and/or his tenant will need to provide access.
Rich Sundet |
8/9/2011 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
On 8/9/11, DEC approves the “Work Plan For 2011 Drinking Water Well And Groundwater Monitoring” for the H&H Tesoro site. The work plan calls for sampling the three on property monitoring wells and the on property drinking water well for BTEX and GRO within two weeks of this approval, with submittal of the monitoring report within 3 weeks of receipt of the analytical results.
The approval also requests that Ed Hull have the other information in the ADEC letters of March 4, 2011 and October 12, 2010 provided with the report. This includes a work plan for defining the down gradient edge of the contamination plume, a revised CSM, and complete copies of all field notes for the work performed in June 2010.
Robert Weimer |
2/28/2012 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Sundet met with Terry Spessard to discuss findings from S&Wilson's 9/27/2011 "August 2011 Drinking Water Well and Groundwater Monitoring" report dated 9/27/2011 received at DEC on 10/4/2011. |
Rich Sundet |
7/27/2012 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On August 22, 2011 the three site monitoring wells and drinking water well were sampled. Depth to groundwater was 8.20 to 8.70 feet below ground surface. Up to 1.19 mg/l GRO and 4.73 ug/l benzene in the monitoring wells. The concentrations decreased in 2 of the 3 monitoring wells sampled. The groundwater flow direction was toward the south for this monitoring event.
The drinking water well was non-detect for GRO and benzene. The drinking water well is located about 25 feet northwest of the former UST excavation. |
Robert Weimer |
8/1/2012 |
Update or Other Action |
Talked with the current property owner Terry Spessard and he agreed to provide access for groundwater monitoring. |
Robert Weimer |
8/7/2012 |
Update or Other Action |
On 8/3/12, DEC issued a letter to Edward Hull requesting that the three site monitoring wells be sampled for BTEX and GRO by 9/15/12 and a report of the results be submitted by 11/1/12. |
Robert Weimer |
4/9/2014 |
Update or Other Action |
CSP spoke with the RP on this day. CSP indicated that although the most recent groundwater sampling event indicated that contamination has reduced to below state cleanup levels, one sampling event is not enough. Additional sampling events (at least one at the beginning of the summer and one at the end of the summer) is required. |
Joshua Barsis |
7/15/2014 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On this day, the ADEC received the May 2014 Groundwater Monitoring report. Three onsite groundwater monitoring wells (B1MW, B2MW, and B3MW) were purged and sampled on May 30, 2014. At least one sample was collected from each monitoring well and was submitted for analysis of GRO and BTEX only. None of the water samples exhibited contaminants above ADEC cleanup levels. |
Joshua Barsis |
7/16/2014 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 78088 2 removed USTs. |
Joshua Barsis |
7/25/2014 |
Site Visit |
On this day, the CSP performed a site visit to observe Monitoring Wells B1MW, B2MW, and B3MW, and an area west of the building, where soils were land spread in 1994. |
Joshua Barsis |
5/18/2016 |
Update or Other Action |
Site monitoring wells decommissioned on this day. Email verification and pictures only; no formal report submitted. |
Joshua Barsis |
6/22/2016 |
Update or Other Action |
Sent closure letter to Edward Hull |
Erin Gleason |
6/22/2016 |
Cleanup Complete Determination Issued |
ADEC has determined that the contamination at the site does not pose an unacceptable risk to human health and the environment, and this site will be closed. |
Erin Gleason |