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Site Report: Tesoro - Garretts

Site Name: Tesoro - Garretts
Address: 724 W. Int'l Airport Rd.; , Anchorage, AK 99518
File Number: 2100.26.078
Hazard ID: 23603
Status: Active
Staff: Shawn Tisdell, 9074512752
Latitude: 61.173317
Longitude: -149.897372
Horizontal Datum:NAD83

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Leaking gasoline UST pumped empty and taken out of service in 1988. Soils contaminated by gasoline documented 12/88. Groundwater contamination documented 7/89. Some floating product was found on the water table. Drinking water wells in area were sampled and detected no contamination. In 1992 one 8,000 gallon diesel tank was removed, but it had contamination left in the base of the excavation. In 1993 two 12,000 gallon gasoline USTs removed (one of which was the leaking tank taken out of service in 1988) that also had contamination left in their excavation. A Vapor Extraction/ Air Sparging was installed and began startup on January 5, 1994. A groundwater pump and treat system was installed and began startup on February 10, 1994. The vapor extraction and air sparging system was restarted in July of 2005 and operated through at least March 31, 2006. On March 13, 2014 the remediation system was found to be no longer operating and in need of repair. As of April 2000 an estimated 24,400 pounds of gasoline has been removed by the remediation system. In 2003 ten to twenty gallons of diesel fuel was released during the pumping out of the sump above the diesel tank (located on the southern portion of the property). Much of the diesel fuel was collected with absorbents from the pavement. In June 2014 a replacement monitoring well B1MWR2 was installed and the three site monitoring wells were sampled. The soil sample collected during the replacement monitoring well installation contained 304 mg/kg GRO, 34.3 mg/kg DRO, 11 mg/kg benzene, 47.5 mg/kg toluene, 17.9 mg/kg ethylbenzene, and 69.8 mg/kg total xylenes. The groundwater samples collected from Wells B1MWR2 and B3MW on June 26, 2014 contained up to 172 mg/L GRO, 10.5 mg/L DRO, 11.4 mg/L benzene, 42.8 mg/L toluene, 8.47 mg/L ethylbenzene, and 30.92 mg/L total xylenes. The replacement monitoring well needs to be connected to the Vapor Extraction/ Air Sparging system needs to be repaired and restarted. On going groundwater monitoring is also needed. The extent of the soil and groundwater contamination has not been defined to the north of the property.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
1/2/1988 Site Visit Associated Environmental Systems test lines and tanks for leakage. The 12000 gallon unleaded gasoline tank failed. Further testing by Northern Lights Petroleum isolated leakage to filler pipes. Former Staff
11/11/1988 Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment Rainier Bank Alaska retained Dames & Moore to do an environmental hazard assessment of the property. They installed two monitoring wells and sampled groundwater/soils. Report recommended continued sampling of monitoring wells. Former Staff
12/28/1988 Release Investigation Dames & Moore completed two boring/monitoring wells. Some contamination encountered in soils. Former Staff
1/10/1989 Site Added to Database Former Staff
1/10/1989 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 77949 Gasoline contaminant. Former Staff
1/11/1989 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum LCAU Date changed DB conversion Former Staff
7/14/1989 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The 12000 gallon UST reportedly having a leak in 1/2/88, was taken out of service but not removed. Estimated to have leaked 1,000 gal. Former Staff
7/19/1989 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Shannon & Wilson performs a site investigation. Soil analyses indicates significant contamination beneath the site. A strong hydrocarbon odor and emulsified oily sheen found in Boring B-2. Groundwater at about 20 feet below ground surface and flows towards the northwest. Former Staff
2/1/1990 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Dames & Moore results show 0.98 mg/kg to 780 mg/kg by EPA Method 418.1 RP wants to leave tank in place until after spring thaw. DEC states that the RP needs to remove contaminated soils, dispose of them, and that groundwater samples will be required from the monitoring wells. Former Staff
6/8/1990 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway Work plan for corrective action submitted by Environmental Services. Former Staff
6/29/1990 Site Visit ADEC contract lab analyses of floating product concludes it has the characteristics of gasoline and contains tetra ethyl lead. Former Staff
7/9/1990 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Environmental Services draft report. 4.5 to 5.5 feet of floating product in well B-1. Product identified as highly weathered regular gasoline. Former Staff
7/29/1990 Site Visit Up to 45.2 mg/l benzene in groundwater. Former Staff
9/5/1990 Update or Other Action Damaged monitoring wells have been abandoned. Former Staff
11/5/1990 Update or Other Action Work plan for sampling of private wells within 1/4 mile of site. Former Staff
11/13/1990 Update or Other Action ADEC staff collected 7 samples from private wells. Analyzed at ADEC Douglas lab. No detectable volatile organics found. Former Staff
9/27/1991 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway Revised soil & groundwater remediation plan approval given. Former Staff
4/2/1992 Update or Other Action ADEC requests immediate free product recovery at B1MW, complete vapor extraction system information (as per Guidance Manual 18AAC78), and submittal of a plan for additional monitoring wells to define the contamination plume. Former Staff
4/9/1992 Update or Other Action Approval of Remediation work plan 3/28/92 with 4/9/92 revisions. Former Staff
10/1/1992 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On October 1992 one 8,000 gallon diesel tank was removed that had contamination up to 6,230 mg/kg DRO (PAH, BTEX, and GRO analysis was not conducted) left in the base of the excavation. Thirty tons of contaminated soil was excavated as part of the tank removal and stockpile on property. The stockpile was later transported off property and treated themally at CleanSoils Anchorage facility. Robert Weimer
7/26/1993 Update or Other Action 30 cy stockpile of diesel contaminated soils approved to be thermally treated at CleanSoils. Former Staff
1/10/1994 Update or Other Action Approved 12/93 plan for pump and treat of groundwater and vapor extraction of the soils. Monitoring wells to be sampled for BTEX, GRO, and DRO. Former Staff
4/11/1994 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Site assessment for removal of 12,000 gallon regular gasoline UST and 12,000 gallon unleaded UST removed on 6/2/93. Contaminated soils remain in UST excavation and at most of the dispensers. Former Staff
4/13/1994 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Vapor extraction system startup on 1/5/94. Groundwater pump and treat system startup on 2/10/94. Former Staff
11/16/1995 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed quarterly, vapor extraction, and groundwater pumping reports. Former Staff
11/20/1995 Update or Other Action Reviewed and approved a corrective action plan. Former Staff
11/20/1997 Update or Other Action ADEC sends Notification of Intent to Cost Recover Letter to Current Owner: NELSON GARRETT Former Staff
12/27/2000 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC receives the results of the April 2000 groundwater and vapor extraction system monitoring. The soil vapor extraction system removing an estimated 4.95 pounds of GRO per day. An estimated 24,400 pounds of GRO has been removed to date. Up to 5.59 mg/l DRO, 200 mg/l GRO and 36.3 mg/l benzene in groundwater. Trace product in MW1. Levels appear to be decreasing. Robert Weimer
7/10/2003 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Emergency Response 10 to 20 gallons of diesel fuel was released during the pumping out of the sump above the diesel tank (located on the southern portion of the property). Fuel was collected with absorbents from the pavement. Statewide Petroleum is to investigate how the fuel got in the sump. Robert Weimer
11/1/2004 Update or Other Action Discussed with RP and consultant on site status. RP will get consultant out to continue to monitor groundwater and operate remediation system. Robert Weimer
11/30/2004 Update or Other Action Need GRO/BTEX for MW1&2 and DRO/BTEX for MW3 during next groundwater monitoring event. Robert Weimer
3/14/2005 Update or Other Action ADEC letter requesting semi-annual groundwater monitoring and continued remediation system operation. Next report is due by 7/1/05. Robert Weimer
3/14/2005 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other December 3, 2004 groundwater monitoring event. Some product was found in monitoring well B1MW. Up to 44 mg/l DRO, 5.42 mg/l GRO, and 1.72 mg/l benzene in the other monitoring wells. Groundwater is estimated to flow to the north. The DRO contamination levels are increasing. Robert Weimer
7/26/2005 Update or Other Action The vapor extraction/air injection system was restarted. It is now in operation continuously. Robert Weimer
9/13/2005 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other July 2005 remediation system and groundwater monitoring report. Initial vapor extraction system recovery rate is 2.9 gallons of gasoline per day. Up to 1.04 feet of product in monitoring well B1MW. Up to 101 mg/l GRO, 4.8 mg/l DRO, and 27.3 mg/l benzene in the groundwater. Contamination concentrations appear to be increasing. The groundwater flow direction was to the northwest. Depth to groundwater is around 20 feet below ground surface. Robert Weimer
1/10/2007 Update or Other Action Discussed site status with RP's consultant. He said that a groundwater monitoring and remediation system operations report is to be submitted soon. He will remind the RP that semi-annual monitoring and reporting is currently required for this site. Robert Weimer
3/24/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Site ranked on the new Exposure Tracking Model (ETM). The ETM is a new site ranking system that looks at, based on available data, the potential exposure pathways for the contamination remaining at the site. Robert Weimer
4/17/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Remediation system and groundwater monitoring report for January 2006. Initial vapor extraction system recovery rate is 2.9 gallons of gasoline per day. No product, but sheens in monitoring wells B1MW and B3MW. Up to 166 mg/l GRO, 43.4 mg/l DRO, and 40.6 mg/l benzene in the groundwater. Contamination concentrations appear to be increasing. The groundwater flow direction was to the northwest. Depth to groundwater was 19.6 to 20.3 feet below ground surface. Robert Weimer
4/21/2009 Update or Other Action ADEC letter requesting semi-annual groundwater monitoring and continued remediation system operation. Next report is due by 7/1/09. Robert Weimer
10/28/2011 Update or Other Action To date have not received requested semi-annual groundwater monitoring and remediation system operation reports. Robert Weimer
6/28/2013 Site Visit Site visit to observe current site conditions. Robert Weimer
12/6/2013 Update or Other Action DEC letter requesting that by January 15, 2014 that any groundwater monitoring events and remediation system monitoring that have occurred since the last one submitted on March 31, 2006. DEC letter is also requesting semi-annual groundwater monitoring and continued remediation system operation by March 1, 2014. Robert Weimer
1/9/2014 Update or Other Action Letter from the RP that he has retained Shannon & Wilson to provide the requested reports and site work. Robert Weimer
2/10/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approves work plan from RPs consultant (Shannon & Wilson) to conduct the work requested in the DEC December 9, 2013 letter. The consultant noted that the remediation system has not been operated since 2006. The work plan includes the startup of the system and any necessary repairs. Robert Weimer
2/12/2014 Update or Other Action Update from RP's consultant that monitoring wells B1MW and B3MW have been paved over and are not currently accessible and may have been destroyed. Monitoring wells B2MW, RW-1, and RW-2 are accessible. Robert Weimer
3/11/2014 Update or Other Action Update from RP's consultant that they will be sampling monitoring wells B2MW and RW1 and attempting to start up the remediation system on 3/13/2014. In the early summer of 2014 they plan to locate monitoring wells B1MW and B3MW that have been paved over and are not currently accessible and may have been destroyed. If they have been destroyed they will be properly decommissioned and replacement monitoring wells will be installed. Robert Weimer
3/13/2014 Update or Other Action Update from RP's consultant that they sampled monitoring well B2MW on 3/13/2014. They were not able to sample RW1 because 5 foot deep manhole is a confined space. No product in B2MW. The remediation system was checked and started up fine but the gauges need to be replaced so the system is down until they can be replaced. Robert Weimer
4/7/2014 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved DEC approves the off-site treatment of 15 gallons of contamianted purge/decon water generated during the 3/13/2014 groundwater monitoring. Robert Weimer
6/9/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approves revised work plan from RPs consultant (Shannon & Wilson) to conduct the work requested in the DEC December 9, 2013 letter. The June 9, 2014 work plan includes the startup of the system and any necessary repairs, the location of the two buried monitoring wells, their repair or decommissioning and replacement. During groundwater sampling activities, care will be taken to keep the submersible pump inlet a close as possible to the groundwater surface. Robert Weimer
9/18/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other March 13, 2014 groundwater monitoring event. Only monitoring well B2MW was sampled. Monitoring wells B1MW and B3MW have been paved over and need to be located and repaired or replaced. Recovery Well RW1 was not sampled because it is in a 5 foot deep manhole that was considered a confined space. Up to 2.17 mg/l DRO, 188 mg/l GRO, and 41.0 mg/l benzene in the one monitoring well sampled. Groundwater is estimated to flow to the north. Depth to water was measured at 17.05 feet. The groundwater sample was collected using a submersible pump after purging. The water sample was collected at 5.5 feet below the soil/water interface. Because the water sample was not collected at the soil/water interface the sample results are considered biased low. Robert Weimer
9/18/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other An evaluation of the vapor extraction/air sparge remediation system was conducted between March 13, 2014 and March 20, 2014. An air sample was collected on March 17, 2014 from the system exhaust which had 1.3 ppm benzene and 63.7 ppm GRO. Flow measurements indicated that the system piping had become frozen on March 20, 2014. The consultant that the remediation system be restarted in the summer 2014 after the system is cleaned and recalibrated. The system is currently not operating and appears to have not been operated since 2006. Robert Weimer
9/22/2014 Update or Other Action Update from RP's consultant that on June 25, 2014, Discovery Drilling attempted to locate B1MWR and B3MW by cutting through the asphalt two times near the former well locations. Discovery dug about 6 inches deep under the removed asphalt, but they were unable to locate the B1MWR well casing. Discovery was able to find the B3MW well casing but had to use compressed air to remove gravel that had fallen into the well. Because Well B1MWR was not found, Discovery replaced it with a new well near the former well location. B1MWR2 and B3MW were developed the following day and had groundwater samples collected. They collected two soil samples to characterize the Well B1MWR2 drill cuttings which remain on site. The results show the soil contains up to 304 mg/kg GRO, 34.3 mg/kg DRO, 11 mg/kg benzene, 47.5 mg/kg toluene,17.9 mg/kg ethylbenzene, and 69.8 mg/kg total xylenes. They also collected groundwater samples from Wells B1MWR2 and B3MW. The results show the project and duplicate groundwater samples from B1MWR2 contain up to 172 mg/L GRO, 10.5 mg/L DRO, 11.4 mg/L benzene, 42.8 mg/L toluene, 8.47 mg/L ethylbenzene, and 30.92 mg/L total xylenes. The groundwater at B3MW was contains 0.302 mg/L DRO, 0.00064 mg/L benzene, 0.0067 mg/L toluene, 0.00413 mg/L ethylbenzene, and 0.01561 mg/L total xylenes. The development and purge water from Well B1MWR2 remains on site. The new Well B1MWR2 needs to be connected to the VEAIS and the system needs to be repaired and restarted. Robert Weimer
12/7/2015 Update or Other Action ADEC contacted Shannon and Wilson to get an update regarding the work to be done in 2014/2015. They responded that they were not authorized by the owner to conduct any further work beyond the June 25, 2014 replacement monitoring well installation (B1MWR2) and June 26, 2014 groundwater sampling. The new Well B1MWR2 needs to be connected to the VEAIS and the system needs to be repaired and restarted. Robert Weimer
12/16/2015 Update or Other Action Site transferred from R. Weimer to C. Passmore Robert Weimer
2/5/2016 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter Sent interest letter to responsible party requesting the responsible party to contact ADEC by 3/4/2016 to discuss site status and sampling. Chelsy Passmore
5/19/2016 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter Sent a state interest letter request for additional sampling. Letter requested that the responsible party submit a work plan for site sampling no later than 6/30/2016. Chelsy Passmore
2/7/2017 Enforcement Action Compliance letter sent requesting work plan no later than April 10,2017. Chelsy Passmore
2/23/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received and reviewed a limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment(ESA) from the owners of adjacent properties located at 5011 and 5121 Arctic Blvd. These properties neighbor Tesoro-Garretts to the North on the northern side of W International Airport Road. The limited ESA included 1 soil boring which was completed as a monitoring well, as well as 1 soil gas sampling event. Groundwater was encountered at 17 feet below ground surface(bgs). The soil boring was completed down to 20 feet bgs and soil samples were collected every 2.5 feet. The soil sample was analyzed for GRO, DRO, and BTEX and all samples were non-detect for all analytes. The soil boring was completed as a temporary monitoring well and one groundwater 'grab' sample was collected. It should be noted that a 'grab' sample collected from a temporary monitoring well should be considered screening level data. The sample was analyzed for GRO, DRO and BTEX and was also non-detect for all analytes. One soil gas sample was collected and analyzed for VOCs. Benzene, toluene and total xylenes were detected however levels were under the ADEC cleanup level. Chelsy Passmore
1/31/2018 Workplan Requested State interest letter sent to responsible party requesting work plan to evaluate site by February 15, 2018. Chelsy Passmore
2/20/2018 Workplan Requested State interest letter sent to site to extend the work plan deadline to March 15, 2018. Chelsy Passmore
4/6/2018 Enforcement Action On April 6, 2018 a Notice of Violation was issued to Tesoro – Garretts in Anchorage (File No. 2100.26.078). The ADEC sent letters to the site in 2016, 2017, and 2018 requesting work plans for site characterization and remediation work to be done at the site. Following the Compliance Letter in 2018 the operator at the site requested a deadline extension until March 15, 2018 to facilitate the hiring of an environmental consultant, and submittal of a workplan. To date no workplan has been received. Chelsy Passmore
8/21/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) has reviewed the “Groundwater Sampling and Remediation System Evaluation” report for the Tesoro Garrett’s site which details the groundwater monitoring and vapor extraction system evaluation (VES) conducted in June 2018. Groundwater was found to flow in a southwest direction during this event and was collected from three on site monitoring wells: B1MWR2, B2MW, and B3MW. Wells B1MWR2, and B2MW contained GRO up to 241,000 ug/L, benzene up to 59,000 ug/L, toluene at up to 37,900 ug/L, ethylbenzene at up to 6,960 ug/L, and total xylenes at up to 26,000 ug/L, above ADEC Table C cleanup levels. In addition both wells contained 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene at up to 1860 ug/L, 1,2-dichloroethane at up to 300 ug/L, and well B1MWR2 contained 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene at up to 480 ug/L, all above ADEC Table C cleanup levels. Well M3MW did not contain constituents above ADEC Table C Cleanup Levels. The vapor extraction system was found to be inoperable during inspection. Chelsy Passmore
8/29/2018 Workplan Requested The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) has reviewed the “Groundwater Sampling and Remediation System Evaluation” report for the Tesoro Garrett’s site and sent a work plan request for additional site action. Chelsy Passmore
10/3/2018 Update or Other Action Shannon and Wilson e-mailed to request a 3 month [90 day] extension to submit a workplan. The request was granted. Workplan deadline is now Feb 1, 2019 with work to be completed by Oct. 1, 2019. Chelsy Passmore
5/10/2019 Update or Other Action The ADEC hosted a meeting with the site consultant to discuss the site and future remediation work at the site. A 90 day extension to submit a workplan was approved. Site work is currently scheduled for 2019. Chelsy Passmore
9/19/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The ADEC reviewed the 2019 Revised Workplan For Additional Site Characterization Activities. The ADEC has no objections to the workplan. Chelsy Passmore
5/19/2021 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved Approval to transport up to 1000 cubic yards of petroleum contaminated soil from the site to Alaska Soil Recycling at 2301 Spar Ave, Anchorage, AK 99501. Shawn Tisdell
6/10/2021 Cleanup Plan Approved The May 17, 2021 Soil and Water Management Plan with Interim Soil Removal for the Shoreside Petroleum’s Development of the Former Garrett’s Tesoro Plan outlines the interim removal of up to 1,000 cubic yards of petroleum contaminated soil and thermal treatment of soil at Alaska Soil Recycling, taking advantage of a window of opportunity following the demolition of existing infrastructure at the site. The Plan also recognizes that additional subsurface contamination may be encountered during excavation activities and will document the location, manage associated stockpiles, screen and sample the contaminated soil following ADEC 2019 Field Sampling Guidance. The Interim Soil Removal Plan acknowledges that additional cleanup action will be required by the department at the site and that additional local or state regulatory approvals may be necessary for other property activity related to the infrastructure upgrade beyond the ADEC approval provided in this letter. Shawn Tisdell
6/16/2022 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved Received a call from the consultant explaining that the tank replacement project that had been scheduled for last year, was delayed until now. Contamination was observed beneath a diesel dispenser and soil will be excavated at this location. The consultant is working with the DEC UST program. A transport approval form was completed for an estimated volume of up to 1200 cubic yards of petroleum contaminated soil. Shawn Tisdell
8/23/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received closure report that presents sampling and analysis results following removal of all UST system components. During UST removal, 87 locations were screened for VOCs and 24 analytical samples were collected and analyzed. 1700 cubic yards of contaminated soil have been removed for treatment and disposal. Contamination above cleanup levels remain and long-term monitoring has been recommended. This project is still ongoing, and a second report will be prepared that covers the classification of soils removed from the site and the final characterization of soils remaining on the site. Shawn Tisdell
10/10/2022 Interim Removal Action Approved Following excavation of contaminated soil and structurally unsuitable soil from the excavations at the site, two stockpiles were created at a nearby vacant lot. ADEC transport approval was granted for this step. Both stockpiles contain approximately 2100 cubic yards of material. The stockpiles will be characterized following DEC Field Sampling Guidance. The south stockpile contains contaminated soil; however, the north stockpile is believed to be clean. It was excavated since it was structurally unsuitable for supporting infrastructure at the site. Additional sampling work plans will be provided. Shawn Tisdell
10/14/2022 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Workplan to sample the 2200 cubic yard south stockpile by screening 220 headspace samples for VOCs using a photoionization detector (PID) from at least 1.5 feet below the stockpile and by excavating into the stockpile to sample from pile cross-sections. 14 analytical samples and two duplicates will be collected from locations with the highest PID levels. And incremental sampling method was proposed to sample the "clean" north stockpile. 40 incremental samples were collected for each triplicate sample.A 95% upper confidence level will be calculated to determine the appropriate disposal option. Shawn Tisdell
11/8/2022 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved Approval provided to transport 2500CY of soil from 4101 Credit Union Drive in Anchorage to the Palmer Alaska Demo C&D Waste Monofill to be used as landfill cover. Incremental sampling of the soil indicated contamination was beneath detection levels for VOCs and PAHs. Lead was less than 10 mg/kg. Shawn Tisdell
1/25/2023 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Workplan submitted to DEC Solid Waste (Reese Thieme) and DEC Contaminated Sites (Shawn Tisdell) on 1/20/2023 for approval to transport soils offsite to the AK Demo Palmer Landfill. Contamination had been discovered in a small volume of the stockpile during a previous sampling effort. This 250 cubic yard (CY) volume will be separated from the rest of the stockpile and sent to Alaska Soil Recycling for thermal treatment. The remaining soil will be transported to the AK Demo Palmer Landfill. A qualified environmental professional will field screen limits of the contaminated soil removal within the stockpile to verify that all impacted soil has been removed from the stockpile. Shawn Tisdell
1/26/2023 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved Transport approval of up to 250 cubic yards(CY) of contaminated soil not associated with the UST system requested following discovery of the contamination in the stockpile during screening and sampling activities. This soil will go to the ASR facility and be thermally treated. Transport approval requested for up to 2100 CY of stockpiled soil with no known contamination. Both requests were approved. Shawn Tisdell

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