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Site Report: Former Williams Express Store #5009

Site Name: Former Williams Express Store #5009
Address: 1209 Gambell St.; , Anchorage, AK 99501
File Number: 2100.26.024
Hazard ID: 23810
Status: Cleanup Complete - Institutional Controls
Staff: IC Unit, 9074655229
Latitude: 61.210458
Longitude: -149.870712
Horizontal Datum:NAD83

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Water well survey did not indicate active private wells down gradient of site. Assessment of off-site contamination migration is still in progress as of 2008. The groundwater flows towards the west to southwest. Site remediation has included UST and contaminated soil removal. Further site remediation plans have been generalized. Site was formerly Toppers Station #9.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
9/7/1987 Release Investigation SI; Hart Crowser drilled and sampled 5 borings; soil contamination encountered. Results made available to ADEC on 8/2/89. Former Staff
5/17/1989 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 77695 ADD; Former Staff
5/17/1989 Site Added to Database Former Staff
5/18/1989 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum LCAU; :LCAU Date changed DB conversion Former Staff
5/18/1989 Update or Other Action REM; Removing 6 USTs and station piping; notice given on 4/20/89. Unabandoned well in UST array area. B-C Excavating & Hart Crowser involved. Mapco reports contamination to ADEC 5/18. Last soil stockpile left site on or about 10/20/89. Former Staff
5/19/1989 Site Visit FI; Sample WW1 taken on 5/29/89 from unabandoned well in UST array area. 12 ppb benzene. Former Staff
6/20/1989 Update or Other Action REM; On 6/20 ADEC approves B-C Excavating request to process gasoline contaminated soils at AS&G. Waste oil contaminated soils remained at the site. AS&G processed 338 tons from the site on 6/24 through 6/27/89. Former Staff
10/6/1989 Update or Other Action REM; Hart Crowser proposes transporting waste oil stockpile to the former Mapco Express #5002. Propose to treat with vapor extraction. Approved with the stipulation that an ultimate disposal plan be available by 10/6/90. Former Staff
11/20/1989 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway RAPR; Hart Crowser proposes work plan for determining extent of contamination. Resubmitted 4/9/90. ADEC approval 4/20/90. Former Staff
6/8/1990 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway RAPR; Shannon & Wilson submits contamination assessment plan for store #5009; generally follows Hart Crowser's 4/20/90 approved plan. RZA Consultants actually perform the site assessment. Former Staff
6/12/1990 Release Investigation SI; RZA subsurface petroleum hydrocarbon evaluation. Groundwater at about 22 feet below the surface flowing towards the west to southwest. Water sample from monitoring well MW-3 had 1.20 ppm benzene. A water sample from MW-2,at the waste oil tank site, did not detect halogenated hydrocarbons. TPH concentrations in the soils at approx. the groundwater surface, in boring MW-3, ranged from 3,092 to 5,225 ppm. Most of the shallow, hydrocarbon contaminated soils were removed during prior UST removal operations. Additional off-site investigation and possible remediation of on site contamination recommended. Former Staff
7/31/1990 Long Term Monitoring Established MS; RZA Consultants report results of additional laboratory analyses of samples taken during 6/90 site assessment field work. Sample MW-3/S-3 from boring MW-3 indicated heavily aged gasoline and had 1,982 ppm TPH. The groundwater sample taken from monitoring well MW-3 on 7/31/90 had 0.008 ppm trichloroethane. Former Staff
8/27/1990 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway RAPR; RZA Consultants plan for additional assessment requested by ADEC. Includes further assessment of off-site, down gradient groundwater and soil contamination, quarterly groundwater monitoring. Approved 9/10/90. Former Staff
9/21/1990 Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment PA; RZA consultants water well survey. The water well occurring in the UST array apparently has been capped. 3 wells were located downgradient of site. These properties show connections to city water. Former Staff
11/14/1990 Long Term Monitoring Established MS; RZA sends report for additional monitoring well installations and groundwater sampling. Detectable BTEX concentrations were found in wells 1,3,4. No detectable halogenated compounds were noted in samples from wells 3,4,5. Former Staff
12/11/1990 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway RAPR; Letter sent to Mapco requesting that a soil and groundwater remediation plan by 1/30/91. Also stated that if building were ever to be removed from site, DEC may request soil cleanup beneath it. Former Staff
4/12/1991 Institutional Control Record Established Date of Compliance order by Consent. Keather McLoone
6/27/1991 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway RAPR; RZA biotreatibility study & remediation action plan received. Results from study show that 42% ofinitial levels were lost by volatizing & residual levels of TPH after adding nutrients were at 150 ppm. Suggestions were made to install vapor extraction system as a measure to reduce hydrocarbon levels. DEC requests satisfactory monitoring plans before approving implementation of the corrective action plan (8/12/91 letter to MAPCO). Former Staff
1/17/1992 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway CAPR; On June 27, 1991, Mapco submitted a corrective action plan for the site which called for bioremediation and soil vapor extraction. Following additional correspondence, the department approved the plan on Novemver 18, 1991. A file review in January 1992 indicated that no additional information of the corrective action process had been received. January 17th a letter was sent to Mapco requesting an update on the project. On February 28, 1992 Mapco submitted an ammended work plan that called for use of soil vapor extraction only. The corrective action plan was approved on the condition that the schedule be changed to provide for startup of the system by July 1, 1992. Former Staff
7/27/1994 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway LCAR; Groundwater monitoring and VES Former Staff
10/22/1994 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway LCAR; Performed a Corrective Action Report review. Former Staff
11/21/1994 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway LCAR; Review monitoring well report. Former Staff
7/25/1995 Update or Other Action CAPR; Met with RP to discuss status of site. Former Staff
8/15/1995 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway LCAR; Reviewed quarterly monitor well report required by COBC. Former Staff
9/15/1995 Update or Other Action CAPR; Reviewed files. Former Staff
11/20/1997 Update or Other Action ADEC sends Notification of Intent to Cost Recover Letter to Current Owner: MAPCO EXPRESS INC Former Staff
9/17/2001 Update or Other Action Changed ADEC Project Manager from Bush to Wiegers Cynthia Pring-Ham
11/6/2002 Update or Other Action Fall monitoring report submitted. Sheen was observed in MW-3 and DRO was detected in 4 wells, rangin from 130 ppb to 7,900 ppb (maximum in MW-3). BTEX was not detected. Approximately 2.3 pounds of hydrocarbons recovered between April and Sepetember 2002. Janice Wiegers
3/11/2003 Update or Other Action Per J.Wiegers, changed file number from L30.09 to 2100.26.024 Wendy Uzzell
6/19/2003 Update or Other Action Spring monitoring report submitted. VES not operated since October 2002. DRO present in 3 on-site wells. DRO at 0.76 ppm in off-site well MW-4. Janice Wiegers
10/10/2003 Update or Other Action ADEC approves shutdown of system of system for treatment effectiveness and rebound evaluation. Janice Wiegers
11/14/2003 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Groundwater monitoring report submitted. DRO increased in three wells but within historical ranges. BTEX not detected Janice Wiegers
1/23/2004 Update or Other Action ADEC approves disconinuation of sampling for BTEX consitituents in MW-1 and MW-2. Janice Wiegers
6/17/2004 Update or Other Action File review to approve cost recovery invoice. Lynne Bush
9/7/2004 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway On 07 July 2004, Bush met with Holiday representative Bruce Anthony; Williams Express representative Terrie Blackburn; and Shannon & Wilson representatives Matt Hemry, Ben Heaver, and Tim Terry. The topic of discussions was plans for future activities at all former Williams Express Stations. Lynne Bush
9/8/2004 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway Holiday will be assuming responsibility for investigative and remediation activities at all former Williams Express Stores, but legal responsibility is divided by store. Holiday has renumbered their stores as: 5001=601; 5002=602; 5005=605; 5005=605; 5006=606; 5007=607; 5008=608; 5010=610; 5014=614; 5016=616; 5018=618; 5024=624; 5025=625; 5030=630; 5031=631; 5050=650. While Holiday will oversee the work at the former Williams’ stations, these sites remain the responsibility of Williams. The numbers of these sites remain the same: 5003; 5004; 5009; 5012; 5015; 5017; 5021; and 5034. Lynne Bush
3/15/2006 Update or Other Action Work plan approval: 1. Continue semi-annual groundwater monitoring as approved in the current work plan; 2. Test groundwater samples in MW-3, MW-4, MW-5, and MW-6 for diesel range organics; 3. Test MW-6 for BTEX constituents; and 4. Provide a summary of results in the annual report for this site. Lynne Bush
5/9/2006 Update or Other Action Project management transferred from Bush to O'Connell. Aggie Blandford
5/15/2006 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received October 2005 Monitoring report. DRO above Table C remains in MW-3, MW-5, and MW-6. Bill O'Connell
3/16/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Former Staff
3/16/2007 Update or Other Action Limited Phase II from property directly south of WES 5009 indicates petroleum contamination has migrated off site from WES 5009 onto this property. Bill O'Connell
6/5/2007 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received 2006 annual monitoirng report. DRO up to 4.16 mg/l in MW-6 , 3.35 mg/l in MW-5, and 3.76 mg/l in MW-3. S&W plans to request Conditional Closure in 2007. QA/QC review conducted. Bill O'Connell
1/16/2008 Update or Other Action Received Petition for Conditional Closure. DEC consideration is pending based on meeting with HSS and S&W scheduled for 2/28/08 and additional site information. Keather McLoone
1/18/2008 Update or Other Action Requested update to facility 756 information to reflect the 7 tanks in the project file based on Hart-Crowser removal. Three 500-gallon waste oil tanks, three 2,000-gallon diesel/gasoline tanks, and one 12,000-gallon diesel/gasoline tank. Original information based on registered tanks - Five tanks (all product = diesel), one 6000-gallon tank, two 2,00-gallon tanks, one 1,000-gallon tank, and one 500-gallon tank Keather McLoone
3/10/2008 Update or Other Action DEC issued a letter approving some of the requested changes to groundwater monitoring . Annual monitoring for DRO to continue at MW-3, off-site MW-3, MW-4, MW-5, and MW-6 during the spring. A conditional closure might require further demonstration of groundwater plume stability and more well survey information as groundwater contamination is migrating off-site to the south and southwest. Keather McLoone
6/10/2008 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Date of receipt of 2007 report electronically. Conducted QA/QC review. S&W evaluated groundwater trend data using a tailing average regression. Plume is not fully delineated as groundwater contamination is found in wells on 3 adjacent properties. Emailed request for status update of MW4 to the west of WES 5009. Another offsite well to the southwest has been discussed recently with S&W. Keather McLoone
9/24/2008 Meeting or Teleconference Held Williams, Holiday, and their consultant met with DEC to discuss site status. DEC action item to clarify compliance point determination for this site in light of new guidance on cleanup complete decisions. Keather McLoone
1/21/2009 Update or Other Action Because most recent sample results (not formally reported yet) indicate that MW3OS recently below Table C and the other offsite well of concern, MW-5, recently just above Table C, email to S&W suggesting that a more up to date well survey and another round of sampling in the spring may help in making a decision about whether this site could be a candidate for a cleanup complete decision with ICs should groundwater trends continue in this way. Keather McLoone
3/2/2009 Update or Other Action Receipt of Limited Water Well Survey, 1209 Gambell Street and Vicinity. Downgradient wells within a 1/4 mile identified in 1990 RZA well survey were determined to have municipal connections with the exception of a well that had been located within an intersection. Keather McLoone
3/18/2009 Update or Other Action Receipt of email from Shannon & Wilson on status of MW-4 - "...likely damaged. Small diameter sampling equipment (water level indicator and/or micro-bailer) has been used in this well, however, our 1.4" bailers have encountered a blockage. In addition to the blockage, the total well depth changed from ~27 feet bgs to ~24 feet bgs - this change in well depth has effectively precluded sample collection (the depth to water in this well usually is around 23.5 to 25.5 feet bgs). The last time a micro-bailer was used for this well, only 4" of water was recovered. At this point we recommend decommissioning this well, as it does not appear to be viable for sampling and is direct pathway from the ground surface to the groundwater table." DEC currently has no objection as this well is located offsite next to buried contamination on adjacent property. Keather McLoone
4/21/2009 Update or Other Action Receipt of April 2008 Groundwater Monitoring report. Groundwater samples collected from 2 onsite wells and 2 offsite wells. DRO in offsite well MW-3OS below Table C (estimated with a high bias due to surrogate recovery above acceptance criteria), other 3 wells above. Response to report included a reiteration that the groundwater plume needed to be delineated to the southwest before a Cleanup Complete with ICs decision would be made. Keather McLoone
10/14/2009 Site Visit Site visit with Holiday and S&W representatives to observe potential locations for new downgradient well. Keather McLoone
12/16/2009 Update or Other Action Review of Well Installation and Decommissioning Work Plan, received via email on 12/11. MW7 will be installed in attempt to catch the downgradient edge of the groundwater plume in the southwest direction. MW1, MW2, and MW4 will be decommissioned. Asked for clarification about the characterization of soil cuttings for disposition. Phone conversation stated that soil data from WES 5009 containing potential contaminants of concern at the location of MW7 is intended to conservatively characterize the soil cuttings. Approval signature page signed, scanned, and emailed. Keather McLoone
12/18/2009 Site Visit Site visit to observe location of newly installed well. Keather McLoone
3/8/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Review of Site Characterization report (well installation report) received 3/4/10. Review included laboratory review checklist. Monitoring well MW7 was installed approximately 150 feet from the corner of Gambell and 13th Avenue and downgradient from MW5. Workplan figure showed the proposed location was approximately 50 feet from this corner. One soil sample was selected from near the soil/groundwater interface and analyzed for GRO/BTEX and DRO. Groundwater samples were collected from MW-5 and MW-7 with results at the new monitoring well nondetect. These groundwater samples were collected 3 days after well installation and the same day as well development. Monitoring wells MW1, MW2, MW4 and vapor extraction wells VE-1 and VE-2 were decommissioned on December 18, 2009. The reports states that based on these sampling results, a petition for conditional closure will be submitted. Keather McLoone
3/8/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Review of May 2009 Groundwater Monitoring report received 3/1/10. Review included laboratory data review checklist. Keather McLoone
3/4/2011 Update or Other Action Receipt of Petition for Conditional Closure with Institutional Controls. Document also includes data from most recent sampling event. Review included laboratory data review checklist. Keather McLoone
7/20/2011 Cleanup Complete Determination Issued The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC), Contaminated Sites Program (CSP) has completed a review of the project file and environmental records associated with the Former Williams Express Store #5009. This site is located at 1209 Gambell Street in Anchorage. Based on the information provided to date, it has been determined that the contaminant concentrations remaining on site do not pose an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment and no further remedial action will be required as long as the site is in compliance with established institutional controls. Keather McLoone
11/7/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Date of receipt of Monitoring Well Decommissioning at Former Williams Express Site No. 5009, 1209 Gambell Street, Anchorage, Alaska report. Monitoring wells MW-3, MW-5, MW-6, and MW-7 were decommissioned on October 17, 2011. Three of the offsite wells – MW1OS, MW2OS, and MW3OS – were not decommissioned because, reportedly, permission was not granted by the owner of the adjacent property at 1231 Gambell Street. The owner of record of 1231 Gambell Street is believed to be Restoration Ventures, LLC. Future maintenance and decommissioning of these wells will be the responsibility of the owner of 1231 Gambell Street. Keather McLoone
11/10/2011 Update or Other Action The above variation from the conditions of the July 20th, 2011 decision letter for the Former Williams Express at 1209 Gambell Street was approved by ADEC CSP based on what was understood to be a request by the owner of the 1231 Gambell Street property owner that the wells not be decommissioned. Keather McLoone
12/1/2011 Update or Other Action The current project manager chose to retain management of this site with the Cleanup Complete Determination that has Institutional Controls. Kristin Thompson
1/25/2012 Update or Other Action Phone call from owner of 1231 Gambell Steet property who indicated that he had been out of state for several months. He received messages that were left in attempt to contact him upon his recent return. He indicated over the phone that he, in fact, did not want the three monitoring wells on his property to be left in place. Followup email sent on 1/26/12 in attempt to confirm. Keather McLoone
3/1/2012 Update or Other Action Found deed notice in DNR Recorder's Office records and attached document in CS database. Kristin Thompson
7/24/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Three monitoring wells were decommissioned on 6 Jun 12 in accordance with ADEC's Corrective Action Complete Decision Document. Decommissioning activity involved MW1OS, MW2OS, and MW3OS. Reviewed database and confirmed that all monitoring wells have, in fact, now been decommissioned. Richard Bernhardt
6/6/2013 Long Term Monitoring Complete Administrative action added during a quality control check. Kristin Thompson
12/1/2015 Institutional Control Compliance Review IC compliance review conducted, staff name changed from Nuechterlein to IC Unit, scheduled to send an IC reminder letter in July 2016. Verify the current property owner at that time. Evonne Reese
7/13/2016 Institutional Control Compliance Review An IC compliance review was conducted. Updated landowner contact information after verifying with the Anchorage tax assessor's office. Issued an IC reminder letter requesting the signed ICs Agreement-Signature Page from the new landowner. Reminder system set to follow-up on land use conditions every three years. Kristin Thompson
11/22/2016 Institutional Control Update The ICs Agreement Page has not been returned signed. It is unclear whether the request letter was delivered. Re-issuing a new letter on this date. Kristin Thompson
4/19/2017 Institutional Control Update We have not received the signed ICs agreement page from the new landowner. This site has a deed notice recorded on the property and therefore we will not continue to pursue the ICs agreement at this time. The reminder system is set to try again in two years. Kristin Thompson
6/18/2018 Institutional Control Compliance Review IC compliance review conducted. Closure/IC Details updated. Reminder system set for future compliance reviews to occur every five years. Kristin Thompson
11/8/2019 Institutional Control Compliance Review An Institutional Controls reminder letter mailed to the landowner on this date. Mossy Mead
12/14/2020 Institutional Control Update A 2018 Phase II environmental assessment was performed on MOA owned adjacent property to this site and a soil sample was taken on this property in error. The sample was taken in an area of already known contamination and the contaminants detected are the same contaminants present at the time of the 2011 site closure. The Phase II report has been attached to this site record where the location of sample GP-5 can be seen in the site diagrams. Evonne Reese

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments
DRO Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil
BTEX Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil
1,4-Dichlorobenzene Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil
Tetrachloroethene Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil
Trichloroethene Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil

Control Type

Type Details
Notice of Environmental Contamination Document ID #2011-037474-0 filed in the Anchorage Recording District on 8/11/2011.
Signed CS Determination Not signed at the time of closure but this RP has been signing


Description Details
Advance approval required to transport soil or groundwater off-site. Standard condition.
When Contaminated Soil is Accessible, Remediation Should Occur Soil contamination may be remaining in the area of the former tank arrays, in particular underneath the onsite building. When the soil becomes accessible, the soil must be evaluated and contamination addressed in accordance with an ADEC approved work plan.
Other Every five years.
Groundwater Use Restrictions Installation of groundwater wells will require approval from ADEC.
Movement or use of contaminated material (including on site) in a manner that results in a violation of the water quality standards is prohibited (18 AAC 70) Standard condition.
Hazard ID Site Name File Number
26240 Fairview Areawide Brownfield Assessment 2100.57.020

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