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Site Report: Former Texaco 901 C Street (840 C Street)

Site Name: Former Texaco 901 C Street (840 C Street)
Address: 901 C St.; ( Note: Facility Location was on 840 C street), 840 C St, Anchorage, AK 99501
File Number: 2100.26.096
Hazard ID: 23824
Status: Cleanup Complete
Staff: No Longer Assigned, 9074655229
Latitude: 61.213818
Longitude: -149.887704
Horizontal Datum:NAD83

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


1989 Underground storage tank removals of gasoline and used oil tanks found contamination in the soil. Contaminated soil was excavated and treated. In 1992 further contaminated soil and groundwater found during an assessment at the location of the former southern dispenser island. A soil vapor extraction system and air sparge system was installed and operated for several years. Soil and ground water contamination remains. Contamination in the past extended off property to the south. Confirmation soil samples collected on July 2005 found some benzene and methylene chloride contamination over default cleanup levels. Recent groundwater monitoring results meet site cleanup levels. Confirmation soil samples collected on September 2009 demonstrated benzene meets cleanup levels, but methylene chloride detection limits were over cleanup levels in some samples. Additional methylene chloride confirmation soil samples were collected in July 2010. Groundwater is generally 20 to 22 feet below ground surface and typically flows to the southwest to southeast. Based on the information provided, all soil and groundwater now meet default cleanup levels. F.K.A.L25.02

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
7/1/1989 Site Added to Database Former Staff
7/1/1989 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 77686 Used oil and gasoline contamination. Former Staff
7/2/1989 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum LCAU Date changed DB conversion Former Staff
7/3/1989 Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment Contamination found during tank pull of used oil and gasoline USTs. Robert Weimer
9/26/1989 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway Consultant to treat contaminated soils found in building sump pump, to submit a sampling plan/schedule for monitoring wells , and to install monitoring wells with locking caps. Former Staff
4/3/1990 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other 50-100 gallons of sludge and wastewater disposed at Alaska Pollution Control. Former Staff
4/3/1990 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC requests that monitoring wells be sampled as part of a longer term monitoring program. Former Staff
12/11/1990 Update or Other Action ADEC letter to Thomas Lewers requesting information on cleaning out sumps. Former Staff
1/4/1991 Update or Other Action Texaco sends "Request for Closure" by DEC. Northwest EnviroService collected waste drums containing sludge and generated wastewater from sump cleaning then transported to Northwest's Washington State facility for destruction. Former Staff
6/14/1992 Update or Other Action Letter from Texaco documenting that monitoring wells MW1, MW2, & MW3 were decommissioned. Former Staff
6/22/1993 Update or Other Action This site was initially closed in 8/1/91. Site has been re-opened in 1992 when additional contamination was found near the former south dispenser island. Former Staff
7/15/1994 Release Investigation Additional release investigation finds contamination in the soil and groundwater that was missed by previous assessments. Further cleanup work and monitoring required. Former Staff
11/16/1994 Update or Other Action Stockpile treatment approval. Former Staff
6/26/1995 Update or Other Action Some contamination remains above site cleanup levels. Former Staff
10/16/1995 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed corrective action plan for the installation of an air sparge well to help remediate the groundwater. Former Staff
11/20/1997 Update or Other Action ADEC sends Notification of Intent to Cost Recover Letter to Current Owner: GEICO INSURANCE CO. Former Staff
12/1/1997 Update or Other Action Win Fowler called and said that he is the lessee and is not the RP. He started leasing November 1, 1993. He said owner is Texaco. Former Staff
12/2/2003 Update or Other Action Approved reduction in groundwater monitoring. Robert Weimer
8/10/2004 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other June 6, 2004 groundwater sampling. Up to 1 mg/l GRO and 9.5 ug/l benzene in groundwater. Contamination levels have increased over the pervious two sampling events. Robert Weimer
11/24/2004 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other September 25, 2004 groundwater sampling. Up to 1 mg/l GRO and 6 ug/l benzene in groundwater. Contamination levels have stabilized. Robert Weimer
2/23/2005 Update or Other Action Meeting with RP's new consultant to discuss site. They may submit a plan for collecting confirmation soil samples when groundwater meets site cleanup levels. Robert Weimer
5/10/2005 Update or Other Action Approved workplan for confirmation soil sampling (4/27/05 with 5/10/05 addendum). The workplan calls for sampling 2 soil borings. Robert Weimer
7/19/2005 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other May 14, 2005 groundwater sampling. Up to 3.9 mg/l GRO and 11 ug/l benzene in groundwater. Contamination levels have increased. Groundwater flow direction is to the south. Robert Weimer
8/31/2005 Update or Other Action Approved 2 drums of BTEX, HVOC contaminated soil to be thermally treated at ASR. Robert Weimer
10/25/2005 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Two confirmation soil borings sampled on 7/19/05. Up to .05 mg/kg benzene and 13 mg/kg GRO found in the soil samples. Contamination over default benzene cleanup levels (0.020 mg/kg) found in samples at 5.5, 10.0, and 20.0 feet below ground surface in boring CB-1. Methylene Chloride found in one sample (CB-1 at 10 feet) at .099 mg/kg, which is above cleanup level of .015 mg/kg. Groundwater encountered at 25.5 feet below ground surface. Robert Weimer
10/26/2005 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other September 13, 2005 groundwater sampling. Up to 1.0 mg/l GRO and 2.3 ug/l benzene in groundwater. Contamination levels have decreased. Groundwater flow direction is to the southeast. Depth to groundwater is 20 to 22 feet below ground surface. Robert Weimer
10/27/2005 Update or Other Action ADEC letter requesting semi-annual sampling of monitoring well DGW-2 for BTEX and HVOCs. Also prior to site closure there will need to be BTEX and HVOC confirmation soil sampling near CB-1 demonstrating that the site meets default cleanup levels. Robert Weimer
12/5/2005 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed corrective action report for the 2 drums of soil that were thermally treated. Robert Weimer
8/11/2006 Update or Other Action ADEC approves Well Destruction Workplan dated July 24, 2006. The plan calls for the proper decommissioning of monitoring wells DGW-1, DGW-3 through DGW-10, and spare wells S-1 and S-2. Robert Weimer
12/18/2006 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other May 9, 2006 groundwater sampling. Up to 1.0 mg/l GRO and 2.6 ug/l benzene in groundwater. Both 1,2-DCA and EDB were nondetect <0.5 ug/l. Contamination levels have decreased. Groundwater flow direction is to the southeast. Depth to groundwater is 21 to 25 feet below ground surface. Robert Weimer
3/6/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Site ranked on the new Exposure Tracking Model (ETM). The ETM is a new site ranking system that looks at, based on available data, the potential exposure pathways for the contamination remaining at the site. Robert Weimer
3/28/2007 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other September 13, 2006 groundwater sampling. Up to 0.72 mg/l GRO and 3.0 ug/l benzene in groundwater. Contamination levels have decreased. Groundwater flow direction historically is to the southeast. Depth to groundwater is 21 feet below ground surface. All monitoring wells except DGW-2 were abandoned in August 2006. Robert Weimer
4/2/2007 Update or Other Action Meeting with RP to discuss site. Need workplan for confirmation soil boring to verify soil meets site cleanup levels. Robert Weimer
3/28/2008 Update or Other Action Meeting with RP's consultant to discuss future work at this site. They will install a confirmation boring to assess CB-1 area for site closure in 2008. Robert Weimer
4/21/2008 Update or Other Action ADEC approves treatment of 30 gallons of contaminated purge water. Robert Weimer
7/8/2008 Update or Other Action ADEC approves workplan for collection of confirmation soil samples from a boring near location of CB-1. Robert Weimer
9/25/2008 Update or Other Action ADEC approves treatment of contaminated purge water. Robert Weimer
10/20/2008 Update or Other Action ADEC approves thermal treatment of one drum of contaminated drill cuttings. Robert Weimer
10/30/2008 Update or Other Action ADEC approves revised workplan for collection of confirmation soil samples from a boring near location of CB-1. The plan calls for collecting confirmation BTEX samples at 5.5, 10, and 20 feet; and methylene chloride at 10 feet below ground surface. Robert Weimer
12/3/2008 Update or Other Action ADEC approves transport of two drums of contaminated drill cuttings to the 15th and C Street site for storage. Robert Weimer
1/7/2009 Update or Other Action ADEC approves request for storage of two drums of contaminated drill cuttings at ASR pending resampling in March/Summer 2009. Robert Weimer
2/25/2009 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with Chevron and their consultants. They are to conduct an evaluation of indoor air at this site. They will take confirmation samples (BTEX 5.5', 10', 20' and methylene chloride 10') near CB-1R in accordance with the 3/20/08 workplan. Robert Weimer
3/31/2009 Update or Other Action ADEC approves reduction to annual groundwater monitoring. Robert Weimer
6/4/2009 Meeting or Teleconference Held Teleconference with RPs consultant (CRA). They will have the drum of soil resampled for methylene chloride by the normal way and the low level sodium bisulfate way to help determine if the detected methylene chloride is a laboratory contaminant. Robert Weimer
6/18/2009 Update or Other Action ADEC approves transport of two drums of contaminated drill cuttings to the 15th and C Street site for storage. Robert Weimer
7/23/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC approves request for thermal treatment of two drums of BTEX contaminated drill cuttings currently stored at ASR. Characterization sampling of the two drums conducted on June 19, 2009 was non detect (<0.005 mg/kg) for methylene chloride. Robert Weimer
9/9/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Review and approve request to transport to and store soil cutting and purge water generated during the upcoming September 2009 site work at a secure location at 1441 C street. Robert Weimer
9/18/2009 Site Visit Site visit to observe confirmation soil sampling. Robert Weimer
11/24/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Review and approve thermal treatment of 1 drum and 1 super sack contaminated soil. Robert Weimer
12/2/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC approves transport of one drum of contaminated soil to the 15th and C Street site for storage. Robert Weimer
2/24/2010 Update or Other Action Reviewed Methylene Chloride data from the 9/18/09 sampling and discuss with ADEC staff. The laboratory low level method blank had 0.000212 mg/kg indicating that level of contribution from the air in the lab. 4 low level samples were non detect near the method blank level. 7 low level samples were 5 to 47 times the blank level which shows that there is methylene chloride in the soil at the site. The high level trip blanks had detectable levels (0.017 mg/kg and 0.077 mg/kg), indicating that the methanol provided by the lab was contaminated with some methylene chloride. All high level samples but 1 exceeded site cleanup levels of 0.016 mg/kg. The high level samples ranged from 0.011 mg/kg to 0.085 mg/kg. Benzene confirmation samples (up to 0.0165 mg/kg) meet cleanup levels (0.025 mg/kg). Robert Weimer
4/15/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other September 18, 2009 groundwater sampling. Up to <0.01 mg/l GRO and <0.5 ug/l benzene in groundwater. Contamination levels have decreased. Groundwater flow direction historically is to the southeast. Depth to groundwater was 22.31 feet below ground surface. All monitoring wells except DGW-2 were abandoned in August 2006. Robert Weimer
7/8/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC approves workplan for sampling two soil borings near 2009 borings CB-1R2 and CB2R and analyze the soils for methylene chloride by mid and low level 8260B analysis. Robert Weimer
7/13/2010 Site Visit Site visit to observe soil boring and soil sample collection by CRA consulting. Samplers from CRA include Andy Ellsmore and Eric Purcell. Discovery Drilling provided additional support. Brenton Porter
10/25/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Approved treatment of 1 drum of contaminated decontamination water and treatment of 1 drum of contaminated soil drill cuttings. Robert Weimer
12/21/2010 Site Characterization Report Approved Reviewed sample results from the July 13, 2010 soil sampling. Methylene Chloride samples were collected from 5 to 25 feet below ground surface in each of two soil borings. All samples were non-detect but some of the samples had elevated detection limits over default cleanup levels (0.016 mg/kg). Robert Weimer
12/21/2010 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 77686 ust contamination. Robert Weimer
1/3/2011 Update or Other Action DEC approved discontinuing groundwater monitoring and decommissioning all of the site monitoring wells. DEC requested a schedule for conducting the decommissioning. Robert Weimer
3/2/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved an updated decommissioning method for all of the site monitoring wells. The work is scheduled for 3/4/11. Robert Weimer
10/21/2011 Cleanup Complete Determination Issued 10-5-2011 closure letter issued. Based on available information all soil and groundwater meet default cleanup levels. Robert Weimer

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments
Benzene < Table C Groundwater

Control Type

Type Details
No ICs Required


Description Details
Advance approval required to transport soil or groundwater off-site.

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