Action Date |
Action |
Description |
DEC Staff |
6/28/2000 |
Site Added to Database |
Former Staff |
6/28/2000 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum |
4/9/08 Administrative update - some contaminated soil was removed and stockpiled. Total amount is unconfirmed. Clean fill used in excavation. |
Evonne Reese |
6/28/2000 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum |
LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 77897 Gilfilian submitted a Oil & Haz Sub Spill Notification form on 6/19/00. Confirmation of the spill will be confirmed when laboratory analytical data are received. |
Former Staff |
8/21/2002 |
Update or Other Action |
RECKEY has automatically been generated. |
Cynthia Pring-Ham |
11/29/2007 |
Update or Other Action |
Contacted RP who indicated that soil had been excavated and was stockpiled nearby. She will look for analytical information and call back. |
Keather McLoone |
1/4/2008 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Intitial Ranking Complete for Source Area: 77897 (Autogenerated Action) |
1/30/2008 |
Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter |
PRP letter sent to current property owner |
Keather McLoone |
1/30/2008 |
Update or Other Action |
PRP letter sent. |
Keather McLoone |
2/1/2008 |
Update or Other Action |
Address updated from Mile 108 to Mile 100.8 |
Keather McLoone |
4/11/2008 |
Update or Other Action |
Letter requesting RP supply data/report on tank excavation. |
Keather McLoone |
5/27/2008 |
Update or Other Action |
UST removal and initial site assessment report from 2000 was located by DEC in MWH's unlabled archived files (MWH bought Gilfilian). Eight excavation confirmation samples and a duplicate were collected at depths ranging from 3.5 to 8.5 ft bgs. Excavation was reportedly limited to 8.5 ft bgs by frozen and/or saturated soil. Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene, GRO and DRO exceedances of Method Two migration to groundwater cleanup levels were noted, in most cases by many orders of magnitude. Three onsite drinking water wells exist. One is marked as unused. High potential for human health exposure from drinking water, offsite migration, and vapor intrusion. Site needs to be addressed as well as potential ecological risk. Soil contamination remaining on site in 2000 was also above preliminary action levels for outdoor air. |
Keather McLoone |
5/30/2008 |
Update or Other Action |
Date of another letter to RP with report, UST regulations, and a fact sheet on selecting an environmental consultant. Requesting that they inform ADEC of their intent within 30 days. Also, requesting a workplan for further site assessment to evaluate groundwater, indoor and outdoor air quality, and offsite migration within 60 days of receipt of letter (8/6/08 based on certified mail). |
Keather McLoone |
5/30/2008 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Updated Ranking Complete for Source Area: 77897 (Autogenerated Action) |
6/16/2008 |
Update or Other Action |
Call to RP to notify of intent to make site visit and to collect drinking water samples. 6/24/08 talked with RP about site visit intended 6/30/08. |
Keather McLoone |
6/30/2008 |
Site Visit |
Site Visit included taking photos of the site, stockpile, and adjacent areas. Owners provided access to sink in store and sink in home which were both sampled. Prepared informal trip report to be included in file. |
Keather McLoone |
7/11/2008 |
Update or Other Action |
Receipt of laboratory results which were nondetect for all 524.2 compounds with the exception of a 0.430 ug/L estimated (below PQL) result for dichlorodifluoromethane which is several orders of magnitude below our proposed cleanup level for this compound. Reranked site based on this information. Phoned owners to inform them of the sample results and to request information on well depths. No response as of 11/20/2008. |
Keather McLoone |
7/29/2009 |
Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter |
Date of PRP letter to new owners who were contacted by phone on 7/15/09 and after a FOIA was submitted to DEC, pertinent file information including UST closure assessment report was emailed to new owners. |
Keather McLoone |
8/25/2009 |
Update or Other Action |
Date of reply from current owners to recent PRP letter. |
Keather McLoone |
9/16/2009 |
Update or Other Action |
Response to current owners recent letter. |
Keather McLoone |
10/7/2009 |
Update or Other Action |
Date of Christine Smith's signature on green card confirming receipt of most recent DEC letter sent to Rick Strand at 2343 14th Dr. in Corvallis, MT 59828. |
Keather McLoone |
11/1/2011 |
Update or Other Action |
Notification forwarded from EPA on this date that an anonymous caller reported a release that reportedly occurred during the summer of 2011. "An area of ground is saturated with gas from a leaking gas pump. Apparently it is fixed now, but the ground is still saturated since five months ago". As of 4/20/12, PERP hasn't been able to make a site visit to confirm if an additional release has occurred. |
Keather McLoone |
4/9/2012 |
Update or Other Action |
Date of letters sent to both current and former property owners regarding DEC's continued cost recovery efforts as wells as progress towards delineation of the nature and extent of contamination. Another request for workplan with deadline of June 30th and a drafted Notice of Environmental Contamination was also included. |
Keather McLoone |
4/23/2012 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Two teleconferences were conducted by CSP and DOL to both the current and the former property owners. |
Keather McLoone |
4/24/2012 |
Site Visit |
Site visit by John Engles of PERP on this date to follow-up on anonymous report of a 2011 release. PERP's site visit report states "I noticed evidence of minor spills, mostly from drips and splashes from people being a little careless when they’re filling up. I did not see any evidence of anything significant, see photo #2." It was also confirmed that the stockpile that was created during the 2000 removal effort is no longer located where is was observed during the 2008 site visit. |
Keather McLoone |
7/30/2012 |
Update or Other Action |
Received notification from Dept of Law, indicating that the deed for the property at Copper Center Mountain View Gas and Liquor was transferred to Mr. and Mrs. Rietveld and finalized on 29 Jan 2009. A copy of the deed notice is filed in the "G-drive." *** See 27 November 2012 entry, below *** |
Richard Bernhardt |
8/3/2012 |
Update or Other Action |
There appears to be a clerical error in our UST database showing a third 3,000 gallon UST at this site. In reality, there were only two tanks onsite. All three tanks in the database were allegedly commissioned in 1983, and all were allegedly decomissioned in Jun 2000. All other data, including the decommissioning report shows that only two USTs ever existed. I also spoke with Mr. Ed Carns (formerly with Carns General Contractors, who was in charge of the tank pull in 2000). He recalled the excavation and only removed two USTs. Next, I received and reviewed the UST archived file and found multiple references to two USTs at this facility (Fac #: 2500) with no references to three USTs. Therefore, evidence indicating the existence of two tanks should prevail. Cheryl Paige (UST Program) has been informed. |
Richard Bernhardt |
10/4/2012 |
Site Visit |
Project Manager went to Copper Center and met with RP (Mr. Rietveld) who showed me a second PCS stockpile, which was previously unknown and presumably created during the June 2000 tank pull. With State funding and RP permission, I collected water samples from three drinking water wells (one from the store bathroom, another from the rental property, and a third from an inoperational well located 103' SW of the AST/dispenser). I also borrowed a PID from PERP and thoroughly field screened both PCS stockpiles. Slightly elevated PID readings were noted in the smaller stockpile near the rental property. Three confirmation soil samples were collected from PCS stockpiles. The larger stockpile that had previously been located near the store had been spread around the northern side of the store to a depth of approximately 4". A fourth soil (sediment) sample was collected from the small pond approximately 140' SW of the dispensers. Financial viability paperwork was hand delivered to RP from Dept of Law, and I explained its importance with respect to potentially competing with other contaminated sites for State funding for cleanup activity. |
Richard Bernhardt |
10/31/2012 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Received lab results for the soil and groundwater samples that I collected on 4 October 2012. Spoke with Mr. Rietveld via telephone to inform him that the samples were largely contaminant-free with the exception of minor levels of xylenes (ppb range) in a non-functional drinking water well on his neighbor's property. Mr. Rietveld was informed that I'd like to move toward site closure even though high levels of immobile contamination almost certainly remain beneath and around the original tank excavation area. A number of institutional control options were discussed to include restrictions on digging, filing an NEC, and placing restrictions on the installation of future drinking water wells. Alaska's "strict liability" and "cost recovery" laws were discussed, and Mr. Rietveld was encouraged to fill out his financial viability paperwork. Mr Rietveld desired to "weigh his options" for a while before completing/returning his paperwork. A follow-up letter was sent to Mr. Rietveld on 27 November, discussing these topics and asking him to contact ADEC by 11 Jan 2013 to see how Mr. Rietveld proposes to proceed. At least one more drinking water sample (from neighbor's property to the east) and soil samples near the dispenser are probably necessary before site could be considered for closure. |
Richard Bernhardt |
11/1/2012 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
DEC-funded soil and groundwater sampling on 4 Oct 2012 provided information that significantly reduced the risk at this site. Contaminant migration does not appear to be occurring beyond the gravel driving surface of the parking lot or into drinking water wells. Future sampling should include a water sample from the drinking well on the property immediately east of the source area. |
Richard Bernhardt |
11/27/2012 |
Update or Other Action |
Received notification from Dept of Law, indicating that the deed for the property at Copper Center Mountain View Gas and Liquor was TRANSFERRED BACK TO Mr. Strand from Mr. and Mrs. Rietveld in 2010. This overrides the entry made on 7/30/2012, above. |
Richard Bernhardt |
1/7/2013 |
Update or Other Action |
Updated coordinates based on Google Earth imagery. |
Richard Bernhardt |
1/24/2013 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Project manager called Mr. Rietveld to follow up on the goals listed in the ADEC letter dated 27 November 2012. Mr. Rietveld has not completed or returned his financial viability paperwork but disclosed extenuating circumstances that are documented in the confidential file. Mr. Rietveld also requested additional time while he settles personal matters. An extension was granted in writing through 1 June 2013. |
Richard Bernhardt |
7/12/2013 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Spoke with Mr. Rietveld about treating his contaminated soil in situ with a 500 mg/L magnesium sulfate solution. Treatment will begin immediately and aggressively. |
Richard Bernhardt |
8/27/2013 |
Site Visit |
ADEC drove to Copper Center to meet with the landowner across the street from Copper Center Mountain View Gas & Liquor. ADEC collected water samples from this landowner's drinking water well prior to treatment. The samples were submitted to SGS for VOC analysis by EPA method 524.2. |
Grant Lidren |
8/30/2013 |
Update or Other Action |
On this date, ADEC received the analytical results for the drinking water samples submitted to SGS for VOC analysis by EPA method 524.2 on 8/27/13 were ND. |
Grant Lidren |
1/28/2014 |
Update or Other Action |
On this day the RP contacted the ADEC and indicated that he was interested in completing a remedial action at this site. |
Joshua Barsis |
9/24/2014 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 77897 former UST. |
Joshua Barsis |
1/6/2015 |
Update or Other Action |
Letter sent requesting characterization on this day. |
Joshua Barsis |
12/28/2015 |
Update or Other Action |
Compliance letter sent on this day. Work plan requested by March 31, 2016. |
Joshua Barsis |
1/5/2017 |
Update or Other Action |
Sent letter to responsible party on this day with site history and request for work plan by March 1, 2017. |
Joshua Barsis |
2/26/2018 |
Update or Other Action |
Compliance letter sent on this day. Work plan requested by May 1, 2018. |
Joshua Barsis |
2/19/2021 |
Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter |
PRP letters sent to Fishing Widow LLC. and Mountain Bros. |
Lisa Krebs-Barsis |
2/22/2021 |
Update or Other Action |
Letters sent requesting update from the estate. |
Lisa Krebs-Barsis |
3/5/2021 |
Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter |
PRP letter and request for information sent to Marathon Petroleum,Inc. |
Lisa Krebs-Barsis |
4/26/2021 |
Update or Other Action |
Letter sent requesting information from Mr. Strand. |
Lisa Krebs-Barsis |
8/20/2021 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed a work plan sent to the department by BGES on July 26, 2021. Requested updates to the work plan. |
Lisa Krebs-Barsis |
10/6/2021 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Update work plan reviewed. |
Lisa Krebs-Barsis |
10/8/2021 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
Site characterization work plan approved with conditions. Conditions included department coordination before waste generation and installation of one well at the downgradient property boundary. A biocell, as proposed, was not approved. Work would include test pitting and monitoring well installation. |
Lisa Krebs-Barsis |
10/8/2021 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Teleconference with BGES and J. Howerton to discuss the work plan. |
Lisa Krebs-Barsis |
10/14/2021 |
Site Visit |
DEC personnel L. Krebs-Barsis conducted a site visit on the Oct. 14-15 to observe field work and collect water samples from a downgradient drinking water well. |
Lisa Krebs-Barsis |
11/2/2021 |
Update or Other Action |
The samples collected from the downgradient drinking water well serving a bed and breakfast did not have detections of GRO or VOC. The well is 300 feet and across the Old Richardson Highway from the Rietveld Estate property. |
Lisa Krebs-Barsis |
5/18/2022 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
The site characterization report submitted February 10, 2022 was reviewed and comments sent. |
Lisa Krebs-Barsis |
5/20/2022 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
The revised Site Characterization Activities Report was submitted. Eighteen test pits were excavated, generating 80 cubic yards of contaminated soil waste that is currently stored on the Rietveld Estate property. Five monitoring wells were installed on the property. Nine of the test pits near the former dispenser site and one on an adjacent property had exceedances of soil cleanup levels for GRO, DRO, VOC, and PAH. Contaminants were detected in all of the monitoring wells. Groundwater flow direction during the sampling event appears to be southeast across the Old Richardson. Groundwater was 7-9 feet below the top of the well casing. Elevation of groundwater was surveyed. All five wells had detections of contaminants. In MW3 at the source area and MW4 at the property boundary, samples exceeded cleanup levels for GRO, VOC, and PAH.
Lisa Krebs-Barsis |
5/23/2022 |
Workplan Requested |
A workplan for disposal or treatment of the 80 cubic yards of waste and for further delineation was requested. |
Lisa Krebs-Barsis |
3/31/2024 |
Workplan Requested |
A work plan request was sent, due May 31, 2024. |
Lisa Krebs-Barsis |