Action Date |
Action |
Description |
DEC Staff |
5/11/1990 |
Site Added to Database |
Former Staff |
5/11/1990 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Confirmed - Petroleum |
LUST Site created in CSP for source area ID 78060 ADD; contamination identified on May 9, 1990 due to gasoline discharge to the surface of the ground around the tanks from a broken turbine pump on the tank. |
Former Staff |
5/12/1990 |
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Initiated - Petroleum |
LCAU; :LCAU Date changed DB conversion |
Former Staff |
7/2/1990 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Work plan for UST assessment submitted for the removal and assessment of the two tanks and their associated piping and dispensers. The work plan call for the assessment of the base and sidewalls of the tank excavation, below each dispenser, and below all product lines. Due to the shallow groundwater the excavation will be dewatered during the removal. |
Robert Weimer |
7/19/1990 |
Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment |
On 19-20 July, 1990 the 12,000 gallon leaded gasoline, tank, the 12,000 gallon unleaded gasoline tank, the product piping in the tank excavation and the central and east dispenser islands were removed. The two 120 foot long piping runs were left in-place to the western 3 dispenser islands and that piping and those dispensers were not assessed. Only BTEX and TPH analysis was conducted. Up to 0.78 mg/kg benzene and non-detect (<10 mg/kg) TPH was left in the excavation. 1,000 gallons of contaminated water was pumped from the tank excavation and stored in an above ground tank at the property. 600 cubic yards of contaminated soil was excavated as part of the tank removal and is currently stockpiled on the property. Those soils are to be treated in a lined land farm to be constructed on the southern portion of the property. |
Former Staff |
7/20/1990 |
Update or Other Action |
Excavated contaminated soil is screened to remove the larger rock and then placed on a liner in a treatment cell. Contaminated water pumped from the excavation is stored in an AST. |
Robert Weimer |
7/20/1990 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC letter requesting RP to identify vertical/lateral extent of surface/subsurface contamination from spills. Needs to include 3 monitoring wells & cleanup any area soil/groundwater contaminated from site activities. |
Former Staff |
10/31/1990 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On September 1990 three monitoring wells were installed and soil and groundwater samples were collected. Two the monitoring wells were placed in the median of Dimond Boulevard about 80 feet away to the north and northwest from the former tank excavation. The other monitoring well was placed about 30 feet to the east of the former tank excavation. The groundwater flow direction for this groundwater sampling event was to the west by northwest. Groundwater was encountered at about 7 feet below ground surface (bgs). The monitoring wells are screen from 6 to 11 feet bgs. The groundwater samples were non-detect (<1.0 ug/l) for benzene. The soil samples collected during the monitoring well installation had up to non-detect (<0.05 mg/kg) benzene, and 10.8 mg/kg TPH. |
Robert Weimer |
11/9/1990 |
Update or Other Action |
Letter to RP requesting: workplan for downgradient well to characterize site/groundwater conditions, denied approval for abandoning existing wells, need sampling scheme for new well, temporary approval granted to store on site excavated contaminated soils until spring 1991. |
Former Staff |
9/22/1993 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On September 22, 1993 soil samples were collected from the contaminated stockpile to check the progress of its remediation. The stockpile samples containted up to 0.215 mg/kg benzene and 19.1 mg/kg GRO. The 1,000 gallons of excavation water currently stored in a 12,000 gallon tank was also sampled to see if it has remediated enough to be discharged into the sanitary sewer. The water in the tank had up to 0.72 mg/l TPH, and 5.9 ug/l benzene. The report noted that monitoring wells MW-2 and MW-3 appeared to be damaged at the surface. |
Robert Weimer |
10/6/1994 |
Update or Other Action |
DEC project manager observed that the contaminated stockpile was not properly covered, she contacted the RP's consultant. |
Robert Weimer |
11/20/1997 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC sends Notification of Intent to Cost Recover Letter to Current Owner: JOHN & JACQUE YOUNG |
Former Staff |
6/14/1999 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On June 14, 1999 the excavation water current stored in the 12,000 gallon tank was sampled and had up to <1.0 ug/l benzene. The water was subsequently approved for discharge on the surface of the property. |
Robert Weimer |
6/28/1999 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On June 28, 1999 the 600 cubic yard contaminated soil stockpile was sampled to check the progress of its remediation. The stockpile measured 60 feet by 43 feet by 6 feet high. The sixteen analytical samples were collected had up to 0.105 mg/kg benzene, 13.2 mg/kg GRO, and 8.65 mg/kg total lead. |
Robert Weimer |
2/2/2000 |
Update or Other Action |
DEC letter to RP requesting workplan for release investigation for the in-situ soils and groundwater contamination, and stockpile sampling. Benzene soil contamination up to 0.78 mg/kg was left in the former tank excavation. Shallow soil sampling conducted on the stockpile on June 28, 1999 found benzene contamination up to 0.105 mg/kg. The letter notes that since the stockpile was not properly covered and maintained, an assessment, in accordance with a DEC approve work plan, for secondary contamination in the soils under and around the stockpile will be required once stockpile treatment has been completed. |
Robert Weimer |
12/2/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
Contaminated groundwater and soil remain based on excavation sampling. Excavated soil on liner still awaiting completion of treatment. |
Robert Weimer |
5/30/2008 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Site ranked on the new Exposure Tracking Model (ETM). The ETM is a new site ranking system that looks at, based on available data, the potential exposure pathways for the contamination remaining at the site. |
Robert Weimer |
10/28/2011 |
Update or Other Action |
DEC has not received the requested soil and groundwater sampling. |
Robert Weimer |
1/30/2013 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Meeting with Mike Young, President of Young's Firehouse. He was interested in completing site work so a closure letter could be issued for this site. We discussed sampling the stockpile, the area around/under the stockpile for secondary contamination, and the collection of soil and groundwater samples for the former UST area. Some of the existing monitoring wells may still be useable. Based on a preliminary review it looked like they may be able to assess the soil in the UST area with as few as 3 borings. He will get with his consultant to submit a work plan to conduct the work this spring. He talked about doing the stockpile sampling first. |
Robert Weimer |
7/25/2013 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC conditionally approves plan for the sampling of the 600 cubic yard stockpile at the site. |
Robert Weimer |
1/7/2014 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On July 28, 2013 six soil samples and one duplicate soil sample were collected from the 600 cubic yard stockpile at the property. Samples were collected based on field readings. The stockpile measures 65 feet by 170 feet with a depth of 6 to 20 inches thick.
Four of the six sample locations had benzene contamination over cleanup levels. Up to 0.0439 mg/kg benzene, 2.35 mg/kg GRO, and non-detect naphthalene in the locations sampled. Need future confirmation samples for benzene to demonstrate that the stockpile soil has remediated to site cleanup levels.
Robert Weimer |
4/22/2014 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Meeting with two of John Young's children representing his estate and their consultant Mike Travis to discuss the site history and what further work is needed to get site to closure.
We discussed that the following work needs to be done to evaluate the site for corrective action complete or corrective action complete with institutional control status (closure):
1. Submit drinking water well samples for the car wash well and the Young's Firehouse wells. They said that the Young's Firehouse well was sampled for petroleum last year, they will submit the results of any past petroleum sampling of the two wells. May need additional sampling of those two wells.
2. The 600 cubic yard stockpile needs to be treated and confirmation sampling for BTEX/10%EDB and DCA. Recommended segregating in to separate piles.
3. They area around and under the stockpile needs sampling for secondary contamination (BTEX/GRO/lead/10% PAH/10%EDB and DCA).
4. A new monitoring well needs to be installed near the western edge of the tank excavation. Will need a minimum of 4 quarters of groundwater sampling of that well (BTEX/GRO/lead with PAH/EDB/DCA analysis for at least the first event).
5. If still useable the three existing monitoring wells are to have water elevation measurements to determine groundwater flow direction during the sampling events of the new monitoring well.
6. Prior to site closure all of the monitoring wells need to be properly decommissioned.
7. Two 120 foot piping runs and 3 dual dispenser islands were not assessed as required and as specified in the work plan. The piping was left in-place and the dispenser islands were removed on paved over. We discussed trying to do a hydrostatic test on each piping run to see if the piping is tight or conduct the require field screening every 10 feet, with a minimum of an analytical sample (BTEX/GRO/lead/10% PAH/10%EDB and DCA) collected at the highest field reading dispenser and piping locations.
The consultant will submit a work plan and a schedule for conducting the work.
Robert Weimer |
5/19/2014 |
Update or Other Action |
Air photo from 1985 provided by the Trustee (Becky Roth) indicates that only the first (southern most) western dispenser island dispensed fuel at that time. The other two western islands were for vacuuming cars at that time. If that was always the configuration mat the site, it means that two 40 foot piping runs and two dispensers at one dispenser island still need to be assessed, instead of two 120 foot piping runs and 3 dual dispenser islands initial thought. This will need to be verified during the piping removal (note during the November 2014 piping removal the product piping was found to extend to all three dispenser islands). |
Robert Weimer |
8/21/2014 |
Update or Other Action |
DEC received notification from the RP's consultant that three shallow soil borings had been drilled to 5 feet below ground surface along the fuel piping that had been left in-place and the former dispenser islands. All of these areas were not assessed as part of the uderground storage tank closure in 1990. Hydrocarbon odors and elevated field reading were encountered in all three soil borings. They plan to conduct a release investigation to help define the extent of that contamination. |
Robert Weimer |
10/2/2014 |
Update or Other Action |
Notice of Non-Compliance, Piping Closure and Assessment sent by the DEC UST program. The letter requests that all of the piping be removed by November 5, 2014, a notice of post closure within 30 days of removing the piping, and complete and submit the Site Characterization and Assessment Report form within 60 days of closure no later than December 31, 2014. |
Robert Weimer |
11/18/2014 |
Site Visit |
Site visit to observe piping removal and assessment of the piping and dispenser locations. Piping removal has extended to the first dispenser island so far. Based on field readings it appears there was a release to the northern (first) dispenser island. The piping continues to the south toward the second dispenser island and may extend to a third dispenser island. The soil borings done in the fall of 2014 found contamination near all three potential dispenser locations. One section of piping just before the first dispenser island was found to be split, but because field readings were not elevated at that location it appears that the split in the piping occurred after the piping was abandoned. |
Robert Weimer |
11/19/2014 |
Site Visit |
Site visit to observe piping removal and assessment of the piping and dispenser locations. The area excavated yesterday has been backfilled and paved. Because of the rain further excavation to the south of the first dispenser island only progressed about 10 more feet further down the piping run from the previous site visit. They plan to continue the removal and assessment tomorrow. |
Robert Weimer |
11/20/2014 |
Site Visit |
Site visit to observe piping removal and assessment of the piping and dispenser locations. The piping extended to three dispenser islands and about 50 cubic yards of contaminated soil was generated during the piping removal. That soil is to be thermally treated at ASR. |
Robert Weimer |
11/20/2014 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
ADEC approves transport and thermal treatment at ASR of one drum of contaminated drill cuttings from the August 2014 release investigation and the soil generated during the removal and assessment of the piping/dispensers. |
Robert Weimer |
3/3/2015 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Between November 18, 2014 and November 20, 2014 the southern product piping that ran from the former tank excavation to three dispenser islands was removed. Two piping and three dispenser analytical samplings were collected. Up to 5,230 mg/kg GRO, 959 mg/kg DRO, and 42.5 mg/kg benzene in the locations sampled. The one PAH sample collected was below method 2 migration to groundwater cleanup levels but it was not collected at the most contaminated location (150 mg/kg GRO and 0.304 mg/kg benzene) so higher PAH concentrations probably exist at the site. |
Robert Weimer |
3/3/2015 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Between August 20, 2014 and August 21, 2014 field screening readings were collected from 11 soil borings around the southern piping and dispenser locations. The seven analytical samples were collected that had up to 1,000 mg/kg GRO, 553 mg/kg DRO, 174 mg/kg RRO, 1.25 mg/kg benzene, 6.55 mg/kg 1-methylnapthalene, 10.3 mg/kg 2-methylnapthalene, 30.8 mg/kg naphthalene, non-detect (<0.00011 mg/kg) EDB, 52.8 mg/kg ethylbenzene, and 262 mg/kg xylenes in the locations/depths sampled. Groundwater was encountered between 2.0 and 5.0 feet below ground surface and it appeared to be contaminated based on sheens/hydrocarbon odors at most of the boring locations. The extent of the soil and groundwater contamination in this area needs to be defined. |
Robert Weimer |
3/3/2015 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On August 20, 2014 three soil borings (PB4, PB5, and PB6) were sampled in the area of the former tank excavation. One of the borings PB4 was completed as monitoring well MW-4. The screened interval in this monitoring well is 3.5 to 10.0 feet below ground surface (bgs). While groundwater was encountered at 4.0 feet bgs during drilling, it was at 1.15 feet bgs during the August 29, 2014 groundwater sampling event.
Robert Weimer |
3/3/2015 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On August 5, 2014 and September 4, 2014 the 600 cubic yard landfarmed contaminated stockpile was tilled. On September 26, 2014 six soil samples and one duplicate soil sample were collected from the 600 cubic yard landfarmed stockpile at the property. Samples were collected based on field readings. The stockpile measures 65 feet by 170 feet with a depth of 6 to 20 inches thick. All of the sample locations were below cleanup levels. Up to 0.00668 mg/kg benzene, non-detect (<0.00013 mg/kg) EDB, and non-detect (<0.0117 mg/kg) 1,2-DCA in the locations sampled. Need future confirmation samples for benzene to demonstrate that the area beneath and around the stockpile soil location meet site cleanup levels. |
Robert Weimer |
3/3/2015 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On August 29, 2014 water samples were collected from the two site drinking water wells (DW-1 and DW-2) one is located in the northeast corner of the carwash building and the other is located near the southeast corner of the firehouse building. Both drinking water wells are within 50 feet of soil contamination at the shallow groundwater soil/water interface. Both drinking water samples were non-detect for VOCs (EPA method 524.2) and GRO. Drinking water well DW-1 located at the car wash building was installed in 1977 and is 67 feet deep with the bottom 10 feet (57 to 67 feet) of a stainless steel well screen. Drinking water well DW-2 located at the fire house building was installed in 1970 and is 172 feet deep with the bottom 5 feet (167 to 172 feet) of a stainless steel well screen and is reported to be a flowing artesian well. |
Robert Weimer |
3/3/2015 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
In August 2014 Monitoring well MW-1 was repaired, MW-2 could not be located, MW-3 was decommissioned, and MW-4 was installed. On August 29, 2014 monitoring wells MW-1 and MW-4 were sampled. Up to 0.00188 mg/l lead, non-detect (<0.05 mg/l) GRO, non-detect (<0.021 ug/l) benzene, and non-detect (<0.021 ug/l) EDB in the groundwater samples collected. Depth to groundwater was between 1.15 to 7.4 feet below ground surface. Historic groundwater water flow direction has been generally to the northwest. The results for MW-1 are considered biased low since the monitoring well was not purged just prior to sampling and the water sample was collected using a bailer. The results for MW-4 is considered biased low since the monitoring well was not purged just prior to sampling, the intake depth for the submersible pump was not documented in the field notes and the report, and the well screen was submerged during this sampling event. |
Robert Weimer |
3/4/2015 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 78060 1990 UST contamination. |
Robert Weimer |
3/18/2015 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Meeting with RP and their consultant to discuss future site work. |
Robert Weimer |
5/5/2015 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC has reviewed the April 9, 2015 Work Plan and request a revised work plan with the following modifications:
1. Figure 2 needs to show the correct location of PB4/MW4.
2. The monitoring wells to be installed need to be installed and developed as long-term monitoring wells in accordance with the September 2013 DEC Monitoring Well Guidance.
3. Need more detail on how soil samples will be collected, such as the sample jars will be filled immediately, then some of the remaining soil from that location will be placed in a baggie for field readings, etc…
4. The background section needs to be revised to reflect that the laboratory data for D2-2 and D3-2 noted that the DRO is a weathered middle distillate.
5. Need DRO analysis for soil, groundwater, and drinking water samples.
6. After purging a monitoring well the volatile groundwater samples need to be collected using a method that minimizes the loss of volatiles such as bladder pump or in-well pump.
7. The intake for the monitoring well sampling pump needs to be documented as being as close as possible to the soil/water interface in each monitoring well (no more than 1 foot below).
8. Complete copies of field notes will be included with the report.
9. Emerald is not an approved soil treatment facility. The treatment or disposal of any soil or groundwater generated during the site work will be under a separate request to DEC after review of the analytical data.
In the future additional assessment will be required at the sidewall location of PB4. Also additional PAH soil and groundwater sampling will be required in the future.
DEC has not received the revised text pages and Figure 2 for the January 2015 report. DEC requests that those be submitted by May 15, 2015.
Robert Weimer |
5/11/2015 |
Update or Other Action |
DEC discussed the proposed site work with the consultant. DEC has no objection to not installing temporary monitoring wells at this time. DEC requests that the existing monitoring wells MW-1 and MW-4 be sampled for BTEX, GRO, and DRO as part of this site work. Also prior to beginning use the Young's Firehouse drinking water well it needs to be sampled as proposed for the car wash drinking water well. We also discussed that they could submit a plan for conducting release investigation during the excavation of the contamination soil planned for in 2015. |
Robert Weimer |
5/22/2015 |
Update or Other Action |
Shannon and Wilson provided additional information regarding the location of B4/MW-4. Based on the information provided it appears that B4/MW-4 was placed just outside the exaction footprint as originally intended. |
Robert Weimer |
5/22/2015 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Based on previous comments DEC received an updated assessment work plan dated May 20, 2015. DEC is requesting a revised work plan with the following modifications:
1. Need detail that soil samples jars will be filled immediately and prior to placing soil in a baggie for field readings.
2. If volatile groundwater samples are collected using a method that does not minimizes the loss of volatiles (such as with a bailer) the results will be considered biased low and can’t be used to demonstrate that the groundwater meets cleanup levels.
3. The on-property disposal of any water or excess soil generated during the site work will be under a separate request to DEC after review of the analytical data.
Additional PAH soil and groundwater sampling will be required in the future. Additional long-term monitoring wells and groundwater sampling will be required in the future.
DEC has not received the revised text pages for the January 2015 report that was discussed in the March 18, 2015 meeting. DEC has also not received copies of the revised laboratory data sheets and chromatograms that now identify samples D2-2 and D3-2 now as weathered gasoline. DEC requests that both of these be submitted by no later than May 31, 2015.
Robert Weimer |
7/8/2015 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC approves revised work plan for sampling under and around the former land farm/stockpile area for secondary contamination. |
Robert Weimer |
8/12/2015 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On May 28, 2015 fifteen soil borings were sampled. Up to 29.8 mg/kg GRO, 247 mg/kg DRO, and 14.8 mg/kg benzene in the soil samples collected. Higher concentrations may exist since some of the highest field screening borings were not sampled (they stepped out further to try to help define the extent of the contamination). Nine of the soil borings had hydrocarbon odors, with three of them with hydrocarbon odors at the soil/water interface (SB7, SB14, and SB15). Groundwater was encountered at 2.5 to 5 feet below ground surface in the soil borings. |
Robert Weimer |
8/12/2015 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On June 12, 2015 monitoring well MW-1 and the drinking water well at the car wash building were sampled after purging. MW-1 was non-detect for BTEX, GRO, and DRO. As specified in the approved work plan the volatile samples are considered biased low because they were collected with a bailer. The drinking water well sample was non-detect for BTEX, GRO, and DRO. Depth to groundwater in MW-1 was 8.1 feet below ground surface. Historically the groundwater flows toward the northwest toward Campbell Creek. |
Robert Weimer |
8/12/2015 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On June 27, 2015 monitoring well MW-4 was sampled after purging. It had 2.17 ug/l benzene, 0.0831 mg/l GRO, and 0.433 mg/l DRO. As specified in the approved work plan the volatile sample results are considered biased low because they were collected using a bailer. Depth to groundwater was 5.34 feet below ground surface. Historically the groundwater flows toward the northwest toward Campbell Creek. |
Robert Weimer |
8/12/2015 |
Conceptual Site Model Submitted |
Conceptual Site Model (CSM) submitted identified completed pathways for direct contact with soil, indoor and outdoor air, and ingestion for groundwater. |
Robert Weimer |
8/13/2015 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Meeting with property owner and their consultant to discuss future site work for site closure. They will provide a work plan for conducting the release investigation and corrective action work. |
Robert Weimer |
9/11/2015 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC review of the September 5, 2015 work plan for site characterization and cleanup activities. ADEC requests a revised work plan with the following modifications:
1. (Task 1) – Need to include an outdoor and a duplicate indoor air sample, with the duplicate at location nearest to the contamination.
2. (Task 2) – Soil less than ADEC’s most stringent Method 2 cleanup level needs ADEC review and approval prior to disposal. Need more detail on how the depth of the sidewall field screening is determined. Need more detail on how the analytical samples are collected after reviewing field screening results. Need to also analyze for DRO, and a minimum of 10% of the most contaminated locations for PAH.
3. (Task 3) – Need more detail on how the analytical samples are collected based on field screening results. Need to also analyze for DRO, and a minimum of 10% of the most contaminated locations for PAH.
4. (second Task 3) – Depth of groundwater has been identified as shallow as 1.15 feet below ground surface (MW-4 on 8/29/14), need to install the monitoring wells so the screened interval will be shallow enough so it will not be submerged during a groundwater sampling event. Need to wait a minimum of 24 hours from development to purging prior to sampling. Need to also analyze for DRO. In the future sampling events PAH analysis may also be required.
5. (Task 4) – Disposal of soil or water with less than most stringent ADEC cleanup levels will need ADEC review and approval prior to disposal.
6. (Figure 1) – B17/MW6 needs to be placed further to the southwest within the median so it is west by northwest down gradient of the remaining contaminated soil.
Robert Weimer |
9/23/2015 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
The September 22, 2015 revised work plan is approved under the following conditions:
1. Task 2 (page 4) – Stockpile samples are to be collected from different depths (not just 18 inches) and locations throughout the stockpile at least 18 inches below the surface of the stockpile.
2. Task 2 (page 6) – Analytical samples from the excavation will be collected about 6 inches away if collected from within an hour of collecting the field screening sample and 12 inches away if longer than an hour.
ADEC requests that they be notified know when the work is going to be conducted and provide a signed soil transport and treatment form.
The work plan proposes to excavate an estimated 230 cubic yards of the most contaminated soil and have it thermally treated at ASR. The excavation will have base and sidewall samples to document the concentrations that remain. Also to drill 3 soil borings and have them completed as monitoring wells. |
Robert Weimer |
9/28/2015 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
DEC approves the direct haul of contaminated soil to ASR for thermal treatment. |
Robert Weimer |
10/1/2015 |
Site Visit |
Site visit to observe excavation of contaminated soil and the collection of confirmation soil samples from the base and sidewalls of the excavation. ADEC observed based on the field readings that the area of higher contamination was larger and deeper (including a deeper excavation was dug at the area of the former west dispenser island #1) than initially anticipated and proposed in the work plan. |
Robert Weimer |
10/2/2015 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC observed based on the field readings that the area of higher contamination was larger and deeper (including a deeper excavation was dug at the area of the former west dispenser island #1) than initially anticipated and proposed in the work plan. In the interest of cost savings a modification to the analytical sampling frequency was discussed at the site.
ADEC approves the following modifications to the September 22, 2015 Site Characterization and Cleanup Activities work plan:
1. The number of analytical samples for the base of the excavation (8) will stay the same, they will be spread out over a larger area, with one of the base samples collected at the base of the deeper excavation at the former west dispenser island #1. The remainder of base of the excavation (the shallower section) is going to be broken up in to roughly (7) equal size areas, with the highest field reading location in each area to be submitted to the laboratory.
2. Because of the deeper excavation below the former west dispenser island #1 two additional sidewall analytical samples were added to the number of sidewall samples proposed in the work plan.
3. For the rest of the excavation the number of analytical samples (8) for the sidewalls will stay the same, they will be spread out over longer lengths of sidewalls. The sidewalls of the excavation is going to be broken up in to roughly (8) equal length sections, with the highest field reading location in each sidewall section to be submitted to the laboratory.
Robert Weimer |
1/6/2016 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On July 16, 2015 soil samples were collected from beneath and around the perimeter of the former landfarm area on Lot 2. Up to 0.0263 mg/kg benzene and non-detect GRO in the 4 soil samples collected from the perimeter of the former landfarm. Up to 0.00746 mg/kg benzene and 1.27 mg/kg GRO in the 6 soil samples collected from beneath the former landfarm. The one sample and a duplicate that were analyzed for PAHs had some detections but were below default cleanup levels. |
Robert Weimer |
1/7/2016 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Meeting with RP and consultant to discuss future site work. The consultant is to complete the report for the site work conducted in the fall of 2015. Need groundwater monitoring to cover the four seasonal events, need frozen ground VI for the Firehouse building. Have contamination remaining on the Firehouse property that exceed direct contact cleanup levels at 4.5 feet below ground surface at one location. Discussed that it appears that some contamination has extended into the Dimond Boulevard right of way but does not appear to extend into the median in the center of the road. They may wish to conduct some treatment of the areas remaining over migration to groundwater cleanup levels near the former land farm on Lot 2. They will submit a work plan for future groundwater monitoring and other site work. We discussed the proposed changes to the soil cleanup levels in the 2016 regulations package. |
Robert Weimer |
3/15/2016 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC approves March 2, 2016 work plan addendum. They plan to conduct 3 more quarterly groundwater monitoring events with the next on in March 2016. They also plan to conduct a frozen ground indoor air sampling event soon. |
Robert Weimer |
5/23/2016 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Between September 30, 2015 and October 2, 2015 645.49 tons (430 cubic yards) of contaminated soil were excavated and transported to ASR for thermal treatment. The confirmation soil samples were collected from the base and sidewalls of the excavation had up to 325 mg/kg GRO, 52.3 mg/kg DRO, 4.68 mg/kg benzene, 28.4 mg/kg toluene, 14.6 mg/kg ethylbenzene, 70.8 mg/kg total xylenes, and 0.674 mg/kg naphthalene. The rest of the detected PAHs were below the updated 2016 migration to groundwater cleanup levels. |
Robert Weimer |
5/23/2016 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On October 14, 2015 two soil borings (B16 and B17) were sampled and completed as monitoring wells MW5 and MW6). The soil samples collected had up to 0.735 mg/kg GRO, non-detect DRO and BTEX, and below cleanup levels for PAHs. |
Robert Weimer |
5/23/2016 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On October 15, 2015 four indoor air samples + one duplicate, and one outdoor air sample were collected at the 1100 West Dimond Boulevard Young's Firehouse building. All samples met ADEC commercial indoor air screening levels. All of the samples were under vacuum after sampling and arrived at the lab still under similar vacuum amounts. |
Robert Weimer |
5/23/2016 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On October 22, 2015 groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells MW5, MW6, MW7, and MW7A. Depth to groundwater ranged from 3.34 to 7.35 feet below ground surface. The groundwater flow direction was to the northwest. Groundwater samples were collected using a submersible pump after purging. Groundwater samples were collected from the top foot of the water column as required, except for MW7A that was assessing deeper groundwater at 9.7 feet below ground surface (the well screened interval is 7 to 12 feet bgs). The groundwater samples had up to 2.47 ug/l benzene, and non-detect GRO and DRO. |
Robert Weimer |
5/24/2016 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC approves the May 19, 2016 Site Characterization and Cleanup work plan with the following comments: DRO analysis is not required, and the proposed ADEC HH cleanup level for Xylenes is 55.4 mg/kg. The work plan proposes to excavate the area of sample EXB17 that had Xylenes over human health cleanup levels and collected confirmation soil samples from the base and sidewalls of the excavation. They estimate about 8 cubic yards of contaminated soil will be excavated. |
Robert Weimer |
5/24/2016 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC approves the May 19, 2016 landfarm soil sampling work plan on the condition that there be 5 field screening locations for each of the two areas, instead of the 2 field screening locations proposed. |
Robert Weimer |
5/24/2016 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
ADEC approves the direct haul to ASR for thermal treatment of the estimated 8 cubic yards of contaminated soil to be excavated this week at the EXB17 location. |
Robert Weimer |
5/25/2016 |
Site Visit |
Site visit to observe excavation area of sample EXB17 that had Xylenes over human health cleanup levels. Discussed sampling with consultant and reviewed field screening results. |
Robert Weimer |
6/17/2016 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Contacted by consultant that the property owner for the carwash is looking at doing a sewer line upgrade. We discussed that DEC would need a work plan because the site work is to be conducted on a contaminated site. The work plan would include a diagram showing the location and depth of excavation, trench plugs to prevent the trench from becoming a preferential pathway, copy of AWWU permit for any dewatering, field screening and analytical sampling for the trench and excavated soil, and treatment/disposal of the excavated soil. |
Robert Weimer |
6/17/2016 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On March 23, 2016 four indoor air samples + one duplicate, and one outdoor air sample were collected at the 1100 West Dimond Boulevard Young's Firehouse building to help assess concentrations during frozen ground conditions. All samples met ADEC commercial indoor air screening levels. Eight VOC compounds were detected during this event that were not detected during non-frozen ground conditions in October 2015. Because there was not a vacuum on samples AS1, AS2, AS3, AS4, and AS6 when they arrived at the lab there results are considered biased low an additional frozen ground indoor air sampling event is required. The other sample (AS5) had a drop of -4"Hg to -0.2"Hg so it may have been leaking during transit. |
Robert Weimer |
6/18/2016 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On May 25, 2016 eight cubic yards of contaminated soil was removed and thermally treated at ASR. Groundwater was encountered at 5.5 feet below ground surface. Confirmation samples that were collected from the base and sidewalls of the excavation had up to 0.659 mg/kg benzene, 4.37 mg/kg toluene, 4.55 mg/kg ethylbenzene, 23.5 mg/kg xylenes, and 75.7 mg/kg GRO. All of the samples met human health cleanup levels. |
Robert Weimer |
7/19/2016 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On July 27, 2016 soil samples were collected from the two locations (SS7-1 and SS7-3) around the perimeter of the former landfarm area on Lot 2 where benzene contamination had been identified above proposed cleanup levels in 2015. The three soil samples collected on July 27, 2016, had up to 0.0177 mg/kg benzene, which meets proposed benzene cleanup levels (0.022 mg/kg). Based on the results of the 2014/2015/2016 sampling the contaminated soil in the landfarm, under the landfarm, and around the perimeter of the landfarm, those areas now meet the most stringent ADEC Method 2 cleanup levels. |
Robert Weimer |
8/3/2016 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC letter that based on the results of the 2014/2015/2016 sampling the contaminated soil in the landfarm area located on Lot 2 Barnett Subdivision, no further action is requested on that property. Lots 1-A and 1-B Barnett Subdivision still have soil and groundwater contamination that require further action. |
Robert Weimer |
11/4/2016 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
DEC approves transport to and treatment at NRC of 2 drums of contaminated purge water. |
Robert Weimer |
12/9/2016 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
Based on the information provided DEC has no objection to the request to dispose on site of two 55 gallon drums of drill cuttings from soil borings B16 and B17. Those soils meet current most stringent cleanup levels. |
Robert Weimer |
2/3/2017 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On March 30-31, 2016 groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells MW-4, MW-5, MW-6, and MW-7. Monitoring well MW-7A was not sampled because of an ice plug. Depth to groundwater ranged from 1.89 to 7.55 feet below ground surface. The groundwater flow direction was to the northwest. Groundwater samples were collected using a submersible pump after purging. Groundwater samples were collected from the top foot of the water column as required. The groundwater samples had up to 104 ug/l benzene, 0.331 mg/l GRO and 0.959 mg/l DRO. Contaminant concentrations increased in 4 of 4 monitoring wells sampled. |
Robert Weimer |
2/3/2017 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On July 5-6, 2016 groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells MW-4, MW-5, MW-6, MW-7A, and MW-7. Depth to groundwater ranged from 3.96 to 8.25 feet below ground surface. The groundwater flow direction was to the west by northwest. Groundwater samples were collected using a submersible pump after purging, except for MW-4 that was sampled using a bailer. Because a bailer was used the volatile sample results for MW-4 may be biased low. Groundwater samples were collected from the top foot of the water column as required, except for MW-7A that was assessing deeper groundwater. Because the pump intake depth (5.3 feet bgs) was not in the screened interval (7 to 12 feet bgs) within MW-7A the sample results may be biased low. The groundwater samples had up to 9.06 ug/l benzene, 0.0445 mg/l GRO and 0.297 mg/l DRO. Contaminant concentrations increased in 1 of 5 monitoring wells sampled. |
Robert Weimer |
2/3/2017 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On September 29, 2016 groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells MW-4, MW-5, MW-6, MW-7A, and MW-7. Depth to groundwater ranged from 3.32 to 7.84 feet below ground surface. The groundwater flow direction was to the northwest. Groundwater samples were collected using a submersible pump after purging. Groundwater samples were collected from the top foot of the water column as required, except for MW-7A that was assessing deeper groundwater. Because the pump intake depth (6.5 feet bgs) was not in the screened interval (7 to 12 feet bgs) within MW-7A the sample results may be biased low. The groundwater samples had up to 6.69 ug/l benzene, 0.0388 mg/l GRO and 0.352 mg/l DRO. Contaminant concentrations increased in 4 of 5 monitoring wells sampled. |
Robert Weimer |
2/14/2017 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Meeting with RP and consultant to discuss future site work. We discussed sampling monitoring wells MW4/5/6/7 for full VOCs (8260) and PAHs and monitoring well MW7A for full VOCs (8260), PAHs, DRO, and GRO within the top foot of the screened interval (7 to 8 feet bgs), sample both drinking water wells for VOCs (524.2) and SVOC (525.2), and a frozen ground VI sampling event for the firehouse building. The consultant may have the lab discuss the previous frozen ground sampling with the DEC QA officer. We also discussed that the property owner for each property will need to sign a Deed Notice and monitoring wells decommissioned prior to closure with ICs. ADEC to provide an example Deed Notice. The consultant is to provide indoor air VI sampling plan for review and approval. |
Robert Weimer |
3/30/2017 |
Update or Other Action |
Based on the additional information provided by the consultant and the lab ADEC is not requesting another frozen ground VI sampling event for the firehouse building. |
Robert Weimer |
4/4/2017 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC approves April 4, 2017 Groundwater Sampling Work Plan Addendum for the sampling of 5 of the site monitoring wells. |
Robert Weimer |
7/24/2017 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
DEC approves request to discharge purge water from the May 26, 2017 sampling event on property. All sample results meet groundwater cleanup levels for this monitoring event. |
Robert Weimer |
8/30/2017 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On May 26, 2017 groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells MW-4, MW-5, MW-6, MW-7A, and MW-7. Depth to groundwater ranged from 1.79 to 7.67 feet below ground surface. The groundwater flow direction was to the southwest. Groundwater samples were collected using a submersible pump after purging. Groundwater samples were collected from the top foot of the water column as required, except for MW-7A that was assessing deeper groundwater. The groundwater samples had up to 2.55 ug/l benzene, 0.54 ug/l toluene, 0.9 ug/l total xylenes, 0.16 ug/l 1,2-DCA, 0.0399 mg/l GRO, and non-detect for other VOCs, PAHs, and DRO. Contaminant concentrations increased in 1 of 5 monitoring wells sampled. |
Robert Weimer |
8/30/2017 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On May 30, 2017 the two nearby drinking water wells were sampled. The drinking water samples were analyzed for VOCs and SVOCs(PAHs) and they were all non-detect. |
Robert Weimer |
9/8/2017 |
Update or Other Action |
To evaluate seasonal variations DEC is requesting that monitoring wells MW7 and MW7A be sampled (in accordance with the April 4, 2017 Groundwater Sampling Work Plan) for just VOCs (method 8260) in September/October 2017. Based on favorable results DEC should be able to approve decommissioning of the site monitoring wells and closure for the site. |
Robert Weimer |
11/22/2017 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
DEC approves the transport and treatment at NRC of the 5 gallons of contaminated purge water generated during the October 2017 groundwater sampling event. |
Robert Weimer |
1/9/2018 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On October 13, 2017 groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells MW-7A and MW-7. Depth to groundwater was 3.12 feet below ground surface (bgs). The historical groundwater flow direction is to the southwest. Groundwater samples were collected using a submersible pump after purging. Groundwater samples were collected from the top foot of the water column as required, except for MW-7A at 8 feet bgs that was assessing deeper groundwater (screened 7 to 12 feet bgs). The groundwater sample in monitoring well MW-7A had 17.2 ug/l benzene (the highest concentration to date for this monitoring well), 0.35 ug/l toluene, 0.22 ug/l 1,2-DCA, and non-detect for other VOCs. Monitoring well MW-7 was below cleanup levels for all VOCs. |
Robert Weimer |
6/27/2018 |
Update or Other Action |
Notification from consultant that they plan to sample monitoring well MW-7A for BTEX in a week or two. Purge water is to be stored on site pending analytical results. They may be proposing on-site treatment/disposal for the purge water. |
Robert Weimer |
9/11/2018 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On June 28, 2018 a groundwater sample was collected from monitoring well MW-7A. Depth to groundwater was 3.61 feet below ground surface (bgs). The historical groundwater flow direction is to the southwest. Groundwater samples were collected using a submersible pump from the top foot of the screened interval after purging. The groundwater sample in monitoring well MW-7A had 14.7 ug/l benzene, 0.72 ug/l toluene, 1.05 ug/l ethylbenzene, and 1.26 ug/l total xylenes. The concentration of benzene decreased from the previous monitoring event. Monitoring well MW-7A has a screened interval from 7 to 12 feet bgs. |
Robert Weimer |
10/5/2018 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC approves work plan to decommission all of the remaining site monitoring wells except MW-7A which continues to exceed Table C cleanup levels. |
Robert Weimer |
10/12/2018 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
DEC approves the transport and treatment at NRC of the 5 gallons of contaminated purge water generated during the June 28, 2018 groundwater sampling event. |
Robert Weimer |
10/25/2018 |
Update or Other Action |
DEC received notification that all of the monitoring wells except MW-7A are scheduled to be decommissioned in accordance with the approved plan on October 26, 2018. |
Robert Weimer |
1/9/2019 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 78060 1990 UST contamination. |
Robert Weimer |
2/5/2019 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC approves the February 5, 2019 work plan for conducting quarterly groundwater monitoring of monitoring well MW-7A for benzene. Emailed summary reports will be submitted after each monitoring event and a comprehensive report will be issued following the 4th quarter monitoring event or earlier if there are two consecutive monitoring events below cleanup levels. |
Robert Weimer |
2/27/2019 |
Cleanup Complete Determination Issued |
Notice of Environmental Contamination and Institutional Controls was recorded with the Alaska DNR on February 27, 2019. Cleanup Complete Determination - Institutional Controls letter issued on February 27, 2019. |
Robert Weimer |
2/28/2019 |
Institutional Control Record Established |
Institutional Controls established and entered into the database for Lot 1A1 (1100 West Dimond Boulevard). |
Robert Weimer |
9/20/2019 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On May 13, 2019 a groundwater sample was collected from monitoring well MW-7A. Depth to groundwater was 3.29 feet below ground surface (bgs). The historical groundwater flow direction is to the southwest. Groundwater samples were collected using a submersible pump from the top foot of the screened interval after purging. The groundwater sample in monitoring well MW-7A had 8.81 ug/l benzene and 0.98 ug/l naphthalene. The concentration of benzene decreased from the previous monitoring event. Monitoring well MW-7A has a screened interval from 7 to 12 feet bgs. |
Robert Weimer |
9/20/2019 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
On July 11, 2019 a groundwater sample was collected from monitoring well MW-7A. Depth to groundwater was 3.63 feet below ground surface (bgs). The historical groundwater flow direction is to the southwest. Groundwater samples were collected using a submersible pump from the top foot of the screened interval after purging. The groundwater sample in monitoring well MW-7A had 40.9 ug/l benzene and non-detect naphthalene. The concentration of benzene increased from the previous monitoring event. Monitoring well MW-7A has a screened interval from 7 to 12 feet bgs. |
Robert Weimer |
11/21/2019 |
Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved |
DEC approves the transport and treatment at NRC of 1 drum of contaminated purge water generated during the four 2019 groundwater sampling events. |
Robert Weimer |
1/6/2020 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC approves request to sample monitoring well MW7A on an annual basis in 2020. |
Robert Weimer |
4/24/2020 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
A 2019 groundwater monitoring report was received which includes the data consolidation of all four sampling events of the year. For each of the quarterly sampling events, the groundwater sample from Well MW-7A contained a benzene concentration (maximum of 0.0730 milligram per liter [mg/L]) greater than the ADEC cleanup level of 0.0046 mg/L. Naphthalene was either not detected, or was measured at a concentration less than the ADEC cleanup level. The 2020 sampling will be conducted one time during the year rather than the past quarterly sampling. |
Evonne Reese |
10/15/2020 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Groundwater monitoring report, dated September 22, 2020, was submitted. MW-7A was sampled in August for benzene and naphthalene. Neither contaminant was detected. The consultant (S&W) indicated groundwater monitoring would be conducted again in 2021. |
Janice Wiegers |
4/16/2021 |
Update or Other Action |
DEC sent a letter to the owner of Lot 1B1 regarding the status of the property. Lot 1A1 and Lot 1B1 are both closed. ICs have been established for Lot 1A1, but there are no ICs on Lot 1B1. |
Janice Wiegers |
7/14/2021 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Groundwater sampling report for May 2021. Benzene exceeded cleanup levels at 22.9 ug/L. |
Janice Wiegers |
11/3/2023 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC reviewed and approved a decommissioning workplan for removal of MW-7A. The consultant (Shannon & Wilson) indicated another sample was collected in 2021 and was also clean. |
Janice Wiegers |
5/6/2024 |
Update or Other Action |
Received well decommissioning report for montioring well MW-7a from S&W. |
Janice Wiegers |
5/7/2024 |
Institutional Control Compliance Review |
Groundwater monitoring well MW7A was decommissioned on April 29, 2024 on this property. The remaining institutional control requirements apply to lot 1A1 only. |
Evonne Reese |