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Site Report: Chevron #8557

Site Name: Chevron #8557
Address: 415 Muldoon Rd., Anchorage, AK 99504
File Number: 2100.26.006
Hazard ID: 23831
Status: Active
Staff: Rebekah Reams, 9074512144
Latitude: 61.218296
Longitude: -149.732607
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


The property was used as a small bulk storage facility until about 1965. The property has been a service station since then. Four USTs were removed from the southern edge of the property in 1991 and new USTs were installed. Over 2,100 cubic yards (cy) of gasoline/diesel/used oil contaminated soil was excavated and thermally treated. Additional contaminated soil still remained in the excavation of the pump islands, piping, and tank excavation of up to 0.88 mg/kg benzene, 11,792 mg/kg DRO, and 12,830 mg/kg TPH. Used oil stained soils were also left in place near the building foundation. In 2006 the underground storage tank system and service station building were removed and a new station building and underground storage tank system was installed on the northern portion of the property. Contaminated soil was removed at the gasoline and diesel tank (600 cy), floor drains (160 cy), used oil tank (1,600 cy), used oil/solvent in the northeast corner of the property (1,000 cy), and log crib (300 cy). Some of these soils were thermally treated and the others were disposed of at an out-of-state hazardous waste landfill. Further site characterization, monitoring, or cleanup may be required for those areas. The groundwater at this active service station site is currently being monitored.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
7/24/1989 Site Added to Database Former Staff
7/24/1989 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 78009 Contamination found during site assessment. Former Staff
7/24/1989 Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment Site assessment plan by RZA to drill 5 soil borings and install 3 monitoring wells if groundwater encountered. RZA will monitor the removal of contaminated soils during station upgrade scheduled for later 1989. Former Staff
7/25/1989 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum LCAU Date changed DB conversion Former Staff
8/3/1989 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other RZA completed 6 soil borings and installed 3 monitoring wells. Elevated TPH at all borings ranged from 297 to 11,792 mg/kg. Groundwater samples from MW-1 and MW-4 had 32.0 and 29.9 mg/l TPH respectively. Groundwater is about 18 feet below the surface and flows towards the north. Former Staff
10/17/1989 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Chevron proposes to develop a limited risk assessment and drill additional wells to further evaluate the extent and source of site contamination. Former Staff
11/6/1989 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other RZA drilled 10 soil borings and installed 3 monitoring wells. Analytical soil samples indicate aged gasoline or kerosene to be the prevalent hydrocarbon. Groundwater samples from all 6 monitoring wells had BTEX contamination. Soil contamination is concentrated at or near the groundwater surface. Soil boring CW-14, near the used oil tank, encountered a significant vertical distribution of contamination which would indicate an on-site source. Former Staff
11/10/1989 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other RZA limited risk assessment to assist in determining if any potential receptors exist nearby. A water well records search within 1/4 mile radius of the site found 11 wells. Two above ground storage tanks, possibly containing home heating oil, were located on the service station property in a 1963 aerial photo. Former Staff
2/19/1991 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other RZA sent in monitoring well report. TPH detected in all of the water samples ranging from 7.9 to 480 mg/l and in boring of MW-5 at the groundwater/soil interface (19 feet below ground surface) 32,700 mg/kg DRO. Former Staff
5/30/1991 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed a phase 2 site assessment report. About 2,140 cubic yards of contaminated soil was excavated. Additional soil contamination remains. Former Staff
5/30/1991 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Four USTs were removed from the southern edge of the property in 1991 and new USTs were installed. Over 2100 cubic yards of gasoline/diesel/used oil contaminated soil was excavated and thermally treated. Additional contaminated soil still remained in the excavation of the pump islands, piping, and tank excavation of up to 0.88 mg/kg benzene, 11,792 mg/kg DRO, and 12,830 mg/kg TPH. Used oil stained soils were also left in place near the building foundation. Former Staff
8/15/1994 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Underway Workplan approved to operate soil vapor extraction and air sparge wells to help remediate the remaining soil and groundwater contamination at the site. This system was never operated at the site. Former Staff
11/20/1997 Update or Other Action ADEC sends Notification of Intent to Cost Recover Letter to Current Owner: CHEVRON PRODUCTS COMPANY, INC/PERMITS DESK Former Staff
1/12/2001 Update or Other Action SECOR proposed a Method 3 cleanup level for this site. Further site characterization is needed for the contamination left in place when tanks were removed in 1991. SECOR should submit work plan with proposed soil boring locations to assess the remaining contamination. Linda Nuechterlein
1/30/2001 Update or Other Action Annual meeting with ADEC and Chevron to review Alaska sites and set goals for 2001. See meeting notes for additional details. Linda Nuechterlein
8/2/2004 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other June 4, 2004 semi-annual groundwater sampling. Up to 1.9 mg/l DRO in groundwater. Plume is stable or increasing. Robert Weimer
12/8/2004 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other September 28, 2004 semi-annual groundwater sampling. Up to 0.74 mg/l DRO in groundwater. Plume appears to be decreasing. Robert Weimer
8/5/2005 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other May 13, 2005 semi-annual groundwater sampling. Up to 0.83 mg/l DRO in groundwater. Plume appears to be stable. Groundwater flow is generally to the northeast. Robert Weimer
11/29/2005 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other September 26, 2005 semi-annual groundwater sampling. Up to 0.14 mg/l GRO in groundwater. Plume appears to be stable. Groundwater flow is generally to the northeast. Depth to groundwater is 17 to 18 feet below ground surface. Robert Weimer
8/9/2006 Site Visit Visit to observe site work. Gas station has been demolished and the piping and dispensers are being removed. Contamination was found at the hydraulic hoists, and below a floor drain. About 1 gallon of gasoline was spilled during a piping removal. Robert Weimer
8/18/2006 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved Approved thermal treatment of 600 cubic yards of gasoline/diesel contaminated soil recently excavated at the site. Also approved direct haul of additional gasoline/diesel contaminated soil to be excavated later this month. The smaller stockpile of floor drain contaminated soil is not approved for treatment pending the submittal and review of the sampling data. Robert Weimer
8/30/2006 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved Approved thermal treatment of 1,600 cubic yards of used oil contaminated soil recently excavated at the site at the east boundary and the utility corridor excavation. Robert Weimer
8/30/2006 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved Approved thermal treatment of 100 cubic yards of used oil/gas/diesel contaminated soil recently excavated at the site beneath the service station building drain. Robert Weimer
8/30/2006 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved Approved thermal treatment of 1,000 cubic yards of used oil/solvent contaminated soil recently excavated at the site at the northeast corner where the new building is going to be constructed. Also approved direct haul of additional contaminated soil to be excavated later this month and next month. Robert Weimer
9/11/2006 Update or Other Action Additional contamination found at an old log crib. Discussed log crib area sample results with RP's consultant. 3,430 mg/kg lead in one sample, they are to run TCLP. Lead over 400 mg/kg restricted on disposal. Lead over 1,000 mg/kg on property would need Institutional Control. Robert Weimer
9/13/2006 Site Visit Visit to observe site work. Additional contamination is being removed at the former log crib area. Robert Weimer
10/2/2006 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other May 17, 2006 semi-annual groundwater sampling. Up to 0.14 mg/l DRO and 0.082 mg/l GRO in groundwater. Plume appears to be stable. Groundwater flow is generally to the northeast. Depth to groundwater is 18 to 19 feet below ground surface. Data quality problems, samples analyzed 8 days outside of holding times. Robert Weimer
10/3/2006 Update or Other Action Additional soil contamination was encountered during site work. They are to submit a request for thermal treatment. Robert Weimer
10/6/2006 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved ADEC approves thermal treatment of 60 cubic yards of contaminated soil from the shop drain/MW-3 area. Robert Weimer
10/16/2006 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved ADEC approves disposal of 300 to 500 tons of contaminated soils from the "crib" area at the Columbia Ridge Landfill in Arlington Oregon. Robert Weimer
10/17/2006 Update or Other Action Crib soils being removed from the property today. Discussed sampling under stockpile area of the crib soils. DRO, RRO, and metals. Robert Weimer
1/11/2007 Update or Other Action ADEC requests groundwater monitoring and submittal of the 2006 site work report before March 1, 2007. Robert Weimer
1/19/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held Discussed site with RP's consultant. They are putting together a report on the 2006 site work. May need corrective action plan, and/or release investigation for any remaining contamination. Robert Weimer
2/5/2007 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other September 25, 2006 semi-annual groundwater sampling. Up to 8.5 mg/l DRO and 0.340 mg/l GRO in groundwater. Plume appears to be increasing. Groundwater flow is generally to the northeast. Depth to groundwater is 17 to 18 feet below ground surface. Robert Weimer
6/4/2007 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved DEC approves 400 cubic yards of BTEX/GRO/DRO/RRO contaminated soils for thermal treatment. These soils are surface contamination soils left over from the fall of 2006. Robert Weimer
6/13/2007 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviews supplemental sampling of the 400 cubic yards of contaminated soils. These soils are surface contamination soils left over from the fall of 2006. Based on the results of the supplemental stockpile sampling DEC reduces compounds of concern to just DRO for those stockpiles. Those soils are approved for thermal treatment. Robert Weimer
10/15/2007 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other May 15, 2007 semi-annual groundwater sampling. Up to 0.5 mg/l DRO and 0.340 mg/l GRO in groundwater. Plume appears to be decreasing. Groundwater flow is generally to the northeast. Depth to groundwater is 18.56 to 18.91 feet below ground surface. Robert Weimer
5/6/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Site ranked on the new Exposure Tracking Model (ETM). The ETM is a new site ranking system that looks at, based on available data, the potential exposure pathways for the contamination remaining at the site. Robert Weimer
9/17/2008 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other September 24, 2007 semi-annual groundwater sampling. Up to 3.5 mg/l DRO, and non-detect GRO, benzene, HVOC, and SVOC in groundwater. Contaminant concentrations appears to be increasing. Groundwater flow is to the west. Depth to groundwater is 18.40 to 18.57 feet below ground surface. Robert Weimer
9/18/2008 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other May 14, 2008 semi-annual groundwater sampling. Up to 0.35 mg/l DRO and non-detect GRO, benzene, HVOC, and SVOC in groundwater. Contaminant concentrations appears to be decreasing from the previous monitoring event. Groundwater flow is to the west. Depth to groundwater is 18.37 to 18.52 feet below ground surface. Robert Weimer
11/3/2008 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC requested for an updated report for the 2006 sampling data to included all of the sample results, laboratory data packages, and QA/QC review checklists. Also requested copies of field notes and diagrams showing the location and depth and results of all excavation field screening and analytical samples. The diagrams also need to show which samples were final excavation confirmation samples. The report contains data in the tables but no laboratory data packages (such as 8/23/06 sampling in Table 2 and 9/5/06 sampling in Table 4), and laboratory data packages results that are not included in the tables (such as hoist P3, P7, D3 samples from 8/9/06 and 8/10/06). Robert Weimer
2/25/2009 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with Chevron and their consultants. They are to conduct an evaluation of indoor air at this site. Site monitoring is to continue. Chevron's current consultant (CRA) will evaluate site data and provide a complete report. Robert Weimer
2/26/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other September 16, 2008 semi-annual groundwater sampling. Up to 1.6 mg/l DRO, 0.1 mg/l GRO, and non-detect benzene, HVOC, and SVOC in groundwater in the 4 monitoring wells sampled. DRO contaminant concentrations increased from the previous monitoring event. Groundwater flow is to the west. Depth to groundwater is 18.02 to 18.19 feet below ground surface. Missing QA/QC data. Robert Weimer
4/28/2009 Update or Other Action ADEC approves request for suspending MTBE analysis in all monitoring wells. Robert Weimer
10/26/2009 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved ADEC approves treatment of one drum of contaminated purge water. Robert Weimer
1/4/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other June 18, 2009 semi-annual groundwater sampling. Up to 0.27 mg/l DRO, 0.039 mg/l GRO and non-detect benzene, HVOC, and SVOC in groundwater in the 3 monitoring wells sampled. DRO contaminant concentrations increased in 1 of the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow is to the northeast. Depth to groundwater is 18.53 to 18.65 feet below ground surface. Robert Weimer
1/15/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other September 7, 2009 semi-annual groundwater sampling. Up to 2.5 mg/l DRO, 0.054 mg/l GRO, and non-detect benzene, HVOC, and SVOC in groundwater in the 3 monitoring wells sampled. DRO contaminant concentrations increased in 1 of the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow is historically to the northeast. Depth to groundwater is 18.76 to 18.88 feet below ground surface. Robert Weimer
3/11/2010 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with Chevron and their consultants on 3/10/10. Chevron will submit a workplan for release investigation for the contamination identified in the Stantec Report of the 2006 excavation work. We discussed that groundwater samples for volatiles should not be collected with bailers or peristaltic pumps due to the loss of volatiles, Chevron is to provide a workplan specifying how groundwater samples will be collected in the future. Robert Weimer
4/13/2010 Update or Other Action During the April 2010 groundwater monitoring event HydraSleeve(TM) samplers will be used for VOC sampling at this site. Robert Weimer
7/22/2010 Site Visit Site visit to observe groundwater monitoring. There was insufficient water in the smaller hydrosleeve to fill all of the sample vials, so they supplemented with water from bailer. They will note it in their report that the volatile results may be biased low. They will deploy larger diameter hydrosleeve and have a bladder pump as a backup. Robert Weimer
8/23/2010 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved ADEC approves treatment of contaminated purge water. Robert Weimer
8/27/2010 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved ADEC approves treatment of contaminated purge water. Robert Weimer
3/14/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other April 21, 2010 semi-annual groundwater sampling. Up to 1.5 mg/l DRO, non detect benzene and HVOC, and 21 ug/l SVOC in groundwater in the 3 monitoring wells sampled. DRO contaminant concentrations increased in 1 of the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow is historically to the northeast. Depth to groundwater is 19.46 to 19.60 feet below ground surface. Robert Weimer
5/4/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other July 22, 2010 semi-annual groundwater sampling. Up to 1.4 mg/l DRO, and non-detect benzene, HVOC, and SVOC in groundwater in the 3 monitoring wells sampled. DRO contaminant concentrations increased in 1 of the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow is historically to the northeast. Depth to groundwater is 19.08 to 19.18 feet below ground surface. Robert Weimer
7/18/2011 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved ADEC approves request to transport soil and decontamination water generated during the 2011 scheduled subsurface investigation at Chevron 9-8557 located at 415 Muldoon Road, Anchorage to 1441 C Street for temporary storage while awaiting analytical results and ADEC approval. Robert Weimer
7/25/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC reviews and conditionally approves the Site Assessment work plan with Addendum. With conditions the work plan is for the collection of soil and groundwater samples, the installation of a monitoring well to the northwest of the former crib, and another monitoring well northwest of the dispenser excavation. Also soil borings near MW-1, CW-4, and CW-15. Robert Weimer
7/26/2011 Conceptual Site Model Submitted Conceptual Site Model identified direct contact with soil, ingestion of groundwater, and inhalation of outdoor and indoor air as potential pathways. Robert Weimer
7/26/2011 Site Visit Site visit to go over locations for additional monitoring wells and confirmation soil borings. They were beginning to clear holes with vac truck. Robert Weimer
10/25/2011 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved ADEC approves treatment of contaminated purge water. Robert Weimer
11/4/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC is not able to approve request for thermal treatment of the two drums and four super sacks of contaminated soil generated during the August 2011 subsurface investigation. The soils were not sampled for solvents. Robert Weimer
11/9/2011 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with RP's consultant CRA. They were not able to put in all of the borings planned. They will get the necessary right of way permits to install the borings in 2012. Robert Weimer
11/22/2011 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved Approved request for disposal of the two drums and four super sacks of contaminated soil generated during the August 2011 subsurface investigation at the Columbia Ridge Landfill in Arlington, Oregon. Robert Weimer
3/7/2012 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with Chevron and their consultants on 2/28/12. Chevron is to complete the assessment work started in 2011. They are to continue semi-annual groundwater monitoring. Robert Weimer
5/3/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other In July-August 2011 two soil borings and one monitoring well (MW-14) were installed. Up to 0.027 mg/kg benzene (SB-11-1 was non-detect(<0.062 mg/kg)), non-detect GRO, 48 mg/kg total lead, all PAHs were below cleanup levels, and 330 mg/kg DRO in the soil samples collected. But the soil samples were not analyzed for HVOCs as requested. Monitoring well MW-13 downgradient of the former log crib was not installed, they encountered refusal at 8 feet below ground surface in that area. The well screen is from 12 to 27 feet in monitoring well MW-14. Robert Weimer
7/30/2012 Site Visit Site visit to observe groundwater sampling. Robert Weimer
8/21/2012 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved ADEC approves offsite treatment of contaminated purge water. Robert Weimer
1/16/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other April 19, 2011 semi-annual groundwater sampling. Up to 1.6 mg/l DRO, 0.019 mg/l GRO, and non-detect benzene, HVOC, and SVOC in groundwater in the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations increased in 3 of the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow is historically to the northeast. Robert Weimer
1/16/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other August 22, 2011 semi-annual groundwater sampling. Up to 0.17 mg/l DRO, 0.019 mg/l GRO, and non-detect benzene, HVOC, and SVOC in groundwater in the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations increased in 1 of the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow is historically to the northeast. Robert Weimer
1/16/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other May 22, 2012 semi-annual groundwater sampling. Up to 0.2 mg/l DRO, and non-detect GRO, benzene, HVOC, lead, and SVOC in groundwater in the 4 monitoring wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations increased in 2 of the 4 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow was to the northwest. Depth to groundwater is 17.11 to 18.34 feet below ground surface. The consultant requests suspending SVOC, HVOC, and lead analysis for the monitoring wells that have had at least 4 monitoring events. Robert Weimer
1/31/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other July 30, 2012 semi-annual groundwater sampling. Up to 17 mg/l DRO, 1.7 mg/l GRO, 10 ug/l benzene, non detect HVOC, 490 ug/l lead, and non detect SVOC in groundwater in the 5 monitoring wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations increased in 2 of the 5 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow was to the northwest. Depth to groundwater is 16.51 to 17.86 feet below ground surface. Robert Weimer
1/31/2013 Update or Other Action Based on recent groundwater sample results Chevron 98557 is approved to reduce, until further notice, groundwater monitoring to the following Semi-Annual sampling: MW-1 DRO, lead, MW-13 DRO, BTEX, GRO, lead, MW-14 DRO, BTEX, GRO, lead. Robert Weimer
2/27/2013 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with Chevron and their consultants on 2/26/13. Chevron proposes to continue to conduct semi-annual groundwater monitoring to monitor for natural attenuation and trends, and survey in monitoring well MW-13. The next groundwater sampling event they will sample both using no purge and purge help evaluate that the past no purge results were providing comparable data. We discussed that all semi-annual monitoring events need to be at least 120 days apart. Robert Weimer
3/26/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC conditionally approves the use of a portable activated carbon (gac) filter system for this site to treat water generated during groundwater monitoring. The storage of water at the site or the secure storage area at 1441 C Street is also approved. Robert Weimer
5/8/2013 Site Visit Site visit to observe current site conditions. Robert Weimer
11/22/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On July 24-25, 2012 a monitoring well (MW-13) was installed about 25 feet to the north by northeast of the 2006 former log crib excavation. Up to 290 mg/kg DRO, 16 mg/kg GRO, 23.1 mg/kg lead, 0.003 mg/kg PCE, non-detect (<0.053 mg/kg) TCE, 0.11 mg/kg methlyene chloride, and 0.001 mg/kg benzene. Groundwater was encountered at 17.86 feet below ground surface. Robert Weimer
1/13/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other May 14, 2013 semi-annual groundwater sampling. Up to 3.5 mg/l DRO, 0.38 mg/l GRO, 1.2 ug/l benzene, non detect HVOC, 1,400 ug/l lead, and non detect SVOC in groundwater in the 5 monitoring wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations increased in 1 of the 2 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow was to the northwest. Depth to groundwater is 16.81 to 18.15 feet below ground surface. Samples were collected both no purge (Hydrasleeve for VOC, and bailer for DRO and lead) and purge using a bladder pump. The Hydrasleeve samples were collected from the top of the water column. The sample depth for the bladder pump samples were not documented. Robert Weimer
2/27/2014 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with Chevron and their consultants on 2/27/2014. They plan to continue semi-annual groundwater monitoring, survey in monitoring well MW-13, and submit a CSM. Because of problems with last year’s purge/no-purge sampling the next groundwater sampling event they will sample both using no purge and purge help evaluate that the past no purge results were providing comparable data or they will switch to no purge for future sampling events. We discussed that the groundwater samples needs to be collected as close as possible to the soil/water interface, with the pump intake within a foot of the soil/water interface at the time of the sampling. In the future they will need to evaluate for a diving plume on the monitoring wells far from the release point. The consultant will make sure that their site reports are complete in accordance with DEC’s 9/23/2009 Site Characterization Work Plan and Reporting Guidance for Investigation of Contaminated Sites. Robert Weimer
5/5/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other September 17-18, 2013 semi-annual groundwater sampling. Up to 0.77 mg/l DRO, 0.18 mg/l GRO, 0.98 ug/l benzene, non detect HVOC, 1,200 ug/l lead, and non detect SVOC in groundwater in the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations increased in 1 of the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow was to the northwest. Depth to groundwater is 16.45 to 17.82 feet below ground surface. Samples were collected no purge (Hydrasleeve). The Hydrasleeve samples were collected from the top of the water column. Robert Weimer
6/2/2014 Conceptual Site Model Submitted Updated Conceptual Site Model identified potential cuurent/future soil ingestion, groundwater ingestion, outdoor air, and indoor air. Robert Weimer
7/29/2014 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved One Drum of decon water currently stored at 1441 C Street secure area is approved for treament at Emerald. The 2 drums of soil will need an analytical sample collected at the highest of 5 field screening locations to demonstrate whether is still contains detectable solvents if it is to be thermally treated. Robert Weimer
1/6/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other May 2, 2014 semi-annual groundwater sampling. Up to 0.62 mg/l DRO, 0.16 mg/l GRO, 0.90 ug/l benzene, and 25 ug/l lead in groundwater in the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations increased in 0 of the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow was to the southeast. Depth to groundwater is 16.88 to 19.95 feet below ground surface. Samples were collected by purging using a bladder pump. The samples were not collected from the top of the water column as required, they were collected 1.88 to 2.03 feet below the soil/water interface. Robert Weimer
2/4/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other November 8, 2014 semi-annual groundwater sampling. Up to 0.55 mg/l DRO, 0.089 mg/l GRO, 0.54 ug/l benzene, and 33 ug/l lead in groundwater in the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations increased in 3 of the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow was to the southeast. Depth to groundwater is 17.37 to 18.70 feet below ground surface. Samples were collected by purging using a bladder pump. The samples were collected from the top of the water column as required. Robert Weimer
2/4/2015 Update or Other Action DEC approves request to suspend GRO and BTEX sampling of monitoring well MW-14. DEC has no objection to using Teflon lined bailers for non-volatile sampling as long as those wells are properly purged prior to sampling. Robert Weimer
2/23/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approves requests that BTEX and GRO sampling in MW-13 be suspended. Robert Weimer
11/4/2015 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved DEC approved request to dispose of 3 drums of contaminated drill cuttings at the Chemical Waste Management Arlington, OR landfill. The drill cuttings were generated during the release investigation work conducted on 7/25/12. Robert Weimer
2/3/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other May 6, 2015 semi-annual groundwater sampling. Up to 0.39 mg/l DRO and 875 ug/l lead in groundwater in the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations increased in 3 of the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow was to the west by southwest. Depth to groundwater is 18.01 to 20.13 feet below ground surface. Samples were collected without purging using a bailer. Robert Weimer
5/6/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other October 21, 2015 semi-annual groundwater sampling. Up to 11.0 mg/l DRO and 74.8 ug/l lead in groundwater in the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations increased in 3 of the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow was to the north. Depth to groundwater is 18.04 to 18.93 feet below ground surface. Samples were collected without purging using a bailer. Robert Weimer
2/14/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other June 3, 2016 semi-annual groundwater sampling. Up to 5.2 mg/l DRO and 223 ug/l lead in groundwater in the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations increased in 1 of the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow was to the northwest. Depth to groundwater is 16.69 to 18.94 feet below ground surface. Samples were collected without purging using a bailer. Robert Weimer
6/27/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other October 14, 2016 semi-annual groundwater sampling. Up to 2.4 mg/l DRO and 74.7 ug/l lead in groundwater in the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations increased in 2 of the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow was to the northwest. Depth to groundwater is 17.98 to 18.83 feet below ground surface. Samples were collected without purging using a bailer. Robert Weimer
8/31/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other May 23, 2017 semi-annual groundwater sampling. Up to 3.5 mg/l DRO and 98.3 ug/l lead in groundwater in the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations increased in 2 of the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow was to the northwest. Depth to groundwater is 17.65 to 18.53 feet below ground surface. Samples were collected without purging using a bailer. Robert Weimer
11/29/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other September 1, 2017 semi-annual groundwater sampling. Up to 0.80 mg/l DRO and 137 ug/l lead in groundwater in the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations increased in 2 of the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow was to the northwest. Depth to groundwater is 18.23 to 19.11 feet below ground surface. Samples were collected without purging using a bailer. Robert Weimer
10/5/2018 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved DEC approved request to treat one drum of purge water with sheen at NRC. Robert Weimer
12/11/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other May 21, 2018 semi-annual groundwater sampling. Up to 5.1 mg/l DRO and 1,240 ug/l lead in groundwater in the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations increased in 3 of the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow was to the northwest. Depth to groundwater is 18.48 to 19.36 feet below ground surface. Samples were collected after purging using a bailer. A sheen was noted in the purge water of monitoring well MW-13. Robert Weimer
1/17/2019 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 78009 1991 UST contamination. Robert Weimer
4/15/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other September 25, 2018 semi-annual groundwater sampling. Up to 9.1 mg/l DRO and 265 ug/l lead in groundwater in the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations increased in 1 of the 3 monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow was to the northwest. Depth to groundwater is 18.41 to 19.27 feet below ground surface. Samples were collected after purging using a bailer. A sheen was noted in the purge water of monitoring well MW-13. Robert Weimer
9/23/2019 Update or Other Action ADEC requests for this site that the monitoring wells are purged prior to sampling, and that the intake of the bladder pump/in-well pump be documented in the field notes to be within the top foot of the water column at the time of the sampling. Also VOC sampling needs to include the full 8260 VOC list including naphthalene. Robert Weimer
12/31/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other 2019 First Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on April 10, 2019, well repair activities were conducted May 16, 2019, and a well survey was conducted on June 6, 2019. Groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells MW-1, MW-13, and MW-14. Samples were submitted to the laboratory for DRO and lead analysis. Groundwater flow direction was to the west and depth to groundwater was 17.79 to 18.76 feet below ground surface. Rebekah Reams
12/31/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other 2019 Second Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on September 10, 2019. Groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells MW-1, MW-13, and MW-14. Samples were submitted to the laboratory for DRO and lead analysis. Groundwater flow direction was to the northeast and depth to groundwater was 18.02 to 19.00 feet below ground surface. Rebekah Reams
3/12/2020 Update or Other Action ADEC requests for this site that the monitoring wells are purged prior to sampling, and that the intake of the bladder pump/in-well pump be documented in the field notes to be within the top foot of the water column at the time of the sampling. Also all BTEX and VOC sampling needs to include the full 8260 VOC list including naphthalene. ADEC is also requesting that all reports be submitted within 60 days of the sampling and the groundwater monitoring figure include a diagram showing historic groundwater flow directions. For the next two monitoring event ADEC requests they include PAH and full VOC (8260) analysis for all of the site monitoring wells to be sampled. Robert Weimer
5/28/2020 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review 2020 First Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on April 3, 2020. Groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells MW-1, MW-13, and MW-14. Samples were submitted to the laboratory for VOCs, PAHs, DRO and lead analysis. Groundwater flow direction was to the west and depth to groundwater was 18.20 to 19.13 feet below ground surface. Rebekah Reams
11/23/2020 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review 2020 Second Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on September 30 and October 1, 2020. Groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells MW-1, MW-13, and MW-14. Samples were submitted to the laboratory for VOCs, PAHs, DRO and lead analysis. Groundwater flow direction was to the northwest and depth to groundwater was 17.65 to 18.61 feet below ground surface. Rebekah Reams
1/15/2021 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC staff met with Chevron Environmental Management Company (CEMC) and Arcadis to discuss Chevron sites located in Alaska during the Annual Portfolio Meeting on January 14th and 15th, 2021. Rebekah Reams
12/27/2021 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review 2021 First Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on April 8, 2021. Groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells MW-1, MW-13, and MW-14. Samples were submitted to the laboratory for DRO and lead analysis. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and depth to groundwater was 18.02 to 19.03 feet below ground surface. Rebekah Reams
12/27/2021 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review 2021 Second Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on August 27, 2021. Groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells MW-1 and MW-14. Monitoring wells MW-3 and MW-13 could not be gauged or sampled due to continuous flooding. Samples were submitted to the laboratory for DRO and lead analysis. Groundwater flow direction was to the west-northwest and depth to groundwater was 17.62 to 18.24 feet below ground surface. Rebekah Reams
11/29/2022 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review 2022 First Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on April 5, 2022. Groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells MW-1 and MW-14. Monitoring well MW-13 was frozen and could not be sampled. Samples were submitted to the laboratory for DRO and lead analysis and no cleanup level exceedances were reported in the wells that were sampled. Groundwater flow direction was to the southwest and depth to groundwater was 17.70 to 18.70 feet below ground surface. Rebekah Reams
11/30/2022 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review 2022 Second Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on August 17, 2022. Groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells MW-1, MW-13, and MW-14. Samples were submitted to the laboratory for DRO and lead analysis. Analytical results reported the presence of lead above DEC cleanup levels at MW-13 and MW-14. Groundwater flow direction was to the south-southwest and depth to groundwater was 17.08 to 18.08 feet below ground surface. Rebekah Reams
12/23/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided comments on the Conceptual Site Model Summary Report which summarizes the site history, evaluates potential exposure pathways, and recommends next steps for the site. Rebekah Reams
3/23/2023 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review DEC approved the Groundwater Sampling Analyte Reduction Request – Groundwater Sampling Work Plan Addendum for this site which establishes semi-annual sampling for lead analysis at monitoring wells MW-1, MW-3, MW-13, MW-14 and RW-1 and DRO analysis at MW-1, MW-13, and MW-14. Rebekah Reams
12/5/2023 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved ADEC approved offsite transport of 55 gallons of purge water generated during groundwater monitoring at this site. Rebekah Reams
5/21/2024 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review 2023 First Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on April 10, 2023. Groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells MW-1, MW-3, MW-13, MW-14, and RW-1. Samples were submitted to the laboratory for DRO and lead analysis. Analytical results reported the presence of lead above DEC cleanup levels at MW-3 and DRO above cleanup levels at MW-1. Groundwater flow direction was to the south-southwest and depth to groundwater was 17.08 to 19.53 feet below ground surface. Rebekah Reams
5/22/2024 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review 2023 Second Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on August 17, 2023. Groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells MW-1, MW-3, MW-13, MW-14, and RW-1. Samples were submitted to the laboratory for DRO and lead analysis. All analytical results were below ADEC cleanup levels. Groundwater flow direction was to the northwest and depth to groundwater was 16.84 to 17.84 feet below ground surface. Rebekah Reams
6/7/2024 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review 2024 First Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring event was conducted on April 2, 2024. Groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells MW-1, MW-3, MW-13, MW-14, and RW-1. Samples were submitted to the laboratory for DRO and lead analysis. All analytical results were below ADEC cleanup levels. Depth to groundwater was 17.52 to 18.44 feet below ground surface. Rebekah Reams
6/20/2024 Site Characterization Workplan Approved ADEC approved the Site Investigation Work Plan which proposes to advance nine soil borings and install six monitoring wells to address remaining data gaps at the site by evaluating current contaminant concentrations and further delineating the extent of soil and groundwater impacts at the site. Rebekah Reams
9/24/2024 Site Visit ADEC conducted a site visit with Chevron and Arcadis personnel to observe site layout, sampling locations, and nearby features. Rebekah Reams
9/25/2024 Meeting or Teleconference Held ADEC staff met with Chevron and their consultant for an annual portfolio meeting to discuss site status, upcoming document submittals, pending reviews, and general updates for Chevron's contaminated sites throughout the state. Rebekah Reams
11/12/2024 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved ADEC approved transport of 55 gallons of purge water generated in October 2024 Rebekah Reams

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