Action Date |
Action |
Description |
DEC Staff |
10/16/1994 |
Site Visit |
FI; Field inspection. |
Lynne Bush |
1/3/1995 |
Site Added to Database |
Lynne Bush |
1/3/1995 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed the HartCrowser report "Underground Storage Tank Removal, Fire Station #7, Anchorage, Alaska" dated 12/19/94, received by the department on 1/3/95. During removal of one 1,000-gallon gasoline UST off the SW corner of the building, and a 500-gallon diesel UST, off the SE corner of the building, and associated pump and piping on 10/13-14/94 petroleum hydrocarbon contamination was encountered. Excavation went to 6.5' bgs in the gasoline UST excavation where GW was encountered with no sheen at time of removal and to 8' bgs in the diesel UST excavation where no GW was encountered. Both tanks appeared to be in good shape, were cleaned, and disposed of at Alaska Metal and Recycling. Soil staining and elevated PID readings were observed in the soil beneath the diesel UST and adjacent to the gasoline UST. Dispenser equipment was mounted above the top of each tank. Excavation associated with the gasoline UST was limited to the north by a buried water line and to the west by a culvert. Contaminated soils were stockpiled in the NE corner of the property. Soil was analyzed for DRO, GRO, and BTEX. Sample results for the diesel UST were DRO to 3,000 mg/kg at 6.5' bgs in the former UST location. Results from the gasoline UST excavation was GRO to 220 mg/kg and benzene to 2.7 mg/kg both at 8' bgs. The report recommended further characterization by installation of several monitoring wells to assess the soil and groundwater quality. Report was actually reviewed on 5/22/09 but posted under the date the report was received by the department for site chronology purposes. |
Bill Petrik |
1/3/1995 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum |
LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 78042 ADD; Site added to database. |
Lynne Bush |
1/25/1995 |
Cleanup Plan Approved |
A letter from the MOA dated 1/23/95 indicated that approximately 65 c.y. of petroleum contaminated stockpiled soils generated from excavation related to the removal of one diesel and one gasoline UST at the site are proposed to be transported and thermally treated. Approved the soil disposal plan this date. Action appended by Petrik. |
Lynne Bush |
3/16/1995 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed the HartCrowser report "Site Assessment, Anchorage Fire Department, Fire Station #7, Anchorage, Alaska" dated 3/16/95, received by the department on an unknown date. On 2/9/95 monitoring wells MW-1, MW-2, and MW-3 were drilled, sampled, installed, and developed. On 2/10/95, 11 soil borings were drilled at the site. 8 were related to the gasoline UST and 3 were related to the Diesel UST. On 2/14/95, the 3 monitoring wells were measured for static water level elevation, floating hydrocarbon levels, purged, and then sampled. No floating hydrocarbons or sheen was observed in any of wells.
With respect to the diesel UST, DRO was the only contaminant sampled at the lab and was detected in borings B-9, B-10, and B-11 at 20 mg/kg, 23 mg/kg, and 260 mg/kg, respectively, the last value being above the cleanup level of 250 mg/kg. Boring and monitoring well MW-2 was placed in the middle of the former diesel UST excavation, along the former SE quadrant of the UST location. DRO was sampled in boring MW-2 from 5-7’ bgs but was not detected. The groundwater was sampled for GRO, DRO, and BTEX. MW-2 detected DRO, benzene, toluene, and total xylenes but considerably below cleanup levels except for benzene which was 0.0022 mg/l. The cleanup level for benzene is 0.005 mg/l.
With respect to the soil sampling near the gasoline UST, one sample each from borings B-2, B-3, B-7, and B-8 was sent for laboratory analysis for GRO and BTEX. No contaminants were detected in B-2. Benzene was detected above the cleanup level of 0.025 mg/kg in B-3, B-7, and B-8, at 0.48 mg/kg, 0.45 mg/kg, and 0.078 mg/kg, respectively. The Boring for MW-3 was placed at the southern edge of the former gasoline UST location. Sampling results detected GRO, toluene, and total xylenes but at very low levels. In order to avoid potentially introducing contaminated water to greater depths, monitoring well MW-3 was removed, and the annulus backfilled with clay grout. Monitoring well MW-3A was drilled and installed 3 feet north of MW-3, beneath the former gasoline UST location, but was not sampled or logged. However, MW-3A was sampled for GRO, DRO, and BTEX and detected all analytes with GRO and benzene considerably above cleanup levels at 12 mg/l and 6.1 mg/l, respectively. Toluene was barely below the cleanup level of 1.0 mg/l at 0.97 mg/l. The groundwater was calculated to flow in a southwesterly direction at 0.005 feet/foot.
The CSP notes that of the 12 soil samples submitted for laboratory analysis, it was indeterminate what the PID readings were for the two duplicate samples. For the remaining 10 samples the boring logs for all these borings indicated that there was no hydrocarbon odor observed and they had the following PID readings in ppmv - 6 samples were 0, 1, 2, 13, and 50. The lab results for the sample that had a PID reading of 50 was the most contaminated of all the samples. No samples for Borings B-1, B-4, B-5, and B-6 were submitted for lab analysis where the PID readings were the highest PID reading of any soil screening samples. In ppmv, the PID readings were 193, 382, 397, and 139, respectively. In addition, the boring logs for B-4 and B-5 indicate “moderate hydrocarbon odor” and “strong hydrocarbon odor”, respectively. Based on these data, the CSP concludes that contamination above cleanup levels was present in borings B-1, B-4, B-5, and B-6.
Boring and monitoring well MW-1 was placed north of the on-site structure. The groundwater was sampled for GRO, DRO, and BTEX. The only detections at MW-1 were for toluene and DRO and at levels considerably below cleanup levels.
The report recommended: a down-gradient well be placed off site to determine the extent of the contaminant plume; a well search in the quarter mile down-gradient area; and sampling surface water in the drainage ditch adjacent to the site.
Report review actually ended on 5/27/09 but posted under the report the date for site chronology purposes.
Bill Petrik |
3/30/1995 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum |
LCAU; LUST corrective action underway. : LCAU date changed DB conversion |
Lynne Bush |
6/15/1995 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway |
Lynne Bush |
7/1/1995 |
Update or Other Action |
A letter headed this date was received from Alaska Soil Recycling (ASR) indicating that 256.26 tons of petroleum impacted soil was received from this site. On 6/14/95, thermal treatment of the soil was completed and post remedial analysis reveals that this soil meets Level A cleanup values. The letter was actually received 5/11/98 but placed here for chronology purposes. Action appended by Petrik. |
Lynne Bush |
8/6/1995 |
Cleanup Plan Approved |
Approved HartCrowser report "Corrective Action Plan for Diesel-Impacted Soils, Anchorage Fire Department Station No. 7, Anchorage, Alaska" dated June 1995, received by the department on 6/8/95. |
Lynne Bush |
9/23/1995 |
Update or Other Action |
Reviewed the HartCrowser report "Soil Excavation, Former Diesel Underground Storage Tank (UST) Location, Anchorage Fire Department Station No, 7, Anchorage, Alaska" dated 8/23/95, received by the department on an unknown date. On 7/15/95, re-excavation of the former diesel UST site was performed. All excavated material was stockpiled on the north side of the building and resulted in approximately 65 cubic yards of contaminated soil. There was no indication of what type of material was used to backfill the excavation. Three samples and one duplicate from the bottom and sidewalls of the re-excavation were submitted for laboratory analysis. TPH concentrations ranged from 13 ppm to 56 ppm and DRO ranged from ND to 89 ppm. Monitoring well MW-2 was removed due to the re-excavation of this area. Action appended by Petrik on 5/27/09. |
Lynne Bush |
11/15/1995 |
Update or Other Action |
A letter headed this date was received from Alaska Soil Recycling (ASR) indicating that 88.58 tons of petroleum impacted soil was received from this site. On 10/31/95, thermal treatment of the soil was completed and post remedial analysis reveals that this soil meets Level A cleanup values. Action added by Petrik. |
Lynne Bush |
2/14/1996 |
Long Term Monitoring Established |
GW monitoring initially began in monitoring wells installed at the site. |
Lynne Bush |
5/1/1997 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed the HartCrowser report "Additional Groundwater Investigation, Anchorage Fire Department Station No, 7 " dated 12/11/96, received by the department on 5/1/97. On 8/21/96, 5 borings, HP-1 through HP-5, were drilled to the south and west of the former gasoline UST excavation. Monitoring wells MW-1 and MW-3A were measured for static water levels, purged, and then sampled for GRO and BTEX. GRO exceeded the cleanup level of 2.2 mg/L in wells MW-3A and HP-1 at 5.0 mg/L and 26.0 mg/L, respectively. Benzene exceeded the cleanup level of 0.005 mg/L in wells MW-3A, HP-1, HP-2, and HP-3 at 2.1 mg/L, 1.6 mg/L, 0.48 mg/L, and 0.0071 mg/L, respectively. Well HP-1 was at the cleanup level of 10 mg/L for total xylenes and just below the 0.7 mg/L cleanup level for ethylbenzene at 0.68 mg/L. Wells HP-1, HP-2, and HP-4 were within a few feet, north, south, and north, respectively, of an existing sewer line which may act as a contaminant conduit. The lower number of the HP well the closer it appears to be directly down-gradient of the former gasoline UST source. The higher the HP well number the further west and north the well was relative to the source. The results indicated that the plume is moving south-southeasterly from the source and contamination stretches west beneath and across Elderberry Street during this monitoring exercise. No soil samples were taken during this work. The report recommends: additional wells should be placed to the east and south of HP-1, as well as other places along the sewer line, to further delineate the plume and see if the sewer is facilitating preferential movement of the plume; a permanent MW placed on the south side of 84th Avenue for future monitoring; replacement of MW-2 that was previously removed; remediation to remove both soil and GW contamination; and verification that the residences south of the site are on AWWU water. Report was actually reviewed on 5/27/09 but posted under the date the report was received by the department for site chronology purposes. |
Bill Petrik |
11/20/1997 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC sends Notification of Intent to Cost Recover Letter to Current Owner: MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE FMD |
Lynne Bush |
4/20/1998 |
Update or Other Action |
In a letter sent this date to the MOA, the ADEC indicated that the most recent report dated 12/96 showed an increase in the concentration of contaminants in some of the monitoring wells. The CSP requested continued sampling on a quarterly basis and reports sent to the CSP for review. Action appended by Petrik. |
Lynne Bush |
9/25/1998 |
Update or Other Action |
In a letter sent this date to the MOA, the ADEC indicated that the most recent report dated 12/96 showed an increase in the concentration of contaminants in some of the monitoring wells. The CSP requested continued sampling on a quarterly basis, reports sent to the CSP for review, and an update submitted to the ADEC immediately. Action appended by Petrik. |
Lynne Bush |
10/20/1998 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Action date approximate. Reviewed the HartCrowser report "Corrective Action Plan, Gasoline Underground Storage Tank, Anchorage Fire Department Station #7" dated 7/17/97, received on 10/20/1998. The report verified that the apartment complex on the south side of 84th Avenue, down-gradient of the site, is supplied by AWWU water. On 4/7/97, 7 hydropunch borings, HP-6 through HP-12, were drilled to the south of the former gasoline UST. Borings were placed along the buried sewer line located south of the site. At the bottom of each boring, approximately 5’ below grade, a hydropunch was driven 3’ and a GW sample taken. On 5/1/97, 2 additional MWs were installed, one (MW-4) near HP-1, and the other (MW-2A) on the east side of the fire station. Samples were submitted for laboratory analysis for GRO and BTEX. The 5/12/97 water level measurements resulted in the calculated groundwater flow to the south-southwest at 0.015 feet/foot. Isocontours of the plume indicate that it is being influenced by the sewer line and causing the plume to move to the southeast when reaching the sewer line at the south end of the site. Lab results were ND for all samples except for benzene above the 0.005 mg/l cleanup level in MW-3A, MW-4, HP-6, and HP-7 at 2.2 mg/l, 0.091 mg/l, 1.1 mg/l, and 0.52 mg/l, respectively. GRO was also above the 2.2 mg/l cleanup level in HP-6 at 21.0 mg/l, and at the cleanup level in MW-3A. The report review actually occurred on 5/28/09 but posted under this date for site chronology purposes. |
Bill Petrik |
1/26/1999 |
Update or Other Action |
The latest information on file with the CSP is a 1997 Corrective Action Plan. The CSP did not review or approve the work plan and it does not know if this work was completed. In a letter sent to the MOA this date the ADEC requested an update on work within 7 days. If the work has occurred please send a related report for the CSP to review. If the work has not occurred please submit an updated work plan for the CSP to review as soon as possible. Based on previous information submitted to the CSP, sampling should continue and reports sent to the CSP for review on a quarterly basis. Action appended by Petrik. |
Lynne Bush |
4/9/2001 |
Update or Other Action |
Sent a letter to the MOA this date indicating the receipt of post-treatment analytical results from Alaska Soil Recycling (ASR) dated 7/1/95. The letter reminded the MOA of the need for quarterly sampling and submittal of the resulting information to the CSP. |
Lynne Bush |
4/9/2001 |
Update or Other Action |
Alaska Soil Recycling analytical results for 256.26 tons of petroleum impacted soils processed in 1995 was submitted to the department this date. A letter was sent to the MOA reminding them to submit data. |
Lynne Bush |
7/24/2003 |
Update or Other Action |
Site transferred from Bush to Dreyer. |
Amanda Dreyer |
3/24/2004 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed the HartCrowser report “Groundwater Monitoring, Anchorage Fire Department Station #7" dated 11/24/03, date received by the CSP unknown. On 10/27/03, GW monitoring wells MW-1, MW-2A, MW-3A, and MW-4 were located, static water levels measured in each, purged, and samples collected for submittal to a lab for GRO and BTEX analysis. The water level measurements resulted in the calculated groundwater flow to the south-southwest on the site bending to south at 84th Avenue at a 0.01 feet/foot gradient. Isocontours of the plume continue to indicate that it is being influenced by the sewer line and causing the plume to move to the southeast when reaching the sewer line at the south end of the site. Lab results were ND for all samples except for most analyte values in MW-3A - GRO was above the then 1.3 mg/l cleanup level at 1.87 mg/l; benzene was above the 0.005 mg/l cleanup level at 2.26 mg/l; and ethylbenzene below the 0.7 mg/l cleanup level at 0.0154 mg/l. Examining historic data for MW-3A and MW-4, no trend in monitoring results was established for MW-3A as benzene and GRO levels remain above cleanup levels and erratic; contamination levels in MW-4 are now ND. The report concluded that contaminated soil is still in the subsurface after the UST removal and most remaining contamination is likely located within the smear zone. The report recommended oxygen releasing compound (ORC) in a grid pattern within and around the former UST excavation area and MW-3 to enhance contaminant biodegradation and semi-annual GW monitoring.
The CSP sent a letter indicating that initial benzene GW concentration data appears to have dropped substantially as a result of the UST excavation in 1996. GRO and benzene concentrations remained stable between 8/96 and 3/03 but exceed their cleanup levels. The only elevated levels of contamination were in monitoring well MW-03A where GRO was 1.86 mg/l and benzene was 2.11 mg/l. Monitoring wells away from the source area indicate that contaminant concentrations are declining. The ADEC has no objection to the proposal to use ORC to accelerate contaminant degradation. Continued monitoring is required. |
David Pikul |
1/18/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
Reviewed the HartCrowser "ORC Injection and Groundwater Monitoring Report Former AFD Station No. 7, 3939 West 84th Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska" dated January 2005, received 1/18/05, and sent a CSP response letter this date. On May 24, 2004, Hart Crowser injected Oxygen Release Compound (ORC) into the groundwater and subsurface soil at the Anchorage Fire Department (AFD) Station No. 7 to provide supplemental oxygen to petroleum hydrocarbon reducing bacteria in the subsurface. Subsequent groundwater monitoring indicates favorable changes in groundwater geochemical parameters and contaminant concentrations.
Static water levels and other water quality observations were measured on 5/24/04, 6/29/04, and 10/14/04. GW levels rose over the time period in all wells. An odor was detected in MW-3A on 6/29/04 and 10/14/04. GW flow direction and gradients were consistent with historic values, flowing initially to the south-southwest on site and bending to the south at 84th Avenue.
During the June groundwater sampling event for DRO and BTEX in MW-1 only benzene and toluene were detected and these were below cleanup levels. Benzene was the only contaminant detected in samples from MW-4 which was 0.0051 mg/l, barely above the cleanup level of 0.005 mg/l. Sample results for MW-3 detected all analytes with benzene and GRO substantially above their cleanup levels at 2.13 mg/l and 5.08 mg/l, respectively. During the 10/14/04 GW sampling event for DRO and BTEX MW-1 detected no contaminants. Sample results for MW-3 detected all analytes except toluene. Benzene was substantially above its cleanup levels at 0.992 mg/l and GRO was above its cleanup level at 1.84 mg/l, respectively. MW-4 was not sampled. Contaminant concentrations appeared to be decline as a result of the ORC injection. Additional monitoring should be conducted to record changes in the groundwater quality.
DEC concurs with recommendations to locate MW-4 and include it in future monitoring events. Should MW-4 not be found, installation of an additional downgradient monitoring well may be necessary.
The report was actually reviewed on 5/29/09 but posted under the date the report was received by the department for site chronology purposes.
Action appended by Petrik. |
Lynne Bush |
3/23/2005 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed the HartCrowser "ORC Injection and Groundwater Monitoring Report Former AFD Station No. 7, 3939 West 84th Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska" dated January 2005, received 1/18/05, and sent a CSP response letter this date. On 5/24/04, Hart Crowser injected Oxygen Release Compound (ORC) into the groundwater and subsurface soil at the Anchorage Fire Department (AFD) Station No. 7 to provide supplemental oxygen to petroleum hydrocarbon reducing bacteria in the subsurface. Subsequent groundwater monitoring indicates favorable changes in groundwater geochemical parameters and contaminant concentrations.
Static water levels and other water quality observations were measured on 5/24/04, 6/29/04, and 10/14/04. GW levels rose over the time period in all wells. An odor was detected in MW-3A on 6/29/04 and 10/14/04. GW flow direction and gradients were consistent with historic values, flowing initially to the south-southwest on site and bending to the south at 84th Avenue.
During the 6/29/04 GW sampling event for DRO and BTEX MW-1 detected only benzene and toluene and these were below cleanup levels. Benzene was the only contaminant detected in samples from MW-4 which was 0.0051 mg/l, barely above the cleanup level of 0.005 mg/l. Sample results for MW-3 detected all analytes with benzene and GRO substantially above their cleanup levels at 2.13 mg/l and 5.08 mg/l, respectively. During the 10/14/04 GW sampling event for DRO and BTEX MW-1 detected no contaminants. Sample results for MW-3 detected all analytes except toluene. Benzene was substantially above its cleanup levels at 0.992 mg/l and GRO was above its cleanup level at 1.84 mg/l, respectively. MW-4 was not sampled. Contaminant concentrations appeared to be declining as a result of the ORC injection. Additional monitoring should be conducted to record changes in the groundwater quality.
DEC concurs with recommendations to locate MW-4 and include it in future monitoring events. Should MW-4 not be found, installation of an additional down-gradient monitoring well may be necessary.
The report was re-reviewed on 5/29/09 by Petrik and action appended by Petrik.
David Pikul |
3/23/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
File number issued 2100.26.249, FKA L69.67 |
Aggie Blandford |
5/23/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
The CSP received a copy of the HartCrowser "Corrective Action Plan Amendment No. 2, Former AFD Station No. 7" dated 5/19/05.
Action entered by Petrik. |
David Pikul |
7/26/2005 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed the HartCrowser "Monitoring Well Replacement and Groundwater Monitoring, Former AFD Station No. 7" dated 7/21/05, received 7/26/05. On 6/15/05 HartCrowser installed and developed a new monitoring well, MW-4R, in a location immediately adjacent to former well MW-4 using direct push technology. A new monument was installed on MW-1 as well. On 6/22/05 water levels were measured in MW-1, MW-2A, MW-3A, and MW-4R. All wells except MW-2A were purged and sampled for laboratory analysis for GRO and BTEX. All water purged from MW-3A and MW-4R was containerized and disposed of by Emerald Services.
Depth to the static water surface below the ground varied from 4.22’ to 4.87’. GW flow direction at the time of sampling was south-southeast at an average gradient of 0.02 feet/foot. The direction is slightly more southeastward than previously observed.
MW-1 was ND for all sample results. MW-4R was ND for all analytes except for benzene at 0.0036 mg/l and total xylenes at 0.003 mg/l, both below their cleanup levels. MW-3A resulted in detections for all analytes except toluene. Ethylbenzene and total xylenes levels were considerably below their cleanup levels at 0.006 mg/l and 0.059 mg/l, respectively. GRO was above its cleanup level at 3.12 mg/l and benzene considerably above its cleanup level at 0.93 mg/l. The benzene contaminant level was similar to the 10/14/04 sampling result and about half as much as the 6/29/04 level. The GRO contaminant level was similar to the 6/29/04 sampling result and about twice as much as the 10/14/04 level.
The report was actually reviewed on 5/29/09 but posted under the date the report was received by the department for site chronology purposes. |
Bill Petrik |
6/6/2007 |
Update or Other Action |
Site management transferred from Pikul to Petrik. |
Shannon Oelkers |
5/16/2008 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Initial ranking completed. |
Grant Lidren |
6/1/2009 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed the HartCrowser report "Fall 2005 Groundwater Monitoring Report Former AFD Station No. 7" dated 11/8/05, received by the department on 11/10/05. On 9/23/05 water levels were measured in MW-1, MW-2A, MW-3A, and MW-4R. All wells except MW-2 were purged, sampled, and submitted for laboratory analysis of GRO and BTEX. All purge water from MW-3A and MW-4R was containerized and disposed of by Emerald Services. The groundwater flow direction was calculated to move in a south-southwest direction at a gradient of 0.01 feet/foot. Static water elevations varied between 3.4 and 4.28‘ bgs. Sheen was observed in MW-3A and MW-4R. A duplicate sample of MW-4R was submitted to the laboratory. All sampling results for MW-1 were ND. The only contaminant detected in MW-4R was benzene at 0.0014 mg/l, below the cleanup level of 0.005 mg/l. MW-3A detected benzene at 0.525 mg/l which was above its cleanup level by a factor of 100. The results for GRO were ND but the MRL was 5.0 mg/l which was above the current cleanup level of 2.2 mg/l. The trend for benzene contamination in MW-3A and MW-4R has been downward based on sampling results to date. However, no trend for GRO contamination in MW-3A has been observed. |
Bill Petrik |
6/1/2009 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed the HartCrowser report "June 2007 Groundwater Monitoring Report Former AFD Station No. 7" dated 8/24/07, received on 8/28/07. On 6/14/07 water levels were measured in MW-1, MW-2A, and MW-3A. Static water elevations varied between 4.24 and 5.29‘ bgs. There was no indication that the groundwater flow direction or gradient were calculated for this sampling event. A petroleum odor was noted in the purge water from MW-3A, however, no sheen was observed. Street construction occurred along West 84th Avenue and MW-4R was removed, assumedly by construction crews, due to the construction.
MW-1 and MW-3A were purged, sampled, and submitted for laboratory analysis of GRO and BTEX. A duplicate sample of MW-3A was submitted to the laboratory. All sampling results for MW-1 were ND. The only contaminant not detected in MW-3A was toluene. Ethylbenzene and total xylenes contaminant levels were 0.098 mg/l and 0.776 mg/l, respectively, approximately one order of magnitude below their cleanup levels of 0.7 mg/l and 10 mg/l, respectively. MW-3A detected benzene at 5.02 mg/l which was 1,000 times above its cleanup level of 0.005 mg/l. The results for GRO were 14.4 mg/l, significantly above the current cleanup level of 2.2 mg/l. The benzene results from this sampling event were an order of magnitude above the prior sampling event of 0.525 mg/l. The GRO sampling results from this event were significantly higher than the prior event of 5.0 mg/l. The water levels during this sampling event dropped approximately one foot since the last sampling event in 9/05. The significantly higher GRO and benzene levels may be due to more contaminants being flushed out of the smear zone due to the drop in water levels. The report concluded that the sampling should be increased from biannually to annually and a monitoring well should be installed to replace MW-4R that was removed by road construction to assess potential off-site contaminant migration. The CSP concurs with these recommendations.
All purge water from MW-3A was containerized and disposed of by Emerald Services.
A CSM was submitted with the report.
Bill Petrik |
6/10/2009 |
Update or Other Action |
The CSP sent a letter this date requesting:
1) Installation of a new monitoring well to the south of the subject property near former well location MW-4R to monitor the leading edge of the contamination.
2) Continued site groundwater monitoring in all monitoring wells to occur which also includes, but not limited to, measuring static water levels, and calculating ground water flow direction and gradient from these measurements.
3) MW-3A and the new well to be installed near the former MW-4R are to be analyzed for GRO and BTEX constituents.
4) Groundwater monitoring continues, however, the ADEC requests annual monitoring instead of biannual monitoring frequency.
5) Future groundwater reports show a modification of Table 3 in the subject reports, Historic Groundwater Analytical Results, to group analytical sampling results by each well in chronologically ascending order to facilitate easier review of contaminant levels in each well over time, and append to this table all groundwater sampling results for the monitoring wells that was documented starting on February 14, 1996 for GRO and BTEX.
6) Inclusion of a completed Laboratory Data Review Checklist with submittal of each unique laboratory sampling results report.
7) Per 18 AAC 75.325(i), permission from the CSP is required before removal of contaminated soil or groundwater from the site.
8) Submittal of receipts for the future disposal of IDW soil or groundwater.
9) A work plan that outlines the work requested above, by July 13, 2009. |
Bill Petrik |
5/20/2010 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
Reviewed the Shannon & Wilson, Inc. (S&W) "Work Plan for Groundwater Monitoring & Well Installation, Former Anchorage Fire Department Station No. 7, 3939 West 84th Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska, ADEC File No. 2100.26.249" dated 4/30/10, received 5/6/10. Proposed tasks include: placing a boring, and subsequent installation of a MW in the boring, along the south side of 84th Avenue and downgradient of the site to replace a former monitoring well that was destroyed; measuring the GW elevations in all MWs; screening soil and sampling the boring and GW for GRO and BTEX; collecting and storing IDW wastes for future disposal determination; and preparing a subsequent report of findings.
Approved the work plan with the conditions that: one soil sample should be from the smear zone and the other soil sample based on the screening sample that has the highest PID reading other than the smear zone; the soil sample with the highest PID reading is submitted for GRO, BTEX, and naphthalene lab analysis; the soil and GW samples with the highest screening PID reading is submitted as a blind duplicate for laboratory analysis; and a CSM be submitted with the resulting report. Also, recommended that GW samples for VOCs are collected by a means other than bailers or peristaltic pump.
Bill Petrik |
9/2/2010 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
Reviewed the Shannon & Wilson, Inc. (S&W) "Request to Transport Impacted Soil, 3939 West 84th Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska; ADEC File Number: 2100.26.249" dated 9/2/10 which included analytical results of soil and GW laboratory analyses from boring soil sampling and water from two MW samplings. Signed the “Request to Transport Impacted Soil” form and emailed to S&W. Requested the post-treatment laboratory analytical soil results be sent to the Contaminated Sites Program for their review upon treatment completion. |
Bill Petrik |
1/18/2011 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 78042 Former Leaking 1,000-Gallon Gasoline and one 500-gallon diesel USTs. Direct Contact with Subsurface Soil went from High Potential to De Minimis Exposure and Indoor Air Inhalation (Vapor Intrusion) went from Low Potential to High Potential. |
Bill Petrik |
4/4/2011 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
Reviewed a copy of the Shannon & Wilson, Inc. "Well Installation and Groundwater Monitoring, Former Fire Station No. 7, 3939 West 84th Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska" dated December 2010 and received 12/13/10.
A missing downgradient groundwater (GW) monitoring well that was off the subject property was replaced to determine the lateral southern extent of GW contamination. Soil samples from the boring were collected and submitted for laboratory analysis for GRO, BTEX, and naphthalene. Groundwater monitoring of 3 monitoring wells (MWs) was performed with the intent of evaluating groundwater flow direction and gradient. GW samples from the new MW and monitoring well MW3A were collected and submitted for laboratory analysis for GRO, BTEX, and naphthalene.
Boring B1 was drilled ~15’ west of the former location of monitoring well MW4R to 14’ bgs. The sample from 2-4’ bgs was ND for all analytes. The sample from the smear zone, 5.5-6’ bgs, was ND for all analytes except benzene at 0.114 mg/kg. However, the duplicate of this sample was ND for all analytes.
Over one order of magnitude discrepancy in concentration was determined between the original soil sample and its duplicate result for benzene, 0.114 mg/kg versus ND at a LOQ of 0.00894 mg/kg, respectively. Because of this discrepancy another boring, B1B, was drilled 3’ north of Boring B1, to 7’ bgs to re-evaluate the soil at the depth in question. The holding time for resampling the original questionable sample expired and as a consequence the new soil boring was completed and sampled. A soil sample and a duplicate were taken from 5-7’ bgs in this new boring and submitted for laboratory analyses of benzene only. The laboratory results were estimates of 0.0113 mg/kg and 0.00848 mg/kg, respectively.
Monitoring wells MW3A and MW4R were sampled and laboratory analyzed for GRO and BTEX. Naphthalene was also analyzed in the sample and its duplicate from well MW3A. The only detection in well MW4R was for an estimate for benzene at approximately one order of magnitude below the GW cleanup level. All contaminants sampled for were detected in well MW3A. Only GRO and benzene exceeded their cleanup levels at 7.22 mg/l and benzene at 2.94 mg/l.
No further action with regards to the diesel UST was indicated in a letter sent to the RP. However, benzene and toluene soil contamination related to the gasoline UST remains in place in the bottom of the former gasoline UST excavation and surrounding undisturbed soil. GRO and benzene GW contamination greatly exceeding their cleanup levels still exists as of the last sampling event in the monitoring well in the former gasoline UST excavation. In the letter, the CSP also requested a work plan by 5/24/11 for soil removal from these areas as well as installation of a monitoring well down gradient of the former excavation. Also requested was an updated CSM. |
Bill Petrik |
3/7/2012 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
CSP approved February 14, 2012 dated Work Plan for Additional Site Characterization & Remedial Alternatives, Former Fire Station NO. 7, 3939 West 84th Avenue, Anchorage, AK; ADEC Hazard ID: 23699. The work plan proposes to install one groundwater monitoring well, soil and groundwater sampling and laboratory analysis and remedial alternatives evaluation. This work plan is approved with the following conditions: Complete copies of field notes need to be provided with the report. Please provide three (3) working days advance notice when planning to do work, to give us an opportunity to be on site to inspect.
Data shows that BTEX and GRO are consistently below reporting levels and cleanup levels in groundwater at MW-1. Therefore, DEC does not require further sampling for these constituents at MW-1.
In addition, CSP agrees with your consultant’s opinion that prior data shows that naphthalene is not a contaminant of concern at this site. Therefore, no further analysis is necessary for this constituent.
Katrina Chambon |
8/22/2012 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
Katrina Chambon |
5/23/2013 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 78042 Former Leaking 1,000-Gallon Gasoline and one 500-gallon diesel USTs. |
Katrina Chambon |
6/5/2013 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
Soil Sampling
On May 17, 2012 one soil boring (B5) that was completed as a groundwater monitoring well was advanced to approximately 25 feet south-southeast of the former UST excavation area. Groundwater was encountered at 5 feet below ground surface. Two analytical soil samples plus one duplicate sample were collected and analyzed for gasoline range organics (GRO); and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX). All constituents were b below their most stringent 18 AAC 75.41 Method 2 cleanup levels.
Groundwater Sampling
On July 3, 2012 four groundwater samples and one duplicate were collected from monitoring wells MW2A, MW3A, MW4R, and MW5. Groundwater samples were analyzed for GRO and BTEX. Groundwater samples from wells MW2A, MW4R, and MW5 did not exceed their 18 AAC 75.345 Table C cleanup levels. Groundwater flow was not determined. Groundwater samples from MW3A exceeded cleanup levels for GRO and benzene. GRO concentration was 6.60 mg/L; exceeding its cleanup level of 2.2 mg/L. Benzene concentration was 3.03 mg/L; exceeding its cleanup level of 0.005 mg/L. Benzene concentration is 606 times its cleanup level. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest.
CSP Response
CSP requests that groundwater sampling occur semiannually in order to establish a seasonal trend for contaminate concentrations and groundwater flow direction. CSP requests that monitoring wells MW3A, MW4R, and MW5 be sampled. You may want to discuss with your consultant regarding the decommissioning of MW1 and MW2A. CSP will re-evaluate the requested frequency after the first year. After the first year, CSP will determine if additional active remedial measures are warranted to protect the human health, safety or welfare, or the environment, or if a cleanup complete with or without institutional controls is warranted.
Katrina Chambon |
2/21/2014 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
The project activities include decommissioning Well MW1, conducting one year of semi-annual
groundwater monitoring for Wells MW3A, MW4R, and MW5, laboratory analysis of the
groundwater samples, managing investigation derived waste (IDW), and preparing a summary
report following the second sampling event. This work plan has been approved. |
Katrina Chambon |
2/28/2014 |
Site Visit |
Site visit to observe groundwater monitoring and groundwater well decommissioning. |
Katrina Chambon |
5/26/2015 |
Update or Other Action |
Reviewed the report titled 2014 Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring Fire Station No. 7 describing sampling events in February and July of 2014. Wells MW3A, MW4R, and MW5 were sampled for GRO and BTEX. In MW3A, the source area well, benzene concentrations exceeded cleanup levels in both events and GRO exceeded cleanup levels in the February event. No analyte concentrations reported from wells MW4R and MW5 (downgradient wells) exceeded cleanup levels in either sampling event. A brief decommissioning plan for the three wells was requested. |
Lisa Krebs-Barsis |
4/18/2017 |
Update or Other Action |
State interest letter regarding potential institutional controls on the property was sent to the potential party purchasing the land. ADEC has already received an identical document signed by the Municipality of Anchorage (current landowner). |
Chelsy Passmore |
10/31/2017 |
Cleanup Complete Determination Issued |
The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) has completed a review of the environmental records associated with the Municipality of Anchorage (MOA) - Fire Station #7 on West 84th Avenue in Anchorage, AK. Based on the information provided to date it has been determined that the contaminant concentrations remaining on site do not pose an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment as long as the site is in compliance with established institutional controls (ICs). |
Chelsy Passmore |
10/31/2017 |
Institutional Control Record Established |
Institutional Controls established and entered into the database. |
Chelsy Passmore |