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Site Report: International Telecom

Site Name: International Telecom
Address: 1153 East 72nd Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99518
File Number: 2100.26.215
Hazard ID: 23657
Status: Cleanup Complete
Staff: No Longer Assigned, 9074655229
Latitude: 61.155107
Longitude: -149.860928
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Petroleum contamination evident during removal of one diesel and one unleaded USTs in 1992. Removed 1500 gallon diesel, and 1500 unleaded gasoline tank. Some contamination found. Shallow groundwater. Product observed on the shallow groundwater of 6.0 feet bgs. No Release Investigation report submitted. Site assessment report was expected after contact with owner in 10/00, however, the report has not yet been submitted. F.K.A. L55.46.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
9/23/1992 Site Added to Database Former Staff
9/23/1992 Update or Other Action NOR; Notice of Release letter sent this date. Robert Weimer
9/23/1992 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 77832 ADD; Julie Allen of Burlington Environmental Inc. made a spill report to the department. Analytical results indicated that a release occurred. Former Staff
9/30/1992 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum LCAU; LUST corrective action underway. Two 1,500 gallon regulated USTs were removed. One was unleaded gasoline and the other diesel. Contaminated soils excavated and stockpiled on liner and covered. Former Staff
10/21/1992 Site Visit Staff Weimer met with Mr. Horton, company owner. The owner said that he never used the tanks but was aware that they were there when he purchased the property. Preliminary data showed that two areas remain in the excavation above Level A at the fill pipes of each tank. One was 270 ppm GRO and 37 ppm BTEX and the other was 500+ ppm DRO. Robert Weimer
11/20/1997 Update or Other Action ADEC sends Notification of Intent to Cost Recover Letter to Current Owner: Christopher W. M. Horton. Former Staff
12/2/1997 Update or Other Action Chris Horton, 276-0327, says just a little contamination was found. Former Staff
10/23/2000 Update or Other Action A letter from the department was sent this date that requested a Site Assessment, Release Investigation and Corrective Action Plan be performed and submitted. Mike Mooney
12/20/2000 Release Investigation Requested a Site Assessment, Release Investigation and Corrective Action Plan in 10/23/2000 letter. No response has been received to date. Left word at his office. Mike Mooney
1/3/2001 Release Investigation Mr. Horton's bookkeeper, Dee Dietz, called to inform the department that he was in Florida getting cancer treatment. She will forward messages to him. Mike Mooney
2/1/2001 Release Investigation Mr. Horton's bookkeeper called: (Ms. Dietz 345 -8200) and said that the owner told her to get environmental firms to begin work. Mike Mooney
4/25/2001 Update or Other Action Dee Deitz called back. She has not contacted environmental firms to start work. The owner will return to Alaska in June. Mike Mooney
12/21/2001 Update or Other Action Staff assigned to this site was changed from Bush to Sundet. Lynne Bush
2/21/2002 Update or Other Action Mike Jaynes called RP and asked for update on site progress. Mike Jaynes
1/26/2005 Update or Other Action On 1/26/05, Sundet called Christopher Horton Jr. and discussed the need to address the contamination at the site including submitting a Release Investigation Report and a Corrective Action workplan as has been requested in the past in 1992 and 2000. Christopher noted that his step-mother Tammy Jennet is now the owner of the subject lot. Rich Sundet
1/27/2005 Update or Other Action In follow-up to the call with Horton, CSP prepared and issued a letter to Jennet requesting a Release Investigation report and a cleanup workplan by 2/25/2005. Rich Sundet
3/14/2006 Update or Other Action Staff changed from Sundet to Petrik. Bill Petrik
7/18/2006 Update or Other Action Latitude and longitude data in decimal degrees and degrees, minutes, and seconds gathered from TopoZone Pro Hi-Res Aerial Photo, Large Size Map, 1:3,333 Scale, No Topo Base Map, NAD 83 in conjunction with the Anchorage Area Atlas. High degree of confidence in the accuracy of the site coordinates which are in the former tanks location area. Coordinates can only be improved by on-site GPS reading. Legal description added and landowner information updated. Bill Petrik
11/8/2006 Update or Other Action Site name changed from Private Cable Company / Pacific Rim Teleco to International Telecom. Former landowner/RP Christopher W. M. Horton is deceased. New landowner/RP is Tammy J. Horton. Bill Petrik
11/9/2006 Update or Other Action The CSP mailed a letter to the RP of the site. A release investigation report and a corrective action work plan was requested in 2000 by the Storage Tank Program and no documents and substantial follow up was made by the RP. In 2005 another letter was sent to the RP again requesting these documents and follow-up and nothing concrete occurred. This letter sent out reiterates the past two letters and requested a response within 30 days. Bill Petrik
12/14/2006 Update or Other Action Received an email from Larry Helgeson of Environmental Management, Inc. who has been retained by the RP to perform a site assessment of the site. The plan proposes to wait until the spring thaw in order to be able to visually inspect the property. In response to the work plan the CSP verbally requested any related information related to the site that the RP can supply in addition to what limited information that we currently have on file. The work plan also asked specific sampling and assessment questions. Bill Petrik
1/3/2007 Update or Other Action The Contaminated Sites Program (CSP) sent a letter requesting a site assessment work plan for two leaking underground storage tanks removed in 1992. Two 1,500 gallon registered USTs (one diesel and one unleaded gasoline) were removed in 1992 and a site assessment performed by Burlington Environmental Inc. The subsequent report was never submitted to the department despite a verbal request in 1992 and two written requests in 2000. No post-closure notification or closure assessment report was submitted either. The site RP underwent major protracted health problems shortly after the tank removals and subsequently died. The RP’s son responded to a CSP letter dated November 13, 2006 and has retained an environmental consultant to assist in the cleanup. A deadline of 60 days has been requested for submittal of all these documents. Bill Petrik
4/24/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Completed the initial Exposure Tracking Model for the site. Bill Petrik
5/1/2007 Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment The Contaminated Sites Program (CSP) sent a letter in response to a review of the Environmental Management Inc. "Work Plan for UST Site Assessment" dated March 29, 2007. The work plan was approved with conditions added including broader sampling criteria and installing a monitoring well between the tank site and the creek. Bill Petrik
9/10/2007 Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment The CSP reviewed the Environmental Management, Inc. (EMI) " Underground Storage Tank Site Assessment & Removal/Closure Report; ADEC Event ID No. 327; Former File No. L55.46 (International Telecom, Anchorage, Alaska 99518)" dated August 2007, received on August 29, 2007. Groundwater was encountered at 4ft. bgs. Approximately 60 cubic yards of soil was excavated from the location of former USTs at a depth of 4 feet bgs. Four confirmation samples were taken from the depths of the excavation and three were taken from the stockpile. Based on the analytical soil sampling results indicating that all were below cleanup levels, no further action is required of the soils located in the vicinity of the two former UST locations. Subsequently, permission was granted to backfill the excavation with the stockpiled soils. The Chain of Custody list and sample label 7111-6J on the Test America Cooler Receipt Form needs clarification in its relationship to the Table A Location ID/Sample #. The CSP requests installation of a ground water monitoring well into the shallow unconfined aquifer and submittal of a ground water sample and duplicate for laboratory analysis for GRO, DRO, and BTEX. Please supply the CSP with a report of the requested tasks and related activities by November 30, 2007. In addition, the CSP may request completion of a CSM and related forms and narrative pending the findings of the monitoring well. The site will not receive consideration for Closure until groundwater is addressed, and perhaps a CSM needs to be provided and approved. Bill Petrik
10/2/2007 Update or Other Action The project manager received an e-mail from Meagan Foster, an aide for Representative Les Gara, regarding the site on 10/1/07. The email indicated that her office received a call from Josh Jennett regarding this site indicating that he was told by the DEC that they will need to install a monitoring system for a year. After missing each other’s phone calls, I provided her a background of the contaminated site in my return phone call this date. Meagan's main interest was whether it was common for a monitoring well (MW) to be installed during contaminated site investigations and the cost of these wells. I indicated that it was common practice and for this particular site it would be relatively inexpensive because ground water was so shallow. I went on to describe how the MW and sampling would work. If the soil and ground water resulting from installation and sampling were below cleanup levels, then the site would be totally closed by ADEC. In the event they were not that periodic sampling would be required. I indicated that the MW issue was raised with us and that Mr. Horton Jr. requested a meeting with three of our staff. I tried to dissuade Mr. Horton Jr. of the meeting because ADEC is required to seek cost recovery for all of our staff time involved in site cleanups and that there was a high probability that DEC's Contaminated Site Program would not change their minds regarding the request for installation and sampling of a MW because petroleum sheening was observed on the ground water in 1992 when the USTs were removed. The requested ground water sampling was part of a work plan approved by the CSP in August 2007 and was not implemented in the site work performed in September 2007. As a consequence of these actions the site remains in an Active Status and requires ground water investigation before the site status will change. Bill Petrik
1/1/2008 Update or Other Action Received a copy of the Environmental Management Inc. "Monitoring Well Installation and Sampling Report" dated January 2008. Analytical results indicate that no residual contamination above cleanup levels has been found in the water or the soil. Bill Petrik
7/14/2008 Update or Other Action Reviewed Monitoring Well Sampling Report dated July 2008, submitted by EMI and recieved by ADEC on this date. Water samples minimal contamination, which is well below ADEC cleanup levels Grant Lidren
8/13/2008 Update or Other Action The ADEC sent out a letter on this date to the RP requesting decomissioning of MW1 Grant Lidren
10/2/2008 Update or Other Action ADEC approved the Work Plan for Monitoring Well Decomisioning, dated October 1, 2008, submitted by EMI. Decomisioning is planned for October 2008. Grant Lidren
4/1/2009 Update or Other Action Conversation with RP indicates that the MWs were decommissioned in fall 2008. The RP/EMI will send ADEC a monitor well decommissioning letter report. Grant Lidren
4/14/2009 Update or Other Action Monitoring Well Decommissioning Letter dated November 14, 2008, submitted by EMI and recieved by ADEC on this date. Monitoring well MW1 was decomissioned on October 31, 2008 in accordance with ADEC regulations. Grant Lidren
4/28/2009 Cleanup Complete Determination Issued The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC), Contaminated Sites Program, has completed a review of the environmental records associated with International Telecom. Based on the information provided to date, the ADEC has determined that the contaminant concentrations remaining on site do not pose an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment, and this is closed. Grant Lidren

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments
GRO < Method 2 Most Stringent Soil
DRO < Method 2 Most Stringent Soil

Control Type

Type Details
No ICs Required


Description Details
Advance approval required to transport soil or groundwater off-site.

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