Action Date |
Action |
Description |
DEC Staff |
9/7/1992 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum |
LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 77951 Site added to database. |
Former Staff |
9/7/1992 |
Site Added to Database |
Former Staff |
11/8/1994 |
Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment |
Site assessment review. |
Former Staff |
6/5/1995 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed quarterly and soil vapor extraction test reports. |
Former Staff |
6/9/1995 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum |
Free product recovery in monitoring wells. |
Former Staff |
7/13/1995 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway |
Reviewed a corrective action plan for the installation of a soil vapor extraction/air sparging system. |
Former Staff |
1/29/1996 |
Release Investigation |
Reviewed a phase 1 site assessment and release investigation report. |
Former Staff |
1/29/1996 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed a corrective action report. |
Former Staff |
11/20/1997 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC sends Notification of Intent to Cost Recover Letter to Current Owner: CHEVRON PRODUCTS COMPANY, INC/PERMITS DESK |
Former Staff |
1/30/2001 |
Update or Other Action |
Annual meeting with ADEC & Chevron to review Alaska sites and set goals for 2001. See meeting notes for details. |
Linda Nuechterlein |
4/2/2001 |
Update or Other Action |
Received well search submittal with analytical results from domestic supply wells. On January 19, 2001 three drinking water wells (3602 Greenland, 3900 Greenland, and 1801 McKinley) were sampled, on February 12, 2001 two more drinking water wells (3801 McCain and 3737 McCain)were sampled for BTEX, GRO, MTBE, 1-2DCA, and EDB. Only 3737 McCain had detectable contamination at 0.206 ug/l benzene (5 ug/l benzene drinking water standard). Only the 3900 Greenland and the 1801 McKinley drinking water wells appear to be in a downgradient direction about 900 feet away. The 3602 Greenland drinking water well is cross gradient but only about 200 feet away from the Chevron Service Station property. The apparently vacant house at 1805 McKinley was not sampled. |
Linda Nuechterlein |
7/30/2001 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Groundwater monitoring report dated 7/30/01 submitted to DEC; also remediation system report dated 7/12/01. |
Linda Nuechterlein |
9/16/2003 |
Update or Other Action |
Approved reduction in groundwater monitoring |
Robert Weimer |
2/5/2004 |
Update or Other Action |
Conditional approval of workplan for off property assessment and monitoring well decommissioning. |
Robert Weimer |
6/10/2004 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed quarterly remediation system report. Soil vapor extraction/air sparging system operated 87% of the time. 6.6 pounds of GRO removed in this quarter. |
Robert Weimer |
6/16/2004 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
Approved 1cy of drill cuttings to be treated at ASR. |
Robert Weimer |
8/2/2004 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
June 3, 2004 semi-annual groundwater monitoring. Up to 50 mg/l GRO and 2,400 ug/l benzene. |
Robert Weimer |
8/25/2004 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed quarterly remediation system report. Soil vapor extraction/air sparging system was not operating due to electrical problems. To be repaired and restarted soon. |
Robert Weimer |
10/22/2004 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed quarterly remediation system report. Soil vapor extraction/air sparging was not operating due to electrical problems. To be repaired and restarted soon. |
Robert Weimer |
10/22/2004 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed report on the installation of two additional monitoring wells (MW17 & MW18) to help define the extent of the groundwater contamination off property. MTBE soil contamination (0.32 mg/kg) found in the soil at 15 feet below ground surface in one of the monitoring wells. |
Robert Weimer |
12/1/2004 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
September 24, 2004 semi-annual groundwater monitoring. Up to 100 mg/l GRO and 6,700 ug/l benzene. Concentrations appear to be increasing. |
Robert Weimer |
1/25/2005 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
Approved 11 drums of BTEX contaminated soils to be thermally treated at ASR. This soil was generated from property transfer baseline site assessment borings. |
Robert Weimer |
2/2/2005 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed the January 12, 2005 Baseline Site Assessment report. The report documents the results of 5 soil borings and 5 groundwater samples collected from the borings and temporary monitoring wells. In the areas assessed up to 11 mg/l GRO, 60 ug/l benzene, and non-detect MTBE was found in the groundwater. In the areas assessed up to 19 mg/kg GRO, 0.17 mg/kg benzene, and non-detect MTBE was found in the soil. The highest groundwater contamination results were found near the southwest dispenser island. |
Robert Weimer |
2/22/2005 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed quarterly remediation system report. Soil vapor extraction/air sparging was not operating due to electrical problems. To be repaired and restarted in early 2005. |
Robert Weimer |
6/20/2005 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed quarterly remediation system report. Soil vapor extraction/air sparging was repaired and operated 4% of the time. The system removed 0.4 pounds of benzene. To date the system has removed 8,797 pounds of GRO and 687 pounds of benzene. |
Robert Weimer |
7/12/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
RP proposes to expand remediation system in 2005 by adding additional Soil Vapor Extraction and Air Sparging wells. |
Robert Weimer |
7/26/2005 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
May 14, 2005 semi-annual groundwater monitoring. Up to 250 mg/l GRO, 4,000 ug/l benzene, and 47 ug/l MTBE. Concentrations appear to be increasing. Groundwater flows to the southwest. |
Robert Weimer |
8/4/2005 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Meeting with Chevron to discuss future site work. Because of low recovery rates they plan to turn off the existing system and install an upgraded system in the Spring of 2006. They are to sample the two highest contaminated wells for EDB and 1,2-DCA. They are to abandon the obstructed monitoring well MW-9. |
Robert Weimer |
9/8/2005 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed quarterly remediation system report. Soil vapor extraction operated 93% of the time. The airsparge system was not operational. The system removed 7 pounds of GRO and 2.6 pounds of benzene. To date the system has removed 8,804 pounds of GRO and 689 pounds of benzene. |
Robert Weimer |
9/8/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
Approved request to suspend, until the system is upgraded in the spring of 2006, operation of the remediation system due to low recovery rates. Chevron will monitor for any rebound in groundwater contamination concentrations. |
Robert Weimer |
11/22/2005 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed quarterly remediation system report. Soil vapor extraction operated 100% of the time. The airsparge system was not operational. The system removed 3 pounds of GRO and 1 pound of benzene. To date the system has removed 8,807 pounds of GRO and 691 pounds of benzene. An upgraded remediation system is to be installed in the spring of 2006. |
Robert Weimer |
11/23/2005 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
September 23, 2005 semi-annual groundwater monitoring. Up to 120 mg/l GRO, 2,600 ug/l benzene, and 27 ug/l MTBE. Concentrations appear to be decreasing. Groundwater flows to the southwest. Depth to groundwater is 11 to 13 feet below ground surface. |
Robert Weimer |
2/9/2006 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Meeting with Chevron to discuss future site work. They are to sample the two highest contaminated wells for EDB and 1,2-DCA in 2006. They are having assess problems with placing additional monitoring wells off property. Remediation system upgrade scheduled for 2006. Also to install replacement well for monitoring well MW-15. |
Robert Weimer |
8/22/2006 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
ADEC approves treatment of purge water. |
Robert Weimer |
9/7/2006 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
May 11, 2006 semi-annual groundwater monitoring. Up to 23 mg/l GRO, 1,100 ug/l benzene, and 97 ug/l MTBE. Concentrations appear to be increasing in some wells. Groundwater flows to the southwest. Depth to groundwater is 12 to 15 feet below ground surface. |
Robert Weimer |
9/7/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC approves reduction of groundwater sampling of MW-1, MW-8, and MW-14 from semi-annual to annual. |
Robert Weimer |
10/23/2006 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
ADEC approves treatment of purge water. |
Robert Weimer |
10/30/2006 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC approves October 6, 2006 Work Plan for Additional Groundwater Characterization. The work plan proposes to collect natural attenuation groundwater data to help select the best remedial alternative for the on-property and off-property contamination. |
Robert Weimer |
11/9/2006 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Second quarter 2006 Remediation System Status Report. Air Sparge/Vapor Extraction system is currently off and is scheduled to restart in July 2006. A work plan to upgrade the system is to be submitted in the future. |
Robert Weimer |
11/9/2006 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
First quarter 2006 Remediation System Status Report. Air Sparge/Vapor Extraction system is currently off and is scheduled to restart in July 2006. A work plan to upgrade the system is to be submitted in the future. |
Robert Weimer |
1/12/2007 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Third quarter 2006 Remediation System Status Report. Air Sparge/Vapor Extraction system is currently off and is scheduled to restart in October 2006. A work plan to upgrade the system is to be submitted in the future. |
Robert Weimer |
1/26/2007 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Discuss site status with RP's consultant. They are working on various corrective action plans. We discussed looking at operating an airsparge/vapor extraction system on both sides of Spenard Road. They are also looking at possibly Chem-Ox injection. |
Robert Weimer |
1/29/2007 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Fourth quarter 2006 remediation system report. Soil vapor extraction operated since November 6, 2006. The soil vapor extraction system was not operational since January 5, 2007 due to frozen lines. The airsparge system is still not operational. To date the system has removed 8,807 pounds of GRO and 691 pounds of benzene. |
Robert Weimer |
4/2/2007 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Meeting with RP to discuss site. They are to continue with semi-annual monitoring and sampling. RP to submit a workplan by May 2007 for remediation system enhancements in 2007. They plan to do more work on the Thrifty property next door. |
Robert Weimer |
4/3/2007 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
September 26, 2006 semi-annual groundwater monitoring. Up to 79 mg/l GRO, 1300 ug/l benzene, and 19 ug/l MTBE. Concentrations appear to be increasing in some wells. Groundwater flows to the southwest. Depth to groundwater is 11.9 to 13.8 feet below ground surface. Ethylene dibromide (EDB) also found in the groundwater (0.28 ug/l) over cleanup level (0.05 ug/l). 1,2-Dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) also found in the groundwater (16 ug/l) over cleanup level (5 ug/l). |
Robert Weimer |
7/2/2007 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
ADEC approves treatment of three drums of contaminated purge water. |
Robert Weimer |
7/16/2007 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC approves plan for 10 air sparge wells, along with operation of 4 vapor extraction wells. 4 new monitoring wells will be installed on the adjacent Thrifty property. Additional corrective action, beyond what is in the approved workplan, may be required in the future. |
Robert Weimer |
8/10/2007 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
ADEC approves transport of material to the former DeBarr Road Chevron for characterization. Also approved water to Emerald for treatment and disposal. |
Robert Weimer |
9/26/2007 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
May 22, 2007 semi-annual groundwater monitoring. Up to 80 mg/l GRO, 890 ug/l benzene, and 19 ug/l MTBE. Concentrations appear to be increasing in some wells. Groundwater flows to the southwest. Depth to groundwater is 12.13 to 15.07 feet below ground surface. Ethylene dibromide (EDB) also found in the groundwater (0.66 ug/l) over cleanup level (0.05 ug/l). 1,2-Dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) also found in the groundwater (13 ug/l) over cleanup level (5 ug/l). |
Robert Weimer |
9/26/2007 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
First quarter 2007 remediation system report. The soil vapor extraction system was not operational since January 5, 2007 due to frozen lines. The airsparge system is still not operational. To date the system has removed 8,807 pounds of GRO and 691 pounds of benzene. |
Robert Weimer |
10/17/2007 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
ADEC approves treatment of three drums of contaminated purge water. |
Robert Weimer |
10/25/2007 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
ADEC approves thermal treatment of 8 drums of contaminated drill cuttings. |
Robert Weimer |
11/2/2007 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
ADEC approves thermal treatment of 25 supersacks of contaminated soil that was generated during trenching at the site. |
Robert Weimer |
11/16/2007 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Second quarter 2007 remediation system report. The soil vapor extraction system was not operational since January 5, 2007 due to frozen lines. The airsparge system is still not operational. The upgraded system will include 10 new air sparge wells and 4 existing soil vapor extraction wells. To date the system has removed 8,807 pounds of GRO and 691 pounds of benzene. |
Robert Weimer |
12/7/2007 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Third quarter 2007 remediation system report. The soil vapor extraction system was not operational since January 5, 2007 due to frozen lines. The airsparge system is still not operational. Chevron began the installation of an upgraded system on August 15, 2007.The upgraded system will include 10 new air sparge wells and 4 existing soil vapor extraction wells. To date the system has removed 8,807 pounds of GRO and 691 pounds of benzene. |
Robert Weimer |
3/5/2008 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Meeting with Chevron and their consultants. Chevron to conduct and indoor air evaluation for this site. They plan to start up the upgraded air sparge/soil vapor extraction system by the end of March 2008. They will be submitting a workplan to conduct further assessment of the Thrifty property. ADEC is to send a letter to Chevron requesting that they take over monitoring of monitoring wells B2MW, B5MW, and B6MW on the downgradient Holiday Station. |
Robert Weimer |
3/25/2008 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Site ranked on the new Exposure Tracking Model (ETM). The ETM is a new site ranking system that looks at, based on available data, the potential exposure pathways for the contamination remaining at the site. |
Robert Weimer |
4/24/2008 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC approves workplan for the installation of 5 additional monitoring wells to help define the extent of the soil and groundwater contamination on the Thrift Car Rental property. |
Robert Weimer |
5/21/2008 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
September 19, 2007 semi-annual groundwater monitoring. Up to 180 mg/l GRO, 11,000 ug/l benzene, and 3 ug/l MTBE. Concentrations appear to be increasing in some wells. Groundwater flows to the southwest. Depth to groundwater is 12.08 to 15.37 feet below ground surface. Ethylene dibromide (EDB) also found in the groundwater (0.031 ug/l) below cleanup level (0.05 ug/l). 1,2-Dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) also found in the groundwater (1 ug/l) over below cleanup level (5 ug/l). |
Robert Weimer |
5/21/2008 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
ADEC approves the direct haul to Emerald Alaska for treatment of contaminated water generated during the installation of off property monitoring wells. |
Robert Weimer |
7/30/2008 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
ADEC approves thermal treatment of 8 super sacks of contaminated soils generated during the installation of monitoring wells. |
Robert Weimer |
7/30/2008 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
ADEC approves treatment of drums of contaminated purge water. |
Robert Weimer |
8/22/2008 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Fourth quarter 2007 remediation system report. The soil vapor extraction system was not operational since January 5, 2007 due to frozen lines. The airsparge system is still not operational. Chevron began the installation of an upgraded system on August 15, 2007.The upgraded system will include 10 new air sparge wells and 4 existing soil vapor extraction wells. They hope to restart the system in January 2008. To date the system has removed 8,807 pounds of GRO and 691 pounds of benzene. |
Robert Weimer |
8/22/2008 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Remedial system installation and offsite assessment report review. On 8/16/07 four monitoring wells were installed on the adjacent Thrifty property to help define the extent of the contamination form this site. Up to 7.4 mg/kg benzene and 1,600 mg/kg GRO in soil samples collected. Up to 9,300 ug/l benzene and 180 mg/l GRO in the groundwater samples collected. The new remedial system consists of 10 air sparge wells and horizontal soil vapor extraction trenches. New system startup is planned for January 2008. |
Robert Weimer |
8/28/2008 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
ADEC approves thermal treatment of 2 drums of contaminated soils generated during the installation of a pole on the west side of the property. |
Robert Weimer |
10/15/2008 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
ADEC approves treatment of drums of contaminated purge water. |
Robert Weimer |
12/3/2008 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
May 14, 2008 semi-annual groundwater monitoring. Up to 78 mg/l GRO, 2,400 ug/l benzene, and 3 ug/l MTBE. Concentrations increased in 5 of the 11 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flows to the southwest. Depth to groundwater is 12.10 to 13.45 feet below ground surface. Ethylene dibromide (EDB) was non-detect in the groundwater. 1,2-Dichloroethane (1,2-DCA found in the groundwater (4 ug/l and <13 ug/l),cleanup level (5 ug/l). |
Robert Weimer |
2/2/2009 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Third quarter 2008 remediation system report. The upgraded system includes 10 new air sparge wells and 4 existing soil vapor extraction wells which began operation on June 26, 2008. The system operated 97% of the time during this period. To date the system has removed 8,825 pounds of GRO and 691 pounds of benzene. |
Robert Weimer |
2/25/2009 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Meeting with Chevron and their consultants. Chevron to conduct and indoor air evaluation for this site. ADEC is to send a t letter requesting that Chevron sample Holiday monitoring wells B2MW, B5MW, and B6MW that appears to be impacted by this site. Chevron is to look at hooking up Thrifty monitoring wells to the remedation system. Addtional monitoring wells are to be installed to define the extent of the groundwater contamiantion to the west of Thrify. |
Robert Weimer |
4/2/2009 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
2008 off site assessment and groundwater monitoring report review. On June 2008 five monitoring wells and five soil borings were installed on the adjacent Thrifty property to help define the extent of the contamination form this site. Up to 4.7 mg/kg benzene, 9,200 mg/kg GRO, and 220 mg/kg DRO in soil samples collected. Higher soil contamination may exist because in serval of the soil boring the highest field screening depths were not sampled (SB-6, SB-1, MW-24, SB-3, and MW-26). Up to 1,300 ug/l benzene and 45 mg/l GRO in the groundwater samples collected. |
Robert Weimer |
4/28/2009 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC letter requesting that Chevron sample for BTEX and GRO, on a semi-annual basis Holiday monitoring wells B2MW, B5MW, and B6MW that appear to be impacted by the Chevron site. |
Robert Weimer |
4/28/2009 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Fourth quarter 2008 remediation system report. The upgraded system includes 10 new air sparge wells and 4 existing soil vapor extraction wells which began operation on June 26, 2008. The system operated 100% of the time during this period. To date the system has removed 8,836 pounds of GRO and 691 pounds of benzene. |
Robert Weimer |
5/5/2009 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
ADEC approves treatment of two drums of contaminated purge water. |
Robert Weimer |
5/12/2009 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
ADEC approves treatment of two drums of contaminated purge water. |
Robert Weimer |
6/8/2009 |
Update or Other Action |
Approved request for no-purge sampling for the site monitoring wells. Purged sampling may be required in the future for final closure sampling. A side-by-side (no-purge vs purge) pilot study is not being requested, but may be required if there appears to be a significant change in analytical results. |
Robert Weimer |
6/9/2009 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
ADEC approves treatment of three drums of contaminated purge water. |
Robert Weimer |
8/5/2009 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
First quarter 2009 remediation system report. The upgraded system includes 10 new air sparge wells and 4 existing soil vapor extraction wells which began operation on June 26, 2008. The system operated 95% of the time and removed 4.4 pounds of GRO during this period. To date the systems have removed 8,840 pounds of GRO and 691 pounds of benzene. The air sparge system is pulsed between 3 banks of air sparge wells. |
Robert Weimer |
9/16/2009 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
May 20, 2009 semi-annual groundwater monitoring. Up to 62 mg/l GRO, 2,200 ug/l benzene, and 17 and non-detect (<63 ug/l) MTBE. Concentrations increased in 9 of the 18 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flows to the southwest. Depth to groundwater is 12.06 to 13.50 feet below ground surface. Ethylene dibromide (EDB) was non-detect in the groundwater. 1,2-Dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) also found in the groundwater (2 ug/l),cleanup level (5 ug/l). |
Robert Weimer |
9/21/2009 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Talked with RP's consultant. He confirmed that they now have a site access agreement and the 3 Holiday monitoring wells were sampled during the September 2009 sampling event. |
Robert Weimer |
9/23/2009 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC letter requesting by November 1, 2009 a workplan for the installation of additional monitoring wells downgradient of monitoring well MW-27. The letter requests soil and groundwater samples for BTEX and GRO. The letter also approves abandoning monitoring wells MW-5, MW-9, MW-13, MW-15, MW-16, and MW-20; and the reduction to sampling MW-19 and T-1 to an annual basis. |
Robert Weimer |
10/27/2009 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Drinking water well at 1505 West 35th Avenue was sampled. The drinking water well is located about 600 feet to the northeast (upgradient) of the Chevron site. The water was non-detect for GRO and BTEX. |
Robert Weimer |
11/9/2009 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Second quarter 2009 remediation system report. The upgraded system includes 10 new air sparge wells and 4 existing soil vapor extraction wells which began operation on June 26, 2008. The system operated 100% of the planned time and removed 5.5 pounds of GRO during this period. The system was shut down from March 23, 2009 to April 27, 2009 because of volcanic ash fall and shut down May 15, 2009 to May 20, 2009 during the groundwater monitoring event. To date the systems have removed 8,846 pounds of GRO and 691 pounds of benzene. The air sparge system is pulsed between 3 banks of air sparge wells. |
Robert Weimer |
2/18/2010 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Third quarter 2009 remediation system report. The upgraded system includes 10 new air sparge wells and 4 existing soil vapor extraction wells which began operation on June 26, 2008. The system operated 98.9% of the planned time and removed 8.9 pounds of GRO during this period. To date the systems have removed 8,855 pounds of GRO and 691 pounds of benzene. The air sparge system is pulsed between 3 banks of air sparge wells. |
Robert Weimer |
2/26/2010 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed Vapor Intrusion Pathway Initial Assessment report. The report recommends doing building surveys on the Chevron building and the 4 nearby buildings (Thrifty, Alaska Cremation Center, the motel, and the Southcentral Foundation Building). The report also recommends putting in 3 multi-level vapor probes near the Thrifty Building. DEC requests this also be done near the Alaska Cremation Center building. |
Robert Weimer |
3/11/2010 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Meeting with Chevron and their consultants on 3/10/10. MW11 & MW27 are to be sampled for PAH the next monitoring event. Chevron to provide a revised workplan for the placement of monitoring well MW29 on the Chevron side of the building. Chevron to get site access for the Alaska Cremation Center to install nested vapor monitoring wells on their property. Chevron to submit a workplan for hooking up the Thrifty portion of the remediation system and operate both systems. We discussed that groundwater samples for volatiles should not be collected with bailers or peristaltic pumps due to the loss of volatiles, Chevron is to provide a workplan specifying how groundwater samples will be collected in the future. |
Robert Weimer |
5/12/2010 |
Site Visit |
At the request of the project manager, the CSP quality assurance officer was onsite to observe sampling activities by Arcadis sampling professional Dawn Beruve. Arcadis has transitioned to using submersible bladder pumps at the request of the DEC and pump decontamination activites were observed between sampling wells. |
Brenton Porter |
5/18/2010 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Fourth quarter 2009 remediation system report. The upgraded system includes 10 new air sparge wells and 4 existing soil vapor extraction wells which began operation on June 26, 2008. The system operated 100% of the planned time and removed 10 pounds of GRO during this period. To date the systems have removed 8,865 pounds of GRO and 691 pounds of benzene. The air sparge system is pulsed between 3 banks of air sparge wells. The consultant recommends in the future shutting down the system and check for any rebound in groundwater contamination and system vapors. |
Robert Weimer |
5/25/2010 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed Remediation System Expansion Workplan. The workplan proposes to hook up 3 additional soil vapor extraction (SVE) wells and 12 air sparge (AS) wells on the down gradient (Thrifty Car Rental) property. Discussed plan with RP's consultant. They will submit an addendum to the workplan and an updated workplan for the monitoring well installation. |
Robert Weimer |
5/25/2010 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
September 23, 2009 semi-annual groundwater monitoring. Up to 100 mg/l GRO, 1,700 ug/l benzene, and <20 ug/l MTBE. Concentrations increased in 4 of the 20 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flows to the southwest. Depth to groundwater is 11.51 to 13.50 feet below ground surface. Ethylene dibromide (EDB) was not found in the groundwater (<0.0098 ug/l), cleanup level (0.05 ug/l). 1,2-Dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) also found in the groundwater (5 ug/l),cleanup level (5 ug/l). |
Robert Weimer |
6/9/2010 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC reviews and conditionally approves addendum to Remediation System Expansion Workplan. The workplan proposes to hook up 3 additional soil vapor extraction (SVE) wells and 12 air sparge (AS) wells on the down gradient (Thrifty Car Rental) property. The conditions are to seperate out all potentially contaminated soil (above background field readings), and due to the contamination levels remaining that the existing onsite system on the Chevron property is not approved yet for shut down and rebound testing. |
Robert Weimer |
6/9/2010 |
Update or Other Action |
Chevron provided a revised workplan for the placement of monitoring well MW29 on the Chevron side of the building. The revised workplan still has monitoring wells MW-28 and MW-29 in the wrong locations. Discussed with Chevron's consultant. They will provide an updated work plan showing the correct locations for MW-28 and MW-29. |
Robert Weimer |
6/18/2010 |
Update or Other Action |
On June 16, 2010 while using induction metal detection, magnetometry, and ground penetrating radar on the Thrifty Car Rental property in preparation for expanding the treatment system to cover contamination on that property, what appeared to be underground storage tanks were found to the south of the Thrifty building. On June 18, 2010 a vac truck was used to clear soil at two locations. What appears to be a buried metal tank was found at 5.5 feet below ground surface running east-west. |
Robert Weimer |
8/26/2010 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC approves treatment of 45 gallons of contaminated decon water. ADEC approves thermal treatment of 1.5 cubic yards of contaminated air knife and boring clearing soils. |
Robert Weimer |
11/1/2010 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
First quarter 2010 remediation system report. The upgraded system includes 10 new air sparge wells and 4 existing soil vapor extraction wells which began operation on June 26, 2008. The system operated 99.1% of the planned time and removed 7 pounds of GRO during this period. To date the systems have removed 8,865 pounds of GRO and 691 pounds of benzene. The air sparge system is pulsed between 3 banks of air sparge wells. The consultant recommends in the future temporarily shutting down the system and check for any rebound in groundwater contamination and system vapors. |
Robert Weimer |
11/4/2010 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
May 12, 2010 semi-annual groundwater monitoring. Up to 97 mg/l GRO, 1,400 ug/l benzene, and 25 ug/l MTBE. Concentrations increased in 3 of the 23 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flows to the southwest. Depth to groundwater is 11.75 to 13.82 feet below ground surface. Naphthalene 38 ug/l, cleanup level (730 ug/l). |
Robert Weimer |
1/11/2011 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Second quarter 2010 remediation system report. The upgraded system includes 10 new air sparge wells and 4 existing soil vapor extraction wells which began operation on June 26, 2008. The system operated 60.7% of the planned time and removed 4.6 pounds of GRO during this period. To date the systems have removed 8,870 pounds of GRO and 691 pounds of benzene. The air sparge system is pulsed between 3 banks of air sparge wells. The consultant recommends in the future shutting down the system and check for any rebound in groundwater contamination and system vapors. Existing remediation system is to be upgraded to treat a larger area of the soil and groundwater contamination. |
Robert Weimer |
4/28/2011 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Third quarter 2010 remediation system report. The upgraded system includes 10 new air sparge wells and 4 existing soil vapor extraction wells which began operation on June 26, 2008. The system operated 85% of the planned time and removed 7.2 pounds of GRO during this period. To date the systems have removed 8,877 pounds of GRO and 691 pounds of benzene. The air sparge system is pulsed between 3 banks of air sparge wells. The consultant recommends in the future shutting down the system and check for any rebound in groundwater contamination and system vapors. A workplan for the rebound study is to be submitted. Existing remediation system is to be upgraded to treat a larger area of the soil and groundwater contamination. |
Robert Weimer |
9/29/2011 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC approves request to shut down SVE/AS system for 6 months to conduct a rebound study, then turn the system back on and take air samples. |
Robert Weimer |
10/19/2011 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
September 8, 2010 semi-annual groundwater monitoring. Up to 120 mg/l GRO, 2,500 ug/l benzene, and non-detect (<130 ug/l) MTBE. Concentrations increased in 7 of the 19 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flows to the southwest. Depth to groundwater is 11.46 to 13.55 feet below ground surface. Naphthalene 22 ug/l, cleanup level (730 ug/l). |
Robert Weimer |
10/25/2011 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Fourth quarter 2010 remediation system report. The upgraded system includes 10 new air sparge wells and 4 existing soil vapor extraction wells which began operation on June 26, 2008. The system operated 92% of the planned time and removed 7.2 pounds of GRO during this period. To date the systems have removed 8,951 pounds of GRO and 691 pounds of benzene. The air sparge system is pulsed between 3 banks of air sparge wells. The consultant recommends in the future shutting down the system and check for any rebound in groundwater contamination and system vapors. A workplan for the rebound study is to be submitted. Existing remediation system is to be upgraded to treat a larger area of the soil and groundwater contamination. The upgrade is currently on hold pending evaluation of a buried tank found just south of the Thrifty property buiding. |
Robert Weimer |
11/1/2011 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
ADEC approves thermal treatment of two super sacks of contaminated soils. The soil was generated during the June 2010 system expansion work. |
Robert Weimer |
11/16/2011 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Approved request to decommission monitoring well T-4, which has been damaged and has an obstruction at 2 feet below ground surface. A replacement monitoring well is not being requested at this time. |
Robert Weimer |
11/29/2011 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
June 21, 2011 semi-annual groundwater monitoring. Up to 100 mg/l GRO, and 4,700 ug/l benzene. Concentrations increased in 5 of the 19 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flows to the southwest. Depth to groundwater is 10.87 to 13.47 feet below ground surface. PAH's were below cleanup levels in groundwater this monitoring event. |
Robert Weimer |
12/2/2011 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Second quarter 2011 remediation system report. The upgraded system includes 10 new air sparge wells and 4 existing soil vapor extraction wells which began operation on June 26, 2008. The system operated 92% of the planned time and removed 4.3 pounds of GRO during this period. To date the systems have removed 8,972 pounds of GRO and 691 pounds of benzene. The air sparge system is pulsed between 3 banks of air sparge wells. The consultant recommends in the future shutting down the system and check for any rebound in groundwater contamination and system vapors. A workplan for the rebound study is to be submitted. Existing remediation system is to be upgraded to treat a larger area of the soil and groundwater contamination. The upgrade is currently on hold pending evaluation of a buried tank found just south of the Thrifty property buiding. |
Robert Weimer |
2/27/2012 |
Update or Other Action |
On October 18, 2011 Thrifty's consultant used a vac truck to advance test pits in the area that Chevron's consultant had found a buried tank. Thrifty's consultant found two tanks next to each other at 5.5 feet below ground surface, and associated piping in that area. Thrifty plans to removed the tanks and piping once the ground thaws in 2012. |
Robert Weimer |
3/1/2012 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Meeting with Chevron and their consultants on 2/28/12. Chevron is to abandon damaged monitoring well T-4 and repair monitoring well monuments. The remediation system is currently down for the ongoing rebound study. They are to continue semi-annual groundwater monitoring. They are to add a rose diagram to the monitoring figure. Thrifty is to remove the two underground storage tanks and associated piping in their property in 2012. |
Robert Weimer |
6/26/2012 |
Update or Other Action |
DEC contacted by the home owner at 1805 McKinley Avenue to have her drinking water sampled, her well was not sampled as part of the area 2001 drinking water well sampling. The sampling would be 524.2 and GRO. |
Robert Weimer |
7/24/2012 |
Update or Other Action |
DEC notified by Chevron's consultant that the drinking water well at 1805 McKinley Avenue was to be sampled for 524.2 and GRO soon. |
Robert Weimer |
8/7/2012 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Thrifty's consultant (EMI) provided a work plan for the planned assessment of the buried tanks and piping found on their property by Chevron in 2011. |
Robert Weimer |
8/24/2012 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC provided comments Thrifty's consultant's (EMI) provided a work plan for the planned assessment of the buried tanks and piping found on their property by Chevron in 2011. DEC requested a revised work plan with the changes requested. |
Robert Weimer |
8/28/2012 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
May 22, 2012 semi-annual groundwater monitoring. Up to 25 mg/l GRO, and 140 ug/l benzene. Concentrations increased in 5 of the 18 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flows to the south by southwest. Depth to groundwater is 10.67 to 12.92 feet below ground surface. |
Robert Weimer |
9/13/2012 |
Update or Other Action |
Thrifty's consultant (EMI) update that they are having a structural engineer look at whether some of the tanks can't be removed because of nearby canopy supports. The plan to dig some test pits in mid-October 2012 to collected information for a revised assessment work plan. |
Robert Weimer |
10/22/2012 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Third quarter 2011 remediation system report. The upgraded system includes 10 new air sparge wells and 4 existing soil vapor extraction wells which began operation on June 26, 2008. The system operated 99% of the planned time and removed 13.9 pounds of GRO during this period. To date the systems have removed 8,986 pounds of GRO and 691 pounds of benzene. The air sparge system is pulsed between 3 banks of air sparge wells. The system was shut down on September 30, 2011 to check for any rebound in groundwater contamination and system vapors. A workplan for the rebound study was submitted and approved on September 29, 2011. Existing remediation system is to be upgraded to treat a larger area of the soil and groundwater contamination. The upgrade is currently on hold pending evaluation of a buried tank found just south of the Thrifty property buiding. |
Robert Weimer |
2/26/2013 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Meeting with Chevron and their consultants on 2/26/13. Chevron proposes to continue semi-annual groundwater monitoring, is approved to remove the unused SVE/AS shed to use on a Fairbanks site, and provide missing reports. They are to add a rose diagram to the monitoring figure. The next groundwater sampling event they will sample both using no purge and purge help evaluate that the past no purge results were providing comparable data. We discussed that Thrifty's consultant has not provided a revised UST assessment work plan yet. |
Robert Weimer |
4/2/2013 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC received a structural investigation report from a structural engineer that the removal of the two tanks are removed it might endanger the supports to the roof overhang. |
Robert Weimer |
4/9/2013 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC has reviewed March 26, 2013 draft work plan for the additional tanks and piping found on the Thrify property. DEC requests that a revised work plan be submitted for review and approval with the following modifications:
1. Tanks and piping that are to be closed must be removed from the ground if there is contamination, unless it is demonstrated to DEC that the removal would endanger existing structures. At least two of the tanks (west and east) are not near any structures.
2. All of the piping associated with the tanks will need to be removed and assessed. Any additional tanks identified will need to be register, properly closed, and assessed (field screening and analytical samples) as per 18 AAC 78. The piping samples must be collected within 2 feet below the depth of the piping.
3. All excavated and vacuumed removed soil will need to have field screening and analytical samples collected. See the UST Procedures manual for field screening and analytical sampling requirements that need to be in the work plan.
4. Because volatile samples need to be collected a vacuum truck is not allowed to be used within 4 feet horizontally or vertically of any sample location.
5. Need to add 1,2-DCA and PCBs to the analysis methods.
6. The assessment report needs to include complete copies of all field notes.
7. The DEC project manager, Robert Weimer must be notified at least 3 days prior to conducting field work.
8. Locations that appear to have been former dispenser areas (such as the end of piping runs) will need to be field screened and have analytical samples collected in accordance with the UST Procedures Manual and 18 AAC 78.
Robert Weimer |
4/11/2013 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
September 20, 2012 semi-annual groundwater monitoring. Up to 130 mg/l GRO, and 320 ug/l benzene. Concentrations increased in 12 of the 19 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flows to the south by southwest. Depth to groundwater is 10.43 to 12.73 feet below ground surface. Groundwater sampling was conducted with no purge using bailers. Since bailers were used the BTEX and GRO results may be biased low. |
Robert Weimer |
6/27/2013 |
Site Visit |
Site visit to observe current site conditions. |
Robert Weimer |
2/10/2014 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
May 13, 2013 semi-annual groundwater monitoring. Up to 79.7 mg/l GRO, and 1,610 ug/l benzene. Concentrations increased in 6 of the 17 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flows to the south west. Depth to groundwater was 11.05 to 13.09 feet below ground surface. Samples were collect by both no-purge (Hydrasleeve) and purge (bladder pump) methods. The sampling interval for the hydrasleeve and bladder pump was not documented in the field notes. The sample results between to the two methods were not consistent (for example MW-11 was non-detect (<0.1 mg/l) GRO and non-detect (<1.0 ug/l) benzene with the no-purge hydrasleeve but was 6.19 mg/l GRO and 19.4 ug/l benzene with the purged bladder pump sampling). |
Robert Weimer |
2/27/2014 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Meeting with Chevron and their consultants on 2/27/2014. They recommend continued semi-annual groundwater monitoring. Because of problems with last year’s purge/no-purge sampling the next groundwater sampling event they will sample both using no purge and purge help evaluate that the past no purge results were providing comparable data or they will switch to no purge for future sampling events. We discussed that the groundwater samples needs to be collected as close as possible to the soil/water interface, with the pump intake within a foot of the soil/water interface at the time of the sampling. In the future they will need to evaluate for a diving plume on the monitoring wells far from the release point. They will be submitting a request to remove the remediation conex to reuse it at a Fairbanks site. The installation of a remediation system on the Thrifty property by Chevron is currently on hold pending the assessment by Thrifty of the underground tanks on their property. The consultant will make sure that their site reports are complete in accordance with DEC’s 9/23/2009 Site Characterization Work Plan and Reporting Guidance for Investigation of Contaminated Sites. |
Robert Weimer |
4/25/2014 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
September 23, 2013 semi-annual groundwater monitoring. Up to 218 mg/l GRO, and 594 ug/l benzene. Concentrations increased in 5 of the 19 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flows to the south west. Depth to groundwater was 10.06 to 12.31 feet below ground surface. Samples were collect by no-purge (Hydrasleeve) method. Because the sampling interval for the hydrasleeve was not documented in the field notes the results are considered biased low. |
Robert Weimer |
5/9/2014 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC conditionally approves Thrifty's revised work plan for conducting the in-place closure assessment of the two UST found on the Thrifty property and the removal and assessment of all accessible piping. |
Robert Weimer |
5/12/2014 |
Site Visit |
Site visit to observe current site conditions. |
Robert Weimer |
6/17/2014 |
Site Visit |
Site visit to observe current site conditions. They were working on removing the treatment shed, that is going to reused at a Fairbanks Chevron site. |
Robert Weimer |
6/17/2014 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On June 17, 2014 in-place closure of two 1,000 gallon USTs on the Thrifty Property was conducted. High field reading found at the vent piping. Sections of piping to a former dispenser island were left in place and not sampled at this time because it was in the road right of way and they did not have a permit to excavated soil there. Additional assessment work is required to define the extent of the contamination and to complete the assessment of the piping/dispensers in the road right-of-way. The east end of the tanks did not have a test pit assessment as required in the conditional approval letter. Up to 530 mg/kg GRO, 450 mg/kg DRO, 0.0826 mg/kg benzene, 2.76 mg/kg ethylbenzene (0.13 mg/kg MTGW cleanup level), 36.9 mg/kg total xylenes (1.5 mg/kg MTGW cleanup level), 6.16 mg/kg naphthalene (0.038 mg/kg MTGW cleanup level), 3.75 mg/kg 1-methylnaphthalene (0.41 mg/kg MTGW cleanup level), 7.5 mg/kg 2-methylnaphthalene (1.3 mg/kg MTGW cleanup level), 43 mg/kg chromium, and 8.7 mg/kg arsenic left in-place in the areas sampled. The 45 cubic yards of excavated soil had up to 0.143 mg/kg benzene, and 0.0411 mg/kg PCBs and was placed back in the excavation on a liner. |
Robert Weimer |
1/5/2015 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
May 14, 2014 semi-annual groundwater monitoring. Up to 7.99 mg/l GRO, and 160 ug/l benzene. Higher concentrations may exist because some samples arrived frozen/broken at the lab and were not analyzed. Two samples were not properly preserved in the field. Three samples were analyzed outside holding times. Concentrations increased in 9 of the 18 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flowed to the south west. Depth to groundwater was 10.64 to 12.74 feet below ground surface. Samples were collect by purge method using a bladder pump. Samples were collected from within the top foot of the water column. |
Robert Weimer |
5/27/2015 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
October 15, 2014 semi-annual groundwater monitoring. Up to 52.3 mg/l GRO, and 436 ug/l benzene. Concentrations increased in 8 of the 19 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flowed to the south west. Depth to groundwater was 10.44 to 12.55 feet below ground surface. Samples were collect by no-purge method using Hydrasleeves. Samples were collected at the top of the water column as required. |
Robert Weimer |
10/7/2015 |
Site Visit |
Site visit to observe current site conditions and site work on the nearby Thrifty Car Rental property where a test pit was dug near the former dispenser island along Spenard Road and soil samples were collect to help assess for contamination in that area. Two soil samples were collected from the excavation (plus one duplicate) and two soil samples were collected from the excavated soil (3 cubic yards). The excavation samples had up to 4.1 mg/kg GRO, 39 mg/kg DRO, 250 mg/kg RRO, 0.008 mg/kg benzene, 7.8 mg/kg lead, 0.011 mg/kg phenanthrene, 0.013 mg/kg fluoranthene, and 0.01 mg/kg pyrene. The other VOCs, PAHs, and EDB were non-detect. The two stockpile samples were both below migration to groundwater cleanup levels and that soil was used as backfill in the trench excavation. |
Robert Weimer |
10/29/2015 |
Site Visit |
Site visit to observe current site conditions and site work on the nearby Thrifty Car Rental property where two soil borings were sampled. Boring 1 was placed near the east end of the closed in-place USTs and Boring 2 was placed near the location of the 2014 closure sample 03. In both soil borings groundwater was found at 13.5 feet below ground surface (bgs). Each boring was sampled at 10'-11.5' bgs and at the soil/water interface. The samples had up to 24 mg/kg GRO, 19 mg/kg DRO, and 130 mg/kg lead. The detectable VOCs and PAHs were below cleanup levels. EDB samples were non-detect. |
Robert Weimer |
11/3/2015 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
April 20, 2015 semi-annual groundwater monitoring. Up to 56.0 mg/l GRO, and 1,900 ug/l benzene. Concentrations increased in 7 of the 11 monitoring wells sampled. Several monitoring wells were not sampled because they were frozen. Groundwater flowed to the south west. Depth to groundwater was 11.74 to 13.71 feet below ground surface. Samples were collect by no-purge method using Hydrasleeves. Samples were collected at the top of the water column as required. |
Robert Weimer |
1/25/2016 |
Update or Other Action |
DEC approves extension request to submit the 2nd semi-annual 2015 groundwater monitoring report by February 29, 2016. |
Robert Weimer |
6/22/2016 |
Site Visit |
Site visit to check on current site conditions. |
Robert Weimer |
9/26/2016 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
November 17-23, 2015 semi-annual groundwater monitoring. Up to 57.0 mg/l GRO, and 290 ug/l benzene. Concentrations increased in 7 of the 17 monitoring wells sampled. Several monitoring wells were not sampled because they were frozen. Groundwater flowed to the south west. Depth to groundwater was 10.82 to 12.78 feet below ground surface. Samples were collect by no-purge method using Hydrasleeves. Samples were collected at the top of the water column as required. |
Robert Weimer |
6/9/2017 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
June 27-28, 2016 semi-annual groundwater monitoring. Up to 56.0 mg/l GRO, 6,500 ug/l toluene, and 620 ug/l benzene. Concentrations increased in 7 of the 22 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flowed to the south west this monitoring event. Depth to groundwater was 11.36 to 13.50 feet below ground surface. Samples were collect by no-purge method using Hydrasleeves. Samples were collected at the top of the water column. |
Robert Weimer |
6/15/2017 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
September 13-14, 2016 semi-annual groundwater monitoring. Up to 78.0 mg/l GRO, 6,000 ug/l toluene, 3,200 ug/l ethylbenzene, 14,000 ug/l xylenes, and 520 ug/l benzene. Concentrations increased in 8 of the 19 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flowed to the south west this monitoring event. Depth to groundwater was 10.98 to 13.18 feet below ground surface. Samples were collect by no-purge method using Hydrasleeves. Samples were collected at the top of the water column except for monitoring well MW-27. |
Robert Weimer |
6/16/2017 |
Update or Other Action |
DEC requests the submittal of a detailed work plan by August 1, 2017 for future groundwater sampling at this site. This is to include the sampling after purging the monitoring wells using a bladder pump or positive displacement pump with the well intake within the top foot of the water column at the time of the sampling. The sample analysis is to include the full VOCs (8260), and GRO(AK101) in all monitoring wells, and PAHs(8270) in select monitoring wells. |
Robert Weimer |
9/6/2017 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC conditional approval of GHD’s July 28, 2017 groundwater monitoring and sampling work plan. The work plan proposes to collect groundwater samples from select site monitoring wells. The work plan is approved under the condition that PAH analysis include monitoring wells 5B, 11, 17, 21, 22, 26, 27, and B5MW. After reviewing the results of first monitoring event ADEC can evaluate a reduction in the number and/or frequency of PAH sampling of the site monitoring wells for future sampling events. |
Robert Weimer |
12/12/2017 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
May 3-4, 2017 semi-annual groundwater monitoring. Up to 7.5 mg/l GRO, 65 ug/l toluene, 130 ug/l ethylbenzene, 490 ug/l xylenes, and 48 ug/l benzene. Concentrations increased in 8 of the 16 monitoring wells sampled. Some of the most contaminated monitoring wells were not sampled because they were full of ice. Groundwater flowed to the south west this monitoring event. Depth to groundwater was 11.55 to 13.62 feet below ground surface. Samples were collect by no-purge method using Hydrasleeves. Samples were collected at the top of the water column except for monitoring wells MW-11, MW-17, B6MW, T-1, and T-2.The sample for monitoring well B5MW was collected using a bailer. |
Robert Weimer |
1/16/2018 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
September 11-13, 2017 semi-annual groundwater monitoring. Up to 44 mg/l GRO, 3,800 ug/l toluene, 2,000 ug/l ethylbenzene, 10,000 ug/l xylenes, 2 ug/l MTBE, 5 ug/l 1,2-DCA, and 410 ug/l benzene. Concentrations increased in 10 of the 19 monitoring wells sampled. Two of the monitoring wells (MW-5B and MW-27) were sampled for PAHs and had up to 36 ug/l Naphthalene, 0.33 ug/l Flurene, 0.67 ug/l Phenanthrene, 0.11 ug/l Acenaphthene, and 0.014 ug/l Acenapthylene. Groundwater flowed to the south west this monitoring event. Depth to groundwater was 9.57 to 16.89 feet below ground surface. Samples were collect after purging with a bladder pump at the top of the water column. |
Robert Weimer |
10/25/2018 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
May 16-18, 2018 semi-annual groundwater monitoring. Up to 88 mg/l GRO, 7,400 ug/l toluene, 3,800 ug/l ethylbenzene, 20,000 ug/l xylenes, 1 ug/l MTBE, 5 ug/l 1,2-DCA, and 460 ug/l benzene. Concentrations increased in 6 of the 20 monitoring wells sampled. Seven of the monitoring wells were sampled for PAHs and had up to 110 ug/l Naphthalene (1.7 ug/l cleanup level) and 0.05 ug/l Benzo(a)pyrene (0.034 ug/l cleanup level). The other detected PAH compounds were below current cleanup levels. Groundwater flowed to the south west this monitoring event. Depth to groundwater was 10.97 to 13.12 feet below ground surface. Samples were collect after purging with a bladder pump at the top of the water column. Naphthalene results were missing from the VOC 8260 analysis. |
Robert Weimer |
1/17/2019 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 77951 1992 UST contamination. |
Robert Weimer |
5/15/2019 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
September 26-28, 2018 semi-annual groundwater monitoring. Up to 77 mg/l GRO, 12,000 ug/l toluene, 3,800 ug/l ethylbenzene, 20,000 ug/l xylenes, 1 ug/l MTBE, 5 ug/l 1,2-DCA, and 800 ug/l benzene. Concentrations increased in 12 of the 19 monitoring wells sampled. Seven of the monitoring wells were sampled for PAHs and had up to 120 ug/l Naphthalene (1.7 ug/l cleanup level) and 0.01 ug/l Benzo(a)pyrene (0.034 ug/l cleanup level). The other detected PAH compounds were below current cleanup levels. Groundwater flowed to the south west this monitoring event. Depth to groundwater was 10.96 to 13.09 feet below ground surface. Samples were collect after purging with a bladder pump at the top of the water column. Naphthalene results were missing from the VOC 8260 analysis. |
Robert Weimer |
5/16/2019 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC requested submittal of method 8260 naphthalene results that were not included for this and the previous 2018 groundwater sampling events. ADEC also requested for this and all GHD Chevron sites that laboratory 8260 VOC analysis include and report the naphthalene results and that they are included on monitoring event and historical data tables. |
Robert Weimer |
9/23/2019 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC requests for this site that the monitoring wells are purged prior to sampling, and that the intake of the bladder pump/in-well pump be documented in the field notes to be within the top foot of the water column at the time of the sampling. Also VOC sampling needs to include the full 8260 VOC list including naphthalene. |
Robert Weimer |
1/10/2020 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
May 8-10, 2019 semi-annual groundwater monitoring. Up to 33 mg/l GRO, 4,200 ug/l toluene, 1,900 ug/l ethylbenzene, 11,000 ug/l xylenes, 0.7 ug/l MTBE, 5 ug/l 1,2-DCA, and 500 ug/l benzene. Concentrations increased in 6 of the 18 monitoring wells sampled. Seven of the monitoring wells were sampled for PAHs and had up to 23 ug/l Naphthalene (1.7 ug/l cleanup level). The other detected PAH compounds were below current cleanup levels. Groundwater flowed to the south west this monitoring event. Depth to groundwater was 11.26 to 13.36 feet below ground surface. Samples were collect after purging with a bladder pump. Since the samples were not collected at the top foot of the water column as required the results may be biased low. Naphthalene results were missing from the VOC 8260 analysis despite it being requested on COC. |
Robert Weimer |
1/13/2020 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC requests to that in future monitoring events on this and other Chevron sites that the water samples are collected with the pump intake within the top foot of the water column at the time of the sampling and that this be documented in the field notes.
Also the method 8260 Naphthalene results were not reported by the lab despite requesting the full VOC on the COC. ADEC also requests a revised report that includes the method 8260 Naphthalene results.
Robert Weimer |
3/12/2020 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC requests for this site that the monitoring wells are purged prior to sampling, and that the intake of the bladder pump/in-well pump be documented in the field notes to be within the top foot of the water column at the time of the sampling. Also all BTEX and VOC sampling needs to include the full 8260 VOC list including naphthalene. ADEC is also requesting that all reports be submitted within 60 days of the sampling and the groundwater monitoring figure include a diagram showing historic groundwater flow directions. |
Robert Weimer |
3/17/2020 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC reviewed 2020 groundwater sampling plan and provided the following comments: For all future monitoring events please make sure that the field notes document the measurement of the pump intake that is within the top foot of the water column at the time of the sampling unless the top of the well screened interval is deeper, then in that case from the top foot of that screened interval. For all future monitoring events any monitoring well where BTEX or HVOC sampling is proposed it needs to be the full VOC (method 8260) list, including naphthalene. The field QC samples are per day of sampling at a site. For all future monitoring events all reports be submitted within 60 days of the sampling and the groundwater monitoring figure include a diagram showing historic groundwater flow directions. For all future monitoring events if a monitoring well is low yield and purges dry then a sample will still need to be collected that monitoring event once the monitoring well has recharged to approximately 80% of its pre-purge volume. If it has not returned to 80% of its pre-purged volume during that sampling day DEC requests that you return to the site early the next day to attempt to collect the water sample. |
Robert Weimer |
1/15/2021 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
DEC staff met with Chevron Environmental Management Company (CEMC) and Arcadis to discuss Chevron sites located in Alaska during the Annual Portfolio Meeting on January 14th and 15th, 2021. |
Rebekah Reams |
8/4/2021 |
Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review |
2021 First Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on April 28, 2021. Groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells B6MW, MW-1, MW-4, MW-5B, MW-7, MW-11, MW-14, MW-17, MW-19, MW-22, MW-25, MW-27, and T-2. Monitoring well MW-5 was dry and monitoring wells MW-18, MW-21, and MW-23 were frozen and could not be gauged or sampled and monitoring wells B2MW and B5MW were unable to be located and are assumed to be paved over. Samples were submitted to the laboratory for GRO, VOCs, and PAHs. Groundwater flow direction was to the west-northwest and depth to groundwater was 10.68 to 12.54 feet below ground surface. GRO, BTEX, naphthalene, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, and EDB exceedances were observed during this sampling event with the highest concentrations reported at MW-21, MW-22, and T-2. |
Rebekah Reams |
1/20/2022 |
Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review |
2021 Second Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on September 27th and 28th, 2021. Groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells B6MW, MW-1, MW-4, MW-5B, MW-7, MW-8, MW-11, MW-14, MW-17, MW-18, MW-19, MW-21 through MW-27, T-1, and T-2. Monitoring well MW-5 was dry and could not be sampled. Monitoring wells B2MW and B5MW were unable to be located. Samples were submitted to the laboratory for GRO, VOCs, and PAHs. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and depth to groundwater was 10.89 to 12.85 feet below ground surface. |
Rebekah Reams |
8/2/2022 |
Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review |
2022 First Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on May 4th and 5th, 2022. Groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells B6MW, MW-1, MW-4, MW-5B, MW-7, MW-14, MW-17, MW-19, MW-21 through MW-27, and T-1. Monitoring wells MW-5 and T-2 were dry and could not be sampled. MW-11 was frozen. B2MW and B5MW were unable to be located. Samples were submitted to the laboratory for GRO, VOCs, and PAHs. Groundwater flow direction was to the south-southwest and depth to groundwater was 10.62 to 12.56 feet below ground surface. |
Rebekah Reams |
9/29/2022 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC provided comments on the Treatment of Purge Water Utilizing Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) at Chevron Environmental Management Company Sites which includes standard operating procedures and breakthrough estimates proposed for use at this site. |
Rebekah Reams |
12/23/2022 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
DEC approved transport of one 55-gallon drum of purge water for offsite disposal |
Rebekah Reams |
6/15/2023 |
Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review |
2022 Second Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on August 25th and 26th, 2022. Groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells B6MW, MW-1, MW-4, MW-5B, MW-7, MW-14, MW-8, MW-11, MW-14, MW-18, MW-19, MW-21 through MW-27, T-1 and T-2. Monitoring well MW-5 was dry and could not be sampled. B2MW and B5MW were not located. MW-17 was not sampled due to being paved over. Samples were submitted to the laboratory for GRO, VOCs, and PAHs. Groundwater flow direction was to the south-southwest and depth to groundwater was 10.00 to 12.08 feet below ground surface. |
Rebekah Reams |
7/27/2023 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC approved the Groundwater Analyte Adjustment and Well Repair Work Plan following comment resolution. This work plan proposes to repair or replace monitoring wells MW-5, MW-17, B2MW, and B5MW, update the analytes included in the sampling plan. |
Rebekah Reams |
11/17/2023 |
Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review |
2023 First Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on April 25th and 26th, 2022. Groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells B6MW, MW-1, MW-4, MW-5B, MW-7, MW-14, MW-8, MW-11, MW-14, MW-19, MW-21, MW-22, WM-24 through MW-27, T-1 and T-2. Monitoring well MW-5 had insufficient water to sample, monitoring well MW-17 was paved over, and monitoring wells MW-18 and MW-23 had Ice blockages within the blank casing of each monitoring well. B2MW and B5MW were unable to be located. Samples were submitted to the laboratory for GRO, VOCs, and PAHs. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and depth to groundwater was 10.54 to 12.58 feet below ground surface. |
Rebekah Reams |
11/30/2023 |
Site Visit |
ADEC staff visited the site to observe current site use, layout, and monitoring well locations. |
Rebekah Reams |
12/18/2023 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC approved a plan to decommission air sparge wells AS-1 through AS-13 remaining on the site following the removal of the Air Sparge/Soil Vapor Extraction system in 2014 |
Rebekah Reams |
12/18/2023 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC sent correspondence requesting an update on the status of plans for conducting remediation at the Thrifty Car Rental property and evaluating the vapor intrusion pathway at the site. |
Rebekah Reams |
4/15/2024 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
ADEC approved offsite transport and treatment of 80 gallons of purge water. |
Rebekah Reams |
5/15/2024 |
Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review |
2023 Second Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on September 12th and 13th, 2023. Groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells MW-1, MW-4, MW-5B, MW-7, MW-8, MW-11, MW-14, MW-17, MW-18, MW-19, MW-21 through MW-27, T-1 and T-2, B2MW, B5MW, and B6MW. Samples were submitted to the laboratory for GRO, select VOCs, and lead. Groundwater flow direction was to the south-southwest and depth to groundwater was 10.30 to 12.60 feet below ground surface. |
Rebekah Reams |
5/16/2024 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC reviewed the Well Decommissioning Report – 2023 which documents work completed to repair or replace monitoring wells B2MW, B5MW, MW-5, and MW-17. Work was conducted in July and August 2023. During redevelopment and repair activities, it was found that B2MW was not in need of development and both B5MW and MW-17 were able to be successfully redeveloped. Monitoring well MW-5 was unable to be redeveloped or replaced and was decommissioned. |
Rebekah Reams |
5/23/2024 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC provided comments on the Conceptual Site Model Summary Report. This report summarizes the site history and analytical data available for this site and nearby contaminated sites, identifies remaining data gaps, and recommends additional work to be completed at the site. |
Rebekah Reams |
6/13/2024 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 77951 1992 UST contamination. |
Rebekah Reams |
9/16/2024 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
ADEC approved offsite transport and disposal of 15 gallons of soil cuttings and 55 gallons of purge water. |
Rebekah Reams |
9/18/2024 |
Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review |
2024 First Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on April 16 and 17th, 2024. Groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells MW-1, MW-4, MW-5B, MW-7, MW-8, MW-14, MW-17, MW-18, MW-19, MW-21, MW-24, MW-26, MW-27, T-1, T-2, B2MW, B5MW, and B6MW. Monitoring wells MW-11, MW-23, and MW-25 were frozen and could not be gauged or sampled. Monitoring well MW-22 was frozen and could not be sampled. Samples were submitted to the laboratory for GRO, DRO, select VOCs, and lead. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and depth to groundwater was 9.8 to 12.72 feet below ground surface. |
Rebekah Reams |
9/20/2024 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
ADEC approved the Off-Site Vapor Intrusion Investigation Work Plan which proposes to install three sub-slab soil vapor pins and conduct two sampling events for sub-slab soil gas, indoor air, and outdoor air at the Thrifty Car Rental building to evaluate the potential for vapor intrusion. |
Rebekah Reams |
9/20/2024 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC provided comments on the revised Conceptual Site Model Summary Report. This report summarizes the site history and analytical data available for this site and nearby contaminated sites, identifies remaining data gaps, recommends additional work to be completed at the site, and provides responses to ADEC comments. |
Rebekah Reams |
9/24/2024 |
Site Visit |
ADEC conducted a site visit with Chevron and Arcadis personnel to observe site layout, sampling locations, and nearby features. |
Rebekah Reams |
9/25/2024 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
ADEC staff met with Chevron and their consultant for an annual portfolio meeting to discuss site status, upcoming document submittals, pending reviews, and general updates for Chevron's contaminated sites throughout the state. |
Rebekah Reams |
11/26/2024 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC reviewed the Revised Site Conceptual Model Summary Report submitted November 20, 2024. This report summarizes the site history and analytical data available for this site and nearby contaminated sites, identifies remaining data gaps, recommends additional work to be completed, and addresses ADEC comments provided on September 20, 2024. No additional revisions of this report were requested; however, ADEC noted that historical soil samples collected at the site have reported exceedances at all sample locations collected to the northwest of the Thrifty Car Rental property, including MW-20, MW-23, MW-19, MW-25, and MW-21 and human health and maximum allowable concentration exceedances have been observed at several sample locations at 3608 Minnesota Drive and 3730 Spenard Road including MW-11, MW-22, and MW-27 and that these locations should be retained for future consideration when evaluating the status of subsurface soil delineation at the site. |
Rebekah Reams |