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Site Report: Haines Sawmill

Site Name: Haines Sawmill
Address: Mile 5, Lutak Highway, Haines, AK 99827
File Number: 1508.38.009
Hazard ID: 2378
Status: Active
Staff: Stacee Henderson, 9072628202
Latitude: 59.285311
Longitude: -135.479246
Horizontal Datum:NAD83

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Site has multiple areas of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) soil contamination, dioxin soil contamination, and several areas of possible polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) soil contamination. Over twenty transformers are stored on site, two of which contain elevated concentrations of PCBs and five with detectable low concentrations of PCBs. Approximately fifty drums of oil, paint solvents are on site. Ed Lepayri is the most recent owner/operator who purchased the mill property under an agreement with the State of Alaska and operated the mill as Chilkoot Lumber until it was shut down in 1991. The property is currently owned by the estate of Mr. Lepayri and is managed as Chilkoot Lumber by Larry Beck in Haines working from the Captain's Choice Motel.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
8/29/1995 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = RECN - Site Reconnaissance (CS)). SE Public Service Area staff conducted initial site reconnaissance at former sawmill property. Site access appears to have been unrestricted. Large quantities of various and improperly contained hazardous waste stored at site. Al Kegler
9/29/1995 Site Added to Database PCBs and petroleum contamination. Bill Janes
9/29/1995 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Initial ranking. Sally Schlichting
7/18/1996 Update or Other Action Site visit. Met with PRP to discuss areas of the property needing remediation. Some areas of petroleum stained soil. No action to be taken until the hazardous waste has been removed. Transformers to be tested for PCBs and water treatment chemicals to be overpacked and shipped out. Sally Schlichting
10/22/1997 Site Characterization Workplan Approved (Old R:Base Action Code = SA2A - Phase II SA Approval / Release Investigation). Anne Marie Palmieri
11/20/1997 Update or Other Action EPA-TSCA (Dan Duncan) notified about PCB transformers. Anne Marie Palmieri
2/21/1998 Update or Other Action Field screening of the transformers revealed 2 PCB, 5 PCB-contaminated and the rest non-PCB. Anne Marie Palmieri
5/14/1998 Update or Other Action Letter sent requesting site update; EPA requested ADEC perform a PCB inspection. Anne Marie Palmieri
7/16/1999 Update or Other Action EPA (Andy Hess) performs TSCA inspection. Anne Marie Palmieri
7/26/1999 Meeting or Teleconference Held RP requests that DEC/EPA perform cleanup actions and recover costs. Anne Marie Palmieri
7/27/1999 Update or Other Action Drum inventory/site inspection. Anne Marie Palmieri
11/1/1999 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Phase II Site Assessment Work Plan prepared for Govt of Yukon by Access Consulting Group as due diligence as a prospective purchaser. Field activities to include site topographic survey, geophysical survey, waste inventory, container sampling, near surface soil sampling, test pits, surface water samples, sediment samples, and field screening of hydrocarbon and PCBs. The following COCs were proposed for analytical sampling. Container sampling was to include: petroleum hydrocarbons, BTEX, PAHs, anti sapstain, PCBs, waste oil (GC scan, RCRA metals, and PCBs), boiler water treatment chemicals, metals (MS ICP, Ni concentrate), and precipitate fly ash (dioxin/furan). Soil samples were to include: petroleum hydrocarbons, BTEX, PAHs, anti sapstain, PCBs, hog fuel (dioxin/furan toxicity, benzene), waste oil, boiler water treatment chemicals, metals, and precipitate fly ash. Water samples were to include: petroleum hydrocarbons, BTEX, PAHs, anti sapstain, hog fuel, waste oil, metals, and precipitate fly ash. Sediment samples were to include: petroleum hydrocarbons, PAHs, anti sapstain, PCBs, hog fuel, waste oil, metals, and precipitate fly ash. Surface soils were to be sampled for: petroleum hydrocarbons, PCBs, and precipitate fly ash. Julie Fix
5/3/2000 Site Characterization Report Approved Phase II Site Characterization Report Approved this date. Anne Marie Palmieri
6/14/2000 Update or Other Action Cleanup level options explained to RP. Anne Marie Palmieri
9/28/2000 Update or Other Action Petroleum contaminated soil excavated and transported to Mile 34 Haines Highway to a Borough-owned gravel pit. Transport and stockpiling approval given. Anne Marie Palmieri
11/2/2000 Update or Other Action EPA gives the RP a "Notice of Noncompliance" as a result of the 7/99 TSCA inspection. EPA includes 17 violations. Anne Marie Palmieri
11/18/2000 Update or Other Action The Yukon Territorial Government beings a Phase II site characterization as part of its due diligence as a prospective purchaser. Anne Marie Palmieri
2/16/2001 Cleanup Level(s) Approved Method 2 levels approved for dioxin, GRO, DRO, RRO, and PCBs. Anne Marie Palmieri
2/16/2001 Cleanup Plan Approved Approved with contingencies: RP must get ADOT&PF approval prior to placing c-soil in the Haines Highway roadbed, RP must get City of Haines approval prior to disposing of chemicals in sewer system, and transformers must be managed per EPA. Anne Marie Palmieri
8/17/2001 Update or Other Action C-soil did not go into the road due to ADOT&PF and SECON resistance. 1300 cubic yards of soil remains at Mile 34. Staff sent letter requesting the stockpile meet regulations by 9/10/01 and a plan be submitted by 11/1/01. Anne Marie Palmieri
9/10/2001 Update or Other Action Stockpile at 34 Mile Haines Highway is still uncovered. Anne Marie Palmieri
11/5/2001 Update or Other Action A workplan has not been developed. The stockpile is partially covered with plastic, totally covered by snow. Ed Lapeyri could not find 8/17 letter, staff faxed another copy. Anne Marie Palmieri
6/14/2002 Update or Other Action Staff had a conference call with RP and Access (consultants) to discuss draft bioremediation plan for petroleum contaminated soils. Staff sends letter with comments on plan. RP will need to obtain permission of the landowner (Haines Borough). Anne Marie Palmieri
6/24/2002 Cleanup Plan Approved Cleanup plan for stockpile approved this date. Anne Marie Palmieri
6/4/2004 Update or Other Action Site visit to obtain GPS reading and transition site managment to Wanstall Bill Janes
6/4/2004 Site Visit DEC inspection of the contaminated soil stockpile on Lot 15 Big Boulder Creek Subdivision. The water-tight cover is intact and the runoff diversion catchment is operational. Bruce Wanstall
7/7/2004 Update or Other Action Cost Recovery check received for expenses incurred by the State in cleanup project oversight. Bruce Wanstall
7/8/2005 Update or Other Action Contacted operations foreman Beck who stated that he would inspect the soil stockpile and arrange for soil samples to be collected for laboratory analysis. The scrap metal salvage project is on hold during the fishing season. Hog fuel and fly ash waste plans were discussed. Bruce Wanstall
8/4/2006 Update or Other Action Review EPA hazmat inventory inspection, plat maps, and file for discussion with AAG at DOL of State owned tideland lease lots adjacent to the Chilkoot Lumber property. Site Summary updated and published on the CS website. Bruce Wanstall
5/14/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking EPA TSCA inspection in 1999 found stained sawdust and soil at the tie mill; laboratory analysis found PCB concentrations of 61 ug/kg and 590 ug/kg, just below action levels. Phase II Site Characterization collected 12 soil samples in areas where transformers were handled and were stored; the results were less than instrument detection. Bruce Wanstall
5/16/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking ETM ranking for the dioxin fly ash source area. Characterization tests indicate that the material is hazardous waste. A sampling and analysis plan is needed to determine whether sediment or soil has been contaminated as a result of the fly ash precipitate handling and storage. The most likely migration mechanism and pathway is along the roadway and water drainage routes in the vicinity of the electrostatic precipitator and the fly ash storage container adjacent to Lutak Road. Bruce Wanstall
7/16/2007 Update or Other Action The ADEC sent a request for environmental status letter to the Chilkoot Lumber Company for current data on the contaminated soil stockpile in the Haines Borough and hazardous materials stored at the Haines Sawmill contaminated site Bruce Wanstall
9/27/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held ADEC accompanied EPA on a Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) site inspection of the Haines Sawmill property near Lutak Inlet in August 2007. Numerous regulatory violations were noted by EPA Enforcement but most significant was that transformers were found leaking oil. Bruce Wanstall
4/18/2008 Update or Other Action ADEC letter was sent to the Chilkoot Lumber owner Lapeyri requesting a 2008 Workplan for additional site investigation at the Sawmill and status of the stockpiled contaminated materials on-site and off-site. Bruce Wanstall
5/8/2008 Update or Other Action ADEC letter was mailed certified restricted signature to the Chilkoot Lumber owner Lapeyri. The State interest letter requests a 2008 Workplan for additional site investigation at the Sawmill and status of the stockpiled contaminated materials on-site and off-site (33.5 mile Haines Highway). Bruce Wanstall
5/30/2008 Update or Other Action ADEC reviewed a letter from Chilkoot Lumber stating that disposal of the stored hazardous materials and demolition of the derelict structures at the Haines Sawmill contaminated site is currently in development but without a firm deployment schedule. Results were submitted with the letter for an October, 2006, Chilkoot Lumber sampling of the contaminated soil stockpile at 34-mile Haines Highway. The results were DRO 1,400 mg/kg and 4,400 mg/kg RRO. Bruce Wanstall
6/23/2008 Interim Removal Action Approved Site cleanup planning was coordinated with Chilkat Environmental, chief environmental investigator at the Haines Sawmill salvage demolition. ADEC approved temporary stockpiling of contaminated material in the shop building. Non-PCB waste oil stored by Chilkoot Lumber has been delivered to an off-site, RCRA-permitted recycling facility for treatment by incineration. Bruce Wanstall
6/30/2008 Update or Other Action Chilkoot Lumber Company – Haines, Alaska: PCB Cleanup Workplan Approval PCB Electrical Equipment & Transformer Inventory Review: June 2008, EPA TSCA Region 10. The Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10 (EPA) has reviewed your June 26, 2008, Polychlorinated Bi-Phenyl (PCB) Electrical Equipment and Transformer Inventory and Remediation Cleanup Workplan for sampling, cleanup, and removal of PCB contamination which resulted from releases of Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) regulated PCBs at the Chilkoot Lumber Company Site located in Haines, Alaska. Your proposed PCB Cleanup plan as described in your June 26, 2008, submittal is acceptable to EPA. Bruce Wanstall
7/2/2008 Update or Other Action Site Inspection of demolition and hazardous material recovery operations. ADEC made recommendations on safe recovery of fuels and contaminated soil at pending demolition sites on the property; including the Power Plant Shop, Generator Building and bulk fuel storage tanks/piping where heavily stained soil is present next to concrete pads. The schedule for shipment of waste products for off-site remediation is being prepared; scrap metal will load on a barge in mid-August, 2008. Bruce Wanstall
8/11/2008 Site Visit ADEC inspected the current status of transformers, hazardous waste (petroleum/ lubricants/ chemicals), fly ash and stockpiled contaminated soil stored on the site. A fish processing operation is adjacent to areas on the property that are scheduled to be screened for PCBs and dioxin contamination. A meeting was held with the property owner but a firm schedule to resolve the situation was not reached. Bruce Wanstall
8/18/2008 Update or Other Action Review and comment to the draft Phase 3 Environmental Site Clean-up Activities Conducted by Specialized Metal Recycling at Chilkoot Lumber Company in Haines, AK prepared for Specialized Metal Recycling by Chilkat Environmental and dated August 13, 2008. Bruce Wanstall
8/22/2008 Update or Other Action ADEC review and comment on the draft 2008 Hogfuel Shed Soil Stockpile Sampling Plan. Summary Report Haines Sawmill Hydrocarbon Contaminated Soil Clean-up dated April 2001 and Operations Plan for the Offsite Treatment of Hydrocarbon Contaminated Soil from the Haines Sawmill dated May 2002 were both prepared and submitted by Access Consulting Group and reference that the bioremediation stockpile at 33.5-mile Haines Highway has a volume of 1,300 cubic yards of soil containing weathered petroleum products in the diesel and residual range organics at concentrations of 2,680mg/kg and 6,110mg/kg respectively. A volume of 200 cubic yards of additional soil stockpiled in the hog-fuel barn from the same source area should have the similar contamination values. Bruce Wanstall
9/17/2008 Update or Other Action ADEC reviewed and accepted changes to the approved waste characterization sampling plan for the estimated 90 cubic yards of precipitator ash stored in a dilapidated shipping container on the Haines Sawmill contaminated site. The stored material and surface soil beneath and surrounding the old shipping container will be loaded into new shipping containers and transported off-site for remediation at a landfill in Arlington, Oregon. Soil surrounding the cleanup will be sampled and analyzed for PCDD and PCDF to verify the effectiveness of the removal action. Bruce Wanstall
10/27/2008 Update or Other Action Soil cleanup and fly ash material shipment is delayed until spring 2010. Contaminated materials that are stockpiled under secure cover on-site at the Haines Sawmill property currently include ~90 cubic yards of fly ash at/near the dilapidated connex; a sealed fish-tote of waste oil-stained soil at the Lima Crane site; ~3 cubic yards of hydraulic oil stained soil from the concrete pad; ~3 cubic yards of dip tank sludge/soil; 317 cubic yards POL contaminated soil on the former hog fuel shed concrete pad. Covers consist of weighted multiple layers of 10 mil visqueen. Bruce Wanstall
4/30/2009 Meeting or Teleconference Held Teleconference was held with EPA TSCA, DEC CSites and Chilkat Environmental to discuss soil screening at the Sawmill site for PCB contamination. Although no PCB-containing transformer release on-site is documented at any location, it was agreed that confirmation sampling will be performed on soil beneath sites where transformers were situated before the structural demolition in 2008. Bruce Wanstall
6/4/2009 Update or Other Action ADEC received a field report update on demolition of the dilapidated fly-ash trailer; 90 cubic yards of precipitator ash and surrounding soil is being loaded into 5 waste containers (18 cubic yards each) for transport to an off-site remediation facility; 3 cubic yards of sediment from the dip-tank was also added for off-site shipment. The ash material is distinctive from the rock fill and woody debris that are typical on-site. TCLP test on the ash leachate had non-detect results for RCRA metals; DDCD test result is 7.8ppb. The boiler antifreeze expansion tank UST that was later used to store waste oil is excavated; no contaminated soil was observed to indicate a release from the unregulated tank. Bruce Wanstall
6/11/2009 Update or Other Action The Lima Crane release site investigation was excavated to the limits of soil contamination. That soil is loaded into a shipping container along with the dip tank sediment, 3 cubic yards of generator shop floor sludge and 12 cubic yards of heavily oiled soil excavated from the sides of the former generator building and shop foundation walls that extend six feet below ground surface. A french drain system containing oil sludge and water was removed with the contaminated soil; further investigation will find where the system leads. Clean soil was found at about 6 feet depth and pockets of subsurface water were occasionally found. Bruce Wanstall
7/23/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC reviewed and commented on a draft final report for the cleanup of Toxic Substance Control Act related waste from the Haines Sawmill site. Bruce Wanstall
1/4/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Chilkoot Lumber Company PCB Remedial Action Closure Report is approved by DEC. Pending EPA TSCA Program approval, all PCB waste above 1 ppm has been removed from the Chilkoot Lumber Company site and no additional precautions during future modification, renovation, or demolition of the facility is required. Further management of remedial actions is ongoing with DEC to address petroleum contamination and other concerns. Bruce Wanstall
8/17/2010 Update or Other Action The generator shop and powerhouse shop concrete pad contaminated soil sites are each located on Chilkoot Lumber property. The concrete pad that remains intact due to its massive extent necessary to support the 70-foot tall powerhouse boiler is also located on Chilkoot Lumber property. No residual petroleum contamination is present on State lease property. The contaminated soil excavated from the under two pad removals is temporarily stored under cover on a concrete pad that is located on leased property. Bruce Wanstall
8/18/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC approved Sampling Plan to Characterize Soil at the extent of Excavation for the Former Powerhouse Shop by Chilkat Environmental Inc. for the Haines Sawmill contaminated site. A concrete pad is adjacent to one sidewall of the excavation and has petroleum contamination trapped underneath. The residual soil contamination trapped under the boiler pad will be defined by the confirmation samples collected from the sidewall along the boiler pad that is shared with the open excavation. Results for this location are not suspected of satisfying clean-up standards. Samples from the other three sidewalls will confirm approval to backfill with an impermeable liner between residual contamination and clean backfill. Due to persistently wet clay, floor confirmation samples may be unsuitable for collecting laboratory soil samples for petroleum analysis. Bruce Wanstall
11/8/2010 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 78974 name: Above Ground Fuel Tanks Bruce Wanstall
8/11/2011 Update or Other Action EPA announced this week that the owner of Chilkoot Lumber Company was fined $9,500 for improper storage and failing to repair leaking PCB transformers at the Haines Sawmill Contaminated site in Haines. The Contaminated Sites Program invited EPA to the site, pointed out the problems, provided oversight through the TSCA regulation site investigation, the draining of the transformers, and the transfer of hazardous waste to shipping containers for barge transport through international waters to the Arlington Hazardous Waste Facility in Oregon. The State appealed to EPA to reduce the fine to allow Lapeyri to finish the cleanup at the Haines Sawmill. EPA reduced the fine from $145,000 to $9,500. A cleanup plan is currently being developed by Chilkat Environmental Inc to excavate and remediate the petroleum contaminated soil. Bruce Wanstall
5/22/2012 Site Visit DEC site visit with Chilkat Environmental met with Larry Beck to observe an elevated bench constructed from clean material where a containment cell will be built to impound the stockpiles of soil contaminated with weathered petroleum. Bruce Wanstall
11/2/2012 Update or Other Action The State of Alaska has established an agreement with Chilkoot Lumber Company regarding payment of costs incurred by the Contaminated Sites Program in providing regulatory oversight during the cleanup process on the former sawmill property on Lutak Road in Haines. Bruce Wanstall
12/7/2012 Update or Other Action DEC letter was sent by regular mail to the Larry Beck manager of the Haines Sawmill for Chilkoot Lumber Inc and was copied to Steve Winker, manager for the DNR Division of Mining, Lands and Water and Sally Schlichting, manager for the CS Program. DEC requested that a plan be submitted for approval that will schedule a final cleanup remedy for stockpiled petroleum contaminated soil recovered by site investigation and cleanup of the property. The purpose of these site activities is to ensure that the pollution is contained and that the migration of contamination is not presenting a risk of exposure that could affect human health and safety or the environment, now and in the future. Bruce Wanstall
4/29/2013 Site Visit DEC performed a site visit today with Chilkoot Lumber consultant Chilkat Environmental to inspect the condition of the contaminated soil stockpiles. The geotextile covers and liners appeared intact and some progress has been made building up a base at the nearby on-site 'high and dry' site where the soil will permanently stabilized. Bruce Wanstall
8/7/2013 Site Visit DEC accompanied Chilkat Environmental, environmental planning consultant to Chilkoot Lumber, to the former sawmill property to inspect the condition of on-site contaminated soil stockpiles and the location of the proposed road bed where geotechnical preparations for final placement of the soil is in progress. Bruce Wanstall
9/6/2013 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 78206 Dioxin Fly Ash Precipitator. Removal action confirmation sampling analyses at the Fly Ash Precipitator and Fly Ash Storage sites confirm that all hazardous material has been successfully transferred to shipping containers. Manifest documentation confirm that all fly ash waste has been transported and remediated off-site. Bruce Wanstall
6/4/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved by letter to manager Larry Beck the Chilkoot Lumber Stockpile Maintenance Plan (Plan), dated June 4, 2014. Chilkat Environmental Inc prepared the Plan to treat excess water in the contaminated soil stockpile containment. The purpose of filtering the water through granulated activated carbon is to remove dissolved petroleum prior to discharge to the surface of the ground on-site. With laboratory analysis in 2011, CEI demonstrated the effectiveness of the carbon filtration method to remove dissolved petroleum from water in contaminated soil excavations. The objective of removing any standing water is to facilitate aerobic microbial degradation and promote volatilization of petroleum remaining in the soil. Bruce Wanstall
6/16/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other By letter to manager Larry Beck DEC approved Chilkoot Lumber Company Stockpile Characterization Plan (Plan), dated June 13, 2014. Chilkat Environmental Inc (CEI) prepared the Plan for the Haines Sawmill site. The Plan proposes to collect samples to characterize contamination concentrations in two soil stockpiles located at the former Haines Sawmill property. In accordance with the approved Stockpile Maintenance Plan dated June 6, 2014, CEI has drained all excess water from the two stockpiles and filtered the water through granulated activated carbon prior to discharge to the ground on-site. DEC review of this specific work plan is to ensure that the work is done in accordance with State of Alaska environmental conservation laws and regulations. In accordance with Title 18 Alaska Administrative Code (AAC) 75.355 – 75.360 CEI, an impartial third party qualified person(s), submitted the Plan for approval in format consistent with regulation and recommendations for data quality assurance and field sampling methodology in Contaminated Sites Program guidance documents. Therefore the proposed Plan is approved in accordance with 18 AAC 75.335(b). Bruce Wanstall
6/20/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received a copy of a Fieldwork Memo to Chilkoot Lumber Company manager Larry Beck. Based on observation during sampling and the results of field screening core samples from the North and South on-site contaminated soil stockpiles, Chilkat Environmental concludes that soil in the entire North Stockpile and soil in the upper layer of the South Stockpile appears to have remediated to the extent of not leaching petroleum. Chemical analysis of samples from this soil sent for laboratory analysis should confirm that. Chilkat also observed that the lower layer of soil in the South Stockpile was contaminated to an extent that would leach petroleum if not contained within the lined stockpile. Based on this information DEC concurred with the Chilkat recommended change in the approved work plan. Chilkat will not collect a confirmation laboratory sample from the bottom of the south stockpile at this time. The sample will be taken at a later date when additional draining and remediation has taken place. Bruce Wanstall
9/16/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On behalf of Chilkoot Lumber, Chilkat Environmental submitted the results of analytical sampling of the two on-site stockpiles. Stockpile A and the upper half of Stockpile B have concentrations of petroleum that are marginally greater than migration to groundwater cleanup levels and unlikely to leach when exposed to normal rainfall. DEC approved the report results and requested that Chilkoot Lumber submit, for DEC approval, a formal plan to landspread the remediated soil on-site at an elevated location on the property away from drainages to avoid erosion mobilizing any petroleum contamination remaining in the soil. Chilkoot Lumber will continue the Soil Treatment Maintenance and Assessment Plan on the remaining lower half of Stockpile B scheduling sampling assessment in 2015. Bruce Wanstall
10/6/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC has evaluated the Chilkoot Lumber Company Soil Stabilization Plan for quality assurance and adherence to draft plans previously submitted for DEC comment by Chilkat Environmental Inc (CEI) and on-site inspections and plan reviews by DEC. DEC sent Plan Approval by electronic mail to Larry Beck for Chilkoot Lumber Company (CLC) and to CEI. The CLC Plan will stabilize the remediated soil under a new driveway extending into the property from Lutak Road. The entire north biocell will be stabilized in road base under the driveway and capped with two feet of fine material. CLC will take a 50% to 70% lift from the top of the south biocell and stabilize the remediated soil as road base under the driveway. As the removal extends into the lower half of the south biocell, CEI will collect field screening samples. The remaining biocell soil will be mixed, pumped and filtered, and the cover will be reapplied. CEI will submit to DEC for approval an interim removal report with photographs to document containment of remaining soil in the south biocell. Bruce Wanstall
10/31/2014 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 78974 Above Ground Fuel Tanks. Bruce Wanstall
1/6/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC has reviewed and approves: Chilkoot Lumber Company: Stockpile Stabilization (Report) and Maintenance Plan (Plan), dated December, 2014. Chilkat Environmental Inc. (Chilkat) submitted the Report and Plan for the Chilkoot Lumber Company (CLC) to document recent activity carried out at the referenced site. The activity performed on October 28, 2014 stabilized treated soil from two on-site stockpiles in a permanent landform creating an improved driveway for the industrial facility. The Report documents this activity and the Plan presents a management plan for future maintenance of the small stockpile remaining at the CLC site in Haines, Alaska. Bruce Wanstall
2/16/2016 Update or Other Action Collaborate with the consultant Chilkat Environmental regarding regulatory and technical issues associated with the site cleanup, monitoring and reporting schedule now that Larry Beck is no longer managing the business. Bruce Wanstall
5/16/2016 Update or Other Action DEC reviewed and approves a 50% lift from the last stockpile of petroleum contaminated soil on the Chilkoot Lumber Company (CLC) property based on soil odor and color consistent with single digit photoionization detector readings established in the 2014 Stockpile Maintenance and Stabilization Plan. The soil will be transferred to the soil stabilization site on the property. Requested CLC plan on proceeding with the final lift of the sawmill stockpile and disposal of the 34-mile stockpile later in summer 2016. Bruce Wanstall
5/27/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC has reviewed the Spring 2016 CLC Stockpile Status Memo by Chilkat Environmental Inc. (CEI). DEC concludes field data log and description of performance and maintenance of the leachate collection and treatment system at the reference site contaminated soil stockpile is acceptable and in accordance with the approved 2014 plan. The Memo/Report is approved in accordance with 18 AAC 75.335(d). DEC requested CLC submit for approval a plan to sample and dispose of the off-site CLC bioremediation cell located on City and Borough of Haines property located at 34-mile Haines Highway. Bruce Wanstall
8/19/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC has reviewed and approved Chilkoot Lumber Company – Fall 2016 Stockpile Characterization Work Plan (Plan), dated August 18, 2016. Chilkat Environmental Inc. submitted the Plan for DEC approval before collecting samples from the remaining stockpiled soil at the referenced Site. Chilkat proposes to collect 5 composite samples from the stockpiled soil for the synthetic precipitation leaching procedure (SPLP)/diesel (DRO) range hydrocarbon laboratory test. The results will be compared to the Table C value for DRO of 1.5 milligrams per liter (mg/L). Laboratory results, recommendations, and data quality checklist will be provided to DEC. If the results are below the remaining soil will be moved to the stabilization driveway site. Bruce Wanstall
10/20/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC letter approves the memo submitted by Chilkat Environmental Inc. regarding a contaminated soil stockpile lift for Chilkoot Lumber Company. Field screening and leachability test indicate the soil meets cleanup levels and will not leach hydrocarbons. Three and one half feet was taken from the last remaining stockpile and was permanently placed in the on-site driveway. The stockpile remains reasonably shaped to survive the winter without retention of water or cover damage. A total volume of approximately 150 cubic yards remains between liners in the on-site stockpile of contaminated soil. Bruce Wanstall
6/9/2017 Lien Recorded Lien against Chilkoot Lumber for costs to the department has been recorded. Bruce Wanstall
6/21/2018 Site Visit Met RP at site to view stockpiled soil and discuss next step toward site closure. Amy Rodman
4/2/2019 Site Characterization Report Approved ADEC has reviewed and approved the “Sampling and Analysis Report (2018), Haines Sawmill Site: Stockpile B” (Report) for the Haines Sawmill site in Haines AK dated February 2019. The report was submitted to ADEC via email on March 6, 2019 by Kai Environmental Consulting Services, LLC. Field activities were conducted on October 24, 2018 and generally consisted of removing the upper two feet of soil (approved by ADEC in October 2016), field-screening and sampling soil for laboratory analysis. ADEC-approved spring 2019 activities include inspection of existing stockpile drainage mechanism, removal of top two feet to 2014 ADEC-approved site location, and exposing & tilling top two feet of soil during warm/dry weather prior to autumn sampling. Amy Rodman
5/20/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed 2019 Stockpile Maintenance Report for Haines Sawmill Stockpile B. The stockpile was aerated and dewatered during summer 2019 however analytical sampling was deferred until Fall 2020. A two-foot lift of soil was removed from Stockpile B and placed in a landspread area per previous approvals.Soil aeration and stockpile dewatering will continue in 2020. Bill O'Connell
5/25/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other "2020 Sampling and Analysis Report" received by project manager. Comments letter and table sent on 7/2/2021. The comments pertaining to the report generally request clarification of several aspects of the sampling methodology and stockpile background. The comments also address the referenced work plan for future sampling. The Department requests an updated work plan with additional detail. Composite sampling is not an acceptable method. Furthermore, the Department requests additional analyses in accordance with App. F of the FSG (GRO, DRO, PAHs, and VOCs). Julie Fix
7/13/2021 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with RP, Kai Environmental, Lisa KB, Bill O'Connell to discuss the current workplan and overall status of the site. Julie Fix
7/19/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received the revised "2020 Sampling and Analysis Report." Revised report approved on August 9, 2021. Julie Fix
7/28/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received "2021 Stockpile Maintenance Memorandum." Approved on 8/6/2021. Workplan proposes the maintenance of the water drainage and treatment system using GAC, uncovering the stockpile during warm and dry days, mechanically aerated stockpile with an excavator when possible, screen for two inch or greater material using a shaker with a screen, material greater than two inches will be moved and used to construct the pre-approved “new” driveway. Sampling and Analysis of the stockpile will be performed in Fall 2021. Julie Fix
9/22/2023 Update or Other Action DEC staff conducted a site visit to the stockpiled soil at 34 Mile Haines Highway with representatives from the Haines Borough and Chilkat Indian Village. A new site has been created to track this stockpile: 34 Mile Haines Highway Stockpile, hazard identification: 27892. Past actions specific to the stockpile will be copied from this site to the new one. Anne Marie Palmieri

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments

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Hazard ID Site Name File Number
27892 34 Mile Haines Highway Stockpile 1508.38.034

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